Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 7

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wot Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m Chge Mm iH " Ml 1s 118-2 wh Wh Wa La PE 112 112 mw 17 7" Li Toronto, Montr Work TORONTO By The Canadian Prom Toronia Stock ¥, . 1 Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 06 BI Ih 0% + A mM V Me + 4 wo Via Th Th Oils oo» we nn 729 $10% m0 Ne Led Ld 1000 1066 700 LL] 21h Work int Uni Prige Br ha CG lav Milliken # MinOre Aeme Gay Mi Wright M Industrials a Wish Joni ' Ned m Chige a] ark Abin in" LL Li M LL Ld Mig bid 2" Li "i "w LA] 1 4d LL] Lark] 4 Ld i% hi Ld Lud] 90% "2 Ld Wh Lid "0 N New Deind N Dicken New Hosen New Jason N Kelore Newlund N Mylamas New Rouys Niek Rim Norands Norpax N Gate N Hank Northsp North Can O'Brien Opem Pamour Parbes Pater Patino M Pating win Piek Crow Pick Crow Pronto Pros Ar Purdex Dome Pele Duvex Gen Pet A Gr Pini Home OI A We on G Meda) Nat Vets N Bristol N Chamb NC Olle NCO win Northid Mw xd mM 1% wm Lo] mh wn 2 Bank NS ris Bently Bewy Lumber Bell Phone Biltmore w 2% 2% ~ 76 78 oh Ld Ld 12 Lid w LL) 2h 17 Wh "hn 17% 10% L] mm LL) "7 17 " i 12% 19% " Vermo pr Petrol Phith preire on Prove Gas Hiehwll Nocky Pele Sapphire Seurry Becur Free South U Stanwell Tex Cal Trans Can Triad Oi Un Oils Wiyne Wesphi W Deenlia Yan (an Cal Vow Can Bread Can Cem CLF Va Malt Bink Com C Bk Cm nt Can Wraw Cdn Can A Cdn Celan © Chem Calhieries Cunt w rn # Mo MA mm 7 1 Mh Ab 450 in 14% 1h Lal H EIT) 1h4 wa 4 Whe ¥5 M 0 1m " #100 12s 2h Hi 100 1 100 17 200 7 Ho Quemont Nadiore Rayrock Nexapnr Rix Athah wand Niv Wheep Cr Sherritt Ema Manieigh Sianigh wis Ktarratt Meeloy Keep RB Sturgeon Hud Cont Mylvanite Taurean Teck WH Temag Thom 1, I'rin Chih Vit shaw 11 Asheston In Keno Vantures Waite Am Wiltse Yale Lend Nk Bear Curk Bulole { ( LB Cdn 01) (Ph LL Con Gas jo00 14 1A Crown Trust Dh Bridge Dom View Dm Flee 0 Fndry Dosen Dom Ktores Dom Tai Dom Text Fam Pla Vieet Mig Yord US Vord A Gatinesu 6 Dey GUN Wares ON tan GN Gan win Gr Wp G Greyhnd Ward Carp WH daieh Imp Bank Imp il Ind Acuep m0 100 100 Mines LILLE 830 furh AW Fels wi " 1 184 "0 i" 20 2 140 2 17 125 174 1) " [1] 0 728 " 11 14 0 4 210 2 1h Akaitehe Ahn Expl Algom Algom A Aunny Bankeno vi win Larder J] " ICO 11) AUN 1A 710 8100'4 8 MAT 25 8 My 100 208 12h 810% 100 $12 00 ly 1h M7 ILL UL) A208 20 MIN nh LE] 14 {0 7100 W Ho 1? 70 120 100 1 17% 12'% He 100 "ne 12 U PUL] n 12 " V "M Ahh Mh 1404 LI 2 17 150 10 #00 LIE 174 i" "m M " 72h (LU) IL) Mm " LL) 4 1 1000 745 ann 1" "" " LJ hl LL Kujes to 11:30 a.m. i 1,088,000 MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Monirenl Stock Exehange--tan 14 (Quotations In cents unless marked § Odd Int, wd Exdividend, xr--Fx rights, xwe=Ex.warranis,) Industrials Sales Migh Low am IRL EL LUS L] INN "ne an bY an Krin an Met WARIS hb Jae hi M hime och Will ody Neco oldstrm omh Mel Bikenn Hela G Denison Den wis Disvovery "a 180 $0 Hn ig $30 ih LIE Ih M2 1oRdn 813 ELEN ILS te WM Mh 7% Mn a0 100 1A8 20 $4 TI JL] 20m Ww pio SNA ie 198 10 an I) i" We (ET " 11 1A 3 Lakeland deb Lon('n A Lobo Lobo Maher Mans F Masa ¥V pr Maxwell MeColl Mere Chip Mid West Molson A Mant Loco Mont 'Trust N Hos B Nor Star A #50 SIA Nor Star pr pif 80% N Star wi B7 100 4356 NO NGas RC IL nin 1804 »n | 1a 5 " A wt " Ne Soltek Abitibi Algoma Alumin Alum 2 pr Argus xd no mM LL) ~" LU 420 420 420 Mia NN WA 188 158 158 Lid 2" " 7 LIL) ELA] Ph) "" ELLY My "Mia An ' m1 188 18h LIE LL il] 7 Fan Halliwell 18600 on Howey 200 on M and § AA 00 2000 ARNNOIM anwest up Corp rowpat son 1 [IL Bank Mont Hank NK Bank NS ris Banque CN Chg " eal Stocks Hock Yam Play Foundation Fraser Fr Pola pr Gatinesu Gen Dynam G8 Wares " Home Oil A H mith Hud Bay imp Inv A Imp OU tmp ob Ind Accep ind Ae 1 Bronze pr Int Nickel int Paper Int Luli Inter PL jules pr La Lower Bt 1, MacMill B » Ma MeColl Molson A n Molson B n Mont 1oeo Mont Tr Co N WM Car Noranda Ogilvie ont Keel Pau Pele Penmans Powell R Pow Corp Prem Iron Price Br Que Nat Ga Royal Bank Stl Cem A stl, Corp Shawn Bimpsons Flee) Can Hieinhg A Tor-Dom Trans ( Trind OI Un Keel Walk GE Bh rL Ahites Ang Nid C Dom Mug C Dredge Marconi Caelll A Paper Crain Dom Oileloth Vord A Ton Cdn Maclaren MIT Dairies Nid Light Wav "hone ht Maurice Bion Kuve TT Vin A Trans Mt Waterman Wealesl Augustus Ameranm ' Baker Tale Bateman Bluewater Bonnvvie Rornit « Homestd Canorama Cap Lith Cont Del Chib Jae Cop Nand Dolsan Emp Ol Sales 5 Wares Fire Safety At School Checked COBOURG -- The fire which reached by climbing through » swept a Chicago Public school window, and access to a third by last November, resulting in death for over % children, had reper. exit unassisted steps lead up cussions in Cobourg, It was re. fo window sills, about three feel vealed Wednesday night al the from the floor, regular monthly meeling of the| Supervising principal Sine told | public school board. the meeting that fire drills are Fire Chief Ken Baird visited held every month, and that all Central school on George street 600 pupils in Central school can the day after the fire, and con- be safely outside in less than (wo ducted A complete iuspection of minutes, fire safety conditions, Students are taught in one Two results of the visit were classroom during the day, They contained in a report at the meet. must learn regular and alterna ing, Windows giving access fo live escape routes, Posters on second floor fire escapes wer e walls throughout the school oul adjusted to open easily in emer. line procedure for a child who de-| gency, and panic bars were in. tects fire in the bullding stalled on exits from two base: Two other schools, Burnham ment rooms, ftreet In the west end and C. R, There are three fire escapes Gummow in the east end are from the top. floor of the (wo: both ones storey building, Two of these are with no basement rooms. News Briefs g From Cobourg COBOURG ~ The Northumber- land Ski Club reported Thursday that conditions at the number one tow are poor, while those al mber two tow are only fair is apparently a great deal 108 Neb Nigh Low a.m. Ch'ge u "u 19%, 15% =~ MH 2% +h A "» 75 |! 50 150 100 15090 80 133 nh Lud EL] 25 75 Sports Day At Trinity PORT HOPE The Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity of Toronto University - defeated Trinity Col lege school in both hockey and my Ibasketball here but lost out in There A lsquash in an exhibition sports Of snow on number (wo, hu day held at TCS. heavy rain which fell recently The visitors grabbed the hock froze and covered the snow with ey game played in the Peter a crust Campbell Memorial Arens when BURNS DINNER they doubled the score on Port gue apnual YM and YWCA Hope 63, Bulging the twine fori gin er will he held Jan, 24 at the the locals were Butler, Barbour yarcA huilding, King 81. I, The and Gordon, YMCA iilding, tink Ava dinbiy The baskethall game was # with all the trimmings to pn real thriller and very close In hrate the hi ontennial of the the first half, being tied at 19 all bith of Scotland's national poet at half time, However, the Dells The haggls will he played in by gradually took command in the » piper in full