- nd a " 12 THY OSHAWA TIMES, Tossdey, Desomber 33, 1990 rer ---- | Leafs Place Johnny Bower 'Habs Are Dominating On Waivers NHL Scoring Derby [On Waives wr Montreal | gate's 19 goals at the best in the! The other Hab star with a big of the National Hockey league firepower | league week was Jean Beliveau, He basement, placed goalie Johnny But Montreal left winger Dickie played in only two of Montreal's Bower on waivers Monday and week Moore, who shares third place | three games bul collected three iapped veteran FA Chadwick to Canadiens scored 18 goals In|with teammate Maurice Richard, points to hold on to seventh spot|tale his place three games and the Hahitant is hot on Bathgate's heels, He with Ullman and Fddie Litzen-| The club was reported dicker stars helped themselves to a notched five points during the berger of Chicago Black Hawks, [Ing with another goalkeeper sald sumptuous poinis-feast, week and three of them were! Reliveau's 20 points are made |!" he Gerry MeNell, now with The old master, Maurice Ri-|goals, to give him a total of 18 yp of 15 goals and 14 assists, Ha Amerieun Hockey Teague ghard. tous Ait Wmasll' proud, thin sett ort wicket LE ce barger had" 1H goals J Nationa nckey League sialis| e and the year-nid roe and 26 assists 4 , @ ties released today show the hoth have 34 points, Richard, who . e na' Chadwick may he hack In the Rocket picked up six points on|got two goals and assisted on four wkcques Vinnie. tie JAnndions, nets, where he played for Leafs two goals and four assists to|in the three games, has 14 goals ast year and the vear hefore fr th place In theland % assist ; ahout his hest week this season wien" Tonite meets the Red J on to a iy or "hird A both their week| In nets and seems to have a (IM winey of Detrolt Christmas night POISE TAL: n | Right winger Bernie Geoffrion, (games, one of them hy a shut: Lope | ho) Look over the lead from New out, and neither Gordie Howe nor 4 York Rangers' Andy Bathgate Norm Ullman, his centre, could goals, "lh : 16st week, held it with a three. buy so much as an assist, iss his fifth shutout thi I Ave to see how Chadwick Y 1 and two as. HOWE DROPS |" Plante got his fifth shutoy K(goes In practice in the next two yoln Wedl-wone Gonl on The pointless week dropped season and allowed only Pini days," he sald, "We simply have y om' third place Into fifth |Boals in three games to reduce to get hefter goalkeeping; we oN ho, Jus ampsaad 42 Howe from Ullman from a his goals-against average to 2.10 can't continue as we have---nol ' 4 | from 2.26, even for one more game " 1 ints more than fourth-place tie into seventh from on i 324 oasiela, Hed poluie 7 or W Howe has 14 goals and 18 as:| Rangers' Lorne Worsley al: "I've heen patient with Bower sists as Mangers won hoth their sists for 32 points and Ullman 12 loved only one goal in two games hut what am I supposed to do? / {games last week |goals and 17 assists for 26 and now sports a 2.76 average, Wait Any he gets experience? -- a In hetween them is Henri Ri- pediced from 2.00 | LiL) ih now ROTH LEAD CATEGORIES chard who had a four-point week| Plante's ¢ 10 seat competitor,| The record hook lists Bower as Geoffrion has 24 assists, three | on oe goal and three assists to Terry Sawchuk of Detroit, saw LUT more than Canadiens' Henri Ri-'move up one rung from seventh six pucks go past him in twa The Leafs got him from (eve 'ohard, his closest vival, and de-|to sixth with 30 points on his nine games and his average rose from land Barons last spring hut Rl spite his scoreless week Bath- goals and 21 assists 247 to 2.50 Johnny wasn't enthusiastic shout 8 Joe Kuharich New May Operate aled a two-year contract inelud | B.C. Lions On No tre Dame Coach Company Basis {Cleveland re-purchase rights on him Thus, If the Barons insist on huying Bower hack they'll have y bear the expense Inherent in the eontract with Torontn and Imlach said they might not wani Kuharich Not Pame's i