THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Ducember 17, 1958 8 Volume Of Mail Exceeds Previous Oshawa Records The Oshawa Post Office is a ADEQUATE, RECEPTACLES lin contrast to the norma) eight The biggest day (0 date this f y y / ¥ fr Ve wh I V. bustling hive of industry as of-| Another (hing which compli {owe working flay which starts atiyear was De J hs hen 241,608 b ul end ¥ vith anly 4 gy y ficials, regular staff and 147 sup (cates matters for your postman yam a! an ' Ryd pon, iti a1 re Jod tron J 4 ietala axhoct lementary workers combine ef ull year round and especially dup: {HOV or dinne hve 10M more cards will he iy { any with the 'annual IDE rush periods is the failure on) The dispatch department of the fed through the enneellings on 1 us ope isin the part of many eitizens to navel Oshawa Post Office, which clears, | Mae Wine hefore the current rus Irisima adequate yecepiacles, Boxes inlrecelye i and sorts city mail ns '8 Over " Gathering, distributing and sort poor condition and doors without well ax dealing with a good por- PARCEL, POST HEAVY gt Ing mall has become a Uhura iattor slots make It diffieudt for {tion of the carvier-delivered mail Members of the post offices Bl day seven-dhy-a-week Joh in theloe nostman fo provide the ultim. Las added 04 additional sorting! B , : final d of the pre-Christmas { mailearrier supervisory staff sre nal days of the pre J ple in modern mall serviee staff to hulge Is normal erew of i f To. date the post office ens ; ! mn wh + seasonal jam of pare season, To da ! Years of experience have en: 54 to 14 of 1175 ware handled has handled 50,000 more pleces|ghiod Oshawa postal authorities! Under assistant postmaster M indie tions are the than ast season with the dallyie gone (hele vesources to handle|Mann these employes defily 2000 today, The average now nudging 600,000} 160 seems 0 an observer an al- handle the seemingly endless floy figure fim wd rom 54 Dees 12 cards and letters and upwards of poet superhiman ask of mall which Is pleked up and-or 161 Me 13, The regular ost 2000 parcels Letter carrier supervisor Ivan brought into the office individual offiee trio of mail trucks has heen With the Dec, 17 mailing dead: Richards has 53 spare men assist 1y, expinded to a fleet of 13 to hamile line now here, Postmaster N, J. ing his 38 regular postmen, Over: 0 "Ww NE RE Moran cautioned: "If any nesnie time schedules and Wiring of extra Gy CEVING MACHINE the excess : , J f J wdule ) nN 7? TAXED Despite the Increased work load J have not. posted thelr cards and staff heeame necessary ast Sat ; A | parcels yet, they should do so Bt urdsy, At that time 28 additions) A stamp cancelling machine, and long hours, veteran postmen bof a once," ) onrriers were hived and a final 25 Which on a normal day will have heen able for the past lew Ww TT the christmas CHRISTMAS [AIL VOLUME TAXING OSHAWA POST OFFICE " handle hetween 10 and 12,000 let: years to .shake MONT MAILING EARLY wera aided Tutsi between six| ters: 18 taxed to eapacity, Indica: mail yoke which compelled them Commenting on the general ple-i oq cone weeks to train a post [tions are it will smash the Dee, |to work through Dec, 26 and often ture, Mr, Moran sald, "It looks i , 16, 1067 record performance when steadily until after the new year, man J rash ogram| | | as if the majority of people are al Rfopetiy wo, Gash feokrim It cancelled stamps on 266,276 lel | Government advertising, conses mailing early this year and Inj econ ons "Many of the regu Iters and ecards quent publie co-operation in mails resent a eant the main are ecooperaling to see tay rarviore are switched to office] The performance of the ma:ling early and modern means of that we deliver all the mall he! Coie' sacks and the remainder!