Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1958, p. 3

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CRIPPLED CHILDREN ENTERTAINED BY OSHAWA ROTARIANS - ~ ONE HUNDRED and eight waen children and 60 parents were guests of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, in the Pleeadilly 'Room of Hotel Genosha Mon: 'diy night, when the club held 7 / 7 -™ gi a its annual Christmas party, In the upper pleture is a group of the children gathered around Santa Claus, In the lower ple ture 1s five-year-old Johnnie Malezak, 310 Guelph street, with EN City council Monday night t [voted 11 « 4 In favor of necepting | lan offer by a Windsor bus com. | [pany to operate Oshawa's trang ' it system on a subsidised basis, { [But the whole matter has to be approved hy the Ontario muni. elpal hoard, and It Is possible the hoard may refer the question to a city plebiscite, Connell rejected the idea of the ! lolly taking over the service from Canadian Natlonal Railways, L (whose franchise expires in a year, Lone supporter of a muniel: pality-operated systein Was Ald John Brady, Ald Christine Thom as, however, strongly attacked the speed with which she elaimed council was attempting to dispose of the matter and pressed unsue. cessfully for a closed meeting In arder to discuss the matter fur ther fhe and Ald, Brady were the only two who voted against coun oll approving the takeover hy the privately owned and operated Windsor company, FEW DETAILS GIVEN Only the bare essentials of the proposed agreement between the eity and the company were men tioned by Ald, A, V. Walker, traf fie and transport commitiee chalrman, The name of the com. pany was not stated, The Issue had heen thrashed out in several committee meet ings prior to yesterday's open council meeting, The press was | FOX HUNT 18 | CITY COUNCIL PLAN Police and health officials in hlack caps, red coals, shouting "Tally Ho"? Not exactly, but they are organising a fox hunt In an effort to prevent rabid rey nards entering the city This was disclosed to elly countil Monday hy Ald, John Brady, property and general purposes committee chair man, who moved successfully that council officially ask for the hunt Aldermen also agreed to the elty matehing a 82 provinelal bounty for all foxes killed "Rabies 18 a very serious disease and anything we can do to eliminate the cause should be approved," he sald meetings, but solely for the pur pose of obtaining background, and not for report STATEMENT TO COUNCIL This Is the statement by Ald Walker at last night's meeting lon which aldermen were asked to Iyole "Phe traffic and transportation | | [ » 4 > he » | committee received from three private operators w ho sought to take over the local transportation ay Sag all three D [of whom requested subsidies art eams | "We appear to be entering a [new ea In the operation of our . . municipal bus system, For the past 10 years we have enjoyed [ 1 1e a buk transportation system in our eity at no cost to the tax. Fernhill and Storle Park teams payer, but, lke many other On [remained tied at the top of the'tario municipalities, we now find CRA Nelghborhood Dart League this situation has changed and following games last Thursday, subsidies ave the new order, Fernhill defeated Wastviewi| "We do not like the idea of [Rundle defeated Woodview No. 11] subsidies, but municipal bus lines Storle defeated North Oshawa do not appear to be a paying and Southmead won from Wood: [proposition any longer and we view No. 2, All games were de-iape forced to accept the situa olded hy the same score «= 3 to 3. {jon most assuredly the bus Players who doubled In and|sysiem must be maintained in out of 401 were: ND, Aldridge, A |any event, Douglas Hurl of Waubena Ken. | "4308, 0 Jarman, M. rees®i| "It in interesting to note what nels, Mr, Hurl presented the® ele, oh eR Major. [1ome other cities are faced with club with a black cooker spans |" Ral NF Tae PB. Fave, OF:lin this regard, Peterborough, for lel for a draw with the thers Walt 'Olive Clark. R Horan. | oughbred canine going to the 1" (ial Ruth Hopson Dn. Clark, | ehild holding the Winning {ieket BR. Clark. BR. Germond. J. Hou Oshawa Times Photos [gon A "Rpavant, M, Wilson, GQ seale from $34,000 to $45,000 plus 50 per cent of the annual defieit invited to the more recent of the proposals Municipal Board Must Make Final Decision involved, Considerable discus. slon was carried out on this point, "In the event the city took over the system, a debenture Issue of approximately $100,000 would he necessary for the initial outlay, and figures presented showed the yearly operating costs to be slightly In excess of the private operator's proposal which Is now being proposed, "The traffic and transportation committee is unanimous In its] opinion that the proposal of Mr, | J. J, Dixon presents the best solu tion to our municipal transporta tion