}1--Articles For Rent 31-~Articles For Rent (44--For Rent (A4For Renf (48--Rool Estote For Sale |45-~Real Estate For Bole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednudey, December 7, 1958 ra - He REE Thom spsriment on around | TWO bedroom, Wis + medern to PURKE # STREET six room (oe slorey | BRICK garage and service lation, "Fon -- YIU WNTA Claus complete suits for rent, a ( ) ment nyeniently located yg large ok Wn # good prosperous village fr or ved Semi PO IT YOURSELF | fons, rivaie amiranes, Yaron hr he Conives wove "and lai hey corse og Plalely "Vi yncode, i 40 miles from Oshawa, Bool Kallonisge 45-~Reo! Estate For Sale 45---Reel Estots For Sole 47 ~Automobiles For fol A HV Pee. 4 sulomatic lsundry (aeilities, hone J. fle Hon . Bnelarove Co. Bad booth profits, AN for only S69 -- A n------] : ' ry 7% Souih, Pah Wiel, wi $2044 down, Bock wh invoice. Tindall (our « piece hath, washer, aensl, Wik Estole, 46 Bond Birest West, BA ' RENT A FLOOR equipment you 'con vent ot Lieut a fis, §15 sonihly, Near Oshaws| SOLID Trick, Bow FN 16vel, Three > A A 4 WINTER Stan's Sharpening Service |Shopping Centre, 212 Blevenson Bowth.\Foom hams, finished recreption room low payments, West 4-ro0m A ------ ANDER AND FINISHER (corner King & Burke) RA wot | Oscupaney February 1. Phone Balko bome, i". weres, school close. Ten-toom | TEN - here parcels, ol Tsanion Ria oy od | GW, wad Tw = edioom apartments, | 1080, Wek home, b meres, Modern Anry | West, $6000, Terme, W, MeAviey, Hes) from 3-3224, Chain Saws; Floor, | cenirut location, refrigerator snd move, FIVE" room Aariment, CK ho Cor, 15 pert. Aommereist We Acre or, 1 Prince Sirset, RA $2612, Awnd » CLEARANCE ont ) DOAT-YOURSELF Belt, Disc ond Oscillating | private entrance, KA 55s 2081 | hewt, fons, water, Honk weekly o fring) wh Hoa Go tan "ol iw bat Sn yi R EALTORS lel & p Soi, Wo . ron iment, urmiohed, in| Demy, 4 Fh Pirest . Call Dap trade Dshaws, house, ol hesting end _Ksrage. Buh Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric 4 Spar ment, Yorn | FEA S9H14 v h aid tv Wilson wl Fatt, stantipl down payment, Reasonable for HARRISON & KINSMAN Hommers and many other | atta I BA BAIL En UNE URNIRHER oom, Slane for a hol Tons J, AL: "hpply 46 Athol ives Fil, WH JUST LIKE A WOMAN SALE with the power tools ond | RUILDING apartment, three ron 464 A, 437 Simeoe 51, 5, RA 34428 ) tools, BYORE (08 veni, millahig for iAfiee, the Noss snevied" Br v1 Ls This ever-popular made! won't tell its age and certainly doesn't wi - Wght and heat included, 06 mdon werions (rom Cadillac Ho " ya 06 show it, Six rooms in a twofloor plan of red rug brick, new, FIVE» A Ws BARGAIN ' Timken forced hot air ml heating, recreatioh room, paved drive WEBBING' Wirest 8, Atk In barber shop, 1 abe bwin, WA oh, or hanted, J ond garage, North Simeoe School area, aveilable immediately, NOW ON! | --y-- Call Ron Douglas at RA 5:6165 or RA 5:3412 evenings, Wo bedroom sphriment, in Bowman Market 34403 " r | K |¥Mls, Phone Ld | B CHINGHAM MAN Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating end Circular Sanders; (we have a (SHREK or four rooms, three piece pri 4 APARTMENTS on OOPS -- A s-- DAISY / ale hath, Mend Haor Apply ma -~ The kids will love the wide open spaces of Riverside Drive and 55 DODGE complete line of sealers and waxes); Cireular Sows; Electric Drills; Breet One bedroom apartment, elec. can play to their hearts content under your watchful eye, A 2-door sedan, radio / ky {FIVE « room house with hath, Bimcoe i day / cory buhgaelow with recreation room ond fireplace on 109 Braplers; Blow Torches; Soldering Irons; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe [etre North, Phone RA 6-180 oF JL) trically equipped, good loca $3,600 sach, fully