Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Dec 1958, p. 2

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Tag a TE Tre GenAwA hres Mamas, Doibb 199) 9998 77) , gyivsauingg; Fae / i This ramshackle home in the | the cold refuge for a family of riverbank town of Cotes Bie. | 11 children, all younger than Catherine, near Montreal, was | 13 year, They were found shiv CAPSULE NEWS Chess Champ, 15 Still Unbeaten NEW YORK (AP) -- Bobby THREATENS RETALIATION Fischer, 15-year - old defending] LONDON (Reuters) A Mos champion from New York, cow Radio commentator declared strengthened his hold on first|Saturday that Britain wo It place in the United States chess ceive a "smashing retaliatory championships Sunday when he blow" on 'the i! £ wy, if drew with Donald Byrne of Oli- not the first hour s Atlantic vet, Mich., after 40 moves In the Pact countries attacked the Com seventh round munist bloc, He The draw gave Fischer a 5-2 statement by Britain's record, Bobby has not lost a!Minister Duncan Sandys match but has drawn in four. world war broke out the I There are nine rounds in the States could destroy Russia tournament, Defence that if a nited 8 FRIEND, SUICIDES OWN, N.D. (AP old farm boy, INJURIES PROVE FATAL BROWNSVILLE, Tex, (AP)--|13-year Roy Hurd, 61, of Huntsville, Ont,, [after he accidentally wounded a died Saturday of injuries received hunting companion, stuck a rifl in a traffic accident here Christ in his mouth Sunday and took hi panicky mas Day. His wife, 55, also was own life, Sheriff Lee Dodge sald |, James Wescom committed sul ide In remorse after Bob Johan WAS ALBANIAN PM sen, also 13, was wounded in the NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) leg Mustafa Merlika - Kruja, prime| minister of Albania during the J Jd | Saturday mint geoupation. Se Bi sii Sunday that Yonge Street in {liness. He was 71. He had been downtown Toronto between Queen living here with his son, Kim|and Richmond streets Is cl Merlika, a chemist, to all traffic, including pedes |trians, and will remain closed un SENTRY DOG AT LARGE fatally injured in the accident, YONGE STREET BARRED TORONTO (CP) Police sald med til Wednesday to permit demoli NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y, (AP)|tlon of a building heavily dam A sentry dog escaped from Its aged in a $250,000 fire Christma kennc' at the U.S. Air Force base Day, here Sunday. Officers warned] en I PEE people to stay away from the big, COGRR BF CEEDEL C "man shepherd, The dog 1s notin donesian Premier Djuanda and Victous hot os Dees ke lov, Soviet Ambassador Boris Volkov a ol " to tried to fight | conferred Sunday on projects to and pin anyone w be financed from the $100,000,000 or TUR away. credit Indones has CHURCH LOSS $800,000 {from Russia, the Antara New SYRACUSE, N.Y, AP)-Fire Agency reporte destroved the Delaware Baptist] BOY WOUNDED Church Sunday at a loss estim-| gAMILTON (CP)---Robert Wil ated' at upward of $800,000. {son, 14, suffered a bullet wound {in the left leg from a spent ANSWERS CALGARY AL , [calibre slug Sunday while play ) Vina ol Howard Bentall, president of the|'™# in a field Baptist Federation of Canada and WAS RADIO PIONEER ministey of Walmer Road Baptist] VANCOUVER (CP)--Rav Mac Church here for the last 13 years, kness, 40, a British Columbia has accepted a call as minister of the First Baptist Church at Calgary obtained for CBC Vancouver, died sud denly Sunday apparently of a heart attack, His program, B.