problem," PUBLIC OWNERSHIP OPPOSED Ald, Brady, stating that a pub. liely-owned system would he in the best Interests of the city, ob: served that If a subsidy were to be paid It should be pald to a service belonging to the city, He noted that TCA, CNR, CPt and CBC were all subsidized by the government and were doing well, "A privately « owned service {would not be In the best publie in. terests,"" he claimed, Bid For Bus Backed By City Council fund they ean draw from it," she sald, Ald, Thomas remarked that if the company did build wp its ansels, the eity, If it wished to take away the franchise, could not buy the operation back for $40, 000 "And If they have profits they will bulld up thelr business, We have to buy Into the company al the end of the 10 years according to the assets they have mecumu- lated," she sald Another point Ald, Thomas felt could hear further examination was the provision that if the company could not renew rental of the CNR garage, the oily was committed to bullding a new one "All this should have come back to us to give us a further opportunity to consider it," she sald, "It would he unwise for us to reach a decision tonight", Ald, Thomas said she had se cured a statement of the present bus service's 1057 accounts, and a surplus was shown, The 1068 fi gures were not available as ye! and it was possible they might not he #0 pork as the ones for the p/evious year Ald, Brady sald a number of people now employed on the bus| service were approaching retire. ment, but if it were taken over [by a private company there would be no pensions for them, "They have given good serv to this city and are probably de pending on their pensions for re tirement,'"" he sald He hoped the municipal board would take the view that a vote |of the people should decide the | {gsue NO PENSION PLAN | Ald, Walker replied that every one who had discussed the matter [Waa disappointed the employes {would recelve no pension if the system were taken over as recom mended, but If the city took It over the present employes would {have to start in as completely new employes as far as pensions were concerned, "I think If there is a bad point foe | No! ' {about this proposal, it 1s this pen slon business," Ald, Walker said, "We are at a loss to know how we oan overcome the situation," Mayor Lyman Gifford sald he junderstood the employes could stil continue with the CNR and be eligible for thelr pensions, | Ald, Whlker said he was refers [ring to employes who would not remain with the CNR, He be lleved six or seven of them had made application to stay with the |CNR, He thought any of the em |ployes could apply to stay with [the railway, COSTS CITED Ald, 8, T, Hopkins no | that If example, over the next five Years ihe city took over the operation! will pay a subsidy on a SHANG jig posts would be slightly higher ness, I am quite sure the elty (than the maximum costs an. tiolpated by the private company, "But there 1s nothing to indi: cate by these figures that we would have a deficit of the amount stated to us the other night," she claimed, Asked where she got the fi [gures, Ald, Thomas replied; "1 [oalled up Mr, Brown" She went on: "The CNR sald a popy of this statement was turned over to the eity, and 1 think it's he right of every one of us to oe It, Not at any time has the finance committee (of which she is ohalrman) been asked to deal [with this matter even though it is [largely a question of finance "We were elected to protect the # TH GAWA TINE, Towle, Seube 16 9 § urchase and remove Council Seeking Tracks Removal The railway tracks on King street might be removed at inst, City council Monday night ap proved a resolution oalling on the Canadian National Rallway to cense Its operation on King street the tracks after Mayor Lyman A, Gifford said he had information leading him to believe this might be done If the Way +o approach' were made to the CNR, The Mayor's motion noted that King street was part of Highway commercial street is no anges Justified by any reasons suffie to outweigh the public interest in thelr removal," The resolution asks the CNR te apply to the Canadian tran commissioners and to take whats over other steps are necessary for ending of the railway operations aud Fmavaj of the King street racks, NO FOOTBALL eo mayor added; "Nobody can adtuse me of using this as » political football, 1 deliberately No, 2 and was the main b street of the city, TRACKS NOT JUSTIFIED It also pointed out that Oshawa had grown to a eity of more than 50,000 people "and the operation of freight trains and the of rallway tracks along the main Suspend enence oft it until after the elections," ,| Ald, Christine Thomas sald the ONR turned down a request to re- move the tracks three years ago, "This would be of the greatest benefit to Oshawa, 1 Jobe there will be some action in the near future," she added, Sentence For