serviced, exceptionally good value on foday's 353 foot rolling city lot, Call Toon Peacock ot RA 5:6165 $895 tion, Apple 498 Simcoe St, fi tment up to. seven suites, this amounts 9 a Wahu Aon fost Rp N., Apt, B, AA B-BE76, fort Pl Ruld ver $500.00 ww suite. You can not duplicate RA 5:3440 evenings, CORY 7 0) o / i g 180 Wil tes Wen 0 pg Des, 23) Vs price. Coll John Bolohond ot RA 5.6544 TO-DAY YOUR MOVING DAY? '53 PONTIAC WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN (is i iE JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED AO 1 Tom Sor s. SL cnr vee. oir 2-door sedan [FOUR roms, private Vall Mok n Ji (Vmfit dd a 4 ' 2946 plan in duality red brick tickles your faney, The right home hen, child welcome: #0 NG ots fi ng far modest financing mediate possession, | . ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING pens oe -- wires or gentle thaw, AAT worst orth, -- w-- . . iid on RA 6.6 Pg RA 5.3608 evenings, oll Hilde Ris $795 A B79) hor rontage, full y 282 KING ST, W. RA 3.4873 [ss 4 Clive "Avene, B Toi | N North Shore Repl oi ANSLEY SUBDIVISION RA 5.6165 RA 5.3412 '80 PONTIAC COUPE ne Blrest Marth loves Fir } te bunaalow with double T™wo0 iment with hathrpom, New 5Va-reom ultrg modern ranch style bungaelo p: 32--Articles Wanted . (37 --~Male. Help Wanted well contained, contre) loeation. Phone hone ih 0 attached garage, on good. fot in this chaice location, Natural 19 Athol St, W, : Oshawa Automatic and radio SELLING furniture or cleaning out TWO wien for fuel delivery, wieferainy (1A h388 Vow, full stone front, tiled kitchen | cupboards' in modern kitchen, hroadloom in living reem, din. | 2944 $195 m-- 209 | file ro. five-room oe 2 gur husement? You will get your high experienced, commercial Heense |LABRGE hight four-room spariment, ba hathroom, plaster moulding, Jar ette and master bedroom, ceramic tiled bathroom, decorated Th xe 4 A reine Ro " Fibs waived Phia Whilhy Wo 4418 wie Fy nianns. main floor yi Honh [Lloimdy. fult huh Jasemtn, Col Yoni panoramic windows, beautiful view radiant heating, ready for MUST BE 501 Df | B-~Automobiles Wanted sl a Sth ; _ {Abts MeCatum Tras or hdr iH | rooms, each well-contuined, Central 4 Routh, "iA Vib, wel | immediate occupancy end priced at only $19,995.00. Call . 4 NS It agian Hn on od, : i 56 FORD » ply a mn par A p---- rr ------------------ " of of VIANOR, 10 uprights oF winiatures, 61123 03 | A0on: Phone RA _B-9304 -- exclusive agent OPEN FOR Of FERS |5iui or KA 6: LF unfurnished roams, _ A L Woke on 101, Oshawa, Trmete Ibe 0 oes AT THALTIEA IMAM) tnt ee, iin 4 LLOYD REALTY $1092 DOWN ro 10 ROOMS == 2 BATHROOMS HIGHEST 2:dots siden pectal av to shart Wendy work Wette 20am Avstainers. ma smh ae] RENTAL AGENCY LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES aI prism encan Te ES PRICES $1 ,195 WANTED | " ree POOH, large" vot WEAVE] Our fu in low thon 8 | Bult yd, Jockson & Son Ltd, on Highlond, and CARVE | Jigs 2 worey "nome. la PAID FOR I FULLER BRUSH COMPANY |atar supplied I rvnte. entrance, One vacancy, only screened ust 3 of Lise. ling Nite selling in other subdivisic n for $12, cated cle i 16 shopping Good clean cars, Trade up or 54 BUICK Reguires five delivery men gt actus shiidren: Surly 196 Fine Avene and reliable tenants, 395 00 and includes aluminum storm windows, aluminum sereens, canie, Jortlie Intoma ime, down, Liens paid off 2.door hardtop 1,25 per hour, car essential, | APARTMENT, furnished, suitable or | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, 2 aluminum storm doors, forced alr with ail heating, laundry garage, any reasonable offers | DORD MOTOR SALES $995 | couple, 'twa single men or girls, newly 01 Simcoe 5t. N . I, TURNER two full time salesmen and | SIE, ESE TRS Taove, wise Barake 101 Simeoe 5 tubs, clay brick with partial stone front, large picture window Wil ba considered. Cali: Jach 314 PARK RD, § six part time salesmen 10 | Apply igh Kikin Street East pr RA 123 | everything complete for only $11,500. Act fast on these bes | Accich "or RA 6.6544 RA 3.9421 help. handle pre-Christmas eA - efor only $11,850 | RA 3.2043 hein han wit Box 322. {NEW one badsuom, apartment alae | DEPOSIT cause these are the last at | pr NA i a te a. 83 FORD (collect) | Oshawa. Times bw moa $100 INVESTMENT PROPERTY - 2-door sedan . 