Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1959, p. 4

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~ Lrom Jot ¥ " % These days printing pre Ang ' ' FEVen 1 fof TeRding rate wi'h training i of made reading rate control, a | er the first of its kind In the world The Oshawa Times Lublished by Conadian Newspopers Limited, 57 Simeon 51, 5, Phge 4 Tuesday, January 20, 1 §., Oshawa, Ont, 1959 4 4 Next Governor General Subject Of Discussion Because the the already extended present term of General of Canada will expire Inter in the current YERY, Newspapers across the country heve been devoting some of their edie torial attention tg the next prospective oveupant of Rideau Hall in Ottaws, The opinions which have been expressed on this subject would appear to be overs whelmingly in favor of the appointment of another distinguished Canadian as A BUCCess the Rt. Hon. Vincent Mass has broken the in this respect, so tn spenk Governor whn trall It Is generally agreee Mi performed the of his dignity understanding well as of his sors, Based on this Almost a unit HER hould i) ponsibility of Massey has office with al least as predecess editors are ting that another ited to follow In Hina ) elf he Lhe duties and Ay OVeIsen premise Ir he in take represent Canadiar his footsteps, a re 8 n gE here een I'here have which ment eirele tha filled appropri finn | nf hee) stions in one ghvel might he distines anothey nations That put forward and prob SLUEH up allice with came from high tthe itely, and from nf bond some citizen member of the held Idea ammunity togethe | A tentatively common ably inter. ded as a trial balloon, has not heen received with any great degree of enthusiasm, The great majority those commenting upon the subject is define itely on the side of appointing snother Canadian to follow Mr, Massey It is &lmost Inevitable the choice will fell upon a8 man who has heen active In the political life of his native land his undoubtedly will have held partisan leanings in the of his But the "same ohservation applies those men whe have been pri minent in their respecs tive parties and who have heen appoints ed to the judiciary. All the relatively regarded, in environments On the subject, it ir of Le Devo poken newspaper URES essary In what it esl! hiethnie { [ernm'ing the of In time, one who colrse Chreeg tn rise ghove Nnerrowery new views interest to note Montreal dally fed It is not nec this bilingual and to follow slavishly any office Outs hay enu of al heltween of faoitor even Drew idea The 11 men the tv dominant race foes so far a WILE ght appointment George mi well he eonside In making the Whoever he the ernment may chosen when gets around to dealing w gn the matte; eartain he will he a Canndia that will BNada LCG h A Move meet with genera | ap pioval in ( Speeding Up Of Reading e8 Are Lune kinds at a inereasing rate, and of selectivity, with the with literature a oul of all prodigious a with some 18 difficult the MEeAsUTE up ally 0 keep Cream Many ones for roy Pape counter attraetion bidding altentior no interested |r Australia of a # heel A sloy which machine we hat Melbourne tells which son's hours of It states that powel the t Is perfectio) double a than aimed, can pel less ter At the same time gives considerab) concentratior I'he one more American for rane Machine enmprises an device nereasing eve span, and a phrase The phrase trainer is believed to he It aims to encourage students to read by phrass LL] was perfected ( IAN and Is training estahl ' . ' hy individual words, It by Squadron Leader I, ireenaway, of the staff of the Australe Alr Force Cal at Paint Cook at all alr force rather than lege plready In use shments says the al as and that the he {5s able to show that al tudents Squadron Leader Greenaway AVErAge pel 250 words he son reads too slowly hout per minute the Experiment pe sound slowed reads less concentrate Ah0 strike a hy sul ahout vard minute eading arvier caused mental mouth With reame hy Ing this n Intense practice can he ahout 60 per cent of those who (ry they to pro and then ceed to even greater Are able spends factors og prove I'here are to tehnlgue and If Jt feasihle ns test the He many othe eem lo make i f Can see |1 alue not only among the Hierale teach ing little oi people of the world hut ir Kieal no knowl According United Cultural Lhe ma af those AVho have due «f reading to a recent bulletin af the Natio Eeonomb and (LINKS of the there OC il Organ i('0) the tan more world tH HONK Wlly in children hut than half ne now school whi on vith 1 Mur Africa It Is that enrolments are in Are mill chance of 10 10 senool unre f Asin ned and stil hut show low iL in these very countries