8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 23, 1958 Suggest Town H Toronto, Montreal Stocks Sports Centre COBOURG A community| Can OH) 9. athletie centre was suggested hy| Har Min 19% a v TORONTO wo B44 MH Mh Headway " emo 4 the Cobourg Board of Parks Man-| Br The Canadien Prose 100 460 40 490 Hollinger UH 0% Aekahly ' agement to town counell last h 106 M24 42% 24 =~ W Hud Bay a] i v3 night, when counefl met for its Dupont BIO $0 208; 20% Ind 1ake A) : : MO Paper 100 833% 33% 93% ~ W Ini Nickel 3% BI BE Crown Zell A ve 20% 1 last session of 1956, Its last regu-| Third CG Inv 100 , sly | Int Ran 24 / Dist feng Whe Stl lar session hefore adjournment 1 Bridge Aran Ray ) i H ' | D. Cornet next Jan, " Industrials : dove Expl Noi Mores 35 $03 0 # | The letter stated that the hoard | Am Tadue delliage ough (would have no objection to the LL Blask Bales Wigh Low 11 Anchor 5 u Donohue 186 If [town declaring the. land in the i ' rk Min LL] . v4 A { Avs "0 (1 sos os - Jura | im Jahradoy "ou wu flow Brew 4 aren of the new wading pool in Eom 7 44 " 0 a 8h Li Kidy Mateh ¢ Vietoria Park a community cen | tog A 20% - 50 518 Bis Lelteh Yam Flay 7 8 Bn +) {tre hy hylaw | nile) A 1] L Je A aundin ATEus 340 pr 6d 64 ! 0 20 y d Ai 1h | An administration committee Argus 250 pr Hn be : f LA 300 H ¥r Pete pr, consisting of two members of Ash Temp (] 4 u » A 00 Gatinesu y ih council and five members of the Alias Heel aon Com Del 4 i le WEL RL Wine OF A 3H 0 11 [hoard would have to he establish- Bank Mont #6 B68 Charer ON 46 i Hl A A ¥H Bmith Hh led, and one Immediate benefit k N§ I} ammo | fend Ne re Sh on B00 2 23 28 ¥ 825 0 toa Jay LE {would he availability of new Bath Pow A a A C Mic Mae 06 #000 7 Imp Oi b grants for development purposes, Heatly % 6h BY Cree Wie i 1 Mone Do uu Imp Toh | Coun, A, C, H, Field suggested bell oy Pi + 9 oy refer: Hie yd 2 HR H Gen Pet A 4 a0 850 + Parin 4 2 Th + Ine Hotes ' that the matter should he refer Bowater pr FH Gy Plaine log "ios 4 pai [EE Nisha: 5 4 red to next year's. council, "We Home ol A 1 hn + Min "corp MacMil Fr can't do this now, This might be ' A Medal we me Moneta 1500 y Hass For 4 an excellent thing for the new Mideon p 4000 MAB : : ' council to sharpen its teeth on," | Mill City 0 » 1000 #1 NBC ir he said, The matter was finally| N Bristol 55 TWH ow Heiht 1000 20 26 24 Norapi HI! "i vitor Can Perm N Superior 0 1 - N Dicken Loo Norands f hh [referred to the town solicitor, A 4 1] ¢ ' J ' "OC OBk Cm ort 2830 4 5 5 Noviheal 4 New Homeo 1100 Vague. Hors [Roy Willmott, Q( " Can Brew y Okalta . 4 N Myl Powell ' l : CBAL A wis 1d Pie Pete ' . Famn 3900 y ( | E S Vv ¢ rein ir 0M Novena wie 30 0h frame 1d y | C b Cl b TOPPED MEMB R HIP DRI E vedge onder p N I 3 o Nat Gas | ¢ 9 " er afle Br 300 bi "w 7 Frove Gas f ki Niu id 1500 Hoe AV Can 55 8) [ [ 0 ourg u Mr. Bond of the Civil Service | Association at 26 Central Ord- | local OPAC for their siforls in ain Oil # HAS Rocky Pete lira "0 7 Joyal Hank 4 bt . Association of Canada is shown | nance Depot, Cobourg. To the Vinay i rive Cais 8 pio 2 Bapphive BA00 144 Pardes 004 p BL Com A100 1 Plans