A) och: VANCOUVER (CP) A pro appointed fonthall coach ter a season with the Car ' Apho up house toda) dinals in 1052 he left the team posal' to operate the British Col REMEMBER WHEN ? I] Kuharieh, who Monday offi- following a flareup with manag. Umbia Lions, now publicly ewned By THE CANAFIAN PRESS oially succeeded the ousted Terry ing director Walter Wolfner [a8 A private company was made] Ronen Feller J WAK thossn | Brennan, returns to his native! Kyharich returned to the pro Monda; at a press conference, |"player of the year" hy the New South Bend and alma mater 0 panks in 108 and piloted Wash:| The plan is to form the B.C.|York baseball" writers' ssocia [tion 18 years ago today for his| HOCKEY SCORES | Bellevile Club | Told Importance | AND STANDINGS Of Good Conduct BELLEVILLE (CP) OHA Junior A ville MeFariands hockey 3 WILT F APs Canada's entry in the 195 w ' 21 4 1128 76 43 | hockey championships, were ade 110 4 86 79 52 (vised Monday there is more 10s 511 8115 #6 29 |YINning A world tournament thas a vietory over Russia and B AIO MM BO 2 | competitors + B15 BF 74 B5 21 | Rob Lebel, president of the A156 4 70 111 20 (Canadian Amateur Hockey A $14 5 50 03 11 [lation told (he team its behav wins, [00 And off the ice was doubly baer portant y |" "As ambassadors of Canady: {your government is intensely terested in you and what you in Furope ft. Cath uBL, Mike's 'ele Guelph Barrie Marlhoros Hamilton xIncludes three four-point Monday's Result Peterborough 6 Maribiros 4 Thursday's Game Peterborough at Hamilton | go | MONTREAL (CP) il Canadiens' blisterin {really asserted itself during the ¥ se -- FAMILY GIFTS PING PONG {grip on his fourth consecutive Ve tina Trophy awarded to the goaltender who allows (he fewest (ic #9) But Teats general manager George Imlach would not confirm " procs 4 TABLES FULL SIZE TOURNAMENT TYPE HOMOSOTE Y TRAIN BOARD A / DEADENS SOUND 4, py Fe 4 eacock ® Lumber 328 RITSON ROAD NORTH Joe! "He left collegiate ranks with a new! hegins a, . z - 4 wy RHE YVON DURELLE TRIES RINK INSTEAD OF RING Yvon Durelle, Canadian and | had his first try at organized | hoxer zipped hack and forth British Empire light « heavy hockey Thursday night in a | said he was glad Durelle hadn't game with St, Thomas Tom wild horses wouldn't weitht hoxing ehamplon, 1aces | yer pat ended In a 44 tie him off the on vith teammates from | Manager Chris Shaban, sweat the Hawks, Durelle | ing freely as a small fortune in In do this os meel with university officials and| ington to a 8-9 season, The follow (Lions Football Corporation Lim by || Whe press ing year he was named profes: jieq hacked hy Don Mackenzie, [brilliant pitching with Cleveland 41 Kuharieh might disclose some gional coach of the year when| former president of the Lions [Indians, He pitched a no-hit, nol of his plans for the 1030 season | Washington finished with an B4'Nar Bailey, Vancouver sports:|riun game against Chicago in the but it 2 qoubniut, He wil name pecord man, and Fred Dietrich, a for- season's opener and wound np his staff at so early a dale uo i mer Lions vice = president plus With 27 wins against 11 losses Me present Notre Dame staff STARTED. SKID Frank Griffiths ne and a sirikeont total of 261 includes assistant coaches Bernie Redsking ; have been slipping countant, and two so + called mys Crimmins, Hugh Devore Rill ever since. They were ff in 1055 tery Wan . Fischer, Bill Walsh, Rernie Wi 56:1 in 1057 and 4-7-1 this season, | = = | MOV FS ¥ ; tueki and John Zilly, Some may George Preston Marshall thought The plan would give these men, MONTREAL (C1) Jim Pat he retained enough of Kuharich to sign him 91 per-cent ownership of the terson, veteran professional al | Kuharich, a 41.year-old former (to a five-year contract last year Yestern Inerprovipcial, Footbal the Kanawaki Golf Club, has been Irish guard, signed a four-year! Marshall released Kuharich of nion club, and the 4,2 presen Appointed property manager