ALL DOW! DOWNTOWN STORES THE OSHAWA Timm, Temewy, Dessmber 23, 1958 Ma ight and % Romance... Suavely shape, sophisticated parly-goss designed to whirl ou Into the limelight en every sein mtilatin holiday eoecasion ! foe our fabulous selection in vish fabrics, dazzling colors! 10.98 to 35 00 HELEN'S Fashion 42 KING ST, W, distance, RA 8.5641 Christmas Is only a few doys away and If you haven't already finished your Christmas shopping ++. then be sure to visit Downtown Oshawa where every store Is within a few minutes welking YES! In Downtown Oshawe you'll be able to find the gift of your choice from over 200 stores to serve you , , « JURY & LOVELL Suggest for the PHOTO FAN on Your List . . . FOR THE MOVIE FANS! y 9 and Sove Money, too! 'CRYSLER FURNITURE 29 - 31 CELINA STREET (CORNER OF ATHOL AND CELINA OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9ll YOU SAVE $60 PHILIPS HI-FI COMBINATION RADIO and Wish to Announce the Winners of their lucky draw held on Friday, Dec. 19 (Drow was made by Ken Ogden. Mgr. of Loblaws) RECORD PLAYER 11 Tubes Diamond Needle REGULAR $349 4 BAR LITE | AS os | [LE th Doan Ss amie Sr, 2nd PRI b ' uelph Street CARRYING CASE and BU 3rd PRIZE L. MICHALOWSKI, 465 Montrave Avenue REG. 4th PRIZE MARIE BAGLEY, 364 Stevenson Rd. N. VALUE 5th PRIZE MRS. C. McKNIGHT, 538 Clben Street b 6th PRIZE G. KUZNYCH, 1264 Park Rd. 15.95 $19.95 AMERAS - COSMETICS 520 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTY PROMPT FREE DELIVERY OSHAWA 530 SIMCOE ST, S, PHONE RA 3546 oN | 8 KING ST. E.., PHONE RA 3- 2248 We would like at this time, to wish our many friends and customers, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS i NOW ONLY '289 CROWN IMPORT COMPANY 82 Simcoe Noth For Quality- Economy - Service -Shop In "Downtown" Oshawa! VISIT--OSHAWA SKI CLUB Downtown Headquarters Where you will find the latest Models and Styles ® Men's and Ladies' Clothing ® Skis, Poles, Harness ® Waxes and Accessories ALSO AVAILABLE ® Ski Club Memberships ® Ski Weather Reports JOE FLYNN Sootis 9 BOND ST, WEST OSHAWA RA 5-974) COONONNOOEOONOMOGOEEEUENEEEEE 7 TEE TENET OREO Sa ng i "SPECIAL" R. B. REED & SONS HARDWARE 43 SIMCOE ST, N, This Christmas.. Give her o wardrobe of our superb Clearance BENRUS WATCHES AN ACCOUNY HORWICH 20 SIMCOR STREET SOUTH EVELYN SHOP ? Simcoe §. RA 5.1220 YOU'LL y W py i u------ 14 KING ST, WEST Give a lift ¢ lo his leisure with ing R ¥ y Wash and Wear PYJAMAS . . . $3.95 t0 7.95 TONIGHT ON SALE "SPECIAL" LARGE SAVINGS ON ENAMEL and ALUMINUM ROASTERS Save up to 1.50 on a 22.1b, capacity roaster PHONE RA 3.4032 ! ¥ 4. AN ALL DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN "TILIP.M. Monday, December 22nd Tuesday, Decembér 23rd Wednesday, December 24th Close 6 p.m. Pn ad: Featuring the world's most popular snapshot camera! There's everything needed to lounch @ phete career In this handsomely packaged gift eythit w= from camera and Alm right on down to bulbs and batteries for the fashelder, And talk about valves! The camera Is Kodak's Brownie Hawkeye = the mest popular camera ever bull! SPECIAL 1450 SAVE 3.00 alii inein ahniiinii IRCHRSTMASICIFTS ree DOWNTOWN OSHA [ PENNYWORTH' FEN Oshawa end Ajex PENNYWORTH'S "A Name You Can Trust" Special Introductory GIFT OFFER 2.95 _Viewmaster Stereo Viewer +30 Reel of 7 Title Subject Pictures 1.50 21 Extra Stereo Color Pictures A 4,95 VALUE MITC ELL' Drug 9 SIMCOE ST. N RR TT he It pp Special! pci SMOKER LAMP 27 inches hige--brass pleted Smoker and amp Stand with wash. Ste fibreglass shade i, pink blue, white, FOOTWEAR GIFT CERTIFICATE with a neatly boxed pair of MINATURE 4 easmic sHous Lo IE vd! IN KING AT SIMCOE i