regalia second half and eased oul An easy 50-36 victory BOXING CLASSES John Proctor, captain of the It was announced Thursday losing Trinity side was top scorer|that boxing and wrestling classes for the game with a point spread will start for hoys at 9 a.m. Jan of 23 19 at Cobourg YMCA, A billiard a . tournament will be held. Date of Wiig ha by the tournament will be announced INR as soon as all entries are in C8 had little frouble in the| Weight lifting and hody build: squash tourney and finished on ing classes will begin 8 p.m. Jan the long end of an #2 count 110" under the Instruction of Jim Walder and will be held at the YMCA VANITY CLASSES The YMCA announced Thurs. day there will be an innovation in women's activities, A series of oh 100 { nn ho 100 Wh 710 nn mn 100 4] Li] Canadian 1» Ly 200 Mh TT 200 826% 165 #244 2M 720 208 10 710 7 " 100 175 40 715 #00 170 175 kil] 19 126 20 | 108 | §10% $14 $k $64 led the winners Mines an L] 1500 2500 COLONS LEAD LEAGUE PORT HOPE-~Colons lead the Ladies Wednesday Afternoon Bowling League with 61 points, | three ahead of the Commas who have 58, along with the Dols " | Specks are still in contention Yanily, Attornoons will be held [at 52, Spots have 41 and hopeless: one afternoon Flsidnia Iv mired in the cellar are the consist of talks and discussions > he th 24 on topics of interest to women anes Wik) 4% such as color schemes, Interior HOON 2100 500 750 1000 200 1200 17 1000 10 2000 $10 7 LL} 11 18 Nor Phone 100 344 0 Jnokey 1370 ape Hers no Phina nn Powell R 100 Paw Corp 1 Pr Pipe Mig ON Gian Noe AV ( Roe AVA Royal Bank Mussel) KaladaS Naladah B Fah Fano Futumty Gold Axe Gul Por ur Hollinger Ino Uran Kerr Ad Labrador Ll Lan Marpie Molyh Monigary N VFarmang N Howoo N Pac Coal N Santiago NW Amulet Noveyne Obalaki Opamisos Ppemisks orchan Paudash Pennbec Permn Portage Portage wis Que (hib Que Cobalt St Law Rye Stand Gold Nieep R Taohe Tih Expl Titan rahi Weedon Wendell Banque PC Rnaue PC rt Rath Pow B Rell Phone Rwtr Cp Bb4 p 10 Weanl! 25] RA Bk note 100 HA Of 1400) RC Power 715 Rulld Prod 100 Can Cem an Can Cem pr M0 1 Fadry MM ON! Bi © Nk UY 420 FLIEY i Girls hitting over 200 this week 4acorating, flower Arrangements were; Mary Mellvena, 224; June nq mecipes Branning, 220; Edna Woolacott,| = ciagses will hegin after enrol 214: Jean Mitchell, 218 and 210; vonts are complete Junior Tilts ' At Port Hope 22 PORT HOPE FIRE DEMON 3A "m how " [TEL TL] [UPL TEES S100 LIL) LL] 180 8380 30 Madd, 180 $20%4 olin Boa pl00 S114 1A LW A M33 Me A 100 SARs AAA ANG 2017 160 160 180 A VIEW Th TRL CTE TL LU SL 100 SIA iL) IL} ATA MIN AIL ALG 7h MOV 40s 4004 7h 8A MN MIN 1000 $90AL 204 20% 100 §1AW 13 10% LUBE | J Ll 4 pin MAW 18 16 100 80404 34l4 MY | ZO 11) Ma WW mo AlN AIA AID MORA4L My Mis TI SAA DAL. AN CLL | LY Ma LEY CAL} 1) 430 A done Dome ¥ Amph boast Met der Ei sol Foapl All Faraday Fatima ¥rohisher Giant. YK Gold K F Ura randue Gull Lead Gunnar Gunnar Gwillim Har-Mia Heva Hollinger Hoyle Ind Lake Int Nickel Int Ran Ja Kap! Jalili Jonamith Kerr Add K 1% 1 1% any Ala nly " ny Li 240 $324 AD SAR 200 810) y50 $2004 29 1000 225 22 ao 17 don on iL 20 [ ™ an a 101g 10 1044 bLILY Ah MY mn 20's Mi Ma LLL A Mig JOA Mn aw 3» Ma 175 108 17H Ll A A [IAN LA AL] 700 60% 60H , Com 206 wm HAUNTS HUSSEIN an TEHRAN, Iran (AP)--Hus- sein Meshayekh is all burned up~-almost literally, And even the Tehran fire hrigade seems unable to do anything about it His trouble Is spontaneous combustion, Even his under: pants were not immune, "Things Just cateh fire for no vigible reason,' Meshavekh told firemen summoned