Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1958, p. 3

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3-Man Commission | | | A large number of farmers in|villagers, He sald that he has spokesman for the township. The ; Ws p 7 7 Ee yo | To Administer Harbor Ontario and Durham counties drawn water by tank truck to spokesman said that farmers are | A 4 are without water and it has been places such as Port Perry, Cart- storing the water in their wells ng Oshawa City Council, at a spe-| He pointed to the firm control|the area before the harbor could predicted that this situation will wright township, Blackstock, and cisterns, / # Z ; 7 , clal meeting Monday night, unani-|the city could exercise over the be developed. continue until spring. {Darlington town ship, Clarke| Brock township Satmers have f ? 4 ; / ! mously approved the setting upland in that it could not be sold| Mayor Gifford said It was not The water shortage is not con-|township, East Whitby township, been purchasing water from the 7 / of a three-man commission to ad- or leased without council's sanc-|known what was wanted, unti the fined to any specific district, but ad the Sulskists of Oshawa, Lyd Yinage of Sunderland Tanks con / ; / / minister the harbor and immed- tion. Unless enough land were commission was formed. is general in both counties. Stan. o c Stun that a tan > 30m 5 3 fans ae . ; hd . fate surrounding arca, {placed under the commission's| Ald. A. V. Walker: "Would the ley Miller, clerk of Brock Town- Water, containing approximately supply every-day. | f 4 iow . / } Approximately 100 acres of control there would be little point argest portion of choice industrial ship, summed ft up. by stating: 1000 gallons, costs about $7 to some farmers who are drawing | / ) 4 . city-owned land, now within the in forming the commission. Helland come under the jurisdiction "This part of Ontario did not $10. their water from springs and] 7 / / 9 - jurisdiction of the industrial com. "as sure that if insufficient land of the harbor commission?" receive heavy rainfalls during the WHITBY AREA HIT creeks, Stamey Milles, 1ownisly v ; ; / mission, plus tracts of federal|Were conveyed the government| Mayor Gifford: "Yes". fall, therefore, wells that have "|, Whithy township, the area Set, ja ; pe 8 ol / iy) 70 / , 4 7 land will come within the control Would hesitate to place Its own| Ald. Walker: "What would the never been dry before have dried pip "has been struck hardest is tua, as Es Fh ore ere i A , 0 / lof the new commission. |areas under the commission's industrial commission do?" up. i ew sallow wels that wen! ory, & 1 i 7 | None of it can be disposed of control. | Mayor Gifford: "Their job ls the two subdivisions south of hut good wells, which have never ; J ' ' / | "We h {all t- | " Mr, Miller, who has lived in Almonds, south of Highway indy dry before, were dry In ? without city council's consent and We have a Potentially out: promotion . Brock Township all his life, and and east of the Pickering town December / a ye council may attach conditions to 45C AE MEIVOR GUL WER HO | INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES has been clerk for the past nine ship! : | h 7 Its disposal. sald 'e ie hes. on late line. Murray Robinson, township y , 7 "" Mr. Mel h ears, sald that it is the w BLACKSTOCK HARD HIT / / ww. a 7 tario east of Toronto)" which Mr. McLaughlin sald all the yeon, ie ar 8, 8 the worst clerk, reported that these two BRAY g : 1 7 2 TO SPECIALIZE {with proper planning and develop- land would be used for industrial seen has ever pubdivisions Save heen it : The hamlet of Blackaisek, Jit Ji Industrial Commissioner T, E. ment, can ensure a valuable in- purposes. The only reason for the . water '0r seve ICORS, NE 1B 3 Cr | . 4 McLaughlin sald he saw no dif-|dustrial area," Ald. Bastedo said. harbor commission was to ensure BLAME SHALLOW WELLS Hopinsoh sated thay many farm- 2) people Jas on rid Jamies) v) J J / ference between the areas to be] E. G. McNeely, eity solicitor, that the land adjacent to the har- ers In tne township are drawing witho ales, BF \ ? RY 4 administered by either commis- said the department of transport bor wou nefit from the water by tank truck. " ae drawing Water by tat vuck / 2 Vil ; . sion. The harbor commission, he at Ottawa had plans which would harbor. ol "It seems," said Mr. Robinson, 4 di 8 4 yh Hit og sald, would "specialize", but extend slips as far north as Har.