and I club members would own the re. a new pro for the eluh will he [ [ [ | oomtrae 0) immedi | Simcoe Hall Lg ver gem Jb, Sonia mane Non as head maining 90.9 per cent, sharing toinamed later, Patterson will as SPOR [51 am flattered and proud. that coach, Nixon had heen Washing that extent in any profits or sume full responsibility for man a B k b 11 (they decided to give me the op-[ton's backfield coach losses agement of the course tunity,' said Kuharich "It al-| Brennan, meanwhile, is looking By Geo. H. Campbell | Basketball |= id SPORTS EDITOR {prayer that 1 eould return to) He says he's interested fn It would give the existing mem ways has heen my hope and for a joh at the age of 30 | " " 4 A | Notre Dame coaching if the Mght opportunity po | Standings | - rr iho ' is -~ scored on he ahle to keep lee Moncton CP Photo RA 3.9811 OR RA 5.2245 membership is thus valued at roughly $60 Shares In the new company would sell at 828 and Mackenzie and Co., under the proposal, would put up $110,000 of their own money Bailey reported that a poll of Lions' $200,000 surplus, A $20 sity of San Francisco to an un-|include five years of experience defeated season, then signed to al Notre Dame where his teams ts head Chicago Cardinals of the won 32 games and lost 18 for a National League #40 percentage | Giants Will Try Rookie At Shortstop Position SAN FRANCISCO (AP) San'son at short, Rodgers was sent to | Francisco Giants plan further ex: Phoenix for more seasoning, com 'Everything From Soup To hers their present equity in the In 1961, he guided the Univer: comes along, His qualifications RIDDY LEAGUR we'll build you a RECREATION ROOM Complete WITH BAR JOHNNY BOWER has been placed on waivers by the Toronto raveee Whites Maple Leafs, so now it becomes obvious that General-manager 8t John Cadets Punch Imlach isn't satistied with his goal-keeping performance. Bill's Badgers So now we have the pleture of last year's all-star goalie of the Centre St. Cubs American Hockey League being dropped as not good enough for paris and Serviee the NHL, Whether or not this action proves that Bower isn't good MINOR LEAGUE enough, the fact remains that a lot of armchair coaches think Yavoes Blues there's considerably more wrong with the current edition of the Bolahood Sports Manleos than can be cured by a change of goalles, Fd, Chad CKLR wick, obviously, wasn't considered quite: good enough----or they | ci fighters Assos wouldn't have bought Bower in the first place, Johnny has a two Police a year contract with Leafs but there is some doubt that Cleveland SACR LBAGUE b] 0 WOW re r " L} 6 4 4 1 maBwweD :] L] 4 4 ? Barons would pay that mueh money to get him back Rumor has L} 4 2 2 "eww D Terry Brennan, young head foothall coach of Notre Dame, has heen fired and Edgar Hayes, Detroit Times sports editor charges that his firing was brought about hy the Knute Rockne-ear alumni and the old guard of Notre Dame hiearchy, He points out that Brennan had four winning seasons out of NOW moose four as points, ft | Marlbaros took an early lead on Jim Murchie's goal but Peter n ng he same POW trio col stopped { 10 break ney on 128 in third Som points, three be Michael Marl rom Barrie Flyers, Petes wla 00 members showed 48 or 40 per cent of the Lions' member ship favored private enterprise, he held today when the "mys: tery" men will he named, | It in planned to put the pro . ting here Jan, 7 it that Leal trying to obtain Montreal's former goalie Gerry Ontario Steel "A's perimenting with a Somhination na uh for a fow games near the MOeUINE here . ha #als are tryin ) , " . p p ) ~ ph 0 KEAN McNeil, currently phi Jy pucks for Rochester, but there are Quail Steel "R's : MN Yura Spansion 2 ni ari a Beatin ed Monday | v J ndinger 4 " ul | complications involved in such a deal, Bower himself will pro. Mi New Yor ans Saturday, Dee. 20 Result That was apparent Monday as Spa near Mesa Feh, 12 for eon Biddy League: Centre 8t. Cubs, (the club announced its spring ditioning Another 10 will come 10: Bill's Badgers. 