Camival | presenting a brief case to Lion. | left is Reg. Martin, secretary. across Canada WN Oo A South 2600 y Paling M 100 ] Bt I Corp 750 | . CWN Gas pr f sy! 2000 f Placer 100 ! Ahuwin 1660 § 3 h | el Jones, president of the local | The brief case was a gift to the (26 COD Photo) Cockshutt 1 Fred : Pionte B00 475 416 475 Shawn 4 pr 4h | COBOURG --, The Cobourg Vig ---- Curhy vi 1 A 4 ¥ y Que Ascot 10000 9 Bimpsons 05 #4 . i \ ar y Cosmos I'rind Off 1528 418 4 p Que Fy 200 §7 7 Steel Can 170 tire Skating carnival committee [threat, The Ganaraska is notor- 9 y [ 8 24 ah A i y , D ¥Fndry 4 i ie Un Oils da00 " ; a Metal #50 Sleinhg A 1608 has completed plans for the an T h ¥am Play 01 20% v {in 00 ai i Qunston 1017 18 % Tor Dom Bk 100 #5 nital earnival which will be held now a ed S Lous. Jor Ny Jamibuges nd Riv 1 SP wn @ , Simmons, $1001, 106k, 10014 W Dee wis 1500 i 3 Quemont 200 AIL 1 Tor Dom ris 200 34 ". [Feh, 18 and 14 at the Cobourg and his department keep an an ho #0 860 Rayroek 1500 I Tr Can Pipe 250 | Aven. 24 264 8% . Koohe Mino 2 Trind Ol B00 na a a ao, Mo Mines Rutellite 1500 Webh Knapp 500 70 The earlier dates were chosen t 1 F Tr 195 / Xo we on the river during hor Bl Rhieriiy 1000 i {to avold conflicting with the wen: [quie ws, i A] his Bik Agnien 2012 M Bicone #00) A t : 4 | 0 Wok G ris 290 230 Anion 1093 #2 i 500 19 ; Canadian {bor Faster examinations at Co seg r Tas ES | "If the thaw is accompanied by in Bask ole si } Anglo War a '0 1 Rianleigh~ 2000 Ahitea 300 4 * [bourg Collegiate and to give the PORT HOPE Poets love, Mayor W, N. Moore earlier a warm rain we can usually ex mp Inv Han 11% J Rtanrek Hh 1 Catelll A 100 #41 club members a hetter opportun | snow, but the estimated 32 Inches suggested that a heavy snowfall|pect trouble" commented the mp Ld [ 4 [i MO 18 i I y p 2 . fing oi Hi ii Anos jos An hi van ih f HA ton 1d Pie f {ity to prepare for thelr figure! nich have fallen on Port Hope would cause enough extra ex engineer, i Aeoep 3 Md N 1000 os bX 4 800 M Leaf MI 100 815% 19% 197 | skating and dance tests which.are|" . | d This year's supply of sand will IVP 300 40 4 on Aino 260 40 p eo MO_Puper BO Bade Hk [given at the end of the season, |YePresents more than poetry to bth 5 bring about a deficit pave to be Increased to meet the nland © pr 150 S178 17% 17% Hankeno 7 1 1000 MAR Res va Miu 3) 4 |" Cobourg Club will be hosts in/the town's works department, Jim i the budget [expected extra snow. Most of the friend fds id PAN o> . a ot 3000 1 va Fert Ha a yi Que Phone wi 25 #18 2 {1950 for the inter-club compet): Watson, foreman, keeps a record| For district farmers i repre: snow coms from regular sand I Syn A $218 BIN BIN 4 | B-Dun #00 Weed: 00 8 1 Knep Reve ALE } tions on March 14 of snow fall and his records show- sents a layer of insulation that pit or gravel pit Sperators and on co . HH Hy nr oy 100 Yale Lond 200 " : Trans Mt 2400 y 2 The Figure Skating Club Is openled a fall of 30 inches last year wi vonually melt and provide salt is added at the works de- MacMill B $99 6 Sau Bioroft 1080 97 vk Rear 1500 v West C Brew 100 83344 38 39 to all