| "It was never my understan almost every agricultural wot. 'that the water shortage is going wells, 4 / ? ? both areas would be used for in- bor road. The department had ad-/ing that money received by the ing he has attended, 1 ag in patches," he commented, He! Scugog township is another dis. i 7 , » dustrial development, vised the city not to sell land to commission from rentals or leas heard of Big on es sald that he knew of several trict with reports of water short- 4 . : 4 vy 4 4 : us of the three-member com. industry locating in the area ores would be retained by the tom water. He said that although People with shallow wells who abe: Nk ULE . SER BEL BRAC AEE wy Je ae ye Te re tet ong ie Tutor Suits " acific StL lave waler, ' y 4 % 4 ¥ m . AS SA ey | . Ss 0] | Jo ag? talked 10 ny spose : He stated "that the Ontario these stricken farmers, j ; , bd 1h % 4 Ling ig 9 ee The third! Mr. McLaughlin if he knew of mission would be "another indus- the lack of Probie seems 0 P| water Resources Commission is Water Is a substance which} 4 lh 1100 / % ; lis to be appointed by council but|any local industries wishing totrial commission". The harbor "py ith ? amie py investigating the possibility of ob does not seem important, be- g " sdbus dd 4 i ih vs 4 7 7 cannot be a member of council.|develop in the area commission would be "an addi- id jose wii # allow wells," he taining water from the Town of cause it is free, but when people . i 1 / | The area to be conveyed to the] Mr. McLaughlin sald he had tional tool", doing things the in- sald, 'are without water He run out of it, it becomes a very harbor commission lies south of no information at the moment. dustrial commission could not do. han $a} Whitby. said that the water table Is get valuable item | Wentworth street between Nelson He went on to say he had had It could, for instance, put a ting lower all the time, $12 PER TANK The outlook for the future fs| ° REPEAT WINNERS IN BOXING DAY BONSPIEL land Simcoe streets on the west several "enquiries", but Mayor railway through the land and, Clifford Pethick, of Fnniskillen,! In Reach Township, some not very bright, However, a and Farewell avenue on the east. Lyman A, Gifford asked him being made up of citizens of Osh- has been working night and day farmers are paying up to $12 per heavy snowfall will fill up the, The rink skipped by Rev, ed a total of 19 points to top | Mike Meronek, lead and Ivan | (neil took rush action on the not to elaborate, |awa, it could make the decisions drawing water for farmers and tank for water, according to a wells in the spring. J. C. Pereyma retained the | the 32 rinks taking part in the | Taylor, district representative |meqgure in order to have thelginborT PROMISED {here without having to go to the ¥ Toto ; , ; , | of the company, who presented |p, ter placed before the federal |provincial government for ap- Adams Trophy In the Boxing | event, Seated are Rev, J. C, | the trophy and the blankets Tre during the session he mayor later informed coun-|proval, Day Bonsple] held at the Osh- | Pereyma, (left) and Fred Moss, which were offered to the win- | hich opens Jan, 15. the government was willing|" Ald. Thomas said she could not emdadn or a eport awa Curling Club, The rink | vice skip. Standing, from left, | ning rink. Ald. John Dver declined to vote to support capital development of sae how the harbor commission | scored three wins and amass- ' are: Dean McLaughlin, second; | Photo by Aylesworth [as he was not re-elected to next | the harbor, such as sea walls .ou1d do anything hy way of de- . vear's council, Absent were Al-|and wharves. Officials in Ottawa velopment with money only from Sitters Is H For the Week Ski Ovi | New Year's Day [fuse fons, Hare 8 gon bi mse, hugh ho, i Bo vem 5 ers S eavy or e ee Skiers Enjoying ew Iears ay Ea aa hig 5 before government capital expen- CLARIFIES POSITION "however, had Indicated