Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1958, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 30, 19358 OFFICE HOURS =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Zi 1--Accountants 11--Business Opportunities 19--Personal 30--Lost and Found 36--Female Help Wanted |44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale BOB CLANCY A FREE ANTED -- , sult TEN - acre Feels, ¢ ol Taunton Read Please Note INDEX BOB CLANCY'S Ontarle FREER Contains of GENTLEMAN would like ride from LOST -- Spare truck fire and wheel, WANTED Housekeeper, five in, ONE furnished room, £ young gir Tv ¥ parcels, olf Tesnion | f and imeome proper- Oshawa to Ajax. Leaving 7.30 - 7.45|for Chevrolet truck, Tuesday night on would consider young couple with baby |or lady. Apply 620 Simeoe Serviets oli out. ¢ to have free rent in exchange for mind Jan, 23|tor, 26 Prince Street, RA 12502. Jn 3 ; Ray Deadlines now In effect for | TO WANT AD [services for small business. 184 Bond|ties throughout Canada. Specify type|s.m, Phone RA 85084. 302¢| Rossland Road East, Reward. | and location desired. Deal rest with Hoskin, RA 5-5010, 303c| ing two small children, and light house- Hi alow, this column; | Street West, Room 1, Office RA 5.0397; IF you are not living a full and happy Keeping duties, RA 8.5625 3051 DEMEDIATE Jotseasiin, modern, one- pus nh BOWS, oom: bu Sungulows ar | Residence, RA 3.7605, De Duniness and Property icon: life because of tension, fear, frusira. LOW «a CLASSIFICATION oh mn 1h 8t., Dept. ie, Regina, | or a complex, hypnotism can help, off thick, probably Rossiand ped. TV a garage available, RA wood floors, Verdun Road. HA 33% 33301; 8. T. Hopkins and Company, Certified g 0334, vacant. 277 | Public Accountants, 172 King Also reduce weight, stop poking, io Road East or Harmony Road Nob Married women with person. 53813 or RA 8 eT ETT a JE RA 5 | ==Accountants 7 lieve nervous pains, gain confi area, Reward, Phone RA 3.2433, ; . East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-3509. A ality, and some selling experi- THREE - ; "room Apastinent, new; cer.| Co -- oh 3 2--Barristers | 72 NEW BEAUTY SALON [tte Consult Ed Heath, of | TOBT -- German Shepherd, one year, same oay || 2 oore AE. SR Eo os er A aly ty ah ar Tole rv in he #16610 monde, Imp and (Lats Et ek Se SA marae 11 AM. SAME 4=Dentists (Trustee n Bankruptcy. u King Mreet FOR SALE p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone Yellow ball on eyebrows, silver chain,| gift department of large fur- |GM plant. RA 8.5819 between 6 . 9, by. Box nwa J DIAL RA 3-3492 S--Nursing Services pa, Oshaw. Le e, CA; F.| Pour work 'stotions, Twe |MO 84833 Whitby u % ns, Named King, Reward. 1 niture Store. Pleasant work- 303 OWNER bullf new her Sih unc A ' oi similis aii -------- f : ih Py galow, w pay 6~Optometrists Friedlander, B, Sn, or basins, 5 dryers. Sickness |HAVE you a drinking Too Toon walet oie in} 19 conditions, Salary com SIMCOE § North, four-, alpped. Ch RA {Rome. 13 acres, school close, Ten-room . 4 4 A 3 , |apa ul 7~Surveyors WERGER, Frankel and Co, mecount:| co 0" le. Apply 259 Sim- |Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 249 You the Food Shop on Simcoe Street North,| Mensurate with ability. Apply 56343, 9 9 am. pg Tho» Jan. brick Bowe: § acres, mares, 20 * Toronto. Ti (ants and suditors, 184 King Street awa Times. Box 330, Osh Ti Que an -023 Contents sentimental value, Reward if showa Times, BIRTHS Ta--~Vetaringrh East. RA 80231, coe St. 5, BABY sitting bireay can Supply re Soutents sent 56172. va 304c Dec. 30, Jan. 23,5 TWO room avariment with Dun, aol anforth Road, 8--Bullding Trades | MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co. able omen for baby # m 2 central RA LOST -- Yellow trailer hitch for car, 37--Male Help Wanted after 5, RA 3.7092, Jan, 26 | 9=--Building Material" |Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- hab also to care on pi Bi or elder] A | G oC A ND people for rented comipiisbs---- hy , Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; by day or longer periods, 3 | abot two feet long. Used (tees, Ajax, Os R ERY sonable rates, Mrs. R. 8, Disney, RA |traller, Finder please phone RA 2181 DRIVER with own panel truck for es- LARGE bright dors Soom pap Toronto, AX 3-4535 DENTON -- Scott and Ruth are|| |0--Shorpening Service How 37, Monteith, FAC: A. B, Mon. Japiy io sunouses ihe birth of a son, || || --Business Opportunities | teith, E. Comm., CA G. W. Riehl, CA; 3.4921, Office hours, 9 a.m, to 2 p.m.; |or RA 5.8398, dry route, Port brick Tow, stone Scott Denton, 7 Ibs, on Satur- | FL "CA; . .m. Closed reda; . ment, both with tiled ung By: December 27, 1958, at the Oshawa 11a--Business Opportunities K. ¥. Litiool, GAY orgs W. "esth, BUTCHER STORE 42h pu. 10 7.5m is 1087 = Loiden Retriever, silver etaln Perey 414 district, good commission, TT: RA ETM, "sia iree bedroom, Rosenits ~ Boutevard: General Hospital. | North, Oshawa. " : . 