Increasing the most One Years fulfilled Fthin that who for | a phonetic teacher recently NES( method to pia mi #4 devised Can teach man iterate read after or IV 81x hours of lesson These people who are just no emerging to slowly Hteracy may need first 'n of all Progress more full for al order to grasp the ul But taugt SENITICANCE the I't people wha childhood hi neve heen from who live in comple and rapid] ou the A ou me Inter Salt Water Experiment in some handicapped fresh wate eauntries hy BEAIVOLLS is had usable Irrigation the lack of NOW hy ied Israel farm ent er, a prospect of des With sea» AXPOriMments Cars selentist IY] hy uell |gation water is indi od out hy an lar tural Dr, Hugo Royeo Dr. Re ment i" ARTIC that he ha grown in the Hall of Depart Dagon claims many LL) von, direc It ial Of ogy at the hh Bilation afully with 1 Resear sucee plants on a soll trrigated wate of iL} method Irrigation of plants, he ex water directly from above aver the plants, the salt is driven the soll and leaves the less saline. Ry selecting plants roots whieh ahsorh water only the upper layers of the soil most af the salt thus is out of I'he » his ex ments the resul o \e pe the of nd 1 plait Ny ne used a ehaioe pou into layers with deepel uppel short fram reach hye Oshawa Times planer and General Manage GWYN KINSEY, Edn mas, sambining stabiinhed 1A and the Whit Chveoniele (stab tinhed TROY in pub AY ol Aha TL WILSON. # The Oshawa Tine Gastie and shad da fun pled The Oahaw awipapets Publinen Prony. Audit Buren a Mamba t Ca Da An A ! Ha st Ay SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whitt A AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID 16,166 Some varieties of And cahbages 200 plants which cereals, sugar heet, ame Hoy cotton Ale AMong according to 00, CAN he iweeessfull grown in Wh His heing of to ole make wark is one in 1s the th the extent, | IH migrants depend on agricultural ment of the Nege Othe many attempts the I'he Up more made rael meet chal nl lands of half of A lenge NOHO ort arid than Ll region country total area. To large rael's future develop im seltles ment and ability to absorh more projects whieh have heen put to making agricul Negev range from ARR Waller to a pro water af the Jordan "hadlands'" of the forward with a view the iments to desal, ture possible in expel to carry the down PeEal River south At present 000,000 |x 10 the Israel's population of 2.» mainly concentrated in the ARAN n passing Beersheba and forming the of the Negev trisangle, whose KElath the Gulf of Aqaba loaders are aware that in order future regard as the main tas) the Jewish state, the ta he made to bloom Other Editor's Views MORK ners NPARI ¥ of through northern hase apex Is Israeli 10 ahsorh ine on they purpose of have Jewish Immigration, which and will desert noma n d Bible Thought dependable REMEMBER HOW WE yeep To THROW r-- POSITIONS REVERSED OTTAWA REPORT House Reporters Zep Must Be Skilled A na By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Parliament's hard esl-working staff is once more performing Hs alunhle task of taking an vord report of uver hy ove pil Hamentarian make i EL deli interjection during evel n vord-h thing wid ho pec) an question or ol sitting Both the of Common Ing stall shorthand House report Senate and the has it Vi vhom make a all English vhile oth penkers the ome ol record contribution the harthand of language handle From thew atheinl record of the called Hansard, Is prepared he House Commons ha en English reporter fl French note proceeding ol and two difference much of the may he will In Videly of heen Ll reporter French the heing. aceountdd for hy the more freguemt made English language. This changed that ¥FreAch future he more thst a wy perhap ised, now em multaneon translation ha Introduced Visitors hey ol In the Cammaons cham the Hansard report Eng al tables right of the in space heltween the front and the frant he English relieve ppeh minutes hen harthand notes id offios ton Lypist 1 copies CAN Nee al nthe middie the broad government Vor chamber ae apposition seat language reporters ther every they take up to th they dietule whn Iypes and ten theh Han them hao vhere making and a them dire Fihhon carhon stencil APEED OF ne SPEECH politicians talk nthers gabble away. But erage speaker delivers ahout 150 words in each minute, This Is quite a fast rate, and the report ers have (no skilled and ac curate. In addition, since thelr eves are always on their nole hook, they have ta have acutely trained ears to plek up Inter fections which may come from anywhere in the Chamber. On tap that, of they have learn 10 recognise the volee of each one of the 2065 MPs that Without