Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1958, p. 6

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- The Oshawa Times Published by Cenadlan Newspapers Limited, 57 Simcoe St. S,, Oshawa, Ont, ' ] . " ' . > LTT) Tussdoy, December 23, 1958 Wealth Of Information About Nation's Affairs As Canadian newspapers keep the publie informed of the eurrent news on the domestic, national and inter- national fronts, so does the Canada Gazette provide a weslth of detailed information" eoncerndng affairs of state, the legislation of parliament, and kind~ red matters, " Back as far as 1841, in the pre-Con« federation days of Upper and Lower "Canada, dates the earliest publication of the Gazette, Older by several de- eades than Hansard, the official report of the proceedings of parliament, it ful. fils a function just as significant, "con~ taining everything that the citizen should know", Order-in-council, proc lamations, certain eivil and military appointments under government juris. diction, find their appropriate place in the pages of this official journal, The forming of new comjpanies, the bank- ruptecy or re-organization of old ones, the eall for publlie works tenders, form an important part, Notice of divorce actions to be heard by the Senate of Candida are duly publicized, A tale of failure and success, of hu- man endeavour and human frailty, the history of Canada's progress and achievements Is told by implication in the legally-worded paragraphs of the Gazette The Canada Gazette, Part I, issues every Saturday morning in both lan- guages, notices of general character, proclamations, certain Orders-in-Coun- ell, divorce notices and notices under the Bank Act, the Bankruptcy, Insur« ance and Companies Acts, the Nav! gable Waters Protection Act and a host The Surplus Federal officials are reported to be studying ways of handling the butter business into which they have slithered, The price support program has caused much anxiety, and now it is recognized that it is unworkable, The task is to find a way out that will not leave Canada's agriculture in a worse mess than that in which the government now finds itself, Two methods being considered at the present time are a reduction in the sup~ port price, designed to curb excessive production, or a switch to deficiency payments, Under this method, butter would be put on the open market, with the government later undertaking to pay for the loss entailed by the pro- ducers, of others, Also included are notices of oll eligible lists and employment come petitions issued by the Civil Service Commission, The Canada Gazetie, Part II, publishe od every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, contains all Orders, Rules, Regulations and Proclamations of an administrative character having general effect or imposing a penalty, The Cane ada Gazette, Part II is bilingual, Tariff changes, new radio regula tions, amendments of grain or fisheries regulatons, such matters are the sube jects of notice in Part 11, Whether it be a local question such as a ferry or a warehouse tariff, or a nation-wide rul- ing as on evport or import permits--re= gardless of how large or small the issue involved, it finds a place in the official record, The contractor who Is interested In tendering the government wharves or buildings; the company which seeks to enlarge or narrow its board of directors; the banker who watches for the decla- ration of dividends or of company fall« ures; all find food for thought and action in the Gazette's pages, In a recent study of current bibllo= graphies of national publications made by UNESCO the Canada Gazette ranks first In the list of this country's gove ernment papers, It is, indeed, the re= port emphasizes, the official publication par excellence, wth the basic function of "making public those texts and in- struments with which the eitizens must be acquainted", Provinelal governments publish a sep= arate Gazette Of Butter Any change must of necessity he gradual, The first step should be to reduce the support price in order that the mounting surplus may be brought fo reasonable proportions, It is well te note that 1957 butter still is being sold, The nation has not yet started to eat inte this year's output, At a time when the change can be made without too much harm to the dairy industry, Canada should step out of the pleture, A free market {s best able to control the price, both from the standpoint of consumer and producer, And the whole economy would be much better off without the artificial props ereated by price support programs, 'Mr. Maugham's Travels . ; York Bomerset Maugham, who is now #84, sald on a British TV program that he has written his last book, "From now on", he added, "I shall travel and see the places I went fo 30 years ago and would like to see once more before