Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Dec 1958, p. 7

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Fog Slows Up Heavy Traffic COBOURG ~~ Traffic on the highways was light both Christ. mas and Boxing day, but became very heavy for several hours Sunday night Motorists return. ing from Christmas visits to rela tives and friends filled Montreal to Toronto arteries, and mild afternoon weather brought sum- mertime Sunday drivers to the roads again In trafficjam vol. ume Heavy fog settled over an area roughly bounded by Toronto, Kingston, Lindsay, and Camp- beliford during the late afternoon and early evening Temperatures dropped - below freezing after dark, eausing dangerous leing on some roads after the afternoon thaw Cobourg OPP reported that the Oshawa-Bowmanville area seom- ed most heavily fogbound, but sald their radio had picked up transmissions from the Niagara Falls - Welland area reporting fog conditions there also Department of Highways road reporting officers in Port Hope sald that roads had been for the most part cleared during yester- day afternoon, but that sanding 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Menduy, December 29, 1958 13th YEAR ON COUNCIL Sees Port Hope Finances Strong PORT HOPE -- Prompt pay-|ness with his father in Port Hope, ment of taxes by property hold-|Mr, Rosevear was born in the ers in Port Hope has contributed |house across the road from the a great deal to the solid worth of (one In which he now lives on town's debenture Issues, |the corner of Walton and Hager. J, M. Rosevear, chairman of the man streets, : town council's finance commit| "You can still see a 450-pound tee, remarked Sunday, : chunk of coal I fetched out of a The veteran councillor celebrat- mine in Pennsylvania standing ed his 83rd birthday on Dec. 23, in front of the office of the Cotter and is entering his 13th succes (Coal Co, on Ontario street," he sive year on council, commented, "My father sold coal Commenting on the town's fi-|at $6 a ton and now it's up to nancial picture, he sald the total [$30 a ton, debenture debt stands at $1,300,- 700 COMPETITIVE 000, The town's total assessment! "I gold the business in 1944 and is about $10 million, retired; oll was getting too com~ HEALTHY CONDITION petitive with She Siang soot or coal," he explained, "The price ising: Rab Bl iy oj et has to be high to pay the miners sional football game on television, [of Pennsylvania $24.60 a day, Mr, Rosevear sald he felt the| 'When I first worked in the town's finances were in a healthy business we fook the coal from condition, box cars with shovels and wheel " debent barrows, 1 bought a mechanical w., og if Dy eben Stock "Ex. loader for $1500 and reduced had been necessary on ice Ch change through recognized brok. handling costs by 40 cents a ton, patches ers and that the town paid out| That was when we began to show interest on debenture debt every|a® decent profit, Handling Is a six months, The last issue of Port |DIg cost factor in the coal busi. Hope debentures, for the amount "ess. of $104,000 as final payment on Except for a couple of years In the sewage treatment plant, has Oshawa as a bookkeeper, Mr, just been completed, |Roweveat hug lived all of his Mr, Rosevear sald the most |e In Jor Hope. expensive items affecting last| READING AND SPORTS year's residential mill rate of 62,2) Interested in reading and sports were the county rate and the pub. (he remembers 20 years of um- lio schools, "The upkeep of county |PIring for the old Midland Base: roads and county institutions is| Pall League which took in Port our largest single expens eo," | Hope, Oshawa, Peterborough, he said, "Education is the next|lindsay, Cobourg and Belleville, most expensive item, |He is also addicted to football -- on television, SAVE BANK FEE Reading is another pastime, He He pointed out that Port Hope enjoys books on sports history, pays the county its share of the mining and finance, Asked If he tax rate In cash and saves the gardened he replied with a county a banking fee, This sav- twinkle; 'No, 1 let the flowers ing is reflected In a reduced |look after themselves, | just stay county rate, he sald, {busy keeping the mice out of