seeing whose Hips moved slowly the a of COUR n LU the ean tell wha remark I need Makes reporter del high Fight Hking | Ihe made any chiefly identi I8 of Mp that than ta this vio hitman recor this hecaime In eich any cominent rather pu have to he used for peed and important of ork the cent all nel per cen done | ol memhei 0H Wi wel tn 1} i" ll "i A omemhber Hansard told He appointed tall 1ously Laff of Hw fir Haun the to the I ently Vaan was wil report Ing pre n thie Nations In Ne we Jabs y training Hor sLenographi ACCURACY I'he I We had reporting wlso heen on the United hese constitute court Faronto, and had if reporting st il are good important anada PARAMOUNT Hansard report of debates ol the hich the most ork in inet nono pur re harthand amount tmportanes Ihe ahisolutely tht mal should curate. What Parliament in exactly a poken record. Bo in the Hament made I'he vord porters ing record he Ll has heen said debate must stand in the printed interests of Par must not he mn nstinkes Han An ort wil Vip of make all has may cheek vhat he ha ane may minar change the al elarinieation sometimes poken not even constitute Hut IF any lust the ald far heoaise wards do complete sen although or ol may aih the typ NUKE Lhe ones ahiviou Ambiguine change IS permite Mp any pheech often done hy to distribute constituent \ might 1 O00 Oost the he rors he slance Any corrected, no in ay order he makes Members them coples of his Is who wish their Npoeeh Paes peach and that would awn viileh among Iypieal printed weh a LT copes of MP $46.01 AVOraue caver ih cont member's for your maiden . speech proud hack home awa anxious and te mall to the talk naturally Such is the efficiency and speed FOR BETTER HEALTH Treatment Can Help To Relieve Psoriasis HERMAN N. RUNDESEN, MD PRORIANIS not usually a dangerous skin disease. Nor is It generally harmful. The real trovhle comes with the worry it CANNES In skin disease worse (in eold weather this 1s a particularly to diseuss it Sinee this chrante hocomes I think good time CAUSE ORSCURE Actually, we still don't know WHA CAUSES PROVIASES This 18 often very difficult for victims to understand. And they some times spend considerable money this medicine and that eink this healer and that find a hy ing oh on one Na vain effort Pea ol © had On the scalp hack and an the oy he he nd elhows PATCHEN SPREAD ' Although they patohe oldom h \" i property OF Areas disease he ATO Bas irritated they aren't cared Toy they spread tow As With most skin OALOIINE. do U you snow What a don't him friend has this disease avold him. Instead, urge seek medical help CAN HE TREATED There ne known sald hefore Rut Mean we cant treat Months dom cassfl tn oure. as | this doesn't the disease and even years, of free from it often follow sue treatment 8 Just as there are various types OF psoriasis, there also are many eossful treatment Most patients violet Hight summe will With even a will hoelptal A slowly wm patient find ultra During the Avguired tan prabahiy ove henetioial most wht however he Wivhurn can harmh SEE DOCTOR wire od nodiag f prahably cal Hu wing don do vour o VOLE own Let should URE eating aur doctor Ww VOU WHA! he done. Then tallow hb 1 HLT fan ly 1 Ora mast ather o the unless wtil APPORTC Wl pond tn Hut continued ol propel ment medical the patel Cary have kely IN) eetions of the QUESTION AND ANSWER | } \ Answ Theres Known v svidencs (a aunnart this idea PARAGRAPHICAL WLLL this ns are shorier winter Cale to death on hut mun not enough so tn men tn freeze windy street corners Ihe Rus sald they had never heard of Disneyland," From a Even onie the Us Ian visitors news slory more nthe untartunate i " a Yew Lee Visita Io or a0 ngn Marilyn hn not heard of Manroe Probably the most discordant mus sible vould he a nent no Chinese arvange nt a rock hai nroll pes number pla on I he ure hi doesn't more enkl the average ta live when prices hen they are low condition he's al BOR nh than either hroke 15 Under vil Mammy Durante hard and suffered ns an the a writer. Il Hmmy ever wrindstone worked many road to fame," ditfienlt hat his very Miva SAYS helleve 10 the "I'm Old Barehend Friday | don't see ould he sald helleve as why Hl tithous,"' hut | anounlucky day ny in an exception not pe ea Particularly when he lke doing he smiling hreakias Oh, no hypoeritioal doesn't Bi, HO persan and cheerful Advises L] houldn't had for a fuel should hetary payvehologinl he Heing poy GIES Inrale I'he a third hospital was patient storey had Jumped out window while the heing mn hy a Keloton sialf Fram a news Item The sight of keletons makes a lot of people Jumps of the Hansard staff that the pro ceedings of the House of Com mans, which close at 