BE OCVI Staff Announces Jaycees To Play Host THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jonvery 16, 1959 | Euchre Title! Decided By (Naval Vets List Of Honor Students Colin Wilson and Gordon Robin T B son played some heady San lo The following students have Dorothy Clarke, Kerry Clitlord (son, Kugenia 0 08sSes win the euchre tournament Bt! shiained an average of at least 76|bonns Granik, - David Gray, q [ the Oshawa and Listriet Naval | pep cent in thelr school subjects Maria Hacke, William Hayes, GRADE 9, - Sohn Ande | , The Oshawa Junior Chamber of Club, Simcoe street south, Te in the fall examinations at the Mary Kolynko, Joan Kroll, David ons evson, John Ander:\ Commerce will hold its monthly cently Osh Collegiate and Vocational Macleod son, Cheryl Barker, Michael Bell, dinner meeting Monday, Jan. 19, Play started at 9 p.m, and af Hiro oles 4 Larry Metealt, Leyops Newel, wa fam Braden, dudith rion, ot 6:30 p.m, in Hotel Genosha, midnight the winners, were tied| "mye gudents standing highest Carolyn Pascoe, Emily Pasiuk, Batbate fosdbunt, Corot 1.91 The occasion will he the annual with Ivan Wigmore and George i, each grade are as follows | Patricia Payne, Cathrine Puskas,riayios "Joan Dove, Mary Lou| Dosses night", at which all the Wilson, They faced sift compe:| Grade 13-Michael Tooley, 920 Janet Schofield, Leslie Skerratt, Pemme, Roy Fleming members will bring their bosses, tithon all through the tourney. per cent, Marilyn Siyfield, Mary Janet] yo... (A The purpose will be to give the Joyce Gedge, Nancy CHbble, v In the semifinals Wilson and" Grade 12-Norma Sage, 88.3 per phon atric eae 4 |Jaycees' employers an dea of Y ' ' | was, Patricia Ward, Jeanne brid : 4 y ploy Wigmore defested Pete Tullock gent Winter, Disnne Yule, [Richard Giroux, Joanne Glover, {op normally takes place at the | ' Bonnle Graham, David Granik,| Nick Ol § « hinson } Mac | ' | mee t the " i) Nik © wy, ane poo Bg Ag Pavid Macleod, 9.4 GRADE 10 {Patricia Halliday, William Han |aeting at Juat whi pt TV Vudger and Pete Tudor, In the" Grade Richard Addington John it¥. uth Hilton, Lynda Hus of thelr community and their auarterfinals Hugh Ouffin and|per cent, |Arnott, Robert Benson, Patricia Sarat | Jomar Robdlt | Kosh lo untry, . Cy Thomson lost to Charles ¥ud-| Grade 9-Tobert Kozak, 85.3 Brewer, Nancy Bulmer, Jo an|s 4 A, | An. exceptions! evening includ. ger and Pete Tudor and Bob) per cent Carrington, Christopher Chaytor, [Markle Tonald Miles, James AF 0X apHiona 1, Fopddeibde , Mineti {Ing two guest speakers and entpr- Griffin and Tommy Robinson | Sharon Cline, Patricia Cornish, ; |ing Iwo Buest Span tes Ke pi lost to the eventusl champions, GRADE, 13 [Carol Crawford, Barth Curley,| Wonsld Nelson, Joel Pater ainment hi P The Lourname: . the! John Angley, Wandolph Marl, , neey, Aan Dewar, [Lorraine Parsons, Maryellen| 'The first speaker will be Clit Is {oursament Wik Wider pl Meagher, Michael Tooley. Rovald Duneey Jetty, Bavhars price, ~ an ey Wis. Ontario Brande of iis or y ' ele pr } SKANK, mein @ 'K, Onna 4 HER, ' tor i director of the Naval GRADE 12 Boa Putchar, Jward Glover, Reeves. Vrederick Stevens, Mary Harry Toss, Oshawa barber, who ih John Bales, Michael Bakker, [WEE SOREN Sleith 1 0.0 y,| Vasko, Peter Ward-Whate, Linda will give a talk on hypnotism fol- A Wolfgang Behm, Judith Broad 17 fa 'y ap Robert Jeffs |White, Pameln Wilkinson, Judith|lowed by a practical demonstra. les) 7.2 pm ' bent, Stephen Budai, Carol Con|MATY JBINER0H, 4 ' 4 0 Wood Itlon Ja lin, Gilbert Dalgleish, Carolyn eK afd Lambert. -- Eillott, Joan FElllott, Charlene ' # be el ' Mags Py J ' as BUDAP Reet) - Ue) IFith, 'Nora Len Flog, {Do oshy Nay ou PM toet Mire Lea { some of the Marflyn Hendershot, William hn MacPherson. Marianne Me lay ing) oy! ome Holden, Anne LaRush, Vincent "Wi iar. Linda Mills fiercest Nighting In the 1006 HUB. {age ire Phillip Miller, Clinton) In Otc Carol Pearce, Pam |Banan Uprising, Ll be turned | Newman, Judith