Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1958, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdey, Decomber 31, 1958 COBOURG HOSPITAL RATES Method Consolidates Expenses Of Patient COBOURG ~ A new system, 'However,' he added, "the obtained to & larke extent through of rates for Cobourg Geners) commission has informed us that philanthropic giving, "The provi- Hospital, scheduled to take ef these rates are tentative and sub. sion of hospital facilities and fect tomorrow, is not expected to! Jeet to change, dey g on our equipment is still the responsibil. mean any Increase in expense to cost experiences,' ity of the community," he said, patients, hospital administrator! Asked i the new rates mean "and to complete the financing of N. R, Dearlove said Tuesday, higher hospital bills, Mr. Dear- our current expansion program The new method of charginglloVe replied, "Apart from a we still have to depend (0 a large has 8 basic rate of $16.55 set for| slight increase in hospital costs extent on the generosity of our standard ward care, In the new|which are necessary to include, citizens' wing, semi-private and private(the total hospital bill will vary|. IN | care will cost. $19.5 and $2285 little from those. incurred under SOVERNAE: WHA tie rospectively; and in the old wing|the old system of churgng, Held of a ws Y Niiugh 'the ow votes. soem FXTRA SERVICES not intended lo solve ail the much higher at fece velue, in| Jt Was pointed out that the cost|pital's pr he fact they. represent.a consolida-| extra services under the for- |The government had entered into| tion of all 8 patient js{mer method of charging often ex- partnership with the hospitals, expected to meet in the hospital, |coeded the charge for room ac-and was now extending this to g | comumodation, with the result help meet an important commun. it was stated, he new that the patient was faced with ity need The standard ward rote, h i He added that health officials 8s 18e approved hy the On. B final bill far in excess of what tario ly Apireed 1 she On. he had anticipated, seemed agreed that the new On- sion, was determined on the ba. Under the new inclusive rate tario Hospital Insurance Plan, sis of the actual cost of operation Fystem, the patient will know which motivated the eonvervon w that the only factor affecting histo the new rate structure, ol. the Ywwpita! [final bill will be his length of stay have to have the complete under- INCLUSIVE RATE lin hospital," sald Mr, Dearlove, |standing and co-operation of the "It must be emphasized that Mr. Dearlove also stressed the general public if it is to attain is this new rate is an 'inclusive point that the rates were based objective rate', sald Mr, Dearlove, "The on hospital operating costs, and| Abuse of plan benefits through onst of all hospital services deem. did not Ine {ude provisions for cap-| unnecessary admissions or ex- ed medically necessary for treat-|ital expenditures for new equip- tended hospitd) stays would de ment are included in the charge, ment or extension of present fac-|feat the very purpose for which There will be no extra charges ilities the plan was designed, that of apart from luxury items which) He confirmed that money for ensuring adequate hospital care may be ordered by the patient." capital expenditure must still befor the sick and injured | din d | a, Many Thrills Final Gathering Provided By : A ay, Of Ajax Council COBOURG For thrills, its final meeting of the year on jg drama, suspense and sheer ac-|nonday evening, There was little complishment the winning of the hy ciness heyond the passing of © Ontario juvenile "A" baseball sooounts and some correspon championship by Kiwanis Juve-| dence much of which will be re- i niles which brought this commu: ferred to the 1059 council 4 pity its first provincial baseball The Metro Conservation Author i i | Hitle In over B50 years overshadow ity has Informed council that the gi Bd all other sports events in Co- pei time (o gpray the elm tree bourg in the year 194 in the town will be early in the There were several other high spring when the temperature is lights which particularly stand above forty degrees and the trees out from the rest in the mem dry, Under those copditions the oles of Cobourg 8 sports fans maximum residue will he left on Young ( anada Night featured the the trees to combat the flight of month of February as 2300 fans beetles in