( Request Roundup, over 33 radio and relay in Interior B.C, CALLAS SUES ROME (AP) Flery Amer can soprano Maria Meneghinl Callas is suing the Rome Opera for not letting her sing after she walked out on an opening night, it was learned Sunday. Callas, who has also feuded with Milan's Scala and New York's Metropol-| CITY AND itan, is asking damages of 2,500, DISTRICT 000 lire (about $3,600) from the Rome Opera, plus travel costs] CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT and other incidentals, Rome How to gain freedom front fear Opera lawyers threatened a coun- by following the words and work ter-suit asking her to pay 15,000,- of Christ Jesus was a theme pre 000 ($25,000) for wrecking thelr sented at Christian Science serv 1998 season opening. ices on Sunday, Dec, 28 NAME OMITTED The name of F. R, Britten was was ward BEST PERFORMANCES NIW YORK (AP) - Elizabeth Taylor and Alec Guinness were 3 | named Sunday night as having|dealing with the Oshawa Board given the best: star performances of Education in Saturday's Osh in. motion pictures in- 1958, in a @wa Times. Mr. Britten Js begin poll conducted by Film Dally, a ning his second term as a trustee newspaper of the motion picture FIRMS INCORPORATED industry. It solicited votes from . 9 wit. | The current issue of The On press and magazine movie crit taro. Gazette b ' ics, reviewers, and television and |'ario Gazette announced the radio movie commentators, Miss Sranting of letters patent of in Taylor was selected for her per corporation to three district fe'mance in Cat on a Hot Tin|firms. They are United Concrete Roof, Guinness. for his Oscar-win.| Producers Limited, of Cobourg; ning role in Bridge on the River Marbo Stone Limited, of Oshawa Kwai and James Publishing Company | Limited, of Bowmanville, 'JUDICATOR 0. WAY JOHN, N.B, (CP) tor-producer Richard who Is to adjudicate 14 re drama festivals across Canada leading to the 1959 Dom fnlon Drama Festival, was sched uled to arrive here today aboard the Empress of Britain, | CONSTABLE RESIGNS Constable James Swinson, night constable for the town of Ux |bridge for the past 11 years, ha tendered his resignation to take effect Dec. 81 Rrit Ain VOTE ON PUC The electors of the ACTOR ARRL.TED Uxbridge are casting their bal HOLLYWOOD (AP) Police lots today to elect one member had to handcuff Dan Dalley Sun-{to the town public utilities day when they arrested the actor{mission. James Martin and on suspicion of drunk driying fol. Siegrist the two candida lo "ing a minor traffic accident. [for the position 1 six-foot-four-inch actor was ¢ ed on $262 ball, Officers s¢ Dalley refused to take an| The following street will In In wter test, saying: "No, I|closed Tuesday because of co ea low into the balloon, I'm|Struction: Ritson road south fron ator Bloor street east to Wolfe street Beatrice street from Simeone LEGION SUFFERS FIRE [st north - to Hortop street DUNNVILLE (CP) Fire of un-|Glencastle Glen fetermined origin damaged thejprove street to Glenbrae anadian Legion auditorium here 'mbrae street cle Damage to the 28-| castle - avenwr year-old bullding may reach $28.-|closed at Simcoe 000, Legion officials said. Prompt! Te nection by the Dunnville Volunteer coe Fire Department confined fire to the upstairs. Town of are STREETS CLOSED avenue from ear Sunday umseh ay treet ene north the north from Reatries {Orchard View boulevard referred to ag radio pioneer and chief announcer 4 inadvertently omitted in a storys | TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-| 4 |east issued by the weather office lat 11 am, Synopsis: Colder air, digging) linto the lower lakes region Is ex- |pected to move southeastward to cover Southern Ontario by Tues day morning giving partly cloudy skies and a few snowflurries, | This colder alr now covers {Northern Ontario, and skies are A expected to clear early this eve ning. [ 4 Regional forecasts valid until midnight