Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Dec 1958, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Desomber v, 1990 Call the Direct Clossitied Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8AM to5 PM; MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY B TO Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this eclumn; Births, Memerioms, Thanks == 9 AM. SAME DAY Cards of DIAL RA 3.3492 BIRTHS LOWRY Desmond and Patricia (nee Kaine) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Glenn Douglas Alex ander, at the Oshawe General Hospital mn Bunday, December 21, 1958, Our sin cere thanks tn Dr. W. 6G. McKay TOWNER Harold and Joan (nee Lee) are pleased to announce the birth of their son on Christmas Day st To ronto Fast General Hospital. A brother DEATHS Charles HWowiih Suddenly family residence, #1 Grange oh, Charles Howitt Gra beloved hu Shand of Alien Readie, dear father of Mrs. William Smyth (Khells) of Guelph; Mrs. George Knowles (Mol ly) of Whith brother of Mary bul fus, and George Gray, both of Toronto Resting at Wilkie and Melntyre Funeral Chapel, Guelph, Funeral at 2 p.m. Mon dq Interment Woodlawn Cemetery Guelph GRAY the A her Vitoria December 4 beloved wile fl] moth Smyth) - of NTEWART, Fiorencs ate residence, Maple Harbor, on Wednesday 1058, Florence Eva Bmith of Wil James Ktewart er of Dorothy (Mrs, J, H Toronto; Ruth (Mrs. R, § Coulson) of Oshawn, Resting at the Nicholls Fu neral Home, 2900 Midland Avenue, Mid 1and, until Saturday a.m. Bervies from St. Paul's Preshyterian Church, toria Harbor, on Baturday, December 27, at 8 pm. Temporary (ntomhment F w Chapel Vault, Midland, Cas ket will he open in the church from 12.30 unttl hour of service 01h into rest In the Friday (ireen wi Entared aspital on Jean Brown A Hobert F Hesting WILSON Oshawa Oe at Os TO! VERS 3.9533 Os LEWING FLOW PHONE RA King , ¢ 24 t d from RROW FUNERAL CHAPEL eo finest ser moderate | RA B-6226 390 King IN MEMORIAM ADAMS dear brother December Thin day somes with sad regret, It brings a day we'll never forget You fell asleep without saying good hye But memories of you will never die w Fiver vembered hy Rerwin, Ida and family Th ce. of (1 Street West of a away In loving maemon Gary, who pase TAYLOR Amold H In Taylor MM, 10 memory of loving passed away who crrmrr---- INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | wm Aceointonts 2~Barristers yChiropracter ADantiste $=Mursing Services SmI promenr ists Tureen Ta elerinarians BBuilding Trades 9=Building Material | Omebharpening Service {eBusiness Cpportunities Ha=Business Qpportunities Vanied | 2m Drussmak ing ing & Supplies | dw Household Repairs | V==Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontsrie Services offers eompleie serviess for small business Street West, Room Residence, RA 37605 Hopking and Company, Cert Accountants: 172 , Oshawa, Ontario, KA 53508 , Friedlander, Hunieg . and suditors in Bankrupley whawsi B. | Friedlander, B, Comm WERGER, Frankel ents and auditors East, KA 8.024) MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Chartered Accountants, |i tees, Ajax, Oshaws, Stratford Hon. J. W Monteith, ¥ Al with, & Comm., CA; G. W faghifoot, CA; George W vy, CA. KA B8521, Simeon Bi Oshawi MM Yale, CVA snd Co, 164 King need Tore 2 Barristers HUMPHREYS and Boyehyn, Solicitors; RK. 1, Humphreys, K. Boychyn, BA; W i 6 King Btreet West BA 511775 Res, KA 6 MO 82761, Money to | CREIGHTON, Fraser, Murdoch, Barristers, Public, Bank of Commer Simeon Street North, HA Creighton, QC; C. Fraser Drynan, 4G | Murdoch Kakes arranged GREER and Kelly, Barristers tare, ete, Tv Bimeos Bireet Bout, HA $2278, Residence phones: J s BA, Be, KA 63363 , BA, BCL, RA B5632; ips, B. Comm., BA #1074 MeGIBBON and Bastedo Bolieitors, Clients' funds. available first mortgages, 20 § we Breet No HA 5.856 , Charles ¢. MeGibbon, Kalgar ¥ wl THOMAS M and Notary Kast, RA BALMENRS ete. 1004 "offios | 3==Goardening Instruction Insurance ney 10 Loan wanted w MOI1QaGes | 9=Personal 20m=Cart age 21 Servic di~Radio Repair 23=~=Women's Column Ih==Market Basket 25=Fats and Livestock 2e=Farmer's Column Je=Fusl, Wood i B=Summer Revorts Ba=~Hunting 29==Summar Properties For Sale or Wanted 30==lost and Found Ji meArficios For Rent Jame Articles Wanted J Auction Soles SemEmplaoyment rynan feitors « Buildin 38446; 1 acy NHA Personal hol Hastedo RUNDLF Publie, #1763 BA Simeone BATA Barrister, eltor ! 26'A Htreet 77 eltor, al 5042 JOUN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barri and Solloitor, 101 Bimeos Btreet No Phone RA 88511 KALFH 8. JONES Greer Askin tors, 65 Mimi fortgage 10 DONALD BLANKS tor Hu wanted Female Help Wanted ile Help Wanted i8e=Male or Female Help Wanted wanted Barrister ftreet residence HA 19 40 Agents Opportunities n ond Board Hoard Fert m and Wanted BA, and The ntea Te I ers rect Bout HA § BONDS Estate Wanted 901% Kink ness, ow For So dence, HA JOHUN A CAMERON tor and Notary Publ East A 32260. NHA and pr WAKEN BITRI JosErN ¥ wanted hid an 184 ter King # bile Repairs I os For y and Bn Not » rier wed MANGA 1 No ann Osha M SWARTZ CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 Cash HA ¥ residence MANNING oitor { Block Resi dene 7 Dentists T vening treet Be words of less Charge 48 Barrister, § an. Her 3 C NEECUTIVE by INSERTIONS 156 INSERT 228 46 C t INS 278 412 7 days the apply HOIUK ours n th 0 Offic nn open ' y to orl himeos ve Insel 1 inser 8 ordered 0 constitute @ new rates raers for Jseauer Sn Nursing Services fossion ANDEN per il and Business listings nth for J lines a line 75¢ per mor letter " th anbre ged Clos tied Advertisements be in by 9 am. the day of 10 Otfice hours Daily B13 ili hs REGULA I | hy, Saturday dance | atter radi V, loung shall not be Qdvertine than In ane od 0 price insertion of which error reserves the right 9 to 7 Surveyors 0, T. HORTON and tario Land Survey: wineering, 70 Harw Alux. Phone RA K013 ¥, J. DONEVAN and Associa Surveying and Engineering I treet East, Oshawa, Onin JU ten, | rising accordir its own classification, December Nave father To remember our whole Wife through weestness will Linger forever h Wa or your memory, dear "any where ohard Veteran Woman Doctor, 96, Dies _ BRACERRIDGE (Cp Dr Eva Fisher, 8, one of the first at a mur here Wednes woman day Horn f Ww home doctors In Ontario Ont for Dr a the medic 1064 Trafalgar ht of Toronto al n hoy graduated of her cutter was well dents of Arthur, 20 north t of Guelph, whe practised for many years also served at the Red Cross Hos pital in Tobermory and in private practice, retiring about 10 years ago Mixed-up Youth Gets Treatment OTTAWA op lory, at 16 an alcoholic vieted armed robber, will get the known miles she Ve! (3 She Mal and con Donald paychiatrie treatment nis mother says he He needs Glenn F agreed day In sentencing Ma years defin in the formato ary needs Magistrate Wednes 0 four help." Strike Ont rio re VW oar neces of armed robber tol Magistrate not intend to LL] Strike sald he recommend the the Mrs mother wn had a Marjorie «. tha Me the 1 had the children vithout food and tl several rent. ( son, who tt me al fam had been months In arrears with onditions Listurbed hey hat irned to Negligent Driver Also Ruto Thief FORONT Blaze Leaves Woe fire destroyed the Interior of their or Wiarton th and died panging in age from two to cight ler their most of the furniture and all thelr Ch and wa from Injured 1 \ M \ \ Sut { { DONALD BH TROLLOPE, Ontario | Surveyor, 218 Alice Street 8--Building Trades , PLUMBING and heating supp! Harold H 1 and engineering Niark Six Homeless WIARTON (CP) Simee Street Hoy CARPENTER work ming, kitohen cabinets, NHA appro