T™E TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve ising RA 5.5492 All other ealls JRA 38474 Friese Mot Ove 7 Corts Por Copy VoL 16 'BUMBLING AND FUMBLING' ? Aid For Jobless LL NO Promised By PM And he returned again and Again to the charge that current economic problems are an inher tance from the former Liberal administration a slatement which Mr. Pearson termed sperule device sale worthless' after 18 months Progress Conservative ment PRIME RESPONKIBILITY But a key minister's speech ation that the government's first responsinliny the un employed, and (hat vould con tnue past policie unemployment 0) ments, loans of millions of dollars for housing, and expenditires pile work Mr. Pearson sald the speech from the throne outlining govern ment legislative plans had con tained harely mention of the slate of the sconmmy He challenged Mr form 10 Interrupt the throne hat wiv place hi employment hefore Mr, Diefenbaker rephed that he suspected Mr Pear on's War sich OTTAWA (CP)=Prime Minis tor Inefenhaker says Ihe govern ment will continue is policies of spending and lending '0 meet the "serious unemployment prob lem He old the Commons Monday mht this will be done, though he sald economists haven't heen ahle tn solve the problem of pulling money ino the economy without inflation But he gave the hopeful diction that "we are on the oul' of the recession Mr. Diefenbaker was replying strongly-worded charges hy Opposition deader Pearson of government "humbling and fumb lng' with Inflation, recession and unemployment BENEFITS REDUCED Mr, Pearson sald wflation in the last year sliced nearly 82 from the value of the 80 monthly in arease In old age pension pul through hy the Progressive Con pervative government in 1087 He wound up a marathon 140 minute attack with a non-confi dence mollon accusing (he gov ernment of "lamemable Inde) son' In dealing with grave nomic Issues Including inemploy meni CCF House Leader Hagen As gue charged the government with Ignoring election promises lo eurh unemployment and Infla tion He presented another non.con Hdence motion blaming 'contra. [ry diolory and confused policies' of He repeated] the government on an absence of | Pearson of being a "professional social and economic planning, | gloomster trying frighten and saying the government has Canadians for political purposes Unemployment Mikovan Leaves Highest A Co 1945 In Disappointment OTTAWA (CP)Canada ended 1080 with the highest December! Mikoyan leaves for Moscow to: In talking Yep concessions bul to report on Ms tour of the no one Is making them unemployment since the Hecond|day World War, though the rate of United States and his talks here Addressing the National Pres fueresse In the last month was with government officials Olub, Mikoyan sald he had found slower than a year earlier The Noviet deputy premier arin two weeks of travel around (lo ent figures released to: ranged to travel hy (rain to New (the United States that the Ameri Indira 00 persons Ho in due in Moscow Wed-joan people, ineliding ho And Tooking for work fnesday after an overnight trans: men, are "tired of the cold war t mid-December, an increase of atlantie Night and want peace in the world 000 from mid-November and! Mikovan evidently was Replying to question, he al 4,000 more than December, 1957. pointed that he could not budge orlicioed ria wk I TR Between November and De: Kisenhower administration lead Hihiidiny L a eember, an inerease of 79.000 ars from thelr restrictions an Ho mid-November and 48,000 more viet trade and their policy of Mikoyan sald he had been told than December, 1067 standing firm against Soviet|thal Framan against Retween November and Decom: pressures over MWe rlin He MOOHIEE W ith America busine ber of 1067, the Jobless Jumped! charged that the cold war still | 1ruman hy an even 100,000 to 302,000 on In the state department 0 hetter The latest figure is 180,000 be: Riate department officials were he United and the Soviel low the post-war high of 500,000 In! disappointed that the Noviet vi Union It was under hi Mareh of last year up With no conce administration that relations with In addition te those Soviet policy on Berlin | OUP government Joha In December, there were 3. gihor Gorman |ssies I 000 on temporary lavolf, up from sald 10000 In November. In (he previ [EXPLAINS NTAND fice ous December, 20.000 on Mikoyan had temporary layoff Hon of that as The number with job Appearance