Tuesday: | Lake Erie, Lake Huron, western Lake Ontario, Niagara, Windsor, | London, . Toronto, Hamilton: Mostly cloudy with sunny inter: vals, with a few wet snowflurries this evening, Tuesday, variable! cloudiness and colder with a few snowflurries, Winds light today, north 15 Tuesday, '| E..tern Lake Ontario, Halibur-| i ton: Bunny with cloudy intervals) and mild today. Cloudy, with a few wet snowflurries this evening, | Cloudy with sunny intervals and a| few snowflurries Tuesday, Colder Tuesday, Winds light today, north {16 to 29 Tuesday, | i a------ J for 45 years prior to his retire-| iment in 1965, | ering inside with three dozen | loaves of bread spent General many years ileable He was an adherent of the King [Street United Church and a mem-| ber of Lebanon Lodge, AF and AM, He leaves his wife, the former! |\Edith Lowe; four Aaughters,| All (Mrs, G. Reeson (Grace), Mrs. | | L. Laurie (Margaret), apd Mrs, | frozen bottles of milk and five | Christmas In hospital, |I,, McConkey (Audrey), all of |Oshawa and Mrs, C, Hein (Isa-| bel), of Washington, D.C, and |one son, Robert, of Oshawa, [ OBI | UARIES Also surviving are four sisters, Mrs. A, Dean, Mrs, W, Perry-| man, Mrs. A, Jackson and Mrs, | THOMAS STURGESS (M. A, Bury, minister of King 1. Annis, all of Oshawa. Following 'a prolonged {llness| Street United Church, will con-| The funeral service will be held | the death ocourred at the Oshawa duct the services at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel | Hospital Sunday, Dec at 3.30 p.m, Tuesday, Dec, 30,| { Thomas Sturgess, 117 Hick MRS. EVERT WATSON {followed by interment in Oshawa ory street, Whitby, The deceased,| The death occurred at the Osh {Union Cemetery, Rev. M A ho was In his 83rd year, had|awa General Hospital Saturday, Bury, minister of King Street been lifelong resident of |Dee, 27, following a stroke of{ United b hurch, will conduet t he Whith Miriam Dowswell, beloved wife *¢ Vc"! Born in Whitby, Mr, Sturgess of Evert Watson, of Myrtle, Ont The me mbers of 4 gion vas a son of the late. Mr, and|She had been a patient at the Lodge will hold jnemorla RETY. Mrs, John Sturgess, He received hospital since Dec, 21 ice at He tuneral chapel at 7.30 his education in the county town| A daughter of the late Mr, andi? m; today, nd for years, prior to his|Mrs, Thomas Dowswell, the de FUNERAL OF ement 15 ago, had |ceased was horn at Goodwood, | HENRY LEACH 1 an employe of the Whitby Ont,, in 1897. She was married! | Iron and Brass Co In Goodwood in 1920 and since! The memorial service for Vir, Sturgess was a member ofthat time had lived in Greenbank Henry Leach, who died at the 1e Whitby Baptist Church He and for the past 11 years in Oshawa General Hospital Wed was also a member of Oshawa Myrtle nesday Dec, 24, Was held at the odges of the Independent Order! Mrs, Watson was a member of ATTationg J nerd). { hapel at 2 of Odd Fellow ; and the Independ- Myrtle United Church and was a|" Rider vy a Collins "of the ent Order of Foresters member o e Broo she 4 : J . ¢ Predeceased by his first wife, Lodge. of 'the Brooklin Rebekah Oshawa Missionary College he former Rachel Southwell, In| Besides her husband she leaves i hyroh, songicied Hig Ser rices 1952, he leaves his second wife, five daughters, M 1." MHrley He was assisted y Elder aH y : Aughters, Mrs. JI, Tinley Bjy, Interment was in Mount e former Ida C. Hepburn; a (phyllis), Mrs, E, Mason (Beér-|Lawn Cemet daughter, Mrs, C, Baker (Martha), Mrs, E, Whitter (Clara) | aw new. Ken Cc jorie) and a son, Alvin, both of (Mrs, J. Davies (Berneice) and || i Da lpeqarers were i rd Whithy Miss Jeannette Watson, id bi on 11, v gine, a he funeral will be held at the) The funeral