Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Dec 1958, p. 9

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Arrow Subject © Defence Argun SY o Next March the Canadian curacy intercontinental ba > government will say whether (missiles, t 0 the RCAF is to be armed But as the Arrow n ' hat with the Arrow jet intercep- |preliminary flights la © 7,600 tor. In this story a Canadian |and summer, Mr, Pearle ' poor Press staff writer reviews the waver from his content| 1 dirty history of the project and manned interceptors outlines the considerations [requ'red In the alr defen : bearing on this decision, tem, m of 5 1 mood, By DAVE MCINTOSH CONTINUING NEED iting 18 Canadian Press Staff Writer On July 4 he told the Com heating OTTAWA (CP)--~Does Canada estimates committee; "I'he or SAYS need the Arrow" important factors necossi! A Cope This question is bidding to be [the continued use of mann : roofing |eome the hottest defence contro-|terceptors in the air defen J |versy in Canada since conserip tem lop nan Yeats inde f designed OL jon, ; je can get ns the PORCH What eomplicates the Issue is future,' {to kill A that the government and the| Three days later, My. | 1109 J fey ¢ military view the Arrow, from gaid before the same comi : 20 ewe' 4 to: 3h ff . Le . entirely different. angles "I am convinced, in n ie up with ammo iiis a) 3 © S------ 1] The Jonesnmient Is any 0: mind, that an alreraft of ad on the ; 6100 Seid terested in what it would eost Lo row type will be requir Ink, blue BLD PM. cL)? LIVING DINING BRLLZIWAY CARAGL ; | produce the supersonic jet inter: American Bomare anti off durs 15.9, 114" 4.256" 810.96 100. 20.4) 15.7.206 y ceptor because it las to take Into migsife "will not repls : « Were 8 : y pr [account expenditures in the noi manned intercepior," he wn small, {military field as well as fo Other| . pue name Bomar: dq must for required defence projects, This gp 0 ® yp o™ i cm the o A ¥ makes the issue a political one tions that helped develon we new MILITARY VIEW Boeing Airplane Compr 1 world, The military, on the other Unfyersity of Michizan i" m (he hand, sees the problem strietly (ical Research Centre Service Cl from. the standpoint of the Ar ut doubts about | "Bot icy ) row's military requirement, The, of putting the Arrow Into | I three OA: 1% military does take cost into ac duetion had already been how 4 to ace 4 . count, of course, hut It does not It. Gen v monds | LITA - . have prime responsibility In this chief of the general st agin field that expenditure on about : goes | The question of whether {0 wags "money down | ( loft 1201 fA GAR BOO, order the Arrow Into pre lution and that Canada should « 22414. CU. FT, SQFT 18 ( amplicat | 2 many oihis trate on defence arn - A two-bedroom frame this| Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 titled "71 8élected Low ramific ot th BYe Wie vo fi Mal of Ly th ! HS plan Incorporates many popular/a set may be obtained for this|Homes for Canadians', price 75| or INSIALER y mes A H publie features. Front entry hall gives design No, 450, For further in-|cents, includes this design and " 00H permit the oon usin a rma access to living room or kitchen formation write to; Builders' may be obtained at the news Yigher aircraft indatry. to: fold ay sagin i yi wu i of Joe for convenlent traffic flow, The|Page Editor, The Times, Oshawa. paper office or by writing to this uddenly' and thus. increase un Rent sound vy Wu Harres fine, long living room has ample'A new Home Planner book en- same address employment and cause ncquired| EXPRESSED (CONCE} woof wall space, fireplace and beautiful technical skills to ¢ porate" On Aug, 6 the « under view winiows, Separate dining "Jf it can. is it prepared to have mittee In its final 1 e of room has sliding glass wall to Cb 4 at The Bullding Editor, Rid "i United States interceptor squad. sed "its concern in rear porch and china built-in] The Times, rons take over the RCAF's alriment entering into engin Pls Handy storage closet, Kitc hey) Oshawa, Ontario, defence job in Canada? quent weapon prog ad's as right angle positioning of % ' (AFro magnitude equipment with corner sink be-|( ) Please send me further details about how to obtain standard ma, ant 5 prinared jo