Alterations and repairs. No jobs toe small, Work guaranteed 1 framin Six persons y left hamele Friday when 100 1 A878 rm home two miles east of Clavering, between Hepworth and PLUMBING and heating pipes ru tures, new and used, ehanging | ' of My Forrest Craig ITY children, ton of plumbing ALL Mrs four and their Ong dwelling ing and d repaired ears were given temporary shel I by relatives who rallied to hey naged to types dl fon Ma CARPENTER m Vie work nis { 1 Alteratio I'he upper section of the house thestroyed six made a hasty the house and no one was Dik HA rev retreat SHEET finished ville MA 3 1579 All Al plastering rates rock Ronan \ joint anahle gA07 day or even GRAVEL Cement $9.00 per head: fine $8.00 load sfied Dia RA Bullet Aimed At Father Strikes Child AMOS op A yyear ld bh hot to deat h ( Nas ot fired from a \ wnd coarse pe Be t * \ Que wrist ¥ ) alih ah rifle provinelal police re \ » hy \ at his father t Friday the Was aimed wrted The vietim on A eyor in this 1 ol) mah 3.7194 was Marx - Lov Ahitih n Caron of AAR} ('aro district eam | northwest © of \ tod as N) d outh a material $0 witness VAS OXIN taken atreal provinelal h set police Arch fre rte } on vho was sent here Romeo Labelle of the 11--Business Opportunities this ( A man \ ave ul version of the shooting NEW BEAL SAL FOR ITY Alt or aron home argument sited the ( ind stmas Fue an fevelope he wm stormed out ned the wan at 'Ah I ) 4 Instruction + \ ruck nd Accounting FRER bookkeeping busin ¥ 1, Office KA 5.0397 King Brest 4 King Wrest Chi Barristers, | Terence V Punesn RK. | J risers nas 1 (ET | HA Ai trim d [Vm talog wd ties throughout Canada and location desired owners ' hid 13th Bt, Dept. 1600C, fied g, Deni direet with Business and Property Month siness Opportunities| (20--~Cartage Containg hundreds of MOYING and eariege, farms and imeome proper: 87786, Bpecily type 31--Articles For Rent 31-Articles For Rent Jan. a ror Co, need pant ells, Dial HA 5.2638 DRESSMAKING, wenr, madeto-me tions, #46 Olive A pers nt Bireet gg 13-Cordonive & L Supplies | iandscaping and garden Co, LEN Bowlers' nig service Iawns seeded tized, gardens and roto tilled. Sidewalk Everything for your garden WINTER SUPPLIES ICE SALT WILD BIRD FEED NO, 1 SUNFLOWER CROWN BIRD FEEDING PIGEON FEEDS PET FEEDS COOPER SMITH 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 Tr nto reel ¥ K J ort STATIC olf) | Din M ONDON PLAIN sewing, drapes, mending, wp [ide to ® on children's clothes, remodelling. 31 King Street and , patin sabe RA 85783 SEED DIAMOND PAINT | pl ' - rder Alle Jun. po681 girly' alters Studio, Slenderizing 51 st RAS Com 10 em Simeos ploughed 21---Personal Service RedInh, smoNING service, T will do your iron ling Hs pickup and delivery 's, 1nd JANE BLACK Slenderizing Ing, Steam Bath and Massage. South, 5.9602 For Appointment, «10pm TAILORING Own Alterations materials of al 10 Prince St, RA INS | | | made Invisible weaving Dress Alterations. (near Bus Station) 8.5311 LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) T.T.$ WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE cai] Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating end Clreular Sanders; (we hove & Jan.16 "i '| fur sosts, East HA | Dee eomplete line of sealers and waxes); Circular Saws; Electric Drills; Staplers; Blow Torches, Soldering Irons, Centrifugal Pump; Pipe Wrenches, Power Trowel, WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING 82 KING ST, W RA 3.4873 |41---Room and Board [ROOM and board for gentlemen, good menle, single beds, continuous hot whiter, Apply 883 Arthur Street, RA 80723 Jan. 17 and many other Tools Reduce | | | 2 RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER up, from kinds, |45--Real Estate For For Sele 45--Reol Estate For Sole HAPPY NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS: NO, 1 | WILL PROVIDE MY FAMILY WITH A MODERN HOME OF THEIR OWN, NO. 2 | WILL REDUCE MY WASTEFULL MONTH- LY EXPENDITURE BY MAKING PAYMENTS ON OUR OWN HOME, NO. 3 | WILL RELIEVE MY DEAR WIFE OF A GREAT DEAL OF HOUSEHOLD DRUDGERY BECAUSE ALL BUNGALOWS IN MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe 51. 