diture could be provided. At one point in the discussion J : | Brady "If 1 had 60 women working; Often, when a woman is sick Following is the report of the Postal Service | throug] + members that they| Ald. Thomas wanted to know ifthe mayor, who owns land In the Oshawa General Hospital for the {through other members thay. they companies In the area would|vicinity, sald he wished to make for me 1 don't think I could cope for ay or sone Roe : *5: fe 0 $ 5 with New Year's Eve baby sit fos ay o ig Soi he Roe * week ending Dec, 21 Fine on 1tions Postmaster Norman J. Moran supported the commission's. e [have to pay city taxes it clear he had no personal gain ting demands," said Mrs, R. S|. 0 i " ini Aik he Admissions -- male, 72; female {announced this morning that ser-| © = CT | Mr. McNeely replied he knew at stake. Disney of the Oshawa Baby Sit Soup es 3 A itn nd two 121: total, 193 I sects. uohellevgble.: bitienioved ts tie fullest thle frstisice 8) the Oshawa Post Office on EASE. OF DISPOSITION of nothing to exempt them. | "I will sell my whole farm for ting Service, Mrs. Disney has 25| (01 2hy 8 0 Births -- male, 21; female, 21; Oey ay on skis. So gratifying was the No Year's Day, Jan. 1, will be| Ald. E. F. Bastedo, QC, indus-| Ald. Dyer said he failed to see|less than you can buy land from women and In some cases has total, 42 members of Oshawa's skiing fra lvaxtore that this offer will run *0mewhat curtailed trial commission chairman, said what benefits would result In athe city," he said. called on friends to fill In This type of service Is excel: yo" operating room -- major, |lernity had their fifth straight] Veni Saturday at the same time NO letter carrier, parcel post or|administration of the area by a harbor commission being set up| Later, he remarked he was will extras. leat for strangers in town who 14: minor. 19: EENT. 5 total 3g. Weekend of skiing this past week- ale By mn rural mail delivery wili be given harbor commission would permit now. He thought a commission ing to support subsidising the es- This service has been operat- do not know. anyone but may "ole EOS Cn (end and from reports this was the unit 'u a 'a during the day. Special deliveries ease of disposition without council|would help get Industry estah-|tablishment of industry "in any wil require a "sitter." . R perating room best in vears. While water flowed| Some of Canada's better jump 5 4 ; " ing for a month in Oshawa Is I q major. 0; milo, 56: Ireatments )e Ti years, le 3 ity and ers were on hand over the week-| Will be made as usual, having to seek provincial ap- lished, but now members had stiape x Jorg provided the city L primarily of reliable, 'here is flat r for New. : atria . ag . ' on: the streets of the c¢ y ™ . roval, | 0 L wou enefit, somposed primary 2 Yon ore ph df Jute Jor Ray 55; examinations, 42; casts, 19;|}iohways were covered in slush, (end to give the new jump a try| The public lobby will be closed proval been told industry had to be iniwould | 5 fy total, 152 | the . of and although this was their first| throughout the day and no wicket re. eve 3 re | " ' the northern exposures of Brima- | A . The demand is not only for eve- evening rates are 50 cents per| py\iohorans 120 [ie Northern Spe ered with aiday on skis this winter, jumps of service will be given, . ping work but for afternoon pe- hour before midnight and .G0 : , G 1 St 1 | riods for women with children cents per hour after that, Day {least eight inches of the best snow |%0 to 95 feet ere being i One complete collection will be 1 ea S errow (®) of and part time jobs to cope with. /time service is $5.25 per day the club has had In years. {without using the proper take off. made from the street letter boxes - | | Hans Eder, now a member of h ia . , our ee | It is quite evident that news ra Club and fc at the same time as the regular » travels fast, as a record crowd|th Oshawa Club and one Oe an Saturday afternoon times, All| urse, oney 4 N was on 'hand as they read and aya Bett i fu Biase of le mails will be received and des.