Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1958, p. 3

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ity Clerk Is B unicipal Offi By L. R, BARRAND City Clerk The books will soon be closed for the year 1066 and the sum. maries, statements and reports on the year's activities will be completed some weeks later, Present indications are that they will reveal 1068 as having heen an outstanding year in the growth and orderly development of our city, Preliminary reports of other | © eity hall departments appearing on other pages of this newspaper will contain some Interesting | facts on what hes heen done in providing new and expanded serv: feces through the various depart: ments of the municipal adminis. tration, The eity clerk is, through the performance of his duties, the secretary to eity council and of boards and committees closely associated with the council and the work is, for the most part, 'paper work', Paper work is rather difficult to report on but there are the results of activities and work of some of the com mittees and hoards on which something might he said and i and Ald, Bint learned on Dee, | wrse, some statistics may that the final plans are nearing touched on which are al Ways i. completion, City counell will con Seronting, at least to us At the sider the final plans and, If ap 150 MEETINGS The clerk attends well over 150 '¢¢ meetings of all groups in 8 year he under way hy early and minutes are kept for more|the Home will be completed b than 100 of these meetings, the end of 1060 During 1956 and 1957 a pretty Low RENTAL HOUSING complete compilation of statistics i was done for the preparation of the Municipal Manual In those years, The manual was not print / ea ted ; ome thought is ing Commitee was Appointe Ao being. Eoven to preparing one der the chairmanship of Ald. for Joon. Sun, wid be a maner ated with the Housing Branch o As Yo Souney of Oshawa Hous the Department of Planning De ing Company Limited, I can re velopment in making a survey port that the 41-unit housing proj determine the need for low rent ect for elderly persons, on which al housing, The report indicated ¢ construction started in ' Sune 1967, need and the Departme nt ad ise was completed and officially it would approve a project of 4 opened on Aug, 22, 1056 hy the "™# : n, Matthew B, Dymond, minis-| City council, on Oct, 6, approves ter of transport for Ontario, The d recommendation of the commit oject provides excellent hous tee that application he made fo 4 accommodation for sixty-four # Af-unit project and severa of our elderly citizens at rentals areas were visited to selec very much below rentals for sim flar accommodation in the City All units were occupied on com pletion and a number of addition al rental applications are on flle, | On completion of the project, H | Hillerest drive, meets with its ap G. Chesebrough the city's welfare proval, City Council, at the same officer, took over management, |MeeLng, placed a price on (he The company will continue to own land and the department has beer and operate the project on hehalf advised accordingly, Considering of the federal government and the work involved, there has heer eity eouneil, very little delay in bringing the HOME FOR AGED iin gd The Home for the Aged Com-| Type hus system matter I» R, BARRAND preliminary skelches approved called immediately, The commit hopes that eonstruction ENring an contemplated hy city council, Or May 5, 1058 a Low Rental Hous council, on Dee, 15, that a site immediately north of 401, bounded on the west hy Noy | the Provincia) Government, Data working plans and specifications for a 200-hed home based on the duties carried on from year to proval is given, tenders will he a site, The department advised city gach year is one Indication of thelvale Highway | iy 1068 {mandy street and on the east by 1057 arrangement for a project to its Issued and a total of 1010 were piishments a reality, considerable has usy cial the eity clerk's office, The soclety has heen quite active In the past year and a project now under way i8.the collecting of historical data to qualify Wstorical sites for marking with bronze plaques hy | has already heen obtained on two ! sites and work Is proceeding on | three others, The area (0 he covered will extend 20 to 25 miles east, west and north of Oshawa The society will continue to eol- leet documents and articles of ploneer historic interest and fur ther work will he done toward ae quiring a suitable hullding for a museum, The society requests that. people in the area who have MAYOR L, A, GIFFORD articles or papers to contribute please contact the eity clerk, | want iin Mayor Sees tees and ofher organizations 1) V p j | dded | have luat The igh office yi Development satisfaction of contributing In this) St bili d this year bul there has been the way toward the development of | By LYMAN A, GIFFORD | the eity | Mayor