service will be held yin Valliepes, Ron Vallleres ane W, C. Town Funeral Chapel at at the Robinson Funeral Home Orlie Conlin, 2,30 p.m, Tuesday, Dec, 30. Rev, Brooklin, at 2 p.m, Tuesday. | John Ward, pastor of Whitby Dee, 30, followed by interment in Baptist Church, will conduct the|Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin ervices, Interment will be in Rev, Mr, Mutton will conduct the! Oshawa Union Cemetery services, FUNERAL OF H. DONALD FERGUSON The funeral service for H, Don. ald Ferguson, King street west, who died at the Oshawa General RUSSELL BERTRAM DEAN [Hospital Wednesday, Dec, 24, was JOHN GROEN | Follow , o held at the McIntosh Funeral BOWMANVILLE The funeral few lowing av loves of only a Chapel at 2 p.m, Saturday, Dec service for John Groen, who died the Oshawa General Hospital Sun-|%": | suddenly following a heart at-\day mopning, Dec, 28, of Rus. ev: R. B. Milroy, minister of tack, at his home 12 Prospectisell Bértram Dean, of Burketon {Knox Presbyterian Church, cons) street, Monday, Dec, 22, was held The deceased was In his 42nd/ducted the services, Interment in Rehoboth Christian Reformed year was In Breadalbane Cemetery, Church at 2 pm. Wednesday,| A son of Charles R., and Cora Utica. uid Dec, 24 Dean, of' Maple Grove, the de.| The pallbearers were J. Cox, Rev, A.W, Schaafsma conduct: ceased was born at Port Perry,|A. Aitken, T, Thomson, J, Stanko- ed the services, Interment was In|He was married at Oshawa in|vitz, D, Cole and M, Johnston, Bowmanville Cemetery May, 1038, A resident of Burke I'he pallbearers were Marten ten for seven years, he had lived Dirk Brinkman, Walter previously In Oshawa Peter Vermeulen, Mr, Dean had heen an employe years, Arthur Manners Cordon, Jelle Rekker and Walter Pless- of General Motors In the reject|180 Mill street, died at the Osh. ma test department for the past 16 awa General. Hospital Saturday, | : LL iiss (years, During his lifetime Mr.|Dec, 27, He was In his 75th year "HELEN JEAN WILSON Dean was an active church work-| Born 'at Manchester England, I'he death occurred at the home er g . ; Jan, 31, 1884, the deceased was a of hor nephew, John Brady, 287 } Dising the Second World War| gon of the late Mr, and Mrs, Ben [oN X junday, Lec. 28, of he Served a Canada with the|jamin Cordon, He had been a clen Jean Wilson, who had lived ; ya anadian Army © Service resident of Canada and Oshawa tL 227 Dearborn Ave,, had been o1ps |for 48 years. | in failing health for several years M ih lewves his wife, the former] Mr, Cordon served overseas yp ausiter of the late Mr. and] Lary Acderson and two sons im dhe 116th Battalion, CE] resident of Canada since 1019, she pV Surviving ne hs parents; 18 me ner of Post 43 of the Cana had lived in Oshawa for 38 years Ona a a? ho & yarT ow, of Predeceased by his first wife, | 1e deceased was a member of Maple Grove: and i? X i Ree, of lie former Fanny Mary Davies. | St, Gregory's Roman Catholic er bo Dae ne Port aher Arn 1025; he 'leaves his second Church and of the Catholic Wo-(*l,, "u [rA} 0-0 Vn, 1q| Wife the former Alice Standing mols League from the Melntosh Funeral Cha.| own; three daughters, Ms, She leaves a sister, Mrs, P, Jel at 3 pm Wednesday Po |'T. E. Seeney (Mary), of Toronto, Brady of Oshawa; two nleces, q, followed hy di Osh. Mrs, Mervyn Fogak (Irene), of Mrs, We blevens (Margaret) andi' oo Union Cemetery. Rev. W. A. Manitoulin Island and Mrs. Don| i 8, ( liftord Harpe! (Mary oy both Logan, minister of Burketon Uni-| Williams (Lois), of Oshawa and| eo aeons Church, will Conduct the ser. one son, Arihur Condon, of Onl Bradys of Torn t tha. Ret Also surviving are a sister, he remains will he at the Arm |Nellie, in England; two