negotiating a neath big windows, A spacious Builders blueprints for Home Design No, 450, buy the Arrow and being on the agreement with el master bedroom has large twin of higher taxes? me.nber countries ¢ Plans entitled "71 Selected low cost Homes for Canadians," possibility « closet iit-in vanity and cross h : io 8, bulpin RNY i. eros (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times UI" TO GOVERNMENT , ventilation. "vont bedroom in i oF "a Mr. Pear) andi | Gazette.) Only the government chan an ke mn cludes a roomy closet and cross| swer these question A decision son to Wa | ventilation, Bath contains linen | "wt Arrow ted hy persuade the U.S, ( | | Namie . an on the Arrow is expected hy persus 3, closet ad vanitor unit, Fxtra| Nan March, hy which time more than:ment to buy. som linen closet is located in the hall Address : $400,000,000 will have been poured didn't expect sueee I Breezeway could he screened in into the program and six proto. vious Liberal adm States | for summer dinin Standard' types of the plan Il have heen!been unable to flown Avro Alr-|Washington---and by the builder aid |eraft Limited of Malton, Ont any, FIRST AID TO THE Al | Let's go back to 1046 when the! On Sept, 23, Prin government had tn face the ques-| Diefenbaker announced at n pres By ROGER C. WHITMAN tion whether Canada should de. conference that fwa Fn lvelop and build its own military guided missile statio KNOCKING WATER PIPES stalled about six years ago. I/mend use of the adjustable steel aircraft Into operation in Ca QUESTION: 1 am troubled would like to get away from support posts, I recommend your| Air Marshal W. A, Curtis, then at a Cost of $164,000,00¢ with knocking water pipes, The|shoveling coal (and ashes) each calling in a competont building chief of the air staff, argued that te Arrow decision would | pipes knock intermittently when winter, Can you tell me if gas | contractor to inspect the damage Canada never again should have layed until spring the toilet is flushed or when the|or ofl "leak fumes' In a hot alr and suggest repair Consult [to depend on ts allies in war He sald | | He lawn is sprinkled, How can this! furnace? My coal man says they classified telephone director time for alveralt. He maintained | I'he government under Bullding Contractors, that » during the Second World cluded that missiles sh PANSWER: Nolte In a water WER Properly installed PEELING PORCH FLOOR War the BOAV Jax stvave Wheltiodiced In the Can line. when the faucet is turned| 2 oh perly Tn Tu] NYH ' last to obtain the latest planes, defence system "and and while the water is run |and properly operated, no matter QUESTION: Paint on my porch| The government compromised, number of supersonic | On Bui. Whit [What the fuel used, there should fl has been peeling after the Avro designed -and built the CF. alreraft required for (I ning, Is generally gp by Bh no "fume leaks." You would isch Jeep} pee oe Ae of 100 jet interceptor while Cana. /Alr Defence Command ' loosened or OT valve| De Quite safe in making the con: paint or treatment 1 can use to|dair Limited of Montreal built| substantially less than could i ry ano be & source of trouble| VOT¥ION to either gas or oll [prevent this? I have scraped to|the American Sabre fighter under been foreseen a few years | partioularly if it 1s not open suf- CRACKING CELLAR PILLARS |the bare wood and painted, but in licence, 1 torcon oho I ata) 'hiroratz Wi) tly to permit a free flow, n a year it peels again, In aoday, many armed forces ol \ g ficiently | QUESTION: The five support: ANSWER: Paint won't remain flc€rs say privately that the pol. |View of the 'rapid strides WORN SCHOOL TABLE TOPS ing pillars (7% x 7%) in our|on a wet surface and molsture is|1¢¥ of Canada developing and made jn missiles by both 1h QUESTION: We have hard: basement are developing many probably coming up from the bullding its own military planes UR. and USSR board-topped dining tables Inldlagonal eracks which are ground, When a stretch of dry|Was a sound one when adopted a LONG PROJECT our school, They are supposed spreading wider and deeper. weather has permitted dampness d6cade ago | "The development of to be heal-and-staln resistant, What can be done to preserve|i, evaporate from under the