10 pom re lable In every member's office hreaktast time the next a) aval hy Lata She wants te take a longer vacation trip this year BYGONE DAYS 2% YEARS AGO E,W. Webber wis reelected president of the South Optarie Agricultural Bociely to serve a third term George Hood snd Jack lee, gold medslists of the Oshawa Regimental Band, played solos ol the hand concert which was presented in the Regent Theatre under the direction of Bandmas ter J. Broadhent A 8 banquet held In Centre slreel school, B presentation was made hy Mrs. B.A Brown, on behalf of the Home: anid School Association, to Miss Ruth Hodg- kinson, assistant kindergarten teacher who had resigned prior lo her marriage T. K. Creighton, president of the Oshawa Rotary Club el eomed more than 50 of the newly elected membei of the elvie hoards together with all the members of Oshawa and Fast whithy councils The Whithy Rotary Club an nounced that 69 underprivileged children of the public and separ ale schools were heing supplied with a glass of milk daily. It re quired 15 quarts a day lo sup ply the demand. It was one of the ny fine pieces of work under taken each year hy the elub Reeve Albert W. Jackson, who was a ember of one or other of the civie hodies for 28 years, was aecovded an acclamation no less than 16 ties. O.1y mee was he defeated in all that time, tha! heing In 1928 when he contested the reeveship with 1. M. Kenny In 1089 he was again returned In the office of yeeve hy acclama tion At the annual Central Ontario Branch of the Exeelsior Life Insurance Co which was held in Oshawa, Mrs M. Orethia Bull honored in view of her qualifying for mem hershin in the company's honor roll club during the year. This was the Nth consecutive var that Mrs. Bull had qualified for the outstanding honor meeting of the Was It Is estimated that of each 1, 000 optimisis who know and oft en quote Pope's line "Hope springs eternal the human hreas! only seven know the concluding line of the sentence, Man never 1s, hut always (on he hlest n Investments To Be Absorbed KITCHENER (CP Foreign capital investment in Canada will eventually he ahsorhed as the economy hecomes self-supporting industrially, Robert V. Yohe, president of B. ¥. Goodrich Can ads 14d, said Monday "Investments feed on selves andegrow from within viding they sre not milked owt hy the investors," Mr. Yohe 10ld the Kitchener - Waterion Bolary Club "Canada can evenlunlly he come B oereditor sation through the export of investment capitsl Although a debtor status in cap tol now exists, When there is them pn balance of capital flow both between Canada and the rest the world, then sll the presept fears will subside" He deseribed Canada's future growth as "mlmost explosive' in potentinl and said the need for nev ouside capital will decresse as Canadign industry grows BACKACHE BOTHERING YOU? Wein the result of bladder DEWITYI'S KIDNEY & BLADDER PILLS bring prompt and elective rebinl Eu Ad Jd hie irrialed YELLOW PACES DULLETTRY WHEN HORSEPOWER, WAS HORSE POWER CHARIOT RACKS DREW CROWNS ESTIMATED AT 360,000 Th THE MAKIMUS IN ANCIENT ROME, WHEN BREAKDOWNS OCLURRED, WHEBLWRIGHTS, JOINERS AND EMITHS MADE UP THE REPAIR TEAM, -- AND FOR TODAY'S CHARIOTEERS CHANGING A TIRE WAS BELOME A MATTER OF MINUTES IN A GARAGE OR SERVICE STATION LOCATED |v LOGK IM a JIFFY BY THE YELLOW PAGES fo RY i 6 In (veviom Tad 474 PID YOU KNOW CHARIOT RACING WAS POPULAR AS LONG AGE AS 4000 B67 CUNARD TO EUROPE WINTER, SPRING AND SUMMER TO BRITISH PORTS; First Class fram $274 Tourist Class fram $179 (Summer Season Rales Apply Afar April 14) FROM NEW YORK | Jan, 47, Feb, 1), VESSEL QUEEN BLEAMTH QUEEN MARY MAURETANIA SYLYANIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA SAXONIA MEDIA PARTHIA Mar. 11, 78, Apr Fab 7,87, Mar Fob 8 fob Felt lan, #9, Feb 96 Jan, 30, Mar, 18 Fok SYAVANIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA [ SAXONIA | Apr 89, May 21 Apr. 18, May 7 May 7, I tap 29 May 41 *ie Haves, Landen (Thuy) West INDIES suNsHINe €8 MAURET TTL MAR 9, CRUISES TANIA feb, 70 APR, ih -- - ned, 98, July 17 Thrift-Season Rat ONE-WAY FROM $179 FROM HALF 28, Mar, |B, Apr | } 8), Apr 7 Mer. 6, Apr, 8 0, Mar 40 13, Mar, 14, Apr, 9 Mar ¢ Apr 10 WW, Mar, ie FROM MONTREAL FROM QUER June 19, July A we 30, Ma lune | 129, Yune 1 8, 10uly | 14 May $148, 1) June 13, July 3 Sao your local ngent No one can serve you better CUNARD LINE Corner y & Wellington Sts, Toronto, Ont, Tel; EMpire 2.291 He's forwaid home of his own TO FRENCH PORTS, First Class fram $284 Teuriit Class fram $184 AX Charhavrg, Sovhamplen Charkeurg, Seuthamplon | Worl Indies Ervlaes | Cabh, bliverpes! | Cobh, Liverpes! 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