Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1958, p. 2

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'City Assessment Up $5157,475 During Year : eeu o By W. ELDON KERR BUILDING CLASSIFICATION | 40) New Year's day reception. fu, sambers of the board of The following Is the total num-| ne officers will parade in thelr|education, Warden of Ontario ber and classification of certain|"blue dress" uniforms and will|County Cyril Morley, several high bulldings located in the eity; | welcome the visitors, The recep- school teachers, all the prinei- > ' ok {ORB _.|tion begins at 10.30 a.m, and con-|pals, and Walter Beath, Reeve of i Single Family Homes (owner oe cliuden at approximately 1 pan. |East Whitby Township, cupied) 11,162; Single Family! "ro co) Morley C, Finley said| Lt.-Col. Finley stated that all Homes (tenant occupied) 1,751; that this reception has been athe officers of the Ontario Regi- Single Family Homes (vacant uyn-|{radition for many years, that all iment must be present at this re- finished 238; Duplexed Homes members of her majesty's| ception, Before the conclusion, a 120; Apartment Bldgs, 103; Mul invite the dignitaries of representation from the officer's tiple Family Homes 223 immer that municipality on New Year's mess is sent to the sergeant's| Cottages 149; Stores 586; Garages) ay . mess where New Year's greet: and Service Stations 94; Manufac mess | ings ar xchangd, | turers 42; Churches 47; Schools ---------------- 34; Office 'Regt. Officers Reception Hosts Civic dignitaries will be enter- president, is in charge of the [tained Thursday by the officers event, Invited are lawyers, doc Medical Health Officer Favors Rental Project ! ization DR, C, C. STEWART ua proced rodents and insects, waste dise Medical Officer of Health were carried out in the elinies by| posal, garbage, animals and pouls The medical officer of health | PF: Cc C Blewan, Medical Offi: w, ete, A total of 265 such com wishes to draw attention to the re- eat of Health. ationdanes ak merits were Investigated and ace Berta on these pages by Mish, ur Child Health Centres, [Sony ken where deemed neces fi | 127 persons were registered in Public Health Nursing; by Dr. J.|¢,e Bini classes with an at-| COMMUNICABLE DISEASES E. Watt, revisor of Environ. tendance of 1041, Visita are made to homes | where major communicable dis. menial Sanliition. snd by ENVIRONMENTAL Chapman, Plumbing Inspector, | A eases ex Shape Andicate some of the work| SANITATION SECTION force pres 8 Bgl Bo it accomplished by the chairman,| A second Sanitary Inspector, uch calls were made, the members, and the staff of the yapoiq Robinson, was added to) A program of chest x-ray e Local Board of Health during ne staff in June, 1986, filling a |ination of food handlers Ta 1958, {long standing need, Mr, Robia-\and hairdressers was Phertio All associated with the health vo presence makes possible a during the year, This program | department v/ish at this time t0|,.000 * comprehensive program, arranged so that empinyes - voived is examined every second The appointment of another in- tor resulted in year, A total of 492 persons were an trative change, with the writer examined this year, ! being named as supervisor of en-|the x-rays is Bapoar, Toe Ontarie vironmental sanitation and being | County Tuberculosis Association, responsible for the carrying out mye precent Rabies epidemic in {wildlife presents a problem of of this phase of the health pro- major concern, and many report gram, A summary of the year's activities appears below, ed animal bites were Investigated FOOD CONTROL ad appropriate action taken e deeme visable, T A program of milk eontrol was conf! i sg Ee eontinued as in previous years, t being taken| Were reported in foxes, and one with monthly samples being 0 8 Gun Wik (ones and one from the #3 raw producers supply- w Assistance wa in the Oshawa, market, Bacterial lle "cloion sponsored by he 98.9 per cent were satisfactory, |» ders! KOvernment, at which which Is the highest quality yel| " dogs And cats were given achieved in the local shed, Farm. | #ht7ables vaccine, ers may well he proud of this| record, Woekly samples were| also taken of the various products) processed hy local dairies, as well | as from dispensing devices in egt-| ing establishments and from