Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1958, p. 2

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2 THE DSHAWA TIMES, Tessdey, Desomber 16, boner TOYS RPT Ls ES One of the biggest after-duty projects Jong on st the Can. adiap maintmance area of the UNEF in the Middle Fast, is the manufacturing of toys for wo : 8 ¥ FOR NEEDY CHILDREN Erle Hollingsworth of Brome Que, Cin, Frank Bellows of Ploton, Ont,, and Cpl. Dave Clarey of Oshawa, Ont, «(National Defence Photo) | refugee children of the Gaza | Strip, Canadian :ldiers mak. | Ing toys out of vood and scrap metal are from | 't, 8/8gt, Bill Wacey of Picton, Ont, Spr 'TEMPERS FLARE Nipigon Work Questioned A tired 1080 city eouncll, wind. | ug Gene 0 ukipiy 2 eniny what may well be its last ing, broke out in a rash of ner. vous recriminations when the awkward question was put by Ald. Hayward Murdech; Who authorised work to be done on a Nipigon street subdivi. Jock this year when council une decreed the city could Damage Heavy In Seven Accidents The value of the d to CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS | Attersley Ald, John Dyer, defeated in the sider a uest by the Oshawa ety eouncll this month, [420 wing of the RCAFA to pur was complimented on his serv-|chase bullding No, 10 at the alr- ices to the community by Mayor port, ntly leased to the On- May Join ite Si a ris Fok 0 © "| Bogton Team would miss him, He Ald, Dyer would offer himself fo the Sholom Construction 14d. have| One of Whithy Dunlops' most city at the next election or to the offered to buy the parks board outstanding forwards, Bobby At: council next year so that he/bwilding on Park roafi north for|tersley, may join Boston could be appointed to a board of($15,000, Some six acres are In- Bruins of the National Hockey commission, volved, The parks board Is look- League on & five-game trial bas: ing for a new loeation on whichis, it ean expand, | is definite," Is alright Pi. sold (ro |Attersiey J BUSINESS INSUFFICIENT |i" vn Bi, the Duniops hd press and Canadian Pacific Ex Gin ve Jroviding 8 few detalls |press have 'ormed council it is H not practicable to deliver express| Atersley maintain the to all parts of the city as there is not sufficient business In some| ruins would sections to warrant it, The com: panies suggest applications be made for specific areas, | Weighing 155 pounds, the 25 SPECIAL MAIL BOX Ivear-old Attersley thinks that he | Counell agreed to the Temovai ly, oid no be In as good eondl- of three parking meters on Celio," Sine WHT, players, [lina street to enable the post of | Attersley was. quoted as says fice to erect a "snorkel" malling!;,.o. "I think that after a couple box, allowing motorists to mall| games with the Bruins, both letters without leaving their ears. |; 4 club and myself would got A | NEW TRAFFIC LIGHTS |Kk0od idea of how I was playing Council also agreed to the instal. In A might, SOmpanY. A poi lation of complete sets of tral V4 like to play ont of ve fie Hgnis at the ol eTsection of that is okay with the Bruins, Tor and Ritson road and Bloor stréet yomte was sel As a convenience { 8, NEW SERVICE STATION |ywICE WITH WERSHEY | Approval was given for the| Althoigh he has never had #n {construction of two flew Texaco NHL trial, he has tried out twice service slations al the north Hom locate a home for the aged, west corner of Bimooe and Av With the Hever | Ban 9 ia nue streets and at the south-west torley in the 24 games he has T0 CONSIDER OFFER comer of Cedar and Wentworth do old ii "Con on "With the Dun: Property committee will con- streets. [nies has fired 16 goals and assist, OBITUARIES led on 29 others, i" RESOLUTION RESC D Counetl rescinded a resolution in 1058, call. vidual lof owners of the same ser: i they would be subject if the land eonvoyed were 8 subdivision, The mayor sald it was he who had moved the motion in 1058, but he had sites found It to be wrong, $1500 CONTRACT : Approval was given for a $1, A Sontract to an Tagine prepare a preliminary re. port on phlei of the Wil- son road CNR structure, RETIREMENT AGE SET A bylaw was passed providing for the