Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1958, p. 18

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18 "WE BHAWA TIME, Yusedoy, Bosomber 14, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 80-~Articles For Bale LA Blores, tires, baller ren, Kelvinator [1 " A {'Thidity budget plan, BA S404 JACKET healer, Findley elreulator, Princess Pat cook stove, four holes, reservoir and warming closet; 8 feet (of Binh walter pipe, 625 King Bireet East alter ad THEY sald It sonidn't be done" Well "Ed Wiser" is doing i, Chopping \prides to rosk hottam. Table lamps with shades, values ta 816.05, slashed Ww S08; GE. steam ons, regular $21.06, chopped ta BI5.06; kindergarien $0; Moor lamps with bre hade 0, while they | smanth-top spring filled $09.95, half price, | INTERPRETING THE NEWS Mao May Withdraw To Explain New Life By JOSEPH MACAWEEN | AT--Automohiles For Sale, 47 Automobiles For Sele CHRISTMAS SALE NO Down Payment to responsible parties of age UP TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY WITH NO PAYMENTS TILL FEBRUARY! FORD Nine-Passenger 4-door Ranch Wagon Power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, white walls, This man of paradox, while (their homes and villages and re: exuding rustle simplicity, wields settling them In barracks on the 99,06 more power than any Chinese | Joh: Women work on farms, high- per foot. Wilson Furniture, 80 Church | loss will and amiable eounten: | : |ways, dams, and in factories, Hires! Wiel ance, has led Red China to the emperor ever did and is driving pines, communal kitchens, nur: BLAUPUNKT short wave radios, | peak of its military, political and (his people into a harrackstype series and tailor shops, magleeye tuning, 11 pushbutions, FM, (e000 0mi0 power | exisience, | | INO INDIVIDUALITY Hn Flint aon, Tree sooth "W's hardly surprising there , Kurope' 3 L 5 Kelly i v.81 Kong West (1 fore, that government Jenders | FORWARD LEAP ; Mothers (urn thelr ehildren ORDERK taken for storm sashes, meas | around the world are closely Western statesmen have fre- over to communal nurseries and urements and estimates (ree. Terms (siudying unofficial reports from Auently expressed doubt as to kindergartens, They no longer Flewse order early, RA 4000. dwn. Vion, otras "may step down [Whether Mao will be able to|prepare meals at home but eat FRED tian most Af shite, up BF os ohalrman {make his new commune system |in mess halls, slong with other MUKKRAT fur cost, wood sandiion; | Such reports have cropped up| Work indefinitely, attacking as it members of the commine, A od airs and before and turned out to be |does the ancient family traditions) Bays the People's Dally, party table, beauty parior chairs, draseretie (wrong, But diplomatic experts And character of the Chinese. |mouthplece: table ste, RA A-3630 00 (gay it may well be possible that| In Red China's "great leap for-| "Individuality has ahsolutely no WINE and cider barrels ava Man, who Is 68, is planning to Ward," millions of people are place, No longer does one find TR a a le |devate more time to the prepara (Deine herded into communes, |the ph In which workers WITLIAME viavos. haw sts 5s 700 lion of 'a theoretical work to ex. |Steel furnaces are being erected are members of the working class (3 J plain Red China's vast programs in backyards and pussanis re nly When hey Are orig and ¥ 'ehed Lo ) J POET AND WRITER m ) soldiers free people when they are o Canadian Press Stall Writer silta-wall floor coverings, 37¢| Mao Tse-tung, a man of ruth le, leetrie can afford, at 'Parkway Flevision, 018 Bimear Street North RA B-H048. & fu-tene red and white, Like new MERCURY Monterey Sedan =~ White, automatic trans: mission, eustom radio, power steering, power brakes, white walls, back-up lights, ene owner, low