Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Dec 1958, p. 1

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rR a vo A 77% ~ weatnenmeeory 7 7 we > 4 & TELEPHONE NUMBERS ~ Clearing, colder tonight; cloudy, Classified Adve 'Lising RA 3.3492 milder Thursday, occasional All other calls ........RA 83-3474 light snow. L) VOL, 87--NO, 296 Price Not Over OSHAWA-WHITEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 "Four Offes Deparment, Oows TWENTY-FOUR PAGES ~» MISSILES FOR EUROPE NATO GENERAL'S PLEA New Snowfall | TY 5 | Treaty Leaders Slows Traffic 4'. od Joid Of Needs : 4 7 commander in Europe, U.S, Gen, sketching out a reply to Soviet Although only one traffic accl-(night and, In most cases, taking g MB Lauris Norstad, pleaded with|Premier Khrushehev's Nov, 27 |aent was reported in Oshawa thislonly an hour's break before re " the Atlantic Pact countries today note on Berlin morning, driving conditions on!suming operations this morning bi. ' to move quickly into missile re-| A firmly worded NATO come city streets and on highways sur First to go into action at 9.30 wh armament, munique : Tuesday rejected rounding the city were as hazard: |p my, Tuesday were three salting £ Norstad outlined to the forelgn/Khrushchev's effort to get the = as they have been In the past {puck They worked steadily i uh] {ministers present strength and|allies out of Berlin within six | | -- a I month, . fall Tue {until 7 a.m, today, . A future needs in the face of So- months, Hea y snow started lola ri] Two graders followed at 11 ' 2 viet military swaggering, prima: he communique sald the West Hay night. i yas Oe p.m. when the snow began build y AN I ! rily over Berlin, is ready to examine not only the reezing rain which coate f p ' 1 ' | p. t y ' f CANADIAN CITIZENS NOW whinids, As a result industrial 'ng ip and Gig ny ( "op ul 7 gi | Informed sources sald Norstad Berlin situation but also the gene Ol i av (8 1 ie day shi 00K over a gr told the secret gathering his mil-|leral subjects of European secure " v 4 . y \ ns y g thelr way . avadar i , i L L 4 J secur: Getting Cig Christmas wish fare County Court at Whieby: and Ha Ife, Helene Liki Aus- Notre ning had to oper 8 a with a third grader added .- " " {tary command needs U.S, inter lad and disarmament, A little early this year were Mr iow they are Canadian citl- | tria 'hey mel In anada In , to the force | r mediate « range (1,500 « mile) ' p : 1 : Bt . Jes with extreme : ee " ang , Canada was a membe the and Mrs, Anton Schlegel, of 657 | zens, along with their baby son, | 1953 when they took English au hur vehicks ™ hen yim A street flisher with wing Plow i guided missiles as soon as they gx power h member oe ay ronte shard 21k 1 5 caution, Another fi went to action at 2 am, anc 2 + np 2 FUropeat . : Taylor avenue, Oshawa, who | Richard 2'a, who Is a Canadian | 0000 (ooother In an Oshawa ing the morning added to the dif.|Vent into act Ion no d can be placed on the European drafted the declaration on the ex« were two of the 169 persons who | by birth, The couple came to | A | WOrkea. 101 six hours, bases from which they could received thelr Canadian citl- | Canada from two different | school ficulties facing road maintenance =," i4ision to the three graders |reach the Sov Uni feat to which the Wes! should bls ani anadn mt i reach the Soviet Union, fer to negotiate with Russia over Tues J pr iermany, | Oshawa Times Photo sorating today are two heavy Y } genship on Tuesday in the On- | countries, he from Germany, : { ws with ole ay plows and] Only Britain thus far has ac-|/the German problem, workers and drivers Members of the Bowmanville |cepted these missiles, and the 4 detachment of the OPP reported | =" C0 ioks C hd T selon hd road conditions in the rural areas vo oi gen TR was busy| hinese (@) Hear Italians are close to signing a SMITH S VIEW as fair, However, conditions on io oonnina clearing the parking | imilar agreement. French sta v Sources sald External Affairs Trles or emen Highway 