my "The town's uncollected taxes money, ' only amount to a total of about| He sald his chief Interest was $6000 ,"' he pointed out, "This|really municipal affairs and ine helps to make our debentures dicated that a lively, active ine more solid on the market, That's |terest in the affairs of the town a small amount of arrears against was the chief factor in keeping our ten million assessment." him spry and vigorous despite his Forty years In the coal busi-'83 years. Dramatic Flourish In Shipping Trade By THE CANADIAN PRESS opening of the streamlined St. A fast freeze and clogged can-|Lawrence Seaway, a $475,000,000 als gave a dramatic flourish to| system of seven locks and four the 1068 finale for shipping along canals that will replace the old the 1,000-mile St, Lawrence River shallow canals, route, Montreal port manager Guy Tee struck the old Lachine and|Beaudet sald the harbor will als Soulanges canals late in Novem. WAYS remain a main shipping ber, tightened its grip in Decem.| terminal, even if the seaway lures ber and almost caught 34 foreign|more foreign traffic directly into frolghters in a wintery prison, |the Great Lakes, Then the lce threat shifted to|ICE HELPS MARITIMES the St. Lawrence River Itself,| Maritime harbors got an extra Jamming the deep-sea shipping |bit of business when some ships channel, At last report 13 ocean| cancelled plans to sall Into the ships were still trapped in Mont- St, Lawrence because of the ice real harbor, walting for icebreak-| danger. Vancouver, noting an im« ers to cut a path through the lee proved market for charter ships, Jama, |saw a brighter outlook ahead, A bright spot was next year's| Montreal, one of the world's - | greatest Inland ports, reported am . . eight-per-®nt Increase In total Skiers Enjoy Fine Weekends | Handle Heavy Mail Volume COBOURG Eight extra mall sorters and five extra carriers helped Cobourg post office dig itself out from under more than 330,000 pleces of mall by the day before Christmas this year Al in all, postal volume was at an all time high for the season, but Post master George" Leet ham reported conditions were back to normal by noon, Dec 24 Parcels were heavier In, vol. ume and weight this year, he sald There was not the feared last minute deluge of Christmas cards, and some letter carriers sald they thought that although a hectic time of year, It had been one of the smoothest for a long time With the rush season over, Post Office employes have a new worry. Thelr space on the ground floor of the new town federal building is ready, and it is ex pected that soon they will move from present King and Division quarters to join already relocated Unemployment Insurance and Customs offices at MeGlll and Albert streets 2 Boys Bom On Christmas COBOURG ~~ Two very small boys will be released from Co- bourg General Hospital this week in the company of their mothers Born Christmas day, both infants are reported doing well, and the mothers are reported well pleas {ed with their presents of A son was born to Mr and {Mrs Wesley Leavitt, 80 Univer. sity avenue west, Born at 4 am, the boy weighed nine pounds, three and a half ounces Later a son was also born to Mr and Mrs John Miller, of RR 1, Cobourg, Time: of arrival 4,50 1la.m, the boy weighed six pounds, | [ten and three-quarter ounces 4 Ly DR. VALDIS JURJANS AT WORK, (A posed picture.) DINING ROOM IS CHEERFUL, WELL LIT DAY CARE AT COBOURG Mentally Ill Obtain Treatment At Clinic COBOURG One of the new. he or she needs, There is not, |tniues untill the patient is cured, opt systems of treating mentally however, any rigidity to the sys- It 1s not a rigid therapy; it Il persons is being applied In tem which affects therapy In any changes to accommodate the| Cobourg at Canada's first rural (way The patient gots what he|general needs of the patient for| and suburban Day Care Mental needs, as far as possible a cure, as they may be made elinle A patient may come In for his|more clear after continued con Opened July 18 this year, the treatment, and be found men-|tact between patient and doctors, Day Care Centre Is administer: [telly 111, This diagnois will fol There Is no psychoanalysis at od by local Ontario hospital staff{low