retirement of all person nel of the fire department af the ogo of f0---exc the fire chief, wi retires at 65, OFFER REFUSED The estate of Arthyr W, 8, Greer has turned down a city offer of $2,000 for two lots of land on the Hills and Dales sec: tion on whith it fs proposed to all be played in Maple Leaf Gardens, and spread "lout over the remaining schedule, FEARS FOR CONDITION e Park vehicles in seven minor accel dents in Oshawa, Monday, would have bought a brand-new car, No Injuries were reported from |the accidents, although the total damage exceeded $3,000, | On Rossland road east, a car driven by James M, Souch, 27, RR2, Oshawa, was In collision {with a ear driven by Charles A, | Parry, 809 Centre street, Damage [totalled $1200, At the Intersection of Bimeoe off so the children could get In to play during the summer," she am Ald, Thomas eid the work had not cost $800, "Mr, Bathe (parks ) said there were ways In which the werk could be done," 0d Mayor: "1 want Mr, Bathe to occurred involving cars driven know he fs working under his/P¥ Douglas Colborne, 76 Rowe bosses who are the ks board, Street and Richard Dingman, #7 Arlington avenue. The two ve: hicles sustained $350 damage. Damage exceeded $200 in an ac. cident at Athol and Albert streets involving cars driven by Noel Clif. ford Marshall, RR 1, Plokering {and George Charles Wilson, 68 | Sunset drive, A car driven by Lee Joseph Bourgeols, 252 St, Clarens avenue, Toronto, was in collision with a car driven by Walter Sheraput, 40 Dunkirk avenue, on Park road south, Damage amounted to Be careful, J on't stick your fin. $600, Icy road conditions eontributed x to a collision between cars driven by Michael Peter Sherba, Shelby avenue and Peter Jan Bakker, 217 Grandview south 11] £ - = | VAGUE ABOUT DETAILS Ald, Thomas confessed she was vague as to what uctually did| bappen. It was so long ago and dually @id not come readily to Job costly 'er lieved there had about the board parks board doing somethd bout # together, She knew the too ed them, but don't r t it out In public primanding all aldermen, "land resulted In $235 damage, Byng avenue and Hortop was "(the scene of a collision involving a car driven by Audrey Rita Old. field, Taunton road west, and a car driven by Mary Vollmer, RR 1, Oshawa, Damage exceed: ed $100, A car driven by Remo Plrolli, 116 Division street, was in colli: slon with a car driven by Nelll E, Cliver, 220 Bloor street west, The accident occurred on Albert has done It, go to them and tell like this, I don't know whe d'd it I didn't," The Mayor denied he was re. "I went to the chairman eon. ,"' he sald, To Ald, Thomas who began to make other remarks, the mayor street and resulted In more than said: "Let's not argue any more $300 damage to the cars lnvolved, "It was a matter of and we'll talk it over "| CITY AND Louisa streets, a collision, | He played his junior hockey {with the Oshawa Generals and [the Guelph Biltmores, formerly NORMAN ALFRED G ELL the Madhatters The death occurred suddenly t Ms residence, RR 1, Brooklin, onday, Dec, 18, of Norman Al: fred Gambell, beloved husband FUNERAL OF Under the present plan, Atters. ALEXANDER N, KIDD {ley would miss some Whithy of the former Dorothy M, Silver: thorn, The deceased, who was in The memorial service for Al lgames, because the Dunlops exandey Norman (Scotty) Kidd, [play every Saturday night in the who died at the City Park Apart: Kastern Division OHA Senior A his 86th year, had not enjoyed good health for three years, A nom of the late Albert and ments, Toronto, Friday, Dee, 12, League in his 67th year, was held at the; Meanwhile, Attersley Margaret Gambell, the deceas- od was born at Brampton apd | Armstrong Funeral Chapel at 2 considering the proposal, was married in Toronto Jan, 3, (pm, Monday, Dec, 15 | Rev. R, B, Milroy, minister of {Knox Presbyterian Church, con. ducted the services, Interment was in Oshawa Unlon Cemetery, Formerly active in the vetsfl| The honorary pallbearers were produce business, Mr. Gambell Harry Millan, R, Jones, R. No lived at Markham and Downs. le, R. Ingram, F. John Best, B, view before moving to the Brook. McCrindle, W, Sioddard, A, | lin ares seven years ago, A mem: Young and N, Mildrum, ber of Brooklin United Church,| The active pall bearers were he was a well known farmer in| Roy Sawyer, David Lander, Dr, the district, Rex Cox, Bob Schell, David Dean! Besides his wife, he leaves one and C, C, McGibbon, daughter, Carol, of Brooklin and | five sons, Bruce, of Edmonton; | William, of Toronto; Stanley, of Oshawa and Ronald and Kenneth, of Brooklin, FUNERAL OF MRS, WILLIAM OSTAFICHUK | Requiem mass for Mrs, William J. vi tie slates Ostallchuk, who died at the fam.