401 were reported as lot on 'Athol street west and atl ling on acceptance is the big Minister Sidney Smith of Canada hazardous. The highway is cover-igo ond and Simcoe street fumbling block to getting what wanted something more than a " lod with packed snow and traffic Dump trucks were being used ol eda ers an e Norstad considers an adequate reiteration of Sunday's statement n moving slowly ri vw the snow force of missiles in place of of the four western powers--the IT 1C < e 2 | vmanvile Woks Sevarice whi Europe, 1 nited States, France, Britain employes were working continu TOKYO (AP)-Mao Tse-tung is chief of government, but specula-| Norstad/ is known to believe And West Germany, [ously to heep up with the snow PUNCHING BAG tepping down as president of tion has centred around Marshal that the recent successful test of| This statement was confined ty SUDBURY (CP) Demands ments its wage offer with km could be done--like wiping outfall, Sanders and plows were out Red China, Peiping confirmed to-|Chu Teh, now vice-chairman of an intercontinental missile in the rejecting Soviet proposals for a for settlement of the 86-day Inco|provements in fringe benefits, |[communism." most of the morning FOR GOOD BOY day, but it insisted he is still boss. the government, Chu at 72 is United States in no way lessens Western withdrawal from a des strike are growing louder in the, 'Rumors have been prevalent| The women claim support from| Despite the heavy driving con-| "| After keeping it secret a week, |seven years older than Mao, They|the need of the forces in Europe | militarized free city of West Bers Nickel Belt that the original strike vote was/Inco workers who pay dues but qitions bus lines, operatig in the CINCINNATI (AP)--Among |Peiping let China's 600,000,000 peo- have long been comrades in arms. for lesser-range missiles, {lin, With government - sponsored not conducted fairly," sald Mrs. refuse to Join the union. They|district, were reported running oni 4.4.00" yocelved by Santa ple in on the news, The shift was| Fearful of undermining the Red| Norstad feels it may be years| Smith sald that although Cane talks having resumed In Toronto, Breen. "A vote supervised by number anywhere from 300 to|time | Claus at the Cincinnati post |reported last weekend on For. China regime or even planting before the longer-range missiles|ada is not involved in the West. Mayor Joseph Fabbro of Sudbury persons outside the union would!|1,200 | Department of highways main-| office 1s one from a boy (age |mosa and foreign diplomats got the seeds for a possible revolt, | are operational, and he wants ef-|ern occupation arrangements in yesterday called on the Ontario/guarantee the men were treated! They also claim support from tenance crews in Whitby and Bow-| unown) who promises to [confirmation Tuesday. [the Communist party centr al]/fective military hardware on the West Berlin, she is directly ate government to exert 'extreme fairly leaders of past revolts against|manville were out during the he good, stay ont of fights Despite Pelping's disclaimer, [committee emphasized that Mao|scene immediately, {fected by what happens, pressure' on both company and| The unfon Issued a statement (he union executive, One of these night conducting sanding and o04 "gon pushing and shov there . , fon In Hong Kong [18 stepping down voluntarily, | Before Norstad spoke, many ofl Canada had assoclated {itself union saying any 'realistic proposal men ho ask his name not be! plowing operations a" Shs g i 1 oy 3 enw {dh the delegates display ttle or) wi = "The time Is ripe for a settle: by the company would get a sec ain y ie dnked onl 4 oe ng for] Oshawa snow disposal units ng request? A punching Seoul and Nationalist Poros o Mao's loupiyent ii ja fread | sense of urgency toward the Rn pd ato "oy } " ¢ ailing AAR a p n mm " | Ww n 0 J W a ment,' he said In an Interview, ret vote but it would be con: the "proper time" for another!