2040 |2==Dressmaking orth, d ORCHESTRA available, three, -- 0 Bae APPRENTICE for radio, TV and wash [Phone RA 3-4674. DOHERTY -- Dr. and Mrs. C. B.|| 3 Gardening. & Supplies FOR SALE [five piece, good solid dance Ay for LOST oe OB Sung 47, vieltity ocket er repair, Apply Baron's Radio' and ROOM, orp. A one or oe Tadies, | Doherty are pleased to announce the Household ReDairs | 2--Barristers ; weddings, private parties, public watch, Finder 'Please phone Port | Electric Limited, 426 Simcoe Street|® a birth of their son, Brian Charles, 9 ibs, || |4--House pai AUMPHREYS and Boyechyn, Barristers, bby Bit FI ig FELL ig blrrid i] POR e Pn 204 NISHED duplex, Tour Foon LLOYD REALTY. 9 ozs. at the Oshawa General Hospital|] |5--Instruction R. D. , QC Five-room apartment, good | RA 86221. Jan, 17 LOFF Pia on" December | pre for men's clothing store, mid. *Partment, 115 Athol Street East, pri- RENTAL AGENCY on Deceraver #0, 9m, ominsironis |. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, ies, business on four corners, oi gl To TR a eg Bid Re wl RL Yate smiancs, businele couple pheler |7==Money to Loan |6 King Street West. Phones: Office, 4 "Pancho." Reward, Phone RA 3707| ed. Reply in writing to Box 332, Osh. + avaliable imm 44 Our fee Is less than a COLE -- Mr, and Mrs. Gerbert Gf | =o "oo. (RA S177; Res., RA 85-4604; or Whitby, identiol district. Buildin ELECTROLYSIS after six. {awa Times, 304 T 'eq' 633 Cole (nee Lewarne) wish to announce 1s he oan, ol. Mo ey 10 10aD, residentio strict. Building or TT wr Ta Cit lov Nichole Froror Baier Gnas N pr furnished apartm vaconcy, only screened a agin -- ariinliog Ee Fraser, Drynan and| for sale or rent, Well stocked Removal of superfluous hair. [LOE = Be att Last seen on| Motors Co soa to and reliable tenants, Oshawa General Hospital, 20--Cart age Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notary, 00g Apply Owner, Maris Murduff will be in metal Jam, x Jed Hibon on evlar,| chanics, apply Fred Owen. 30% Centre, gies i led Phony al Lioyd Reclly Oshawa) Ltd. Oshawo, Jan, 13 - 14, Phone 304f mecoe St. N. Public, Bank of Commerce Bullding, § 21 ==Personal Service % -3446; T, K, hor Repairs | Orovamion. aC; N.C. Fraser, QC G. K. S. Hussel, 350 Eulolie Ave. Genosha Hotel on these dates i a" FEMALE CLERK rane Fou parent, WiEben with RA 8-5123 / ol Ll DEATHS 23 Women's Column SL Werdeen. Nie neo 303f for appointment, LOST ie fli Bl Bipinde A 24--~Morket Basket . ly 241 Bloor Street West, ad ov ge Brgy pes BRO | = Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- 12--Dressmoking Jon. 13 Library book entitled REQUIRED FOR Re rooms ps kitchenette, suitable 5 9 9 5 3041 | , Solicitors and Notaries Public op Abb gon) Emi "King Street East, RA $4717. Russel] oars roe .|20--Cartage "JOURNALISM" from news- | for young couple. RA 5-644, [ . AER day, December 26th, 1958, Russel 1Ber-|| 27._fuel, Wood J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. | ooo Sot el, eh idren's clothes, MOVING and Saran FA]. 700m of the Oshowa Times. STOCK CONTROL FOBLET Tavs on men Three Bedvoom 7786. Ji house, all facilities. Apply 221 Rose. tram Dean (Burketon) beloved husband || ~ Summer Resorts "f. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soll ete. Dial RA 5-2638, Jan.1|s . an, | 7 BS Z. 1. BAL Please return same, dale Drive, Whitby. Al DOWN North, | 28a--Hunting citor, etc, 134 Simcoe Street |DRESSMAKING, Iadies' and girls' rive, Whitby, __ _° a) made-! to. measure, and alters-| 21--Personal Service Jon.4| Must be fast and ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, av Noro private Dome. 32 Park Road N.H.A. MORTGAGE of Mary Anderson, son of Charis K.! Maple Grove, loving | ¥ 5 Big Dean ot B. and Thomas B.|| 29-~~Summer Properties For Sale [Dial office RA 53741; residence R. wear, 2 Dean, in his 42nd year. The late Mr. | or Wanted [tio 8. 