4 : 10_ Tos osmwa TIME, Thunder, omer 13, 199 | MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL ht, ft eat 310 htt ro, | Ss in O TTR ps ire With Parents cis bcos args lo io ic tr Two Modern Stores in Oshawa | ride 17 L Ww h P | marriage, par ner Whe Ort | oyaily af | ig g ip 13 hr exam, opens aan soestonsl Taos or OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. . ' ' [1 / ; i fe ne incline, k ith th iris, if th , Questions Their Right To Boss"), ms sx sss, sms cole vin th ri ha a ing curcumstances, that might gang' -gatherings of hoys and / DEAR MARY WAWORTH: 1 influence (for good) upon him, suggest marriage is "just another girls at student hangouts, He A] 4 Jam 8 wife, 17, and my husband | Wil depend upon your eharactut: experience' in. het lite, iat wads probably fouls you are trying to is 18, We have been married for! § person, and as hisito her sophistication but doesn't "have your cake and est it too," | | wife, Thus it behooves you to be change the deep course of her which he disapproves 8s a form i [two months, My hushand Is in the | on your dignity, as his wife, And! Lt Pp neh pp : living, On the contrary, it is her\of cheating. navy, stationed on the West Const [to win plaudits for circumspect |dedicated devotion from the be:| If you ean manage apart from at present, and will he transfer Abehavior, Sitley than o fish te ginning that helps the naturally your parents, it would be a kind! ring to another hase on the same "058 careless procedure thallpestless freedom-loving male 10' ness to them to pull cut, snd get, const in a few weeks, invites gossip (however unwar- relinquish his roving melinations jaunched in married teamwork, | RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS I am & kenlor In high school faviod) the 7 ent fhat Jit and settle for monagemy, as the M, H, | still get around' in boy-chasing basis of meaningful unity, Mary Haworth counsel sl and was planning fo graduate him until then, my studies at night school, to get | m Fo a diploma this year, if I join Bob, ({ x hid } WH ITE | with my class next June, but|eompany, * HELPS PARENTS {through her column, not by mall id 4 3 IAL have decided to go with my bus-| A reese of unkind rumor,| go, in a sense both your parents or personsl interview, Write her + |S ' I expect to work during the day SUBSTANCE OF DISPUTES W | af AT-HOME However, my father thinks 1 : { li (should finish school here, Also, ' f aiid SHIRTS he has the idea that 1 should Fi 4 say home and not go out with f ) FROCKS Junto wll be sont overseas whether or not it is founded on'are right, in their different views, in care of this newspaper, { g £, P F C | A L . | MEN'S (i I can find a Job) and continue my girl friends, to shows, or®te 4 (have a Coke, ete, But Bob has { {told me 1 could go places with prone he goon paces win is 3 Continue With Still Further Reductions For ! confidence in each other, and | ATS love and trust each other com. [ . ; { pletely, | 17% = My mother thinks I should be | \ '0 ania with my hushand; but also that I * y it doesn't hurt if T go to a show " fom {or have a Coke with a girl here, il || think maybe my father can't [et used to the iden of hot being B ' d G * | J ) , Blg Value! -- Great m DOSS, 1] 1A rT Is LJ | | right in saying I shouldn't go out | oys an Irs th an variety of sizes! Style | --- with the girls? Is that so terrible? | " | [Please advise me. VY | | O A T a Ly N ; os sketched and many AS WE SEE IT \ A ther f rful a {| DEAR ",Y.i As that sagaclous | 4 / : 0 5, of colorfu od young man Pat Boone makes : |! A cotton prints, "Just 11 , Right for prettying up " clear In his autoblographical dis. | ' : course titled "Twixt Twelve and | In sizes 7 to 16 with all heavy Twenty" (Prentice-Hall) the time i for adolescents to marry Is when | warm lining. In a great array of ond making you feel they are prepared, In Shares] colors and styles, Values to 16.98, and competence, to lake care of y ' SPECIAL FEATURE » oN ex z= a >We BD, ea wea - fresh and relaxed after ~ - am aw id "= ---- a ae the responsibilities they are bringing on themselves, Only {then are they adults-hy-marriage, emancipated from parenta I] "steering," All Ladies' Better Ladies' You can't have It hoth ways, ! |you