|began grappling with the pres-| bag that Mao is being downgraded by go nment expires \ strengthening of land forces or ber, 1954, The Canadian go 1 "The government should exert ducted "only by the union." ay ent falls as early as 930 pm : the Communist apparatus and ary, hut he will Joma in the | equipping them to. hurl es! ment agreed that the So ol Dt the utmost in pressure on both erp - ' Tuesday, working through the . will eventually be stripped of powerful post as chairman of the i" Soviet es801's 1s of No parties to reach a settlement SECRET BALLOT QUESTION Antl-Communist functions have S45 a ---------- power, | Communist. party, a o's | Norstad's 4 iy were backed pasa s of Nov, 27 were ui Weis Ll settleme i " _ " Pepi i able, The government has tremendous Asked ai utoeli Pp agituting ith she Anion abate This opinion Is based largely on COnEress e's 8 Relig Sox y the other NATO bommandert| "we go iat orono ite offi ball - | . , * > i . Ponta an is, opinions ould a seret proposal were rejected by oe N Sen suspended, fined or ( 'anada armer [Revort of Popular Soutbuelt n ramet \ ja He tonientn: D3. Aduia) tend to the creation of & free I av 4 " ar wojoven expelled for open attacks on {China over the commune system, y orra; Wright, com y AL A Murphy, Roman union neiotiators, financial seq (ina longoramin: pen which deprives the Chinese of A Sanamuniqus fom the central the Alliance's. Atlantic forces, They would lend Jsipad oy Ld und . hi { " itl thelr individuality and puts them "0/7 omp ; miral Sir Guy Grantham o % In 'he nearby Donovan| ts w to the negotiating Mlige athoriiay say there Is lto live in communities where 'Comrade Mao Tsetung will Britain, commander of channel Viet satellite, district, sald growing pressure on amin Ran stat t sald' the tle chance of violence, u Oo or on {thelr every action is subject tobe enabled all the better to con- naval forces, and British Air] Smith asked the foreign minis the union was what caused the! The un oy tema all Mio In surrounding McKim Town strict orders from above centrate his energies in dealing Marshal Sir Bryan V. Reynolds, |ters whether the West should ens Toronto talks to resume Toronto Wig were 1g ead De ship, the only community where! Fe Ad . a with questions of the direction, |commander of channel air/tively rule out possible interim "It was the mass meeting of Sause the hii A 4 Trove dissident wive ave received my THE CANADIAN PRESS | Winnipeg, usually one of the Peiping's oudcast today gave policy and line of the party and {opees arrangements for Berlin which " , p vd # ovide ate y , y » contres ue 5 successor as ' | ; didn iy ¥ riday fhat really poison : or Inco negotia threatening phone calls, police) anada was warming up today | cule t Prairie renin iy an a hk 03 TUrcenor Bing Wile The NATO delegates took up could he regarded as a first step the ha Qe ald, It put the union oy R gh Fh rt Guillet termed the after being gripped in a deep. overnight low of aint below i "He will also be enabled to set (he subject of military strength toward 'reunification, ¥ "It Is our hope that the attitude , en AV i 1 oy 8 Pl n ors freeze since the beginning of the #n €arty mor ang iy nperd Hr oy . aside more time for Marxist-Len-| after rejecting Soviet efforts to -- 4 al WIVES URGE VOTE of International Nickel Company ane sald 1d | fon Hr hei of month, one below zero, hw | was 4 i oe ecre ovie Inist theoretical work, without af- push the West out of Berlin, » " Meanwhile loadars of the DAK Loar ht hr nd ho (roapany Ite m wo iH oe carried out The mercury in cities from to Tn up to 20 degrees during feeling his continued leading role| Although they turned down the Police Station to-work movement among strik- now prepared to do some real he oni) incident fi been a coast to coast registered temper-| the da : inthe work of the state, This will Russian proposal, sources sald ers' wives renewed demands for bargaining so that the strike can HEN La cen. § 0 : Hers gin atures considerably higher than MAY WARM UP om er al be in the better interests of the the