Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1958, p. 5

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tumdey, December 30, 1953 § | Dr. M. Dymond | REGIMENT MEAD DIES | FOR Opposes i MISSED PAPERS WHITBY and DISTRICT Release Reasons Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: Lloyd Robertson 1 Ba {ada In Europe during the Second have been received in the case short distance apart, According Are good for children under 12 \.o0) "Mijitary Hospital hecause|] ™* BELL TAXI adminstrator of the estate of home, pointed last week to succeed Dr. pital, TORONTO (CP)~1A,Col, Liege | | H. Payne, who commanded w. si For Judgment Fluoridation IN WHITBY v , World War, died Sunda, of yellow | Written reasons for judgment to exchange visits, especially| TORONTO (CP)--Ontario's new |. oqive Col, Payne had heen re-| Phone MO 8-31 i of May Keenan, Oshaws, [to the plaintiff, he seid Clark But he opposes fluoridation of lini" iiness could not he attri: plaintiff, in an action against came to visit Mrs, lieenan and municipal water supplies, [buted to his services during thel| AW eels must be sss borvonn 7 ond 7130 pm, Samuel Rundle Clark, deceased [ In the weeks that followed, a] Mackinnon Phillips, said In od A His Lordship awarded "frs sald, Mrs, Kcenan provided interview there Is evidence fluor. Toronto's Irish Regiment of Can-| 5 | . N by Mr, Justice L, Landreville|since their homes were only health minister thinks fluorides g, oq admission Dec, 19 to Sunny: || you have net received your Marvin Roy Clarke, of Oshawa, said he had nothing to eat at his| Dr, Matthew B, Dymond, ap-|war," and died in another hos- Keenan $4,370 as cumpensation| Clark with many meals and did (des assist the formation of tooth | A [for meals and other aatticns she his wating. Cl rk, according to structure in children [ WASH ER \had supplied Clark for more her evidence ¢ other wit-| ¢ : than three vears -prior to his nesses, had told her on ACCAMON ur' jugs 1 bullove at ik nuts in 1087, " | hae ho would provide for her In| oper 1 have read, 1 respect | ividence In the action was his ' v1 WW | " | heard in the Bu.. ne Court of "She: not being a business ho dosiony Ye uy thes arent. Ontario sitting at Whitby, pre woman, being mild mannered," tion Are mot erackpos." | sided over by Mr, Justice he said, "did nol do as many Tig 1 gece nine "treatment Landreville, At the conclusion of are known to do, force the for 'my patients. 1 prescribe 8 the case, counsel for the parties deceased Into legal documents stated (i It 1s not possible filed written argument and [lis after rendering services for a ecribe tated a tof Lordship gave written judg. short period of we." o prescribe a stated amount of | {ment For aboul four years, he said; fluoride by introducing it into the . y , ' " [ Representing Mrs, .ennan was Clark is affirmatively shown to WOO! supply, he sald. Manning F, Swartz, of Oshawa, have bean, Soarcine Li Wy TABLETS CHEAPER and representing Marvi Roy Keenan's, Clark died following a wpaniots would be che e Clarke was Gilbert L, Murdock, brief {liness and no will was ie oe ould » Detcenhge of In his reasons for judgment found water supplied hy municipalities | Mr. Justice Landreville noted) "I place a value on the time |= oad and because the evi. {that Mrs, Keenan had known the plaintiff has spent keeping gence tended to show fluorides i Samuel Rundle Clark and his company with the deceased, |. heneficial only to children un- | wife for 25 years, Mrs, Clark| playing cards with him, taking) 0. 1» / died fn 1951 ¢nd the husband short aut bile rides," he sald.|" imps a {continued to maintain his house: This 1 interpr = as part of her HacTANre WOU ba grea wore X hold alone, domestic services," High ' There is no doubt, he said, that' Judgment in the amount ad for Roskiop tars, winning Mrs, Keenan and Clark continued! $4,970 was then handed down. | mention the water used in ine Economic Caution Urged sk it, To Battle 1959 Inflation 'walter supply, you'd not only be [taxing soft drink companies for putting it in but you'd be forcing them 10 remove it at their own | expense." MONTREAL (CP) Albert C |over coming deficit financings Ashforth, president of the Cana-!factors creating great Inflationary {dian Chamber of Commerce, sald pressures today in a year - end message . . rs! that "'euation' should be the eco UNEMPLOYMENT CONTINUES He predicted unemployment Joke Mistired nomle watchword for 1950, | Created To Individuel Requirements \ I I I f I ne | Wringer rolls roe Special Price on som: | BUTT RADIO And Appliances 118 Brock §t, 5, Whithy MO 8.3707 STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 316 Dunder Rost MO 8.3552 New Year's BALL © SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL Hats - Horns - Midnight Buffet ORCHESTRA MI of ES eh 'RY OF WHITBY MAN Po TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS SCENE IS ARTIST Makes Replica Bl WHITBY SPORTS Of Manger Scene SPOTLIGHT Persons expressing the idea of a le a ARAN By WREN A. BLAIR mas would pick up a pointer or | Magistrate Says TR mative Malta, Mr, Schembri as two--if they observed the way | Claude Schembri, of 306 Byron i | street north, Whitby, celebrates | this joyous occasion f In the living room of home is an intricately con. § structed reproduction of the | manger where Christ was hom, Tt is a constant reminder to him, his wife, and their three child. ren that Christmas is the cele. bration of the birth of Christ not something commercialized and material The small replica was built by Claude in his spr time, The scene shows the manger und has many figurines which represent the people who came to pay homage to the Christ child, It fs an example of fine workman. has in store for them, But before we get to 1059 his stanpoint to this community Certainly to us, to all members of the Whithy Dunlops and their faifthful followers it was the grealest sporis year ever, For around about 9 p.m, (Norwegian time) on Sunday, March 9, the "Dunnies" hecame the amateur hockey cham: plons of the entire world, Nothing In the way of accomplish. ment or thrills will ever match this great day for the sports public of Ontarle County, Thousands sat glued to their radios and suffered every pang of fear that the team itself fell as the Russians led the Canadian representatives for more than hall the game, Twice the game was tied, late In the second period and again early in the third, Finally, with less than four minutes remaining, Canada broke the tie and went on to victory, We've heen told many times, how, during the game, the streets of Whithy were tensely still as families crowded around thelr radios, but within seconds of the game's con. clusion people poured Into the streets in wild celebrations at Canada's victory won by the Whithy Dunlops, Simultaneously those of us In Oslo were delirious with joy, Finally we had proved to all Canada that we could accomplish the mission they had selected us for, Much has been written and sald fol. lowing that victory but no one save those Inside the team itself, can ever know the hours of work and anxiety that pre ceded that victory, It was a wonderful experience for all In this community, particularly for the club Itself, Ax the old year bows oul, may we say how happy we are that we could bring a champlonship of this magnitude to our home area, But more especially, we thank all of you who have supported the club so well in the past and are continuing to do so at the present time, Without this support, there never would have heen no Whithy Dunlops, period, For this alone we thank each and every one of you and trust that 1059 will he another Ip. "I built ® in my spare time , end it took almost a year," Mr, | Schembri sald, "The structure ls made of papier mache and char-| CLAUDE SCHEMBRI goal. Figurines used in the scene (there are more than 45) through are from Malta and Italy." He said similarly . constructed scenes are per ianent fixtures 0 almost every home in his| the streets singing | carols, The procession is an tne spiring sight, After the parade everyone goes to Church. ' Claude, an employee at the Ontarle Hospital, came to| Canada In 1950. He returned| home twice be' re making his permanent home here, On the sisted in building a large scene ot the convent of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Malta when He was a er ul the Society second visit to Malta he was At one time he was planning Rarwied. A a ate of the big year for the team and its supporters, 'Go Dunnies Go," ; b » bald 4 Julie lore Siaide wife when she visited Malta this| There were other big sport thrills for this community in the nd at vf M ould not I" year was used in the Christmas now fast waning 1058, Tn late April the Oshawa Juvenile All ott ly me w er |eve service at the new St. John Stars won the Provincial Juvenile "A" hockey championship af . the Evangelist Church last week. [ter an exciting series with Sault Ste. Marie During the summer lal Mulia. oe ML Ml He has one ambition--to build months many championships took place in baseball and softball st, Santa Claus is secondary. [8 scene taking the full space In fact he is only present at & room parties. Otherwise he is not| "When I my own have 2 stressed. Tt ia the birthday of would like to do this" sald MT. Iy,.is won the West Toronto Senior "A' baseball crown after a Christ that ia stressed Schembri, He has offered t0/fine 'season on the diamond, RBrooklin won the Intermediate la. A pageant fs held Christmas build a similar model for an. cq