Norden, Gwen wen 4 ' nto one ol J L J | Robert [the capital, according te the Hun. | lLoberts, York, Gordon Zedie 10 Bryce Woods, #1 eribhage tournament (sin. | will he held at the club,! New Pact Signed With Coulter Firm The Coulter unit of Local 222, health and hospital plan - any Bruce UAW-CLC, and Coulter Manufact- Increases 10 be borne by individ- Anne Yon [uring Company, Lid; recently (unl, Incrense In benefits [signed a three-year agreement! Increase in vacation pay from | two weeks after five years to two re SHOPPING CENTRE MERCHANTS ELECT NEW EXECUTIVE Norma Sage, Sandra ©6 Perry, Judith Réeson, Lint A "out 'n fussell; James Saunders, Claudia 4 iBtroud, Tobie Kwartz, Claire The meinbers of the Oshawa | officers for the ensuing year, | chairman, Blanding from left, | tary, Absent when the pleture |garien press, The Killian bar are: J pn, | Wis talien were A, Hebb and rocks has heen converted into a } y Simpson, Stella Bmarz, Donna pute ys Zwicker, {Weatley, Grace Zwicker smith, Howerd Swartz, M. Book, hoth directors of the [huge workers' hostel ang the rest GRADE 11 O'Shea, director Litz, | of the street Is seeing new apart John Aker Brian Tunnieliffe, Cathrine va' Times Photo iments arise. iheth Brennan director; "RR Behmitz Members of the new executive, | swan seated from left, are: M, Palts er and BE, T. Adair, | Shopping Centre Merchants Association, at a meeling In Hotel Genosha recently, elected Peter Baron, Bliza- Werry, Joy Whiteley Rosemary Bury, Woods, ¥red Wooley, aeiation director director and J BOCre Osha Donevan Collegiate Top Students Named Lynda Walsh, Janet Carolyn 1 Judy Cooper Patrdek; Kellar Judith Elizabeth Hundle, Werry GRADE Baxter, Fugen Johnston, Rose, Rimmons Blepina sutter, Gor don; Trimble, Gall; Tubb, Gary Twentyman, Lynn Vielhaber Margit; Zakutin, Nichola Beattie, Gary;| GRADE 10 Britton, Ruth Anderson, Douglas Boehme Bruce; Chute, Russell | Isolde Germanis, Ariella; Gray Monica: Dancey, Pat:-!Judith; Higgins, Jerry; Kinsman Ronald Hobbs, Patricia; Learmonth, Kathryn Carol; Hoskin, Lees, Doris; Mark, Gordon; Nel son, Gerald; Rogers, Wayne The staff of Dr, ¥, J, Donevan Collegiate Institute, which open ed last Beptember, has announe ed the school's first list of honor students, The following students obtained a first class honor av arage (75 per cent or over) on the fall examinations GRADE 0 Bathe Roddy, Carter, Connolly, piela; Feeles, Murray; Holmes Joyee were Aas Blame White Man Eskimos' Plight i: Grade Scottish Rite fonnle Rage ri mon, blrynatka " lem Ann Jo Cherewnty Dominik Murgarel Giomime Sharron Green, Pameln Holmes, Bm hora Jor Anne Kellar, Kens Allison Kemp Krantz Judy Olech Raunders, Jud) Meotl Boehmidsrauter, Klaus Robert 1 Garry Garry Bylvia Lynda Blephen Lynda lune! leannie David I'lanne Dougla Btelmach GRADE Roddy Hobh Strynatha Verna Lynda Carol Arthur Pat Davidson Hanzen Taylor, rein 10P STUDENTS follows {] Connolly 10 Werry, Carolyn 11 Kemp, David 13 Davidson, Carol encouter with the white man This, he pointed out, took place Hotel Genosha lin the early part of the 10th cen ih dng of Ae hes, when notin Vialers 5 his came rl meviea in tory, Approximately 180 people search of whales Host To Guests were on hand to hear Daniel however, the whaling industry| Morgan, President of the local{died out and some of the more Four members of the Toronto elub, introduce the guest speak: intrepid whalers stayed on In Lodge of Perfection were guests er, Douglas Wilkinson, noted aus|t"e Arctic founding what was to 8t & meeting of the Keottish Rite thority on the Aretle and Kskimo|later become the Hudsons Bay|Club of Oshawa, Thursday night, affairs {trading empire and making con: In the O hawa Shrine Club quar Mr, Wilkinson in addition tojtact with the simple Kskimos, ters. President K, Jackson pre heing a director of the National|lmpressing upon them the white sided Film Board has some 14 years man's way of life" I'he experience in the Arotlo having| whe white