mileage METEOR Sedan Delivery == &-cylinder, dark blue lent. Going cheap METEOR Niagara Coach = Blue and white, Really sharp, METEOR Niagara Coach == Tan and white, A real beauty, NASH Sedan = Custom radio, end other extras, clean as a pin and going eheap PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan condition throughout Excel: Two-tone blues, exceptional PONTIAC Sedan =~ Grey, exceptionally clean for the year, CHEVROLET Sedan - hauled PONTIAC Coach == Grey PONTIAC Setlan == Blue, real cheap transportation, MANY MORE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Bramley Motor ales Ltd, YOUR MERCURY, LINCOLN, METEOR DEALER 1271 Simcoe Street North RA 3.4675 2930 « Light blue, moter recently overs Sagrifice |§0---Articles For Sale BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors budget terms, Free winter storage on motors, Boat storage ap proved for Factory centre motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone A7 BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mes tors, Boat storage, Factory approved. Service centre, for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN, ONY PHONE 87 PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gal $1.80 qt WING SATIN 99 gal $1.80 ments; skis, with harness 200f cooking tops, pull-down elements, moter, TV booster, MO 8:-4534. 118 Allan LUNOH room counter and seven sto s0 kitehen table, reasonable, Phone | GUNS, ammunition and ap | Street West, RA 5.8811 Clary range, good condition, reason 8, (Babby [It will pay you ta shop at Parkway hve B00 | Lead furniture Mw HN adding machine, Reasonable. RA mouth, in traller, furnace, p 3p loned, with warranty, $68.50 "w Large i Eh 7088 Dee. 13 0 [plete unit, new, 175 Ihe. operating pres MARCONI agers, HEFL from 490.80. Kelly TV, RAlduty, Portable comp «ear Tadia I heautiful triple dresser, large chest and complete unit, Remington Rand lec double dresser. © and hookease machine, Burroughs. Very reasonable box spring and mattress, or a five dtd wi KELLY TV, your authorized Beatty money down with trade, Only $168 oF wringer washer. 81 King West SELLING furniture or cleaning out Vague Jacqueline. Coats, suits, dresses, 0131, The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Kaiser Crescent, corner of Louisa) what "Ed Wilson" 1a doing. Chester fleld sets, $139; twoto a-hed sulle wi ehrame set ar a set of three arborile Service VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, . nials. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. | vies 50 Articles For Sale OIL burner, complete with attach (APEC TAL discounts for hullders, hame » " poles, ete owners, on Frigidaire built-in ovens hone RA 80143 . ™ Th frigerators and ranges, Kelly TV, #8 & BEAVER (it arbour saw With king'Siveet West, RA 5.8181, Dee Street, Whithy 294 ols Apply 333 Ritson R auth 9 ANTIQUE walnut dining ream Tuhle,| 00" hon Raed 8 we Li) hunting hitby MO 83868 after 8 o'clook, 393¢ (pies how ad Wed For, the helt deal " Own see Pravineisl Tire I COMBINATION coal and viecirie Mo y Ry able Phone Brooklin 13 203h | RADIOS, vecord players, hifi and MEN'S hook . h steren are all here at the lowest prices L ackey skates, alg Bauer) ane of the better makes, prac: (Television, 018 Simcoe Hlreet North Healy new. Apply 73 Gladmane Av: | wg™o0y Highest price in the city for NATIONAL ash vegwater, gives cus: | Stare, RA 3.3871, 444 Simone South gamers Uekets, best offer. Portable type CRAIN PAINE oubin, Te TF 4 Ply un Hu + LL LL Dee: 14 space heater, ieee Bath, sink taps, TGIDAIRE refrigerators, recondl bin Sukbhies o all kinds, Bell or ade Inns, capacity Irvine Appliances, Bond i " i East. RA 8-584) Jan || AIR Compressor, § hp. Brunner, eom and Admiral, Halllerafter, sure at 28 ouble feet & minute, #0 Fleetwood for 1080, $190 up. (gallon tank, sutematio contrel, heavy LAL ee, 3916 valts, push-hutten etrle greasing SACRIFICE prices on bedroom sulles, |Mmachine far ears or trucks lemite bookcase bed regular $360, chapped ta trie bookkeeping machine, Cammereial L101] Gorgeous new mocha finished | Fefrigerating unit, halt hp. Adding " bed, regular $298, smashed to $148 for cash. Apply Oshawa Machinery Plus for #8¢, you ean choose either alte M7 Himes Street South, RA Heoe chrome set. Wilson Furniture, 30 pRiGInTARE special big 106 eu A 'hureh Street 910 | fridge. 