title, something that, that community looks on with great lg Suldres a un waning ie, ain has pride. There were other fine sports contributions, which, 2' hough his py rs [not highlighted by an ultimate championship, still contributed D Sch d | {much to the local sports scene. Sgme of these were the Brooklin For Juveniles Junior "C" Hockey club, the Whithy Hillerest Dairy Junior club, the Bowmanville-Oronn Combines hockey team Perry Intermediate "R" softball club, the Whitby Junior Lacrosse team, the Oshawa Midget "A" baseball club, the Whithy Ladies' softhall team and many many others too numerous to mention A schedule f+ the Lakeshore Yes, '58 was a pretty wonderful sports year to the people of On Juvenile OMHA loop has heen tavio County, and if 1060 is as good, most of us will be quite released showing that Jerry's Juveniles will plas five home es before Ja 31. The Juven fles, sponsored by Jerrv's Men's Wear, play four those games satisfied on Tuesday nights and one on a ay. In the league 2°» Whithy, Bow manville, Port Perry, Cobourg and Lindsay, Following is the schedule: Dec Whitby: Whithy; hourg Whitby triple softhall erown, They won the Beaches league champion. ship. the CNE Ostranders watch tournament and climaxed a bril liant season by winning the Ontario Senior "A' softball title Paper Co. Closes After N.Y. Strike THOROLD, Ont, (CP) The North Shore Paper Company plant at Bale Comean, Que , will not alter plans to close Friday and Saturday despite settlement of the New York newspaper strike A spokesman for the parent Ontarie Paper Company sald Monday the settlement has not changed plans to extend the nor mal holiday shutdown because of decreased demand for paper "We Just have no place to store the extra paper," he sald Like every vear, death called some great sports personal ities, who although gone, will always he remembered hy the ports public of this community for their great contributions Wonderful people like Cliff Johnston for years Mr. Hockey in Rrookling Rill Tribble, former manager of the Oshawa Generals and one of hockey's best friends; Francis Mcintyre, a solid leader 3, Bowmanville at Jan, 6, Port Perry at Jan. 7, Whithy at Co Jan 13, Cobourg at Jan. 14, Whithy at Bow manville, Jan. 16 Whithy at Lindsay; Jan. 19, Whithy at Port Perry: Jan. 27, Port Perry at Whithy; Jan, 28, Whithy at Co- bourg; Jan, 31, Lindsay at Whitby, which we can always look up to with justifiable pride, and use as a lifelong example whenever the going gets a little too tough NEWSPAPER VETERAN DIES VICTORIA (CP Frederick J, (Tom) Merriman, 67 city editor of the Victoria Times died Sunday night. He had been associated with the paper for 40 lyears BR O CK ONE COMPLETE SHOW EACH EVENING FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT So now we are ready to receive the young 1859. It's a vear which shows great promise for all of us, Prosperity is good In this country, security Is as great as any nation in the world, Canada and the New Year have much to offer Canad lans 4 we are prepared to seek them, One thing we were taught on our tour of Europe hy merely observing the things around us, was the fact that Canada offers more than any country In the world, To all of you we wish a very happy 1089, May all that Is good come to you and yours throughout each and every day of the year , , , Should Old Acquaintance Re Rurgul tn the Days of Auld Lang Syne , , , HAPPY NEW YEAR! WHITBY PERSONALS Guests of Dr. and Mrs, HT. and son John, of Islington, spent Fallaise over the Christmas holi- Christmas day at the home of days were: Mr. ead Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs, Walter Motters Fallajse and children Caval and head Peter, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs MD. Fallaise, of Markham, Mr. Pr. T. 0. Chenoweth and Mrs and. Mys. BR Goodfellow and Chenoweth of Toronto were Idaughter Jane of Torente, Mr holiday guests at the home of and Mrs. W. E. Pamenter and Mr. and Mrs 1° Everett Jones, daughter, Miss '.. Pamenter, of ® Brock street sc.th, also Mr, Toronto, {and Mrs. Don Griffin and dangh ter Nancy, of Lindsay, and Mr at and Mrs. W. P. Westney, of West former EVENING SHOW STARTS 7:30 P.M. FEATURE SHOWING ONCE AT 8:00 P.M, WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY AWARDS Christmas holiday guests the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Hill Wineck her sister Aes Thomas Novlock and niece Miss { Doreen Novlock, of Rarry's Ray and her Mr Tony Kubushesk Ver Were Mrs. R. Runt Mrs, W. Madi Christmas of Madigin and \liy of Toronto dinner Mr. and of Waltson and Were guests at the Mrs. Frank Roulevard hrother, of Wilno home hier of Mr. and 'ehrate Her of ha Joanne ) 1H \ Mr. and Mrs. Witham Mitehell Vauxhall Drive Sey happy borough, held their