Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1958, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneoboy Becowber 51, 1958 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 8AM to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY § 70 18 Please Note Deadlines now In effect /for this column; Births, Memoriams, Cords of Thenks 9 AM. SAME DAY 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA' 3.3492 | DEATH Smndb 1A ' | Wow "CLANCY'S Onisrie Accounting Services offers complete bookkeeping services for small business, 184 Bond Street West, Room 1, Office RA 0397; Residence, KA 37606, 8, T, Hopkins and Company, Certified | Publie Accountants, 172 ning % qua East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 63 YALE, Friedlander, Hunter pe Co, Accounts and auditors, Lleensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Bireet Kast, Oshawa; B, L, Yale, CA} F Friedia ,B, Comm, CPA, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | =--Aceountonts 2--~Barristen 3~Chiropracter ADentiste S=Nursing Berviess BIRTHS COMMAN ~~ John and Gertrude (nee Morton) sre happy to snnounes the val of a daughter, 3 Ibs, Debra on Tuesday, December 30, the Oshawa General Hospital EDGAR ~~ Ivy and Bill (nes Harris) announce the birth of their Oibw., 14% ounces. Sunday, 1088, Laurie Lynn, he Oshawa General Howpital, WAASS ~~ Henry ond (nee Glendinning) are happy to announes the Mirth ghier, Margaret Ann, on December 30, 1958, at the Oshaws Gen oral Hospital, Thanks te Dr, C, W Perrier KENNELLY « Bl and Alena (nee MeKenna) are happy to announce the Birth of a daughter, 8 Ibs, 13 0 Monday, December 29, 1058 at Os » General Hospital, A sister for Dawn Maire and Danny, Many thanks te Dr, Anderson WILLIAMSON «= Born fe the Rev and Mrs. Harold Williamson (nes Eve. " Lawrenes daughter, Laura Eve y 8 1bs, 7 ons, on December 4, A958, at Grace Hospital, Windsor, DEATHS MINARD « Mrs, Rya Ethel, #4 away at the Cobourg District oral Hospital on Monday, December 1988, after an iliness of several Loving mother of (Hazel) M alker of Cobourg d Kenneth Cornwall, Surviving are a sister, Mrs. H, W, Boyd of Kirkland Lake and & brother H, Moore of Bt, Catharines. Temporary entombhment Cobourg Union Mortuary, Spring Interment in Lindsay | Cemetery O'HARA In Bradford, England, on December 28, 1008, Mabel Butler, be. | loved mother of Mra, Kathleen Milner of Oshawa (hy eable) For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3.953% 24 King 5t. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store) GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service ot moderate pric RA 8-6226 390 King Street West IN MEMORIAM BEAVIS « In loving memory of » dear mother, Violet Louisa Beavis, who Passed away Janay 1, 1942, and » iid 1 J Beavis, who d y January Ya, 1956 Dear parents, you are not forgotten, | Though on earth you are ne more, Still In memory you are with us, | As you always were hefore wlovingly remembered by daughters, | Violet and Emily, sonsinlaw, Rusty and Bob and grandchildren &~Optometrists T=Burveyers To eterinariers S~Bullding Trades 9=Bullding Materiel |0==Sharpening Service 11 =wBininess Opportunities 11@=Business Opportunities Wanted WERGER, Frankel and Ca,, #ecount ants and auditors, 184 King Street East, RA 80231 MONTEITH, Montaith, Riehl and Co, | Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; | Hon, J. W. Monteith, FAC; A Mon teith, E, Comm, CA; G. W, Riehl, CA} Is. 1 Lightioot, CA; George W, Treth A. RA 53527, 135 Bimeos Bireet Morin, Oshawa | 2--Barris | ROMPHREYS and Boyehyn, Barrister | Solicitors; K. D, Humphreys, | &. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hilim 6 King Birest West, Phones; Office, {RA 81177) Kew, BA 84604; ox Whithy, | MO 82761, Money to loan, CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and | Murdoeh, Barristers, Solicitors, Notary | Public, Bank of Commerce Building, § | Simcoe Street North, RA 38446; T, K y Aon, a i N, C, Fraser, QC; G, K I, Murdoch, NHA | Engen AA GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street Kast, RA 54717, Russell J, Murphy and James A. MacDonald 2. FT, BALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soli citor, ete, 13'4 Simcoe Street North Dial office RA 6:3741; residence RA B-6542 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl tors, ete., 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial {RA 32278, Residence phones; J, M | Greer, BA, Se, RA 53363; Terence V Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.06832; Duncan R Phillips, B Comm , RA B1074 MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simeoe Street North, | RA 5.358 , Charles C, MeGibbon, QC) Edgar ¥, Bastedo, QC THOMAS M, RUNDLE, citor and Notary Publi, Street' East, HRA 81763 Jan, 4 JORN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 101 Bimeos Street North Phone RA 8.8511 RALPH 8, JONES, Greer, Associate Barristers tors, 65 Simeoe Street South Mortgage loans available DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Solicitor, 26% King Street Telephone: Business, RA 55501) dence, RA 8-537) JOON A, CAMERON, Barrister, Rolie | tor and Notary Publie, 184 King Street) East gages arranged JOSEPH FP. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor, Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa residence, RA B-3405 MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, eltor, Notary, Money to loan Block, 2614 King Street East, Residence, Dial 3.4020 | 4&--Dentists DR, G, T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6 Open evenings hy appointment 59 Simcoe Street South, Phone RA §-2223 | 5--=MNursing Services : | 2=Dressmaking 13==Gardening & Supplies | 4==tlousehold Repairs | 8 Instruction | b=Irsurance |7==Money to Loan I 8==Loan Wanted 1 8a=~Mortgages |9==Personal 20-=Cartage 21 ==Personal Service 42~=Radie Repairs 23=Women's Column 24=Market Basket 25-=Pets ond Livestock 26Farmer's Column 27==Fusl, Wood 78==Summer Resorts 280~~Hunting 29~=Summer Properties For Sale or Want 30=Lost -and Fourd J ==Articles For Rent J2=Articles Wanted J4=Auction Soles 35==Employment Wanted 36~Female Help Wanted 37==Male Help Wanted 38-~Male or Female Help Wanted 39==Agents Wanted 40=Opportunities 4) ==Room and Board 42-Room end Board Wanted 43~=Wanted Te Rent ddeFor Rent 45-~Real Estate For Sale 450~Real Estate Exchange d6~=Real Estate Wanted 4/==Automobiles For Sale AB=Automoblies Wanted 49==Automobile Repairs S50==Articles For Sale 8) ==Swap end Barter 52-~Lagol Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of lems Cash Charge Barrister, Boll 26% King BA, and Thomas H and Bole RA 5:3525 Barrister Kast Barrister, Office, 144 RA M8232 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS & CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 378 41D HW not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply, Above rates epply enly te inal orders for consecutive In lone, Subsequent insertions ordered ot a later date constitute e new wrigival order, ional end Bune Nstings 008" per month for lines dall och edditional line 7h per month, Each Initial letter, abbreviation, § ond ¢ sign, fig count os @ word, Box harg ed Ie edditional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am, the day of ublication, Office hours ally «5, Saturday 8-12, REGULATIONS The Daily Times shall net be responsible for errors in advertises ments submitted othwise than writing, nor for more than ene incorrect Insertion eof any ed vertisemant, nor bevond 'he price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to clossify advertising according to Its own classification. 128 14 Soil ANDEN NURSING - HOME (Licensed) KING ST, WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo ple (Men and Women), Nurses and dieticians in attendance, Tray service, radio, T.V, lounge 6--Optometrists | OC, KH, TUCK, Optometrist, - specializing in muscle anomalties, eyesight and glasses, Evenings, Mon, Wed, Fri. 6:8 Invalides examined at home, RA B-8143 | Disney Bldg, 31 King Fast GLOVER -- In loving memory of » r uncle, Raymond Glover, who |7--Surveyors a; T. HORTON and Associates, On d away January 1, 198 God knew that he was Li That the hills were hard to ud Ko He closed his w 1: And whispered, * Sadly m d and always remember. | od by Rob and Barbara | LUKE In ever loving memory of | Fred Luke who passed away January 1, 1087 Gone 1a the face we loved so dear Silent in the voice we loved to ah away for sight or. w But not too far for thought to Patch, Sweet to remember Mm who onee| Was here, And who, though absent, | be Just as remembered by daughter son-in-law Fred and grand Tommy and Josephine | A | | MENAUL « In loving memory of William Lyle Menaul, who passed away | December 31, 1084 The hlow was ohlldren, great, the ok] . We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost ean tell The pain of parting without farewell More each day we miss you, Lyle, Friends may think the wound fs healed, But they little know the serrow That lies within our hearts conce «Ever remembered by father and mother, sister and brother PURDIE ~ In loving memery of eur dear mother, Margaret Purdie, whe passed away December 31, 1040 Though your amile h And your hand we We have 0 many memeord Of you, dear Mother, we loved so mueh w&adly missed but lovingly remember od by Lily, Jack and Flora, THOMPAON « In loving mamery of Boma Thompson who passed away December 31, 1984 God knows how mueh we wise her, Never shall her memory fade, Loving thoughts: shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid Ey nembered hy W. T, Theme: sen, Nancy, Jack and Nora, CARD OF THANKS We, Maud and Herman Kelly wish to express our thanks and appreciation te our many friends and relatives for the Mowers, cards and gifts received on our Aoth wedding anniversary, Also [tarto Land Surveyors, Professional En | wineering, 70 Harwood Avenus South Ajax, Phone RA 80121 F, J. DONEVAN and Associates, Land | Surveying .and Engineering, 12 Bloor WE wish to nd our heartfelt! Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA thanks and appreciation to neighbors, |5-8633 our relatives and many friends for the noNALD TROLLOPE kindness and sympathy shown us in the |gurveyor, n Alice Street loss of a beloved hushand and father Norman A, Gambell, Special thanks t0|B----Building Trades PLUMBING and heating supplies Rev. § J, Hillier for his words of com: | RA 53821, Harold R, Stark, Lid, 'CARD OF THANKS Ontario Land RA 56801 fort and inspiring message; all donors ALL of the beautiful floral tributes, Robin. Phone [son Funeral Home, Brooklin, Ontario; plumbing, McDougal and Brown, St. Clair Ave [Mimee Street South nue and pallbearers Mrs, Norman [PLUMBING and heating pipes, Gambell and family (fixtures, new and used, |septic tanks to sewer a specialty Mr. and Mrs, Archie Statham wish to [stallations at reasonable rates extend thanks to thelr many friends and relatives for their kind gifta_and|of plumbing. Dial RA 54241, J. Fole congratulations on thelr Golden Wed | CARPENTER work, framing, trim ding anniversary, | ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved Toit Collins, 354 Brues, would lke to Alterations ahd Work nk all her many friends whe sent |y ys0o : pi cards In Intor ranteed, fink, Chim repairs, repairs ALL types dwelling MR, Robert ¥, Wilson and family siding plastering and wish to thank all friends and neighbors, nurses and housekeeping staff, Oshawa General Hospital, for their kind expres sions of sympathy and floral tributes received In their recent sad Dereave: | ment: also Dr, J. P. G. Maroosis and | the Rev R. RB. Milroy for services ren dered, 475 Wilson Road North ASHBURN By MRS, R, RICHARDSON ASHBURN Mr, McIntosh from Knox College had charge of the church service at Burn's| Church on Sunday, He gave a splendid Christmas message using as his tople "Faces of Christmas', The choir sang a Christmas anthem, The December meeting of the Ladies Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs, Wm, Boyes, Pickering, The president, Mrs Theodore Knight, had charge of the meeting, It was decided to pack Christmas boxes for the| {shut-ins at the home of Mrs. R | Batten. Mrs, Paynter had charge | of the program which consisted of | readings, contests and the annual | Gordon May CARPENTER work, framing, trim ming, kitchen eabinets, NHA approved Alterations and repairs, No jobs too big or toe small, Work guaranteed RA 33579 GRAVEL Coment $9.00 per head, Rood fine ¢nd coarse $8.00 per load, Be satisfied Dial RA 5.5279. HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts, Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling, Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty CALL RA Y.7194 JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Wark Guaranteed . elal thanks to Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs for their lovely letter of congrat Ta my ners and friends, Route Lid) many thanks through the year mas time one and all Ken Reeson Da MaKe ness at Chri Year ta ym . to and thought! Mappy New pat \ y of the late Dennis Spratt opportunity to thank all the 1 relatives wha sent flowers 1 also would like to thank ars and the UAWA A special n for . the Arm fla alsa Home Spratt and family ely wish to thank all of the ere sor kind ta me while Your ated Than IE and Vipend and D A Mellow of Chureh Oshawa Hospital Athy targotien an "tl anpie A a " Fulte ' Narthr ninste Rev. WH United h Townsend, 369 Russell Sent 1 Sv y ~ Amuaical { pose' Ciminutes were read and adopted. | exchange of gifts, The lunch com-| mittee served a delicious lunch and a social hall hour was spent Mrs, Wm. Gardner moved a vole of thanks to Mrs. Royes The annual Christmas festival was held in Rurn's Church, which was well filled The Young People's of Burn's $0 Nassau ¢ RA '080 m wi Jan. 17 FREKR catalog: Contains hundreds o husinesses, farms and imeome proper tien throughout Canada. Specify and location desired. Deal direct owners. Business and Property Iy, 1717 13th St, Dept. 1658.C, Sask music with Regina mort: | Resi: | HA 3.2200, NHA and private mort | Henry) RA dod heating and engineering, 254 fittings, changing from mation and estimates free on any type y No jobs too big RA ALIATATE Auto Insurance. Save up to neys, new and repaired, Dial RA 8.7247, 