I "New York Herald Tribune, his Grafton Obtains First Place Tie COBOURG ~ Grafton Brones Barnes and Nell Cane with two ovpeoen ® Wie YET gm De, (Sctool 14 In Me counted | In a battle of the tail-enders Harwood scored its first triumph | hy a 64 score over Generel | Foods: Cee Pringle netted the hat [trick for Harwood, Warren Tay lor bagged a pair and Hayden West tallied the other, For GF, | have finally overcome 8 one-point hits for Depot before Dunn got the Ted Bevan, Clark Harnde We n and delieit to te for top "ot In the | ying tally, Bob Oliver of J's was Dervar were the goalgetters, | Cobourg Mercentlle Langue, They share the top rung with J's, Team standing is; : WLTP, 2 12 ARP oW--DD In the individual scoring derby, Bob Parnall of J's s a com- fortable 14-point edge over his closest pursuer, Parnall has 19 goals and 10 assists for 20 points Rumner-up is Gerry Lawless of Grafton with 9 goals and 6 help ers for 18 points, J's, without their star goalle pave Ewart, were fortunate to escape with a 6:5 draw with 26 Central Ordnance Depot, J's call: od on Wally Hoey in the emer: gency, Hoey turned in a fine chore against his Army buddies and nearly had the game won only to have Gary Dunn fire the' equalizer with less than six min utes left, Leading J's was Bob Parnell with two goals, singles going to Red Alexander, John Skillen and Bil Rollings, Carl Morant, Gord Mclvor's Lead Cobourg Men's key eke giocted from the game when he Grafion dumped Training | ley, Stevenson opener, Oerry Lawless had three goals, Singles answered for OTS, or wnaey al [] ved to Don Ball, Bill Turk, A Very t, ,, 7" HAPPY HOLIDAY To All - ® ME SNS JEWELL'S MEN'S WEAR 16 KING ST, EAST RA 8.8422 Bowling League COBOURG --Mclvor's took over| . undisputed possession of first] place In the Cobourg Men's Bow! ing League in the 14th week of pra. Standing of the Hteam oop follows Melvors #8; Tuckers #8; Clarke Brothers M; Cooeys Bi: Rol Margles 81; Homelike 77; Matting 76: Chateau 73; General Foods No. 2. 60; Jefferys 65: Plaza 63 Primeaus 63; Denton Florists 62; CGE No, 1, #1; Leglonaires ¥inkald Sunoco 53; Wilson Mo» tors 52; Cooey All-Stars 52 Beaver Lumber 51; CGE No, 2, #1; Ewanrts 50; Independence 47; ¥ Nichols Movers 47 MacLarens | 43: General Foods No, 1, 99; Sawdust Kings 30; Homelike In-| dans, 37; Payne Brothers 87: OPP, 35; Cooev Rangers 29; Bell Cleaners, 28; Wilson Contractors | of: Jenings Fuel, 24; Knights of Columbus, 23; 10F, 22; Cherneys, | | High single #7; High triple #01; high team single 1215; high team triple Home ikke 3406; hidden score Home Ike M06 (3380), Over 300 Jf Hamly 806, D. Turpin 810, D Douglas 317. Over 700-1, Hamly "A, Perfect 707; C. Oulahen Darrell Douglas | Dick Turpin Matting #0); C. Farle 720; RB, McAuley you a Merry Christmas] BRYCE COOK BODY SHOP 175 KING ST, WEST RA 8-8542 In step with the season, we wish And,..a Christmas with all the trimmings! a pri EL JRL DALTON UPHOLSTERING 75 CHARLES RA 3.7212 741; FE. McLeod 700; 1. TUUDIY | Gumus sisi ins 1; W. Woodward 777; B, Hart mw. , LADIES' LEAGUE Sommervilles 78; Caldwells 64; Warden and King 61; Plaza Hotel 57; Dunn Cleaners 54; Grafton 52; COE MM: Bowlawava #8; Beginners 30: Kellys 20; Up. town 28; Cooeys 9 Bowling over 200 D. Mar ohall 22; P, Srigley 221; B. Mar.