batteries of exhaustive test-(the clinic, That process, explain mder the Ontario Mental Health|ing, given by the centre psychol- led Dr, Moorehouse, takes sev Commission, Its psychiatrist, Dr, ofista {eral lengthy Inlurviews a week Valdis Jurjans, and its nursing | ABNORMAL ASPECTS {for several years to accomplish staff are all imported from the| The psychiatrist Is Interested|the goal of analysis: complete - Ontario Hospital across the street! In the abnormal aspects of per-| destruction of the personality, fol and it is supervised by Superin sonality, discovered through the lowed hy its reconstruction, endant C., 8, Moorehouse of the|psychologist's assessment of the| Rather, those patients who hospital |total personality, He Is also con {need psychoanalysis 4 usually A mental hospital with no lock cerned with treating this abnor | those with severe neuroses ware od doors, the clinic in located tn aj mality, with applying whatever referred to specialists elsew i red brick building on the south|therapy Is needed for cure |or are trented by other avaliable cast corner of College and Uni With a diagnosis and method means, Generally speaking, 'the versity avenue, Directly acrows | °f therapy suggested, the ne x tipatient gets what he needs the street; running along the north | step is to accept the patient for might well be emblazoned in [] side of University avenue, are the LFeatment " Whatever schedule Say Over the door as a motto for . y r A DON or Hm HN IN or PH J \N reed White ina yrby bulldingy by his environmental or, in some| The day care centre bed may | | Pas J cases, therapeutic needs sleep three patients a day, Dur. | LIVE IN SOCIETY The therapy then follows the|ing the night a night care patient i To the day care centre come geuasiod original plan, and con: uses it, In the morning a day & the mentally ill who are not sol | Ill that they need to be commitied { to the locked wards of the larger hospital, These are the people who are able to live In woclety, "but only at the cost of unusual pain and tension in thelr lives, They can come to the clinle in the hours when It Is convenient by topping Trinity 4.1, Dave Doyle|to them, If they are housewives was a two-goal man for the vie:|whose work begins In the even tors, singles by Peter Rerthelet|ing when husband comes back and Rick Holmes, Carl West tal: from the ofice, they may fill the lled for Trinity daylight hours taking therapy, If Penalized by referee Nell Canellt Is the husband who haa the of were Dunn of the Irish and Carl.|flce job who ia ill, he can come son and Brocanier of Trinity In after work and take therapy St. Andrew's protected their 11.[during the night 16 28 point first place lead by whipping Pr Moorehouse recently out 15 27 ISL Peter's 6.2. Winston Marsden lined the history behind day care | 22 27 [fired three goals to lead the pace. Clinics After the war, about 1050, % ¢ i b poe ff A8 % { HE AIDE MRS, L, HEDGER BESIDE SHOCK MACHING ---------------- Comets Continue Set League Pace COBOURG Napanee Comets esontinue to set the pace as the Eastern Ontario Intermediate] T "A'" Hockey League heads into|ll the second half of the 1958:5010, West, ROC's 4 i ' i 4 Lid | make her feelings easier, that she never stand up while holding the child, but keep him In a baby carriage, and only pick him up when she was sitting down In a | chair, Within three weeks of therapy, she had been cured, She had had (to undergo a form of electro. (therapy to take her out of her de- [pressed state, but once that had [been accomplished, she was well on the way to recovery. | The value of the day care cen. tre in this case ls that it treated {successfully a patient who would otherwise have taken up a badly [needed bed in the Ontarjo Hos {pital, It treated her without the 1" n RV J. Brady, Nap K. West, ROC's Meeker, King Hall, King 18 # Hope [] 4 2 DR. C, 8, MOOREHOUSE R N n Hawe, Parrish Shropshive Carr, Trent Kemp, CCPH Johnson, King Sommervl, C.PH 12 Vanstone, ROC's 1 Hones, Mind Twa, King Riviere, Trem Hooper, Trem Cane, King Finney, King Comets are in the top ten. Veteran Les Douglas former American Hockey League champion, has splorged in recent games and assumed a healthy elght:point