0 and St: John training plans with Spencer and in Feb, 17 for a week of special cram e or Cadets, 7 Minor League: Rolahood Sports, |A% the second base combination. while the full camp assembles af: Firefighters, 26 and Javeee It also could mean the Giants Feb, 22 with formal practice the Frank Leahy, have heen behind Brennan, He won 42 games Major League: Ontario Steel for a second baseman, one of| The Giants also announced only| NEW YORK (AP) -- Hardy pro and lost 18 in five years--against some of the tap foothall op "R's, 1, Jayveee Rockets, 42 their aims 20 spring training games will he fanthall fans Monday quickly goh position in United States, Joe Kuharich, a South Bend home Officials for the morning in| The veteran Spencer worked at played next year, eight fn 10 less bled up all reserved and hox ind and this past season was head coach of Washington Red. [00 om ivine wal Oo) : a. lie ¢ ft April 10, ball League championship game Ay p ih), John spring drills but started the sea. ler start of the season, Apr skins, has been signed as the new foothall coach at Notre FFE Fo CO ring ¢ } aR OND Feast hetween Raltimore Colts and New Dame. Kuharich played pro foothall with Chicago Cards and Games, Saturday, Jan, § . York Giants | lection as new coach at Notre Dame is regarded hy foothall | oo con W Bill Veeck f ping RT ng BE RAL WB LR Centre 8t, Cubs Va. Jaycee Whites and loy blasts, the fans hought| \ Rr and 9:30 am Parts and Serv: | * . $10 and 87.50 tiekets with sueh| ng of Rrennan ice vs, St. John M B | Thinks His Colts real the Giants decided to sell the National Hoxing Association to make plans to defend his CKLB vs, Police and 11:00 am ay uy n | Will Need 'Best' space at Yankee Stadium in ad:| world's middleweight title by January 11 and the order carries a Jaycee Hlues va Rolahood | Vance veiled threat of "drastic action' unless the champ makes a move Sports | BALTIMORE (APM) Coach! With about 50.000 seats already ing a heart attack, served as president of the Horsemen's Ren. 'ario Steel 'Al's va, Ontario Steel more Colts will need their "hest an advance sale of 12.000 hleacher | evalent Protective Assoc. and has been regarded for years as a 'B's - . : CHICAGO (AM) Rill Veeck, | York Giants in the National Foot: ing admissions at $5 Originally | RROWN of Cleveland Browns, set a National Pro Football Lea baseball's wandering merchant, ball League's championship game these were not to have gone on gue ecord of 1.527 yards for a "ball-carrying'" mark and his 108 is negotiating to buy inte Chicago "eX! Sunday, sale until Sunday morning points made him the of the league with his 18 touch ti ' league record Hun in Seasons [ staff, along with Calt owner Car: allotted 15,000 of the bh d rey The f rawr Mev \ allotted 18.0 0 \@ hoax And re not be in the National final on Sunday however, at Yak Stad g in Jormee Swier of Clovalandirop Rosenbloom and Gen Mar [served seats altho WEN they! hum It's N y Platts and Baltimore Colts. Giants did what no Three*Year Dates § {Don Kellett, were in New York's wanted twice as many other team (EL important, they heat them twice on successive TORONTO (CP) Ontario is some discussions' between him: (he Giants smash Cleveland of 70.000 plus, compared with Sunday self and Mrs. Dorothy Rigney, Browns 100 to win the eastern the 5% 93 Wh tohed Yast Raltimore can win the title RUT RROWNS were favored last its hunting laws setting open largest stockholder of the White conference erown Rid di 0 Watehed las week-end and N.Y. fans are scrambling for tickets, with a record seasons for three-year periods [year's championship game at De attendance and gate anticipated HANK BRAUER was named The lands and forests depart Mee. Righey, wits of qucsiee proved aver the team which heat ard. Counting the $200,000 televi president John Rigney and sister us (24.21 in New York Nov. 9) sion