5, RA 3.4425 ROOM and bosrd for gentlemen, close to downtown. Apply #8 Elgin East Phone HA 37814 Jans hoo or room and board in nies, pn ', ale home, Fhone KA 86083, ' 89% 32---Articles Wanted | ROOM and board for Aeniigmen wood meals, home prvi) beds SELLING furniture or cleaning out Close (0 all south p hone RA your basement? You will get your Mah 13101 or 102 Mil Street Jan, 12 . Jon 9 | [and HI-FI tubes Daily and Sundays 101 King Street West Co. 14 Household Repa hry CHERTERFIELDS GC like new. Why pay more? wie reasonable, Satisfaction teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Osh, holstering Co, 10 Dinl RA 5031) FURNITY ne ed. Bee Bruce R 17212 rebuilt, repaired and rey our Dalton, 78 Charles HA CALL Joe, RA BB0I8 for o painting and handyman YOUR n oer rth cleans loenl ehimney ¥ furnaces vacuumed 15 Instruction PRIVATY student ed Appoint tencher, "nee student Appointm PRIVATE ei fence YEY D Ac ander THE) Academy allot § West I R student counsellor, Appoinyment on TUTOR experience HA 5.1054 LILLIAN Mae Marsh ng fehool, ballet, tap, | moro Friday and RA 37853 oll Da Dar schon Atle Masonie temple - Studio for all Instr. F LTO Tuning SUPPL Used UU MUSIC ( Pian (New and ed) n of all Instr ¢ Street 16 ALLN Insurance ATH cont, nine nth to pe il recover Our Bond Btreet materiale for recovering 8 bullt and repaired, gas linings In counsellor, | Baton Highland 19 se Bducalor baton, Auto Insurance. Bave up to nal service al your heme, TV TOWERS com foley irs . Kr dh i KuArAn awa Up West |WvEc TALIZED radio Fillo Street upholst treet, HA arpentry, r, ehim res esti | minsellor, | ment on | | RCA. VICTOR, ent only | | The | Re A #4182 June finest In service | 918 years' ly, Call | Simcoe N pre: | Saturday | May 21 50-foot $113.00 iments K " RA 5.7844 03 Sold and uments 20-11 aerial, RA 22---Radio and T.V, Repairs po TEyoursel, Test your own TV, radio | Open WII Fred's Driven installed, all i han, 2 " Sia terms. Kelly TV, A and {service All makes. Fred Thompson, 187 Call RA 397193 FAST T.V, SERVICE From A te 1 Guaranteed expert job Call RA 8.5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS ELECTROHOME, ADMIRAL | WESTINGHOUSE television PARKWAY TELEVISION ~RA T.V. AERIALS INS STALLEC ' FOR WREC KING Moved 'or Repaired tower and heod Len and Lou's T.V MA 3.3942 T.V. AERIALS Installed Muved and Repaired $29 ond ROLLAND T.V, J AB49 t price when you phone RA 5.8 Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Ahan ROOM and board in Italian home Sireet South Raven day week, Apply 48 Verdun 200 WANTED Scrap and Poultry I, TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 HRER rom 100 ANNIS STREET AE FREE PICK UP CARS WANTED midnight | ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen, |elose ta Four Comers and GM, Good Furopesn 'meals, RA 85160, #9 Elgin 5K Jan, HOOM or room and bowrd, for gentle men. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd orth Phone RA B-8118 ou ROOM or room and board, seven days Five minutes to downtown RA B7881 |43 Wanted to Rent TWO young men apartment in Oshawa Oshawa Times 44---For Rent WOUNE for rent, central location, im mediate possession hAhh2 Dee, 2 holts bid "Telavinins "wee hone Jang Re | | require HA Five room apartment, stove and re frigerator possession Jan, 1, eh parking 4 dren Street North, DAY Apt Phone HA 563500 unfurnished apartment, oards, heavy wiring, Ap uth JU 1" twa ond nine rooms, brick suitable for rest good loeation garage Hans part modeled ome, large Taunton, On 3.3043 IVE rage