of Oshawa There | In looking back in retrospect at the year 1068, we can find no are some of the regular {| year on which I might give a few 7 statisties VITAL STATISTICA The municipal clerks are, by thing spectacular in the way of eastern shore of Lake Simcoe and (been assisted by Civil Defen we find that|ineluding Scott and Brock Town with virtue of thelr appointments, the progress but rather Division Registrars of Births and our rapid development over (he Jill Deaths and Local Issuers of Mar-\past few years had heen temper. for evacuees 1ringe Licences Births and deaths ed and stabilized somewhat have heen registered in this way! More sleps have heen taken hy since 1006. In Oshawa these duties the hoard of education to cope require over 75 per cent of one with our ever Increasing popula person's time during the year, tion, with the opening of several § the $1 commission others and the erection of one \ for this work | secondary school on the marriage licences we Oshawa's population in| Since " # Hy F 1957 and |Dlished for our citizens In the ex 1050 "should expect some in tenslon of services for them in flopease in all registrations, Birth the way of sewers, lights and sgistrations In 1068 to Dee, 22 walter, Bleady Improvement bv 218 (1066 - 2075) 1 deaths 475] urred on a great many of our tl057 864), Marriage licences 5ireets and more particularly -on ) ine 10 , We ) For some |W arterial roads, thus assisting BOW i LIN on | temt has heen the the movement of (raffie vears Neplember ha 2 Wa have seen ti ' fi choice for weddings but in 1058 Ave ki completion of A ane back to] 24 low rental housing units for the preference ia, §on licences PENsioners and those of limited | (June, There were ba income, and plans have heen com issued in June and 48 In Beplem as the lowest pleted far a home for the aged in ri her, February was we low the north east section: of: the oils month with 20 issued The city on Its own, and also The number of bylaws passed In| through (he co-operation of pri individuals, has hrought 8 work being dome hy City Counell, | about an improvement In the 110 were passed as com: parking situation in the down to B1 in 147 and 118 injtown area Arrangements during 1068 with ARIA " [the County of Ontario have re 1010 LICENCES ISSUED sulted in a betterment of the ad The city clerk Is the tssuer of yiinicivation of justice with re \ loences with the exception of | tavance to the construction of the taxi, bleyele and some dog M-inew fail for the City of Oshawa There are 88 different ang: the County of Ontario of commercial lleences| To make any of these accom has | pared 1 Oenees | Lypes issued in 1068, Approximately money had to be spent and this 2000 dog leences will be Issued | must he expected in any growing in 1058 as compared to 2728 In|municipality such as the City of By 11.COL, ¥, §, WOTTON Civil Defence Co-ordinator The past year's activity of Civil Defence in this community has been one conforming to the general trend of events through out the world, As nations are required to meet and work together for economie and defensive needs so we, al the lower level of government have conformed to fit the ehanging defence patterns for self-pres ervation, In Osliawa and In the County of Ontario, after due considera ¥ tion, one eivil defence authority | for the entire county was sel up and eame Into heing April 1, This combined the former Osh awa Civil Defence Organization with the more recently formed one of the county, THREE, COUNTY AREAS Since April of this year, eon forming to the provincial survival plan for an alomie war (hreat, the county. has heen divided for civil defence purposes into three areas, That part comprised of the three southern townships bor dering on Lake Ontario 1s to he evacuated In the event of an Im pending altack Another area is the five north ern townships laying along the ships 1s to be a reception area The area in helween Reach, Uxhridge and Beugog townships is the "stand fast"' area and is to receive Civil Defence workers and most of their families Another housing project 1s heing| The only remuneration to the eity new publie schools, addition foly VACUATION MOVEMENT As those in the southern evacu | There has heen mueh mecom- Aton area are to move to (he eq) detection early In 1966, Fur area of Haliburton and Vietoria during July this vear, a series of local news paper and radio releases were presented to the publie,. The re lenses advised that In the even! of a Civil Defence emergency prolonged hldsts factory whistles and existing sirens would draw the attention of eit gens to listen to the local radio station for Instruction alen was a suggested list of food and elothing to he prepared in the event of such emergency In the latter part of the year Professor Jack Baker of Thorah township, was appointed to eo ordinate the reception plans for the five northern townships, To tudy reception