® Whine hecomes Increasingly expediting the holiday burglen fore Christmas detested to direct small teams AMBzing when 1t fs considered have made it possible for the : The higgest hughear to postal of tyro carriers that Its efficiency 1s cut hy an mailmen and postal officials of ng ree [workers this year has heen a fail gy using one postman to direct estimated one-third due to odd: 1056 to enjoy Chyistmas@ay along [ure on the part of the nublic (0]as many as four temporary men, |$7€d cards and open envelope with the majority of thelr fellow A pageant of more than usual ach came forward and pre. address mail properly, This fall-|ihe department finds if 1s ahle to flaps 'Canadians bh interest was presented in Centen- sented his gift personally at the ing exists all year round and meet the needs of the heavy A nial Hall, of King Street United manger makes necessary double handling yome delivery program Church, Sunday afternoon, in A new Christmas hy mn, of one letter in three, The most LONG HOURS connection with the Annual White "Mary's Lullaby' written by (common fault Is neglect in indi { Gift Service, It was written espe: lev, M, A. Bury, was sung as a|Cating whether a street address) The regular earviers, wifo are ( cially for this sevice hy the min- solo by Mr i'. Williams i& north, south, east or west, Buch{working at sorting, are putting in ! carelessness can cause delays up a.m, to B30 p.m, dave with an ister, ev, Mervin A, Bury, and The east included the follow was entitled "Bong In Your ing: Christian family: Mr, and|!0 two days, partieularly at peak hour off for dinner and an hour Heart" Mrs, Stan Gomme and children | SeASONS and one half for supper. This is Al the left side of the stage, a Price and Bylvia; Carollers: Jun Christian family could be ohsepy. or choir; Leader, Mrs, R, Wil [} as he approached the driveway od al family worship, As the!llam Find Truck the truck "vhipped out' In front Christmas seripiures were read,| NAUVILY seen Young Peo {of him, "There was a car coming »* : the nativity geenes were re-enact ple Union; Nativity east: Jo {from the east, so that 1 eouldn't ed on centre stage, Then followed %°ph, James Bell; Mary, Louise : pass, 1 braked and hit the truck," three scenes depicting the arigin Wannamaker Bhephe ' M,| dal e 0 he sald, He estimated that his » of three Christmas hymns. drama. Bott, J. Barge and ©, Edwards; | eyele was about 50 feet from the "tized effectively on the right side Wise Men, Lawrence Allen, Roh ™ [driveway when the truck pulled of the stage ert Oshorne and David Edwards Yield Wa out + [The Junior choir, under the dis DRAMATIZED HYMNS Y Convieting: Halik, Magistrate rection of Mrs, It, Williams, re Away In a Manger" Martin, walter Malik 20 (ih! Mitchell said d A iy | in A presented earollers who had heen Lther:: Mr alter alik, 220 Gibb streef, (ruck Is seated igher than a and Catherin and 4 q i" y wefore singing outside and were invited) Ms - Howard Cook Oshawa, was fined $25 and costs! man In a car and can, therefore to tome In, They occupied | A | hy Magistrate A, 8, Mitchell, in *" farther, There is no doubt in haha Mod v pind 564 Silent Night tev, J, Mohr, : ! my mind that Hallk shot out into we, (ACTORK the hack of the stage and @pank Burrows; Frang Graber, traffic court Tuesday, on a con: |(he road, where there were two § led in the singing of the carols, Vern Osborne vietion of falling to yield right of hazards the West oyele and I'he scene showing the presen 0 Little Town of Nethlehem' yay The charge avose from an the ear," tation of gifts hy the Magi wa Rev, Phillips Brooks, Chestes Lacoident on the fifth concession of Halk was represented by L, P expanded to include all on the Rehinson; Lewis Redner; Rhyd Reach t hip, Sent. 10 fl wn tage and all in the audience, did Willams {Reach township, Sept, I Bhannon Constable Harold Hocking of the | Whithy Detachment OPP told the boone ann mo vont MARE OPTICAL Tanker Ir uck Had ho. alin had bot serusk in i Specially reduced for Christmas giving! wv rear