Wo 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tumdey, Besmber 33, 1958 Dancing School : "_ Aerial Survey Party pens hei The Mary Mac's School of Dancing ented 5 reels) Recalls Trip Features [i™& The 'tudents, ranging in see { "Fort" from 4 tn 12 years, present Twn Oshaws men and 8 Whithy netle survey work across Cenads, [tall of the "Fort" for the survey | " , presenta an man have oe beh 000 They flew A the waters of the| The Canadian netometer | SHePtionally good performance, mile nerinl survey over the west eonst and supplied magnetic| hed been used successtully in pre- During the intermission, accor Pacifle Ocean In tine to spend information for all of British vious ocean surveys over large donist, feather Harvey provided Christmas at home | Columbia's 866,000 square niles, |Areas, entertainment, James Gresnshields, of #4 Bher:| The flight was made a re. SHARED BY NATIONS The very utiractive eostumes wood avenue, was eadistn of the midt of » program 1a om hy| The survey work was shared were done hy Mrs, H, M, A wirvey airoraft, 8 B17 Fiying|the International Union of Geo[ty principle seronsutiesl and | Carroll and Mrs, 6, Hicks of W Fortress, Coplint was Douglas J, desy and Geophysics, Canada maritime magnet survey work by, Mrs, Janet Montgomery plays Madden of 405 Henry street, Whit-| agreed to take responsibility for|has made her uniquely suitable ed the plano, The art and stage by and Arthur Bilton, 876 Wel:|s magnetic survey of the Pacifie|for participation in the | Work wis done free by Mr, Larry Jand avenue was Night engineer. Ocean as her contribution to:| The B17 flew Forrester, They are employes of Kenting|wards completing a world mag' [Pacific making ohservat Proceeds go to the §(. John Aviation 14d, Toronte, ~~ |netle survey, Te world survey along a continuous line of Night Byangelist Chureh Bullding Pu The three men oft Vardouver was planned in order to bring extending to San Francisco, bad In Beptember, along with two|vital alr and marine navigational | Hawaii, Christmas (sland, Toh, other erew members and four charts up to date, Samos, Fill deinnd ! ine Industrial Use Sle scientists, on 8 42,000 mile survey| The B17, famed long distsnce of .the Pacific Ocean and other bomber of the Second World War, | Tokyo, the outer Aleutian Zo S$ areas, The survey was under: was considered ideal for. the pro: aed back to Vancouver, ne uggested taken by the Dominion Obeerva gram because of its Jong range, | Mr, Greenshields has had ex tory, Department of Mines and|lt oan fx ver 2000 miles or 18|tensive experience In survey fy: COBOURG ~~ Recommends: Technical Surveys, honirs without refueling, ing, Along with the recently-com: (tons of the town Planning Board Before leaving Canada on the| A universal ma horgmater, de: | pleted tour, he has flown Kenting | wers submitted In a communioas survey of the Pacific the party veloped hy Dominion story [Aviation sireralt in the Aretic, (tion to eounell Monday night, gompleted 22,000 miles of mag: solentists, was mounted In the rotle and Australia, Suggested was immediste re - wo a ---- toning for industry of land ber 9 Tt Das oft vary Th Ob OBITUARIES Council Holds [im i Yai te . way, FUNERAL OF [for #1 yours, Mr, Bprait was om Final Meeting "We have to safeguard thot MIS, MABEL BURGOYNE [ployed latterly in the garnish fand for Industriel wees," coms he memorial service for Mrs, moulding department, He retired » mented Mayor J, DD, Burnet Mabel Burgame, who dled ality June, 1057, He was a member | PORT HOPE, ~~ A spirit of good Other recommendations ineluded | Whithy, Fridey, December 18, 10 of Local 223, UAW, (will tawards all men filled the a suggestion that & hylaw pers her Tint year, waa held