bulge over runner up Bud MeDougall of Cobourg:-Port Hope, Top ten scorers are GA Pls, 16 20 48 17 a LI | 4 A Church Leaguers Play Exhibition COROURG It was Minor game Hockey Night in Cobourg Friday Murray Ewart with the hat OVEeRINE with three Millbrook trick, Rill Ryan was next in line clubs offering the opposition for with two goals, singles by Danny the local Church League's All-/Gadbois, Gord Kelly and Bobby Star squads in exhibition contests [Hill Relan Gillis scored Mill Cobourg came out on top, winning brook's lone marker two of the three games plaved Penalties went to Kelly and Ra In Cobourg's only Mill |vensdale of Cobourg and te Ed brook Mites took a 4.2 verdict|munds of the losers, Kd Patton of from Red Alexander's Stas Peter Crough of the vietors a thorn in night, scoring Gerry men of the a 1 Douglas, Nap BR. McDougall, C-PH J. White, Nap P. Gilmour, Nap R. Rowe, Min H P» D 8 Leading the onslaught wa suggested, however, in loss felated Was Cobourg's side. all all four goa Hamhridg Campbell were marksmen, Paul Rambridge getting assists ees Gary Dunn Rah had an easy penalty MILLRROOK Dowell me Gil aon ia Pleur COROURG Few can afford to burn it but most of us can save it regularly at IMPERIAL x BAN BK ar serve Lett and squad had three f 0 of was a costly ssonnette greatest homp mn ht being ca A Al hrook LEROOK Sk Kennedy Crow, IL. Earl, G Wary \ 1 won. R. La 3 Larmer Challis Sm COROURG Lewis the Hh rd p wl and was an, § WW pl i ¥ be lost and she had decided that she must never agam piek up hey But fear of dropping proved not so cargo tonnage--16,490,000 tons in 1058 from 15,242,000 tons In 1057, Almost 6,000 ships---2,616 of them ocoan-going -- called during the shipping seaon from March 30 o Dec, 8, an Increase of 10 per COBOURG ~~ Northumberland cent over the 1957 figure, Ski Club has been having excel-| Grain shipments increased 42 lent holiday skilng weather dur-|ner cont, largely due to greater season, The defending Ontario] Top sniper Is Cobourg-Port|setters, Don Kernaghan netted (Pr. D. Ewen Cameron, Chief of ing Tecem Weekends, Arbor movement of United States grain, ttlists 'lead' the second-place! Mope's Bud MeDougall with 20/two and Gord Ewart one. on the Department of Psychiatry at club officials yesterday. About 200/ pagsanger traffic dropped, falls Bowmanville-Orona Combines by |goals. Les Douglas of the league] Hrooks and Cam Wallbridge scor-|the Royal Vietorla Hospital, rea sieve Appeared Junday at theling from 220,840 persons in 1057 a three-point margin though|leaders is the leading playmaker ed for St, Pele's. Five penalties lised that there was great need club 12 miles north of Cobourg to|y, 210.784 in 1088, BOC's have two games In hand. [with 20 assists. League bad man were doled out, three to the los. [for an economical method of woloy mild temperatures WIth} Mr, Beaudet reported that coal Team standing as of Sunday, |is Trenton's Hob Taylor with 63 ers treating the less acute mental ill #ood to excellent snow conditions. | 4h iyments, car Imports and steel December 24 Ix as follows minutes nesses Tees ary ve rope fous In OP: imports increased in 1058, But ofl, TEAM WLTP Ross Hawe of Bowmanville . . SEPARATE TREATMENT al on a 0 32 yeuto . hobid \ gasoline, cement, scrap iron and Napanee 11 4 022 |Orono has the best record of the Holida Ww {Many I ro belng dom senior Talon Md ane n HNN pig iron fell off Row Orono #8 119 [14 goalies that have seen action Y in Any people were ho ng oon late, two senior, and three Jun OF| Ag 1058 drew to a close, Mont Minden @ 117 [so far. He owns a sparkling 3.89 jmited. to muntal lnaitutions who tralls are all open. Some of the real looked with some disquiet Cob. Pt f 018 goals against average In a pre F H [did not need all the resources of trails are considered among the and some eagerness to the opens Trenton A 210 [dominantly high scoring loop, Sta or om ines Imentad treatment available to toughest In the province, and jn of the seaway. Kingston 18 0 4 [tisties of league's goaltender's| eo [them They were taking beds some local skilers claim they are] ° =~ = °° COBOURG «= The holiday sea:|which might better have been 9 , , the best, [SAYS SEAWAY EXPENSIVE Napanee