know---at once leaning on | parents for help, while also mak " (Ing like you are Independent of ® | their authority {| About your dad's attitude--he Reduced to fantastic low prices for quick . ied | : includes sizes 14 to 20 lounder, ""Sanforized", is disturbed about your half. clearance, Values to 16.98, 9, 16w 8 . ' | 1 BL half - single situation, wii Joo vids oni 08 and 38 to 44, Sizes 1412 to 17, Sale-Priced for Extra all the early-day chores | Extra Big Savings--on are done, So hurry over | these excellent quality to Zeller's for your | white cotton dress shirts! Good-looking, save 33% ! Assortment | Long-wearing. Easy to ----- ~ _ ra F SS 3 § SC SES = oi - --- TAR rw SW ro ---- oe -u wm fu» = Fa oe $ and rightly so, from a man's Values to 16.98, 4 48 solors, Reg, to 49.98, |viewpoint, Now that you are a INVITATION TO LEISURE [ner wi uk: @ SPECIAL COATS SETS, SNOW SUITS E Sovinge? 1.97, uth New brushed fabrics for lel- | muted shades of green is in a he studied narrowly, and eval Values to 22.98, . sure wear are combining lux- | blend of terylene and acetate |Moted critically, by whomsoever REDUCTION TO ury with easy washability, This [ which drapes softly yet never hopes for the worst, And there SPECIAL elegantly striped housecoat in | wrinkles, are always plenty of such buz -------- p------ EI -------------------- | 2APdS In any walk of life, | Values to 29.98, 1 1.1: : ISN'T CASUAL SPECIAL 2 oS P - # | A L From Biblical Times Gloves [in seat messre, sour mus. band's regard for you, and your | Takes Bar Job On LADIES' RL' sks $§/| READY-MADE DRAPES Have Had a Hand in Fashion Reviewing the centuries many Charles VII was the first to wear Wer , J5, SE, BE Sol J ele OO working Holiday |@ OAT 00atS | DRESSES | sim uims, 7 . pair | earthing facts, early as 400 BC|gloves in the world today are Xenophen criticized the "effemi- produced, Tn the French Alps, READING, England (CP) -- Sixes 10 to 20 For party or school In JEANS nate' practice of the Perslans|Grenoble Is considered unexcel-|Last June 24-year-old Diane MI. 19.98 mony styles and cloths, ae no host 'of shodes and mate ; who not only covered their head, (led for goat - raising to procure|cheline left her Victoria, B.C.. Values to 19, fants up to teen age 12, § (0 "ker 10 te 20 in leh REG. 8.98---Cotton batkcloth pinch plegt drapes In modern x body and feet during the winter the sturdiest yet finest - textured |home with four rs' i Values to 8.98, but wore loves! And Biblical kid skins needed for the renown. pon Agi Ba " vis 8 Special Special Feature Special Feature or floral patterns, 45 x 84 inches; 4 90 inches. Complete references nclude Jacob's hand: ed glove-making centre, A pioneer tour of France, Italy and Spain. | i i covering of goat skin to deceive of the glove industry was Xavier] Now. to earn her ih and poe with pin-on hooks, his blind father; and in the story|Jouvin who Invented the fitted|gon another tour Dhap is tend! of Ruth, a man removes his glove and established the little ing bar at a ih in this Berk ® \i LJ hand - covering indicating the city of Grenoble, shire town deal is closed, Similarly, in the| Queen Elizabeth I received the ' . 17th century a woman always first French gloves shipped to| Plane says she had a month's| ' | presented her suitor with her| England, and finally owned more Sraining jor the lob n another | Open Wednesday Afternoon and Fridays Tih 9 pm 498 SIMCOE BIG SAVINGS e made lots of mistakes ove as a signal she accepted|than 2000 pairs of exquisite jew 3 Is proposal of marriage. Alelled and embroidered gloves, |W!th change until she got used to ST. SOUTH ON FABRICS strange custom Is observed in Napoleon's fondness for gloves the currency, 'But the custom Greenland where gloves from the was evident possessing as he did|e'8 were very tolerant," A hair of departed relatives are in the year 1860 over 800 pairs (40 "This Is a good way to meet| +e vd Yards 'N For worn as a symbol of great re-|were ermine-lined), And Charles| people and learn something about spect! Eye - lifting too, but in[VI of France enjoyed wearing/the British way of life," | FREE direct contrast, certain savage gloves to the extent of wearing) When she's saved enough. DI tribes In the Belgian Congo wear|out 