problems, Profes sor Baker and the County Co ordinator, attended a week of billeting study at Orillia in No vember The Civil Defence services, mainly organized fo date In the southern area, has grown during the year, In the Rescue Bervice two 26-men teams are training in Oshawa, under Joe Garrett, one im in Plekering Township un counties of on 'Civil Defence In Area Is Reviewed L1€0L, ¥, 8, WOTTON cue team was sent to Arnprior [to take part In a National Civil Defence Exercise | A number of First Ald and conducted throughout the County By ¥, E, CROME City Engineer This year has heen another Jour of expansion of services to eep pace with the growth In population, The total expenditure for new construction In 1056 was $1,606,000, of which $302,000 was prepaid the owners of lots In new subdivisions, Expenditures in the various eategories were as follows: Bani tary sewers and connections, $62,000; addition to sewage (reat: ment plant, 975,000, storm sewers ond eateh hasine, 9218000; road paving and granular base, $272,000; grading and gravellin new roads, $244,000; bridges a culverts, $192,000; sidewalks, $65 000; miscellaneous, $46,000, Total, $1,655,000, SEWERS This year another elght miles of sanitary sewer was added (o the system, The Harmony Creek trunk sewer has heen continued northward from the intersection of Wilson road and Alice street | toms Nursing courses have been hy Red Cross Boclety and Bt John Ambulance, These have el material and equipment whenever requested Bo that first aid and res [training is more realistic, a Cas:| {ualty Simulation Course of 12 |students is presently being run.| Mr, Art Forsythe is conducting] this course assisted by Red Cross {instructors from Toronto | The Boy Seouts Association conducted a course In radiologl | | | ther courses are organizing for January for the Oshawa Police| and Wire Departments and the Boy Scouts, Equipment has heen) requisitioned from National Civil Defence supplies for training pur poses I ADIO OPERATORS TRAINED A course to train radio opera tors hegan this fall under Jich | the communications and aerials are heing tested and | [installed for the complete cover lage of the eounty The Oshawa Ambulance Berv jee under Greg Brady with the co-operation of local firms, has organi: d a number of provi sional ambulances which would he equipped In an emergency Many members attended one or [two week courses at the Federal [Civil Defence College, Arnprior [Subjects taken were Rescue, [Orientation, Plans and Opera tions, Doctors and Dentists Forum, Radiologieal Detection, Tral.ing Conférence and Co-ord [nator's Conference |" Mayor Lyman Gifford attended to its terminus at the intersection of Bimeoe street and Nonguon| road, The ground conditions en countered during the construction of this sewer have heen the most one AMficult ever encountered In thelfrom city In recent years, over such a long section of sewer Banitary sewers have heen con structed In 10 new subdivisions {In various parts of the gity dur ing the year Banitary sewers have also heen eonstrueted in the Sunset Helghts area of North Oshawa, and work has commenced on construction of the halance of the sewers In North Oshawa as far north as Russett avenue, When this work 15 completed M per cent of the population of Oshawa will be served hy sanitary sewers A total of 3% miles of storm sewers and various eateh basing have heen constructed this year some for new subdivisions and Published ard Britton, During this training|part to provide drainage for (he|this year and fit mil equipment | proposed paving program In 1059, (were treated, This now gives us of 1277] buildings a cost of This year a record sewer connections f(o [were constructed at | $160,000, SEWAGE TREATMENT The construction of a second primary clarifier or settling tank al the sewage treatment plant Is nearing completion and it will in crease the capacity of the plant from six million gallons per day te 7.8 million gallons per day, ROAD CONSTRUCTION Asphalt pavement and curb and gutter have heen constructed this year on the following streets where granular base had heen constructed previously Alice | TIE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednestey, December 31, 1958 § F, BE. CROME to Wilson road; Louisa street Stevenson road to Kaiser eres cent, Granular base, asphalt pave: {ment and curh and gutter have heen constructed on Park road Elgin street to Louse street, | Granular hase only was eon: [structed on Park road from (Louisa street to Annapolis av enue and on Annapolis avenue from Park road to Nipigon street Louisa street from Bimeown street to Kaiser crescent has heen widened and paved, This was the last stage In the paving of Louisa street from Bimeoe street to Btevenson road, The south-east corner of Ritson road and King street was widen. ed and a curb return constructed this fall Our program of surface treat: ment of gravel roads with