17 Opportunities type Month. | [10--Sharpening Service SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete automatic grinding equipment in Osh- owe for sharpening Hand- sows, Bandsaws (metal and wood), Lawnmowers, Skates etc, STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke RA 3-3224 11--Business Opportuniti NEW BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE Four work stations, Twe basins, 5 dryers, Sickness forces sls, Apply 259 Sim coe St, 8, GROCERY AND BUTCHER STORE FOR SALE Five-room apartment, good four | district, Building Well stocked ond equipped, Apply Owner, 3 350 Eulalie: Ave, 303f | business on corners, | residential for sale or rent, Hussel, 12--Dressmaking PLAIN sewing, drapes, mending, #p pers, pant cuffs, children's elothes,| ete, Dial RA 52638, Jan] | |DRESSMAKING, Indies' and girls' |wear, made-to-measure, and allers tions, 245 Olive Avenus, Fhone HA |B-5480. Jan 2 |13---Gardening & Supplies | ew landscaping and garden ing service~ lawns seeded, sodded, fer tized, gardens and lawns ploughed roto-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs Fverything for your garden. RA 8.5783 WINTER SUPPLIES ICE SALT WILD BIRD FEED NO, 1 SUNFLOWER SEED CROWN DIAMOND PAINT BIRD FEEDING STATIONS PIGEON FEEDS PET FEEDS COOPER SMITH CO, 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 14---Household Repairs CHERTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered like new, Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable, Batisfaction guaran |teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up |holstering Co, 10 Bond Street West Dial RA 5.0311 FURNITURE repaired and reupholster ed. Bee our materials for recovering Bruce R, Dalton, 78 Charles Street, RA ERE] | | ROOMS Bowlers' | | | papered, #8 up, Painting, Gyproe applied, sealed seamless, Phone | RA M7397 Jan 80 | [CALL Joe, RA B5:8018 [painting and handyman for earpentry, [your loeal chimney eleaner, chim [neys built and repaired, gas linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed Free esti mates, RA 3.2007 ; | 15~=Instruction PRIVATE tudent counsellor, 18 years' Appointment on ly, Call RA 51054 [PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience, Appointment only | Call RA 8:1084 HARVEY Royal Academy ballet, ster now, 424 King West teacher, experience Baton, tap. Regi 5.6122 June 2 years' Call Dance Academy Highland RA 13 only student counsellor, TUTOR, Appointment experience RA 51084 : LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator: Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre | school werobatie. Friday and Saturday | Masonite Temple, RA 3.7253, May | | Musle Studio for all Instruments Plane Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos | (New and Used) Full selection eof all Instruments 477 South 16--Insurance | Simcoe Street 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For personal service at your home, eall RA 8.7413 17-----Money to Loan CLIENTS' monies avallable for first and second mort a and agreements of sal s ply M. F, Swartz, Barr a Notary | Publie, 26\4 King East, Oshawa, RA 4607 Fa CLIENTS mo to loan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agr purchased, NHA morta Creighton, Fraser, Drynan doch A FIRAT and second mort agreements purchased and sold, Hen nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street RA 3.7212 18---Loan Wanted od, and Mur Money Available to Home Owners! InAnY siting bureau |year | Elliot Street 18---Loan Wanted YOUNG couple buying own home wish to borrow $3000. Will repay with good | monthly payments and interest, Write | Box 334, Oshawa Times 305¢ 180--Mortgages WE HAVE clients' [ monies for loans on first and second morigages and pur chase of agreements of sale Louis 8 Hyman, QC, y King Street East, Osh-| awn, KA 3494 MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE First and Second Mortgages ond Agreements of Sale bought, .sold and arranged on City and Farm property and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 ond up, OSHAWA ACCEPT: ANCE CORP, LTD, 112 Simcoe St, ~North, Oshawa, Phone RA 5-3568, Jan, 31 19--Personal IF you are not living & full and happy [1ife because of tension, fear, frusira [tion, a eomplex, hypnotism ean help Also reduce weight, stop smoking, re lieve nervous pains, gain eonfidence ele, Consult Fdwin Heath, Institute of Ethical hypnosis, Professional Building, 304 Dundas West, Whithy, Dally | pm, Baturday, 10 a.m 1pm Phone MO B-4632 Whitby Jan. 22 HAVE Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Osh awa Times you a drinking problem? Box 249, can supply liable experienced women for hahy sit ting slso to care for ehildren or elderly people by day or longer periods, res sonable rates, Mrs, I, 8B. Disney, HA 1.4921, Office hours, § a.m, to 2 pm | 430 pm, to 7 pm. Closed Thursday afternoons, Jan ORCHESTRA avallable, three, four or five piece, good solid dance musie, for weddings private parties, dances. Also avallable New Year's Kve RA 8.6321 « Jan, 17 ELEC Removal of superfluous halr, Marie Murduff will be Oshawa, 13. 