June when the greatest jammed Cobourg Arena 10 DBY|.,mber appear, Many of the trees tribute to this town's budding "4.6 sirects of the town are in- young hockey talent and to gel a fected, in greater or lesser de in | look at special guests Fd Chad-| owe "ith Dutch elm disease wick and Bobby Baun of the To. |" ' a 4 ronto Maple Leafs The Library Board has agreed While the baseball Juveniles by letter to take over the Jrary were making history, Cobourg In. Pullding on a conditional basis " The 1959 council will have as one termediates folded and dropped GO i CAvE 0S One from the Lakeshore Baseball *' 3, Hegt u 83 10 HYTANES AHe scene for the first time in many iramlet ws tw) } put the brary years. Too few players, fans and{ "08rd in line for a pro ly dollars was Cobourg's epitaph, {grant The biggest disappointment, the THREE-YEAR TERM biggest surprise and an un g Map believable feat were all part and oo Clavinghaid parcel of Augrst, Cobourg Mer- chants were rc onsible for al three, Merchanis, expected by | io | DAVID CLARINGBOLD gram set up by the provincial and dominion governments, was ve. Councillor Thompson reporting Pickering and op a meeting of the hospital board District high school hoard for &|iold eounil that a study of future further three-year term Mes jan needs of the hospital were being ingbold has served on this hoard s He p ' some to go all the way to an On Prion its inception In 1950, Mem Made, Ne loted that f any growl tario Intermediate "'H'" softball pers of the eounell paid high trib: in the district in the near future crown, were upset in the first/;ie (0 the service rendered by Mr.| ihe present accommodation would round by a Cinderella Port Claringbold in making the AP: he taxed to the limit, The new Perry club headed by Wally pointment wing built this year was already Bamanski, 2 Tenders will be called for a new heing used to capacity and any In September, MARY Years of police erulser for the considera: more residential growth and in- intense hockey rivalry came to tion of the 1050 council, The ten: crease of population would make an end as the Cobourg and Port! qe. "are called for Jan, 22, a larger building an immediate Hope Hockey Clubs, faced w 1th en onion Robert Thompson, [need | amalgamation or ex tine tion, oy aivman of the finance and legis: Mayor William Parish in elosing| merged under the banner of Co-\y.ii0n oommittees recommended the meeting paid tribute to the hourg » Port Hope Combines and|y..i (he necessary bylaws be staff of the town, the heads of de- formed an executive headed hy n.cooq ag early. as possible to] partments and ail pthers who had Cobourg's John Ryan, evenly yoouiate and licence electricians) given loyal service during the divided between Cobourg and a. plumbers making installa: |year Port Hope personnel tions or doing repair work in the|" He considered the past year one Grafton Broncs won the Mer: |i un of the best, There had heen har oantlle Hockey League In a Notices will be sent out regard: mony in council and a great deal thrilling playoff with Hydro, Co-lina the purchase of dog tags for|of progress had heen made, He bourg's hockey Rockets finished 1950, The hylaw concerning the|toendered his special thanks to in the. league basement but near: | control of dogs requ that tag n Leslle Pearce and ly upset the powerful Bowman: he purchased by Jan, 16. New! Ilobert Thompson who will not be ville - Orono Combines, forcing (tags may he obtained 'at either on the 1950 council the Rubbertowners to the seven: the Municipal office or the police! The inaugural meeting of the game limit before succumbing. | station 1950 counell will he held on Mon The eighth annual figure skating! Approval is being sought for the day, Jan, § at 7.90 p.m, The first carnival was a smashing success expenditure of $6000 for relief regular meeting will be held on as 2400 people attended the two: work In the town, This is in line the following Monday at the same night stand with the winter relief work pro time OPTIMISM AT PORT HOPE Citizens Give Ideas About The New Year PORT HOPE This town is/tion from other parts of the world NOTE OF CAUTION aptly named, {may see an Improvement made in' Murry Thomson, a young busi: Residents seem to be facing the our own government, commercial ness man, sounded a note of cau: new year with hope, With New and social institutions." ton Year's Eve a matter of hours, Roger