| ar en 5 air Ww har 3 y |sport, Ww tched as us 'RW . e comers Auto Destroyed Money Owners (heard of the good conditions. |ype'sims and believes that jumps Patched as usual, | An Oshawa woman was knock | On Saturday morning, the clubs of 150 feet can be made quite ed down and robbed of her purse| gCUGOG ISLAND -- Reeve An- and residential areas," he stated, The accountant's office of the new offer to public school chil-leagily, This. all persons in the dis- |as she was walking home along gon Gerrow of Scugog Township| Brief reports were also given by In Charge | In Garage Fire Supreme Court of Ontario, in a|dren of free transportation, freeitrict will be able to see on the Arena Crowd |Celina street Monday night. |said Monday night he "will run|Councillors Clarence Carter, recent publication of The Ontario instruction, free tow rides, and weekend of Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 | Mrs. Edith Kelly, 246 Celina/for warden of Ontario county" if| George Smith, Alvin Heayn and MYRTLE (Staff) - An Gazette, announced the names of free entrance to the club was when the Southern Ontario senior street, told Oshawa police that re-elected. Cecil Fralick, Joe Dowson gave a S ma er "Scugog Township had not had report covering the operation of automobile was destroyed early those people for whom they are used far beyond the expectations championsHips are held here at she was returning from a visit| 0 ary of even the most optimistic ex- the local club. |with friends at 232 Albert street one of its members elected as the Community Memorial Hospl- | LY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 30, 1958 § Agriculture representative for the County of Durham, A. O, Dalrymple, commented that at Monday morning when a garage holding funds } : et | at Frank's Barbecue caught fire.| Among the names are two Osh. ecutive member. Children turned| Upon request of many membes, Bill Smith, manager of the Osh-| hon at the corner of Celina and warden since 1926," he pointed|tal at Port Perry. The Rotary Club of Oshawa Mrs. Ralph Lynde contacted awa area people; Thelma Mul-{up at the 'E. A. Lovell Public it was decided to operate the ava Chijaten Ll Arena, cannot un-| Hemlock streets, she was grabb-|out to more than 45 persons at-| Sidney Chandler, representative held its last meeting of the year, residents c" 'he area on the tele- vey, Nassau strect, Oshawa and School with new equipment that cjuh and tows on New Year's| ergiang Why Sitendance at theleq from behind and knocked tending a nomination meeting injto the district high school board, at Hotel Genosha at noon Mon-|1- ne but volunteer workers were William Wong of Cobourg dis- Santa had brought while others nay, conditions permitting, and arena hac dropped from 1500, | 4own. |the township hall, also reported, Mr, Chandler will day, with the club's new mem-|unable to save the vehicle. trict fturned up with equipment their|pogsibly Friday if there is enough| ich was the attendance around = assailant, a girl, stole her| Reeve Gerrow discussed the|assume the duties of clerk, as- bers conducting and presenting| -- - grandparents had received from demand. So all skiers who would Dec, 22 last year, to 300, which holt oh id' tained ne county jail built in Whitby |sessor and tax collector for the the program. As is usual on such {Santa. like to get In a full four days of Was the attendance around the putse Which Je ori Soma ot /and explained what part of the|township on Jan, 10. He replaces occasions the program was out 3-MONTH INQUIRY All in all some 80 youngsters skiing, this is your chance [same date this year Isis, a $65 ii ng $8 cash {cost had been borne by the town-| Ralph Milner, of the ordinary and, for that rea- hh hae --| Mr. Smith explained: "The|® .' ! 