I die." That would be quite a trip, the New Herald Tribune comments, Mr, Maugham's early journeys took him not "only to the near places of the Continent, but to the far places of the East, and the stories that grew out of these travels earvied his readers to spots far beyond the usual bounds of English literature to tiny inlands In the Moluccas, as in Narrow Corner," or small villages in China, as in "The Painted Veil" or to the rubber plantations in Malaya where so many of his short, passionate tales Are set The world of the Somerset Maugham who travelled 30 years ago has changed so many ways that he would hardly recognize it, He would not come upon a lone Englishman, upriver in Borneo, dressing for dinner every evening, as that starchy trader did in "The Outsta- tion". He would find most of the Dutch ettlers gone from the Indies, and many of the British planters gone from Ma- aya, along with their restless wives who touched off so many violent events in those sardonic stories, He would find China shorn of its graces, Perhaps only in Polynesia would he find the people and places largely as he "The T, lL WILSON, Publisher and General Manager, € GWYN KINSEY, Rditer, The Oshawa Times, eombin The Oshawe Times established 1871) and the hithy Gazette erd he (established 1863), In published daily (Sur Mutory holidays excepted), of Canadian Dally Newspapers Publishers The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of ond the. Ontarie The Canadian Prem titled to the use for despatches in the Anociated Pram or published therein, are 0lvo reserved Offices 44 King Street Wat, #40 Cotheart St, Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrion in Oshawa, Whithy, Alem, ¢ikaring, Bowmanville, Brooklin Port Perry, Prince Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Leskard, roughany, Burketon, Claremont, lumbus, Fairport Beach, Greenwood, Kinsale, Rage lang Blockatock, Manchester, Cobourg, Port Hope, Pontypool and Newcastle not over 40c per week, By mail lin province of Ontario) eutside carriers' delivery areas, 12.00; elewhere 15.00 per year AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID "16166 Dailies In axclusively en republication of all news foe credited to It or to The outers, and alse the local news All rights of special despatches Provincial Teronte, Ontariey left them and in Pago Pago he would even be able to see a saloon named for one of his characters The seductive Sadie Thompson of "Rain." It would be raining in Pago Pago when he arrived it almost always is--and this would be another comforting sign of stability {wan age of rapid change Still, the fact that the world is dif. ferent should not keep Mr, Maugham from seeing it again, He is above all a storyteller, who can conjure fables out of any locale, We hope he will make the trip that he mentioned the other day, If so, he may find that he hasn't written his last book after all, Bible Thoughts AN things come. of thee, and of thine own have we given thee. --1 Chronicles 20:14 God asks nothing back, but He does expect us to pass on part of what He has entrusted to us, Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted, Matthew 5:4, When we know the happiness of lost loved ones, only selfishness could make us continue te mourn, The law of the Lord ix perfect, cone verting the soul Psalms 10:7, If we by God's law our very nature will conform te that law and it will enlarge and exult in spiritual and phy=- sical health, His sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.--1 Samuel 8:3, When office ia hereditary, sons often fail miserably, But we too can bring dishonor to our forebears, 3 anything that Acts 10:14, The great Teacher taught that it was what eame out of the mouth that de- files and not what goes into it I have never eaten was common or unclean Many members, vet but ene body -- 1 Corinthlans 12:20, There is an essential unity in himan= ity, and particularly among like-mind- ed people, We are members one of an- other, Tt is Psaln 3:2 good for me to draw near to God Some pe fear God ple fear a policeman, some DEEPER INTO CASE LELORDS oR ELLEN FAIRE LOUGH ee A DIVING KIT To 60 THE PRINTING BUREAUY SPIRAL OF A A SPACE MAN'S SUIT FOR THE PRIME MINISTER'S NEXT TRIP HULA HooP FoR DONALD FLEMING OTTAWA GIFT LIST READERS' VIEWS Wants More Pleasant Tidings At Christmas Dear Sir: At this time of the year, it is terrible to read about all the violence and hatred In the world, 1 know it is not the fault of the newspapers and radio stations, They do not make the news, they only report what Is going on and what has happened. But I wish some extra effort could he made to present the happler news dur. ing the Christmas season This Is the celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, but all we hear about is war, the threat of "war, the differences be- tween