293 FIVE room hohe enirely fn ed BUYS LAST OF EQUITY Live rent-free ii 0 modem 2 hodro m new garment ond still BOLAHOOD Foire ta $699 adults preferved, oil heated, possession P have an income 0 mont vie ii-Plox is complete in y . CEDARDALE | BOYS WANTED [Bt duaiea to dawnigwn, and Boer ni N.H.A HOMES IN e every iy and includes: 2 TV, plugrins, stoves, friges, storms, LIMITED REALTORS DKW, 36 . ORCHARD GARDENS : Fi h | 4 4 screens, landscaping, end Is tastefully decorated. Contact this 294¢ and the new FIAT / CRAP FOR RINK HELP APARTMENT = three . room. hath | ocated at §77 Shakespeare For economy and performs 51 CHEVROLET [King Fast, Private entrances, hested A office for early appointment | redecqrated, heavy wiring, hus sery Ave, between Wilsen Rd, § MODEL HOMES OPEN ance 4-door sedan, radio IRON METALS LTD | Boys over 14 years of age | A P € H \d b OF Gf ce, 860, Ahstaine HA 34647 after 4 anc iI St, cross ) . / Ron WaT | Sar Uo gre PRR Tl) oi BERLE | || OVD METCALF REAL ESTATE | on mimerion™ | = ANDY, NAGYS §295 'APERS 2 € awa Children's Areng, Must | RED ting room, In quiet home, J i { » . | : § PAPERS RAGS be willing workers, Apply to |wel heated, north of hossval, Appiy| This house offers the mest for Ve 8i St Dial 3.9329 5.6581 DAY OR EVENING 400 King 31. W. RA 37)02 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY I after # p.m, Basrdsy and Sunday, alll the money int 3% Simcoe St, S ia 9 or h5E 55 PONTIAC RA 5:3432 MR, FERNLEY (day, 618 Christie Avenue POI), ACTUAL LIVING SPACE 5.3 BRAMLEY MOTORS RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 Assistant Manager [TWO = roam ofiager winieried, full" cel ET OUANTITY. AND After 5:30 Dial 2.door sedan 204 iis for taubie of Kenton, On Ls LAYOUT OF KITCHEN | Pick Barriage, RA 5.6243 Everett Elliot, RA 3-9290 SALES LTD 1.195 | 1 g 0 RA 5-919] Lloyd Metealf, RA 5-6983 whe be | 4, $ FREE PICK-UP (41==Room and Board ONE or two raoms, completely fur CUPBOARDS Joe Mage, R / 100 ANNIS STREET line. Ol heated, Phone RA B-8125, 200f ren. met oer egnonapin.* angi | 3: QUTSIDY APPEARANCI FOR RENT -- New large 5-room apartment, ground flocr, elec: | FULL DOWN PAYMENT | 1271 SIMCOE NORTH 58 CHEVROLET Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many other Tools, y and Poultry ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, good ences, new home, reasonable Appl meals, single heds, continuous hot [624 Olive Avenue or HA R608. 20% 4, BRIGHT BASEMENT trie stove and 'frige, automatic washer and dryer, hot water LOWER DOWN PAYMENT | PHONE RA 3 4675 CARS WAN [ED pio ARFlY 32 ANWMP Mit: RA IMODERN five-rsom bungalow, oil heat 5. AIR CONDITION, OIL heating, T.V, aerial, paved parking. Call Lloyd Metcalf ar RA MAY BE ARRANGED IF "Lali conveniences, Call after 5 or Batui ( 5.6983 ESIRED ROOM and breakfast with kitchen and (day all da WT Huron Street wou HEATING 4 | 2-door sedan Specialists in Ford service and FOR WRI C KING upper privileges in comfortable mod | pouR » room duplex hath. Availabe] $500 when you mave In, low | 2940 ONE NH A. MORTGAGE parts, Wheel alignment, wheel $1 195 ern home, § mins walk from hospital January 1. Oil heated, Phone KA gd monthly payments like rent balance with