245 Olive Avenue. Phone RA FOR a Teasonabie charge, 1 repair ith fi Dean is resting at Mcintosh Funeral 301 ost and Found GREER and Kelly, reer South, Dia 8.5480, Janz oo) 8 Al 3. Ra LOST accurate wi igures, Home. Service in the Chapel on Wednes-| 3) =Articles For Rent tors, etc., mcoe Stre 3034 ie fi se See these quality-built homes ; p ter: | RA 32278, Residence phones: 13--Gardening & Supplies mia ------ Norn General Movers. Poe RA Di1ot b day, December 3iut, at 3 pam. Inter. | 2) 7UREN Lg |Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5.3363; Terence ¥. ham Ld, I he applies IRONING verviee Til 80 330 0% | Vicinity of Philip St. Any- Apply Field Aviation %ic| now for best choice of lots J amelery i | Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-58 uncan owlers' landsci ing. Free pick-up and delivery. Cal + s i 9p thalf Loz Avetion Slee | Philips, B. Comm., RA 81974. ing servico--lawns seeded, sodded, fer. RA" 5.3967," Jan16| one finding black purse con- Co. Ltd. P.O. 366, [PICKERING BEAGH, immediate pos.| ond designs. WILSON -- Entered into rest in thel} 35 gmpioyment Wanted tilized, gardens and lawns pl taining black wallet and red d session, winterized cottage, good well, ; home of her nephew, John Brady, BIl 50 coroig Help Wanted McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, /l0ci, SAGES, Rud | SUne ELSCRISC, I el AS ry Munici i garage, close to school, would suit] 5 large rooms with all the funds available for wailet ca unicipal Airport, [couple or famiyg with one or two| extras you would wish in your Louisa Street, Oshawa, on Sunday, | Solicitors, Clients' RA 8.57 ! December 28th, 1938, Helen Jean Wil-|| 37--Male Help Wanted He eigages. 20 Simcoe Street North, | Everything for your garden, 85753.) JANE BLACK Slenderizing 5 p.m. Owner interested In children. References. Asax 973, 30dc| ©xIros you son, beloved daughter of the late Mr. || 35_pmaie or Female Help Wanted | po" Jace" es C. MeGibbon, QC; | i Reduc- return of paper i" are aE Comer mea Son Mrs, David Wilson and sister(| oo" Lo Toyo og Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc of papers, 3044 Oshawa, . SMALL apartment, ground floor, sepa- WI NTER 0 rate entrance. Will furnish. Apply after ~--3 models to choose from, Soi P. J. Brady, Resting at the 8 : pia Funeral Home, "shawa, || 40=Cpportunities | THOMAS M., RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll Bor vp. Sis Bolland Message emer d Notary Public, 26% I] ; ; With High Requim Mass in St. Gre-|| 4) --Room and Board eltor and rl 45] Simcoe St. South 31--Articles For Rent BRAND new solid brick, four ~--Model homes open daily till gory's Church on Wednesday, December | ooo 00 oy Board Wanted Street East. RA 8.763, * dan, SUPPLIES , em {35 Mole or Femole SRAND new suid brick, Tout bedroom oe 31st at 9 a.m. Interment St Gresury's 43=~Wanted To Rent JOHN A. MacDONALD, 2a, Bari Ber! RA 5-9602 For Appointment, Help Wanted by location, Phone MO 8.3025. 299( ied plery, We , 101 8 e Street Nor Cometer 44---For Rent and Solleiter, 1 eo ICE SALT Open 10 am. - 10 p.m, DO IT YOURSELF! Pp | THREE room, unfurnished apartment, INFORMATION ai il 45==Rect Estate ror sols Phote RA 88511 -| WILD BIRD FEED | | with the power tools and REPRESENTATIVE wanted, wonder- | central, hot water and oil heating, Ap- TAILORING : RA 8-1338 RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thom ---- opportunity for neat, aggressive ply 40 Butterworth Avenue, Toronto 13 For Funeral Flower 450--Real Estate Exchange Associate Barristers and Solci-. NO, 1 SUNFLOWER SEED equipment you con rent at gentleman, Sales experience preferred, Pr tovepnone OXford 4204 evenings Arrangements Sea 46--Real Estate Wanted , 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 53525. | ov yA MaND PAINT TAILORING | Stan's Sharpening Service [but not essential, Phone RA 8.6711 for |$40 per month rent. Dec.2 (corner King & Burke) RA Interviews, 9.30 a.m, to 5.30 p.m.; after | yrny cosy, iat, very "central, Tea. Quality-built by 3034 4 4) ==Automobiles For Sale Mortga, e loans available, NTH : " LEWINGTON'S 48--Automoblies Wanted DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister] BIRD FEEDING STATIONS Own materials made up. | 3.3224. Chain Saws; Floor 5.30, MO 8-4055 Mf | sonable, RA 3.3078. FLOWERS Solicitor, 26% King Street East, c | Alterations of all kinds. ' ttm CARAVAN CONSTRUCTION PHONE RA 3.9533 49--Automobile Repairs and Soli bi Teri Ty RA 5.5501; Rest: PIGEON FEEDS Invisible weaving. | Belt, Disc and Oscillating | TEACHER required for Grad aad THREE or four Jooms, private b bath, Jan.15 18 : 50---Articles For Sale dence, RA 8.5373, PET FEEDS Dress Alterations, Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric |i commence February 7, schedule jn|O cond floor. Phone RA 3.2606, ! 