man, Mr, Wilkinson 0 ved there In the capacity of ojaimed, turned the Eskimo from 00" a northern service officer for they hunter to a trapper hy offering Kent department of northern affairs hm high prices forehis furs son In his speech My Wilkinson | fiowever previous to this the acoused the white man of being gykime had depended upon his Fhe responsible for the present pith:{ghility as a hunter to determine Al the monthly meeting of the Club of Ontario coun The Canadian {, was held at Thursday night argent att Eventually, | R. Ellison MacKenzie Ma Palmer HUOsIN degree Hrd were A degree; J rd degree and 1 Parkin Hird degree, Fach of Ihe spoke to the gathering visitors were acoompanied head table hy the following Huest A of therefore meth frankly He noted the histry kimo from: the time Es fir of the of his for ad the fl aki Saturday, Jan ) ol 20 Regular now Share he $40 $180 Fou Go ( Jackpots Special Go BINGO camer WAN depression of or Friday L] ia 16th $6 and 1s January at pm FY five $40 game jaeky BINGO UAWA, HALL JAN, 17th 20 Games $10 & Game Games Share Canada lan. 1 6 met the deal Which 1s now ve Lord Ted entire rag Motors to \ price pounds | pending sell thi Standard Ferg MS od the | rd degree and Hele, Hind Mr, Wilkinson announced he|necessity from \e Anima incentive to work hy tradin by replacing skill In hunting for ministrators will he held at {he went on, "the price furs, PIAL far 1950, Rome time will he 13h the ol ne taken away from bithe old one take \ : It is expected that hospital rep and Oshawa Mr, Wilkinson did point oul "DFW" line and other radar life amongst the white man IN ; LONDON -- Lord Tedder, head Ap hattle with Col Under FREE ADMISSION pla to able plight in whieh the eskimoijis stature in the community, hava brethren: 1, J Me now finds himself {and had also heen aceustomed to Laughlin ded degree; C1, Mc le 0, reasurer the local had Just resigned his position WHeh he had trapped lub with the federal government and, [INCENTIVE DESTROYED could speak quite] The white man. with his . od of trading, soon changed thi Hospital Group . . Will Discuss (ready made manufactured good y for items the Iskimos had heen A M h d COMING EVENTS used to making himself, then he ccounts et 0 took away the one means they An "Accounting Workshop B | N G 0 luck on the traps, whieh was far Oshawa General Hospital af Imore lucrative from the | am, Jan, 10 Caronation Orange Temple/ma's standpoint he main subject will he the re vOnee these inroads on Eki. vised annual report and the fi 17.8pm Lames which h" hy Become the devoted to elatms administration Wealth mainstay of their trade, went ®lf It Is hoped that a member To linto a decline and the Rxkimo of the commission claims depart 1 culture Ment Will he on hand for this part him hy the newer innovations a and no present means of lvell resentatives from Region 8, in hoot Ir short he undergo. cluding Ajax, Bowmanville, Port ing a full fledged v [ope, Cobourg, Port. Perry, UX y Lindsay Peterborough Relleville will attend however, that in the last five years great strides have heen taken in the Arctic which eannot 120} help to improve the lot of systems as well as a large num her of alrflelds now under con Istruetion which will provide em doyment to the Eskime and fy M. MOINTYRE HOOD He also noted the great increase ! of mining operations being un. OF the Standard Motor Company, dertaken in the Avetie whieh will '8 In the throes of a gigantic deal the lot of the Eskimo as whieh is expected to settle ance 5 $928 all his twoyvear long Jackpots: One Game $150 N° W Rlnaon oon huded Mai marante. chairman of the Maraey ) ta IV SHOWINRE the Cub A SeFeN yo nis Ferg OM The Wealth of slides he took during his tens (i iH arniiahy we 17.30.31 lure of office in the far north de coured over 23 per cent of ported to Iw . ap TUESDAY, JAN. 20 20--$20 GAMES lus $50 full card RESIGNS POST manufacture (tems of orviay Intosh, Hird degree; A. G. Storie he sald. First, he