14, Phone sha Hotel on these dates TROL SIS in Jan Gene for appointment Jan 20---Cartage MOVING and 8 7786 eariage, Phone Jan.| 21--Personal Service FOR a reasonable toys, souvenirs Phone HA B-0783 IRONING »ervice ing, Free pick-up RA 53067 charge, | small antiques, ete AO I will do your fron and delivery Call Jan. 16 BLACK Slenderizing, JANE Studio, Slenderizing Reduc Ing, Steam Bath and Massage, 45) RA § Open 10 am 22---Radio and T.V, Repairs DOL yourself and Hi-Fi tubes Dally and Kundays 101 King Street West TV TOWERS guarantee, rivets, all welded from $20.05; easy terms 58121 SPECIALIZED radio and television service. All makes. Fred Thompson, 147 Call RA 3.9702 Jan Simcoe St, South, 9602 For Appointment, 10 pm Test your own TV, radio Open tll midnight Fred's hive in, completely Installed, 1 $64.50; no bolts, no All channel serials Kelly TV, RA ELECTROHOME, RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The fin ond In television service PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 |T. V, AERIALS INSTALLEC Moved or Repaired 50-foot tower and head $113.00 Lou's TV - MA 3.3942 Len and RA 5-7844 T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20-ft, aerial, $29 and ROLLAND T.V, RA 3.4849 up. FAST T.V, SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert ob CALL RA 8.5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 23--Wopmen's Column SPECIAL = heat permanents, #4.80; cold waves, $5.50, Page Hairdressing. 306 Pine Avenue. RA 58363 24---Market Basket FOR sale nips, at Potatoes, 1387 Ritson apples and tur Road North, RA 5.2030 Jan30/| SWEET cider and apples W. T. Cox, 1W miles north of RTS, Bowmanville Up te $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay= ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida tion of debts or purchases of any kind NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS fast, service call SEABOARD COUNT CANADIAN LTD WW 8 treet ith 51121 Bellvue) mw. f Jan F 1endly r DIS RA mer (F ly 9 Church met In the basement of the church on Sunday evening Grant Parrot conducted a short song service after which Faye Heron took charge of the worship period. Faye read a poem "Sup ', Mr. Bradley led In prayer The worship period concluded | with a carol The business the. president, 15-- Instruction 3} BUCKIN MODERN INSTRUCTIO Guita period was led wy | Grant Parrott; | cd thanks to the Drums all others who helped in any way to make the musical | a success, The offering from the| amaunted te about 880. Grant cordion ladies and expre ULTS G (15--=Instruction OSHAWA COLLEGIATE OF MUSIC GHAM AVE N X UARANTEED Piano, Piano Ac. ne on p Clarinet Far Hurthar \nfarmation RA 8.432) ILL] | directly APPLES « Gift of good health bushel, De Vries Farm, 14 miles north RH nanville Training School (MArket 3 ) Jan.12 TURKEYS Freshly killed Banquet prices |. COURTICE intice delivered oven ready D ( RA BS RA 1.99 14 lan. 20 |25-- Pets and Livestock { PARTY female, COLLIE $10. Apply two months old pup, 196 Burk Stieet QUT PUPPIES, German temperament, from | Reasonable, Phone 191848 BEAUTIFUL baby training, talking Broad, 114 Elgin ROARDING, trimming fleeing, Wauhena Kennels Ine GISTERED German months ald, housebroken loves children 1] t East good stock RE i" Shepherds, registered Dunbarton Jan for Mrs ready Apply Kast bathing RA S633 Shepherd all needles Dun ta 5 budgies strain Street de \ 26-- Farmer's 'Column | FOR wale Hay, 40. per hale, straw | 300. per bale. WW, Eymann, Courties ans BA Awe ~~. |27 Fuel Wood |Contents sentimental value | re: | piblie| repair| 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm slock picked up Phone collert Bowmanville, Murgwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, DRY beach hardwood, stove wood length, split, 920 full eord, Delivered in| hall cord lots, |C, Bmith, 612 Clarks, {ENJOY (id holiday, Cannel #0 ar cosl brickettes for roy, livia Bathe snd Mclelian, 81 King Street West __dm13 woob "eutiing by buss sew and ehain , Snow Ploughing, Phone ed 30-- Lost ond Found LOWE = Spare truck tire and wheel, for Chevrolet truck, Tuesday night on Rv Road East, Reward, Ray Hoskin, RA 8-5010, ie LOWE = mall pup, biack with tan feet, Beagle, oh tall, Answers to name of hori Bit "Babe", Last seen near City Hall, RA B-1260, rd LOST German Shepherd, one yesr, black sliver, white gross en chest, yellow hall on eyebrows, silver chain, tag 1845, Named King, Reward, 2s Jn, 2 Also dry cedar, Phone ¥ 37--Male Help Wanted 37Male Help Wented Lome DRIVER with own panel trick A 32670, tablished dry meaning Joie, bony am and district, good ov) MALE office clark renulred lax Wii office, Age 30 to 25, Acewrsts with fe, un required te Box 495, Times, ok foro OLERKE Poi CL® Reply, giving full particulars and er repair, Appl Oshawa ov hn Limited, store, mid references requir: to Box 3, Oh. Mee for men's clothing preferred, y in writing to 45--Reol Estate For 0 Joly i EE i nest, lots of builtin ou floors, heavy) vacant, A hs evenings te MopuN a i gi Ba i" moos roel manners PROGRESSIVE UTILITY Requires young man 18-25 for the position of SALES PROMOTION CLERK Must have junior matriculation or equivalent, oting typewriter ond edding .machine, Only those with the desire to grow with @ progressive company should reply with full details to BOX 416, OSHAWA Capable of oper- Good appeorance end 305¢ 37070. ou WT ~-- Lady Buxton wallet, blue, in [i Food Shop on Simeos Street North returned, RA 5:6172 304e LOST = Oumefiolar nurse's wrist watch, gold plated, Lost In vieinity of Almonds Road, Whithy, I found, phone MO B3114, Whithy EL LORT shout trailer or 'KA B-8398 LONT on neck {LOWY vicinity of "Pancho" after mix two feet long, Used for rented Finder please phone RA 84131 sou ~ Golden Retriever, silver chain Phone RA 34076 3 Pug, on Street, Answers to Phone RA 37079 H04e Tan Bloor Reward "LOST" Library book entitled "JOURNALISM from of the Oshawa Times news room Please return. some, Jan 4 LOST Vicinity of Phillip St finding black purse black call RA Owner Any» con wollet and red 1.7773 after interested in one taining wallet p.m return of papers, ' ) 304¢ |3T--Articles For Rent RA! DO IT YOURSELF! { tools and can rent at Sharpening Service (corner King & Burke) RA 3.3224, Chain Saws; Floor, Belt, Disc and Oscillating Sanders; Skill Electric HAWS Hammers end many other tools with the equipment Stan's power you RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN | 337 Simcoe St. S., RA 3.4428 32--Articles Wanted WANTED Scrap and 'Poultry TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRON : : METALS PAPERS ; : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap Iron and metals bought, Call SHAW RAG & METAL CO, RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS 35---Employment Wanted LICENSED motor experi enced body man, welder, Experienced truck man, part or full time. Write stating wages to Rox 343, Oshawa Times Deo 8104 36--Female Help Wanted GIRL to work In clean shack bar, must Ibe neat and acourate at figures, Apply 922 Simeoe Street North A03¢ mechanio, work, good wage, Apply Albany tanrant, 454 Stmeoe Street South night cook [GIRL | Apply 222 Simcoe Street North WANTED Housekeeper, ive in, would consider young couple with hahy to have free vent in exchange for mind ing two small children, and Hght house | Keeping duties. RA RAA625 Mat |37--Male Help. Wanted ROY Nichols Motor Motors Deale hou ve chanics, Apply Fred Als to work In clean snack bar, 20d Sales Liconced me 0M Owen Reward if | ~ Yellow traller hiteh for car, | December 2,| From | EXPERIENCED waitress, night or day | Tes: | J09f | NE tow Goneral| 38---Male or Female Help Wanted REPRESENTATIVE wanted, wonder: | ful opportunity for neat, gentleman, Sales experience preferred, but not essential interviews, 9.50 a.m, to 5.30 p.m; after | for 304 | Phone RA 56304 5,30, MO 8-405, |41--Room and Board ONE room, one kitehen, trance, furnished or unfurnished 27 Park Road Kouth FOUR yoom duplex, bath, Avaliable January 1, Oil heated, Fhone RA 52335 after 6 p.m THREE central toh pm Apply room apartment, unfurnished Aply 221 Arthur 'Street, 8 a.m 303 ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, good SIMCOE North, four: and five continuous hot Breet Jan single beds, Apply 263 Arthur meals, wiler B0723 ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, elose| ooniained, East Jan [to downtown, Apply #3 Elgin [Phone HA 37614 ROOM and board for gentlemen, g00d| antenna meals, home privileges, single beds Close to all south plants, 38101 or 102 Mill Street ROOM er room and hoard, {men Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd [Phone 1A 80115 43---Wanted to Rent Jan for fas [YOUNG business couple requires sell: |red, available immediately, RA 5.0727 payments, only room flat inlafter 6 p.m contained furnished three (Oshawa, preferably east January 1 Write Box Times, 44---For Rent rooms for rent, family Apply 428 Centre treet Possession hy 336, Oshawa 305¢ | THREE | single boys a04f [pl contain: | 4 [TWO rooms and | DENTRABLY apartment, self | ed, three rooms snd hath, unfurnishe I henvy wiring, Downtown, heat and water, Adults only $60, RA 8.8176 [mm DIATE possession, bedroom apartment, electrically