255 pairs a year, These facts|ane plans to see more of Europe | PARKING gloves from the skin of thelr) make news of present day celeb-|---but this time as a hitch-hiker. PS OPPOSITE SOUTH SIMCOE STREET SCHOOL eo 36 inchot with. enemies on festive occaslons, rities who own two or three hun-(Then she wants to take on an The custom of wearing gloves dred pairs of gloves less impres: other office Job In Victoria and Cotton broadcloth stems back to the middle ages/*Ve and certainly less than Orig-|start putting together a stake for i a a Cotton prints when only the noblemen could inal a tour of South America, | Flannelette afford them, while Marie Antoin - - CHER A i "| " Sl ette is accredited with the pro Grand collection ! Checks, Ginghams, Strpies, Floral Prints in all colors, solid motion of the fashion, Her court color cotton broadcloths in light and dark shades, Superior quality! Will designer created the most fahu-| J lous and exotic designs. of the | hi and wash well, So stock up for your sewing needs now at this special day, obeying her requests and|} rice, commands, The most elaborate and ornate gloves were worn at| the Royal Courts, as many Kings | 5 and Queens became ardent lovers | BS of these fascinating hand.covers, © | " v ------ BIG Ris aid the Queen, wile of FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS Have your suite covered later if you wish -- but Paint a Mural | ¥ order now and be assured of 1 ' SAVINGS SAVE 359% | | R i ! | ; 3 The Easy Way | a F R EE! 15 Foam Rubber Cushions Free h | 3 ON It walls In the playroom or | STERING CO, are making this truly great offer. You can > | : PLASTIC sursery ate bare and uninterest| have your 2 or J-piece chesterfield suite re-upholstered | ESKIMO ing, y not paint a mural? Any. { with foam rubber cushions in place of your worn-out ene who can draw a line can { springs AT NO EXTRA COST! The foam rubber cushions 3 PC - 34ers 8 way way - are ABSOLUTELY FREE. Toke advantage of this great | | ; DRAPES St of all, choose a simple k 4 ¥ design in a book or magazine offer. Order now, have your suite covered later if you wish, 4 JACKETS and trace it onto a sheet of f 4 paper, Now mark off the draw. | a J (ng into squares. With a piece of 4 { y AT SMALL chalk and a yardstick, square off Pe FROM i 4 the wall with the same arrange. od \ pe) COST 3 . oh A ment of squares as on the paper. (The wall squares will be large, of course.) Now simply transfer y the mural block by block onto the | I | 4 MATERIAL -- $1.49 VALUE---Sale-Priced wall, Use a high - quality enamel | W 3 ~ INCLUDED for Extra Savings! Lovely f Tots' Sines 3 to 6x Girls' Sizes 7 to 14 for both the background and de gn Payment + | modern, floral or novelty The theme for the mural can " . : pe anything from Donald Duck Until or " patterns to choose from B® a panoramic view of the 3 A 36 by 84 Ins. PAIR Rocky Mountains, An interesting : - nu painted hy three Marian | March t J ' / polis College students in Mont. [#8 i real depicts landmarks and prom. | 1 . - 5 3 SAVE 20% & 30% on these winter-warm "'Eskima® SATISFACTION ment bulldings in and around the é ty, The girls visited a tourist x ia ® ' o A 4 gent and from pamphlets given > ! pi (1) IN ] | C type Jackets f water-repellent sheen cotton in re hem they chose the subjects for Have our consultant 3 a oa Pp L« ] S$ erm 0. ) i te mural IN nsultan ' > : Ry 10 BOND ST. W RA 5.0311 : Caribbean or navy, Styled with cosy quilted lining, snug» GUARANTEED This unique wall decoration is soil. an give you o A + ' hs i b fitting storm cuffs, pile lined split hood, soft-& furry he feature attraction in the hte gle re e . Salebuiced! mall basement luncheon which \ ake months te tims, Sale-Priced! he seh undertook to brighten pay . « . $10 monthly, FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY hemselves. Because the room . - rather dingy the girls wash. | 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE the walls and painted them in DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE | Ray pink enamel. Then with 21 SIMCOE ST. 8. I I | | I R a 226 STEVENSON RD. §. deck enamel they sketched the . wtlines of the huildings. provid PHONE RA 3.2294 PHONE RA 3.2209 tA dramatic contrast to the LIMITED wall, >