stores manufacturing their own| fee-cream, In all, 1112 raw| samples and 1162 pasteurized) amples were taken Inspection of meat sold in Osh- awa is mandatory, and while well over 90 per cent of the local sup- ves pvice!r ply is obtained from abattolrs r-years of service! The volume of inquiries and very groups and Individuals outside of | nder Federal control, one local Cox, general fore-|tangible negotiations with sub-|the department without whose slaughter house is in' operation plant, 45 years;| stantial Industries during the past|conce rn, understanding, and co A total of 810 animal eAreasses Hewson, maintenance, few months has convinced those| operation the public health pro-|were § ood. dur the year 15 years; Willi Kichko, fina are \ ) is ac-lgr {were inspected during the y y am , final\who are fully aware of this ac-igram in Oshawa would be less| Local food processing: plant s, members of city council, His Worship Mayor Lyman Gif- 1 appreciate the opportunity afforded me by The Oshawa Times to submit the following re- § port on the 1958 Assessment, for the City of Oshawa. The year 1958 was a busy one | for the Assessment Department, Approximately 21,500 calls were made by the assessors in the per- Aormance of their regular duties and an additional 1800 calls were required to pick up additional ¢ new dwellings and new commer- v cial buildings plus additions to § existing residential, commercial and industrial buildings. During the period Jan. 1 and Oct, 31, 1958 $2,674,995 assessment was added to the supplementary roll, under Section 51 of the assessment Act, This amounted to an additional $87,964.13 In tax rev- enue to the city for the year 1958, 2755 POPULATION INCREASE The past year s our popula- of by 2755 to a new (according to age, and 1,912. For those who may | fiures for comparative ted in the breakdown | they are as follows; the ervice | Major J. R, Warnica, 7. E. MelAUG See Bright Future For City Industry By T. E. MeLAUGHLIN Industrial Commissioner ite During the five months since {the appointment of a new indus [trial commissioner in August, the Industrial Commission has been engaged primarily in laying the W. ELDON KERR es numerous hac h of b » inter¢ 3 Yrs. and Under B306 4904 342 Total 1912 7 16-19 20-50 2657 20302 2478 28613 179 659 67 89 10-13 14 2378 213 3702 758 2127 2014 3333 703 46 199 369 B55 15 696 641 65 4 1401 1308 9 § 1355 1202 153 1668 1967 population it tinue increase in longer possible to cc dividual attention, "The would be greatly appreciated families moving into or reloca in the eity would contact thi partment between Jan, 1 and 15. This 'vould insure Gl qualified persons would cluded on the voters list 241 ASSESSMENT APPEALS, department ble for either del from taxable to re-|exempt, one transferred from ring or|exempt to taxable, 32 changes In ximately 10 as- description, the balance of six ap- notices during 1958 and peals by the department tal of 243 appeals were enter-| Listed below are figures show 34 appeals onl|ing the total 1958 assessment as aluation, 15 on business revised by the Court of Revision sment, 133 on school sup- compared with the 1957 Assess: wdditions were made to|ment as of Dee, 31, upon which a Four properties were'full year's taxes was payable Bulldings Total $65,478,345 $00,394,860 $60,796,875 $85,237,386 $4,681,470 $5,157 475 |transferred } The was refore ment * DR, C, C, STEWART t same Oct ! assessors who make the annwgal within the city many persons may KILLS GROUNDHOG this situation by making. diligent % a ; imas. The animal was sitting in| 70 and DRIVER INJURED 22 29 M {Richard Schmiedl, 1157 Ravine Stanislaw Jaworowskl, 818 Simcoe | expected to result in the influx of {in $400 damage to the vehicles, | The Industrial commissioner Is| be Bix employes of General Mo-iand will he very much surprised |the efforts of our elected repre The voters list is compiled from ' the information obtained by the CITY AND i calls to each and every residence DISTRICT However, due to the constant : +! moving and relocating of families be omitted from the voters list Albert Callabay, RR 2, Sunder In past years this department hi land, killed a groundhog in a fi¢ld made every effort to overcome FREE : {during the week hefore Christ the 1957 inquir and |the snow apparently sunning