at December was A 680.000 from 8,775,000 Novembhey An Increase over 8 A630.000 a veal earlier "WAR CRIMINALS" Cuban Prisoners Await Trials gr------" a ---- and of f EOvVErn pe why section of the prime wis his declan help " Ww Is 10 in extending Insurance om TOHUN DIEVENBAKER [] nol given agriculture a faly share of the national Income Mefenhakem speech de policies on un the House wo he of speech debate fda Mr. Diefenhaker's speech in reply ta My contained a load of statistios hack his contention (hal last "Canadians worked more, eamed more, spent more and saved more than In any comparable yearn the history this motions will he 10-day whieh continues "hose has) throne tn #00 10-minute PUT POSE Pearson tol Instill greater fear in the heart the Canadian public Mi Lhe 'reasing ng fewer I'he eredit and taken very of 0 Lie AN Oeeasion year mn de hold sald confidence stability of the dollar I'he public were government bond Pearson nl J accused Mr oun financial If strong government had fallen Jeady measure Ve and nol tn well reach may vee a dangerons uation disap warn my men he ald relation dale hocause oem foal hetween itor came ion without [in worsened AN Is a thing not gonad he Mikoyan 1 now in of his own explana he made final ih hig Noviel em] Monday night make conces making! asked a were hi during down hax hut reception hould no Why on Any n We if one else | Concession he he hana wkin HAVANA Prison inn 1M fo Han \P mmed on | normally follow mel a housing men are dietaton ng Charge Wi Mal fin harmed ial n report nerve visi Nome \ were apened for free. Othe Clastra's Gov't Refuses Compensation For Rabid Stock OTTAWA op Minister Harkne the gavernme PAY compen killed he He said day that wide pensation only when destroy spread nt \l Alfred outh heen Laken to of rabies wi reached The ransm of them po VL die hey to talk ong fling stu! were refuctant WILLIAM ELLIS uw Court Restrains i , Memoirs Of 22% Windsor Castle cemed 0 be LONDON dan high hat Queen VOL INOner sa oak Kn h the pri ODeES heeaus NOW nal on hi tol ule Mm there to chat ONers 0 Ww wi wha Ww card hey all on ood term I'he Fvelin The decided Lon today entitled and tent Knglish Reuters ( culture peaking ha. Prisoner Na Wd court Kl initicated ined ow an a he police twa vears as Privacy | OT wok WwW me committed \ A A Ae of A) | stuck He the rebel Are rebel \ \ \ \ enh ar het ne oon | a Man m Ae \ ACen plove \ ve I Arrested taken Ww omplained and i Tan He andl an Wei hy VE aslle La \¢ A man A Ave paid vd : : the | \ reeds hen anima wiered Cabana tha { \ ol should thy Queen's le her hon \ fowl wecammodations ! hy ne | oy Hark 1x AY Wo T | \ nls of vere had and that there wa muen pri \ eitize I Wes OF no medica tention h l Hale kd hil Ao io Polish Treasures Arrive In N. Y. NEW \ nak I's indy hE whieh ball YORK R Mins ey ng Free availa COUN es Hons oy CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 3.0183 FIRE DEP RA 3.6374 HOSPITAL RA 8.2211 anti hig min at olin WRERE heavy guard had provided 2.00 dog Wed home Atte LLL Canada lreasires unloaded A We from A al Al railway Ruffalo AN A AN vip wn ( a alten (Ntawa Aken fay rom no « Wey he German Was told dhe Osharoa Sime "de: hiwinews| $line and it (ROW oF + WEATHER REPORT More snow starting tonight, chance of freezing rain Wednes- day, milder, winds light, OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, A Oe Septem Share' FOURTEEN PAGES ROYAL COUPLE TO VISIT PORT HOPE FOR 2 DAYS 'Mom' Whyte Oshawa Not On Gets Helper Queen's Route BOWMANVILLE (Ktaff) Bertha "Mom' Whyte today dis f glory Ww the OTTAWA (CP)--Queen glo " a We hg " Bi he he heth and Prince Philip all the way from Pennsylvania summer will see Canada from the ener Mrs, Whyte told of how. "the rugged shores of Newfoundland Lord old her to attend an liter to balmy Vancouver Island and denominational conference in Tel He hd and sold a Hing ford, Pennsylvania, (o deliver a sommunities of the northland, speech | was shown in an "outline' itiner While she was ary of thelp visit issued today hy her listeners, Miss Valeta Swann, | § the government received a message from God to The royal couple will arrive hy ald of Mrs, Whyte and alr at Torbay Alrport, St. John's, offer her $200 a month allowance Nfld, on Thursday, June 18, to to the Whyte fund open a 16,000-mile, six-week visit Miss Bwann left her to this country, They will tour In Telford for two weeks very province and the northern her absence her ereitories before leaving Halifax whieh very for howe by alr Saturday, Aug, 1.