room hriek bungalow and ga oll heated, centrally loeated HA B-H188 FOUR furnished rooms, entral, immediate ences please HA B0089 THRE Phone | Serap Iron and metals bought, Call seh SHAW RAG & METAL [wie co RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS | 35~Employment Wanted possession Couple preferred Refer 801k Apartment, close + Phone RA 3.2410 K bungalow, hie January room ol and hospital ronm hric A newly decor nile I. Phone FOUR room house Appl to rent, newly dec " § Edward Street, Ajax wo ro aparment Phone RA THREE room apartment, two block from downtown heat, water and hydro supplied, also IV serial n apartment for couples or 56100 or one-room gentleman | up 207 pay, For oall RA KFECIAL == heat Money to Loan CLIENTS monies available fo riuages. Morty sale purehnne Barrister ing East, Osh and CLIENTS money to loan on fi Martane and agreemen HA mortgages Fraser, eighton, doch and FINN] and AEVOE ments nick and Hennlok Alreet Kast, HA 8.7 180--Mortgages HAVEH second mortga; purchased and a Harristers, PAV] fen 1" clients' monies for i and weoand mortgages hase of agreements of sale Hyman, QC, 37 King Street ¥ wa, TA 3404) we ved | HA 19--Personal HAVE you a drinking Alooholion Anonymous, ngs rom (rubber plain 6 HYGIENIC supplies post paid in with prios list samples $1.00 Rubber allod " Ma Ontario Won hotter pa free Writ LEARN Halrdreasing op nity, dressing Nehools Canada's Natl I Ottawa ten GENTLEMAN would like r to Alax, leaving Y Phone HA A5084 2001 OSHAWA An IF you are not Uving a full a y \ of tension, fear ex, hypnotism Also reduce weight, slop sme lieve NOTVOUs PAIng, gain ef ely ansult Edwin Heath, In thie Professional 04 Dundas gWost, Whithy, Da ofy, 10 am, + 1 po 2 Whithy Y | hypnosis MO 84h BARY sitting hureaun ean wm experienced women for to eare for children « by day or longer peri Mis. R 8 hours, % am pon. Closed o Tales Mice 10 to 1 ORCHESTRA available, three, five ploce, weddings private parties dances RA B62 Pp SMOKING $1 w Year f | write ( wp Ham ninat teed treat ( l superfluous futt 15-~Instruction )ISHAWA COLLEGIA [E OF MUSIC and Drynan and problem? Write ox 340 Oshawa Hranches oan Disney, good alld dance muse ELECTROLYSIS |oold waves, $5.80, 06 Pine Avenue, RA 6-538) 23---~Women's Column permanents Page Hairdressing, to one ohild, #65 monthly H-6638 after & p.m BUNGALOW w= New fiva room 3:bed room briok, very modern, north-wesl section. Immediate possession, Reason WOMAN will do dish washing or hahy Call sitting over New Year's. Call RA 5.4130 96.50; 8084 or iret ages and ol NOLATY | pel awa, RA 34081 LARGE turkeys for cents per Ib Turnips $1.00 per rot mort of snle arranged w--. Mur: | AWEET elder and appl IW Ke, sale sid. Hen. #1 bushel #1 King directly north |Sehool (MArket 3401) ~-TURKEYS loans on and pur Louls § ast, Osh | ready Courtice | 24---Market Basket APPLY [CARROT and parsnips, 81.28 per bus bushel New Year's, Phone RA 30013 miles north of HTH, Bowmanville | APPLER «= Gift of good health, From De Vries Farm, Bowmanville | Freshly killed, delivered oven Banquet prices D. J, COURTICK RA 8.5392 « RA 3.9916 36--Female Help Wanted ; ] able rent hone Jack Appleby, EXPERIENCED waitress, night or day i } work, good wake. Apply Albany Res. 00% evenings HA 34308 taurant, 484 Bimooe Street Bouth, Also BRIGHT night cook 302f | apartments Iv ment 10 MO #84241 THREE one and two electrieally Antenna 101 Craydon bedroom equipped, bal parking Apart Road, Whithy RA " 1] Deo oonles Married women with person ality, and some sélling experi ence, to manage lamp and gift department of large fur | niture Store Pleasant rk Ing conditions, Salary mensurate with ability Box 330, Oshawa second oat Cox, | unfurnished (floor, heated and electrioity, hath, eouple only, available now Drew Street, RA 5.7586 THREE room apartment lights Ineluded, immediate