43-1h. freezer, huller-keeper, na desler offers you wp ta 8100 for your | AMA plan, $3 weekly, Kelly Frigid old washer on a new Beatty aulomatie | aire, 81 King West Dee, 8 = Dee your basement? You will get yous BALANCE of entire stock fram La highest price when you phone RA § formals ste. Drastieally reduced, May Simeos Street South he seen dally fram | 5 pm. al 88 Street, Phone RA 41313 Deo. 18 THEY sald it couldn't he done, look at flelds and sofa-heds, chopped ta fabu fous clear-out priess, Restonie chester trimmed with fabhrilite § i plus § Conta You ean choose either a five living room tables. Wilsen Furniture 20 Chureh Street Mie parts, attachments, guar fend rebuilt machines. Estimates free Re RA 51081 anytime. AWNINGS, plain colors, ar gay stripes prompt service. Free sstimates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 413 Simeos North Oshawa FARULOUS clear-aut of tables, less than half-price. End tables walnut and | blond fancy carved legs, regular lo $25. Out they ga below cost, Hoautiful Delleraft catfee table, regular MM, chap od tn 330 Walnut finished desks, special $19.50. Five piece bridge sets, 310.85 Card tables, $2.08, Wilson | Furniture, 20 Church Street Mie VSED friges, washers, aulamatios Tange rangeties, ™V and radios GMAC terms, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West Dee. 38 WE'LL buy all vour used furniture and ay top money far It. Contact 19 Prince Eireet or phone RA #1031 Jan. 2 THEY said it couldn't he dane, look al what "Eu tsar" in doing. Chester figlds and sofa beds, chop la fabulous| olear out prices Restanic chesterfield we (IRL two-lane sofa bed sulle trimmed with trabrilite. S188, plus for #5 conis vou can chaose either a Hive wee chrame sel or 4 sel al three ary roam 20 Charen Living FRIGIDAIRE 30° Fleets Pew, campletely automatic vine Mo Roni #080 tables Wilsan Street arite urniture like Ir n n range 5120 50. East Ia BOAT KITS $56 00 and up Open Ey a & Weeke Bros kiin Marine atorage Supply Ltd Phone 87 Win WINDOWS \ |] \pihanees $5 First Come WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 King St. W RA 3.4873 qt First Choice ¢ Jan. 11 ter-Seal . Awr CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures {0 DOOR} Lite Aluminum ngs Interior and Exterior LES EVENISS SALES LTD 15 PRINCE ST RA RA 3.27207 Bill Galbraith Pen Mowe, RA 5.0003 5.4632 os Eveniss RA 5.8832 Fretiy's Used Furniture | SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa's No | Skate Exchange' Used skates 81 up New skates 84.08 up. Largest selection In town Drayton Cyele, 204 Bond Bireet East MODEL airplane, 18 wing spread, 06h engine, reel eontrali RCA Vietor port able radin, four transistors; pocket ear phone radio; man's hieyele; twa hlager eats, 18 and 16, Lady's station wagon cont, 16, RA 23-0660 after § pet prolific writer tain his rank and party prestig as the leader of 600,000,000 peopl {in tho grip of a sterner regim than thal of Russia It is pointed out that [to a parade ground duty, Now there is all « round Mao, in this view, would re: | Mao, (give It up hy implacable opposi while a soldier and man of action, | tion from the peasants, Is also an intellectual, a poet, a| Josef Stalin tried a similar sys: e (tem In Russia 'after