to deal with sporadic conflagrations at his house Item firemen room to breaks There were 18 fires at the house while brigade men were on the scene--articles of furni. ture, clothing and so on, Fven newly washed underwear hurst into flames as a maid put it out to dry in the sun Finally, exasperated hy the inability of firemen to halt the outbreaks, Meshayekh dis: aM Ing 1" Ll Lib] 128 47 "" 164 118 LL] LL 218 0 10 LIEEY 2 " " A n bl raw BAL A wis 150 BAL B wis 200 Rronse 10 Celan 100 Cel 178 pr ADO Chem Cell 224 Cotton pr 100 flusny in 7300 Rimpaons A Pav 000 M Pov Keel Can Ateinhg A ord whe 4000 1500 1000 20000 200 1000 1600 13328 1800 1000 2200 ADD #00 1516 AGO 400 M70 1000 2000 2000 Ities. Following were the results Bruins 2, Jr. A's 2 A goal late In the third period by. the Bruins robbed the young or and smaller A's of their first | victory of the season, After a LL lad the second with a goal from |8chippers for the Bruins John Symons tied it up from O'Brien and it was one-all going for the third, In the last period Mike Bradshaw put the A's in front on a solo effort but with three min: ites remaining Christie tied it up for the Bruins when he picked up a looge puck. One penalty to | O'Brien of the A's for body check ing In centre ice, | Black Hawks 2, Maple Leafs ? All the scoring in this game was confined to the first period Non Kinsey was best for the Leals, setting up the first goal scored by Pete Jones and getting missed them and summoned a [the second one himself unassisted. spiritualist for $25 a day "to [Pete Berry notched both goals for put a spell on the five devil." [the Hawks with help from John Foster on both of them, Cressey and Kinsey of the Leafs drew the sin bin trips, Bantam Exhibition Cobourg and Port Hope Ban. Gov.-General Reads Speech nice ois nd nai 1] 1 1» 1A 1 7 MW LLL] [ll Mh LLG] f Man M00 1000 ASA 10100 2800 10000 T Fin A pe Tor-Dom Wk Te Can PL Trans Mt n Trans PPL Un Gas U Corp B Walk OW W Cop wis Weston A Weston WN White Pam Wood Alex LJ MIM ATW MTA 1) 3 aM MOM OM 1) 11 11 1) ha 18 S100, 10% 10% 208 265 26H 1) LT) 19 124 Ww 7 10 450 Int Pwr int Pwr pr Cdn OI orn Coghlin Con M and § Crown 7 A Dist Sean PD Rridgs D Fadry Nn HKteel ord Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text Donohue Du Pont L} [} ( ( ( ( ( « ( ( [] ( ( ( ho 134 no 175 RI) 78 200 {] 1380 ATA 100 rin Kilem ris Kirk Min Mo took fire as room - to the out: aller item Maedon dashed from ado } Macleod deal with Madsen Malaria Curh Anglo ca Inv C Macon Dupont "TEEN TOPICS Teen Town Plans Dance Ry BEV HARP talk was based on COROURG reen Town has topic of vocational guidance J recently acquired a blue spol outlined some of his experiences! FEvery desk in the chamber has light and a couple of floor lamps|as -a minister been equipped with a hearing through various donations, This For the second portion of the aid, control switch and volume week a low wood partition was evening the girls were given a dial, enabling a member to listen] erected to form an entrance. Im demonstration in hale styling by|to a speech in the language used, | EL) 100 100 1A 4 ns hy 20 "a " "hy uo Li Mn Ah " | Sales 10 11000 am. Industrials 52,500 mines and oils 207,800 1644 LITAMS LL Harvesters On Top In League PORT HOPE Following are added a pair the results of games played in got the other, the Town Mercantile Hockey) Aggista went to Murray Farrell) League this week with two, Black, Ashby and Gil ARVESTERS 6, CONVEYORS 3 ,,0up, The Gravity gang threw & .yeiaan Rene Racine had a| [1] 10% | Interpreting System In House Works OTTAWA (CP) The Com mons' new simultaneous interpre the aver-all tation system works well, If users He don't turn the volume on too high An 110 and Fred Ashby the meeting tests CANADA'S ORIGINAL MuTuAL FUND HAS DECLARED ITS LLL CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND , FONT CENTS PER SHARE vA PAYABLE FER. 2, 1959 TO SHARIHOLDERS OF RECORD JAN, 1S YOTAL DIVIDENDS PER SHARE IN 1950, .34¢ (100% GREATER THAN THE 174 PER SHARE PAID IN 1943) CASH DIVIDENDS EXCEFD $31,000,000 SINCE ORGANIZATION (Canadian Investment Fund, Lid. ol L} mined n wp One age | jurisdic CENT PAY RAISE PETERBOROUGH CP white 1! he employees of Outboard Divided Corporation have ratified a two evening year contract giving them lecture hy average wage increase of Mr, Jack & cents an hour, Cu 'Good hoys nto rev started off wi Reverend Mi ren for is [8] Ww he 1 VOMING machinery parts the t Is scare into the League leaders, . 4 "'|goal and an assist for the River holding them to a three-all stale-| mc aig joam, Jerry Poulin and mate during the first hall of the Harvey gol singletons, with Jim provements and changes! Mrs. Ann Reynolds and her crewior to a simultaneous interpreta RAILS) ing once in the last period, A Western dance Ix being plan: of eight The Coeds enjoyed this tion in either English or French Chub McIver' was the whole Lingard had both penalties for| From Throne Cobourg ran into three first nod for Saturday night. Among immensely and are eagerly look:| Both languages are official in the File with Poulin being thumb period penalties but staved the . ps 0 J | er atmosphere on the occasion] While the girls were learning) Interpreters--eight work in re bolted Su lean than Hve a \o|MIDGETS 5. HI WAYS 3 |the spoech from the throne in the other penalty in the third and are some balex of hay to he about their tresses the hoys were lays--are stationed In booths i ATTA. Th H Senate chamber to onen the soc: again escaped unscathed time the two corners of the chamber Assists were credited to Mar the usual chairs learning about oil-burners. In: farthest removed from thelyy pa Roncardo, Tan Halford laced the Junior Ontarics In the ment, {two minute mark of the third . h n pk struc . VAs ' ' 'league, enjoy comfor 3 E : 9 . Looking ahead one more week structing the boys Wa gue, enjoyed a comfortable 3:11 he speech forecast new out: period when Primeau scored can observe the speakers through yoy council tax planned a CakeBak:| To wind up the a glass window "Yearwood was the best for the the Department boys outscored pguging and roads and continua:| With only minutes remaining ing Contest. Prizes will he award Co-ed danced them 4-2 in the last stanza for theo for one year of federal in Perhenche tied it up from Row the session was accurate and py, "ulfore and Patty Brereton each . of 23 cents Under the capable direction of swift to an experienced bilingual jad goals with Wakely getting! Harve Gordon led the Hi-Ways inces, Membership cards : with a hat trick and an assist. | Government plans to ease dis ane vear will he on sale 000 mward system is well in hand.| But if the volume on a neigh p 0 ) op Bud Downey and LOW ot|erimination in freight p A dollar 4 3 i ' " issued, three to the winners y a ewls got| n in freight rates, sel Probable price is one dolla Past claims for points are nearly bor's set is too high, the sound NICHOLSON FILE 8, ELDOS 3 the other, with helpers going tojup a national energy hoard and| day o ing of this by ek, a» bars and crests will be presented The system ix in addition to gellar « dwelling Eldos in an ef] John Record scored a goal and|Scene literature were announced.