In the community who pay| However, the 30-day forecast In I 10 Ko With a rich moisture partment a some Joa "m Sear Mil a oe Bick Ray 000 Young HG 680 Mi a nominal foe for season skating. |dicates more cold weather and " y Spring ero, ' ql leh [ 0 tons Java been Mass pr son 108 108 Rouzan B00 Rinks oo nes There are three qualified instruc: snow In January also a possible flood/used on the town's streets, MoColl 25 $68 63 62 Hull ad #00 18 Bulole 300 830 Augustus Ah 6) [tors this season and the annual | qe snow has an effect il | ' ment fy | M West wie 1 TI Camp Chih 1300 Alsoope 2000 18 1 {earnival Is the club's main source (yoicimas buying with more 2 204 Dyno 110 ! Sales to 11 mm. 531,000 Arno 2000 4 f OVE 17% 17% 3500 hi 0 Halley 8 A 20800 ry of revenue being spent on clothing and fuel an NW 1200 | f » Wand Ore 1000 8 f | than In milder years. The effort 1929 93 MONTREAL Rattan do OLD NAME to keep up with the snow clear (¥ #00 Man if od . ation Trent ' Hoh 430 A Charlottetown, capital of Prince ance program has meant the use i \ 2300 5 (Quotations In sents unless marked § ny Yon aan J J Wdward Island, was known as of additional labor and extra b T | D | \ (i S 0 F #00 . belidd fot, Ad = Kndividend, srk Calumet 1000 Aly h ' Port La Joie to the first French trucks to keep the streets from (§ A % ) JA 4 I'm 4 1500 rights, sw=Ex-warranis,) Cannlask 2180 ¢ 6 p 5 leloggin 1 $3744 As 3744 ' 1000 Canorama 2000 inhabitant - Reng (i 467 460 | ona ho Industrials Cleveland 100 410 410 Comings $0 2 3 enison 00 $19 24 Y 180 Net one 100 EM 12% | en wis 650 A Stork High Low am. Ch'ge Fast Sull 400 09 " I neo "e i Abitibi 830% Mise AGA, Emp ON) Ao al Rank Ad 4 mchilies 1500 9 7 Algoma 195 #354 Wy BN Falcon ih Cem A $7 TW Halliwell 2200 Alimin 405 820% | Gaspe ON 00 At 1, Corp S160 16% ) an Mands 145 Alum 2 pr 200 Gold Age 2000 ( \ BL Mauries Ll LU 7 Mosher 4000 Anglo Pulp pr 250 . Gunnar 100 ( ' 3 \ Salada 8 OW NM ny Northland 2000 ' Ashesin 118 ' Hollinger rh s 3 J May true happiness Baluda-8 B $5314 BA Ady Fersh 1000 Bank Mont 288 5 Kontiki 1500 ) Khawin TS CL fled Pop 00 Hank Na It ile By Marple 10000 Bioks pr 400 400 400 or 2900 8 7 ' Bank NS rt 1215 8 80 BBO Merrill #00 Bilverwd B 20 81 1 1 200 A Hangue CN [FI 1) LU] Maonpre 2000 Bimpsons IW NW MW 1000 2 "w Banque PC ot 360 h Aho Ain Mantgary 0 be pour at CL Ssunastiv, ara Southam he 62 LL] VAragon 2500 Hath Pow A 50 7 Th 1% N Rantiage 1600 Bt Pav MON dL dN Yeldona 1000 12 1d ' Rell Phone 957 Wa dle dig NA Rare M 2000 Steel Can $00% OAL AB yonulda 2000 1 Hl 3 Bowtr ppr 20 ' fla Ay Ohalskl 500 Steinberg A LY] Hu ou Amphi M0 1} | I '} '} Opemiska 2000 8 Prop wis 530 30 80 : ast Mal La 108 #8 TL LT) Orohan 1800 Tor-Dom Bk $0 MN AW + ast Bull 1100 76 #3 1) Wi Portage gion i) ] " 8 Tor Iron A $26 3 9 ast Met 2500 + Build Prod 0 839 a6 49 Que Cobalt 101 5 f 4 Tor) Bk rie ME 30 30 urekn 1000 MW Cal Pow 200 Ma M4 bE MARL p' A special package of Tr Ca 264 it nu Tw Ww Frobisher 2600 U7) Can Com 1H Mg Mg 4 StL River 2000 2 h 1d Ishes! A X 17 12 134 Geeco Mines 100 N Can Cam 850 83 VT] Hh 4 Tih Expl 0 2 2 p wishe PPL mW MW Aw Clavier we 0 » n