asphall and stone chips was continued es of roads a total of 28 miles of roads with this low cost surface, Three and one-half (8%) miles of pavement were resurfaced In the same man ner | One mile of existing road was |regraded this year and A% miles of new roads were graded, Fight {and one-half miles of these roads (have heen gravelled and opened to traffie | The total mileage of roads in {the elty Is now 188 miles as com pared to 160 miles at the end of [1087, Of this total, 652 miles are [paved [ARIDGE AND CULVERT {CONSTRUCTION A new four-lane bridge Is under Expansion Of Services Costs City $1655,000 but the steel has now been erect. ed and the forming of the deck will be started in a few days, A new culvert has heen con structed to earry Harmony Creek under Wilson road Jost fh of Colborne street, This eulvert re places an Ad structure and it is expected that new eulvert, along with the raising of the road, will prevent the flooding of the road which formerly took place each spring, been cone across the Oshawa Creek to Join Erie street and Cordova road (0 provide an outs let to the east for residents In the Cordova road-Malags road ares, BIDEWALKS A total of B% miles of sides walks was constructed In various sections of the City, In addition, slaps were constructed to dt vide pedestrian access from ling avenue end Ortons avenues to Wilson road, MISCELLANEOUS Improvements were made to three municipal parking lots this year, The Athol streel west lot was enlarged and pav and converted into an attendant-opers ated lot, In addition, the lots at the corner of Bimeoe and Rich. mond streets and the corner of Athol and Prospect streets were paved, MAINTENANCE In addition to new construction the Works Department carried out the many routine jobs under its jurisdiction such as garbage collection, road and sewer main tenance, operation of the sewage treatment plant and erection and repair of traffic and street name signs, The cost of this work danounted to approximately $660, 000, BUILDING INSPECTION This year more bullding mits were Issued - for dwelling units than at any time In the City's history, Permits were sued for 982 single family dwell Ings and for 210 dwelling units In multiple dwellings or & total of 1142 dwelling units, This compares to 730 single family dwellings and 127 dwelling units in multiple dwellings mak Ing a total of #66 dwelling units in 1067 which was the previous re. cord year, Unfortunatey commercial and Industrial development has not kept pace with this tremendous residential expansion, The total value of bullding permits for 1068 in $16,602,118 which is broken down as follows: Industrial, $1,810,076; commer cial, #700,007; residential, $13, mittee, of which the city clerk peep reported on within the past in has acted as secretary, began in/(wo weeks and there 1s nothing February, 1067, to investigate the further 1 might say except that a ssibilitles of establishing a considerable amount of paper ome in Oshawa, The 1058 Com: | work has been done and since the|10 the me / x of Governors | mittee began its work on Feb, 6, |cammittee began working on the Cemetery Board 3 ld hokisid Uxbridge Public Utilities Com: |Dingley, Ted MeComb and Gerry|past year was the mobile rescue under the chairmanship of Alder: | matter one year ago there have and Courts of 0 ' pr George Ellis and a team in|the Civil Defence Conference for process of organization In Ajax, Canadian Mayors, and Reeves in PA A St lunder their Co-ordinator Don|November SIEGRIAT ELECTED [Dewden, Bill Hooey, Jim Newell, One of the most interesting Les Siegrist was elected to the Rill Wassel, Mike Colleran, Harry happenings in Civil Defence this street, Ritson road to Oshawa |construction over the Canadian 075,071, boulevard; Elmgrove avenue National Railways on Ritson road| The record year in value of pers Park road to shopping centre; south, This project was consider: mits was in 1068 when the total |Eulalle avenue erdun road!ably delayed hy the steel strike|was $17,200,074, 1958 Busy Year For Fire Dept. 1067 Oshawa is today There are the responsibilities of the city elerk such as secretary | Parks Board and Union | rr gram is designed to point out te the home owner or occupant, the many potential or existing fire hazards that exist in the home today, Conducted by on<duty pers sonnel in thelr own station areas in vehicles equipped with twos way radio, this program allows for the inspection of homes and still provides immediate response to an alarm of fire, This program was in operas tion from the middle of May te Oct, 81 and during this period a total of 3073 calls were made and 2208 actual inspections conducted, 3378 INSPECTIONS The Fire Prevention Bureau continues to operate at capacity Hy GORDON A, WANDLESS Planning Director The time In which we live 1s a time of challenge, for in the next 25 years the population of Can ed, A 1b-acre site In the Hills