| 80 surviving are \[lly residence, 17 John street, Fri Mra, F, Miller (Pearl), of Oril:|4oy Deo, 1 , In her 61st year, lia; Mrs, Harriet McKeohnle, of was sung in 8t, George's Greek Toronto and Mrs, Gordon MeCart. (Lillian) of Toronto, "ne remains will fost at the 1 wervice Catholie Church at 10 a.m, Mon Robingon Funeral Cha lin, today, The funera will be } Mo Il md Hn meral Crapel, Pine' wood and St, Clair, Toronto, at 3 pm, Thursday, Dee, 18, ev. 8. J. Hiller, minister of Brooklin United (hureh, will conduct the services, Interment will be In Ri is still day, Dec, 15 Rev, J, C, Pereyma sang the i Interment was In 51, Greg:| 's Cemetery, The pallbearers were M, Waka REV, D, A, P, ALLAN pe baer vo Tn dino New ter Kinash, asewye nnd W, Ma)siuk, FUNERAL OF that five games of his trial with the per BUSINESS IMPROVED in Ld Ine one Christmas trends Oshawa, ag ie and the Oshawa Shopping Centre, dicate that this year will of A crows - section of merchants in both shopping areas Indleated thet the Oshawa average was In keeping with the national aver age which shows business this year fo be up between 4 and § cent, One of the big reasons for a general Improvement has been the sea weather which has ade necessary A surge of pre. ristmas shopping for heavy slothey 4 and other Winter Moms. ne (J record sale of snow shovels hile others "i leds, toboggans, ear-coats for teen-agers, gloves, sar-mulfs and winter clothing for children had all been in heavy demand, The large chain stores reported Increased business and one man: most successful on record, | A Wintry Weather Aid Oshawa Retail Firms 4 noted an immediate Im: out-of-towners had ement ement between Cieneral Mé- 8 14d, and United of No od urs" the oes L] days of ] month dispute hut at when m L] t spread, ' fa eontributing 10 the increase In business were new pnd improved other ahries and what one oo "Aw ul a8 sortment of new teys," dial The general opinion was this year's toys were than ever and were frativing a WArm m the buying he, Wear store show 4 ness up about five per cent i 8 a ariieu shopping centre chaln store manager stated that his ssles to fhe m wath nam the aftérnoon of the(s big Increase in ness heen poinia bt far away ant hom: accompany ne, Even with the rovement, one view that, as th | inal ok By ' the | Oshawa subdividers failed yes terday in thelr proposal to pre: service ~~ and do the job them: selves ~~ new subdivisions in the city, but gained important cons ceasions In the eily's servieing policy, Voting was 10 to § against a [request by MeCullough Con: |struetion Company, Lid, to pre. |service its proposed subdivision Jat Nelson and Conant streefs--a {question that led to discussions between the board of works and the Oshawa Subdividers Associa [tion over city policy generally, CONCESSIONS GAINED But this in what the subdviders (gained: Living Color Talk Theme The guest speaker at a meeting of the Jaycees at Hotel Genosha, Monday night, was Wilfred D, Sinclair, color consultant of CIL, who spoke on the beneficial as: pects of living color, "Living color has an eiect on {life that is not easy to escape, It influences various things In everyday living that cause us to |veact the way we do to certain elroumstances, "The rainbow is composed of the five true or basie colors which is the reflection of the sunlight and these basic colors oan hroken down inte 10,000,000 dif: ferent shades," sald Mp, Sinclair, to he ah! - ove catching advertisement coms posed of color to interest the pub- lie. Usually, one color that is