'Iship. He sid the county "had| Chairman of the meeting was son, most interesting. " daily attendance since Dec. 22 to| She described her attacker as/spent $11,700 on roads. [Reeve J. J. Gibson of Post The members ate thelr meal to . hd Dec. 24 was approximately 300, being between 3 a » years He said subidivision controls, (Perry. No 'questions were asked the accompaniment of a record-| att £ 1 S 1 omina o This is the poorest season there old, five feet three inches hs (put into effect late in 1957, had by the audience which was one ing of foundry and railway has ever heen & chieck hai with Vi i ad epi Proved successhul They are po of the largest ever to attend a . [ off-the-record chec ad |about 120 pounds. She ection for armer, cottager nomination meeting. Whistle ous. a ait oA [J been taken of the outside rinks in!the woman, who was of slim) ---------- - TF that thew Were ord] n useum as Scugog ( 'ouncil Ohave ad I yas found that at-|build, Wore wp Sold colored " e) d | endance had fallen off there as car coat and light colored slacks. | at work, staged a walk-out but it| en a te a Bg ) CELEBRATING Oratorio was of short duration as Rotar- OTTAWA (CP) The govern. Barbeau, 75-year-old anthropolo However, it | hee fan Norman Siscoe, who conduct- ment has slipped its national gist who has been working part! SCUGOG ISLAND (Staff) -- council were Alvin Teno, Murray hat pid Jud heen Reported : H BIRTHDAYS ed the program, announced It museum problem under cover. [time at the museum since his re- All five members of the 1958 g,rnfield, Victor Aldred and Glen|)ast Lig ie. Bored 4p dhe 1pping . : St ay nig | C | Congratulations and best ppreciate [ | ™ : . would cost early-leavers money he problem involves friction tirement 10 years ago Scugog Township * Council wil : : ho 4 . to depart, among administrative personnel' Both said Monday they have geek re-election Hood, '8 former sc poo trustee » Ih 8 JecOR! ot 30 at the rink wishes to the following resi- f the museum's human history heen told to say nothing. Musel Mon- Persons nominated have unti , Id nol venture an Hi : embers donated L y ( ) say nothing useum At a nomination meeting Mon ie 4 A nen ts Oshaw. r p Roig of fe o iy 'charitable' |Pranch taff also have been told not to day night in the township hall,|9 P.m. Tuesday to qualify. If an|OPinion as to why the attendance n us | Yon) 4 Shae n 0S istrict | An appreciative audience listen. their necktie ite had dropped but said that re re cee rating ays |ed to and joined in the singing How it is solved may never be comment Reeve A Ger { former election is necessary, it will be only learned later that By : teeve Anson Gerrow and former ) ' anpeh 4 . hn , | : cause and only les "learned public unless 'indicated PERSECUTION COMPLEX councillor, Milton Demara were held Monday, Jan. 5. Voting Search into the matter would be ay of excerpts from Handel's Mes- . . | scelve new one | NCOSSATY ( , " Lh Sigh or t oe the DY. staff changes The Citizen quoted Dr. Barbeau nominated to contest the reeve: hours will be from 9 a.m, to necessary Fears ISIS ong Rei, 2 Park youd siah" Monday night at St. Ane Another gag stagec or Resources Minister Alvin Ham- as praising Dr. Rousseau's scien-| ship. Mr. Gerrow qualified fol- 6 p.m | * froet west: ) ] |drew's United Church in Oshawa, i 3 rT smber . prior? iol ' y | Bloor street west; " benefit of the older members ion caid Monday "we hope to tific ability but describing him as!lowing his nomination Douglas Crozier and Joe Dow LONDON (Reuters) -- Lloyd's erts, 67 on Ro It was the second annual com. - LJ was the presentation of a smalliyave & solution within a matter one who had a "sense of persec T . J J ore re-elec J m registry i ity \ sagidn , Olutio ) L persecu The four members of councll, son were re-elected to the school registry of ships, published to-| a munity presentation of the great pig to the vice - president as a ,¢ akg tion" and who imagined plots Clarence Carter, Alvin Heayn,| board by acclamation. A nominee a 1 on 0 Ice ii! warns that the British snip- Leonia Lovieidite, 1990 Sua. |oratorio, with church choirs in- mark of appreciation for the eX: «ppat chould end bickering and against hilmself "so that even his Geor 3 : 'o¢il Fralick for the school board, Mrs. Elizal | : justry. faces "a serious vited to combine in th i Farmers' Night ¢ | R ans i George Smith and Cecil Fralic or the school board, rs. Eliza . ping industry faces s UST Ao ption inlein i C bine in the singing. cellence of the Farmers ight (he museum can go back to friends became hostile, myself in- all qualified following their nom- Fralick announced that she would elze crisis and the shipbuilding in Courtice) x Dicks, 66 war {Once again it