Sheep Theft "Wild - West style" rustling brought three Myrtle youths be. fore Magistrate C, M, Guest, In Oshawa, Monday, on charges of theft of six sheep, Kenneth Timms, Grant, 17, Thomas 17 and Alan Carnochan, 10, pleaded guilty to the charges, (wales slips In the name of Timms, {for six sheep, Three of the sheep, he sald, were wold for #13, each, and the other three for $10.76 each, Statements by the three ae: cused were read to the court, [Al but Timms admitted stealing and were placed on suspended the sheep, Grant and Carnochan, sentence for a year Donald Wade, a Myrtle farmer, told the court that on Nov, 24, he [In thelr statements, sald that they had worked for Wade and had not heen pald, "It was the only way had noticed that six shock were to even the score,' Carnochan's missing from a flock of 20 In a|statement read, detachment In Whithy, SHEEP SOLD AT ORONO interests of the taxpayer and that is what 1 pronose to do." Ald. John Dyer sald he could not see Ald, Thomas's objec tion to the company asking for more than $40,000 for the opera (ton if, after two years, it had [built up Ms Assets |" "We are helping them build up thelr assets," Ald, Thomas re lied Ald, Ceoll Bint sald the CNR financial report was given to the [olty treasurer whose report, | [turn, wan given to the counell In committee, NOT WIDIT'G FIGURES Ald, Walker: "We are not try: Ing In any way to hide any figures [whatever from the citizens of Osh (awa, Put we are certainly not going to lst every single little figure presented to us, "We have all gone Into this, Private operators are not in busi ess to lose money, They are na urally trying to make a profit the same an any other busi | t treasurer 1a satiated with the resent position, | pasture near Myrtle, He sald that| ve notified the provinelal polle Carnochan and Grant admitted that the stolen sheep had heer transported to Orono market In the trunk of Timms' car, LJ Constable Morley Richardson of WILD-WEST STYLE the Whithy detachment told the| court that on Information re Wootten commented: Acting Crown Attorney Cleorge "You ceived, he went to Newcastle, thought because he hadn't pald where he questioned Timms, Helyou, you could rustle his sheep, sald that he later questioned wiid.west style." {Grant and Carnochan in Myrtle, Recalled to the stand, Wade He testified that at a livestock 4 aneetinald that he could not remember market in Orono he recov ered| owing any money to the accused, When the case for the Crown CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi. dents of Oshawa and distriet who are celebrating birthdays today! Mrs, Donald Johnston, 111 King street east, Rowman. ville; Bill Ashby, 81 Fernhill boulevard: Michael! Norwick, RR 1, Oshawa: Loretta Hap gard, A025 Ortono avenue; Lynda Bremner, RR §, Osh awa: Mra, Beverley Scott, 150 Harmony road north; Joanne and Gordon Rostond, 20% Cadillac street south; Carol Lynn Wallace, 407 King street closed, Constable Richardson ree turned to the stand to tell the court that he knew the three youths, slightly, ay are not bad," he sald, "They have help. od me directing traffic while 1 wan Investigating accidents," His Worship placed the trio on suspended sentence for one year, ordering that they make full reatls tution within three months, 2 Petty Officers Are Sacked, Jailed HALIFAX (CP)=-Two petty of ficers were sentenced to prison and dismissed from the navy Monday after being convicted of ! ) ' IY (In Sarnia, the elty was without; would cost taxpayers a any, "Let us have no doubt the transportation for two months f | , y ) ™ a0 {mum of $30,800 annually com: citigens are going to have to pay and Is now working on a one: pared with the maximum of $37,:/the profits, -But Mr, Dixon was children from the Christmas! R, Adair, ¥, Parsons, F, Den 4 4 oh calla f Tree sham, J. Goulding, 1. Goulding, Year bus contract which calls for 000 the city would have to paylfar and away the cheapest pri: Houston, Midge Wilson, P, John 1] distributed. and to a cacophony of son, Roh Crawford, D. Crawford ot The first five persons to ine form The Oshawa Times of stealing nearly $2,000 from sup. ply stores at HMCS Stadacona here, Draw Fo r Puppy Excites Children One of the outstanding events Tucker, supervisor of nurses for | of the year, the Christmas Party given annually by the Rotary Suh of Oshawa for crippled ehil [the Oshawa Board of Health, | While the service club mem bers and their guests were being wren, lived up to all expectations seated accordion musie was pro «at Hotel Genosha Monday night 'Every detall had heen arranged «hy the committees and the dinner 'and entertainment ran off without a hiteh, + One hundred and eighteen chil n and 60 parents were guests tof the club, 'homes and taken home again fol Jowing the party, Armangements for the » . . MMs fellow committee members, «Rotarian Ralph Jewell was in 'eharge of the