destroyed the had for setting socia' standards Region 8 General hospitals mo eulture had heen achieved,' Nant ial return required from hos found himself with no of the meeting hrlidge EMPLOYMENT PROVIDED as well as one from the Eskimo, He painted to the help adjust him to his new mode : Special to The Oshdwa Times well it W. KE. Phillips of Feb 13, 14 'pleting Eskimo life the stoek of Standard" Motor $250 Jackpots dey Wwoside of ey-Hary mil Ma Womany Uson I'he act he tran Compan HB factory Action or al Caventry will into the hands of the Massey NR to financial interest $20 each line § 3 Clty, Massey Harvis Fergu gomes C 51 Bl SERVICE JUBILEE PAVILION i or Ma { HN £4,000,000 ta dard np far \ | hea Lord Tedd \ n and ove { ca \ @ Jb payment " oy Compa the actor plant | I'he top students in each Grade Monica. | Mrs, Helen Twining was ins stalled as District Deputy High Chief Ranger at a meeting of Court Charlene, No, 1760, Ca | \ i | DINNER SPEAKER Merci Tas "Carolina al the Saund hing Quest" annual Oshawa Natuprs Club on Monday, Jan 1) 30 pm. at Northmins ster United Chureh, 1H be Jeet will be "Birds are Queer." Dr, Richard eo) author Wings" and who will speak of the anquet at REMOVE FOLIAGE CAIRO (Reuters) I'he man ager of the Alexandria branch of a United States firm ordered his stall save off thelr mous taches, according to the news paper ELAKhbar All complied on threat of dismissal lo Massey-Harris To Buy Tractor Firm I'he shares turned aver will then he offered in the form of a rights iwsue to all Standard shavehold el With the Lane, ( Pedder to developing the automobile of husines and have of money with tractor plant at Ran disposed of will devote his ener ney aventry Lord gles altle Standard will plenty which to do #t Lord Tedder, commenting the ud it he on repay would a happy of a whieh he both ale sides un hap he of day | deal My I I'he Sun Lng on the I ed Wp ( wool nmer that this a ta part of both ( on the Phillip and Lord the nan Move olonel ev-Ferguson bho I'he compani two a 1 divores 0 his der marriage of se hig has not heen mouth atta and nu | of. Duplat ! ue y \ W\ 3 WW Canada, DISTRICT DEPUTY HIGH CHIEF RANGER ship with Mr woblem problem; TALLED Brantford, high vice chief ranger and Mrs, Effa Fergus son, past distriet deputy high ehlel ranger, Oshawa Lions To Mark Anniversary The Oshawa Lions Club INS mony, from left, are ¥E, G | Coronation Mall, Bruce street, | Drage, of Brantford, fraternal | | hursday night, Caught by the | director and high marshal; | eamera following the cere- | Mrw, Twining; Harry Phinn, of | 'Regional Planners Elect Executive George Lofthouse, of Whithy] The association budgeted Township, wan elected chairmanja $200 contribution from each with a dinner-dance to he hel of Oshawa Negional Planning|area represented for 1950, A $2. at Hotel Genosha In the Pica Association at Its 1060 Inaugural (070 surplus was reported from dilly. Room meeting Thursday last year . The head table guests will He replaces ¢ Mr. McGibbon, commenting on ¢lude such well known dignitarie of Oshawa, who 1006's work observed that many 8% Mayor Lyman A, Gifford, stand for re-election of the things "which were only a D. Thomas, MPP for Rlected vice-chairman was for:|dream: three years ago" had ding; and "Deke" Goddard, in mer Mayor Nelson Osborne of|i sw become reality ternational counsel for the Lions Powmanville, Ralph Found was] "he association, he sald, had Club, re-appointed secretary-treasurer, initiated moves for service roads An Invitation also has heen ex In addition to the officers, thellink'ng Oshawa and Whithy tended to the Hon, Michael Starr, now comprises May: [They were now to be constructed federal minister of labor A. Gifford, represents) his year, It had sparked the Reeve Willlam Her|*ormation of the Central Lake on, representing Whithy Town: [Ontario Conservation Authority Lofthouse; Mayor|urged proner planning in Whithy W. Carruthers representing Row:| East Whithy and Darlington