|Fort William July # and she will mistakenly The Itnerary left unclear thel|leave by air for Calgary the same Whyte arrangements and actual site for|day, going on to Banff, Alta, by order the official opening of the 8t, [train the following day Wann Lawrence Seaway, main purpose| On July 25, she will fly from Rowmanville of the visit, The opening will take | Winnipeg to Sudbury, and Tren place June 26 and 27 at Montreal|ton and stay at Batterwood House or Cornwall, or both, home Wh ehildre n and near Part Hope as guest of Gave sithseguent ly "Nag ' 1 ernor-General Massey, J A 4 b " offer her ™ CENTRES INCLUDED The Qdeen will reach Frederies A wpeclal announcement cover:(ton July 27 hy plane and use ale Ing the seaway portion of the tour Is to be Insued as soon as detally allow ment of and ear travel to visit Saint John, Moncton and Shediac the next are completed, Today's itinerary, which lists 76 Canadian centre day. and one American stop, Chicago gave no times or details of the programs at the various towns and cities the royal couple will visit, These also are to he an nounced later, The Queen and prince will oruise the St, Lawrence River een|And Great Lakes In the royal yacht Britannia and depend heav lly on alr, train and ear for trans portation to other areas, They will travel north at least as far as Whitehorse In the fm | § Mrs Eliza: will leave Hamilton for a train this{trip to Brantford, Gall, Kitch and stratford--where she will see the Shakespearean Vestis vial=while Prince Philip flies lo London, Onl, rejoining his wife ot Stratford On July 8 the Queen will vigit London, Chatham, Windsor and Sarnia and on July 4 Port Meg. Nichbl, Orillia and Muskoka, One tario's playground area, She will reboard the Britannia July 5 de go to Chicago, leaving there the night of July 6: for Sault Sle, Marie, The Britannia will take the Queen to Port Arthur apd peaking, one of go to the idence and In mall, some of imnoritant, wae forwarded (on Ihe home In Bowmanville. In to regain her mall Mi foreed moto Onee Inside allracted they (on her decided (0 stay and her mont! first install} went towards pay tation wagon A hache US tak eltizenshin| may de Mam's WhaE In 0 Ihe the| fhe Andy WHE she ln RETViee Ane Ihe whieh Mom's Miss Rwann of arts de teaching certificate Ing nit ( paners in order her life children LUNCH TO END ALL LUNCHES DETROIT (AP) Mrs horah Baker told the Judge that after the wedding cere mony in 1066 her hushand, Lond, took her out to eal Then he pul me on a bus and told me (0 go home," she testified Monday The last thing he sald was that he Just wasn't going through with it." She wan granted a divorce on grounds of desertion NATIONAL witli Mihway Alre disorder Argentine Strike Near Collapse BUENOS AIRES (AT) The the chaos created 'hy Elisabeth. waved goodhye io hor Argentine government in duibuy workers' support hushand today AN A giant Jot alr: [toughest action so far to break al One government official pointed liner whisked Prince Mhillp away nationwide general strike, today out that the strike already had|toward India on the first stage of [ordered all Buenos Aires trans falled in one objective: To foroe hy 100-day our . Yukon, The Queen will be the port workers to report. for work| Pr renident Arturo Fhondish to can! The : first novereign to visit the north: for face military courts col a two-week Wlale visit to the \0 royal Couple's elght-yours jand, | The trolley, bus and subway(V hited Hiates, This, failure ro:| old daughter, Princess Anne, and| The tour will be the longest operators were drafted Into the!moved much of the point of con ( rincess Margaret, also stood In ever made In Canadifghy a nov army as the strike alveady tinued defiance of the govern:|the doorway of London Alrport's/ereign, The Queen Nill visit showed signs of collapsing, It be. ment by 118 unions, the official| royal lounge and waved as the[places never before seen by a gan Sunday under the leadership sald Comet IV taxied away In pouring|king or queen of Canada, of followers of exiled dictator] Frondizl arrived in Charleston, [rain 15 DAYS IN ONTARIO [uan D. Peron and Communists Monday and was to fly oni Prince Philip, 87, waved back The Queen will vigit the prov y , Washington today for econo from the plane taking him on hix Ihe two hoped 1 : \ | K [Ince and territories In this or