latest type | and Simone bus service, KA 3-9605, 204f | after 6 p.m Led SIRI RW $15,000.00 DOWN These homes are located -in equipment, Newest type elece '52 PONTIAC Scrap iron and metals (MOOM ant heat, teva ava Per MINGLE roam, furnished, kitehen priy builder Colleet at Tarento sek, was done, Apply 253 Quebe ig 4H # C186 n : & £8 | \ di V bought, Call Street off Fark Road South I | twas Tater y| Hudson 8 49% Wl yew Restaurant and living quarters, spotless condition on ing bby W i 50-=Articles F ROOM or room and board Tor Thies | p.m 2 local real estaty agen | main street in Newcastle, turnover approximately REV JEVIR, Te Bervite sn ==Articles For Sole $495 SHAW people one single, one double, Near|wooWERE One single room, one | $60,000.00 yearly, Many extras included in purchase churehe - one of Oshawa fastest grows frenic tune-up equipment, 2.door sedan Als JOHNRON outhoard meter, ex ; North GM. Home cooking, Phone IA Heo nie we aE i THEY FEATURE gellent pandition, used one summer. RAG -& METAL 4-3103 890 Apply 47 Nassau Sires ait BOLAHOOD price sowne: selling due to poor health Jo! further Sewers, waler, streets (n ond | Vhone RA b0a6s dan, 16 '55 BUICK EE ear 0 d 4 leon af RA 3.2254 an by saddad {tah ' CHERTERFIELD ane ehalr, nearly new co. ROOMS Gowran Hew Home con IMMEDIATE possamion wader | bed information call Ozzie Addison p y paid for o lad fr nt LITA oan! rites A LIL URL Hardtop loaded AAR! Hoges. Apply 304 Guelph Bireet, 269(\ Ty aopinl (iarage available, HA 41615 LIMITED REALTORS time. Lloyd Ayers Realtor dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, lane chaiv, 688 Park Road South, corner 4 RA 5-231] [ROOM and baard for genfiamen, close | or HA B:0334 Lid] 9 SIMCOE io 169 SIM P i bedrooms, hat water tank, of Bloor $1 595 to downtown, Apply 23 Elgin Ean | POUR™ room Bungalow, aise three: | ' & $1,000 DOWN | sidewalk, gravel drives and [COAL and wood slave, Koad condition, / 89 BLOOR STREET EAST | Phone KA 3-7814 many other extra also quantity of wood, grt and long \ NB rgomed apartment, heat, lights and N SA AYS 5 . " | Phone HA 0-167 i L PE | TUR Y ROOM, hoard, double, single, Good [Water supplied. RA 37084 Dee, # RA 5.6 44 | Country living with city eonveniences, five-room bungalow, near FOR INFORMATION fang ARTY between 6 and § 7H 'R8 VICTOR (Va x} all) European meals. Close Four Corners, HOUSE, nine rooms, brick, part 16 Lansdowne Shepping Centre, en a large lot BO' x Two Sap 35--Employment Wanted _|and GM, 20 klsin Eas WA 83180." | obelnd, Witable fof ron hoe i LONI ung RR er oil neti ed rage 12° x 20%, Reo RA 8-133 He WoOn slaner: with Matar and" hel Radio, 1ike new R | sonable taxes. Full price $11,500 ~ ters included, Excellent condition, Can 10 ROOM BRICK ) he ween al 401 Drew, RA 5088), 301 $1 ,695 YOUNG married woman desires any 1 hathrooms, good loc ation. Just outside kind of employment. Box 418, Oshawa ROOM 20d hoard fos nate [man th eity large garage Hans Faunton, On. | E ie mily PRly 880 Hison Road || Jan | -- a R a MAN k hy th po auth = ir Phe E furnished housekeeping room $99 INCOME Ld GROCERY ST ORE- 7 ROOMS GUILDCRAFT ih or BY PONTIAC, eustombullt push 44 inh We hovsewig by S04c [WERT Tn town, single beds, all modern | [fo business man. near Hospital and This home has just been I von: \e: pads HOME BUILDERS bution vidio, perfect egndition, nA 86 PLYMOUTH [conveniences, close to south GM, KA |dewntown, RA 3.4476, 542 Himeos Blreet| newly decorated and remod: Centrally located, excellent turnover, owner selling due 10 pi Dee. 30 | Lek ------------ | y (00 A DplY' 830 Lorraine Steet North a0 } 2 health, loads of equipment included in purchase price, stock at ins |TV AERIALS, all CT nl fod -- pile Arage, ol y 36---Female Help Wanted | ROOM and