fee, the gross last vear was and he gets the award at their banquet on Jan. 18 JOHNNY given to the possibility of setting of ea-vice-president Chuck Com: espee A REE TW Py 'y specially their defence } AD § \ pt \ MARIUCCY head hockey coach at Minnesota, wants the deér and upland game ! POI defence, Ew: $501,000. The plavers get 70 per Western Intercollegiate Hockey League revived immediately, to seasons for the longer term in |gaves may he imminent Kellett said he had never "seen'and operating expenses have man, has been fined $100.00 for striking referee Alex Rarilko. He declaring open dates a year at a Veeck has heen out of baseball RM ll: ith as much desire' as heen deducted also drew a game misconduct penalty at the time, with an auto time since the HRrowns were trans matic $25 00 fine JACQUES LOCAS of the same club, is burn: The statement said Lands Min has 25 goals in 27 games HUNTING SEASONS, for dee moose upland game, ete, may be named hy Ontario Lands amd Forests Dept. for three-vear periods, rather than one vear at a in the NHL scoring race last week with two 'goals and sists while Boom Room Geoffrion upped his total to 42 hold his lead over Andy Rathgate, who went seoreles Mekie dropped to fifth and Ullman back ta 7th, both going pointless last week Junior Petes . minutes for a first period lead Jack Martin and Jim Pappin fired one each for Marlboros TORONTO (CM) The Wayne yi¢ pair for Peles in 1 Connelly Rill Mahaney Larry period Rabeock line is a tough problem Monday vight Peterborough FIGHTS LAST Pete ected 11 point J Taranto game fax Mah cored two goals and Ry THE ASSOCIATED PRESS assisted three, Connelly got Philadelphia Len Matthew 182%, Philadelphia; drew with Babcock helped on a pair. Wayne Boddy and Chuck Hamilton'SC., & scored singles Caracas tke. Chesnut Philadelphia, dire ith place with 2 hind Toronto 8 Caracas ¥ bores \'enezue Wi po son, U4, Spa, 10 Another press conference will posal hefore the Lions annual 00 y Andre Rodgers at short ! N , " bably welcome a change of uniform Javeee Rockets 1 Li that 10 players will report to a 7: Jaycee Whites, 6 Rodgers due to get more work work with manager Bill Rigney Grid Ticket five and that more recent alumni, many who played under giao 57. police. 10 have failed in their hid to trade next day n e 8 brew, who starred with the Fighting Irish in the WAT per | aed fim Bishop, Walt Rathe second hase in some of the 1048 than in previous years. The ear: seats for Sunday's National Foot has had considerable pro foothall coaching experience, His se. Biddy League: 9:00 a.m B Iti c h | Immune to freezing weather BRIGHT RITS: Sugar Ray Robinson has heen ordered hy Minor League: 10:00 a.m the bleachers and standing room : . ; y VINCE SHERIDAN, who passed away early Monday follow Major League: 12 noon On White Sox Weeh Ewbank thinks his Ralti- spoken for, the Giants announced | | effort of the year! to heat New tickets at 84 each and 5,000 stand. | popular stalwart of thoroughbred racing in this country HM 5 Ontario May Set top scorer White Sox Ewbank and the rest of his, Rallimore's frenzied fans were downs tying the | CLEVELAND BROWNS will i ever done, heat Cleveland three times in one Monday night "there have been yankee stadium Sunday ta wateh , AGRA: BE Hue Rased on a potential capacity in plavoft action. However, the "experts figure that pondering a radical departure in Sox "New York Is definitely im-'trait, the gate should set a ree as the 1958 World Series hero by the Chicago Baseball Writers ment said Monday study is being tskay, confirmed sale of her stock hank said {cent of the net after taxes, rental maintain fan interest HOWIE YOUNG, Chicoutimi defense: stead of the present practice of ferred to Baltimore in 1964. He The loss to the Giants was the ing up the Quebec league as top scorer The 32-year-old veteran time . , . ROCKET RICHARD climbed into a tie for third place Moore, tied with Richard, had 18 goals