C Hnk Com 403 85504 55 Aims Aug Hh ) in y : happy o ay { MO BM MM Glenn Uran 1000 C Bk Cm ort 1600 455 408 433 valor Lith 1000 I i. : wh r Gold Bag « 6500 3 1 C Bre [TE vanguard 1000 1h ; r Ww ) w d TTIOTIEEY Arew " } Grandue 100 C Col 81 pr 380 810 1] 18 ( 48 48 a Gunnar I 4 8s 15 15 Sales t \ | on A HW 3 HY Hard Rock 1000 13 14 1 Cine Power 10 BW MW BU -- 4 Miner" ai 'ON $ilton IMusirtale 20.100) DELICATESSEN FURNITURE co A . . . Po n r ! FREE 422 PRISONERS | program of Christmas releases, a | (space heaters, and a power fuel| NICOSIA, Cyprus (Reuters) | government spokesman sald Mon AND IMPORTED FOODS 4 KING ST, W. [J (pump used to refuel heavy equip: (More than 422 Greek - Cypriot day, F than 2,000 : : & y y an 4 Il are OSHAWA ) {ment at the site, political prisone have ud rio [f i Swer than 1.000 sd 17 BOND ST. an BR Cobourg Fires | "A second fire, reported at 1.20|frecd so Ra oners have heen (detained in camps as suspected MN MIR | this month during alterrorists this morning, caused undetermin " ha ed damage to Curtis Metal Pro ducts, of Ball street, Cobourg ause Al | 1A © The fire occurred in a paint Ing cabinet in the plant paint {shop COROURG Damages from |ic's shop, suffered severe damage The flames could be seen from twa fires Monday afternoon and when a wall adjacent to the burp-|a mile away, shooting through this morning may total as much |ing offices caught fire and burn: a skylight whose glass had been as M00, according to estimates ed almost completely through, [shattered by the heat ee 0 fven by town Fire Chief, Ken| All were small, portable, pre-| Norman Beggs, Breakers mo 1aipd | fabricated units of the type usual-{tel and Hugh MeColl, 112 Ann Mire destroyed two shacks|ly used for such purposes at con: street, were working night shift and damaged a third at a field | struction sites |using the paint shop to paint office maintained by Swansea CAR RLISTERED some steel chair frames, They Construction at an overpass he A car parked beside one of the left shortly after one o'clock for Ing, bullt across Highway 401 of shacks had paint scorched and|a few minutes, and when they Ontario street blistered by the heat Windows |réturned, saw the room on fire The fire was reported at 1.10|in doors on the left hand side] Reggs phoned the alarm, then p.m, yesterday, when employes of the car were eracked, The own rushed to help McColl, who was investigating smoke found the in-|er, Mike Boatman, a scraper op/|trying to fight the blaze with terior of one of the shacks, used erator, saw the fire and moved some fire extinguishers kept in by 'engineers as a field office, his vehicle to a safer spol [the room. Spontaneous combus filled with Names. By the time Fire Chief Baird sald tpeition In paint wiping rags was firdmen arrived at the scene, the flames started from an overheat: blamed by Chief Baird first shack and an adjacent shack ed stove, Destroyed in the field we! enveloped in flames offices were a spare wheel, sur A third shed, used as a mechan vey instruments, blueprints, : . Dear Mom and Dad: 1,000 IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE HALIFAX (CP) « More than [1,000 Itallan and Greek Immi i yincible with a 4-1 conquest of 8t./urants stepped ashore from the I'm sure enjoying college, Seems like there's something new happening wo n eaten Andrew's, Three second period jiner Vulcanla Monday and left goals did the trick, Evor Leonard, |ioaight by special trains for To all the time. Remember last week-end when you were here? | introduced you Gerry Bambridge and Donald panto and Montreal, Teams Feature ferry scoring, Paul Berthelet to my room-mate from Hamilton . . , well, his folks have started sending triggered the other, Doug Camp I st tv shot : bell spoiled the shutout, Paul|lte8. Stevenson personally eh him a copy of his home town paper every day and it seems to me to be a WY 0 Andrew' down the Irish with hat trick Church League Massey of St, Andrew's sat out 8 Doug Parnall fired the hog good idea. sin bin trip ' 2 5 rg in Peter Olson chalked up the shut COROURG With the season| Training School made two first out. Finkle of the B's was penal | rapidly approaching the half-way! period goals stand up for a ized mark St. Andrew's Midgets ave win over St, Peter's, Pon Lepage! S k well ou their way to an undefeal: and McCann were the marksmon.| TARGIng alter Vel waka a: | | figure If you send me The Oshawa Times I'd be able to follow the ed year following thelr seventh Smith registered the shutout, Ref. g wike's A's 0144 3 yuoteusive win in the Cobourg Gary Dunn did not mete out ops " hockey news and find out what the old crowd is doing, There are a few Church Hockey League, They penalty St. And " 134s p Nal" ; St, Andrew's... 0 nipped St. Michael's 84 In & close] prinity had an easy time of Es asta other fellows here from Oshawa and we're always wondering what is happens duel with St. Mike's RB's in recording a|St, Peter's " Gord Ewart moved into the 7.0 veitory, David St, Charles and (St. Mike's .......... Ing In the home town, So, how about it? lead in the scoring race hy pot ting two goals in leading the way | ug Se You Noon for the winners, Don Kernaghan, | " Boh Davis and Winston Marsden | notched singletons For §t.| Mike's, Peter Rerthelet, Jerry Holmes, Dave Doyle and Roh | Finkle shared the scaring, Penal ized hy referee Tommy Lewis were Ewart and Anderson of the | league leaders and McDonald, Holmes, Finkle and Doyle of the losers | Trinity elimbed out of the basement as they defeated St Peter's 5:3 who took over the va cancy. Gary Carlson netted two markers to pace the winning at tack. Rod Rrocanier, Bob Bar ker and Richard Stri Kland getting singles. Goalgetters for Wt Pete's were Ted McCollum, Ken Tavior and Cam Wallbridge, Rob Borthwick and Bernie Toomey of the losers each drew two penal tes and Carlson of Trinity was assessed five by referee Nell Cane, Strickland belng nalled onee JOH N"S G Standing after seven weeks Is A R G 3 w by yy A : 3 \ RL EE CO. LTD : ¢ L Os AN mes Trinny : §&. Peter's § 0 45 226 CELINA ST PHONE RA 3.4233 & MITES St. Mike's A's also remained ln PS. Don't forget The Times. School Subscriptions Jan. 1 to May 15---$5.00 PHONE THE CIRCULATION DEPT. RA 3-3474 ata ata tab Op SS Besar