Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Dec 1958, p. 7

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A " " Yr 5 E HOPEFULS Millbrook, Wednesday, by a 9-1 | ry Woods, Keith Jay, Ricky score, Coach Bill Cancilla | Lanzon and Coach Bill Caneil- hopes the team can better last | Ja, Second How: Pat O'Brien, year's achievement of winning | David Purdy, Larry Bone, John the Eastern Ontario champion: | Rogers, Paul Bailey, Third ship, From left to right are, | row Ted Rowden, Garry Etch. first row: Roger Johnson, Gar. | er, Bob Davis PORT Port Hope's Pee Wee All- | Star hockey team is off to a flying start again this year, Last night they defeated a | Bantam team 4.0 after having defeated an all-star selection at AcademicianTo Teach Painting At Port Hope PORT HOPE Port Hope's|artist living In Colborne, has been of the art classe claim to the title of the "pret-| invited to give a series of lessons Interested may have a chance « tiest, hilllest" town in Ontario|in Port Hope commencing Jan: learn something from the accom may soon have to be enlarged to uary 10 plished painter take in another adjoot hi In the six years he has been one ls "cultured" resident in Canada, Mr, Alrola TIMES BUREAUS Port Hope TU 5-5357 With a symphony orchestra hag developed students to the M. Hackman already In rehearsal, an active point where they have had work little theatre group at work and accepted by thé Royal Academy Cobourg FR 2.5201 lain Macdonald a modern writer, J, David Ford Mr, Alrola has exhibited at the being badgered by his publishers Toronto Art Galleries, and these for a second manuscript the paintings have been npold as re town has now engaged the serv. cently as last werk, His paint fees of & Noyal Academy painter ings are known in art gallerie to instruct townsfolk interested in Europe as well as Canada in painting Port Hope Recreation Cominit Paavo Alrola, tee is assisting in the sponsoring Conditions Poor On Back Roads COBOURG With as much as county routes with a foot of every day five Inches of snow expected In snov. or more, and In man) the Cobourg area today, drivers places winds have drifted pilex prepared for their fourth straight several feet high across the week of heavy snowfalls roads, Hn rerum hi fa " high ra 'he ) we dr y The back roads north of OWN) The main highways -- number around each other, The inner are reported by provincial police a 29, and 4d--are all (n fair 0on:| pop n here to be in bad shape, heavy dicion, police say, Highways 28 partion of he uti ly Summed falls of snow have clogged some 4nd 45 were centre-bare or pack oe Figg igs Ba Ti ag Santa Kept {Heavy snow today {x expected to Busy At Cobourg worsen driving conditions COROURG Santa Claus was In Cobourg, main fares are generally clear Side. Thursday but a county court kept busy in Cobourg Thursday night, with four calls to make at streets and other less used roads judge ordered him deported to {are snow-packed, with ee under: the United States. Beebe, of Alex neath the snow, Many motorists andrin Bay, N.Y., was charged continue to get stuck, and police with elubbing a Grenadier Island say that If all minor accldents restaurant owner and robbing ware brought to thelr attention her of $1,000, Three persons testi four different children's parties ACTOSS town His first appearance was early, at a Lion's Club party for children in the Pavilion at the beach, Over 80 small children screamed with they would he swamped fied he was at another resort At the lakeshore, Cobourg's community at the time approval when Santa appeared to distribute his gifts to the children More Jobless Since November COBOURG climbed sharply Committee chairman Lloyd Argles organized, and members Karl Jefferson, Martin Hoffman and Ray Bowen conducted the festivities Later Santa appeared at a Sal vation Army party, held at 7.30 p.m, in the Army hall on Divi sion street, About 40 children watched and participated in the evening's entertainment, which in cluded carols and skits The small ghildren were called noted Finnish {further Into the lake by forma tions of lee {the lake accompanying {storms has whipped against the shore to freeze a bar rier which extends several feet BNOw The harbor Is now with pancake lce floes ee Slabs of several feet across and sey ORDERED DEPORTED BROCKVILLE (CP) Theo dore Beeche was acquitted on a NO Unemployment In Cobourg as The figures al show that women are suffering less than the men from the winter slump There are 57 percent more men out of work now than were a month ago, but there are only percent more women are better off elsewhere recently, mecording to figures releaswd yesterday at Un eriiployment Insurance offices in the town's new Federal Bullding Most recent were for December total of 784 persons were rogi stered, Of this figure, 57 were men, M47 women, This figure Is 245 higher than the November 11 total, when 342 men and 