THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 14, 1958 3 Rjax Hydro Commission | LAWRENCE - ROWLAND Youthful Organization LIMITED origingl need for Hydro hie in what is now the Town o Ajax was created by the De- e Industries Limited *muni- tions plant during World War 11, This need was met by the Hydro- Plectriec Power Commission of the Province of Ontario which is better known as simply Hydro, The post-war hydro needs were handled by Ontario Hydro through thelr Oshawa Rural Operating Ave. until the Improvement Dis- trict of Ajax was formed in 19561, The Board of Trustees, under the chairmanship of B, deF, Bayly, approached Ontario Hydro with the request that a 'local system' be established, The re- was granted and the Ajax rl Electric System, under the SWaership of Ontarle Hydro, oame being im January of This "local system' type of op- : eration continued through the if EA ¢ NG early growth of Ajax and the i transition from Improvement Dis- triet to Town on Jan, 1, 1966, and as such was purchased from On tario Hydro for the sum of $276, 000 on April 30, 1066, This pur- chase was made possible the issue of a 20-year ture in the ! amount of $360,000, The yearly ] ELEVISION payment for this debenture is made by the Ajax Hydro-Electric Commission from Hydro reven- ues, During the eight month period APPLIANCES of operation in 1066 the Ajax : Hydro ~ Electric Bystom was andor ih Groton of & Commi SOUTH PLAZA SHOPPING CENTRE On Jan, 1, 1067, the Ajax Hydro- - boing tinder the direction of two|| 200 HARWOOD AJAX IPHONE 117 Hydro Commissioners and the 3 ayor, Rummage Sales Raise Money For Ballet CALGARY (CP)--The Calgar ay Ballet Cor oe, now four years o was founded on gallons of tea and hundreds of bargain - sale articles, Teas and rummage sales raised money for a group of Calgary parents who had decided a ballet SOMpany was necessary te give talented children an opportunity ® study as a group, Incorporated in 1066, with 10 ghildren enrolled, the corps now bas a 24-member group and this season is staging three complete uctions at the 3,400-seat Jub: Auditorium here, Mo the lei ney was big Jtoblom he oups of tea yo aries fo lin NOTTINGHAM, Eng. pro Pres portable Tedien Wore ven were painted in thelr homes due- ing evening sessions, "The dancers were »0 enthused with the idea, we just couldn't let them down," sald Mrs, Marie Stenson, one of the first sup: porters, STANDARDS HIGH Despite the small organizations, OM standards were high from the FR start, Lessons were geared fo the Royal Academy of Dancin in London and Jean Simpson an : J H - Biby Rogers were enrolled as oeni 11] in { " ballet mistresses, ® Mrs, Simpson, an exponent of Highland dancing, holds 176 med- als and 76 cups. Mrs, Rogers was trained at London and is a member of the Imperial AND Society of Dancing Teachers, The season's productions in- clude Musical Variations with ; musie Shostakovich, Old ; Woman in Shoe to musie by Saint-Sacha and a modera work, In the Highlands, reo nove | 210 AVENUE CRESCENT, AJAX were given Mig bi hits SURE PR a ER CR a i Am permaglass INCORPORATED PERMA it's tempered GLASS P.O. Box 308 Phone 1091 Ajax Ontario