and manville . wi'h Mr Oshorne; had heen responsible for the IReeve Walter Reath, represent:|compilation of a street registry ing Kast Whithy; Mayor Harry{in the region Jermyn and Jack Spratt, repre: Tribute was pald by the mem senting Whithy town; M, Wyman bers, of the board to Mr, MeGih ant A. Thompson, representing bon, ho had served as chair | In New Year Darlington {man for more than two years. It The chairman of Oshawa Plan: was pointed out that all the pro] OTTAWA (CP)--With farm ex ning Moard, when elected, will|joets now before the hoard had|penses rising, agrioultural net in also represent Oshawa Bast received his wholehearted sup:/come this year will likely be Whithy has also to elect a chair por' and many of them had been lower than in 1058, a government Hr of ity planning board {initiated hy him [forecast NAYN 4 Farm cash income would likely 'Nurse's Kiss | CELEBRATING : a Brings Strike BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best ment of a student nurse caught| wighes to the following resi. | necking In a car han led tol vents of Oshawa and district " threats of a strike of 800 student| s colobrating 'Birth. |; nurses at Vancouver General Hox.| 1 Are celebrating birth pital days today After two mass meetings the David Willis, 176 Bruce | students sald Thursday they will] street; Mrs, Dorothy Fletch. strike if not given some say in| er, 202 LaSalle avenue: Car. |With the supply likely ample, [future disciplinary action. They| of Houston, 500 Rogers road;| 'However, there will likely con {want representation on all hos: | Richard Smith, 550 Stevenson |tnue to be a shortage of exper pital hodies controlling their work] road north; Mrs, €¢, 8 Rup. [0nced help, particularly on dairy and conduct | ton, 6% Scott road; Pamela [farms and it will probably be A spokesman for the nurses| Davday, 762 King street east necessary again for sald the student was suspended The first five persons to in and federal governments to or or "improper activities' after! garm The Oshawa Times of |Eavize movements of farm work he kissed her boy friend good their birthdavs each dav win | within and between provinces hye at 2:30 in the afternoon While] paeeive double tickets to the |'@ meet seasonal demands." sitting In efvilian dress In A ear) Regent Theatre, good for a Transportation costs on agrienl outside the student purses' home four-week period. The current WOMEN LIKE ewer" =" ° NEW CLOTHES nadian Order of Foresters, In Times Photo In C, MeGibbon declined to association or Lyman Ing Oshawa and dancing will follow, Farm Income May Be Low a more profitable year than 1958 The better outlook for primary suppliers wan based on antiel {pated United States demand for Industrial materials, eview of agricultural conditions of the agriculture department, The review sald farm labor de mand Is expected to Increase | M [be higher this year because of [Lawrence Seaway was expected {to reduce costs of moving grain cole: | {brates its 10th anniversary this peat an old favorite for Coming Tuesday evening, Jan, 20, 5 Oshawa Dinner will begin at 6:45 p.m of primary products would find 10569 The predictions appeared in a | Issned by the economies division provincial [tural shipments would probably | (freight rate Increases, but the St. | with an economic package total ling 26 cents, It was announced hy the local today Some of the contract high lights, as regards wages, are Nov, 2, 1958 - 7 cents; Nov, 2, 1060 « 9 cents (start of pension plan) May 1960 3 cents; | Nov, 2, 1060 « cents; May 3, 4 cents woeks after three years, Persons leaving company to receive 4 %% of earnings, This was previous. ly 8%, Benority rights to apply in cases of company establishing mw plants and transferring op- erations The bargaining team was head. ed by Harry Benson, UAW area representative and William Ruth. orford, vice president of Local |222, The Coulter shop commitiee Im-«|consisted of Albert Cockerton, provement in Sub plan which