minister declared under . | a supervised vote among the be settled oo : A oni oh De hs those of the last two. week It was snowing in Ottawa and vhule party and of all the people| Canadian urging--their readiness e t uerie mine-mill membership on any There were indications the ' p i } ak In Toronto, the early morning are ivoal where the morning tem F t t C ft of the country to negotiate over Germany, we , it dH y p a . a -------------- -- wr - new offer submitted by the com: back-to-work movement might be Mond & iar Tr n b aa temperature of 33 degrees was perature. was two and three de as es Ia B C ». . any followed by a fresh ci align t ; 4 vo dies + highe oy since D roo I. ly axpecte i mm SS 1 Liola Breen and Mrs ihe the RA pe . A. 8 id tim had told the union Perreault th M 3 dig 9 gh ir n Brees respoclively and: expected LONDON (AP) + Russia now i Y 0 1 on 4 : ! A ¥ \ making $30 a week driving a!vhen it Was x as ri k to get warmer ag 3 x Ap y S00 Sy 00 Margaret Grenier ald "more another of the dissident wives, As maki 10 a week driving a Vancouver where the mercury Rs En a Ce Yan tn has in Ipurutiong) Service i Yc. eop 1s) ed PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A than half" of the 13,000 strikers Mrs. Marion Ro J was up to 46 degrees and warm ta ae iin tol Rl i ( a ures 4 . ix ; . J . eo A ; {cash box containing $63 has heen in this area are ready to go back Now that we've got the hall chinook wind ont Calgary a Tue = 5 i of {3 I on 3é mney hurics oa 3 ; ag any | tolen from the detective's office t k If the company supple: rolling there's quite a bit that y te srature §0i g to] loronto & uskoka lz, dSudbury operational United Slales heavy au the city police station, the 0 wor 'e comp ple: rolling NATO Hears Of morning temperature S0ATING 10/5 hd North Bay 3. bomber, Jane's All the World Ail n tore aze Ca poe Tela a hd P | od Move By Sovie "Regina, which registered a high But the weather forecast i df re reports tous, salt Maye i chic ib y I 1s { 21 degrees and an|the warm readings were nol ex he new Soviet delta = wing : A . Pica » A Mobs ; olice Chief John Naples, sume nion on ering 3 bask of Sow of seven, had a/pected to last bomber can travel about 1,400 BOGOT A, € olumbla (AR) Fire|of the m were employes of the moned to a meeting Tuesday to PARIS \p Fhe Atlant " ag of 30 "The Wart R a Br miles an hour--about twice the 'aged through a crowded depart- store i ceount for the theft which oes morning reading' of he warmer readings are duc ment store in Bogota Tuesday, The remainder were mostly council of foreign min gol' a to an intense storm centred Speed of sound---the authoritative hay Bi . H joaus, . curred two weeks ago, spent 18 British aviation publication says it, killed 82 persons and In. women shoppers, some accom minutes in camer: vith th oves n a KS varning Tuesday that Russia | THOUGHT FOR TODAY around Lake Huron and Georgian British aviation y : ' juring 50, according to the offi: panied by children tl : ik I av." the forecaster Tor Fastest: UJ , egular 4h . ) iree-man commission trving to ren » Western influ Bay," the forecaster in Toronto Fastest U.S. bomber in regular qi. ont |" It was estimated 10 children : 4 + ot ; d sald service now is the eight-jet B-52 ° + a of the ee He was then handed a motion ence from Afric n con victims were died in the fire sta LL si ' 5 ap statin The commiss 4 trol there for Soviet purpose Establishing a love nest It Is moving towards the east, with a speed of about mach 1 n00 Almost all were sulfo-| The fire was caused by a short with Ra the. ny im) views A has got many a man oul on a preading snow and giving higher (speed of sound), The Americans. ioq or trampled in the panic, circuit in a display of light bulbs. [of a box conta y $63 y nd limb temperatures but cold air Is com- have a multi-jet heavy bomber . . 