him-| purposes, calls i | self, Callabay was able to kill i Due to the sudden growth and gs g b with a stick | 60-64 659 Over An Oshawa motorist was slig 1923 1208 2021 i ly injured in the only accident re. 1631 1176 1967 Wl ported in the city Tuesday road, sustained a bruised knee and cut nose when his car was in ground work and initiating the collision with & car driven hy long term plans which are fully street south, The accident occur. |NEW industry and further expan- {red at the intersection of Simcoe Sion of existing industry during {and Conant streets, amd resulied|the next few years HERBERT CHESEBROVGH | . {very optimistic about the future of | p . RETIRE 8 AT GM lindustrial expansion in Oshawa |express their deep appreciation of | Need For Aid tors, with a total service of 189 if we do not welcome at least one| sentatives, of the physiclans of years, retired recently, The vet: (new industry to the city In 1959, [the city, and of the many other |erany with their are: John C {man, chassis Edgar A OLD COOKING The primitive method of broil Ing meat was by ving $1 hot Business $12,481,500 $12,312,600 $168,810 yur ashes Jame |E Read, maintenance, 40 vea: By HERBERT CHESEBROUGH and Chester Spreeman, engineer Welfare Administrator |Ing, 34 years, 1 A considerable Increase in un-| MONEY ORDERS STOLEN Plan Addition To Cannon Schoo The Oshava Board of Educa-'had made possible tion, at its meeting Tuesday,|timer and the school Dramatic rtment closed out its activities for 1958 | Club raised the money to improve I, G, Chesebrough, ety wel- by taking a gilantstep into next|stage lighting. It was a e of tare administrator, stated that a a year's building program and lay-|initiative on the part of lent shane in the Unemployme by KE cha | ployment Re WR 4 {ing groundwork for a proposed groups to add something to the of Act last December making | rector of CNR's Investigation de employment, coupled with a num-| A warning Ty | MONTREAL - velfare Programs, ithe public to check new ned to make 1958 a busy for the Oshawa Welfare De- om} the sport {Express money orders submit y CG 192159 Inclusive stolen from a Mont lief emp nder ation nd the Nur HAROLD E. TRIPP dav nec o-day exc vint m rizes for the second child bom A bin In the New Year dliture accounts will have deficits and for enue wil and plus for When were belr { $1 mun Ase timulat coun t ar Are a Becatse oule ® a extension fa Ko chonl Drynan felt to comply wit) to cor Thi se N request ned vould he and ou hool was referred to the f the special man of the 19560 4 ns Se i dy ing nent committee 1 n January etter pointed out that get nd from school under ad ther conditions was dif-| ie children, some of much as a mile Brown said the mes outh nt project issue xceeded will be ands owned financing during of debenture to $1,849,682 retirements Capital ted anting weting six-room addition to Dr. C, F.|school ible persons eligible {or | PArtment, The money orders to Cannon Public School y SistuanGs . {watch for | PUPILS TO OTTAWA " ' t accounted for most of the re A request by Principal COMUNE They were 3 {by M. Brown to immediately seek poh od ee wo ole A e. Previously only un [5 2¢Y ng the Act, Other new legls-| room addition to the crowded jo oo yin in Ottawa was grant. included the Homemakers | | school, id oki |of eight classrooms and a gen-| During 1958 the welfare depart . . t d an unprecedented num session, subject to board aj indigent hospitalization in-| 1 |allowed for addition of six rooms quired board permission In order , Hospital Services Act eom |tendent of public schools, felt the |sion possible eciplents of pub- H S ] J wonderful co-operation in present ave u us possibility of a new separate amp for Ontario riding 1 y ina on IP 0 lo ga I'he opening of Halliday Manor, | 0 0" iho bahy, others for the | " n non school population sufficlently| iy ment ire of the year, There are 41 A survey of current operations| Dr. Elliott estimated the enrol iby Trustee G, K. Drynan Instruct happy with their ac the addition would be completed. |Jobs that could he done and which o great welfare need in Osh.