| PORT HOPE -- Rowling over council members wi me time this term, Estimated the Commons' sound amplifier fort to remain only one pointiassisted on two others for the Crop insurance, more Liberal 205 in the 50-50 Mixed Bowling Ww pe pecord contest \ y Ww A a a of a ar Th y ALENTINE DAN( 5 ve will 1 Fldos plaved great hockey in the (Heard, Dave Watts and Bud Plan aid, help for exporters and|Ferguson 283, Chuck Reamish 5 was CDOs Valentine dance Will be Premier Frost first half-hour, being behind only Smith getting the other counters changes in unemployment insur (274, Lois Brandwood 247, Olive 1 y + y J r the bY v FIGURE SKATING TE school schedule is xo full for | M The Filers scored four un y Phe speech announced that the Brandwood 227. 600 or better i ! : game to Battersby of the Hi bi A At the lirandwood ~& Canadian Figure Skating Asso. following weeks with the big Expects Gov't answered goals in the last half| ave Queen and Prince Philip will|{triple; Harold Churchley 844, Lols hourg Memorial Arena Sunday jeans thas I ig to be held on T Build P t ella led them to the triumph with! Territories during thelr summer 608, Donners are well out in front evening. They were mainly jun.[this earlier ate 0 or a hat trick [tour of Canada of the pack with 56 points. The . > ing exams this week and next 4 : there were preliminary and first/nk ¢ Na R a aol GRAINS Frost Thursday indicated he ex The Commons meets at 2:30 cers and Comets each have 43, tests and in the dancing class {poets the federal government to Crowd Applauds Orders Trial p.m. for speeches hy the mover Dancers and Dashers are close Skaters who are interested in YEA planned by the Ont gover ply to the throne oh, The! Rlits Vv pg The Athletic Council will pur nario. govern . TORONTO (CP)-Th [reply to the throne speech. The|Blitzens, 39 and Vixens are In being judges must "trial judge ment A Off F d : (CP)-The Ontario gq | p pr en S 1cer ree | Se nate sits at 8 pm Tuesday, {the cellar with 33 points cislons are compared to those of with he Wanay donated for that, once Whe would: he responsible Spectators NeW trial for Harvey Willis, 39, of the official Judges. and if the/PUrhose oy for harborbullding in the $5,000. In a crowded courtroom ap Kitchener, sentenced last month fe the girls' haskethall teams Thursday the "trial Judges are made made he gir ) has el n ol mier last week for developing a RAINS A police officer were dis of possessing stolen goods and Judges of that particular class should be posted when this ap: 0 . iased. I || vp \ three other offences W aT pears. The teams are scheduled seaport and (ndustejal area Missed Found innocent was \ al YY COEDS MEET I'he appeal court auashed con ¥ wo # seven stolen golt clubs : I be exhibitions, in Whitby!" POLYHUL AVA » interesting meeting Monday. The "we & ( well. 1 said we'd build it.' Magistrate Fred Rartrem ruled against Willis shopbreaking, RB a id the MF 1 Mr. Frost said knew having a vevolver without a per embers range m 18 to the clubs were stolen mil, possessing a stolen firearm Hon" ha was asked Larlier the magistrate sen y Plant If we build it we'll have jur. tenced another constable, Walter Judge M. Mavdonnell had Marine isdiction." he said oi government for stealing a $2.60 (ishing rod. concurrent on all charges except an already has jurisdiction Pwo other constables were for having a revolver without a 0 Then they'll build found guilty . Wednesday and permit, for: which he was given| but faded in the 0 oy picking up a helper, | WAN rel ur , "Ww show for