24 King St. East, Oshawa 5) =Swop and Barter i H d th ff 00 - ' 4 ON, Barrister, Solici | 10 P St. ( Bus Stat ammers and many other effect, minimum $3000, State qualifica-| (2 doors hem sin s Drug 52-=Legal Notices JOY A aur. 185 King Stree COOPER SMITH CO, | 0 hii 8.8317 glion) ; {tions, sxpetience, Salary and tame oi | MODERN. two fom apariment. Sup: COMBINATION. tori 226 i mort. | Or, . s , | h CLASSIFIED AD RATES Fan. RA 3208. NHA ang private | 16 CELINA ST, LEN PULLAN | Brooklin, Ont, Phone 247J, 302¢ | home. Apply 331 La Salle Avenue, RA WINDOWS | PH N.QC, B , - i RENT A FLOOR 5-801, 304a GERROW FUNERAL | 25 words or ew | JOSEPH F. MANGANGC, = Barvisier RA 3-2312 (English Talon 41--Room and Board | soc rior vores sn Wiser Tosi Se : 14% CHAPEL | Con Chora fe rent Eas, Oshawa. BA T.T.5. Jon. 9 SANDER AND FINISHER ROOM and board, near South GM, All conveniences, oll heated, full base.] DOORS, AWNINGS, THE King Street East, Oshawa. RA B.8232,| , conto 24 ne Ja Hahn Rein f home privileges, lunches packed, also | ment, garage, immediate possession. BEST FOR LESS. i | oN zat . MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, Soll CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recov: ered | 22--Radio and T. Vv. Repairs rom privilege to have sandwich and tea ug Yor Yoauary: Steer West, RA CALL RA 8-8571 JB 3 CONSERTIONS 3.73 41 citor, Notary. Money to loan. Hee nry|like new, Wily pay ures Dus ates | it-yourself, Test your own TV , radio DO-IT-YOURSELF Quietly in kitchen when on night shi we---- Sod Whitb MO 8 4891 moderate prices, INSERTIO : Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697; are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran.| ' | IRA 5.3710, 299 | APARTMENT, two large rooms, built- toy - d Hi-Fi tubes, Open fill midnight, it not paid within 7 dave the [lp fae ce' Dial 3.4020 teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. and HIFL tubes Open midnight] HARRISON & KINSMAN [08K rou sne Siishen: "private en-|in cupboards and sink, Three minutes Manufactured in Whitby | Daily and Sundays, red's Drive-In RA 8-6226 Charge rate will opply. {Bolatering Co. -10--Bond Street West, 1 ol King Street West Dec. 29 trance, furnished or unfurnished. Apply| walk to South GM. $11 weekly, hydro, : 1 : ater and heat. RA 8-5 390 King Street West Above rates apply only to orl- || 4----Dentists ee | FORNIFORE Teuphoister. |TV TOWERS completely nstalied, J 5 337 Simcoe St. S., RA 3-4425 [27 Park Road South, vk Mowry th 3 a COLONIAL H| ginal orders for consecutive in: DR, G. T, SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6. ed, See our ma Is for recovering, Year guarantee, $64.50; no bolts, j70rR room duplex, ba Availabie| + modern five room Tigh tions. Subsequent insertions ordered Sle due [Hlvela, all welded. All channel aerials |32--Articles Wanted January 1. Oil heated, Phone RA 5-23 Open evenings by appoint, ay | Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA m $29.95; easy terms. Kelly TV, Aer ep, a Park Road North. RA ira ALUMINUM at o later date constitute @ new hs ' Simcoe Street South. _ Rema IN MEMORIAM original. order, ¢ ROOMS papered, "$8 up. - "Painting, 311. | THREE room apartment, unfurnis Professional and Business listings i i SPECIALIZED radio and television WA TE central, Aply 221 Arthur Street '| cosy & ro $6.00 per month for 3 dail | 5--Nursing Services |Gyproc applied, 4ealed seamless, Pholle service, All makes. Fred Thompson, nl N D to 8 p.m, ' usc central, garage optional, RA 3.3519, 304c ------ n, ---- Jan.30 Each additional line 75¢ per month, | -- |Elliot Street, Call RA 3.9792. N 1s 01 | . 18 for ent. ROOM and board for gentlemen, good THREE - room upstairs "apartment, SOCRERTON 1 Jovisg Suwmory Each initio) letter, abbreviation. | ANDEN NURSING HOME CALL Joe, RA 540 or arpentry, Scrap and Poultry (meals, single beds, continuous hot|hardwood and tiled floors. Private en. of a doar father and grandfather, Al-|| § ong ¢ sign, figure, count os a painting and handyma |m b fred Cockerton, who passed away De [ word, Box charged |5¢ additional (Licensed) YOUR local chim Cleaner: chim ELECTROHOME, TURNER Yaser, Apply 252 Arthur Street, BA trance and bath. Phone RA 400. = cember 30, 1947, All Classitied Advertisements neys built and repaired, gas linings in- wo, sr basi tr------ Sometimes it's to understand || 67 be in by 9 a.m. the day of KING ST. WEST stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti] RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, | ROOM and board for gentlemen, close 2997. Joy, sone things have to be ed) publication, - Otfice hours: Daily Exclusive nursing home for mates. RA 3.2007. WESTINGHOUSE - RA 3 2043 |i, downtown, Abply 23 Elgin Ean FOR RENT FULL DOWN Beyond our powers to see 8-5, Setwday 8:12, convalescent and elderly peo- 15--Instructi The finest in television end RE A day of remembrance sadly re. | REGULAIIONS-- | ple. (Men ond Women). --ifigtruction service (collect) ROOM or room and board in nies, [7 New large 5-room apartment, PAYMENT called, || The Daily Times shall not be || Nurses and dieticions in | PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, : ee -------- a id ground floor, electric stove Without farewell he left uy all responsible for errors in advertise- ottendonce Tray service, {18 years' experience. Appointment on PARKWAY TELEVISION ROOM and board for gentlemen, | good and frig.,, outomatic washer To be with us in the same old way, ments submitted othwise than In c Be ly. Call RA 5-1054, | meals, home privileges, single beds. Would be our dearest wish today. || writing nor for more than one radio, T.V. lounge. df - eoomeetizs |. 918 Simcos N.--RA 3.3043 CEDARDALE [Close 'to all south plants, Phone RA| 0nd dryer, hot water heating, ONE N.H.A. =Sadly missed and ever remembered | ;\co act insertion of any od- | PRIVATE teacher, abident counsellor, SCRAP 3.3101 or 102 Mill Street. Jan. 12| T.V. aerial, paved parking. by daughters Elsie, Dorothy, son-in-law || yertisoment, nor beyond 'ne price | 6----Optometrists 13 years' experience. Appointment only, > er | Call Lloyd Metcalf at RA Jimmy and grandson Dennis. charged for a single insertion of P --- claliz Call BA A, s------ T Vv AERIALS INSTALLELC| IRON METAL LTD {ROO a2 hear Fei ho S5-6983. MORTGA the advert ! hich C. H. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing | gARVE Academy. Baton, VY, A Seve 1 COCKERTON -- In loving memory ay nih SHS [I anomaties, eyesight and LL) LY Datey Avec Conan "nef IRON : : METALS Road. 299 3040] virgolow, air on of our beloved parents and grand: || to classify advertising according to | glasses. Evenings, Mon., We + 68. ster now. 424 King West. RA oved or Repaired Se ROOM or room and board,sfor gentle: SFO) i parents, Alfred and Emily Cockerton its own classification. 9 invalids examined at home. 5.6143 --~ % 50-100 tower spa Fiead PAPERS : : RAGS men. Ah TE aaron or gentle. ditioned fieqting, heated bose. Dad, who passed away December 30, | Disney Bldg., ng Eas -- A | Phone RA 5.9115, 3020 ments arge ots private vl TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years' Tag ¥ 00 3 a " Wd Mom, January Bro | |7 Surveyors experience, Appointment only. Call $113.00 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY | ROOM or room and board, seven days MODERN 2-BEDR M drives, excellent area with And our hearts a locket wears P ti i 1d oa eyo vei: a RA Nim Hos ERs Len ond Lou's TV. RESIDES S32 iss |Bpareek. Five" minutes' to 'downtown, APARTMENT schools, sewers, buses, etc. w fll k our image always, GT ORTON an ssocl n-| LILLIAN Mae h, nee ucato) - . 2 Tt gD Mw ar 1eS e [ta fo Land Surveyors, Profes En. | Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre. | RA 5-7844 . MA 3-3942 At 15 Gibbon Street, will be PHONE For it's love that holds it there Every year It Nets more precious [gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South,|school mcrobatic. Friday and Saturday 100 ANNIS STREET 43--Wanted to Rent available. February 1. Adults As the loving memory grows, | ' Ajax. Phone RA 8.0121 | Masonite temple, RA 3.7253. May 21 FREE PICK-UP TWO oun SE errr or with child 12 * l A a -- gE men require furnished ! children over . For the finest. dearest parents At I hornton S F. J. DONEVAN and Associates, Land ---- a T.V. AERIALS a |apartment in Oshawa, Write Box 319 RA 5.8831 That the world will ever know | Surveying and Engineering, 13 Bloor| Sold end: Imtolled [Oshawa Times. 2090 Apply » Fond! emembered by d ht A Elizabeth; 'son-in-law, George: xrand.