| shall 200; 8 Harden 200; J. Dol: ley 212, 214; M, Henderson 208; 1. Hartley 268, 213; M, Cane 237, 214; P, Kelly 2M, 219; © Sidock M0; G. Wilcox 281: C, Power 202; « D, Tavior 203; B. Longhurst 201; |W, Ross 224; R, Lewis 221, 204: G, Bain 217, 228; E. Kings 223; ¥. Ingamells 222, 215; J. Bates oh; M, Arkles 230; RB. Peels 240, 208; 'G. McDonnell 240; 1. John: | ston 214; 8, Platt 240; R, Fox ' 'Y Bowling over 600 HB. Peets 008; 1. Hartley 880; M. Cane 6M; + J, Dolley 608; high single 1 Hartley 265; high triple Hartley 660 | TOWN MIXED LEAGUE Ramblers A); Eastenders 81;| ' ' Dodgers 60; Toppers 58: Moose headers 54; Rurley Bus 81; Lucky | Strikes 49; Mot Rods 48; Alley Cats 31: Crew Cuts 26; Aces 28: | Hydro 23; high singles -- men: | i Ab Dawe 314; ladies Betty ! Bulger 250; high triples -- men Ab Dawe 718; ladies: Shirley Cane 618; high averages -- men: ' Rob Golding 230; ladies: Pat « Dawe 218 | MIXED LEAGUE Bednarek Hardware 450 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH PHONE RA 3.9833 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 23, 1958 15 Sin our best wishes for a very Merry Christmos to off ow friendly customers? 199 6 Perm 1 OSHAWA FUR and OOLD STORAGE LIMITED WILLIAM ST, W, To our many friends «« our deep felt appreciation for your loyalty end friendship during the past year , . . we wish you a Very Happy Holiday! Management and Staff MASTER FEEDS CHURCH ST. MERRY CHRISTMAS +o + 0nd oll good wishes for o holiday searon thet GEO. MACKO LUMBER CO. RITSON RD. §. Mh eT AWN y W SEASON'S GREETINGS ay your | holiday shine with the radiance of Yuletide cheer. DAVID HAYNES HARDWOOD FLOORS 74 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA Central Construction 79: Dark ' Warses 78: Spark Plugs 69: Train ing School 64; Bobcats 8, SPORTSWEAR 68 SIMCOR ST, NORTH OSHAWA 4 i Be ne Sl bb A ES aa a [] Season's Best May a wealth of good cheer find its way to your house this Christmas Niagara Finance Corp. Lid. 37 KING ST. &, RA 5.6561 | Smith's Taxi 81: Red Dats 43; Pavillon 38; Dutch Oven 35; Bee ! Tees 28; Strays 23; City Dairy 18, Then singles men: Leo O'Brien 691; ladies: Lila Laprade 264; hgh triples men: ClUff Clarke 691; ladies: Eleanor Inga mells 601; Christmas draw win ners Leo O'Rrien, Lila La prade, Audrey Ovens, June Lees Joe Gorka LITTLE AMATEUR LEAGUE Strays #4; Strikers 40; Go.Get ters 37: Red Wings 37: Peanuts a3: Whiz Kids 27. Blue Rirds 24 Gliders 22: Pee Wees 31; Flyers 19: King Pins 13; Cardinals 12 NEWS BRIEFS FORCED TO FLEE LODGE RACK BAY, Va (AP Ogden Reid, editorial director of the + wife and three children were lorced to flee their hunting lodge as flames swept through the roof sarly Sunday. No damage esti mate was available CARDINAL'S HEALTH GOOD ZAGRER, Yugoslavia (AP) Aloysius Cardinal Stepinac, 680, is n good health and reports that we suffers from acute asthma are false, his personal physi . wid Sunday. Dr Branislav Rook jevie went to Kra ¢ rillage Where ath Bo candinal is \ to give Mm a routine medical eheck. May this Holy Season bring you an abundance of happiness! Oshawa & District Labor Council HENRY BARBER SHOP 21 PRINCE §T warmeat wish for a happy holiday! SHAWA Wishing you all the happiness of the season. FURNITURE STARR .i 3 APPLIANCES § RITSON RD. §. | In appreciation of our pleasant business relations, we value this opportunity of wishing you the Season's Greetings. John A. J. Bolahood REALTORS & GENERAL INSURANCE