197 women were out of work, a total bi) I'he men than the women when last year's figures are com pared There: was only 87 percent of last year's number of men out of work, compared with 93 percent for women figures available 11, when a normally deep beach has been dfter extended in some places 200 feel old St Rough weather on ir clogged (tale land for the coming Yuletide thorough: charge of robbery with violence, | TEEN-TOPICS - Busy Season | (been sipping school this week in of another term at school, For |order to work, Their hard-earned some it has been profitable. For { money will doubtless be spent on others, not so much, After a well- will to do betier next term, |Christmas presents 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 19, 1958 happiness and the traditional deserved holiday, we hope all will. May we take this opportunity compliments associated with this Priday (today) marks the end return to work with a will, The of wishing all teen-agers muchiwonderful season, Is Indicated By BEV HARP were city-slickers, The merry COBOURG COLLEGIATE ~ Broup then returned to Pat Kerr's "The latest fashion fad among Co-| Mouse Where a lunch as served bourg Teens is the wearing of BETTER ATTENDANCE bells on shoes, boots, skates, bind.| Teen Town had a much better ers, coats, or anything else they igri Sutudn Mig ean think of, This practice Is ob dance. an will a 1rom the or (ously stimulated by the Yule ore ziven to CDCI cheerieadors | ! to buy new uniforms, | Bt. Miehael3 fodality gd the The Intent winners of the record money it made at the recent pres. / pint 4 of the Lourdes story to Shntesis are J ounnie Bell, aul buy special vestments for the wo on pie. du MAW oy Av chiireh, These were donated last °° MES, +, 1BYIS Wore ¢ ap- week | syonés ith Mr Lavis as master : ceremonies, A film based on the life of 8 - |aborgtory technician was shown Toon Town will have Its holiday to students of CDCI at noon *¢m oemal on Boxing: Day this Thursday, The film was interest Ye4%: ickets are now onsale ling and informative, CDCI's men teachers defeated ' VIS "PIN {the boys' all-star team in a vol YFC YULE MEETING leyball battle held during noon. The YFC club had its Christ- hour Wednesday, The teachers mas meeting during the noon. won two out of the three games hour Friday, Dec, 12, Music was played, the theme of the meeting with . several of the members taking IN TER-FORM FINALS The final inter-form volleyball part fi / nd Larry Mc. (kame Thursday will decide the Eleanor Holland an RY aa girls' championship team for this | year The two teams to play off [1 re 11F, and 10F, May the best |Intosh gave plano solos, | Paedan sing a solo and so did Don Robbins team win There were two duets: one by| py. volleyball season Is over {Margaret and Heather and the and basketball Is now the main other by Suzan Nie and 5 eRRY indoor sport, With the snow how May, Chifsignas poems were read over, outdoor spgris are becom and Christnias carols sung ing more popular, Skiing Is one Two different versions of theiof the main outdoor sports and is Christmas Story were read bY a real favorite in Cobourg Graham Nie and Paul Tapscott Many Teens take an active This was the club's final meeting part in the club along with the for this year other members of the family Cobourg Armories was the The Christmas assembly will scene of the Aly Cadets' Christ take place at CDCI Friday, Dec mas semi-formal, Friday, Dec, 12 19. An Interesting program Is Ihe group danced until 11:30 p.m planned, we understand when lunch was served, Chaper Some of CDC's students have po that those ones were the squadron officers ) and the instructors and their wives | Baptist Young Peoples present. | ed a delightful skit Friday eve: | ning, The skit was entitled ' What Will We Give Dad?" Directed by Mr, Lohnes and | starring George Caldwell as Dad and Merle Flanders as Mother, the play was purely for fun Other members of the cast were Gram, Jean Caldwell Jane, Frances Carr; Betty, Grace Tapscott, and Bill, Terry Grit: | fith, | A candlelight service was held the skit, and then merry Nicholas handed out gifts to the youngsters, The presents Wd candy were donated by the Sunday School, waves FAIRY-TALE LAND | Under the guiding hand of Miss| Pp, Carr, CDCl's auditorium is {being transformed so a falry.