chairman Garfield McKnight, starts paying to senlority employ. Edith Richardson, Cecil Newman on May 2, 1959: fully paidiand Stanley Bkerrow, 2, ' | 1961 Vive cents of the cost of living was incorporated Into the base rate leaving a float 3 cents, Other highlights include 08 'Motor City Choir Planning Concert Mo-will sing Robertson's arrange ment of "The Old Woman," « "n Monday, Jan, 26, the tor City Chole, under the direc tion of Reginald Geen, will phan The main offering of the cholr ity annual concert in Simeoe|will be Parry's "Blest Palr of {Street United Church, The pro-|Sirens" which is being repeated gram should he a feast of good by popular request things for Oshawa musie lovers,| Kelvin James, talented Oshawa The choir has glven concerts in organist, will accompany the Oshawa and Toronto and In|choir at the organ, many other centres Including Owe Bound, Port Hope and Whithy, during the last 23 years and has earned a fine reputation for its performances of many outstanding choral works in eluding unaccompanied singing In Its forthcoming concert the choir will he heard In Stanford's "Bluebird," Tohalkowsky's 'Hear/#0clation will consider, nex |Lord," 'Thulnan's "Go Lovely| onth, urging the conservation (Rose and the first performance of the creck area, near Garrard here of Wilan's "In The Name Joad, between Oshawa and Whit lof Our God We Will Set up our" Sh Duk tin Set ug ur Making the proposal Thurs The women's volces will re.|d0Y, George Lofthouse Klgar's 1059 chairman observed "fhe Snow" and will have the|vacant land "etween the assistance of two outstanding] communities was rapidly filling violinists in the Obligato Bar. In. The creek would form the net Taylor and his talented son, /centre of what would evenually Raymond, who has recently won|Pe a metropolitan area, a scholarship from the Royal] Mr. Lofthouse thought the Cen. Conservatory of Musie tral Lake Ontario Conservation The assisting vocalist 1s the Authority might be asked to ac well known Canadian contralto, [Quire it and develop it as a park Margaret Stilwell, who will sing] Mayor Lyman A, Gifford, rep two groups Including opera and[resenting Oshawa on the: associa oratorio selections as well tion, backed his remarks many lighter numbers The association Is considering The men's section of the cholr/calling on the six municipalities [roprasented Oshawa Whitby, Fast Whitby, Whithy Township, Bowmanville and Darlington [to authorize an aerial survey of [the reglon followed by a pre engineering survey, | Conservation Area Suggested Oshawa Reglonal Planning As an Packaging Officer Dies In London LONDON, Ont, (CPM) Capt James Robert Boon, 44, packag Ing officer at the army's central ordnance depot since 1081, died Thursday He Joined the militia In Kings fon at 14 and seven years later hecame a member of the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, chalk Ing up almost 30 years with the BUEHLER}: Tender EAT'N T+ WOOL Scatter Rugs Sale 1.50 each NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY §T, RA 5-1202 oe )\ ia) ! JY TRUE-TRIMBEEF (5 5: 'lI 12 KING ERA 3.3633 = Meat Specials! Sat. Only ! CUT-UP CHICKEN ® Legs, Thighs. Breast 2, 1.00 © Mealy Chicken Wings 4 ..s 1.00 Recause women and young people often feel that new clothes change their personal {tles, they're generally eager to buy new wearahles, psy chologists elaim If you also feel that some new garments could 'do things" for you, Classified ads help you make money FANT 'nke Office Desks & Tables--Used (Must be sold ot once to clear storage space) 1-Steel, 60" x 30", gray & black $75 1-Oak, 60 x 34", 6 drawer, ... $35 1-Oak, 60 x 34', 6 drawer, . . ... $45 4 tables various sixes, chairs, hat tree ALL IN GOOD CONDITION . NASH ALUMINUM LTD,-- 94 BRUCE OSHAWA | a Job fll time. Soll things you're not Using, Rent the spare room EASY! Call RA $3482 for an adawriter or part . ® Backs and Necks 2 us 190 LEAN, SLICED Breakfast Bacon 2 ... 1.00 LEAN, SLICED COOKED HAM « 89°