at he Resides his wife he leaves two |councll ehambers of Port Hope's mitting conversion of present 7 Atthtfunyt } Woaral Lhupet E08 daughters, Mrs, Hillard Badour town eounetl last night as the|fIngle dwelling units Into multiple A v m ll , December 4 i har! Ov p| p ondary ome (LAlian) wand Mrs, Charles HAN |pomiers held the final meeting dwelling units, provided each unit : > 5 Rev, W, UG, Dickson, minister h t least 450 sq fi | {nah (Helen) and two sons, Royal As AL lea square feet, and I S 1 EE F EAR IN CON TEST of Contre Street United Church | yng John, all of Oshawa of the year has parking space for one car W N 00 A W K OR A Y LoRAUGM the Sorviees Interment Also surviving are four sisters, | Councillors heard George Phil | fomewhere on the lot, Dianne Tyas, RR 8, Picker | Oshawa office, ls receiving the | being told she was the winner of | §100 a week for a year, Nine: | was the poem "The Night Be The bos Bho in award orn. Jack Drinks Lr ren IPS, defeated at, the polls, 00,100 waohelor" Apron AY me { : : . Ye R " i . " Au } d J p ell mi ne"| " ing, (seated at right), s short: | congratulations of her office | the "Name It and Claim If teen-year-old Dianne was the | fore Christmas', {Pearson Gordon Pearson, Wills ae ior or Rochester, N.Y,( Mrs.lin his farewell speech while'no smaller than 450 square feet hand typist with the Prudential | manager, Mr, Dunbar and the | contest sponsored by a Toronto | first person to have the correet a jam Parrott, Ray Burgoyne and 4 y 1 \ Insurance Company at its | members of the staff after | radio station, Dianne's prize is | answer drawn In the contest, It [Photo by Ken Smith, Toronto | yom "Gareski ¥ Surgoy | Feford wasaltihy of py Mayor W. N. Mowre eonaluded It COnniry, It Sabhell aspemie fhe . , | wndR3 "nn | = | bd yy a YUNERAL OF of Kingston; a brother, Michael, lword of commendation for alter, This would restrict single or wa fd seve rand lore | dm ( 7 CAPSULE NEWS Suspend Sentence | WEATHER | End Market | ,,, som whokowsws | fie and seven antchl ions, me wasnt iy moet of shot by B00 The memorlgl service will be > ; On Two Women | Radkowski, who died at the Osh Atmetrona. Funeral [7% & few parting shots as he "Ui ono recommendations had . . TORONTO (CP) Official fore D nwa Ceneral Tospital Friday, (held at the {rose to deliver what he termed Two Oshawa women were plac-oasts issued by the public] 1scussion | December 19, in his 66th yoar, Chapel at 10.80 6m, Wednesday jy fina) remarks in a munfeipal [on mel unanimouly A the ed ra] us ed on suspended sentence for a weather office at 4:80 a.m COBOURG -- Final stamp was! was held at 10100 a.m, Monday,| Dee: #4 followed by interment I ody "ipst, he urged the council [syn HOATE, AI aro / r QF ) I flaimb WA 0 ) » Oshawa Union Cemetery, Major , [Miehardson moved incorporation year hy Magistrate F', 8 KEbbs,| Rynopsisi The cold snap which|put on the problem of whether | December 23, in B, John's Ukna:| GotAc the Balvation t® take more advantage of the oe c' sono inte the town gonin * Monday, on two charges of hreak:| reigned for three consecutive farmers should be able ito sell|indan Greek Orthodox Church |M tankine " i my yo federal and provinelal governs hylaw P ing and entering service stations, weeks was broken Monday night! produce In the town market bulld:| Hev, D, Luehak conducted the Army will conduet the services, |.euis' offer of ald In providing " A A a S) n (®) avine Mrs, Gall Rae Leggoll, 209/48 mild temperatures prevailed Ing on Saturdays, when council service, Interment was in Osh. | STANLEY A, JENNINGS work for Woerwpioved Ri went | Stacey avenue, and Mrs. Barbara iy southern and Central Ontario, Monday night accepted 4 report|#wa Union Cemetery | , \ lon to protest the demolition of al ATHENS (AP) -- A erowded to Jan, 7 on a charge of man. A H. Pettitt, 185 Valencia road |Where readings reached a the town market committee] The vallbeavers vere Peter gl Sarat, Miviave Jou te. late ison hullding on Cavan street to rrest 0ys bus plunged off 8 mountain road slaughter in the sheoting death of | VoTe tried last week, and appear: freezing, in sharp contrast with! that ne permission be granted Tyvmashek, Seve Widish, Willlam alrview Lodge, Whithy, Ww provide winter relief work, {nto a 1,000f00t ravine 15 miles her hushand ed Monday for sentence |sub-gero temperatures recorded| The committee, headed hy Widish, Peter Radohuk and Peter oq 5 Maclowa General Ho «| Taking wach eounclllor in tum | Monday, killing 30 passengers and| Eugene Turcotte, about 80, died) Passing sentence, His Worship 1055 than 24 hours ago, Cooler air|Coun, A. '0. Perfect, recommend: Mychan pital Sunday, Dec, 81, at the age h® gave a thumbmnall description rea «ing injuring five Dee, 12 shortly after ' Hecalibre Saltioned. both women % Say howe! er " expected to edge past ed that here Were previous at: FUNERAL OF |of B1, will be held Wednesday oe oontribitions > Sounell Most of the victims were teen: bullet struck his chest. Police . A ithe lower Jakes tonight fore a(surances gven Ih Creation li am, at the Gerrow Funeral ' y aged school girls returning to|sald an argument preceded the Ales He told Mrs, Legioll that|new disturbance from Western Commission which made the use | Bg JOHN Wi Hincoen | Chapeli King street west |eould look after his own money 1h AR - Pickering township thelr villages for Christmas. | shooting, i) fu oman Tou the home Canada will bring southern winds of the building by the farmers Hy hho ol + died M1 Interment will follow at Grove. And hid A val" ha con Oey ae hry! them I, | |€ er mother, in Toronto, during! , 'al Cloud kies d few unadvisahble bi . y ly | . oki (men , "Reeve Budge Is a man ROUGH VOYAGE RICKSHAW SURPLUS the term of the sentence anliurries will bgt mi RA tel The old building, which stands |the family residence, Thoraton side cemetery, Brock] Neves for. Who ean always give you a good|!™8 Into three business establish. SOUTHAMPTON, Eng, (CP)--| wATPE] (AP) -- The English [cold alr 1s advancing behind the town fiall, was only | road south at Piiday, was held! erly at Green River, Ont answer and Mra, Ruth Clarke (s| Mens Fre of fe hava fh h The 31,637-ton Cunard liner Sax valid untii{rocently renovated hy Cobourg 8 the Melntosh Funeral Chape the woman who put teeth Into the Yrs of ade and the third 15, language China News found in a Vi it t 0 h flegional forecast at 2 pm, Monday, Dec; #2 ) T ) 4 \ 'he arrests followed break-ins onda arrived here Monday night) go vev that this Nationalist Chin 181 0 8 awa midnight Wednesday Kinsmen, who spent well over iy i. A Ca Motion, wie aler JOSEPH ARTHUR VALLEE [dog bylaw, Coune, Everson wor: from New York and Hallfax #|..4 o . sve vk | ) 2500 In the i | [rien about all of the town's prob. And petty thefts from Rrock's Roa late Borie of Ri a the @5@ city has 30,000 trieyele rick: | | Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag.|/¥800 In he oles. that his of Blmooe Street United Church, | High requiem mass for Joseph si a a Bike [bowling allevs, Fallon's shoe res shaws, or one for every 40 ln ara, Lake Ontarto, Haliburton! Coun 4 ' y d [Arthur Vallee, 104 Brock streel|lems \ Atlantic, During the crossing, [nanitanis. In one group of 4 X JOVES LOS Y land southern Georgian Bay re. report denying permission be ac | conduc ted the Aervides anterment| Loh, Whitby, who died tn the Wiadyka will keep up the roads Pir and Pennyworth's wore. sbout 1,000 pieces of crockery; re 17 former lieutenant (xtons,. Winds Londen. H cepted, and immediately faced | Was in Oshawa Union Ceme Ya Gearoval Hospital Mon: 88 long as the money holds out, | The Investigation was conduet were smashed, No one was hurt 0k Aig ia former got oral, RON, ose Andon, RAL opposition from Coun, T. Jones! The pallbearers were Jack) ed by Cpl, Don Mathieson and colonels and nme J anly ¢loudy ITS W " 0 { Toronto m day Dec. 22, will be sung in Bt, |The mayor has learned a lot|% My FOX RETURNS. DIES (came to Oshawa Dee, 20 to sell ton ant Tor Qlor Main NIORTAI demandes that the re po Tt King, Tex Hurts, Tom Hill, Bud Mary's Roman Catholic Church, through serving on finance coms | Const Richard Bodley, : J NS, ; GALT (CP) A rabid fox CUT MOVIE TRAILERS |calendare, He made no profit, Inj oo fe Toa™ mine %ooler he filed for consideration by the Hirtods, Aubrey Hircook and] gil lnd. Quebec, {mittees In the past and 1 must which attacked a dog Saturday in| MEXICO CITY (AF) Re tae he fund gh more than olant. Winds light new eouneil {Wert Robinson | The remains are at the W, ©, [say that Counelllors Heherle and SKIN-DIVERS HELP p haut of packe ' ] ' Perfect felt there was no Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, Smith are good, well-meaning COUVER (CP) ~~ Sixteen by village of Fisher's Mill sponding to protests by movie Bh | Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk.| Coun ¥ | MRS, ROY 0, SHRIGLEY wn Funera pel, Yi | VANCOUVER x bing "oft age ot by armed (ans, ofticials have mited |, NOVI Appated hitors Mage |g Lake and TimminsKapus: need to waste further me with Mie ono, Shrigley. 97 War. They wil be removed to the C. [men " MLA Tg Bell gi farmers and police, returned screen advertisements to four 30.1 Loa goin o™ oes drunk |kasing regions, North Hay and|the problem, especially, he sald, died suddently at | leury Funeral Chapel, Tudeh | At the conclusion of his speech, formed a special group to ald in Monday and was shot to death second trailers every two hours PENCE Jusiey to luning rank In Al gugniev: Cloudy with occasional a8 Kineites were considering ln: ven AYanve. Coy Hopital © Fri mond, Gucbeo Mayor Moore eommended Coun:|rescue operations In Hritish Cols Bert Cooper and Alfred Tulbuzki and 20 minutes, public place and having a Bottle |ooniads of light now tadny clenr | stalling radios and television, and) TRIATL, Bg Mr, Vallee, who died tn Walcillor Phillips for 81 years of hia: JL la Attached othe killed the fox in front of the : . hell WIND an place other than Perit of HELL snow today cient the Kinsmen were considering day, Tee. 10. 0 [ast year, was a retired foreman serviee fo (he ie iron nia | NE. wird reson Home of Waterloo Township con:| JAPANESE EXPERTS [00 FECOORC assing through Winds northwesterly # becoming |of the Cariadian National Rallway years on the eouncll, here, JE y i g 8 ry J, ror rr r---- #table Robert Saddler RIO IAP dagancse i Oshawa, selling veterans' calen 61! je ia giturhoon ires "io wou the son of the late Wi. ; dars,"" Neville explained to the| p atu ) LIAISON APPOINTMENT invited Japanese technicians fo/G0n 3" gid Pmean to get! Lows tonight, highs Wednesday sendin pony Hide open thy May Ward, was born in Owen | iam a Runa Vales. and wie - OTTAWA (CP) -- Major James |help In its construction programs. |quinuing before Christmas 1 Windsor | 40 #5 {llding. wha 10 sound, 1017, She lived in Toronto '*% a e former Ad A. Johnston, 87, of Grand Bend, They suggested Iraq seems to he|® b ' St. Thomas 2 a3 every Naturday morning, [and then married Roy Shrigley 1921 he marvied the former Ade Ont, will be appointed Canadian changing its polley of leaning really didn't mean to [London ™ Minutes backing - the council: WEE TE ohana (wo years ihe Bt, Germain in 8, Mary's Madson officer at the U.S, Army's|only on Britain and the United Ney ie waa given {he thalce o Wingham " 2 jm [lor's statements as to previous ite moving 10 Homan Catholic Chureh, Rich. ecambat elopment centre at |Sial a ine on each charge, or 10), 000 didi 2: ommitiment to the Recreation AE mond, Quebee, Jom Od, Cll next month, Suuteu: Sor wwe hey |daye in Jail on ench charge, con hb : " ammission were olted hy Town He ioe w . hd, Ya The last 37 years of ha life army headquarters announced | TAX JUKE BOXES ourrent Bt. Catharines ...... & is [Clerk Jaek Kwa Niung Jwerel pm. Rev, | Nos spent In Whithy Mr, Val Monday, He ls an officer of the) VIENNA (APIA heavy tax Hamilton ' #0 a (8, 0H Atkinson, pastor of Al a Rov ¥nd Reet | Royal Canadlan Raiment, will be imposed on juke boxes for S d D { Muskoka f an | [hort Street United Chueh, Ww Thi oo Quebec ANd Was & mem | DEGREE FOR PM {the benefit of live musicians in pee e ence Killaloe R f | CELEBRATING |oonduet the services, Interment on . J ety | this eity of the Blue Danube. The| ariton M) ber of Holy Name Society, and fF " Union Ceme: | N i TORONTO (CP) -- Prime Min-| will he in Oshawa Uni | L'union 8, Joseph du Canada For | A tax is expected to support and re. | N t S f ] widbury f 8 S It il tery, >' [ yar Dletethaker wi) receive 28 vive bands and coffe-house quar | 0 UCCeSsS u BIRTHDAY N ra ig aa ig 8 ener a convocation of the Univer. |tetd that have all hut disap port HOPF Armed. with Congratulations and hent JOHN GROE Wiithy \ Sity of Toronto Jan, 12, Mr, Dief.| peared copy of the highway traffic act Park Grou wishes to the following rest: | John Groen died suddenly, fol:| TE FE oon ived hy Ma wife; two enbaker will address the conve:| puwainn INFORMERS Claire Donnelly, a Cobourg ser dents of Oshawa and district foging a heart attack, Monday, | qo otters, Gilberte and Mrs, P, eation following the ceremony UDAPE ST (AP ¢ viee station operator, disputed a | who are celebrating birthdays (pep, 32, at his home, 13 Prospect pockiart. (Patriela), both of ; RU 8T (AP) OMMU| gheading tioket issued against . toda street, Bowmanville Whitby; ane brother, Rodrigue, of " DEAD {nist Romania is offering rewards pin in Port Hope but, despite an ives e ue Frank Bright, 785 Margaret |" He Is survived by hs wife, the! new Sori: and four strters Mrs, I AN a eaten aoverrmont eactrotty | Menaive 2-mitite eros' ean street; Peter FPorestall, 88 gormer Fannie Bogart; five sone, (x crateau, (Anna), Kingsbury, (Reuters) pods and landslides stealing governmen lectrieity. [ination of police officers, Magis:| Veteran's road; T, Jones, Wl |Allan. Peter, Keith, Jim, John! eheo! Mia. A, Mercier, rl Urban Neville, 52, of Toronto spending further money to install 4 J ] sd heating equipment, Neither, Roy, her son, Harry, her mother, | d two brothers, he sald, would be intevested in Mrs, J, Insane, An r spending the money if the market! Mrs Shrigley, formerly Doro. caused the deaths of at least 40(The decree sets the top reward yvate R. B. Raxter found fhe bullding fund for the Osh:.| Westmount avenue Mrs w. Rose and! ol 0 persons here following an un: at 1,500 lel (about $250) | aulity of speed lk ii rm awa and District Assoolation forl A. A Hartman, 388 Athal {and two daughters, Rol Jena), Riohmond, Quebec; Mrs, precedented all-night rainstorm, | TOUGH COWROY $20 and $6 costs Retarded Children 1s $500 nearer| street east; Jean Welsh, 39 Police sald thousands of others Mr, Donnelly, whose brot} its goal through the generous dos) Lasalle rt; Michael la | A . 