sqiin ped, TV aerial, garage available 58018 or RA AON [Two furnished light housekeepin rooms, also one single room, om ale possession, near bus and Khopping Centre, 48 Rosehill Boulevard RA 88191 THREE private in kitchen, vale bathroom treet | ROOMS, unfurnished, | couple. or small family, able. Phone RA 51045 THREE room hasement | private toilet and shower, Phone RA 5.1650 room Apartment, entrance, sink and heated, laundry tubs, RA Dan66 180 ouphonrds pri suitable for vent reason 305 ¢ apartment TV outlet 205¢ three rooms, Private entrance, bus service, {King East heavy wiring, ted Abstainers, RA 34847 after 4 (THREE room upstairs apartment hardwood and tiled floors, Private en Phone RA 3:4000, 208 trance and bath, IDEAL location Also self-eon two or two business persons tained three room apartment, plece bath, low vent North, Phone RA 86444 NEW solid brick split level home, three bedroor finished recreation room occupancy February 1, Phone RA 8:106( 309 SINGLE furnished bedroom in elean, quiet, private home, Central Gentle man preferred, Phone RA 5.3870 | THREE room apartment, heavy wir Ing, separate entrance parking, cen tral, 878 monthly, Phone RA 83054 205 203 furnished bedroom, quiet ae 10 Motors, convenient business gentleman 68 Division Street MINGLE home, ol downto | stainer | 8-8652 ONY room, eomfortahly furnished for light housekeeping, at 77 Ontario Street 2084 Ab HA only 203¢ | | [FIVE « room apartment, Move and re: | ngeralar, po alon eh dren weloome, parking "ie Stmeoe Street North, Apt, 4, Phone RA 56300 aoa THREE © room unfurnished apariment, sink and cupboards, heavy wiring, Ap ply 72 Cadillae South . 20% TOOmA, ok modeled, hie for vest home, two bathroom od loeation, just outside eity large garage Haas Taunton, On tario, Jan, 3 MOUSE, nin | BRIGHT, one, and two: bedroom apartments electrically equipped, bal cones, TV antenna, parking, Apart ment 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whitby, MO 8.4231, Jan ® THREE unfurnished rooms, 5, second floor, heated and electricity, private bath, couple only, available now, Ru Drew Street. RA 5.7586 Jan, 4 ONE room, newly painted, eentral Centre Street after 3 pm TWO rooms, downstairs, cupboard: sink in kitohen, hot and oold Separate entrance. Phone RA bt) Close to Shopping Centre se THREE « voom apartment, partly fur nished, 738 Simeoe Street North 08a {Two (large), furnished apart ment, complete with stove, | refrigerator, use of phone, good wash facilities, Retween hospital and 25 Rrock Street West, RA 5.2470 aot " 308 ny room for couple, must he neat and accurate at figures. | APARTMENTS FOR RENT apartment, apartment, apartment. RA 5.1932 one one Very A bachelor three room six-room central 3! lan 131 ~Articles For Rent Floor Sanders complete line of sealers and waxes) Staplers; Blow Torches Wrenches; Power Trowel, Belt, Vibrating end Circular Sanders Soldering Irons, 31--Articles For Rent WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE (we have a Circular Saws; Electric Drills; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe and many other Tools WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE 282 KING 8ST W PARKING RA L.4R72 aM to | AREreamYE| RA 37088 Phone RA 86711 for| LARGE private engi 303 | ONE furnished 303 THREE RA 56343, Phone RA contained North, |e or THREE in RURLET modern, one: | 3 able S05 (PICKERING downstairs, | Ama | 205 | VERY bath, heated, | redeeorat: | Jan #0 brick Twa furnished rooms, | da with full bath, private, suitable for one| going eancern with apartment, Lots and Apply 271 8imeos| Toronto, 44--For Rent | FOUR room bungalow with bath, base | ment and laundry tubs, Immediate pos session, Close to school, Apply Ohinn's, dont brick house for rent, Buitable family Immediate possession 05a VIVE room upstairs fiat, three piece private bathroom, Oshawa Blvd, North Apply Charles KE, Knight, 118 Ontario RA 6-580] bn room, silt young girl bedrooms: 3 L 80 modern Ee 10; Phone RA 34674, Rosen "hlerart hated F714 or rent ~ Modern § room = slow, fully LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less thon & vaconcy, only screened ond reliable tenants, Lloyd Reolty (Oshowe) Ltd, 101 Simcoe St, RA 8.5123 -- COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8.4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM THE ' or lady, Apply 620 Bimeoe Bireet North Jan + FOOM RPATIMENt, New; eer amie tile bathroom, garage avallable; abstainers, Two minutes from Bouh GM plant, RA 85819 belween 6 IJ B03 | room apartment, "A am TWO room fully equipped, Call Spm Jan.2 apartment with bath, self central location, RA 5-1760, RA 3.7002 Jan, 26 bright 4 room apartment, TV main floor, also 3room spart both with tiled bathrooms, self Central, RA 51760, after 5 RA 