| Oshawa, Westmount Enst offset the debit balances |The list would aceompan) Applications for thig|the list of prizes elsewhere In the estimates for 1988 to Principal - H, E, Murphy of such work done heen additional use of |attendance as to the exact date 400 or the straightening, dent body 'to proceed with installa- projects in an effort to cll committee for a/than noon, Jan, 13, 1959 he largest amount ever| Stage lights valued at $150 of this, Mi |cislon regarding the contest win for this purpose in the Each project Is being financed sible way ners will be final + over the CNR on Ritson board members asked Mr.imend street vhich is being financed Murphy to express thelr thanks provemd vhen the various a 5s wheter or Sot He students prove beneficlal to chil completed but|should be permitted to pay foritp school a | MP Murphy pointed out that the Mi " he . 1958 improvements were not necessary ents living on Farewell aver described in the letter and after cil and Boys' Athletic Assoclation'for 16 pupils attending Ge | for the hoard should adopt a general |F'% either to provide transpor- gi at December 31, 1958, is $13,. Ie 1 of Public Utll 1068 trustees and two new mem-| ts Inaugural meet relief assistance under a means| CG 1% The board approved a motion | te i 192120 increas real office, approval of provincial and civic Vocational Institute to pe yable persons were eligible | off) ¢: - a ---- - officials for erection of the six group of his students to visit Par ™ od Nurses Services Act and! rst ad a : ng Home Act | The Cannon School is made up| group of students had organ | fzed a trip to see parliament in | eral-purpose room with provisions in the original design having proval, Students will finance their tion any as the resul v to the north wing and four to the| WD trip, travel by train and re ployment, With the On| M y P 1 . | west. Ito take off the one F Yan. 1. 1959. the] an rizes S awa 0 [ Dr. CM. Elliott, superin-isary to make the tu hould benefit eon-| Oshawa merchants are showing addition of six rooms would prove A letter was received will be covered for ; . adequate and not too much, The 1 ahor Minfste Mick a . ing a host of prizes to welcome y ¢ 1 {the first 1960 baby, Some prizes |achonl being arected in He ds board to do all the rk it ) a's low rental apartments By HAROLD FE. TRIPP {trict would not decrease the Lan-| ger ty help stimulate re elderly persons, was a bright | C tt ity Treasurer to justify a smaller addition. The board approved a mot ments at Halliday Manor far the tenants have heen | " for 1988 reveals that some expen ment at Cannon would jump to|ing the chairman of the proper! ae Wiss the ity of Oshawa 470 by next fall when it was hoped | committee to draw up a list {This includes Harmony, North while others will have surpluses Current "enrolment is 408 com- would come under federal ng 1958 was once agajn|Whithy whi along with additional rev pared to 393 in November |provincial grants for s p me the aged accom | Entry forms appear along with the net results will be a sur. TO INSTALL TIMER [commendation fo city council tupe of care continued to Inc rease | this paper. The entry form must the year The hoard granted permission|study the possibility of h 1 | nly alternative in urgent(be certified by the physician in 7 discussed an amount Oshawa Central Collegiate Insti Federal and provincia homes, During the year and precise time of birth provided to pur. tute to allow members of the stu-| made avallable for e completed by a spe- I'he entry must be in not later widening of streets|tion of a $600 sports timer in the winter empl er for Oshawa and 1969) Three judges will be appointed » the flow of traffic, [BY™ and improvement to school! able for wor struction well ad-|by The Oshawa Times. Thelr de widget and does not' in through student organizations and | Mr Starr's s development at the in accepting the surprise offer the schools, a debenture It Is ex to hie stagent body : od be carrie t the above amount will hen the question was raised schools here such Ww fiset } _|something which might perhaps| TRAN + A v sot on © be the responsibility of the board, SEEK TRANSPORTATION 38 ity A letter from a number issues hut desirable. The student coun-|south asking for transportatio ild be sald of perhaps 20 places e ( and because of this the t Increase was $1,073, yolley J. The total amount outstanding] ation or not | ' 959 hoard, made up of 10 350 schools er 11 hold -- " . an. 8 in the OCVI board rovements COBOURG ~- Funeral