in complete contrast with another | MRS, LORNE W, FERGUSON The funeral service for Mrs {Lome W, Ferguson, 14 Eglin [street east, who died at the Osh-| (awa General Hospltal Saturday, og). will again have a res) | ue on Yaa held a the Molt: (gant minister, Rev, Derek A, P, losh unera hapel at 2 pm Ayan BA, TCD, 443 Beverly Monday, Deo, 13, §t,, Oshawa, will be Inducted at The pallbeavers were George & p.m, today, The Presbytery of Hilts, Ed, Jacobs, H, M, Brooks, East Toronto will be in charge E, Tattersall, W, Perryman and of the service, Rev, J, Forbes, Hales Barker, Agincourt, 1s the moderator, verside Cemetery, Weston, WEATHER TORONTO (CP)--Official fore. casts issued by the weather office at § am: Synopsis: A disturbance mov ing through the province gave overnight snow to mand Central Ontario, In most cases St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Pastor Today will be complementary to another and, by putting both together, they would appear strange but ef: {fective, These soloty are apposite but go well together, / |example of that would he pink and green which could be used to |decorate any reom, Other colors City Turns Down Pre-Service Plan he main in Mr, Sinclalr exclaimed: "It Is|¥ (1) Substantial relief in pre: payment of ewb and gutter costs, (8) Reduction by 95 per cent of the 126 cheviy 4 to be ad: vanced In respect of estimated oo Redvetion: hy ) uetion A he IO iy minders funds are tied up by the city in relation te engineering, materials and contingencies, (4) One city contract for all watermaing, sewers and eonnee: thons, (5) Discharge of the a Ul with respect to Individual lots, MeCullough Construction wished to pre-service the subdivigion in order to advance the time when it could he developed and to provide winter work for unemployed men, The company felt installing th services (tself relieve oity of the r ity, It was willing to do the werk under city supervision, WOULD MEAN APPROVAL Ald, Walter Branch (hoard of works chairman) pointed out that once the city consented to ine stallation of part of the services prior to registration It would, in effect, amount to approval of the plan before registration, If the owner eould not afford to meet the balance of the elty's conditions, he continued, he might he able to persuade the provinelal authorities to permit registra. tion without further conditions ra- ther than let costly services re. the ground, oon! J flit and result In considerable Pros ure on the engineer," he sald, The services, belng municipal, Ald, Branch sald, would have to be maintained hy the city and the city, therefore, should control them from the heginning, SERVICES LUMPED Services In small subdivisions SUGGEATION OPPOSED the hoard of works' tions, sald the counell was the looal subdividers In a dividers and not ret panies a others, Chaos would result, RARE or would not Ai receive this subdividers Is the munielpalith mvy ,!! Ald, Branch v It has worked ud ' well, : Ald, BT, Id, Frnest Mar . F, Bastedo, RL , Vole AGA recom ory of those companies r oh, "We say we can't the job, so we should do # volves, hy sid. | e olty could cover getting a deposit 4d ny Wining Ald, Branch sald there not be a poliey for some a different one until a satisfactory done, he sugrested, Ald, Bastedo claimed the subdivider were provid eity specifications there was reason why the ei the (PAFtment could not to supervise the work, al BEGGING THE QUESTION 2 "We are begging the hy Sranting wig ota to oral policy a y ignoring possibility of getting extra divisions in, We stil! haven't to grips with the seeds of a Idea" he sald, Ald, Branch: "We are fly interested in protect elty, If a subdivider can't the job to its completion the ¢ has to go into debenture A Mayor Lyman A, Gifford sald that putting the eity engineer on a Job as sole arblirator placing him in an "Whos Is the contractor to look to in case of Soviet Plane BRUSSELS (AP) «= A pilot found four Relglan who erashed in the Antaretie [that go well together are blue and orange." | Mr, Sinclair said; "Color isl radiation 0° a heated body which becomes a light or brightness, Carol