was directed by program rnp {esign work . x cluded," inations, Others nominated for'not contest the election ; dustry in Britain, once the big le; luarl (royne, |Wallace Young, director of musio The entire program Was design: puygALS NO DETAILS The Journal quoted Dr. Rous - ! ; . gest in the world, also is in| Cadillac south; Earlene Keel- for Oshawa public sc , ed as a gag and was highly ya would not say whether per- seau as saying Dr. Barbeau is Bogus us Bills, "srecarions" straits. er, 182 Arthur street; Margo At the ANS Dui ok A amusing . : sonnel changes are in prospect "trying to run &ie museum." . a. | Robert D. Ropner, president of and i ade rson {organist of St. Andrew's, Soloists or whether he expects amicable. Dr. Rousseau, appointed branch mp oyes | TORONTO (CP) Hamilton the Chamber of Shipping in the wins}, 6 Wilkinson avenue; |were Mrs. Gordon Baker, so- D ini C 1 C relations can be restored in the director two years ago, previ city police and the RCMP seized United Kingdom, asserts In the Robert McKenna, 1% Kluane prano; Fred Densham, tenor; ominion oa 0. |branch simply by conciliation ously was director of Montreal's 68 counterfeit U.S, $100 bills dur-|registry's annual review that street; o Marilyn Vaughan, |Alex Yonson, baritone and Frank A The 'dispute came to light on: Botanical Garden |ing the weekend, raising to more "whatever the ups and downs of| 1827 Charles street, Port |Heaton, trumpet, The orchestra Removes Equip. the weekend when the govern The Journal reported Dr, Rous ac < Tro ucers {than $25,000 the amount of bogus the political world, whatever the Whitby. a |was composed of members of the ment confirmed an inquiry has seau as complaining of a series {Canadian and American currency (international crisis, shipping has The jist five parsons to in- {new Oshawa Symphony, with SYDNEY, N.S, (CP)--The Do gach ig ay thee onthe into of Iehlems at the museum, in MONTREAL (CP) Union-af-| Television Employes of Canada, that has turned up in Southern|remained in the doldrums" and| dorm Bye Oshawa Tia 3 (Barnett - Taylor as concert minion Coal Company has begun | a of on ost 4 Jed. as I 3 jo nang defiance of his instrue-| ging employes of CBC in American Newspaper Guild Plano Le months, [there seemed '"'no solid sign of ivi dh 23s Sach Say V master. removing equipment from No. 2 slash o a sonalitles in the tions, use of museum stenograph Montreal voted early today to (CLC), Union des Artistes, which i he nea) an federal police improvement." Receive Soule ie os to the At intervals Mr, Young gave colliery at Springhill, Harold Gor Two a Shy . ers to type elec tion campaign back up a walkout of 74 television'is affiliated with the Canadian whip made the weekend seizure mpepe were 8,000,000 tons of | gen heatre, BOOK for a briaf comments on various parts gures in the dispute material for the Liberal party in!' . \ . 'R wicte Arrested Jack Edward Venus, 30, four-week period. The cur [of tp, ic producers Council of Authors and Artists ani Ronald James Zat ,' Shipping laid up throughout the| on," ee ii YH |of the music, its background and James Zatima, 22, world, and although British ship 8 ouse- | Inspiration, shie! . rators, said | SP =n 10mm don, Shiel of coal operators, § ure Dr, Jacques Rousseau, 53,1957 and use of stenographers for 1 (CLC), the United Workers of, . 3 branch director, and Dr. Marius'othe tside rk About 600 employes, members tly PTS i 3 . | " I ariustother outside wo lion He 2 ap owners had not been as hard hit boat. Thanks to all those who had t n Mon- oe come of the flags-of-conveni- contributed to the presentation " \ lecided at a Radio and Television, and the ay and were re ners, t ill had T ( sey, remanded for a hey still an, were expressed by Gwyn Kinse meeting not to cross the produc Building Service Employes In. ! * . lg COMING EVENTS ers picket lines. The unions rep. ternational Union. (CLC) week on charges of possessing ® I S wd . ! 1 2 Bo V S Sa ve Life resent some 1.000 workers ~~ [counterfeit money POSSESSING «nhealthy"" proportion of their wo CCl ents editor of The Oshawa Times, RADIO Park Bingo, Avalon Hall, & The move will black out all live . | The phoney bills have been|ShiPs out of commission. {which sponsored the event. X 30. 