370m Jan, 26 ROOM, suitable for one or two adi lose to hospital, RA 81537 -|v NFURNISHED duplex, foun |mpartment, 115 Athol Bireet |vate entrance, business couple after § LARGE ment, 3041 room ir I refer Soa room, unfurnished apartment private entrance, three plece bath two minutes from hus and Shopping Centre, Couple preferred, Phone RA 33465 2041 room apartment, kitchen with {mink, hot water and electricity, parking facilities, furnished or unfurnished, Ap ply 241 Bloor Street West THREE . kitehenette, IA 66448 lease on new all facilities, Apply 221 Rose Drive, Whithy J04f A [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail In private home, #2 Park Road North, 57 p.m, RA #867) flroom furnished, single, close fo North General Motors, Phone RA 34134 H01¢ BREACH, Immediate pos winterized cottage, good well close to sehool, would suit or famiyg with one or two References, Alax 407J, A04¢ very central, rea LITE private hath RA 3.26068 hui suitable 304d threa hedroom for young couple {house dale session, |warare, couple ehildren onsy, flat, sonable, WA 8.3078 THREE or four on second floor APARTMENT, (wo large rooms In euphoards and sink, Three minutes {wall to South GM, 811 weekly, hydro water and heat, KA 8.5217, aoa | rooms, Phone 80 |45--Real Estate For Sale OWNER built new Groom ranch bun gnlow, low low payments, Neat 4:room [home, 13 acres, school elose, Ten-room home, 5 acres, Modern dairy farm, 150 acres, Commercial 8 acre Danforth Road, Toronto, Tea room, others. Call Don Stradeskl, Oshawa, RA _ 51626, Rep. Wilson Estate, AX 3.4588 Jan, 13 EN acre parcels, off Tannion Road West, 86000, Terms, W. MeAuvloy, Neal tor, 26 Prince Street RA an _dand $995 DOWN N.H.A, MORTGAGE See these quality-built homes now for best choice of lots ond designs, 8 large rooms with all the extras you would wish In your own home, ==3 models to choose from, ==Model homes open dally till ® pm, FOR INFORMATION RA 8-1338 2 | V | per A041) 46--Real Estate Wanted LOT near Phone RA 8.1008 after 6 p.m 030 LOT in Oshawa. Phone HA B:1006 afler 6pm a0de Oshawa 47 --Automabiles For Sale STATION wagon '86 Pontlae, fours door, fully equipped, terms, Phone RA 86011 7 am, to 7 p.m, Jan ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay, For personal service at your home eall RA » 2402 |'s0 PLYMOUTH, '50 Hillman, '40 Pom tine, '48 Plymouth; cheap, RA 5.1526, Jan, 1 sedan, hisck Sharp car RA 3.0336 repossession, (ake $34 per month. Dodge, automatic transmission, over payments, #86 per month) 'M Ford sedan, take over payments, $54 month, King West Motors opposite Shopping Centre, 04 MM BUICK fully power equipped, Immaculate, One owner, RA #6031 after § Jan ml 'A CHEVROLET, two-door, radio, heats er, signals, low mileage Terms avalle able, Phone RA 50640 after five, Jan, 19 'M1 CHEVY, deluxe whitewalls, a real (Year's bargain, 3408 'M FORD 5024 over '0 take Super fordor, low mileage Finance terms SABYAN MOTCR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH ISHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndulph 3-346) BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494, Res, RA 5.5574 yr CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER,, METROPOLITAN MORRIS, M.G,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE, 48---Automobiles Want LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want for wrecking, Higham prices paid, NA 51181 or RA M1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3.9421 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars, Pay off liens, Sell on consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street Eost Sormerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 Quality-built by CARAVAN CONSTRUCTION S. JACKSON second mortgages, Check these Clay brick Partial stone front Laundry tubs Ceramic tiles bathroom Kitchen fan Hot water heater Electric light fixtures 1. ) 3 4 5 6 7 Complete in every way One N alan Call this office tor as the mortgages are LLOYD METCAL 312 Simcoe Street South After 5.3( 3.929( 3.2191 Eve El Jos Maga i 1 | Estate For Sale ------ QUALITY HOMES BY & SON LTD. In 3 styles now under construction In HARMONY HEIGHTS No stoves ---- no refrigerators and no free rides, but ahve ne Just the best house for the least money in the low priced field in Oshawa, | PRICES RANGE FROM $12,395 to $12,995 WITH DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1062 to $1386 features; -- 8. Sidewalk 9. Gravel Drive 10. Aluminum storm windows Aluminum storm doors Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water prepaid HA 6% 11 12 \ortgage covers the pse homes at once F REAL ESTATE Dial 3.9329 or 5.6551 ) Call Lloyd Metcalf |, , 5.698) Dick Borrioge ,..., 5.6243 aan

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