possession rooms, 1) wi upstairs, hea private entrahoe com Apply Times IW miles Training | fan. 12 and | 40 1¢ | BRAND new solid hrick, | NOME, private drive, hy location, Phone Kan heating, Whit MO 8.3025 mill young girl Street North Jan \y=wie Help Wanted |DEPENDARLE married man, | Panda be help handle | pay to start, [Write ae a Oshawa YOUNG men with cars. High earnings per hour, No experience Necessary Write _ Rawleigh's, Dept Lalo MW 4008 Richelieu, Moitreal Jan, 20 ONE furnished or lady room Apply 620 Kiw two de looal busi steady work Times 1000 IMMEDIATE possession. modern, one bedroom apartment, electrically equip ped. TV aerial, garage avallable 5.3618 or RA 8.0004 FOUR « room apartment, new; $00ds), | 25 Pets and Livestock | aenled en mples 3 PUPPIES, 1] German Order temperament, from Rox 91, jeanonable, Phone Dee, 30.0046 welned GERMAN Shepherd AN o Marvel | *d Ham onal Sys Ameriean champion wp 13.97 | Christmas Plokering A784 rom REAUTIFUL a | training, talking strain 200¢ Broad, 114 Elgin Street 08 ROARDING, nd hapny | ocho Waube: {REGISTERED months old, housebroken, loves ehildren, #70 Street East males and females ide » trimming, na Kennels German ing onfid stitute Shepherds, registered Dunbarton puppies, exeellent tem | perament and blood line, sired by an] Terms baby budgies, ready for A Ld hat Rn Khepherd, all LIL) tle hathroom, gavage available; ab wo minutes from south GM BAR helween 6 LU statners plant, RA Foun } FULLER BRUSH Requires five delivery men $1.25 per hour two full time two part-time help handle Write Box Times COMPANY at car essential sale good took RE Jan | room apartment i0 a month RA 3 40683 al Share hydro and oil Children weloom 0 room RA Jan? T™Wo unfurnished apartment 300¢ with private bath and entrance LAL) manthly, Phone RA 5.8844 Wit room Apartment, partly fur nished it required, sult three or four Kirls, elose to downtown and hospital [il heated, all conveniences, Phone RA 50198 Ll - ATTRACTIVE furnish 0oma, Age 17 to 21, with at least |anle In private nea Park Nord Junior Matrie, good opportun INorth, § «7 pm. RA 8M rent smen and hor sales to local nen register | SIMCOE North, fours, and five apartment, fully equipped 0043 apm business Oshawa Call fam Hold un 4 ronm Ply Mrs, | ast hin, A 3031 FIVE YOUNG MAN FOR MAIL BOY AND GENERAL OFFICE DUTIES de | 1 nee. Dund Jan, 6 | Building, ily | m. P on! 20 [| PEAD farm stock ploked up promptly. | 26--Farmer's Column | | Phone collect Bowmanville, ipply re nahy sit Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ity tor advancement | THREE room, ty apartment, | 5 jeentral, hot water and oll heating, Ap Apply Employment Office ply 40 Butterworth Avenue Dunlop Canada Ltd, Whitby or telephone OXford 4.3943 Dx ) $10 per month rent Deo. 29 Taranto ity MA 3.267%, evenings y 40 nelly | 27 Fuel Wood Win, TOR HA DRY beach hardwood V3 ORM length, split, $30 full eord Thursday [naif cord lots Jan ie Smith, 613 Clarke four OF ENJOY the holiday, PUBL Bathe and Molellan, 81 Also available New Year's Eve. | west WOOD cutting hy buss saw and chain Phone RA A 0797 | Jan, 17 saw. Snow ploughing Also dry cedar Cannel coal, coal hriekettes for fireplaces K LOW . PRICED, twa TOOM ApATt ment In apartment building, Call after sone i 5-808 wood 6 RA SMM wa im| A TEXAS OI. COMPANY Jaane | WANTS MAN OVER 45 FOR OSHAWA AREA WE NEED a good mon ot once and we are willing to pay top earnings, We prefer someone between 45 and 45 who can make auto trips ApATEMEnt 58034 FURNISHED housekeeping gentleman, nlee distriet Street North, RA 24376 DESIRARLE apartment, od, three rooms and hath, heavy wiring, Downtown bulldtng hard Available ing Street Jan iy room for | M1 Simooe | 2041 sell contain unfurnished, Jan heat and W" L] ment W, Lid vilton, rig LOST and hronze coloring you have seen him LONY