0 ose brother | , afalle Court chael Saw leceased was bom A Iv, Quebee | were injured and homeless. Most! CLARESHOLM, Alta, (CP) a lawyer, conduc ted I o. Ne nation of this amount hy the| yer, 421 King street east |Sirosn, the, Secon NR 1018 RY hal, Loavonlt: | 8. John (he! of the victims lived In flimsy Bud Sonnle, 27-year-old eowhoy fense on the grounds that he had WooIView Community Centre Robert Roneham, 804 Riehs [Gas married in Sneek, June 19, Rvangelist Church, Whithy, sold | huts on the outskirts of the elty, and rodeo rider, was alone riding heen Improperly summonsed, He! George Wilson accepted the! mond street east [1030 } Prayers Monday evening with the falls of rock and sand herd on 40 cattle W hen his horse maintained that Constable R, | Oheaue on hehalt of the Retarded The fist five persons to Ine | "Hofore coming to Canada Mr | members of the Holy Name So i SPANISH CITIES slipped and threw him, With aljohnston, who presented him with Children from Robert "Germond,| farm The Oshawa Times of (Groen operated a small bake: | ofety, ! ( MADRID (AP) = Reporting mee ror ain takes fb three; the ticket on Nov, 17, refused to hresiient, Wid James M ator heir birthdays each day will hop in Heed, Holland | Tnterment will be at 8, Mary's \ that Snaln's population Increased hes or elp, aking five hours tell him exactly where he had 'teasurer, of Woodview Commu: receive double tickets to the | "1n Canada Mr. Groen resided Roman. Catholie Church, Riche by 531614 last year ta a total of @ Teqch the. ranch suekhoute het iv Id A wo adi mentioned that Regent Theatre, good for : | Orono, Pontypoal, Burketon and, mond, Quebec, -- 20,081,813, the government listed WISTORY EXPERT hat Vicar told me TA Hdl ercoln Toinathal| four-week period. The, oui lor the last Year and 4 half, 1h) =e Madrid's population as 1,979,087] VANCOUVER (CP Dean Me Donnelly. Malntalned cir Ringo held at the Red Barn] TH, aliractiong ate Had: [Rawmanville, He had heen work: . and Raréelona 1,431,758 F. H, Soward of the history de: oo ely y ait vary Mond Co Ne Red Barn man's Country" and "Tall fing for Tony's Refreshments ax Accused Fine partment at the University of Constable Johnston testified ery anday evening they were Rusters pastry baker WOMAN REMANDED, |frish Columbian 16a 01 8 {0h on' seer and chee 10 0 very worthy coupe Me. | The deospaed ln resting at Ms NORTH BAY (CP)~Mrs, Char. four-month teaching job at New ie RK Slocked, AGH Red 1h : : [reaidence, The nerNl mien 1 Rb ti Jotte Turcotte, 69, of nearby Bal-!Delhd, conducting seminars on 3 at a 30 miles an Germond also od that If) RECORD EARNINGS {will be held tn Rehoboth Christian n sen a som Creek has heen remanded Commonwealth history {ROuF And repdning 80, [maney was avallable when the| VANCOUVER (CP) -- Paclfie peformed Church, Bowmanville { Mr, Donnelly argued that the building was complete, a plece of National Exhibition earnings for ev. A, W, Schaafsma will eon Wilson A. Nelll, of Bowman. speeding ticket was inaccurately equipment would be donated the fiscal year ended Sept. 30 dict Ale service at 8 pm, Wed ville, falled to show up for his {made out since the name of the| A further donation of candy were a record $1,688,078, Treas: nesday, Deo, 34 tidal on a charge of having laquor [street had not been included, Ma: and oranges was made sufficient urer L, M, Rare reported the fig he burial v tn Rowman:|!n A place other than his resi. A V The burial will he fistrate Baxter ruled that this'to supply all of the Retarded ure was 80.6 per cent higher than yille Cemetery under the direc: (ehoe, Munda. Te a Wal Sor \ [Was not necessary Children, the previous peak in 1047, | rls FY dueted In absentia hy MARS | FEW DOGS FOR SALE | oe nm has ts head office w= | i i (thon of the Morris Funeral Home trate F, §. Ebbs, on