POLICY OUTDATED dian supersonic inter but look rather worn from wear, |them from further cracks and floor, paint the underside with] But they argue this policy has eraft, the CF-108 or Arr Can they be refinished in some give the cross beams the neces: aiuminum paint to prevent more heen overtaken hy the swiftness commenced in 1953 and o way to make the tops look nice sary support? If replacing them penetration, This can be speeded of military technological ad-'der the best of elrcimsta again" would be best solution, who does yp hy covering the ground under vances and that this country now will not be avallable f ANSWER: Wash table tops that kind of work? We had a porch with sheets of poly: would find it better for hoth eco tive use in squadrons with solution of one tablespoon. slight earthquake several years ethylene plastic, or roll roofing nemie and defence reasons to huy!in 1961 ful of trisodium phosphite to the 880 which caused foundation yo act as a vapor barrier and|its planes from the U.S, or Bri "Since the project heun gallon of warm water, rinsing cracks, but that has been reme: xeon dampness from arising out tain lutionary changes ha well afterwards with clear water died of the ground, If area is flat,! The emphasis in Canadian place which have made n to remove all grease and grime. ANSWER: Your problemilaps need only be socured with military planning is on a short,|a review of the prom from surface, When thoroughly should be given prompt attention, | weights, such as stones, If un. violent war in which a Canadian|light of anticipated dry, apply good quality' heal- Since all the pillars seem to be qven, it will be better to seal Jie ability to mass-produce military | when the alreraft com and-stain resistant varnish, avall- affected, I 'hesitate to recom- laps with roofing cement, alreraft would he meaningless |The preponderance of able at paint and hardware] Ihe. planes would have to he|opinion is that hy the stores, following label: directions . [ready when hostilities broke out,'ned aircraft, however ; . THE WEEK'S NEWS [not two or three years or evening, will be less off NVERTING F1 RNA( |} | [two or three months later meeting the threat | ION: I would like in| Politically, it would appear im+ viously expected." formation regarding the conver:| . {possible for the government now! The RCAF and Avro w sion of my hot-alr furnaces to on 1ct 0 [to ditch the Arrow and at the ned by the announcen either gas or oll, This is a two I lsame time order an interceptor air force could see il family house; furnaces were in. {out of US, production, All the Ing and as a combat f wie none | Ln Festivities i, 10 Ame, J, esting can Industry palled by the cost of Ar Even before the CF-100 was in duction, Mr, Diefenhal [ Ry JOSEPH MacSWEEN | Russian Foreign Minister An. RCAF squadron service, Avro be: mated the cost of 100 WORKSHOP Canadian Press Staff Writer [drei Gromyko continued the gan working on designs for a $900,000,000alter sub | Christendom celebrated Chrigt-| Kremlin's campaign to get the/supersonic interceptor, It re mas in solemn worship, but there| Western countries out of Rerlin|ceived the development go-ahead was conflict as well as jo, by predictions of nuclear war if fromt he government in 1933 It was an uneasy peace as the they stay, He bolstered his argu.| The CF-100 had cost $122,000 birthday of Christ--the Prince of ments by stating Russia is well (000 to develop and It was ex Peace--wis marked around the armed for any trouble. pected the Arrow's development would cost twice as much FEEDER \ | et sy QUEENS WitsAGE (uid ou dvi || am caer ov M ands made the pilgrimage to an.