Festival Much Enjoyed . A large audience attended the Canadian College of Organists' annual carol festival held last 'Sunday evening at Simcoe Street United Church, The church made a lovely setting for the carol sing: ing, decorated as it was with red and white flowers, candles, and lights, After an prayer by the Rev, H, Mellow, the congregation and choirs began the evening with a spirited singing of 0 Come All Ye Faithful", The first choir to enter the loft and ging 3 sro was the E, A, 'Lovell Public School Choir under she direction of Wallace Joust 'The children sang 'Give Me Wings" by Arthur Baynon, an 'Austrian carol sung in three parts "In Bethlehem", and finally "Why Do The Bells of Christmas Ring?" by Margaret Drynan of 'Oshawa, This was a very enjoy able group: the children were well trained and their volces were sweet and fresh, SING FROM GALLERY Following the congregational carol, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", the CCO choir, under the direction of George Rapley, sang 2 group of five carols from the A gallery of the church, These were "See Amid The Winter Snow" Christ Was hy John Goss, 'When Born" by Arthur Brown, "The Road to Bethlehem" by Michael Head, 'Gabriel's Mes sage", a Basque carol, and "Deck the Hall", an old Welsh carol, This choir, consisting as it did of excellent balance, John Smart, chairman of the Oshawa and District Centre of the Canadian College of Organists, the group which every year ar ranges and this festival, which the collection would be put, extended a welcome to those pres ent. He explained the use to DISTRICT LIVELY BOUT accumulations were light except| in the vicinity of Lake Huron and| Georglan Bay where there were reported falls of three to flve inches of fresh snow, The services were conducted by, In the absence of a resident Rev, M._A. Bury, minister of Minister, Rev, Dr, Joseph Was. King Street United Church, Inter. |50n, Toronto, has heen preach. Nat ment was In Oshawa Union Ce. ing at 8t Paul's, Mr. Allan was born in County | Light reflects off prisms and [in turn strikes the object and ore: | ates an optical illusion that gives it the appearance of a certain color, One example is the appear: were lumped Into one lurge con: | tract hy the eity, thus affording the subdivider any savings that might be gained hy large con. tracts, he said, Ald, Branch also pointed out that contractors were llkely to submit lower prices to muniei. palities because they would be sure of flew them back to thelr base today, Moscow radio "all four are well" di Viktor Perov spotted them fin Queen Maud Land, ploked up and returned them to Baudouln Base on the Anta coast south of Africa, The four are me Belgian expedition taking The liveliest bout on the week- ly boxing card at Palace Pler, Monday night was supplied by 126-pounders Johnny Bay of Ham. willton and Oshawa's Grant | O'Reilly, with O'Reilly taking a «unanimous decision after a hard 'slugging five rounds, STREETS CLOSED Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen splendidly sung by all present was followed by Christmas music by the choir of St. George's Anglican Church directed by Matthew Gouldburn, This choir The following streets will be consisting of boys, women and closed Wednesday for BW) men, Sang A most Interesting tion; Ritson road = south group of carols: "The Angel's Bloor street east to Wolfe street: Carol" by D, Ratoliffe, "Sleep of Nonquon road from Ritson road the Infant Jesus, a French Noel, north to Simcoe street north; Sim. "What Child Is This?" a tradi: coe street north from Sunset ave: tional carol to the tune "Greensnue to Byng avenue; Beatrice sleeves', and "When Christ Was| street fram Simcoe street north to Born' by Donald Sellew. The Hortop street; Glencastle avenue French Noel contained some love: from Glengrove street to Glen. ly effects with good work by the hrae street; Glenbrae street Yancre ad Ho last number ended closed at Glencastle avenue, very brilliantly, | After the carol "Angels From | WIT BY BUS Wetery, Donegal, Ireland, in 1028, He spent his early years in Bally. |kelly, Later he went to