the Harvesters as he . ather decorations designed to lag forward to a return Visit parliamentary debates ed for the Eldos. Governor-General Massey read locals off, They also got the loor instead of having an equally good or | Davidson, | The Midgets, who have re: 0 y placed around the floor insted ' fond session of the 24th Parla: cohourg took the lead at the Mr. Speaker's chair, The interpreters ; ! pnne Ma 1 Y 16 Saturday, Jan. 24, Teen Town Shaver Bonnett, Dixie Lees and ReE|joad in the first 30 minutes butljaug for development projects, from Dawe Their work on the first day of wh ) losers with a goal and helper od and there will be an entry fee AWARD SYSTEM WOR stalemate come tax concessions to the prov: den at the 13.00 minute mark ) for DCL teacher , y Oar . good for ¢pCE teacher, Mr. Milburn, the ear, an assist, Five minor penalties Al a meeting to be held Thurs ai in, and it is expected that the carries to a non-user, The File ran wild against the Downey and Norm Kelley, tighten laws on combines and ob. BOWL, OVER 225 > \ 1 4 » ) p members into counel cost of the hars alone (x $200 system behind the leading Harvesters.|Midgets, with Pat Brereton, John farm credit, Increased Colombo | league were the following: Doug yrige 1x anv record of his cholce. he ol [| Veal The y / hy J | | ¢ weld February 6 this vea ' by a close 4-3 count Only one penalty in the clean &nce were forecast [Martin 232, Bubs Town 230, Art elation were held in Co-{drama . music production and for an easy victory, Billy Can visit the Yukon and Northwest|Brandwood 628, Chuck Beamish ior tests. In the figures class Grades 13A and 138 are writ TORONTO (CP) Premier Bob Lax and Rich Rrown each Appeal Court Friday, Jan, 18 vest are grouped together. Pran- { for the fifth formers this school preshronze and hronge tests N e build the harbor at Moosonee and soconder of the address in/behind at 41, Cupids have 40 three tests in one class. The de [chase new cheerleader uniforms "ht Ll Lad ata press soni a Court of Appeal has ordered a TORONTO (CM) marks Ate FOASORADIY Accurate The list of names of those who bh plan announced hy the pre planded when charges 10 three vears on four charges | i the James Bay commun. ter Hoey, 30 charged with re to play. their first games, Which{A'OUne mun ' d fhe "Y" Coed group had an '0 Pa 8 RA ! wWetions by a county court jury there was evidence Hoey Who would have 1" and other stolen goods Hanna, 27. to two months in jail sentenced Willis to three years "But the federal 'Frost said, given Jail sentences. {two years concurrent. h a " Jack iy" My All three games [sociation Tuesday ended up in woreless {irst period, Baker start THE OSHAWA TIMIS, Tidey, Jonuary, 16, 1939 a door, Even small children can| | torey modern buildings, | GREETS NEW MEMBER New Chairman of Cobourg | rison, who won the only seat Board of Public School Trustees | contested in the Dec. 8 town H. D, Wismer, is shown greet- | elections | ing new member Ralph Har. INSPECTING OFFICER Praises Air - Cadet Group COBOURG Number 508'pline and self-reliance, 'which (Babre) squadron, Alr Cadellgualities will go towards making League of Canada held ity annual yoy the type of citizens neces Inspection Thursday night in the sary 10 keep Canada strong and Cobourg armory. Inspecting of free" he said ficer was Squadron Leader C The squadron had total of [Buxton of RCAF Station Trenton, go, Ne, sd of . i A ola ad Training Command Headquarters, |. Cols ON haraat. iL wis the |8/ A ga 8 J d H a. Busion Win sep ied rons drum and bugle corps and Cadet Liaison Officer from