Black sliver, white yellow hall on eyebrows lan J tag 1M. Named King 7070 | LOST Lahoul two feet trader or RA Aai9e long halr "LOST! JOURNA hook k en 15M tr 30---Lost and Found Australian sheep dog, December Call RA 80500 German Shepherd, CTOs silver Reward Yellow trailer hiteh for ear, | Used far Finder pleases phone RA 5.0101 | ' m Oshawa same ~--Articles For Rent YOUR wer water. Adults only $60 I. RA a8 TWO room contained after LARGE antenna ment for about a week Available Reb and con industrial at time on small rural a call honey and LL |} apartment with hath, self| central location, RA 51769, A NTN Jan bright 4 room apartment, main floor, alse droom apart hath with tiled hathrooms, Ained. Central, RA 5.1768 RA 370m o town property WORTH $12,000 00 Our owners R w ht hoe Year, | on ohest other top men d in ports cept ngs up to $12,000 in a This the Oshawa area (5 worth just ay much to the right We take care of all delive d collections, Pay ear Wiite a ¢ country aw cont after A M earn year opening in rented man FOR RENT LT] 0 ning room apartment advang nfident letter L MM SWALLOW Southwestern Pet PO 180 electric stove to tomatic washer itled news Pre ot water heating Times Box \ parking OI} s------------------------ TT 38----Male or Female Help Wanted TEACHER required for Grades 2 nN Meadowerest School Hrooklin 0 commence February etlect; minimum $3000 Hons, experience, salary tnspeetar, WW. DD Tha i ne Rrooklin Ont. Phone 3 ar- ROOM home PVE \ auietly in Kitehen when RA sate Real Estate "For Sole ren 45 fon dation Nya \ cand \ ont, private sale bungalow in WINS spotiess oN sereens Move RA w A LAArTow CVORIngs 061 roam WRAY ents Neat 4. room close. Ten room Modern merelal Room and Board | Nace and hoard Tea room pry . ont Lots and Osh Kalate Jan, 8 have lesh WA on night shit on Real son hirnished Write Box 319 2001 406 Bimeoe sou | Just outside wood floors, heavy duly wring, ol) oll host, A Jan, glevenings RA 52636 018 hy Pox nl Oshawa Times oll heat, very Phone RA 302¢ 02a No objection A Jan RA Lu private LL Jan, 4 638 Bloor Kast wnt four bedroom ou RA 00 ceramie 200¢ alrport to oe | 53802. | self | Alax. | Call ¥M| raneh bun | datry | FEATURE WELL PLANNED KITCHENS vi PG CLEAN BEDROOMS, LAUNDRY A NO, 4 | WILL PROVIDE MY CHILDREN WITH AMPLE INDOOR PLAYING ROOM AS WELL AS LARGE OUTDOOR PLAY AREAS BE- CAUSE LOTS ARE 75 x 110 FEET NO, 5 | WILL NOT JEOPARDISE THE SECURITY OF MY FAMILY, | KNOW | CAN AFFORD TO BUY AND CARRY A HOUSE IN THIS AREA BECAUSE DOWN PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW AS $650 AND MONTHLY CHARGES DON'T EXCEED $83, NO, 6 | WILL DEAL WITH THE RESIDENT SALES MANAGER OF SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD, WHO HAS ALL THE ANSWERS, WALTER MITTLER BROOKLIN 291, pi NO, 7 | WILL DRIVE OUT TO-DAY TO INSPECT THE FLOOD LIT MODEL HOMES, SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Ontario's Largest Suburban Realtor Reasonable, Phone sou Dec 20,27 47 --Automobiles For Sale ATATION wagon '88 Pontine, four: door, fully equipped, terms, Phone RA #6011 7 am, to 7 pm, Jan, § 48---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ears id, KA (for wrecking, Highest prie LLL or RA 51183 | TEN (West, #6000 ms, W ny I tor, 26 Prince Street ry Vang Adan A [8000 DOWN, 4room bungalow, very p[neat, lots of builtin euphoards, hard "Bore ere" garoels ofl union Roan + He vacant, 277 Verdun Road NO dewn payment, new three-bedroom | brick bungalow, NHA mortgage, Whit 3020 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3 9421 ---- LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less than a vacancy, only screened and reliable tenants Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) 101 Simcoe St. N, RA 8.5123 h 0 Ltd, n MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens, Sell en gonsignmend, Trade