nations, the building of new machines of war, The United States sent up a rocket that Is now going around the world and sending out a Christmas message from Presi. dent Eisenhower, That is a mock. ery, The purpose of the rocket was to test communications in cape of war, because one general sald that a rocket like this could be used to send. military mes. sages to commanders in various places in the world, 1 wish in. stead that President {Esenhower had sent a personal message to Premier Khrushchev about his hopes for peace and goodwill, 1 know Premier Khrushchev is an atheist, and Christmas cannot mean very much to a Commun» ist and an atheist. But the mes. sage would still have a special meaning at this time JOHN WEARING Bowmanville RUS REPORT Dear Sir A word in defence of the report on the bus situation by Ald, Wal ker to Oshawa city council, I understand the tsransportation committee of city council spent months discussing detalls of the bus situation before being able to present a report It Is obylous that all details could not be given in such a report-it would take a week to give more than a sum mary, REASONARLE Oshawa VOTE IN B.C, Dear Six In the editorial on the recent hy-election in British Columbia a wrong conclusion was drawn The former cabinet minister Sommers was found guilty of bribery, true, But the Social Cre. A eandidate who ran in the hy- election was a respected citizen, In no way did he share Som mers guilt, What the editorial did was to smear all Social Cre- diters because of the errors of some members of the party, That was the McCarthy technique of guilt by association, It Is the same thing as saying that be cause one dog goes mad, all dogs are mad or people, for that matter, SOCIAL CREDITER Oshawa BIRDS IN WINTER Dear Sir: 1 was happy to see an appeal for the feeding of birds in winter, This has truly been a severe winter so far, with frequent falls of snow and very low temperas tures. The gound is frozen hard and is covered with another deep, hard coating of snow, It is a very difficult time for the birds, since the seeds brown off trees, bushes and weeds by the strong winter winds are now embedded in the fey ground, not available to the hungry birds, We owe a great debt to the birds, Not only do they help us by eating innumberable harmful insects, but they make our lives more pleasant with their cheer. ful songs, As was stated in The Times, even the humble sparrow can gladden a dull morning with his cheery chirping, MRS. T, HALLICK Whithy : OSHAWA ARENA Dear Sir: I have read some of the re plies to my previous letter about a proposed new arena for Osh. awa, Nothing In them convinces me I should change my mind about the fact that a new city avena at this time would be too expensive a luxury if it involved the spending of any municipal funds I am not acquainted with the North Oshawa arena, but from what I read In the published let. ters, It must be quite good, The Children's Arena I know to be good, Therefore the children are looked after, Again I must say that the main purpose of a new arena would be to house hockey players, not services for the ma- Jority of ratepayers, DISSIDENT Oshawa FOR BETTER HEALTH Health Check-Up Gitt A Practical HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD Still have a couple of last-min. ute Christmas presents to get? Well, let me give you a few suggestions, PHYSICAL CHECKUP How about giving those adults closest to you the benefit of a thorough physical checkup? Don't Just give them the money to pay for it it is too easily spent on something else -- but call up their doctor and make an appointment, Or, perhaps a complete cancer examination can be arranged. | have advised you previously what an examination such as this should include Now. 1 know you are saying te vourself: "What a silly present! Who would appreciate anything like that?" You know, you would be sur. prised. Can you think of a bet. ter gift than a clean bill of health? And what better way to determine that you are perfectly healthy or that you need treats ment than by a good checkup? Most of us just naturally put off going to a doctor, especially if there appears to he nothing wrong. Yet there is considerable relief, more peace of mind, when you know vou are okay If there Ix someone hard of hearing ea your git Met, how Present about arranging for a hearing ald? You can't order any specific model, of course, hut you can provide the money and incentive for someone to arrange to get one which fits hia needs, Tor that matter, how about a set of contact lenses for someone who can use and wants them? PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS These are very practical sug gestions for gifts that will show how deeply you feel about those near and dear to you, These are gifts that will be remembered when others are