services HELEN JANE WILSON Sed 8 00, Lax 9,012 3! UX ) ox MRS. VIOLET M, P. BURWASH FUNERAL OF 1 at § pm, WEATHER TORONTO (CP)-Official fore. | e ca issue by the hlic thejcasts 153ued 1y Ue Mo SERVICE SPEAKER Synopsis: The last day of the | Commissioner Wycliffe Booth, | began with clear skles| Mational commander of the Sed- | across most of Southern Ontario, | Yation Army In Canada will temperature dropped near to| conduct the Watch Night ser at London during the! vice In the Oshawa Citadel to ewhere in the southern! night. The commissioner will he is temperatures were gen-| accompanied by his wife and a wally above the zero mark. | party of assisting officers: from Milder air from the prairies ls| the Toronfo headquarters ; eastward across North | and sur other debt were held Monday here for Mrs High requiem mass wa In addition, the city i8/yin1et Pearl May Burwash, of 324 In $t Gregory's Roman Cathe » liable for the repayment of priqge street, Belleville, who was| Church at 9 a.m, today for Hele 54,000 assumed from the Town-lpined Dec. 24 in an automobile [Jane Brady who died at the ho » of East Whitby upon annex. asllision west of Toronto. of her nephew, John Brady, 257 ition Mrs. Burwash, 86, Is survived Louisa street last Sunday fhe adoption of the five-year hy a daughter, Audrey Jane Dean Paul Dwyer sang tal expenditure program, Siubhs, of London, There Is one | Mass Interment was In Ht which became operative in 1038, hrother, Ray Bray, at Cold ory s Cemetery . assisted In the sale of debentures Springs, and three grandchildren, ¢ The pallbearers were Cyril yea it 1s now possible to inform Byron, 11, Kent, 9, and Terry, 7 Sharpe, James Brady D vid : tive purchasers of the| predeceased by her husband,|and A Frank rads, hind ve # are to be under nrg Burwash was a member of 3 : ht El taken | future on a planned Bridge street United Church, | FUNERAL OF and p essive basis | Belleville, Order of the Eastern] ARTHUR M., CORDON 1g by the federal and |Star, Civil Servants' Assoclation,| The memorial service for Ar. | authorities monopo-| Belleville Business and Profes- thyr M. Cordon, 180 Mill street » investment market for sional Women's Club, and Wom: | who died at the Oshawa General n ay Greg as prospec A. Spearing, assistant di-| mother and father. There are also| | To qualify the parents must re. in and without [ACQUIRE HARBOR LAND During the past five months the to|eity has arranged to acquire in- the serlal| dustrial land in the harbor area {numbers of all Canadian National | and plans are going ahead quick ly for the formation of a harbor | [ted for cashing in denominations|commission which will protect the| [of $25 to $100 was Issued today harbor area and facilitate the lo. cation of industries which reauire Through adver. BION Wh work | nost w {harbor facilities, tising and pergonal contact dustrialists and Industrial | velopment people throughout tario and abroad, Those who have any interest in harbor land and) Supervisor, Public Health Nursing | harbor development are becom: ing aware of the fact that Osh ploys 10 staff nurses and one { sesses the last potential: | supervisor who provide a general lv good harbor on the north shore | ized publie health nursing service va po lof Lake Ontario | Since August the conimis which enables us to provid . | li Durin Year | findsh, 30 years; Charles 8, Lake, tivity that results will be obtain: |effective | body Inspection, 25 years 8 ed and Oshawa will gradually and s|logically expand both from with: medical officer that one of the hear serialafiumbers|the potential of the Oshawa Har: | |bor 1s being made known to In| de On industrial |" jon has obtained soil tests | tf™*yeveral industrial areas in the leity and a comprehensive factual | data hooklet has been prepared al better and more meaningful serv ice to industrial prospects INDUSTRY EXPANDING Among the local [tries Ltd, industries program, which have either announced or| SERVICES RENDERED begun exnansion plans in the city during 1968 are Houdallle Indus-{, op b ith sursing sta Duplate of Canada y the publi health nursing # Ltd., Pedlar People Ltd., Coulter Manufacturing Co, Ltd, and Hen- {derson Concrete Products Ltd not mention commercial projects other manufacturing Although |"new" to certainly augers well for future The Industrial