anc for public lability and property Even James Martin [In October, am operational res-|larged and repeated next year, L] [J and the department of public up of a museum in the city and In the first part of this report Community Planning and homes in 8t, Catharines, Kit-|and Distriet Historical Society as important steps and highlights | Assoolates, were authorized hy secretary of the organization the interest to all other citizens as The following is a brief sum. brought the building boom of the Oshawa Civic Ambulance Service people who were to live in them,| 'The year to date has heen one man R, C, Bist when a number | heen twenty or more meetings list preparation, nominations and mission in the vote last Monday, [Reid ave instructors who assist!eolumn move on Oshawa In Au:| Dales subdivision was the| In 1057 eity council passed a damage and many other duties welfare, Since that time 18 Com: subsequent meetings of a special|l have given some information ehener and Renfrew were visited, being constituted, It was agreed in the development of the elty| By i. R, HOBBS _eity counell, on Nov, 3, to prepare secre tarial work may he done in|well mary of the activities of the Osh industrial revolution, when towns | for the period Jan, 1 to Dee, 19, towns in whieh there were no of the busiest on record, beth in of proposed siles were consider: oLLECT HISTORICAL DATA |election, claims against the eity He polled 328 votes to the 81 votes|in the Rescue Training {gust, Tt 1s hoped this can be en | unanimous choice of eity council resolution approving the setting which are mare or less routine, | mittee meetings have been held | committee resulted in the Oshawa on what we in city hall consider The architects, John B, Parkin that as long as the eity clerk isin 1068 and which | hope are of Important For Future Fire Chief v | awa Fire Department and the 98.03 Per Cent Of 1958 were bullt with no thought of the | 1058, parks, insensate industrial towns (the Fire Service and Ambulance Tax Levy Has Been Paid Tax Collector CLARENCE 1, COX Tax ollections in Oshawa dur ing "8 were better than in 1947 The main reason for the iw crease is attributed to the new modern system of tax ledger card filing Installed during the latter part of 1957 at whieh time actual collection procedures had to he aside in order to set-up this better system in the Tax Col lectar's Department | This change involved re-copying § extensive tax information from over 18,000 old large cumbersome 16 inches by 11 inches ledger cards (first set-up in 1631 under COMING EVENTS NEW YEAR'S EVE ANCE TONIGHT LOCAL 10%0 UAW, -- AJAX UNION HALL CEDAR ST, $5. PER COUPLE Turkey Band set Hy CLARENCE L, COX a "blind" inches hy filing system) to a new 1 with many ad vantages; mainly requiring floor space and more econom ical expansion possiblities alon with considerable increase of el [fic fency and time savings to bat cal card [the taxpayer amd to the Tax Of [fice staff | [CURRENT 1058 TAXES Out of a total 1958 tax levy [$5,500,754 there has been $3.41 177 collected representing 98.0 per cent of current taxes, 1 1957, the percentage Was 97.1 per cent for Oshawa Out of a total 1958 business ta $861,892 there has hee ecallected representin Buffet levy of ha SHH AT BINGO OSHAWA KIM IMEN CLUB TUESDAY, JANUARY 6th 20 $20 Gar ) full ¢ 5 { ION $1.00 It JUBILEE PAVILION 12 Inches visible verti less 305¢ our mutual advaniag ada 1s expected to double, while the trend is towards a greater and greater ooncentration of population In existing metropoll 90.90 per cent of current busi #8 ness tax levy, The 1087 business ian areas of Canada, one of the collected In 1067 was 00.30 cent, 1 tax { per largest of which 1s the Metropol | tan Toronto area, Due to Osh ARREARS COLLECTIONS UP awa's close proximity to Toronto Collections during 1058 of prior and Its direct linkage hy Pravin 8 voars' arrears also shows a de: [lal Highway and vail, the City cided Improvement over 1087, Out® Oshawa may he expected to of a balance of (1937 and prior|receive the offshoots of the explo vears) arrears carried froward ive development of this Metro from Dee, 41, 1087, amounting Poti to $185,010 there remains only: We must beware that this ex $10,015, This shows #728 percent pected growth may, without care of sueh arrears have heen col: ful planning, be a detriment to lected during 1068 compared ofthe city; for, if we allow unplan 70.12 percent during 1957 ned growth, mixed land uses, Although ordered early In 1088 and wasteful suburban sprawl we through the approval of the 1058 will build for ourselves a city of Mayor and Council, whom we sin: aliness and mediocrity, In an cerely thank, we do not expections when material well heing is! delivery of the two new national at Its peak we must consider ash registers until Fehraary,\yyman values as well as property 1930 have heen recom: |. oc mended the tax department for many years back