apt to he fore gotten, Of course we don't want ta for get the kids, Any of the gifts 1 have mentioned are just as aps propriate for children if the need and desire is present, WHEN BUYING TOYS As for toys, answer these four questions before buying any, 1. Will the toy interest the child at his age and stage of develop. ment? 2. Will he enjoy it over a period of time? 3 Is it built of good material and sturdily constructed? { Is it free from dangerous elements? Okay, now go ahead and com. plete your shopping. BYGONE DAYS 20 Years Ago Mrs, A. W, Smith was elected president of Knox Preshylerian Church Misslonary Society, The city received a subsidy of $25,978 from the province with the understanding that the debt to the provincial Housing Loans be lHquidated, Councl] awarded the contract to T, G. Gale 14d, to supply lumber for an outdoor rink to be built he hind the PUC building, J. B, Highfield, General Motors plant manager, was guest of honor at a banquet held hy the supervising staff of the Oshawa and Regina plants, J. D, Kervin was appointed or. ganization and analysis manager of General Motors Products of Canada, Idd, Hon, G. Conant, Attorney-Gen- eral, was guest speaker at the Whithy Legion Ladies' Night, and stressed the necessity of loyalty to the Empire, Due to mild weather, work pro- grossed favorably on the four-lane highway from Pickering to Osh- awa, Ideal weather favored Port Perry for its annual Christmas fair, The poultry entries were numerous as in previous years, The Christmas Cheer Commit. tee reported that over 500 families were looking to the com- mittee for "cheer basketa!'. The objective was $2500, H, M, Black, Bell manager at Oshawa, was elected chairman of the Champlain Council, Telephone Pioneers of America PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The saying, "A fool and his money soon part," isn't true In the case of a person who is a "fool about money, Asked by a reporter to what he attributed hs longevity, an ras. cible centenarian replied, *'1 don't know how I lived so long , , . or why." Why doesn't man first try to understand a grain of sand be. fore trying to figure out the cos: mie universe? MAC'S MEANDERINGS Victoria League Bans Loneliness By M., McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Corr: Te The Oshawa Times LONDON ~ There is no need for any Canadisn who happens to be exiled in the city of London to spend a lonely Christmas, That is one thing we have learned in the last few days, since we came in contact with an organization known as the Victoria League, It has. been in existence sinee 1001, end its functions are to promote Commonwealth and Empire | . friendship, It has one definite as- sh sociation with Canada, Affiliated with it Is the al Order of Daughters of the Empire, Indeed, when we came over to England in May, my wife carried with her a card of introduction from the Prince Philip Chapter, 10DE, of Oshawa, to the V a League, It is only in recent days, how- ever, that we have made contact with it, and our only regret is that we did not do so earlier, It is serving a splendid purpose in helping Commonwealth people staying in London to make friends, and arranging various functions so that people from all parts of the Commonwealth can come together, CHRISTMAS PARTY We had heen invited to attend a Christmas party which was held Inst night, It was a party for Commonwealth people spending their first Christmas in the Unit ed Kingdom, and over the age of 29, This evening another party of the same type Is being held for young Commonwealth visit. ors between 18 and 30, We came in by underground railway from Stanmore to Knightsbridge, and walked down Blcane street to the Victoria Lear gue House in Chesham Place, As we approached i, we could hear the strains of Christmas carols coming from behind its high gar. den wall, We entered to be wel: ecomed hy the hospitality secre. tary, who saw that we were pro- vided with a hot drink hefore go- ing out into the garden to join in the carol singing, GLORIOUS SINGING In the garden a large Christ. mas tree, festooned with colored lights had been erected, Around it were assembled a choir of some 30 voices, and a crowd of som 200 people who were guests at thre party, The choir, we learn. ed, was made up of members of the Hammersmith Division of the Metropolitan Police, and In were policewomen as well as policemen and officers, For an hour they led In the singing of old familiar earols, and thelr singing was Inspiring, It certainly inspired the guests to Join In heartily, And for extra measure the cholr gave choral rendis tions of some less well known but beautiful carols, We scarcely noticed the chilly atmosphere as we listened to the singers, Of course we were help- ed by the fact that scattered around the gardens were braziers with glowing coal fires