0X containing ++ AN TORONTO (CP Talks aimed! The last offer made hy Inco was for a three-year contract providing for no wage Increase A lig during the first vear. The com. produced hy NATO secretar today with no indication from the pany's stand has been that it/lal suggested the Russians are at settling the long International one report he fire raged fdr two hours| Rescue work and recovery of ii appearing further ac i tly " : lam : v ) appearing no further action has | Fight hae de ually fol il B i Hust J Sch has before being brought under con- bodies continued for three hours heen taken by you to solve the A ola Mm ASS usua oliow achieved mac < hu 5 0 © f, i " " $$. st principals whether any new pro cannot increase wages now be. using Presid asser's United ». a. SlorTh and. AHSTI00N Berber 5 2 aperationl. service y tre, {amid confusion, The store is 10+ theft, the commission directs yow posals were to be discussed cause of the glut of nickel on the Arab Republic as a hridgehead rim trugg e tures in Toronto London a dl "One of the bombers Is believed. Lot of the deaths occurred on|cated in the central part of Bo- immediately fo make all neces world market for continental penetration Wind. ro. sxbcted ; A he ITY l al Roses fl ta sl ay which part of the gota, and the crowds of Christ-|sary inquiries and investigations hdsor were expecied lo drop earmarked lor use as a HYINE now took in the belief they had! mas shoppers both inside and out into this theft." . } srnath | Union ol Because of production cut I'he report made no recon . ne slow roasting. Tha el boss . * Riizkin' " and the Internationa 0 \ gainst ce back to below freezing. The mer: test bed for Russia's first ai found a way oil. Instead they added ta the chaos. | The cash box is used to hold Mine Mill and Smelter Workers back ordered by Inco during the mendations on what the 15 Atlan wary t 1 "The ty sal oRgine Arias Mine, Mill and cury tonight was expected to dip borne nuclear engine, but there goo (gunned in an office mez-| Damage to the store was estl- money taken for the supply of Nickel Company strike resumed Representatives of the company ( rel i « nent as they year, employes were working tie Allies should do, But it left the - N ] NIT OC! a was p \ 'ma . h Ind.) refused comm 0 pormd 107 and 15 degrees be- was no official confirmation of zanihe Imated at 1,000,000 pesos ($125, duplicate, records, fingerp: A began talks in separate board only a 32-hour week When the clear impression that Allied pow . { low zero. this report Nw ral | any. . rooms at the Ontario labor de- strike began ers with interests in Africa should] t1 es n ™ port, HALF EMPLOYES 000. wa {and visas, Cash taken for supplys partment offices Inco offered boosts of one and act in concert to defeat parallel i Seventy-five of the dead had) Fire extinguishers along the|ing prisoner's meals is also kept per cent respectively in the efforts of the Russians and the! MONTREAL (CP)--The grim been; identified carly today, Half'walls were ignored. there, | . Withi inutes the \ 1 team ' Ww pri bs Kotor M ister second and third years of the U.AR. to oust Western influence battle against relentless winter Daley who called the meelings| contract from Africa jee on the St. Lawrence River hi " k today with three ice in a bid to end the wage strike continued breakers leading the attack now in its 85th day, and chief hd LJ | i PON on officer Lows Fine | The icebreakers D'Iberville Runcidution ot Louis Fine City Bewildered and Ay DE. Ww hich nave! St. George Bank Robbed ! Phe government officials spent ; wen carrying the fight against <k : 10 minutes with the union group ween - carrying the fight agair BRANTFORD (CP)--~An armed man held up the Bank ) ice-pac ) J wn before returning to Mr, Daley's loot leeucis 40 ies 4 a , of Montreal branch in nearby St. George today and got away office. Shortly afterwards Mr H " f with an amount of cash believed to he less than $1,000 paley and Mr. Fine and com reinforced today by the N.B ; y . ; MacLean, a powerful ship which T » . pany officials went. inte joint diy i aber City on a t20mie Toronto Woman Stripped, Kicked cussions with the union n BW R K Al ' Then an the Wade ' inte ption of In journey to Lanoraie Tuesday TORONTO (CP)-A 2-voar<ld woman told police four tothe: }M » y y the #4 unds bre Some 14,800 employes of the Potrahol WRU 3 300 000 daily nine abit morning, men held her prisoner in her west-end apartment, stripped company went on strike last papers to read blur. i Never did I sell so many dif The three must break. a 200 her of nearly all her clothing, kicked her in the face and Sept. 24 on a dispute over wages, ? 