board for gentlemen, good [THREE unfurnished rooms, seeand plied, hes, A kat Berane, 2 voice, living quarters consisting of a 7-roem brik heme which 47 --Automnbiles For Sale {1% Ya A a ", $1 095 CASHIER typist requited hy finanee meals, Wid privileges, single beds | flag, heated and electricity, private : t Id also be used as an income, Attached garage, For further | King West, HA b-613 company. Good starting salivy, pom south 'plants, Phone RA |hath, eouple only, avalabie now, fe) Meters, have a look at this could aise b SN rims 0 PLYMOUTH, 50 Hillman, 0 Fon: | MOTOROLA aha v Wenafits hy oy Wark wash, Abply 3.4101 h.. ~ Mill Street, Jan, | brew Street, RA 08-7506 an. 4 home, can be bought for a infermation, contact this effic Hae, "8 Plymouth cheap, RA hab ehh Blanes ae. boat "0 Ww, '5 STU DEBAK ER ssociates Budget nn im eo able dawn ' LL, offer, Dia 8040 after ROOMS, | Wl a,b i! " 1, Car Very reasonat my | Slenet South, Danas id nf | 432m W ated to Rent (ROOMS, halter, Iuach apuanel, Corl Cnr Call Jack Appleby ot INH .A, RESALE=-LOW DOWN PAYMENT Nt PONTING, wxcalieny sowdition, adie [fhe YO 41h law ance for VO ai | Sedan Hime housekeeper require m -- 5 yim 00 Any New leatrahome, Ll m Vo ¥ WANTED = Hhuse, fivge We "Va 2001 RA 5.6544 6-room brick bungalow, large reams throughout, master bed: Hy ig 803 | miral, Vietar or Westinghouse at Park: $395 a live in, RA 57683 after GM employe, Whithy ha rh manville district, Pine MA Ho " THREE 'vooind Jd bah, heated, i MUST BE SOLD room with built-in furniture, forced air ail heating, asphalt drive, [he CNBVROGET, AT sandiiion bo aay | Television, 018 Bimene ' _ Deg, 16 | ftrnished apavtmen H ihe " jecorated and landscaped. Full price enly $13,200, owner would |eash or trade offer, Phone RA 8 848) | NOY Wee, § \ TWO hedreom APATIeRt sampistel working couple desived. RA B-0567. 200 $700 DOWN $700 dea bi ed a \ ) if 4 y pp SA a ul JE [qu Prey rates ' mp p Mmpletely I « ) 0 are wropert a PART | IME TYPIST furnished, anywhere In Oshawa, Write FURNIRHED voonm hoard ontionsl, he $9 500 FULL PRICE. here it consider exchange on commercial property BCPORRD Hardin. aviamatie. vadin and Arvers, Rated No, | her, al 54 OLDSMOBILE Box 318, Oshawa Times a60¢ [oF two men ni es tn sha 8 . here y ' 3 lathers, by eansymers' A Repsioned, urkctvolet se. "(floss fo" ith GM, BA" Badin WEE jy; this '6-room brick home $1,400 DOWN fu ne lak at te resonate eto io Wh 2-door, sedan, sharn Quired for tall local office 44--For Rent L . opposite schools, has 3 bed Large é-raom brick storey and a half heme, only 7 years old, |"hone Alax #4 after 4 pan LA hid atv, $ 095 to handle a peak load " BRIGHT, one, and two hedroam : " ! Appi FIVE apartment, slave and | apartments slectiloally eauipped, hal | 90ms, this house must "be north-west district, 2 rooms up with built-in cupboards, sink and [PRIVATE sale, 1638 four doar Rirate |doMBLETE Gil Guide uniform. siie Chief Fantine, '10.000 miles, white and 13 Fhone KA 38048 ht cant should have a minimum LY on: Januar f ald ( | ¥ 15 children |conies, TV antenna, parking, Apart sold, for more particulars call s di 4 of two years high school, bes | welcome: parking. 49 Simede North, [ment 10, 100 Craydan Road, Whithy.| Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544, stool, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette and 4-pe. bath ior gold, weil kept and in kod me '54 CHEVROLET tween 25 and 45 years of age Apartment 4, RA 5:6308, 3 MO Baan Jang down, oil heating, garage, landscaped and decorated chanieal condition. Hest offer. Terms | WIGHE hh prives rid for Mod furni 4 | A o ay ; may he arcanged. Will oonsider trade: (ure, alan sell and exchange, Conta and have some years office RIX : room hunialow and pampisiely FW partly" furnished "roams, one or $1,000 DOWN $1,000 N H A | May he seen ft 181 Alevenson Ron [Community Fugnituge Niore, 19 Prines 4-door sedan experience. Write gi ing full {inisned Yee Thom, Immediate posses: | (wo ian, or couple with ehild, Will NEW SPLIT LEVEL JNA, |North, RA A-7468 after 6 pm 40gf [Ntveel, Phone HA 81141 | I 5 particulars to Box 325, Osh» RA Aer home $108 monthly: oak after child white motherwarks, RA New N.H.A. 3-bedroam brick bungalows en a large lot, logated [CHEARING al veduced prices -- entire [REFRIGERATOR in good condition, $895 Call RA 86544. Ank for Mr, Balshood. | 5) a5, 2h wa: Times $ } 254 a ot Very reasonalile carrying . ig slook of new and used pars, Outatand: [single voll.away bed, RA 80097, 718 204b ohn A J, Bolahood Limited, Realtor | hme Foam ERATOR We hocks charges will take this 'home in the north end with reasonable taxes. Many extras including fing values, Apeeial terms, Weitten | Phillip Murray Avenue after 6 ne m f X a | { ' m Aownlowni heats water md WAI | features 5 rooms, and has all builtsin valance box in living roam wall 10 wall, eave ceiling [Wuavantee, 811 pars winterized. '40 fan 04 53 CHEVROLET -------------------- - fro oh NEW three-bedroom bungalow in Whit ™ Uy 4 4 : 4 ark sh | ting AOA AR Hillman, 8388; 'A8 Chev, J hi AY alsa TV aerial, Na ohjeetion ha ' with pattern semi-divided basement, expert workmanship VAT i NO Your Chrisimas SHOPPING While Ed 37-=Male Help Wanted hy, good location, reasonable rent, ehil: [10 ane child, $66 monthly, Call RA the conveniences of modern throughout, These ranch-atyle homes must be seen to be appre Ih Ri, 0 Pudge, $10 Jn Ford, sith WHER does Ma CAAIBIMAS ehonping | 2-door sedan dren welpame J 9 4 ( | 5 A GOOD opportunity far Man In aute ) A Bohate, Realtor. | 5.6038 after 6 p.m dand| living, full price 1s $12,000 ciated, Be first, vou are not under any abligation, Full price as [81463 Also new Willmans, Amerioans (CO0ar ohests, $20.68; hos ohalrs, $795 Call W, Bohat MO ) motive parts stockroom, Apply in writ: 4 ehatamann, MO 0-088, WIL | IVE furniahed Team. avail You can't afford ta pass this " SE vis ut 31 080 wih One Ma {and Ramblers at Wellman's, RA 84431, | tok S186, while they 4,08 i Rox $17, Osh 1 tat 2040 low as $11,380 with down payments 10 with e mort H 4 0% 1H, Gshawa Times, hha MOBERN anaviment v [able In private home, 8% Park Road, up. Phone Bill Ratcliffe at 00ge ago [Kroehler platform vockers, veg, #49.93, experi ] X ; : and stave, Aap BLE ptr | Noth, 3 30 van, RA dy) RA 5-6544 |'&1 DEROTO halo, fully equipned, han. oth Ronin. dy ey 52 CHEVROLET Berber: Aprly b Colina" Brose awl [A0ie for teacher, or' nurse, private en: | THRER Croom exeelient apariient 6--ROOMS--6 IN NEED OF SIX OR SEVEN ROOM HOME, ANY [must sell KA 5a BOC (illotn vow, 887.99, Nall rice BOON, barber, Apply § Ce i trance. Apply 938 Mary Streel, 201f0n ground floor, possession Fehriary | A -- : i i P " , FIVE wom frame ALS I Toe! i" or ean he arvanged eaviler, Apply 103 $ | 000 DOWN $1 000 DISTRICT RELIABLE TENANTS WITH LOW yd METEOR, $08. RA 30300 War 3 VIKING mm range, 85", ane year ald Hardtop, Q hard to wi 3 y ingalow, Ploker With n Radd North, Apt, 3 after § h [Phone RA 8.4047 after 4 pom #0ke GROCERY CLERKS ing Beach, outside conveniences, god LiF Jah, 16 ' ' DOWN PAYMENT, IF YOU CAN HELP CALL RA |MacHINERY MOVER (abl Through | fom sale suatom BRI: "Foon find model well, Immediate possession, $65 month : 6-room 114 storey brick 1.2254 | Classified adsl To sell anything, inl | 0 lenced for supers, (vi also small Tour-room apartment, | THREE roam, unfurnished apartment | tal | h . . [Rihsaitiod 1938 Chey, vadia, practieally new, An 495 week sod | kvound floor, outside Faveniences, 40 /0entral, hot