decoration of the - wgally ornamented tables; while {Rotarian Fay Brooks was respon: wible for the decoration of the {Christmas trees, which were gay swith tinsel and colored lights, Re er ansportation arrange ments " X SPECIAL GUESTS + Beated at the head table were Skinner, club president; the members of the crippled ohil: ¥iren's committee and two special 8, Misa Miller, district nurse the Ontario Crippled Chil. fren's Society and Miss Gertrude hey were picked up wy members of the club at thelr party 'were made hy Rotarian Clark Hubbell, chairman of the club's sorippled children's committee and Charlton took care vided by Joan George Macko hy Rotarian R Grace wan. sald Rn, Milroy Christmas [Joined with the hotel staff in the serving of a hot turkey dinner with all the accompanying good things that make for galety during the holiday season, The program included a sing: song led by Rotarian Charles Lancaster; sleight of hand tricks by Jack Bateman, of Toronto, which had the small guests amased and bewildered, There were also several draws for toys and gifts conducted hy Rotarians George Charleton and Murray Macleod, DRAW FOR PUPPY Always one of the hMghlights of the evening Douglas Hurl, of Wau bena Kennels, presented the elub with a black cocker spaniel puppy, In the draw, to the ae compani of squeals of an tielpation, the puppy was won hy Johnnie Malesak, §, son of My and Mrs, = Ted Malosak, 310 Guelph 8, Noisemakers and horns were distributed and to a cacophony of sound Santa Claus arrived and COMING BINGO Kinsmen Ringe, Jubilee Pavilion every Tuesday, Door prises, ack pote, hus serves, -------- - SPECIAL UNT! Clubhouse. RUCHRE Glad oem Avenue, \ ber 17, B13 pw. Good prises, door prize, 3 cents Mia Valley view L CHRISTMAS Zubkavieh and whe | | also told the ohildren the story of Members of the elub KINSMEN BINGO Before leaving for home each! Winning teams of hasehall:| of the young guests was present: Woondview No, 2 74: North ed with a frull basket, {Oshawa 0; Woodview No, 1 fio, Fernhill Ls High Three Darts Baseball One Inning were: Dick Aldridge 6, F Parsoiis 8, J. Carlson 8 Wl Clark 8, J, Houston 8, Mike Wil son 8, Roh Crawford 4, ¥. Den sham 4, J. Goulding 4, Vi Graves 4, Rick Harman 4, Ross Mills 4, | {Ray Cornish 4, Tom Rae 4, Lily [Rae 4, Harry Fayle 4, Doug | Clark 4, Marg Germond 4, pos) the eity TEN-YEAR FRANCHISE "The subsidy requested by the private operator which our com: mittee 1s recommending eannot he over $37,000, and It Is quite possible that it could be consider ably less, The proposal 1a based on a 10.year franchise, with a special clause under which either party can cancel after two years of operation "The proposed new opergtor presented not only the besly fi. nancial arrangement as far as the oity Is concerned, but also ap: pears. to have a wealth of ex: perience as far as municipal transportation systems are con. cerned, The proposal also con. tains an added statement covering the welfare of the present em. ployes, "The granting of the new bua franchise muat go before the mu. nicipal board whe have com. plete jurisdiction over this entire matter, There ia a possibility that a city-wide vole may be called relative to the granting of the franchise, This 1s also a mat: - for the municipal board to de olde, "The transportation and tratfio committee has heen working en the bus problem for several months and has gone into the matter very thoroughly, A meet. ing of council in committee was held last week at which time the entire bus ploture was dealt with {and the proposals of vavieus pri vate operators Clark 4, Midge Wilson 4 | Team standings--Fernhill 33, {Storie 3%, North Oshawa 28, Run Idle 24, Woodview No, 2 23, South. mead 22, Rastview 21 and Wood: {view No, 1 18 NATO Opens ' With Hopes For Berlin Ry HERR ALTSCHULL PARIS (AP)--Members of the North Atlantic alllance met to. day with prospects of agreement on a response to the Soviet threat to Berlin, But bitter disputes over other issues divided some of the Allies, The annual meeting of the 18 NATO foreign ministers opened Appointed Rs GSO 1 14.Col, F, & Wotton, who re cently relinquished command of with: the Ontaria Regiment, has been| | Britain and France scream: (appointed as General Staff OFling at each other about trade ficer, Grade 1, and attached tolgisorimination the 16 Militia Group with head:| 2 The United States and quarters in Toronto, | France: quarreling openly about His duties will caver the aper military policy, and ational role of all the regiments 3 Greece, Turkey and Rritain The 18 Militia Group parades pute in Northern Owtario, embroiled in their Cyprus dis two evenings per week, similar | " " to the method employed at the CLOSER ON RERLIN | But a certain At of unanks {Ontario Regiment . | Lt-Col. Wotton will continue Mity Mare 10° be emerging er Rerlin [his duties as Civil Defence Co. OV Informants sald