| By MRS. CHARLES WHITE |SUe Fast, Oshawa, Ontario. RA| Music wie Ss for at Ismet Moved ond Repaired CARS WANTED 3 For Rem 21 GIBBON STREET 7 LAWSON Srandeniidren, Vivian. and: Garry THORNTON'S: CORNERS | GoNALD i TROLLOFE.: Oataric Tawi | 20-tt. aerial, $29 and up. |44--For Ren 3040 Bil FIANS 78 1 THREE rooms A MUSIC SUPPLIES "for rent COCKERTON -- In loving memory of 'The Sunday School presented its Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5.6881. | ALTO TT : Dad and Mother, who passed away|Christmas Pageant last Sunday New and Used Pianos ROLLAND T.v. FOR WRECKING Wee tn a Cone Lo 45--Real Estate For Sale 304a Decemt 17 and January 27, 1048 4 --Building Trades nd Used) - aero Every memory is a keepsake, afternoon. It was entitled 'Where 8 9_ (New ond DESIRABLE apartment, self contain. With which we will never part, is He", and through the program ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Full selection of all instruments Scrap iron and metals ed, three rooms and bath, unfurnished, HOLIDAY SPECIAL 3 a i ) \ Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, tas h iring, Dow R Though God has you in"His keeping |of story, song and recitations it plumbing, heating and engineering. 255 477 Simcoe Street South FAST T.V. SERVICE bought. Call . Adults only 360, HX 88175, bit Ve have you in our hearts, {told where He (Jesus) was, where ~Sadly missed and always remem. : Simee Street South x i bered by Albert, Isa and grandchildren Be is and Were He can be. The prumBING and heating bipes, fins, 16--Insurance From A to Z SHAW ng BR tad Pigind IMMEDIA E OCCUPANCY eginners, rim fixtures, new and used, changing from etree -- - ] ' 3 : pany sad Junio [septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In.| ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to Guaranteed expert job RAG & METAL or two business persons, Also self-con- COCKERTON -- In loving memory of |ohjldren all had parts 0 also sev ! In 0 per cent, nine months to pay, For tained three - room apartment, two- : a dear father, Alfred Co ton, who stallations at reasonable rates for- (20 p © pay, piece bath, low rent. Apply 271 Simeos in beautiful passed away December 30, 1947. eral adults. Others assisting were mation and estimates froe on any type | personal service at your home, call RA CALL RA 8-5286 co orth. Phone RA 8.0444) oe i [Miss J f plumbing. Dial RA 54241, J. Foley. |5.7413, Uae CT re, Buller: Solo ey TE RFENTS oo eT HILLSDALE TERRACE It was His will, Mrs. Buller, soloist, and Janie CARPENTER wo fram ET 17--Money to Loan OSHAWA ELECTRONICS RA 5.2311 bedrooms, finished recreation room, But in our hearts, ' ing, kitchen cabin H H nll) Delaney and Anna Dovgalev who mink, kitchen cabintis, TIS APRIOVRL hfs occupancy February 1, Phone RA 8.1050 all services paid for «Ever remembered by son, Bill sang a duet. Gordon Reeson op- or too small. Work guaranteed. RA |€ monies llable for tirst 23 _Women's Column 2031 | y and tame ee ---------- TT] COCKERTON -- In loving memory Crated the flood lights, i ER 0 Second Dost Mciubr ig Thoind SPECIAL -- heat permanents $8.80; 39 SLOOR [FEET Sat SINGLE furnished bedroom in clean, ROADS CURBS AND GUTTERS of dad who passed away December 30, The Beginners and Primary ALL types dwelling hi M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary cold waves, $5.50, Page Hair ressing. quiet, Frivate home. RA $3079. 3050 WATER STREET LIGHTS 1047 and mother who passed away classes of the Sunday School held *ding plastering and repairs, Chim. pupiic, 264 King East, Oshawa, RA|396 Pine Avenye. RA 5.5363, 35--Empl t Wanted {man prefer e EW. ' January 27, 1948 their Christmas party at the S neys, new and repaired. Dial RA 8.7247, 3.4697, 8 ef sme mp oymen 2 van e __|THREE - room apartment, heavy wir. S ERS (storm and sanitary) The world changes, year to year, 1 mas party at the Sun-| Gordon May. CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. 24--Market Basket BABY SITTER available for New IDE, separate entrance, parking, cen- ; And friends, from day to day; day School on Saturday morning. cappENTER "work, framing, trim: {gage Mortgage and agreement of sale| coo -- ~--wo|Year's Eve and weekends. Phone RA tral. $75 monthly. Phone RA 5.3954. FEMINEERED -- Styling for the housewife. 5 plans to choose But never will the ones I loved There were 20 children with their ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. | | purchased. NHA mortgages arranged hie we Potatoes, » Mors Thies and th 3.4172 304a 303 from. From memory pass away i n) J > Alterations and repairs. No jobs 100 Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur: . Tike rer SINGLE furiToNes Dedroommmm-- - Ever remembered by daughter Nel er om. Lar ad nig ot, loo. small. Work guarantesd doch. " Sa. Jan.30 a on Ie iv SIN a ha ENGINEERED -- Built for the man of the house, lie and son-in-law Fred 5, Ha C also assist- Df 3.3579. FIRST and second mortgage, sale SWEET cider and apples, W. T. Cox, day week, Phone RA 3.4029, 304a downtown, business gentleman, PURSE APPEAL -- From $1,036 down and up. COCRERTON = In loving memody| 105 Was Mrs. Don Henderson, The| cpm mye agreements purchased and sold. Hen.