2 es $6 anc tet " i . - EE HL fo: Fram Tay 1 . . television and radio programs or rgentina Peso showing up in increasing num. In addition, Ropher estimates M n pots. Three games, prize money will iginated in Montreal. The French- bers in metropolitan Toronto and | that at least 1,000,000 tons of ship be doubled 04a | u eral Irdaill 1 language television and radio net- neighboring cities but police said Ping for which orders have been | gurnam ounty NEW Year's Eve dance at St. John's work will be most hard hit, since Freed But [they are not alarmed at the up- Placed may ever reach the| DY Sho Iino decidenis wre [surge because ¢ orfel s a|water. repo! n Oshawa Monday | Sh S 1d ' | surg use counterfeiting is a orthom 0 Hall, corner Bloor and Simcoe, $5 per EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) into a diesel eng almost all French programs orig- ry ax oha'ts, | | gine hy 0 1 : e and lts racket that never will be com-| Owners .of tramp ships could Might. couple. Supper Included Mh wi h hat do you do with two run- | three freight cars, inate from here { away youngsters who unwits The first accident occurred at] A Shorthorn transaction of note | - 1 " : iid Stations 1 ' uebec pletely eradicated. find little employment. Even a A KINSMEN BINGO | tingly cause a train crash TWO INSURFD Ey of four Austerity Seen "There always are criminals|major liner company had to lay (the intersection of Louisa street /was made by Roy Philp, Port while one of them is saving A brakeman and a fireman hours a day of CBC programs and who think the easiest way to|up one of its ships and Indicated and Park road north, where a Hope, with the sale of one of his (CANCELLED) the other's life? on the moving train saw what |will also be affected BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- Pres. make money Is to make it them-|that not all of its others were!car driven by Keith Sharman, polled Shorthorn females to an That's the problem facing A Was coming and leaped off sec ident Arturo Frondizi has freed selves,' said one police officer. profitably employed. 414 Chestnut street west, was in| Illinois breeder. This heifer was the peso to find its own market ---------- collision with a car driven by paternal sister to the bull for H fore English-language viewers and During Holiday Season juvenile court authorities here | onds before the impact. Both listeners can get Toronto-origin in the touching -- and destruc. | of them suffered severe cuts |p ATORTAMS level and predicted hard times |Greta Cullen, 295 Elizabeth street. which Mr. Philp refused a $6,000 | STARTING AGAIN TUES. | tive--case of a nine-year-old | @nd bruises and one of them | I ti : ahead for Argentina. Ex-World { ham Damage totalled. $370. {offer from a Scottish breeder last JAN. 6, 1959 boy and his seven - year - old | Was still in hospital Monday, SEEK RECOGNITION ; In a nationwide radio-television P [ Damage, estimated at $180, re. fall Dec 30 brother who left home in their | but was listed in satisfactory | The producers walked out Mon: address Monday night he said Ar . sulted from an accident on Mary| The buyer, F. C. Herriott, -- bedrodm slippers Sunday "be. | condition day seeking recognition for their gentina would have to introduce| |street, involving cars driven by Champlain, Illinois, assembled a cause we have been doing Six cars and three diesel [newly formed Association - des!an austerity program and free eC are 1ar Paul J. Allems, 64 Hillcroft small select group of Ontario NEW YEAR'S wrong." units were knocked off the rails |Realisateurs (CCCL), CBC con-/competition to supplant *'errone-| street- and Fred Zedic, 169 Mary Shorthorns with the purpose of Whatever they might have | and blocked the siding and a [tends that producers, by law, are ous state intervention" In busi-' VANCOUVER (CP) Former, The case was adjourned until S"€€! exhibiting them at the Interna. done at home was nothing com- | nearby county road for several part of management and cannot ness and industry. world champion weightlifter Doug today. J iis No injuries were reported. Itional Show at Chicago next year, EVE