the West prob ably would come up with a fresh ance at this meeting. "The commitiee alse present: od to council at this meeting a complete report on the possibility of the city taking over the bus lines, and the varions problems MANY IN USA. | ordinator for the County of On tength, The press was in attend: | Ald, Thomas complained the question was submitted to full oounell (in committee) only the week before and that a decision had been reached then in about two hours, She sald she was not debating whether it should be al [ publie or private undertaking at| this point, but there were several points In the proposed agreement she wished to query, She thought" there should be a clarification of the clause calling for an end to "Jitney" service on the bus routes, did not believe there should be any interference with this, especially where the transportation of children to and from school was concerned, CITY PLANS FUND Ald, Thomas noted the city waa to set up a $370,000 fund over the 10 years of the franchise, It meant the company could call on the eity to meet any deficit result Ing from the bullding wp of assets by plowing profits back Into the operation, "They can draw their defleit from this fund, They are not tied down to drawing $7,000 In any| an $04,000 subsidy payment bythe company In case of a deficit, vate operator we were able to got a proposal from" ASSETS DETERMINE PRICE Ald, Hopkins sald the purchase of equipment did not create a defieit, If the city were to take over the service from the com thelr birthdays each day will receive double tickets fo the Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The cur rent attraction la 'Escapade in Japan" and "Run of the Arrow," Maleolm Douglas Caldwell, 38 of Peareau, N.§,, wan convicted of theft of $1,800; Willlam Reilly O'Hearon, 32, of loggleville, NB, was found guilty of steal: ing $908 Caldwell got a year in naval pany the price would be deter mined hy the assets, but the olty would then be in a better position to operate it, He suggested the CNR's bua surplus was caused by low depre. olation on the 10 year-old equip: ment and the fact that there were no insurance costs to pay. "Don't forget the proposed new operator could lose money if the deficit is greater than $37,000, as Rt could very easily be Ald, Hopkina sald, Mrs, Thomaa' motion to discuss prison, O'Hearon three months, NATURAL PERFECTLY the matter again with the elty treasurer and eity solicitor pres: ent was lost hy 11 votes ta two, | Commented Ald, Hayward Mur doch from the chair: "It will be a long time before 1 sit in on any) more meetings in relation to ses " | Ald. Walker's motion eallin for| council's approval of the Dixon | waa then carried by 11 one year, It there is money in the | reviewed at 134_SIMCOR cream bricks, 25¢ «== mi take out, BANDSHELL COFFEE SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT 5 JONN STREET, ONE DOOR WIEST OF STORE HOURS--MON, TO SAT. 8AM. TOS P.M, Votes to two, | -- I ST, SOUTH Specializing in tasty hamburgs, hot dogs, lunches and home-made pies and ice cream. e sell icé lk shakes and coffee to SHAPED by Professional Pruning | RED PINE BALSAM PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES Colored ® SILVER ® GOLD ® PINK e BLUR ® WHITE SPRUCE FIR Window Size Apartment Size WATCH WEARERS Only six per cent of the U8, adult population never wears wrist watches, Seventy-three per cent of the people usually wear theirs Get cash for the Christmas watoh you'd like to give with Oshawa Times Classified ads, Sell the furnishings, toys or tools you aren't using to Want [tara and City of Oshawa | 2 Boats Collide 1 Feared Dead HOUGHTON, Mich, (AP)-One man was lost and feared drowned but a second was rescued in a collision of twa fishing boats on Gay, a town on the eastern shore Lake Superior Monday, of the Keweenaw Peninsula. The Ad readers lookl for these A foot plywood fishing tug hs sank items. Dial RA § 10 place collided with a steel-hulled fish falter Wiernlus, 44, was losh| your ad ing boat about 1,000 yards off'state poles sald, 4 ---------- call for diplomatic talks with the Le Trees [Russians aimed at an eventual Churches, Hells, Isummit meeting, The West would Stores insist that the summit ec ference "tackle the German veunification question as well as the broader isswe of security in. central Europe, | £ choose Your \ TREE EARLY UHH KHIR HE RNR A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING EAST RA 5.1764 * MEET YOUR FRIEND AT THE BANDSHELL - * WE WISH OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR JUBILEE PAVILION EVERY TUESDAY 20-320 Games $150 Jackpots $20 each line Plus $50 full car , 5-330 Gomes 10-35 Door Prizes 2---$250 Jackpots + One $250 jackpot must go every week. If over 400 people in attendance, ADMISSION $1.00 INCLUDES | CARD BUS BRRVICH DR

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