but were THE OSHAWA REGIONAL nat approved before, due to many PLANNING ASSOCIATION other more important equipment I'o he successful the planner of felt more necessary during those today must "extend his thinking years, There are many im |and planning beyond his -own provements which have been nunicipal boundaries; and th « added throughout the past 10 0ity or town should be vegarded VOArs upon the treasurer's and, as an enclosed separate en volleetors recommendation ji, hat as part of a region (mally more ta eome) and wo appreciate the various vears fhe Oshawa Regional Planning councils' procedure With caution Association brings together elect in approving only the most ne of representatives and memhers cossary. with commendanation of °F the Planning Boards of Osh the taxpayers' ability to pay lawa, Whithy, Bowmanville, Dar [lington Township, Whithy Town ANOTHER GOOD YEAR ship and East Whithy Township On the whale it is felt that 1938 sa that problems common ta all heen another extremely sue: {may he discussed; thus the dupht Oshawa tax collection cation of services or the ereation and when the Ontario Mu: (uf incompatible land uses near niclpal Statisties Comparison Re [municipal boundaries within the nart is published in 1939 for 1938, |pegion may be avoided it 1s hoped that the efforts of the \ lax department staff ave again Throughout 1958 the hown hy Oshawa's tax collection| 1 ional Planning Association ating first place far the 12th! "N accomplished much in the consecutive year in their group/®Verall planning of the Regional of comparable Ontario elties with Perhaps the hi populations of 20,000 ta 120,000. (Achievement this yea \ At this vear's end, may 1 take April when the Central Lake this opportunity of sincerely Ontario Author thanking the tax office staff was established hy the Minister of loyal, efficient and sineere|llanning co-operation throughout this vear: | Was the direct \ I! depart tive of and the ment staffs!hy the Oshawa in con | MRE As nation almost every IgaNING. PROTECTS id : de PET PROPERTY VALUES he These hy 0 1] 1 cessful nl year \ xX n Oshawa area § W TM) Conservation ly toy he wd Development sult the round \ Re nal i \ \ many other and thely oontinually \e al official i) are Oelation pro conpe and Oshawa vag NB able \ the approva Municipal Board on § 1, 1058, and inevitably Planning Board haa had Ww spend compa Ontario cities with wham we have larie \ exchanged tax collecting ideas to] ary he G, A, WANDLESS where man lost all contact with nature, Fortunately men of viglon were sometimes able to make themselves heard, as In New York when George Olmstead stir red the people of that eity to acquire a large piece of land and preserve the area for park; this park, now in the centre of New York is Central Park, now part of the very soul and character of that great city, As Oshawa grows and the lefsure time of our eltigons In oraases through shorter working hours, It is imperative that open apace he preserved, not only for parks of the playground type, but for hortieultural and sedentary parks with shady trees where the alder people ean quietly sit and enjoy the evening of their lives fhe Oshawa Planning Hoard has this year been condueting alnear future It Is anticipated that|fire, September 2, | Department | To date the responded to (alarma from [orease of 136 period for 1057, Of this total 20 alarms were In the Township of East Whithy, an [inorease of 11 over 1087, and in Darlington: Township, The re were a total of 50 false alarms in this period |LOSS UP 110 PER CENT Oshawa's 1060 fire loss figures (are. the highest since 1063, For the period covered by this report, our fire losses have shown an increase of approximately 10 department has a lotal of 658 all causes, an Ine over the same pleted, with 44' pavement, from Park Rd, to Ritson Rd, In the a good deal of time on adminis: series of surveys connected with|this street will be opened to Fare tration of the new hylaw, This has been most worthwhile, since the Zoning Bylaw proving to he a useful tool for properly util leing land areas within the oity to make the greatest possible con trihution to employment opportu nities and the health, comfort convenience and living amenities OF our eltizgens THE COMMITTER OF ADJUSTMENT On Marveh 3, 1068, council ap pointe a Committee of - Adjust ment, The committee was set up 10 grant minor relief from the re striotions of the Zoning Bylaw in those cases applicants - would alherwise undergo undue 18 thardship, and where the granting Hw retial would not confliet with public interest, The adminis ration of applications 1s the re ponsibility of the Planning Stati 100 applications for re hoen sinee meeting May amd over lief I 1k PARKS STUDY One of the most pre lem As lus that mrocessed of 21st have first sing prob in ost provid Oshawa towns 1s rial in ol ng ad te OF parks amd 11] eq Space 11 the pay ark build problem