force the back (alk wih Presiden ion: | thivd round-the-world tour In five der 0 , hower and other officials yvoars, Hix son, Prince Charles, : a . Sah on i Frondiel sald in Charleston 10, was at work at his boarding % toh lond, Sue 18 Tuner? more than 100 strike leaders Wholsohool near London and did not July '9 and Tuly 25:27: Alberta were arrested in dawn raids Mon 0 to the airport IY y ' | di) \ day had (legally seized meat] ' July 9:10 and July 20.21; British packing plants and other busi. , Prince Philip will return here (Columbia, July 10:18; Yukon and April 30, He will tour India and|Northwest Territories, July 16:20; Pakistan and then fly to Burma |Saskatchowan, July 20 and July [to board the royal yacht Britans[21:28%; Manitoba, July 23.25; New na Feb, 18 for a Pacific cruise, Brunswick, July 27.28; Prince] Fdward Island, July 20; Nova THOUGHT FOR TODAY Seotia, July 30-Aug. 1 More than hall the This old world is a pretty tough place to live in at times, time will be spent in RAritish Columbia and but it beats having no place to live in roLIcy the { lyred Argentina in an effort to overthrow President Arturo Frondizli's hard times policy AP Wirephoto Philip Leaves On World Tour LONDON (Reuters) armed Mayo and Govern gin guard | | ment Hounse in Bueno ) Hn lo prevent | curity forces alrikers Plaga de Ine for uhmachine entrance Argentina In Heavily armed se hack at para wha ha and T lo J " aruek Arrow's Future Resting With Government OTTAWA (CP)=Prime Minis ter Diefenbaker has Indicated that if the government had reached a final decision last Sept ember it would have heen to serap the Arrow jet interceptor, "If the decision. hud heen made {then," he sald In the Commons Monday night, "It would have brought about the demobilization of the technical men who, In the event that hostilities came about, would have purposes other than the production of the Arrow found necessary in Canada," It was apparent from his res marks that he was referring to the loss of alreraft technicians which would have resulted from a decision not to order the Arrow Into production at Avro Alreraft Limited Mr, Diefenbaker sald that when the government postponed Its des elston until next March, "the situs ation was partioularly dangers ous' in the Formosa area where the Chinese Communists were shelling the Nationalist Islands of Quemoy and Matsu In an apparent reference to numerous representations to the cabinet In favor of production of the Arrow, Mr, Diefenbaker sald: "Let me make this perfectly olear, Lohbles will have no els The Britannia, with the Queen|fect on the decision that this govs aboard, will go to Brockville, jernment makes on the basis of June 27, Kingston June 20 and[defence, That. applies generally, Toronto June 20 and 30, She will|While the government will at all fly to Ottawa to spend Dominlon{times welcome suggestions and Day, July 1 In the capital and|ideas and arguments, I think the take the train that night for{experience generally has been Hamilton that the stronger the lobby, the At midday July 2 the Queen'weaker the argument." GEE hackground are | rebellious who unadian that work he vole in Deh Peron to | NAL groups had government austerity program hy round of wag In de and re from Many Defecte Found By Gas Inspection FORONTO Fuel Roard ow 12 valve bo another "nt I'he 1gned to cheek huild ranting ner Program inflation Argentina's economy | Polaris Rocket Nes Nome the Aire day NO op 1 I'he Ontario inspect 7.000 workers had weleed government owned Buenos . moat packing plant Satu Blasts 800 Mile. protest plans to sell the money-losing business to private} CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla AP) [operator Police and troops used | A Polaris rocket was blasted M00 tanks and teap gas to rout them inc miles through space Monday and In vetaliation, 62 Peronist Guest into the deaths of Mes. Roy|!t was learned that the navy Is} ynions called out transport work Skinner, MM, and on, Greg: earching for its elaborate (instru ors In the capital shortly after ory, two months, ruled there was/ment package in the Atlantic midnight Saturday, By Monday negligence hy the United Subur he Is expect to he/they had been Joined hy 10 unions han Gas Company Limited of veady for firing from! with Communist leanings and 3% | Hamilton, owners of the line, and unions which usually take an in uhimarine | [the Gas Machine: Company NO ARNOLNCement was expected