|1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville, be oNiy. 65. Division Street. DIRECTIONS Rossland Road Eost between Wilson Road and of a dear father, Alfred Cockerton, Children exchanged gifts and had finished. "Reasonable rates. Bowman: nick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 Kink APPLES -- GI of good health From. 36--Female Help Wanted | Toe : RE Oo who passed away December' 30, 1947, lunch, ville MA 3.2697 day 'or evenings. 299 Street East, RA 3.7232. [1 bushel. De Vries Farm, 114 miles] Shuttle, 0A ahha "room, comfortably furnished for ad. m-------- 2 |directly north Bowmanville Training GIRL to work In clean snack bar, must ONE housekeeping, at 77 Ontarlo Street. ugar, "0TTOWS | On Saturday afternoon the jun. | School (MArket 3.2221), Jan.12|be neat and accurate at figures. Apply 3031 ( But time so far has only proved lor girls had their party with| GRAVEL 922 8 ; 303, RE R a * > pr -- ns -- - room apartment, s stove and re- How much we miss you yet gifts and lunch with their teach- NEED CASH? E night or day Ee possession Jan, God gave us strength to fight it ers, Mrs. Gordon Reeson and| Cement $9.00 per head. Road J . --TURKEYS-- A Aouny Rew |dren welcome. parking. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 And courage to bear the hlow Mrs. Charles White, fine «nd coarse $8.00 per Taurant, 454 Simeos Street South, Also Street North, Apt. 4. Phone RA sen But what it meant to lose you, night cook. No one will ever know BOY SCOUTS load. 'Be satisfied -- Dial S S b d Freshly billed, delivered oven |oRE St ro After hours call: ly ited Dy daughter DollV.| "he Boy Scout Troops held a RA 5.5279. ee ved oar ready. Banquet prices. must be neat and accurate at figures. TREE {20m uiurisned ap Jack Sheriff ... RA 3-3775 Bill Norris Ajox 1290 great-grandchildren Christmas party on Friday night. "Your Lending Neighbor" D. J. COURTICE Apply 922 Simcoe Street North. 303¢ piy'73 Cadillac South. 302| Ston Skea .... RA 5.9875 Doug Wilson .. RA 5.5625 COOK -- In loving memory of a dear| HEY Started at the Brooklin rink | HAYNES LOANS UP TO $3,000 Courtice YOUNG LADY Ho J re -- two Dec: 30,Jan, 2.8 Kanne ii pd where a lively game of hockey aon. Kenn th Cook, who passed away | the played. A i against B BUILDING CONTRACTOR OSHAWA OFFICE RA 8-5392 - RA 3-9916 bathrooms, good location, just outside Sly la arage Haas Taunton, On. We do vot forget you, nor do we Troop. Then at the Community Floor experts, Old floors 29V4 Simcoe St. South Jon. 20 Attractive personality, pleas- Jan. 3 SCHOFIELD Centre on Thornton's road the, made like new. Hardwood | 25--Pets and Livestock ant and courteous, for recep- |SIX room brick bungal Iy decor. : We think of you often, and will to arty co w Xe 2 ling. nter work ol- - - - . A aed, Available January 1. Pho RA i the end party continued with exchange of | or tiling. Carpenter work o RA 5-1121 PART COLLIE, two months old pup,|. tonist and switchboard op- [3.4 ner "® yozc Insurance Associates Ltd. Gone and forgotten by some you may gifts, entertainment and lunch. terations, Kitchen cabinets inna pa be, Mrs. John Ng It COBOURG OFFICE female, $10. Apply 126 Burk Street. erator, some knowledge of kod ~ room apartment, two blocks But dear to our memory you ever rs. John Hircock passed away | our specialty, I04e ' : from downtown: heat, water and hydro L TES will be at her 'home Thornton's road CALL RA 3.7196 King Street West | PUPPIES, German Shepherds, good| 3%i'chboard and typing desir- | quppiied, also TV aerial, No objection Lovingly remembered by Mother and south last Friday. Besides her : FR 2-7461 {temperament, from registered stock.| able. Excellent working con- [to one child. $65 monthly. Call RA GOOD FAMILY HOME husband she leaves a daughter, | 10--Sharpening § Service Reasonable. Phone Dunbarton RE| ditions, usual fringe benefits, |>.0628 after 6 p.m. Jan.§ Violet, and two sons, John and - SEABOARD FINANCE CO, |*15%. Jan, 24 ' ' |BRIGHT, one., and two - bedroom $1000 Brick home with a brick garage, located on a corner lot in A . p---- apartments electrically equipped, bal-| the H nd Ave re Hom Ol CARD OF THANKS Bert, all of Thornton's Corners, SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! OF CANADA LIMITED | BEAUTIFUL "baby budgies, ready for Apply [conies, TV antenna, parking. Apart] |i in bi dinin fi and ne x prey {0 5000 sie The father of Mrs. Hilliard Ba-| . The most complete automatic (formerly Bellvue) training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, MR. HONSE [ment 10. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. 9 9 mn gown dour passed away suddenly on On Oe TS Jen iD Broad, 114 Elgin Street East i : [MO 8.4221 Jang, Stairs, 2 large bedrooms and 4-pc, bath (tiled) upstairs, The Monday. He was Dennis Spratt, awe for It Ho. T.5., Jon BOARDING pe Hmming, bathing. de CHERNEY BROS LTD. | THREE unfurnished rooms, secona| [Ot is enclosed with a tall privet hedge. Sidewalk, close to I would like to extend my thanks to who resided on Celina street Bor tmetol ond |VBo---iiort |fleeing. Waubena Kennels. RA 56321. 80 KING ST, E, {floor heated and electricity, private] Schoole. bus and shopping. $2,800 down open for offers, all friends and neighbors who sent Oshawa sows, andsaws (metal an Qe ortgages REGISTERED German Shepherd, 7 D 3 2, 4 bath, couple only, available now. 3580 cards and flowers to me during. my OSHawa wood), Lownmowers, Skates, we RAVE clients' monies for loans on |MONths old. housebroken, all needi ec. 30, Jan. 2, 3, 4 prew Street. RA 5.7586 Jan. 4 N.H.A. RESALE May in the hospital, Also to all nurses! Hilliard Badour was rushed by ete STAN'S. SHARPENING first and second mortgages and loves children, $70, pian Tod ceard hides on Ward 2D, Corinthian ambulance to Oshawa General| SERVICE, Cor. King & Burke [chase of agreements of sale Louis §. fRreet East 4 |31--Articles For Rent IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Lodge, UA WA, organizations of Knox Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh - Church and Dr. Maroosis Hospital Tuesday of this week, | RA .3.3224 |awa, RA 3.4943 ' |26--Farmer's Column | 5 room bungalow centrally located in a residential area Close to Dave Jenkins: Migs Betty Stonehouse who FOR sale ------ --r---- { / ma ale -- Hay, 40c. per bale, straw, school. and bus service, Oil heated. Storms ond screens, Nice! sorrow we would, & teacher at Killarney log 15- ~Instruction | T5-- Instruction 30c. per bale. W. Eymann, Courtice WEBBING S RENTAL SERVICE londscaped ond decorated. Low down payment. Rey neere at "lis spending the holiday season eT. - ---------- Phone RA 5-8288 4 303t mn ) ith Der ite J or William | . OSHAWA | Dime Te he Ip Iramptiv. Floor. Sanders; Belt, Vibrating and Circular Sanders; (we have a TOP VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR en cial | St use # amil | Margwill Fur Farm. Tyrone. \ JiR : : ie Exceptionally well built 5 room bungalow located in the North End en ' pov . : ; oo { COLLEGIATE OF MUSIC Tr Wess complete line of sealers and waxes); Circular Saws; Electric Drills; of City below Rossland Road. Complete in very detol] Sicen fe, Dr oil and ke ol AF MAN MUST LEAVE --Fue 00 Staplers; Blow Torches; Soldering Irons; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe front, garage, fenced rear yard, Beautifully landscaped. 2 bed- ne Fm ri piven] BUDAPEST (AP Carl Hart-| RY Teach DATOword Slovo wom rooms on main floor with spare bedroom or den upstairs, Finished Armetman.. Associated Press corres | 31 BUCKINGHAM AVE. length, split, $20 full cord. Delivered in| 'Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many other Tools, | rec room plus den and washroom in basement. half cord lots. Also dry cedar. Phone! AO pute nt in Hu will be bar MODERN | INSTRUCTION on. Plone Piaro As C. Smith, 612 Clarke Jan, 2 . | BEFORE 5:00 PM. -- RA 3-2265 : ih red from working here after Jan 1 Over the told . niin 4 . ENJOY the holiday, Cannel coal, hard / PROUD MOTTO © if, lhe Eovernme told Hartman cordion, Guitar, Drums, Saxaphone, Clarinet. orn on ete Wt \WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN: | eerween 5:00 & 6:00 PM. -- Ra 8.1624 South Africa 's motto is. "Ex not be extended. He is the RESULTS J West. ° a _Jana2 ' ; Unitate Vires." or "from unity)Amer hy tiz Bad yd Y GUARANTEED WOOD cutting by buzz saw and chain ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING | JOHN ZAKAROW RA 5.0434 HENRY STINSON RA 5.0243 comes strength." [tioned here as a correspondent. | For further information RA 8-632 jew Soow signing. Foe TA SHE; aga KING SY. W. RA 3.4873 ' Bill MEFEETERS RA 5.1726 la . Mow ea ------ PRN CEOWIAT Ir am amen

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