| dance Last Saturday night, Presby terian Young People's had a hay- ride. It seems that Just as the iparty arrived at the farm to begin the hay-ride, one of the cows had |m calf, As If that wasn't enough, [the cow had another call when {they returned from the ride The event was greatly enjoyed by the Teens, many of whom New Lights For Annexed Area PORT HOPE. Rose Glen road| will be all lit up this winter as| the first of the new street lights recently authorized by town council will he Installed soon by the Port lope PUC Equipment for the new lights is on order and will be Installed [throughout the winter So far the area has been in the dark as that section of Rose Glen Rd., lying south of the CPR tracks, did not become part of the town until annexation In Jan uary, 1057 Other lights will be set up on, main streets of the town as soom| as the equipment arrives | The Commission approved the purchase of a fourth two-way ra dio set. This will make a total of | four trucks now equipped with two-way radio | of 839 During the month between the two sets of figures, unemployment totals rose weekly from 839 to 002, 618, 733, and finally 784, Al though the present total is 45 per cent above the November *138 fi gure, it 1s still only #9 percent of the figure for a year ago, when Baltimore 614 men and 265 women, a total of 879 persons were out of work in turn by name to the stage, where Santa had presents for them Afterwards he appeared at a party for the boys at the On. tario Training School at the east ern limits of town. Then followed another party, this one for chil dren of Hank of Nova Scotia em ployes, held in the Hotel CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE Construction of Sidewalks In future, unless required for the common good, no sidewalk will be built or replaced by the Corpora- tion until a petition has been received from the owners of the abutting property, You don't have to make are relieved of the anxiet icine, When you bring a sacrificing painstaking a Petitions must be signed by at least two-thirds in detail number of the owners representing at least one- half of the value of the abutting property, The 1959 sidewalk construction program will in- clude streets for which petitions were received before December 31st, 1958, if construction is feasible on such streets, ' : LIMI Walter R.Branch, Chairman, Board of Works, the prescription you have compounded here, You ill at home while you wait at the store for the med deliver the medicine to your home promptly, There is no extra charge for this extra service, And you will get the medicine faster because our profes. sional skill and experience and our full stocks of fresh drugs permit us to work speedily without "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" & Jdovell OSHAWA - BOWMANVILLE - WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free' LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT; 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshewe | following streets between the points mentioned; itary Sewers In the ESTIMATED COSY TOTAL PER LINEAL t, os local Imp NAME OF STREET FROM To size 8" 8 Hillcroft St, Ritson Rd, North $, Limit Lot 175, Plan 150 493° 5, of N, Limit Lot C-6, Sheet 3, Plon 335 239.23 W, of EL, Limit Lot 1, Sheet 9 D (1), $, Limit Lot 204, Plan 334 E. Limit Lot 45, Plan 308 95.05' N, of N, Limit Lot 233, Plen 150 $2,153.00 4,314.00 Adeline Ave. Hillcroft $+. + Oshawa Blvd, North 8 9,895.00 Ritson Rd, North N. Limit Lot 165, Plan 308 14,910.00 Rossland Rd, East 679.2% W, of E Limit Lot 1, Sheet 9 D (1), Plan 357 Plon 357 8 Hillcroft St, §. Limit Lot 168, Plan 334 8" and Intends to specially assess w part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, 481600 Trick Avenue 2,043.00 2. The estimated cost of the work Is $38,131.00, The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen equol annual Instelments and the estimated ennuel rote per foot frontage is 16.5¢c, , All special assessments which would be charged upon agricultural lands In respect of these seers are to be defgrred for such length of time es such lends remain agricultural and ore to be imposed end collzcted only if such lands cease to be ogricultural, , Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the sold work, and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the Board his objection to the seid work being undertaken, , The soid Board may approve of the said work being undertoken, but before doing so it may eppoint a time end ploce when any objection to the work will be considered, DATED ot Oshawa this 19th doy of December, 1958, L. R, BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshowe, With 133 cubic feet of space, and it's all useable! The Medicine -- a second trip to pick up y due to leaving someone LoN0tD prescription to us, we'll ttention to the smallest [no ep ---- Take 135 cubic feet of well-designed space . . , build a van around it (the very best possible) and you have yourself a Bedford. Now you can load and unload quickly and easily, increase delivery efficiency, and enjoy a big boost in operating economy at the same time, See your local Bedford dealer. P.S, Bedtords cost less than any other van in Canada sen 108s to buy, leas to run and less to maintain! BUILT AND BACKED BY THE VAUXHALL DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS TED ---- nr atl CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONT,

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