players also monopol- are ay Kea K - oxpense of 24-hour supervised hos 8 : GP GA AVE, On did wondera for Cobourg: (used hy more needy cases, They pitalization, without the expense Sunday is the main visitors'| "Shippers will soon find that ROC's 9 40 8.44 Port Hope Combines. The locals, would have benefited just as well of contributing to the overhead of |18Y for the club, During Satur-ithe St. Lawrence Seaway Is a Nap § gy In the midst of a four-game los: from getting their leas complicat a larger, more complex institu: days most skiing 1s done by very expensive route although it Mind pag NE streak, snapped the slump ed treatment outside the Institu. afternoon an oul patient may use series of Interviews and elinteal | jt ' schoolchildren of Northumberland {may take them three years to a.04/ Vth a rousing, electrifying 8:1 /tlon [it, Or it may be used by one/testing, Once her problem Was | Cararv's history. of course, is and Durham counties, who are wake up to some cold economie §.50 Victory over Minden Monarchs Dr, Cameron got the idea that/a4-hour patient all day, for two/known, a therapeutic svstem was) ioe: 1+ vas suggested for this| Automatically eligible for mem: [facts," said port manager Beau 3,40 before a Roxing Day afternoon it could be possible to build separ. or three days, until the patient Is|devised to remedy her problem, | iyi e™ he Sunerintendent Dr, |DeTShip. Any student at any pub: |det, 6.25 'Towd of nearly 700 fans at Co: |ate mental treatment units for|well enough to be reclassified for HUSBAND HELPED Moorehouse. and is based on alc of high school in the United| The port of Quebec put groater v 00 DOUTE Arena [these less acute patients, where|day or night care. With her weak thumb muscles, [similar case history of the doe. Counties, with the exception J ihope in winter Shipping prospects 7.00, It wan a rough and ready battle they could be treated with less/.,\ ew misTORY she had been unable sometimes |tor's experience which occurred private schools, may take advan: |_.unheard of just a few years 7.00(all the way that finally got out|waste of time and expense CASE I! to Wi safety pins through her|years ago in another town tage of this offer for the price of ago, 9.43 0f hand In a wild third period.| A day care centre wa first ea.| To understand the value of the 0 BF BEC FUL UE (CIV 0, To eT 10 se any [10 fee, 78 conta per day. Marcel Fortier, president of the 9.73 Ninety-two minutes in penalties tablished in the Allan Memorial Day Care Centre, examination of bi o a o h ean ' $4 LI ha rs possible ou ny Although Sunday's mild temper: Trade and Industrial Develop 10.50) Were handed ont in all, 62 of them | Division of the Royal Victoria[d typical case history shows the VINE Rie WA8 HOE { 0 hg No yh lel Yo | of the bewils| tures made some snow sticky, iment: Bureau of Greater Quebec, 25,00 In the final stanea Hospital, and 'was watched with|points in favor of the new ays. (HOD Juttner inated o pla. y ne ani es oration. [he club generally has excellent|estimated that greater use of Nill Turland of the Combines| reat interest by mental heaith|lem. Take the care of a 25-year. SEN, MOL S00 Sle, FUE SHRI REVRSS IC I OBRCHER: powder. snow on all slupes. One winter shipping to and from Que {and Rill Williams of Minden authorities the world over old woman, who had always had FECHOR FH EROR On en temnted. a rural and suburban PRrticular slope is the slalom/bec City could increase the pres. [tangled In the penalty box after] WIthin a year of the Allan Me. [muscular trouble, a shin ih Av i ) ipted, 4 a hill, where a skiler can reach 75 ent annual cargo tonnage total to being assessed minor penalties [morlal clinie, many large cities tn|, She suffered from an unusual ne Jo manage. Fo 0 o » Jat & ue Senthe, w. statistla miles an hour by schussing un:|6,200,000 from 3,400,000, and were given game miscons the US had embarked on stmilar/f © * m of muscular dystrophy, oe oa , Wiig Ay hig : a adh A al ; Slohecked to the bottom, | Churehill, in northern Manitoba, duets, Minden goa le Rob Shrop [projects and the number has|Whieh seemed to affect only her SVS opty pre an a siven Ba a ji Tom al We oo ne A non-profit organization, the|which