at which those suffering from the cold could get warm, FROM MANY LANDS The singing over, we went in. side the house, and found it quite a spacious building, There hot coffee, sandwiches and hot mince ples waited us, Inside, we had an opportunity to meet some of the other guests assembled there, We found that Australians were very much in the majority, Well over hall of the guests came from that Dominion, Second, numerically, were guests who claimed New Zealand as thelr homeland, Canadians, with about 20 present, were third In point of numbers, They came from §t, John, N/B., Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Brandon, Ottawa, Duncan, B.C, and Vancouver, And they were all spending their first Christmas in Britain, After the refreshment hour, the police cholr gathered in an upstairs hall, and presented a splendid program of choral musie of a more varied nature than the outdoor program, It all added up to a very enjoyable evening, In the course of which we made some new friends, For instance, we met a young student and his wife from St, John, Mr, and Mrs, from our own home In Stanmore, and we promptly made a date with them for an evening of bridge, our first, incidentally, since coming to London, Now that we have found the Victoria League, we are looking forward to joining In some of its activities, because it operates a house of real friendship that means a great desl {o ' people from overseas parts of the Com- monwealth, INTERESTING NOTE We have just heen reading in evening newspaper of the en. gagement of a young Oxford Uni. versity law Instructor, Murray McLaggan, who Is to marry Miss Jennifer Nicholl, of Bridgehead, Glamorgan, This Is of special in. terest to at least one Oshawa couple, since Mr, McLaggan is a cousin of A, D, McGillivray, who lives at 217 Albert street and is employed at Duplate, Murray McLaggan is a son of Sir Douglas and Lady McLaggan, His father is a Harley Breet spe. clallst In ear, nose and throat disenses, and attends members of the royal family In that capacity, He assisted at the tonsil operation of the Prince of Wales lnst year, Sandy MecGillivray's mother is a sister of Bir Douglas, When we were in Scotland in 1954, we mt all of the McLaggan family at the home of Sandy's parents, Dr. and Mrs, G, M, Me. Gilllvray, at Aboyne, and spent a pleasant weekend In their com pany, We found the MeLaggan family enthusiastic hill-climbers, Since then, Dr, Melaggan has been knighted for his services to medicine, Bo there was something of a rather personal touch to this brief engagement announcement in our evening newspaper, FAMILY OVERCOME TORONTO (CP) -- An expects ant mother and her five children were taken to hospital Sunday after firemen called to thelr east end home found them overcome by coal gas fumes, Mrs, B, Gar. butt, who expects another child in. two months, and children ranging from four to 13 years, were in satisfactory condition in hospital, Lan " re that Niagara helps n= ui 8 the ¢ireulation ot hood wher~ ever applied , pd ! now IL gives me 8 very specla feeling of relaxs- ion , , , And I've seen plenty of elinfeal proof that Niagara Cyclo Massage helps relieve the moderate ning of arthritis, bursitis snd rheus ism, whenever they strike" Thess words of Arthur Godfre are ec ned by countless thousands of people In wll pge brackets, from oll Walks of We, Tike Mr, G, these people know first-hand about Niagara's very special blessings: ® Wow Cyclo-Massage® helps relieve faut, Yitery nerves, ® How It saresses and helps relieve discomfort of sore, aching muse ® How It helps bring on » #in f blissful velaxation, ® How it oheournEe wonderfully rer Tilsing, drugless sleep, ® How It helps Inerense blood elrens Intion leeally ® How elps relieve many kinds of pain , +, partienlarly the moder: ste pains of arthritis, bursitis and vheamatism, whenever they strike, The secret of Niagara's unique effectiveness Is In Its scientifically controlled heal combined with revo- futionary Cyeloid Action" : ' NIAGARA CYCLO MASSAGE 259 Simcoe 5¢t, §, Yor Vreé Booklet, Mall Coupon Todoy TTT EL EE EE »- Please send FREE booklet and full information without obligation, NAIM covnnnrorsnnninsnnenenisssnsny AGATESE sor vrnnrrnririin Ton CY venvsnnrvonnnrnns PIOY same gov Don Little, He is over here on a | Lord Beaverbrook scholarship to study medicine at the University of London, We found that they live only about flve minutes away Service You are cordially CHRISTMAS DAY DECEMBER 25, 10 AM. HEBRON CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF OSHAWA on Thickson Road, one block: north of Highway 2 Rev. John VanHarmelen officiating x, It is CHRISTMAS for our sake... "Unto us a CHILD is born" * in the invited to attend LE AMERICAN 110 CHURCH. ST COFFEE BUREAU TORONYO, ONT

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