up er down, NEW LOCATION King Street East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5.5743 |49--Automobile Repairs f ' COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, . AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS, CALL RA 8.8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM MODEL HOMES OPEN DAY OR EVENING $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE These homes are located In one of Oshawa's fastest-grows Ing subdivisions, Close te new school, bus service ond churches THEY FEATURE: Sewers, water, streets In and paid for, sodded fronts, laun- THE t | Test-Drive the D.K.W \ ond the new FIAT For economy and performs "CANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP : 408 King St, w RA 3710 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists In Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, equipment, N fatest pe Mipmen ewest type elec. 3 bedrooms, hot water tank, 1 | ronic_tune-up equipment, sidewalk, gravel drives and many other. extras, 50--Articles For Sale FOR INFORMATION: RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS Dec. 30 7 Automabiten For Sale CLEARING at below cost, '40 Ponti HU 0 Chev, Wil: on Olds (LL) 'M1 Meteor Bulok hardtop oy, whi dollar for your yi 0 COONEY coal, ood condition, ren: sonable, Phone RA 5.8703 ad RADIOS, record player fl and | here at \he. Towent prices, you to shop at Parkway A Simeoe Street North, CHEATRRFIELD suite, apply 00M Sime 008 Street North, RA 5.8003 after § pm de ONE large fish aquariumi one types writer; large rubber plant; large LL SAVATIA plant one chrome hind o and stand; one hand.erocheted hi. olothy Ameviean flyer train oti oollee- tion of old fashioned out KL Pontlae sedan, 410 Athol EH RA LR] Easy terms, Ty at Wellman's, RA 34431 "8 PONTIAC 4door deluxe, radio, standard transmission, hew battery, condition, $1300, RA 58150 11 2 pm, Ask for John, 's3 OREVROLET, two-door, radio, heat. er, signals, low mileage. Terma avail: able, Fhone RA 5.8640 after five Jan, 16 MARCONI and Admiral, Halll Rogers, Fleetw for 1050, $188 Sterea HLF from $99.50, Kelly Tv, RA = (RIN Dee, » Al Hy R Aute Insurance, Hav w to Pi or perkenal service at your hone vall RA APECIAL discounts for builders, hom owners, on Frigidaire built-in ovens, cooking tops, pull-down elements, res frigerators and ranges, Kelly TV, #8 King Street West, RA 5.5191, RB, F, GOODRICH Stores, tires, batters ten, Kelvinator refrigerators, \tlevision, Thrifty budget plan, RA 54543, Bn | DONTIA0 deluxe, sve one, radio, automatie mis $1908, na at Wellman A 34431 Woe M0 PLYMOUTH, 80 Hillman, o Pon: RA 3.19% tne, "4 PLYMOUIN: cheap. PARGAINA--Rangettes $8; Singer 3 19/1able 824: Sin oabinet model an Singer treadle 'St OHEY, deluxe sedan, black with whitewalls, a real sharp oar, Year's bargain, M88, RA 333M 'M FORD repossession, take payments, only $33 per month Dodge, automobile transmission, over payments, 34 per month Ford sedan, take aver payments, por month, King West Motors opposite Shopping Centre i featherweight ver | or and ohairy, new $5; new wr a coffee tables $9.95: Encyele: xe [Podia of America, new, save $150 ap least; Filter Queen oleaner 839.50; yap Ohrome set 833; skates, 32 a pair, alse | Many more bargains to choose fram, Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131 PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM.TONE $5.99 gal $1.80 qt, SWING SATIN $5.99 gol $1.80 qt, First Come First Choice WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 King St W RA 3.4873 CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2284 USED CARS B A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS KING ST OSHAWA lust Fast of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494, Res. RA 5.5574 | an? Jan 11

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