for the season. Howe horough scored three times in six Stop Marlies Pp the second, with Mahoney get for any OHA Junior 'A defence Marlboros ¢ a four NIGHT wo goals and two assists and Ray Lancaster, 139, Spartanburg The win left Lean, 187, Ven Rith place | tamon ister Spooner believes the move presumably on an experimental would be of great assis tance and convenience to the hunting public It would permit prospective ers to plan vacations well in advance and be helpful ta resort operators and outfitters hasis, hi 'Farm Teams' Doing Better Than Chihawks TORONTO (CPR Black Hawks, mired in fifth ' v Nat Hoek eo. could well take a lesson of farm ¢! Ohicagn he onal their hs in Wf the teams league are \ the tw ¢ attiing he wn As of Frid Hawk farm in the province had won 64 of 81 games St heir and for spot ay uh Catharines TeePees are run away leaders the Ontario Hh t \ hanior A « h they of tation dominated tL Cathay fron Mini Niag in the ; tly ara District Junior B kop bought the Indians in 1946 at the Only "pressure! game dropped age of 42 and won a world cham. PY the Colts this sedson. The plonship in 1940. He and his part other two losses in their 9.3 rec | ners sold out in 149 ord were to Los Angeles and San Veeck unsuccessfully Francisca In the final two weeks bay Detroit Tigers in of the regular season after they Cleveland last summer already had clinched the west erm conference title Mrs, Rigney's heather, Chuck has been eager to gain comtral of the club since the death of his mother, Mrs, Grace Comiskey, in 1956. He was surprised when in formed of the negotiations to and tried 16 Toronto Argos To Get Charley Horton "Two months age Dorothy and TORONTO CB) Charley | started negotiating on my buy Horton MW-pound guard from ing her end of the husiness," he Bavior University and second said. "She made a public state. | n hg = ity ! 1008 o the Na ment at that time and said if she [O08 FOGIMAT League, has not suid she WOR RIVE The the Oh fied Lions he will sign with Te namin, route Argonauts instead Havman, managing direc Argos, commented: "All 1 it Horton said he With us echo Lew tor of Sailors Alin Rn nearly out of sight hime RB civeuit end Marie juveniles are their opposition early In the runney up class ave teur status Dixie Reehives of the Metropol Two other tan Toronto Junior B loop and Jack Oliver Orillia's Junior €C Bulldozers already are Showpiece of the Chicago sys A Say tem elub, whieh to pick oft ner Watson h Ally \ pone Samia Junio defending champion un ALE We AR 8A i 1d central Rated come in the an extremely aggres Horton had heen re SIENA contract at this date because of his ama I track ad baseball Baylor men, Robby and Larry Cowart, | with Argos they also woukt like ther Haviar star La Hickman a 2M who alse can punt aul A tackle. is also 10 clubs of higher classification. on the Argo negotiauion lst, allt Nie, sive plaver outlcassing luetant to os Pee, we Harry \ stars the coach Noo ha Won ) seven of last year s top plavers bh a Bl on Mike Nixon Named Coach Of Redskin WASHINGTON (AM Three vears shy of his self-imposed deadline, Mike Nixon has made it as a football head coach Nixon was promoted Monday to chief coach of Washington Red skins, succeeding Joe Kuharieh who is moving on ta Notre Dame The 47-year-old Nixon has heen in the National Foothall League for 13 vears as plaver and as sistant coach. In his college days he starred as a halfback with the hard-nosed Pitt teams of Jock Sutterland '39 Nixon has harbared an ambi tion 1a hecome a head coach, tn run the whale shaw. Recently he said ! don't have much time left. U'm sure I'l have to get a shot before I'm 50." He got the chance Monday from Redsking owner George Preston Marshall Marshall said only man he considered place Ku Noa informa Was given out on salary or other forma. 1470 SIMCOE N. the re Nixon was \arieh W For Only No 8. Your Local Rec-Room Builder R. JEFFERY RA 5-9478 'til Spring Payments Tr --