pared ith what happened nine hours j Nobod knows vet what form a labor union Frondizi's speech coincided Hepburn was declared a hostile GAVE STATEMENT Ee ours later at a New York | the total damage might be Fernand Quirion, president of with a Washington announcement |witness and called a lar in po Hepburn, called as a Crown wit. Central railroad siding four ; 1 d mt think they realize [the producers' association, called of the setting up of an emergency lice court Monday ness and later declared hostile, | D N C s « on h of I Yasville "i what they've done' said proba- [the action a strike, but Andre program of $329,000,000 in econo Hepburn, proprietor of a health admitted giving a statement tol } 1a 20I0])) PLAN THAT /\ Polder boy said his little | . tion officer Glen Meeker of the |Quimet, director of CBC-Mont- mic aid studio here, was giving evidence police in which he said he saw! ar got his foot jammed in | police juvenile division after [peal TV, said it cannot be a The International Monetary in the trial of two men charged one of the men grab the woman's] railroad switch, Fortunately | the boys were apprehended [strike since the association has|Fund, 11 private banks, includ-|with indecent ssault on allegs and take off some of her| HAS PROVEN ITSELF the youngster the switch | nearby The boys will appear [not been certified by the Quebec!ing the New York agency of the|woman clothing. : WED. DEC. 3] was not locked, and the older | in juvenile court at-a date not [Labor Relations Board s bar-|Royval Bank of Canada, and three| 'This man is not only a liar, In court, he said he was "'over ' brother opened it to free the | set, but Meeker doubted any |gaining agent for the producers. U.S. government agencies joined but a cheap one in my opinion," wrought and disturbed" when he OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE LOCAL 1090 Li op enink is switch | ev} us punishment would re- ne STII ns oh bu the plan, 13t a Magisnale N. J patnak gave the statement and believed STA i hy |voted toda, 0 bac * produc oLh steps are aimed at getting epburn, who won the wm phe " onstrue: 'hole UAW. --AJAX | caused a moving 23 - car coal Turned over to their parents, {ers sa' they decided to respect | Argentina out of a Fenny erick [env rw lifting title in 1953 he hag misconstrued Ae wile N BRYNING train to run onto the siding at | the youngsters. said they were [picket lines "so as to avoid any!inherited from Juan Peron's dic-land the British. Empire Games| He said today he believed the 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 UNION HALL 40 miles an hour and crash very sorry disorder or violence." They also tatorship Gili a yéar lier. Was in.8 Wert lines wor prt igi el sald they endorsed ne stand Freeing the peso to find its own|end room when Ken Lorimer, 26, 'woma p artment, CEDAR ST. ARREST JORDAN | Jordan, 24, and four others were taken by the producers market level rid amounts te|and Michael Boussquet, 25. are At I our oF a i LOS ANGELES (AP Don hooked on suspicio. of narcotic Unions involved weré the Na- devaluing alt d Py i oy an It " ; i [ni « ( inv a- devaluing it, although Frondizijalleged to have assaulted the said he ran a health studio, Mag-! $5 Per Ce uple lordan, world welterweig \ « mn. Jordan denied any nal Association of Broadcast carefully avoided using the word|woman istrate Bartman asked: "Did you FOOD TURKEY BUFFET ng champion as i t n wowledge of the cigaret. A tt Emploves and Fechnicians in his speech. The official rate is The woman testified that the ever hear of such things as health] CLUB BAND day after police found a smoulder- ing off oe I's a I" he did not ap a ( i rnational Al ance of 18 pesos to the US. dollar; the{two men attacked her during a of the mind?" Hepburn replied: | 65 UND N ng marijuana cigaret in a car pear to be under the influence of | Theatrica Stage 'mployes free market rate was 68 to the drinking party and ripped her'Yes, a sound body and (1:84:30 -- 304g in which the fighter was riding. |alcohol or drugs. (CLC), Association of Radio' and dollar Monday. ldress. go mind." ; y aya Sound} ERS ®D, OX, 9.1188

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