dependent line, Some of the | Canada) Limited, the contre aotorf the aperatior untons set a 4hour strike period who built it, Evidence ol Gh al the which expires Wednesday threesday heating that concluded! ®v™ Dee. 11 was that the explosior resulted when a substandard valve collapsed Fhe Jury also recommended the inspection hy the fuel hoard time and the Ontario government fol. stood Hw lowed th hy i he ng Hi it lefoctive ga pipeline in the ne (ehhorlood| | | Pa woman Ont, that her child he Jury at a coroner's \ on ormn and Queen's Ontario, Quebec Killed a ( which have most of Canada's [population, The d5.day visit in [eludes 13 days in Ontario, nine in | British Columbia and six In Que hee hey Polar 10 ed hy Immigrants May Get More Rights OTTAWA (CPA bill designed to give stronger citivenship rights to new Canadians has been intro Hic in the Commons by J, W kersgill (LRonavista « Twill Wily former citizenship min Isler The bill, an amendment to the clitieenship act, provides that no naturalized Canadian can lose his citizenship for any cause that would not deprive a natural-horn recovery How the M-fool Lockheed rocket accomplishd all Hs main objec i pro un sven woe Marathon Talks the rocket body with At Chrysler Before Strike Rreat stress of (ts hla WINDSOR (CM Marathon up through the talks between Cheysler of Canada and the United Auto Workers| Canadian of his citizenship HOLOY continued early today Win At present, the act authorizes a strike deadline at 3 pm K81 the citizenship minister to revoke anly hours off the citizenship of a naturalized There was no word on progress Cltieen if he falls to return to Can of the talks but Jerry Hartford. [ada to face a charge of treason| UAW publicity divector, sald they or of violating the official secrets [would probably continue until a'act [decision was reached a Te dala un Jury Returns True Bill In - Cobourg Case amiable.' Some 3,300 workers at the main COROURG ary at Chrysler plant here and 280 at| {Chatham are involved in the dis | pute. The union says it Is seeking nner Monday ans and ough ordering h earth s un immediately 'GRAVE ERROR' Air Crash Probe Reports Issued OTTAWA (CP) = Reports ued Monday on Canada's atmosphere were/ship Raffin Nova Scotia's 1957 struetons nainting 1y went aground southern coast while no explicit in had heen issued, pin navigational responsibil damage ta the $4.000.000! oft WOrs nh A N aly ME crash and the grounding of a lederal government acean science fon el The intentional part of pe hoard af inguiry \'e Aug. 11, 19a an near Quehed report at | a Mavi plane kill A turbulent the on \ ubstantial wage nerease' on ow oayear agreement. with (m pension and supplemen employment provisions LATE NEWS FLASHES | Rocket Richard Breaks Ankle MONTREAL op realy report found, hm fal nvalved he ys h W VeVer, nn Wing | \ 1) on the! proved TR City of Airways a DIN (Staff) «The grand the winter assizes here Mr. Justice G. A, Gale returned a trae bill Harold Curtiss Scarlett, Trenton, charged with the of his wife, Julia Nettie in Cobourg Dee. MW Scarlett, a slightly balding ex | and railroad. employe, Is alleged ta have stabbed his NM jvearald wife from whom he was ranged, Accused, vepresented \. Harald Richardson of Co hourg, was arvaigned before the uy tL about 4.30 pom "he grand Jury deliberated for hout two and a half hours bes fore veturning the bill, Crown Attorney Harvey R. Devman, QC, will conduet the prosecution Mr. Devman is expected to call withesses for the Crown, The expected to last during nder of this week as of the testimony, especially the medical withesses ° may he af some length. The case (continues today, Central 0 Hime ng all hoa ad hunderstorm Whahly wa IRLE ald the appeared to Ap Nor Montreal, pile od Ma for ( murder Seavlett Al Al I wreal Hy | H ; hookey's sailor and will Frank was ty at Chi Rernie Ime COM) i hroken Mana awl hone i frac nthe meme ange | hed vl hedn aft on Mon : out 0 ety th on hx ¢ fest h ankle hy hy WR dammate \ Plane With 4 Persons Missing In Arctic WINNIPEG \ Pn Cl WN IY Man Arete the with fou light RCA hile pe id AY mi mouth those A A in \ n AOTOSR 1 repor rneswept " Names ol Ray ne nmended on nifarm re od Oo hoa wel a ¢ in ANE Emergency Action On Unemployment AWA Ma n ( \ on \ win of * and seeking work in De AEP Ine MN he ( Aw today afte at of wes showed 440 f cember Mh We the Common said hydrographic he fodetns " WO Joie SCARLETT, LEAVING COURTROOM