step Funeral Suara) tor gh |daughters, Mrs, -Charles Fogel | mass in bt. Gregory § (Ethel) and Mrs, Lloyd Stire Church at § am Wednesday; Yec. 20. of .Arthir J. Plerson (Kamion of Oshawa; two step: | Dee, 381, Dean Paul Dwyer will|. ' My Lavan I T, " | yar Thornton's road south, The de-|%0ns, Ted Down, of Oshawa and| the mass. Interment will be ceased, who was in his 78th year, Frank Down, of Medina N.Y.; 28| Gregory's Cemetary. [had not Been in good health for Erandchildren and 13 great-grand. | some months, |ehildren, | A son of the late Joseph and| The memorial service will be . ag Lucy Pierson, the deceased was/held at the Armstrong Funeral awa General Hospital Saturday, horn on Thornton's road south,|Chapel at 2 pm, Tuesday, Dec. | Dee, 27 of Emerson 8. Burley, |i was married in Oshawa in|30. Rev, Peter Trant, of St 10 Clark street. The deceased, | 1913 and had spent his entire life| George's Anglican Church, will vo NaS his 86th year, hadi, tha community {conduct the services, Interment been in hospital for two weeks mp piepson was superintendent will be in Oshawa Union Ceme- for one week. |r the Oshawa Union Cemetery tery. FUNERAL OF ARTHUR MANNERS CORDON | In poor health for the past five Van Dyl Nanninga ARTHUR J, PIERSON The death occurred at the Osh- {awa General Hospital Saturday, strong requiem in St FMERSON 8, BURLEY | he death occurred at the Osh ind seriously il He was the last surviving mem-| i. ber of his family A son of the late Emerson and | Juliannie I ,. the deceased was born at Milford, Prince Kd-| ward County and was married at] Cressy, Ont, In January, 1898, Mr, Burley came to Oshawa 40| vears ago from Picton where he had operated a harness shop, As a young man he homesteaded near Weyburn, Sask. Prior to his/ retirement in 1052, he had been {an employe of the parts and serv-| ce department at General Mo tors for 33 years Mr, Burley was a member of Street United Church and a staunch Conservative in Emergent Meeling LEBANON LODGE AF. & AM, 139 All Masonic brethren are urgently requested to attend @ Masonic Service for our late BRO. ARTHUR J. PIERSON 7:30 o'clock at Mcintosh Funeral Home TONIGHT Monday, December 29, 1958 Masonic Clothing Wor, Bro, C, Templar Wor, Bro. W, Houston Secretary Master Predeceased hy Hettle M , 10566, he leaves a M Gladys E. Burley, m, Alva E Quebec are six great his wife, Powers, the June | laughter, of Osh Burley, forme tique sury and 15 grand grand was predeceased brother John, service will be Mcintosh Funeral p.m. Tuesday, Di by interment in Cemetery, Rev, | | SERVICE! AT Buehler's EVISCERATED TURKEYS 16 TO 22 LBS: SPECIAL! 45. For Your New Year's Day Feast Buehler's have o good supply of Fully Cooked Hams, Pineapple Hams, Buffet Butts, Buffet Picnics, Smoked Picnics -- as well as the "Pick of the Flock' Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Capons, Roasting Chickens, etc, at Lowest Market Prices, Order your SMOKED HAMS LEAN, FRESH HALF OR WHOLE LEG OF PORK ROAST c 1b. LEAN, SLICED BREAKFAST BACON mm. 5] Specials Pure rork SAUSAGE MEAT ROASTING CHICKENS STEAK Boneless Round Steak Roast | Pot Roast | Club Steaks Ib. 83c | 1h. 49c | lb. 6c | icin gin gs The Management & Staff of Buehler's Extend to all customers and friends, Best Wishes For a Safe and Happy New Year! 69- (2 lbs. (5 lbs, (4 lbs. Country Style Sausage (5 lbs. Pure Pork Sausage Meaty Pork Hocks Chicken Wings Any of These 1.00 1b. 4%. 1b, 49 1b. 26. Cut-Up CHICKEN Legs, Thighs, ? Ibs, 1 (For your Poultry Dressing) FRESH KILLED SIRLOIN e WING T-BONE Boneless Tender Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIMBEEF 12 KING STREET RA 3-3633

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