always has a short season shire tried to get into the ruckus|/been increasing regularly ever|!humb muscles, She had heen wig y piysich Yowman an ROWE: Pog 0 Wh \ . Soa Yiclub brings skilers from the because of ice, handled 813.267 lover the hoards and was sons |sinee. Practically all ave founded|Married and had had her first] "He doctors fu ib an DY the Row Ma ol pi wi ® wll ne- Toronto + Potorborough - King: tons of shipping during the nine: [tonced WIth A 10.minute miscon. [on the text of a report made hy|DALY, and three month after the| time it waa possible that her dis (t ts of this clinic robably algton area with the lure of speedy month period to September, duet. Just five minutes later, Don|Dr. Cameron at an annual meet. DIrth was so depressed that she| fase Would spread, he would hot [beter wovjronment ot fuontal tow service. With both ropes op-| Forty-six foreign ships arrived Patton and a hol-headed Ron ing of the Medical and Psychia. Vo referred hy her family doc. have to worry about dropping any thonith & ie cory, Andjorating all the time, skilers wait|and 47 departed: 11 coastal ves. Rowe exchanged blows in the [trical Association held in the/ tor er Sevlen, they woul al be Tne Shatiaties pou heh other no more than a tow minutes be. sel. arrived nnd A departed, south end, hath drawing majors. |United. States, based on findings] She had attempted suicide, oe ol. [rural « nies may be built, say fore they are on thelr way back | Major cargo from Churchill was bf could not imagine any happiness ey to'lveal authorities. lup the slope for another run, 493.914 tons of wheat, Combines were in rare form in|made at that centre in her Rug was i ! Ar APA 4 \ y 1 3 TY | \ Ris nie AGP 4 hel HR rom COROURG FIRST [because her health was falling game pep talk. Combines rocked By now, practically All large |She could not eat, sleep, or do the Monarchy. with acid chooks cities in the United States and any amount of work, She was des slow thems to a walk. Locals Canada have Day Care Centres, | pressed and unhappy alt the time, sat hack and waited for openings but Cobourg has the first centre la condition which led to her sul : which they cashed in on hand for a rural and suburban area, [cide attempt In the final game, Cobourg had' svied for a diffused rather than a con Pavehological investigation re a field day, piling up a 133 edge ("0 y centrated population group vealed some interesting things Hruce Harp, Rrian St. Louis and] The win was sweet revenge as There are several ways in|about her conflicts. Since she was Doug Barry Dawe chipped in with a Parnall's Hmesiwhich the patient can be treated [unsure of hor thumb museles, she ODOULK | pair Koals each. Terry Lena. (tasted defeat on Minden's home ut the centre. He can be classed had begun to think that her mild a wd han, Ricky Rorthwick, Ron Milne ice at Roheaygeon an out patient, a day care pati! form muscular dystrophy Reter- | Allan Ruggles, Gilbert Rrocanier] The victoes ONE ant, a nitht care patient, or a M4: might spread to affect other Day contributed though as captain Ken Medhurst Inoue patient muscles. Mer foAr Was Ro tha A taken a Wy AIL patients enter: the clinic that she might one day drop hey \ Wed First as outpatients. They are [haby when an arth muscle be Or] peforved hy their doctors, and re: came suddenly too weak clted hack port fo the centre for 'a prelimi + nary interview Mere follow tests and mare interviewing SONIC TESTER until finally enough psvehological OTTAWA (CP) The resources data is filtered to give a diag i ¥ i St \ ne VN aly | DONIR ; fn \ { il t bhahy MeDowe her baby aw the sell imposed discipline not to pick up evere | 3 her baliv. She w § DIGNOSIS FIRST hor, al n Freatment is suggested prima Anno Ie Sasily Ven ug hy the finally hy began to sed vhat it ix possible ide. The slipped Into a depressive state o 8 8 A VOung mo da nstinet [ Ha \ UE ACTION ix ofily diagnosis foe depre and LEAG hemp Cha In Pee Wee \ \ i 1) we 0 prov immediately Jd accordin wp chile patient uses It device patient is reclasst: mental liness At the day care centre, he aud ln the problems were discovered by kw to the treatment We a

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