annual dinner party last Saturdey with all the v Ath Birthday on: Sunday BE ) friend wish her mam returns of the day A Yule trimmings. Presents were Mr. and Mrs, A. Stanlick and oxchanged and games were "JENNIFER JONES ; 200 M rare spent the week end at played during the evening. At LCE A \ \ al of Mr. and tending Ne p Mrs oleh Aes, EL George and family, Mrs RE vas Poin gl Mrs THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF TO ONE & ALL "A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR" ek Ss niece 1 Stephenson, of - Nimico: My and Mrs. A. Bamett Jv of Plek EXTENDS the Christmas ne Mr Cand. Mes. Netw - Yo Rra of Oshana and Mrs A. Barnett and daughter Mr. and Mre. Wired Leckie Mary, of Port Whithy A Grace O'Conner spend n davs At midnight, tomorrow, the year 1068 passes into history and! is "headed in the right direction people throughout the universe will attempt to forecast what 1959 en the Port Program designed to save her IMPORTANT MARKETS He sald Canada's economy now (and Canadians can look forward] let's take alin a better year, but while we | [quick glance back over '58 and see what it meant from a sports have won the recession skirmish the battle now Is joined against' inflation," "All segments of the economy have a heavy responsibility dur ing the recovery period because if recovery and inflation rise to: gether recovery will be largely offset by a further drop In the| dollar's purchasing power." | The publie, said the Toronto man, can help arrest inflation by | calling off demands for plein: | the sky." | He sald when the public makes great demands on the government {there ix little chance of cutting down government spending and Europe Convertibility May Help Our Sales By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer | OTTAWA (CP) Britaln, France and other West European countries have made dramatic {eurrency moves which eventually | may make it easier for Canada| [to sell goods in those markets, | | As Britain swung closer to full other West [Ing with dollars, | European nations followed with! most competitive spirit seen in Europe In post-war years bw continue to be a "worrisome fact" in the new year and the unemployment peak anticipated the coming March will likely he at about the same level an In March, 1958 "The situation 1s not likely to improve a great deal until a strong revival of business abroad in reflected In an expansion of our export trade And he described trade pros cfs as uncertain with a sub stantial rise In Canadian exports probable "only with decisive re covery in our largest market, the United States : Mr, Ashforth also predicted the rising trend of consumer spend Ing experienced in 1058 will con tinue, but new capital investment by business will be down from 1958 of this action, the financial basis home to cut a huge budget de. for restricting imports from dol. lar ¢ from other outside sources disappeared." Britain's move does not mean complete convertibility between pounds and dollars, Writain stil) has of One of the hig highlights of the vear was the Oshawa Tony's convertibility of the pound ster): maintains a lot of import curbs other world markets on dollar manufactured goods Area chinery and newsprint at the Montreal Commonwealth confer France made the most drama. ence last September and prom [te weekend move, devaluing the [lsed to start working pn elimina ng franc, slashing Import curbs and launching a new home austerity from economic death and make her a tougher rival In world trade. I'he moves, as far as Canadian officials can see, seem to he erup tions of Europe's plan to sel up a free trade area among at least siX countries and perhaps more If frictions and disagreements be. | tween Rritain and France can be overcome, RENEFIT CANADA look forward to a more United Kingdom ' " Prime Minister Diefenbaker, in a brief stop at Winnipeg on his way to Ottawa, said that "freer | trade steps now taken will mea |an expanding world trade " Rri ain's action was a major step [forward * | Hon, George Drew, Canad {high commissioner to London, hailed the new European shakeup as the most important thing that has happened since the end of the | Second World War, Now vaca tioning at Guelph, he will open a week of official talks here today | before returning te London The first major sten that caught the Canadian government's eye was Rritain's decision to merge two rates of exchange for sterl. ing---the official rate and the so called transferable rate-into one at the official rate of about $2.78 or $2.00 (U.S) to the pound ELIMINATES ARGUMENT This move, by itself, has little direct effect on Canadian trade but Mr. Fleming maintained it eliminates Hritain's persistent plea that she could not withdraw all her curbs on goods from Can ada, the