commission Is most appreciative of the fait Oshawa and its Industrial future shown by these local Indust and hy private individuals, struction eompanies, trans | numerous other| than no industry located In Osh. awa during 1968, half a dozen ex- pansions Is a clear Indication of a healthy municipal economy and| the h in ries cons port companies, ete, who have offered tangible help and co-operation on behalf of the industrial promotion effort In Oshawa. A contlpua and acceleration of this spiri co-operation and optimism on the | part of Oshawa businessmen and| help the general public cannot but bring concrete results, WEFKLY CHANGES HANDS NEWMARKET, Ont, (CP) weekly Newmarket Era and press has been sold to James Baxter of nearby Cathers, Progressive tion t of The Ex. Major King City, effective Jan, 1, The news: | paper is presently owned by C Conserva- A tive MP for York North, The new owner's son, lan Baxter, will ers will editor he- | come publisher and John Struth continue as managing DEATH {and retail food shops are all sub. It Is the firm conviction of the | ject to inspection and such prem- | |1ses include bakeries, butchers, greatest needs of this Browing| frosted lockers, soft drink plants, city is the 48-unit low rental hous: | refreshment vehicles, grocers, {Ing pregect, established through ete, It is hoped that more fre |federal - provincial sponsorship | quent inspections of all such |and controlled by the municipal: | premises can be made in future; | ity, which is now under considera:| during the year these visits total: | tion, If, during 1959, it is possible! led 156, to make this project a reality, 1} am certain that it will prove an accomplishment In which we can |all feel pride and satisfaction, A orthy deed will have been 3 CHIEF OF POLICE FLINTOF? No Murders In Oshawa During Year Ry CHIEF OF POLICE HERBERT FLINTOFF Thére were no murders or man» slaughter cases In Oshawa dur ing 1058, Major erimes included: [two robberies, 88 cases of tA tempted shopbreaking; 52 cases of attempted housebreaking; 406 theft cases and 92 auto thefts, Eight hundred and fifty. six persons were arrested and 6366 summons were Issued, The folloxing number of per. [EATING ESTABLISHMENTS sons were charged with the fol. ji lowing offences during the year In 1958: | A . | The control of all classes of . ! y 6546 nursing visits were made... ociablishments, including jh: Criminal eigenee o {to 2473 families, als. RSG 2 BIN | | hotels, accounts for a large pro- Having Liquor, 237; Disorderly Conduet, 19: Careless Driving, #; done DIVISION OF "| PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING GERTRUDE HW, TUCKER The local Board of Health em: all eitizens of this nunity Despite staff shortages and sev | eral changes in personnel the! | field of public health nursing has) been well covered and a great] deal of work accomplished. The public health nursing service Is {not a complete one but exists as) {an essential part of the general | community publie health for com: Some of the services rendered DR. J. E. WATT portion of the time and effort ex- i Jeved by Yo Sanitation division. | Drunk Driving, 65; fall to report SL i R ASIg an oof 1380 accident, 14; Speeding, 2279: Pass pr abs of dishes were taken : Alon right side, 20; Unsafe Vehicle, more comprehensive control pro- gram, with more stringent re quirements, Is to be applied to all i: Disqualified from driving, 12; |Disobey Traffie Lights, 102; Full Stops, 624 Huusthreaking, 3 |Shopbreaking, 15; Receiving an eating establishments in order to 00 5 Th 2 raise the sanitary standards of and Uttering, a. Forgery such premises 122; Indecent Acts, 7; Assault, WATER ANALYSIS Bodily Harm, 41; Contributing te AND SWIMMING POOLS Juvenile Delinquency, 3, Samples of the civic water sup: ypAFFIC ACCIDENTS ply are taken weekly at various . | points in the city for baes| Total number of accidents, 67; ? teriological and fluorine testing Accidents causing property dame | Samples from private wells are|2#e only, fd; Personal injury ae taken on request. Total samples cidents, 145 accidents with 100 taken number 598, persons injured; Fatal accidents, Three outdoor swimming pools |d Accidents; 3 persons killed, oe operated during the sumaner months and were subject to in: § spection and sampling, GENERAL SANITATION Under this broad heading are Included many activities of the | Sanitation section and include the 1200 visits were made to new. following: Barber shop and born infants under one month, [beauty parlors Inspection, 114: 1140 visits were made to other Housing inspections, 201; Septic infants one month to one year tank and plumbing inspection, 65; 1115 visits were made to pre.