n \ | to Ce saoritiee Lor all tim bh hap have the advantage of hh what has \ 10 oak edd In he ( von both vA vhen Ho WKS wa wel wheh new al proces and new discovered sources of power on during an i WOLOg ic 0s to o a comprehensive Parks Study so that adequate parkland will he well §t | (®) Ritson Rd NH, R, HORRS wer cent over 1067, Estimated ire loss to date $326,188.11, The greatest contributing fae tor to the Increase In fire loss [figures was the Woolworth Store 1068, which accounted for 64 per cent of the total losses, and the Motor City Bowling Alley fire, which ae | A new bridge planned for and allocated as the over the CNR will be completed counts for an additional 14 per elty develops; we already know that Oshawa at present has sulticlent park acreage, only 32 acres per 1000 persons, but the study is taking into consideration not only the amount of park re: | quired, but the type of park and tha distribution of parkland As the study progresses there will he meetings with recreation al clubs and publie meetings, so that the final parks plan will ex | press not only the thinking of the planning board hut also the needs | and wishes of the eitizens of Osh awa IMPLEMENTATION OF PLANS | Plans ave effective ance they we transformed from the draft ing hoard to physieal reality on| the ground, 1 Is Interesting tol nate some examples of this trans farmation Major Street Plan « (a) Louisa) St has been developed as a major ¥ artery between Stevenson road and Simeoe 8, Almost #1 the land "has been acquired to link Louisa and Alice streets, thereby | providing a eross-town artery which hy-passes the central com mereial distriet (th) Mary street The prop erty has heen acquired to produce Mary St, southerly fram King St Athol St, The First Rapist Chureh heen demalished to provide tor this extension Church street Properties have heen acquired for the widen in Chureh Stand also to pro elimination of the Jog with Centre Nt ) Wentworth 8 0 has vile toy \ hw sam {during 1069 (1) Valley Drive section of thir important south artery has been opened (his year between Thomas St, and Rit [son Rd, providing a second ac {cons 10 Lakeview Park (g) Park Rd now improved with 93° pavement between Rloor Stand Louisa St, and a granula hase hetween Louisa 8t, and An! napolis Ave Publie School Plan: Tt is inter eating to note that this plan when developed in 1056 called for 10 ad dittonal sohool sites whieh will he required to serve the City when we reach a population of 90,000 people, Bight of the 10 sites have now heen acquired hy the Board of Education and three new sohools have heen erected OTHER MAJOR RESPONSIRILITIES The Planning Board {8 vespon sible for the design of sub divisions with arrangements for sewers, watermains, eleotrioity| and roads, also the vehabilitation | of certain aveas, and the best lo cation of Commerce and Industry as well as housing; other duties ave the overall program of sehool sites, the location and arehitec ture of publie buildings, and ohureh sites I'he job of the Manning Boand 8 to guide growth In the city while never losing sight of this ahlective to put human values first and make the City of Osh Awa a heautitul and pleasant place for people to live A further north: | cent, These two fives have theres fore accounted for 70 per cent of Oshawa's five loss Realleing the need for a pros gram that would assist in the reduetion of home fires, the Osh. awa Fire Department, Inaugurs lated a WALLS WASHED By a new modern machine, No Fuss, No Muss, Lew Rates RA 5.1278 "Home Inspection pros {Hram during the year, This pros and during the year a total of M78 Inspections of homes, faes tories, apartment, public and mercantile bulldings was carried out, Fire drills have been held in all city and township schools, and members of the staff have at. tended at various meetings to speak on Fire Prevention and wow films, In addition to these regular ine spections, the Inspectors have also made 94 Inspections of ofl burners and gasoline tank ine atallations, Through the co-operation of The Oshawa Times, Radio Stas tion CKLH and local advertisers {we have heen able to bring the message of five prevention to the cltigens of Oshawa and distriet, The work of the Oshawa Civie Ambulance Service has also ine creased, During the period Janus ary 1 to Dec, 19 the Ambulance Service has answered a total of 1992 calls, an increase of 108 over the same period in 1057, Every effort has been made to provide the citizens of Oshawa with the finest service possible, and we have recelved many compliments HARE OPTICAL JOHN A, OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST, EAST w= HOURS == ? AM--8 PM, Wed, Unthh 12130 Sab, Until 3330 0 PHONE RA 3.4811 For an appointment THE SALVA Simcoe § 10:30 Watch Night Service Conducted by COMMISSIONER WYCLIFFE BOOTH ALL WELCOME -- TION ARMY T, SOUTH PM,

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