Tren the itapeciing avficer paid them ton . $/1. Buxton congratulated the Playing cadets on their smart and welll The drum corps had soprano, turned oul squadron. He. said it/tenor, French horns and baritone was a pleasure to see such a bugles, young group of boys which the or-| The squadron was under the ganization would be able to in-|command of Flight Lieutenant struct in the principles of discl-|B, Ward, Atomics In | Trinity Beats | Top Spot Port Hope High VORT HOPE : i PORT HOPE ~~ In an exhib! PE, ~ Btanding after|tion game played at the hi 14th week of play In the Uplown|gehool ease Sheil Wo Bowiivg League at Pinecrest 18{8chool Seniors eked out a tight as follows ! 51:80 victory over the high school Atomics 63, Cily Dalry 62, in an exciting fray viewed hy a Trouble Shooters 62, Clouters 62, large gallery ' ' Linton's 61, Highfield's Dairy 61, is TPT 60, Churchley's 59, Wilson|, © a Junior game played at | Cleaners 58, Hi-ways 58, Eldos §7,| I'C8 the home team was success Lakeshore Cleaners 55, Blazers |! in heating Port Hope High hy (89 {a count of 42-31, P. H. Auto Body 53, Long Bros.| 'The TCS Little Side hocley 52, Lightle's 52, Lyall N, Carr 52,|team journeyed to Appleby. Col. O'Neill's Flyers 51, Lab Techs 50,|lege at Oakville and came home Royal Grill 49, Civil Service 48, jon the long end of a 5:2 count in Uptowners 45, Welders 44, Beta|a well-played game, Rody Lucky ielicee 41, ae suenner 31 ok sos. 'TIMES BUREAUS #7. Port Hope TU 5-5357 M. Hackman 26, Shell Oil 27, AMF 19, High Singles: F. Devereaux FR 2-520! lain Macdonald J. Benedict 366, T. Mix 368, Harwood 355 Nixons Lead Men's League High Doubles: B, Wall 808, Gi Foulin 592, B, Brown B89, G Cobourg PORT HOPE « The Haggh Bowlers dropped out of first place Spencer 588, [ High Triples: B, Wall 860, B Branning #0, R.| in the Do'vn Town Men's Bowling League (his week for the first Golding #58, C time In two months, They were Hochu R38 High Team Singles: Beta Rays only able to garner a single point while Nixon's grabbed all four 1420, Wilson Cleaners 1413, Lan: cers 1361, Atomics 1346 from the Royal Grill to take over first place by a point and a half ~Photo by Macdonald High Team Triples; Long Bros, 3754, Royal Grill 4713, Beta Rays 3668, Blazers 3633, Haggis Leads PORT HOPFE--Haggis Bowlers defeated O'Neill's Jets 56.98 in the Town Mercantile Basketball] Following are the standings League Wednesday night in the|Nixon's, 42; Haggis Bowlers, High- School gym to Increase the|40'%: Centrals, 39; Bradford lead at the top of the league Hoshal, 37%: Happy's Surplus Clande Fitzgihhen piled up aland King Motors, 85 Roval grand total of 21 points during Grill, 32: Canadian Legion, 26 the fray Queen's Hotel, 23; Heard's Head Neill Verway was second best Pins, 10; New Service Cloaners, for the Bowlers notching ten 15, and in the cellar with 13, Mur. points, ray's Taxi, Ken Kelley led the losing Jets Nick Bulowskl rolled his first with a 12-point hulge game of the season in the lwague In the second game Turek's| this week and took over top single Ba keteers hested Eldos hy a ten | xem George Phillips with a sin point margin, 47.97. Len Loeven-|gle of 341 mark led the winners notching] Bob Smith, captain of Nixon's, 14 points while teammate Don|still holds high double and triple Kelly had 13, Best for the losers with marks of 562 and 782 re was Bob McClure with ten points. 'spectively, McCULLOUGH'S CASH & CARRY ~ SPECIALS 5x9 Ping Pong Table 34" UNFINISHED 17.50 Ping Pong Base 1270 SIMCOE ST.N. * 7:£ RAS 301

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