| Miscellaneous Inspections 34 school children, Mine dwellings were condemned 2913 visits were made to the!during the year as being unfit for elementary and secondary human habitation, schools in the elty, {COMPLAINTS | 2031 students in the secondary| A variety of complaints were schools received a Vollmer Pateh received from the general public |" for tuberculosis. {regarding such matters as food, | | Who Is The "BIGGEST BABY" In Town MISS G, 0, TUCKER JOHNSTON «= At The Siok Children's | Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, on Tuesday December 30, 1068, Johnston, beloved inf Gloria and David J Perry. ¥uneral Cynthia ston of nesday, December 31, wt 2:30 pw terment Groveside Cemetery, Broo Loulse daughter of Port service at the Roby. | son Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, on Wed. | y In: | oklin 7 E ST. FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. E. DARGAN, PASTOR MISSIONARY CONVENTION ! ern Onl he temperature at! ls during the year and en's Missionary Society. She had Hospital last Saturday was held Ww Pi River Is above this - exporiefoed. dit lived 34 Relicvile 1 Tears. B55 Jat the AFstrong F mere) Chapel which Is over 50 degrees g their debentures : a 18, at 2 pm. Tuesday, Dec Tuesday J n with the senior Baltimore and Marmora Yer Petar rant 4 f LL ay jen When the Bank of| Funeral services were held at George's Anglican Church eon partly clondy: over ' thdrew its support of H. C. Bowes Funeral Home, at 2 ducted the serviced I me } rth country, The milder alr the conversion loan and the issue! p.m. Monday with Rev. E. Davis, | wag In Oshawa Union Cemet pread into the southern re was al at a discount, a|Bridge Street United Church,| The pallbearers, all grand bringing afternoon gene wision upwards in inter. Belleville, officiating. Interment were Llovd Stire, Fa up to the low St rates o outed Ho vever, the Was at Baltimore Cemetery Ronald Fogal, Robert Kit valid 8 fering by the PM Js qT enn lid --~ win eer) tekly | FUNERAL OF [fad nh ry PHC ARTHUR J. PI"MSON as A pated and sold at a dis a colt most as Soon allot.| . The funeral service for Arhur made which did not|J: Plerson, Thornton's Rd, who The funeral ser for Emer dy and mild Thursday and clients in died at the Osha a General He son 8. Burley, who ed at \ ligh i 4 ny e mood. This may Pital last Saturday, was held at Oshawa Ger oral Hospital 'ast § ¢ Ontario and Niagara re- the reason that 1 > [the McIntosh Funeral Chapel at urday, was held at the McIntosh! glor Toror " 1 the res that munic-|g"8) oe a) he 2 ! \ onto and. Hamilton: were moving more" p.m. Tuesday, December 30, | Funeral Chapel at 2 pm. Tue \y, clouding over to December Rev. M. A. Bury conducted the day, December 30 dv and mild Thurs services, Interment was in Osh The " : : awa Union Cemete W. Steer. 1 The pallbearers Wills n EJ ams, R. Mac( 54 e 2 high Down, Dr. W by Re MA interest during 1950. |Lowe, was in Mount Lawn Cemetery 2% ning 30 her than it ury 0s are nts Ra) Sea t illable odav (8 wratures yo I mal forecasts Thursday and Lake Huro . FUNERAL OF gloms, Windso hake Biren EMERSON BURLEY er this after 30s until Brown en and Kitchen n on n nt ake Frie ch as nny louding o HAYDEN e SERVICE 288 BLOOR ST. WEST were [1 A \ ( BI all Are rent that the cost : oney wil H ( 5 No hurton an not de vere R AION ne M W that m Ww \ he H. Gifford and J palities Sunny tonig 1A today should be p or rate of epared to pa LJ it and Here's a happy hearty welcome to brand new '59. May it add up, for u and all your dear es, to 345 days ocked full of good fortune D. KEMP STATION eo OSHAWA - Thurs. and Fri, 8pm. Colored slides of the "PHILIPPINES AND JAPAN" Saturday 8 P.M. BEAUTY FOR ASHES" Colored Sound Motion Picture Sunday 11 AM, and 7pm, "STIRRING MISSIONARY MF SSAGES ' i STAN DYER "JOHN SCHLOSSER THIS IS A PERSONAL INVITATION EVERYBODY WELCOME ! it 1L

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