Kirkpatrick, seclence| *I think the problem of Inflation away most were optimistic about |(eacher at Trinity College School and the complexities of space dis- he luce. N. Motes sald ho we 1050 as a "stock taking" foveries together With the prob. could see no major problems fac." "It ghould pe a year of con O10 01 Axcruis nivale Wriare are Ing the town in the new year, solidation," he sald, "History has of us so that there shouldn't be "The sound management of di: heen moving so swiftly and the much excuse for naive cockiness Jacuttied industries here helps u world Is changing so rapidly we in 1060," he said, 0 face the new vear with con could well take an entire vear just " ' dence," he commented to id ell Sahe ah co He i" Fi } L Jon think these things "I' ehpast year has heen a par- pening. We must inde Ru boule Ket us down but 1 believe tleularly successful one in our values and put our own house in| 208 Reneration ng ip face 1 town and 1 expect continued order before we can help the| i) i Square y and that 1000 growth, especially with a new pro- world community to find lasting Ne ing ay mati golitiey gram of home building in the west peace." i ale seems to be getting better end of town, Churches. service! : and better but the new year will clubs. scouting groups and other RESPONSIBILITY | still carry headaches and prob. clvic organizations are all work. Gus Plousos, leader of the Port Jom bo hich we mus fly Ing together to keep this place a|Hope Rover Scout Crew, stressed outselves pleasant, progressive spot in the need for lndividual responsi: FLOOD CONTROL which to live. Our schools are all bility Deputy Reeve Mike Wiadyka In good shape and the sewage dis "In the final analysis no lasting expressed the hope that 1050 accomplished would he the year when the re posal plant has finally f can he nanced completely The only through enforced discipline, ex: sults of flood control work along 'major expenditure facing us is cept as a temporary, emergency the Ganaraska River would be he seen Jospital expansion. | expect the Measure as in time of war," Through the combined efforts architects and hospital board will observed complete plans for an addition to! "The old idea of each individual of the Conservation Authority and the hospital in 1960." taking stock at the end of the all of the communities in the WORLD AFFAIRS year and resolving to do better |watershed I feel we have taken {In the new year is still a good big strides toward reducing -the heen pood Governor William Carey offielat-| ed as new officers for 1959 were installed at the regular weekly) meeting of the Port Hope Kiwanis Club, Governor commended past presi- and significant one for Bowman- lowe dent Mike Wiadyka for his out- ville primarily because this pastthe f standing work during 1058 | Aces 30 Kiwanis Club | BowMANVILLE'S YEAR : Installation | Centennial Festival i Heads Events Parade Lieutenant. | OC id the BOWMANVILLE -- The year massed at Bowmanville for their room, the cocktail bar, An 1056 has been an event - filled annual walk, The ch®Aren's Hal | dining lounge, were all defented 'en party on October 81 was The Jhon vias and immedia inal major event of the ten result of { cub gf hi of Bowmanville's last hotel, Balmoral, The question of whether | Before the installation, the It year the community observed iis tennial which was climaxed wit one hundredth birthday as an in- an enormous bonfire in Cream of You have been a lover off The centennial Barley Park trengt club wor ve |Corporated Lown, pb 0 hark wd uve celebrations highlighted the year! fy the field of municipal gov: among crippled children and the Put they did not overshadow ernment the town learned of the aged folk," he commented {other non centennial oceur-' retirement of two prominent fig The following officers were in.