hy a motoreyele driven hy JOHN A. OVENS George West, of Reach township i Too Heavy Load Mhe officer wd that fhe acl Optometrist dent occurred 24 feet west of a 8 BOND ST. EAST AS MIGHT BE EXPECTED | upper picture, taken early th ¢ volume of mall gives [private driveway, and at the fool in a growing indusirial. com week, in the post offiee lobby, embers of the staff, A group The problem of what became of ment scales on Highway 401, Iniof a slight hill, He said that the has heen common every day in | of post office employes 1s seen [seven tons of sulphurie acid econ: Plekering township [truck was slightly damaged, and we HOURS we te poealing new bral ot recent weeks as eager maller orting Incoming mall ino the fronted Magistrate AN Mitthel He sald that the tanker rig was that damage to the motoreyele 9 AM =6 PM, ¢ ' 4 ' ne up to purchase stamps | boxes where It is pleked up by [in Oshawa Traffic Court on Tues: 14,000 pounds over its registered was extensive, He "added that Wed, Until 12:30 P.M the staff of the Oshawa Post and have parcels weighed, The | the carriers before they go out day, [welght of 110,000 pounds, Allan|West had sustaled a broken leg, | Sat, Until 3130 PM, Office with the approach of | lower pleture gives some indi- | on their routes When Tank Truck Transport Brierley, a representative of theand was removed to Port Perry i" Yn ! He each Christmas season, The | cation of the headache the Oshawa Times Photos, [yd "was charged with overload: trucking company, testified that| Hospital { PHONE RA 3.4811 ing a vehicle, one witness swore the rig was one of a fleet special West testified that he had been | For on appointment that he had weighed a truck, [1y designed for carrying sulphurie travelling west on the concession | \d loaded with acid, and found itiacld fo the Baneroft uranium oad at about 88 mph, and that! 14,000 pounds overweight mines, He showed the court blue:|. Another witness produced blue. [Prints of the transport and, ex prints and caleulations to the |plaining that the aecld weighs ihird decimal point, which, he|10.848 hs, to the gallon, and that| the truck the capacity of the vig is 2300 " claimed, proved that Pro osed New Wi 1 could not carry such a surplus! gallons, sald that sueh an over Le load load was impossible \ { Rdward Cromwell, a depart "I ocouldn't earry that much," (LJ Puesday's meeting of U ff, anaesthetic Vie mt supervisor; Mes, Elva ment of highways inspector, told ho said (0 - j wpltal 1B aved hy the | ( | wsistant = ohstetrfoal the court that on Nov, 21, he had| "The scales say that #® was co d W p 1: Mi Mary Habeook, weighed a tractor emi-tratler 14.000 pounds overweight," Crom ve { (4 ) i { § Berry Mrs, Eliza and trailer outfit owned hy Tank (well sald \ ' ki : Bel "Dl Tid Sly Gl Dio I'helma wl Aly An imum fine of $20 against the COMPANY aving: "I am rélue Ar Too Familiar, dyn sae oi munity res 1 if Oshawa 6 junior 0 charged here (s tremendous, and han ition of » there have heen a number of pital for Sick Chil t rner transport companies 'hootlegging Ontario Hospital 1 |weight' as it were" y ab the Hospital taling 17 Rdward 1, Parks, 62, 83 Ave y v wid that th re Ne aired] 2 Riv oo, Magi | To Reward Vv W pet x v<38 enaui trate N Hehe uesday that ' (| f h plicant I, he has driven down Avenue 36" High a by h\ a CENUVINE 1 treet at least twice a day fo " 5 A \ . " ret a lot . 