water and oll heating, Ap ome, situated on large lot, Call " ply Meroury Taxi, 48 King East, Dee 80 vy at for | Monthly. Ajax 800 a93c [Ply 40 Butterworth Avene faronto 13] beautifully landscaped, gar [ALLRTATE Auto Insurance, Save up fn SELLING furninge or SIoARnE out r ance 0 or telephone OXforg J evenings age. The dollar has not beer 20 per cent. Nine months to pay, Fy ' ' 4 THREE ¢ i eer] 4 : Mig? a ( as \ your hasement? You will gel any Al : i Bassing | ove and RII i. HO por month rent Dee 14 spared in keeping this house | A DI --- - | Rerhtnal service at your home eall WA Rint Prioe When you phone AA A 80181, 46 PONTIAC Ajax Shopping [Centre Street ost | MIX peop house, very woniryl "a in excellent shape. For furs [ia on the Oshawa Trading Foul, 40 Slmece Sedan 1-3608 an, 0 r \ - "80 CHEVROLET, two-door, radio, heat. Street South GARAGE, Simoes aR i i ther details call Bill Rats . age. Te 'ava ---- a ---- 2931 now available p ona RA HAA Seth, THREE room, self + contained apart cliffe at RA 5.6544 y LLOYD AYERS REALTOR ho Haale I~ Mo, Terma aval $69 able, . Phone A0040 after five Ment, heat, Hghts, and water, three . \ vce hath, private entrance, available CL 294a 293¢ Jan, 1 $AVE SAVE WHITB EY CONTAINED Ti tam --_§e;e. TTT vi a va 0 ona] MacFadyen's Real Seal '51 HILLMAN Frm (new home), heavy wiring ATATION wagon '86 Faniie, four: | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sedan Adults, Near NGM. Parking. RA 37886 : Soar, fully MAL BE terms pT | COMINATION ALUMINUM $185 Deo. 18 LLL LIRR STORMS AND SCREENS . APARTMENTS for vent Fworoom: | FOR RENT «= One bedroom modern SIMCOE North, four, and five roam | ofl and fouraagnod; self contained apartment, completely self contained. | lapartment, fully equipped. Call RA BUYING or SELLING | $16.95 EACH Immediate poshession. MO 8-780 After Avaliable first week in January, Suit 30343, 8 am. 3 pn Jan} 9 [For any double hung window 52 NASH A a'clo Jan, 17 able references required, Phare MO FIVE © room Spariment, 57 Wentworth ! regardless of size, Installas 2 | See WOBM and hoard 815 por week, 763 after § o'clack Io Brent, Ouhawa, Washer, drver, stove, TED CAMPIN | vin included Sedan Phone MO 10 or apply 918 Donovan HAVING company for Christmas? Need | PeI7 rator IV aerial, Near school rp OT allay A PICTURE BOOK HOME MOTORS "PHONE RA 811847 $295 Fed lov win rangefinder, and acces. [OF best choles, 308 Arthur Street. 204 SINGLR furnished hedvaom in ied | 607 KING ST. == OSHAWA ANYTIME sortes, Like MO 84738 IE THE SALVATION ARMY requires used | NO fOr Business gentleman, Apply | F TH N N | (Just East of Wilson Read) ' 0 i a rr ---- YOR RENT New three-hedream big nani. Ro You have any he Stet hn PT usa RA 3.4494 Res. RA 5.5574 3 PONTIAC bungalow In Whithy, geod location, | Ne hey could obtain? Give us L room house rage, oll he a pA Yon ir gon Ly oq OAll, even if they are in very 'oot od finished basement, all oRnveRienced COMBINATION utomatic Bhat Rea! oe call W Sohatamann, eondition, MO 8.35586 0 | Phone RA 8.0880 00 IN EXCLUSIVE SABYAN MOTOR Wi NDOWS $795 hd FOR RENT « House with seven THREE roam unfurnished apartment Na an delivery, in good oan: | TOOME, Available owly d tod sink and cupboards B TH. V an " A Aa or best offer -- 2004 In Agi mally i 74) [a hii Wr Ph oy Nroet SALES L ro ~ DOORS AW NINGS, THE Whithy NO R860 biter 4 pan. Jah 1 abl RA 3400 ll STUDERAKER-VOLKSWAGEN | pgsy FOR LESS LIKE 8 camerad 38 mm. 772 tons, ad ThahENT t= two.raamed WAERIAR | MOIERN (Wh Tom APATIMORL, Cup WALES and SERVICE fin range finder And accessories. LAKG| nly 108 Contre: Roth. TTT TIMORE AR hoards, sink, heavy wiring: adults, new 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH CALL RA 8.8571 new. MO 8.4752 2014 "home, Apply 331 La