|TeCes that brought changes 40. res In the town administration aC thro | Ay ech teh, Ff he np v d Pi fh Mayor Nelso A dent; Don Lomb, vice-president; | on ennicl vear hut a roundup of that ea not seek re-election i thumbs down on the pro Alege Jobson, Jecreinry A ihe year's history would not belio the new council, On November |Po5® Doss, Sharpe, sressurer. Dive complete i some of the major 2s the fown acclaimed Reeve WHYTE, WEARING gibbon, Bruce Smart, Tom Long, "C.chrations were not noted (Wilfrid Carruthers as Sandy Hay, G McKenzie. ¥ 1 od The centennial year began in 8 mayor |p Barr and Al King, ' religious vein with the Week of mune second retirement 'an |fieant Prayer, This was followed by In-|.on0ed was that made by Town Mrs, Mike Wiadyka received a past|guguration of the 1968 council cory. Treasurer A, J Tle, last her hushand president A pif, Al King a past which officially declared the start! goniember stating his intention to secretary's pin and Jim Burt, 8 of festivities that. would rn gen down from his post after 32| past ironsitors pi The follow: throughout the year, vedrs of service, That same day ing received aitendance ping: &. p V ) ounced the Appoint: Pitzgibbon, two years; B111WITTLE NHL council announced he appoint 1 Sunday sports was issue decided hy the voting a This aroused less enth asm thin the liquor vote hut here its new proved to he one of the signi events under the Ontario aroused considerable interest that will provide for another 100 among the voters of the town. ehildren The most controversial of the ADDITIONS plehseites was that of the five point liquor issue which brought yenr was marked hy the con polls Roman Catholle Church Of the five points put to the was compieted In time for Chris! liquor store, met with the ap te! e vole was the closing) the the he before the board none were Be town was in favor of allowing, cep the second €Ver, ppu-| the board arrive al an answer, she |" again the majority of the volers The "Mom' Whyte (rial also of the past year. many Berths "Mom" Whyte and th were charged with| felling to register thelr home| (en either; Mother will receive Children's flowers from Reed's Florists to ' Boarding Home Act and 8 case brighten her stay in hospital, dad] LONDON (Reuters) followed that received nation: yi" get 5 new shirt from. Paff's| party leader Hugh Gaitskell said {wide attention and lasted almost Men's Wear, For baby, there is Tuesday in a New Year's mess. AndiKemp's Drug Store, and all man "den the hearts of the parents Two important plebisciles gaged in an expansion program yertisement in this issue In the way of additions, this a record turnout of volers to the goo oiion of the new Bt, Joseph's which electorate only one, that of the mas services; the development of {the town's frst goll course which | promises to be 8 boon (0 the! community; snd the unveiling of | {Historical Sites Board Jlaqus | honoring Col, Charles R, r {1ough, Bowmanville, native and Is Withdrawn founder of the Canadian Club movement BOWMANVILLY, A charge The town councl) also received T8Ung (0 slop st a slop street an addition with election of Ken East Bruno Miller, of Row. Nicks ss councillor, alle was withdrawn Toes On the negative side the Dur- day m0 Magiizale B. B. Baxter ham County High School Board | evidence, failed to reach a solution to the! The charge followed an auto 15- month-old problem of selecting mobile accident at the intersee- site for a new high school, lon of King and Division streets le on November 24, The charge alleged that ted, Expectations are, hWow-'who hed been south igh that the new year will s6¢ Division street, (alled fo bring his car to a stop before crossing [King street which resnited in a collision with an essthound ear driven hy Frank Smith, of Bow. manville, | First Ajax Baby ' To Receive Gifts , Len artes, Bowmanvite AJAX -- The first Ajax baby of (the Miller car received extensive the new year is due to receive and the front of the valuable gifts from Smith ear was also considerably e merchants of the town, damaged, Mother and dad are not forgot: | === SEES 199 ELECTION Labor "Stop' Charge Although many proposals ¢ a m ein rr {# bottle warmer, baby needs from age to his supporters that a gen. eral election will "almost cer. tainly" take place In 19%, "We lean and we must throw out the Tories," he sald, 'we can and we must bring Labor hack to power." * ner of suitable gifts that will glad Vor details see the full page ad Enjoy i NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER wat the -- proval of the volers and man aged to attain the 60 per cent affirmative majority required. | I'he other four, the men's hever age room, the women's beverage SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANYILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 If you have not received your Times phone your carrier boy first, If you are unable to con: tect him by 7:00 p.m, TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Batween 7 +7130 p.m, Only FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX i you have not received your Times by 7 p.m, coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All alls must be placed before 0 pm, I] to date fs 00 65 Hot Hydro teams from all parts of the prov Ifoster mother refused to cease B g PLEBISCITES and defeated the squad from ; uh the 450 mark Old Home Week, however, Wright 466 and CIff Clarke 459. | week in July, The week began ed up a five-point lead at the top| Gifford, and the Rev. John Foote place menagerie of animals, The next 32; Alley Cats 31; Crew Cuts 31; Barley Park complete with races Carey, six years; C. Hage! man, Fitie NIL Apna hii merly depiity clerk of the city of | three months six years and Frank Waghorn He Rove 4 : PD Woodstock, as Mr, Lyle's re-| Although 'found guilty lince came to compete in the operations and is now busily en {mammoth contest Later the {Bowmanville - Orono Combines took on the United States Olym . Ten-Pin Loop across the border COBOURG Scores in the Vollowing this game the town newly organized Ten - Pin Bowl-'honored the U8. Consulate-Gen- ing League continue to improve, eral with a dinner Tom Krakenburg and Tom Bell proved to he the zenith of the topped the list with 406 each, Len year's celebrations as thousands Colley turned in 478 while Bill! of former Bowmanville eitizenty Sommerville hit 463, TOWN MIXED LEAGUE with official declarations hy the When the pressure Is on Ram: mavor and congratulations from blers seem to shine, Winners! ihe Lieutenant - Governor of On every year since they were form:|tario, the Hon, Keiller MacKny of the standings In the Town Mix-I MPP for Durham County ed Bowling League b lapping |" That same afternoon 87,000 the threatening Factenders 5 people witnessed a gigantic pa points to 2 to thwart the threal rade featuring hands, floats Team standing morning the children of the town Ramblers 05; Fastenders presented their own parade Dodgers 71 Monseheaders Later in the week the towns Toppers 63; Burley Bus 60 people enjoyed an old-fashioned High Singles -- Men: Bob Gold |and band concerts ing 204; Ladies: Pat Dawe 208 ANNUAL WALK High Triples Men: Layton! On July 12 the Orange Lodges five years, observe the birthday and placement given a suspended sentence the pie hockey team in the arena This week seven trundlers topped OLD HOME WEEK Wally converged on the town for one ed, Ramblers Monday night open-|the Mavor of Oshawa, Lyman of Eastenders of taking over first clowns, - beauty queens, and Rods 46; Lucky Strikes 40 community pienie at Cream of Dodge 741; Ladies: Pat Dawe 689, from all parts of the distriet! BROOKLIN HOUSE BROOKLIN, ONT, Super Tomato Juice Celery--0Olives--Cold Slaw Roasted Ontario Hen Turkey with sage dressing and Cranberry Sauce $2.00 75 cooked and served with onions 25 Large 3.00 Medium 2,50 Small 2,00 Creamy mashed Fresh Vegetables Pork Chops order for two 1, Single order 1 with Spiced Apple Sauce Our Specialty STEAKS Order, All individually Hot Homemade Rolls and Butter with all orders Desert Homemade pies Tea Coffee and Milk Children portions 1,00 1 fo cut, Vegetable potatoes This is the 25th year that The House of Seagram Mrs. Charles Pilton, housewife, one. In fact you might say our en. | threat of river flooding," he said of Ridout street, showed a keen tire of life de: "The deepening of the river chan Awareness of world affairs pends upon it, There is no better nel and continued tree planting! 'I feel that the new year will time new vear for indi. should results this year Aee a further testing of all our ac: viduals add the score and find I feel that persons who really cepted beliefs," commented Mrs. out how their personal game want to experience a Happy Ne \ Pilton he mounting strength of life wrson who Year should exper {ent hy see communist and undeveloped \ t ng ho 1 the an put tries of the far east will cause os neividy In 1949 instead of to reexamine our democratie in. to do his hest both for himael! and seeing v much they can get stitutions, In a way the competi: his fellow man," out democratic way than the ee to ol ol oun: has pa knows ohh al wm into itis up to ea the comn ho " Tonight when it's one for the road has published messages advocating Moderation in all things, THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM Voseph EB. Seagram @ Sons Eid, Waterdne, Ontario

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