36" Wide i ww Z/ARBORITE NOVEMIER REPORT He was fined $10 and costs fo 700 rivers " : " : Wa J wil Oshawa General Hospital failing to yield right of way al 12" Deep Aig : Ft) fete Wark Soy d vember hows athe intersection of Avenue and The Oshawa Junior Chamber of . ) ( i patients in residence Simeoe streets "Chidstmas Safety Drive" from te | 18 adults and ehildven ad: Constable Clayton Smith of the Dee, 17 ta Deo, 31 Can Be Used ft she \ | 0 were 188 births Oshawa police testified in court, Len Ureh, a member of the month that on Nov. 15, he had investi: safety drive commitiee, reports ere were TA patients admit. gated an accident at the inter that every day during the drive Anywhere om Oshawa ) from Whit: section, Involving a ear deiven a courteous driver and courteous Whithy #: Whithy hy Parks, and a ear deiven by pedestrian will he chosen. At the 'jax, 14; Pickers George Bantalusi, 214 Nassau conclusion of the drive these peo 1: other town: street ple will he presented with a sil y County (Broek Rantalusl testified that he had ver dollar each ch 1h other been driving south on Simeoe St Mr, Ureh commented that the mm Darlington), when the Parks ear came out of drive is being sponsored to try | the intersection, striking his veh and urge upon the drivers and LIS disoharges in fele, UT didn't have time to Stop, pedestrians the dangers of driv \ and 28 deaths Phe he sald, "He was only about four ing during the Christmas holiday dally average of patients in vesi- feet from my car when 1 rst season ! lence s M34, adults and ohils saw him, 1 used my hrakes, and ren, A and newborn, 490.2 peeped my horn, but 1 couldn't Ones ons In the main operas stop. room totalled 507 and opera Parks, who was represented hy e S wd treatments in the em: Thomas Greer, sald that he has operating room totalled lived on Avenue St since 1920 YouthHad 0 ee AY EE ar From Estate ending Nov, 30, that corner two op three times a } A SIN APPOINTMENTS Imost . \ | vgher this vear day for 20 years" TORONTO (CM Mrs. May No licence \ years average He sald that on arviving at the Keenan, 5, of Oshawa, has heen " - ' cent compared to 84 Avenue St stop sign he had stop. awarded $4370 from the $30,000 An O va vouth, who adn cont in 1957 ped and looked both ways and, estate of Samuel Rundle Clark, seeing no traffie, proceeded Oshawa, whi died June, 1087, conviction, His, without making a will 1 costs hy Ma Registering a Hie in. Osha | Worship pointed out that the stop] In a written judgment Mon driving without al en u sien 1s situated 27 feet from the day, Mr, Justice L. A. Landre intersection and that stopping ville said the woman, whe Exactly As ter \ 101 there, Parks could not have a claimed for housecleaning and . Wo Ave eaded as an uet clear view of the taffic on Sim: washing services carvied out fo ed t \ charge. Asked hy J leo. "You may he a little too!the deceased for five years, had { Illustrat COMING EVENTS ¢ why he had , familiar with this intersection," been a close friend of Mr, and ' : ih Ah 10° gin | bays who'the Magistrate said Mes, Clark for 23 years until Mrs -- \ Tunlor Ga Clark's death in 1981 EWN ) \ \ \ h \ \ 5 K tu et ha My. Clarke became lonely and Day:in day-out this multi-purpose unit has been one of our Pest Sellers OUTER SPACE TOYS resularly ate his. meals at Mrs are 50 Many ways that it can be used As a Bookgose A Cupboard or the doi Keenan's me the judgment V ¥ ! ! R wm divider and at this price (1's an exceptionally good bu t has ¢ thi Weeks and VERY POPULAR sald Although he never paid for doors . . . Arborite top polished bra errules Outer space influence is he hii benefit he received, he was comes in a light or dark finish order two! joe felt in the toy market eard ta tell Mys, Keenan he would pay her in his wil ed I La deiy y for ( hown Last vear % of one per ont mas cell of total market was for sel nd the! apee toys: this vear approxi: - GAS TROUBLE IN STOKE wes of 81 mately § per cont! TPSWICH, England (Reuters) " Halancing vour family bad Mare than 100 families were eva Was made got is an easier science when cuated from their homes in sub you use Oshawa Times Class whan Stoke for 0 mines Toes cookies and ried ads. They get vou quick day night when a gas main joved. The cash for items vou ne lenge prang a leak Pallep imposed af He make use of. (Dial RA 33482 complete ban on smoking over al A e an ad now wide 'area while a valve was re naived