an assumed i high ol Fe Ra od | DENNIS APRATT pea of not guilty, lide a 4 aol VISITORS A i : ! ' \ h occurred suddenly Constable Charles \ und at present. A German Shep. | T ROTARY : po The death occurred av y | a has a sboweek-old, pup. Visitors st the meeting of the fa 5 % Monday morning, Deo, ¥, at the Qthava Police Waa Hv During the Christmas season the Hotel Genosha Monday, ineluded family teaidence, 1M Colina Bt, found Nell Wn * Par whieh alo " for| George Black, Rev. R. 8h dl Lar ) of Dennts Spratt, beloved husband found § CAF, pound recelves many requests for ( \ arp and | 9 wed tity of beer and pups fo be used as Christmas/Rev. P. Trant, all of Oshawa : pr " of the former Mary Copeland, (contained & quantity ] ) and Russell PB a ; | |My, Spratt was in Ma year, (a bottle of sherry, Ne sald that gifts. Usually they try to have as o Russ etersen, of Detroit | ; ) ¥ : [TR an of Aha Tale M7. and MIA [Neill was released on wil many pa for sale as possible, ar otarians Wilfred Male, of A ¢ , ( ik But tha year, besides the Ger. Toronto and Gordon Grobh, of! Fv | Matihave gn Whe Sucve pale Jie Jued Yell op) - Whithy, | § . ul ¥ ) {barn near Enterprise, \ u A hg Shephirg Pig hare is old h | § b i 7 AR 8, 1000, and came to Oshawa from [His Worship did not der the dogs. | RIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED haat the Napanee -distriet about 37 hall confiscated to the Crown, asi® ) | Five members of the Rotary : yells ago, (Requested by | Crown Attorney | UNION WAS SPONSOR lob of Oshawa, who celebrated | | | An enpioye of General Motors A, Hall, QC A picture appearing in Mon. thelr hirthdays this month, were | day's issue Indicated that a presented with silver spoons at} | gq | Christmas party held at the Osh. the club luncheon this week \ h } . | f i | | { | Yvonne A. Crateau (Clorlida), Richmond [ A son of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Quebec; and Mrs, IL, Rolavert ------------ awa aMsonde Temple last week Those honored were: Ralph Soho was spopsored by the Osh. fleld, Robert Brown, Robert Ham THE FOOD PLAN THAT awa General Hospital, In reality bly, Al Hartshorn and Al Reed National Union Pune. Ll STREETS CLOSED . s | H A S P R OV E N | T S E LF lay the worda of the Christmas Story Employes, Local 43, of the Osh-| The following streets will be thele 3 : awa General Hospital, [closed Wednesday for construc : OINAWA REPRESENTATIVE i enfold tidings of Yuletide joy. " thon: Ritson road south from NINE AMRULANCE CALLS |Rioor street east to Wolle street Oshawa Fife Department re- [Beatrice street from Simcoe ' A STAN BRYNING / s arts no fire calls Monday night, [street north to Hortop street; : g % ; here were nine ambulance calls Glencastle avenue from Glen i p h 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 3-3330 y ({# 9, within the past 84 hours |kvove street to Glenbrae street a ; i Li A : : |Glenbrae street closed at Glen " N ' L) MEAT MARKEY FIRM INCORPORATED lapeicive KINIE) Sosel aL Miu Bis Notice 1s published in the cur closed at Simcoe street COUPLE WIN TRIP TO FLORIDA | FOOD } 3 3 vent laws of The Ontario. Ga Tecumseh avenue closed at § Ar. and Mrs, William Robert: | trip to Florida. They were the | lard (right ' } CLuB § \ A aianl wette of the granting otters 000 street north, Simcoe street gon, 83 Ritson Rd. N., this week | winners in iraw sponsored | company, i caught | & iy | draw \ Wht by the da n f ¢ 3 N Os oy od jon to Spee north from Beatrice street to) received a wonderful Christmas | by the Gillard Cleanit Service | eva as he presented the okets, |BECEERUISEOTE SL RES NN OX. 91188 ; Shadi a Frnearrrives " - " K ' \ DE i Oshawa) Limb [Orohard View Roslevard pre \ the # a of a nae