3 ee Wall 8ts ferent papers as in the last twolfoot-wide trail through 20 miles left after an unsuccessful burglary attempt in and nd Upeutions a" - "Brew iy go X bits ine. Fk says a harried. Sixth|of ice if 30 ocean-going freight. | T C ify age Fort Lohorpe, ry ont hiv Mil R venue vendor Foreign lan: ers are to reach more navigable oronto hil t NO COMMENT aun 3 yo Vitke sours yd' guage papers, out-of-town papers, waters south of Quebec City on A 1 d A tacked : Those who took part in the RY ike It's all your fault|anything their arduous trip to the ocean TORONTO (CP)---Police sald today a seven-year-old girl ose whi F * sumehow,' . . . : akan Th 3 3 re 4 talks had no comment on what , a Over at Grand Central another| Elven of the ships which was held prisoner Tuesday for more than an hour by a hORrEas. lLany, was made Tues A girl in a subway train So stand operator finds something normally spend the winter plying sunken-cheeked' man and assaulted in two buildings near hg There was no indication that he says te me, 'You know there's else ocean routos--are imprisoned in| er home. Police said a man about 40 approached the girl A 1 a new crisis in Berlin? And 1] op, on her way to school and told her he had been speaking to . \ ol ' we . "ar 30 either side had me forward coc 'No. a / % never ld more candy an ice pack near Lanoraie, 3 hu \ i a ¥ x ' and I'm glad I don't a . wr mother and that she was ho accompany him to get 4 , and cigarets. T guess if 1 | rom Montreal, while an 1 ¥ with a fresh offer ; ' ¢ « ge hey can't miles fron lontreal, Al polio injections M Daley From a news paper office read they want to chew other 19 wait in Montreal harbor Mr ale switchboard How's business?! The sale of ma « \ ' : | appe: for their chance at running the » ment was J Terrific! People calling up to ask to depend on what part of Ret gauntlet Inco Talks Adjourned y town | 1CY 1 i ; union . and ( al , ttle thing . ' ' silent ! h Ty little ho : You are in. In a ial district] The icebreakers' task is com TORONTO (CP)--Peace talks aimed at settling the In ON "MOST WANTED" LIST " i . Pp opulace it becomes skyserape \ bi p has alplicated by the shallow waters ternational Nickel Company strike adjourned after 2% hours 1} al \ y cl 'TOSS 1 lor f t nl n \ " { i S v 1 thin . te 4 Hp y il iy ho i day ng ( elephone re: [Lake St. Peter, which lies be today. Labor Minister Daley. who had called the meetings Delective-Sergeant Gaston Ar- | arrival by train from Sydney, | most wanted criminals, is te i | i y . tou " 8_hothe A 2 an a WH ol {que I got more magazines|tween Lanoraie and Trois Ris between the company and the International Union of Mine chambault of the Quebec Pro. | N.:§., where Tousignant was ar- | face trial on two charges of ate wg left vi by | loss of VS i t on order th rol {eres whe yf 1a y T 9 3 1 8 I « oy Is also{put away 1 order than 1 got Jere where the going is relatively Mill and. Smelter Workers Ind. said the discussions would vincial Police homicide squad | rested. The 29-year-old fugitive, | tempted murder trying all kinds of substitutes for{out on display." oN 3 be re nd Thea oy 3 'anada' CP WwW he ---------- 4 onsier he resumed Thursday leads Roland Tousignant after | listed as one of Canada's five ---( irephote CITY EMERGENCY | SEE rompers |COMMUNITY $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 $150,000 $175,000 POLICE RA 5-1133 CHEST ) ao) FIRE DEPT. RA 5-657 147,703. HOSPITAL RA Ai SCOREBOARD . : |

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