| Queen Elizabeth, in her Christ But the estimate kept going up WE WILL PROVE TO YOU 19"HIGH 1.8 clent Rethlehem h] mas message to the Common By late 1038 it had. reached THERE 15 NO JOR But in some parts of the world, | Wealth, talked of the Importance $200,000,000 and the Arrow then the message of peace had an es IS) spiritual and family values. (oo chil 1a months away from| pecially poignant meaning, There SNe said wi. |1ts first Night, Avro had wanted! | J waa ll tension oy Nationwiist| It wera ta we Jal Christ to build a single-enginé, single ~~ ala ) y § jus » time to he grate AF PMTTERN 444 A 7 islands of ommunist China anc A 3 seat plane but the RCAF specified By RUTH W, SPEARS the war continued in Algeria, ul to those who add fullness too engines and two seats for ; where France has been fighting our lives The prophets and . | This garden figure is cut out "os! ' en dreamers, philosophers. men of greater flexibility and safety over oto ; a Moslem rebellion for four) \ ' \ ' 'to of wood, painted I So BRON veils ideas and posts, artista In paint, Avro unveiled the Arrow at i an mounted In a charming she hi sculpture and music ) ar h o filled MOSLE) s jo vn ' Oct, 4, 1057 y chile ter that has a hin to he filled with MosLEM WORDS ! 4 Ion Even 50, we need something Pp Wn el ph, V7 The chief grain, Pattern 444, which gives he } 08 on Word ha a ow more, We all need the kind of Shen ter, \ hi yh h X user) actual-size guides and directions, things to say during the Piston a earkes, sald al the time tha " ma NAS irity that one gets from a 4 nha ' i ary 1 ot wa rte. pL Rll Fo 8 ils and" ors, Ye eluded In packe 32 W Meh Is a set Kine Russein of Jordan. Wha The Queen explained she had each can do things which the of five bird house and feeder pat ODA re Ei a utodian of | doelded against allowing her two other cannot do and for somo terns all for 31.78 ) many sacred places broadeast a [Children to appear with her on/years to come both will be re Address orders to The Home mestalte of assurance. to Chris. | television, adding "I am sure that quired in the Mventory of any Workshop Dept., The Times, Osh Re Moraace lo x as. | A! of you Who are parents will nation seeking to maintain an sured them of his friendshin, understand adequate deterrent to war." President Nasser of the United POPE'S XMAS Unfortunately for Avro, Oct. 4,| Tl Arab Republic made a speech| Pope John XXIII, in the first 1937, was the day Cho en hy the | attacking Communists In the Mid: |vear of his relen as pontiff of the Itussians to launch the world - | M { a =~[ dle Fast, classing them with im: Roman Catholic Church, cele first earth satellite and put it | perialists and Zionists as adents brated Christmas Fve mass in in orbit of disunity in the Arab world, the presence of the Vatican dip The placing of Sputnik 1 In The Arab leader was not, of lomatlc corps--a estom that had outer space showed that the So course, speaking in connection been abandoned 18 years ago. Vets had he knowledge and with Christmas, but took an un:| In an earlier message to his wherewithal to fire with fair ac usual occasion for one of his rare flock, the 77.year-old Pope issued Sma be attacks on the Reds--the second|a statement at once benevolent | ATI mien Hl CHAIRSIDE anniversary of the withdrawal of fad warning: "Let our gestures, 250 Gall T ¥ British and French troops after befitting men of good faith, con allon Te A40 RUTH W a BLE their invasion of the Suez Canal tain nothing of war or violence MORTGAGE LOANS plied all at NO y R . Zone in 1958 Rut it is necessary to be vigilant " ny hm ke Vals, sald: RED LINE |In the night of lengthening shad AVAILABLE Phone RA 3. I tor } : : Russia was not idle at Christ: ows, to be aware of the insidious Will wonder how you ever gotinag One announcement from | ness of those who are the enemies along without ts useful terraced Moscow on Christmas Fve pro-lof God." Ral hs Jones shelves. Pattern 440, which gives posed a stepped - up program of MONEY NEWS . Her L I awa actual-size cuttin ukdes and atheism to fight the idea of Chris-! The two most powerful coun Barrister & Solicitor show ON tep S alse ows every step, ts 0c. It Is also! jjanity tries In the world gave news of i included in the Small Shell and| In a more official way, the So the y ! i ne | L i Ek SO: (thelr government-money plans 3 § Packet 49 with four other|viet Union issued a warning on; President Eisenhower an 65 Simcoe St, South 285 BLOOR S ST ar for $1.75. [the Berlin crisly, in terms that : r ' nounced he will submit ta Con A Address orders to The Home Western diplomats said were en-'gress a budget balanced at Dial RA 5.3525 Workshop Dept. The Times, Osh: crusied with the barnacles of old around $ for his awa A |diplomatie proposals. country of 175,000,000, | wa 7 all

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