Salle Avenue. RA Whitby MO 8 4891 RELIABLE day oare given while mo. | 58031 Ie HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! OSHAWA, ONT Why 4 WOMAN willing ta mind one or (we! ther works, height recreatioh \ ehildren While mother works, Apply 313 twa hlocks hi of Henry Stren, Nol THREE room apartment, close to TEL: RAndelph 3-14641 Manutactured in Whitby Dovedale Drive, Whithy Wie uN $09 |sehonl and hospital, Phone RA 3.3410 2 | FOR SALE Christmas trees, Sooteh| FOR "rent completely furnished a TWO rooms. partly furnished. woiking NO PIONEERING . . ; COLONIAL Pine. nursery grown, all sizes ning room and Kitchen, alt ne [oouple preferred, Phone RA G.3302. 204i CRANFIELD MOTORS delivery Birrell Cook, 318 Mary West. trance ground floar, Apply 831 Palace THREE roam furnished apsstment L 131 PARK ROAD SOUTH ALUMINUM MO 84a 09 Street, Whithy small, clean, comfortable: refrigerator ROADS STREET LIGHTING RA 3.2284 CHRISTMAS roe for sale, Sooteh FOR sale 1080 Ford, \ow mileage, can| hd stovei central. Apply 86 Gladsions USED CARS A ---- J Spree Ww higek north of fo . {Avenue Ma WwW - ines . al _-- 0 Gas ation Sos A Tp Ty Ra To, a DUPLEX Four rooms and hath, kit SE ERS DOUBLE SASH 8A Sl RY CE S Hal" MeCay or Earl Pascoe. Free 4, - 5) 2 A 2 ETROP | ers bor "35 SUMOUR GI burner service, AGERE and | CNOA WIth BUlltin cupboards. rofviger SODDED WATER RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN q o S CHRISTMAS tre tor ae hy ht day. St John's Heating Services MO MAR id on Lig ikind WAL Ran MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, - J roes for wale bh +957 h ¥ ved rite Box shawa Times f 4 | 3 S$ 8 Jaha's Anglican Men's Oh on sale un ohvene oharges , for ony din A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY RILEY # ALL 4 SERVICE LIMITED Froe delive Peo, MN bh rE Rion Alumina well storing | Four-1oom apartment, newly fOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! 48--Automobiles Wanted | FOR | HE VERY CHOICE Chuivima Re Balsam, 900rs, $40.50; halt Jalousie, 363.30; an¥| decorated, all conveniences PARTS a : aot J A 0 crass | A0uble hung window, $19.50, installa 3 off 4 Fart; seats, speade AL iy RELI ag tan § inoluded. Phone MO #3489 or RA| Mebarate entrance bottom | Contact Your Rosslyn Agent meter FR do Ge rakes] ALUN UM ey. MO 8-28 Dec. 33% Dee, 33) floor aundry, parking, bus | . SRrings, TIN end, heals Aine Rava | ; RS ' . | at door, immediate pos WILSON REALTOR SC q ole, New super, & vail Pravineia) Vie - ney \ furniture. Grist PANT oluffing and alterations, men's! Anal ) . - Battery and generator, Phone RA &1 Doors, Storms, Screens, Win i \ \ \ Pell and ladies' wear: drapery alterations Man pply 165 Verdun Rd d 066 after & pm Bee. dows Awnings and Porgh A aia " RA 5-6588 RA 3.2265 a, o tanks stalled Walter W Er i --_-- | MAC Ki MOTORS NOBODY BA cheat hen Phone MO B01 LOR RENT | PARKWOOD MANOR BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN | Will buy good clean cars, Py BUT NOBODY RA 5-6507 KIVIL ROVETAY i TOU wah boats and tances. skill dows, | ork Rd N. Near King | RA 5-6544 RA 5.6165 [SYA SeiL on cutipnan n beat our quality price collect MO 83488 Whithy Jan, 3 Paint sprayers (gas and elec: ed Ate tric), pipe dies, cement mixer Qne and twa bedrooms, $835 N ' CALL OPEN TILL 9 P.M, Ning 1 Ge home, BFL Wie, wool and | 9UIomONive Holy ond $30 a month. Mangan: | he VICKERY & GOYNE IEW LOCATION HOLODY EVERY NIGHT trugtons supplied, and a new aula WILDE: RENTAL. SERVICE f Atle Kit machine an a pay as ul TANID SALES, WHITBY RA 5.7272 RA 8.5155 n oy \ ALUMINUM REPTIC tanks cleaned the anlary | m-- -- 5.243) ---ao Anytime tll 9 pm (Continued on Page 3) Shatter 2 hi MO 8.322 67 Pari Re. Ne Dec. 18 2701 phone hing William Street Neamitony ne