Trinity College, Dublin University and | Preshyterian College, Belfast, He graduated in 1951 Temperatures held in the low teens through Southern O tarlo Monday night, However, strong winds accompanying th distur bance reached gusts of 33 to 4 miles per hour, This made the hd PCs Receive - : feel even colder, | F S b k Al his wife, Alice, sinh Pri ITS DEEDACH |i Towne yi Al were clear, temperatures went] OTTAWA (CPA young den: iwo sons, Drew, 4 and Alison, 8. as low as 83 below, tist has held the Manitoba con:| 'Mp and Mrs. Allan moved to Another storm centred in south. stituency "of Springfield for the cupada léss than two years ago ern Saskatchewan this morning Progressive Conservative governs [and took a charge in North Bat: is expected to move to Lake ment but a former Liberal cab: (jeford, Sask, Oshawa is their Huron Wednesday, Snow from Inet minister has taken over To: first venture into any other area this next systey has already ronto Trinity, |of Canada started to move into northwest] Monday's voting--light in hath | Bra Oni pt" 4r 8 Trinky Init th Ara By . ) ) Vr | ment since the 1067 general elec: | Ps A ecasts valid until/election setback on the govern tion, | 'Rally round the fag, m5 R hoy 03 vd Nia 'estern ntario an . oY ave In Springfield, the Conserva tive vote was down almost 8,000} 3 hove' was the chilly ory of Oshawa firemen, this morn. a regions, Toronto and Ham. from last March but still was suf-| with a few clouly today, Cloudy tonight oy X fielent to elect Dr. Joseph Slo-| the Realms of Glory", Rev, J, K, Moffat pr d the benedi | tion, | Organist for the evening was Clifford Evans, organist of St iJohn's Anglican Church, Bow: manville, As a prelude he played {"Conditur . Alme Siderum" by {Alex Rowley and 'Winches. tet New" by C. 8, Lang. During the taking of the offering he play. od 'Liturgical Interlude" by Gregory Murray and as a post. lude he played the glorious 'Nun Danket Alle Gott" hy Karg-Elert, URW's Reuther May Enter Chrysler Talks DETROIT (AP) ont Walter Reuther of the United Auto Workers may step into the negotiations of the Chrysler and Wednesday with snow begin. ning late tonight and ending Wed. nesdar afternon, Cold today, milder Wednesday, Winds west: | TORONTO (CP) -- Harold A Nunes-Vaz, 80, dled .JTonday of [Injuries received when he was Istruck by a Toronto Transit Com. | mission bus at a midtown pedes- trian crosswalk last Wednesday, Police said tie elderly man walked into the path of the bus, RAD PREVIOUS RECORDS few cloudy intervals today and continuing cold, Wednesday Two men were given te cholce| 4, with snow and turning of paving a $100 fine each, ofl ier Winds westerly 35 to 30 spending 30 days in jail, by Ma- therly glatrate CM. Guest in 'Oshawa | 10027, HEI toalght; southerly 30 M . Willam Bigelow, and Stuart Mackin both pleaded guilty| Southern Ceorglanc Bay tv to being drunk in a public place, today. Cloudy with snow Wednes- Both men admitted three pre-|,.. "0oiq today, 'a little milder Winds northwest this evening and southerly 20 to 25 Wednesday, Eastern Lake Ontario and Hal. hurton regions: Sunny with a 2 . Sant 1 Geo an Ray "Kirk: France Fights |= ; T d A HR tonight, Wednesday Ia e rea | eloudy with lg Continuing i land Lake and mins-Kapus- | | | | PARIS (AP)--France appeared cold. Winds' northerly 20 today, erly 15 to 20 today becoming light | gan, A resurgent Liberal candi: date took over second place from |the CCF, The results restored the stand ing in the 265. member Commons to 208 Conservatives, 49 Liberals and R CCF. just where It was after the March 31 general elec: tion. The Conservatives had stood | to achleve a new Canadian high In the number of Commons mem: | bers ever held hy one party, set at 208 In March, | $5,000 AVERAGE SALARY WASHINGTON (AP)----A $5,000] annual income now is the aver. age family income In'the United | States. The census bureau Man:| dey lssued final estimates of in| come derived from its 1957 popu. ng At about 8 am, the oity hall sent a distress signal to the Simcoe street north five hall the flag outside elty hall had blown down overs night With commendable cour: age, a crew of firemen with a ladder truck braved the snow and fey wind to re place the fallen flag, Less than half an hour later, came a second call for help, The flag in Memarial Park had also sucoumbed to the wind, Again the firemen loft, to elimb 80 feet with the flag By 10 am, all civic flags were flying again, lation studies, | THE FOOD PLAN THAT ance of hlue water, Water is not blue but the sun reflects off th sky and oreates the illusion that water Is blue," said Mr, Sinclar, Mr, Sinclair was thanked by Fred Whalley on behalf of the Jaycees, | Welsh Group | Holds Party | The annual children's Covi mas party of 8t, David's Welsh Society of Oshawa was held Mon: day night at the Community Re: creation Association building, 1, Davis, president of the so: clety, was master of ceremonies and led in the singing of Christ. mas carols, He was assisted by| D, Jenkins who provided plano) accompaniment, f Mrs, I, Hughes showed a wer: les of films which were received, warmly by children and adults alike, i The part of Santa Claus was {ably handled hy D. Munkley ir. | who distributed gifts, candles and, apples to the children, Assisting | were Mrs, D, Munkley, president of 8. David's Welsh Society wo men's auxiliary, Mrs, T, \ Me, R.A and Mrs. Hughes, Auxiliary members were serv. ed tea and cookies Mrs, T, 3 prompt payment, Furthermore, municipalities en: (the Interna tional Geo Joyed a 10 per cent sales tax Year, They took off from, Bau exemption on all sewer pipe, Aldouin Rase Dec, § to establish a contractor working for a subdivid. 'scientific station in the interion MASTER PLUMBERS ASSOCIATION To comply with the requirements of the Industrial Standards Act, Service Celle the first hour or any 8:00 a.m, and 5:00 p. thereof. Chapell, Mrs, N, MacKay, Mrs, will be charged at the rate of $5.00 for od the work is done between the hours of Friday, After hours, calls will be charged at the rate of $8.00 per hour or any part part thereof, provid. \m, Monday through G, Gilbert and Mrs, 8 Simpson. | Spirit Duplicate COPY REX vious tions on the same Wednesday, charge, to 2 today, kasing regions, North Ray "nd ostly sunny today, (today to be hacked inte a tight corner in her stubborn flight strike, now making | 000 A5alnst the British plan to turn) pater Moy king Mle 40.000 Western Europe Into a free trade A unlon source sald Monday |" light tonight and southeast 20 to 2 Wednesday, Forecast Temperatures Low tonight Nig Windsor HAS PROVEN ITSELF JSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE Reproduce 73 Copies in 1 Minute EASY BUDGET TERMS that Reuther may take part when! negotiations are resumed. Bargainers agreed to. resume France wants to keep British gy |competition out of the. common London ...... {market which goes into operation Wingham .... STAN BRYNING The "Copyrex" is designed to per duplicating lob in the office, school form any l, ehureh, club or business, Ideal for: Bulleting, Maps, Sales Letters, Menus, Reports, Music, Exam Jan. 1 with France, West Ger Toront an las today. |many, Italy, the Netherlands, Trenton ..... oo... ans bre oft Sunday after Belgium and Luxembourg as St, Catharines ..... ve at an . Fund. The offering was taken-and {ment agree member, Noaize [Hamilton threatened a Muskoka the ushering was done by scouts| 7.100 tr he co "ket Kl a ac I edt SE of 7.100 employees at trade war if the common market Killaloe 0 ler's key Dodge main plant/is not expanded to include the Earlton awa Sea Scouts under the leader-/in Detroit had made idle thou:|11 other West European nations Kapuskasing ship of Donald Thempaon. [sands of others ia planta ever the of the Organization for European| White River ..... The earch, "Ged country, Economie Co-Qupration. [\ooscnes ..... which the collection would be put, that is as a contribution to the COCO Headquarters Building Announce Advertising, Papen, ments, Cords, Ask 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8.5358 CHAMBERS for a Demon 719+ WALMSLEY & MAGILL Office Equipment Lid. RA 3.3333 FOOD CLUB OX. 9-1188 65 UNDERWRITERS RD,

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