US and other dollar areas hecause she was short of dollars This forward step means that there is no longer financial rea son for any distinetion in pay ment for imports between dollar sources and other sources of supply," he said "This is what is meant hy the unification of official sterling and transferable sterling, As a result] of A is cele Catherine and Nps d ahter Earl Hopkins brating her 6th Virthda Many happy re ams of the day |are extended to Catherine. todday ner goods tion of curbs on vg 4 1980, and foodstuffs early | Next to the US... Britain Is Canada's top market, taking [about $700,000.00 worth of Cana: oials pleaded for easing of (hese dian goods a year. The Canadian market in Europe as a. whole averages about $1,000,000,000 a year while the tolal overseas sterling area market may take [as much as §1,700,000,000 worth of 1 nav higher prices Canadian goods West Germany, France, Den mark, Holland and other West ada, who had such a great interest in the Whithy Dunlop hockey |eial for Canadian trade, Finance wards full convertibility, France in a precise way, but Britain's club, These people and others we lost In 1038, but they left us a Minister Fleming said In a state. [went be: ¥ do heritage, one of true sportsmanship, of integrity and honesty, One ment Saturday that 'we now can import curbs on 80 per cent of a chain reaction which will eon rapid her imports, devaluing the franc tribute significantly to the oppor |elimination of trade diserimina. by 17.85 per cent and eliminating tunities available to our export tion against our exports In the subsidies and Increasing taxes at ers in many parts of the world,' vond all others, slashing RCAF PLANS BIG FO W. GG. Raker of Victoria, Ont, a CF.100 pilot, looks over a model of an old Siskin fghter, | a relic of a bygone eva, with | Air Cadet Sergeant Andre Tou signant of Ottawa To mark the 35th anniversavy of the air force ang 3. yvears of powered flight the RCAF will conduct the bi model a building contest ever staged in Canada The contest, open to all teen: yest revatt ountries more severely than But she eliminated these work harder to earn dollars, similar steps in the heat of the quota curbs on salmon, office ma SALES TO FRANCE SMALL KIRKLAND LAKE (CP) a 1 [thought I'd give old Charlie a hit of a scare. What reason would 1 have to shoot the bloke?" Pat rick O'Toole sald in Teck Town ship eourt Monday | Magistrate Fdward Kenrick found O'Toole guilty of pointing a loaded 410 shotgun at John Crites | and remanded him for sentence to Jan, 8 O'Toole sald he had heen "only | joking' and maintained he was sober at the time, "1 was drink. | ing coffee with the fellows in the house for an hour, Ten cups or| 80, vou know how it goes " Although impatient with the man's levity, the magistrate couldn't resist | Dancing 9:30 Till ?? SPONSORED BY WHITBY KINSMEN CLUB A A A $12.00 PER COUPLE Fleder deo Tickets on sale at Hick"s Jewellery Snelgrove Drugs "Your joke misfired, O'Toole," he sald fieit The French move, announced by Premier de Gaulle Sunday, will boost prices for Canadian | and other imports in France but will tend to reduce prices "of French goods in Canada and In other {words, Frenchmen will have to] France Is a relatively small market for Canadian goods, tak. about $37,000,000 worth last vear, mostly essentials such as synthetic rubber, base metals and forest products Her import curbs were tough Canadian sales to that market dropped this year, Federal offi curbs on some products but their appeals were rejected; The feel ing here is that Canadian exports to France will elimb, despite the prospect that importers will have The ins creased exports would be mostly | in raw materials, | Mr, Fleming sald that on the in the town of Whitby and one of the pioneers of the Community | Whatever the causes, the moves European countries Immediately ov er-all situation, it is not elear| arena; and J. I. Simpson, chairman of the board of Dunlop Can: were hailed in Canada as henefi- [announced thelr own moves to.how Canadian exports may gain! MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY, ONT, \ move, he concluded, "Is starting MODEE CONTEST | age boys, offers 42 major awards consisting of flights in RCAF planes to England, | France and Germany, and vis: | #8 to the Calgary Stampede and the ONE, The contest is scheduled to commence Dee this year in onder to give con testants time to haild models during the months to be judged hy | Force day 1989, thei winter Air Have A Very Happy, Happy, HAPPY NEW YEAR May 1959 bring a full measure of good luck, good health and success to you and all those you hold dear ! TURANSKY'S GROCERY 148 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY

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