the revoly- e (tion an attempt to fuse eol elective farms into all-embracing |eommunes hut was forced to fion, worker masses," of years ago, when he enunciated the short-lived poliey of "let a Undaunted, Man, the son of a Ipeasant, Is uprooting people from road to socialism, SOLINA Singer featherweight portable 889; | Spacesaver and chair, new $68; new arhorite eoflee (ables 8; Eneyeln din of Ameries, new CULTS table #84; Singer cabinet model $56; BOLINA Mrs Singer treadie 815; Washer and Dryer combination 888; Refrigerator 4760; 4 burner H.D, stove 838; Astral frig, $80; Mabel West v, of Toronto, spent severa east; Pllter Que 80.80; Mu chrome set $85; skates, 88 8 pair, also days with 'Mrs, J, Yellowlees many mare haraaing to choose from. (her sister and other relatives he Prince Street, Fhone RA #1181 at Balmertown in Northern On PURPOSE HELPERS; Olas ified tario 1) Al ads! Ta buy, sell, swap, rent, hire HA 3-008 OWERTERFIEID and chair, air foam, | home aceasional ehalr, ecard table, ur Sunday chairs, four piece bedroom sulle | Mp iM Apply 883 Drew Street I, A Is sid idan gaol [lan MeCarvell and Dwayne, Ome Imee, Mr, and Mrs, A, Hills IPORTABL F TYPEWRITERS TYrme. were guests of Mr, ane Mrs, Wes Hills EVERY MAKE Nine CGIT girls with their lead Best Prices Best Terms ers, Mrs, J, Knox and Mrs, FV WALMSLEY & 'MAGILL Westlake Jr., attended the, Ves OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD {per service in Trinity 11 King §t, E [Chureh, Bowmanville RA 3.3333 evening Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Rroome and sons visited Mr, and Mrs {Wallace Munday, Maple Grove Mr, and Mrs, E guests at the wedding of the lat ter's niece, Retty Jean Button and Warren Allen, in King Street [United Chureh, Oshawa, and the Ireception in the Centennial Hall nD. N Spires, Toronto, visited E. Bpires Mr, and Mrs children, Jean George Rittner, Mr, and Mrs, E Mr, and Mrs, Rae Pascoe were (Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs IJ, Byer In Oshawa Dr, and Mrs. Jerry Millson ane ehildren, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs |BIl Carp and Brenda, Oshawa [visited Stan Millson Mrs. Rae Pascoe, Beverley and | Arian speat-Friday with Mrs, J Dyer in Oshawa Mrs, Addie Tink visited Mr {and Mrs, Don Goode, Orono Mr. and Mrs, Frank Westlake Jr, and children visited Reg Lands and F, BE. Cook Frank Westlake 8r., celebrated his And birthday Dee, § | Mr, and Mrs, Westlake enter tained the family at a turkey |dinner at their home, With them {tn celebrate were thelr ehildren Mr, and Mrs, N, Fice (May) and children, Taunton; Mr. and [Mrs Thomas Westlake and [family, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs Percy Westlake and family, Mr {and Mrs, Frank Westlake JIr., and (family, Dat Rarber, Courtice, land George Cochrane, Raglan] Mr, and Mrs, Westlake have 20 {grandehildren and two great grandohildren During the evening the adults Seligitor for the Administra played euchre and the ehlldren trix, Stella Mary MeKinley, [had Christmas treats Dec. 2,92,164) Word has heen received of the death of Perey Westlake, drug / , ™ I 2 COSTLY |(#ists In Ceylon, Sask, He was a | ARENA TROUBLE CoNTLY nephew of Mr Frank Westlake |Couneil was told Monday night and Mrs, Addie Tink {that the collapse Monday of {wooden arches at the new mun leipal arena will delay the build. | ind's completion anly three year-old Tommy Donahue, who weeks. Previous estimates put ran away from home Saturday the delay at two months. Coun: after a scolding from his father, [elllor James Niash sald the case [vas found dead of exposure Mon of the collapse, which did $70,000 day along a chilly embankment damage has not heen determined. 'of the southern state parkway | DRILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1; Greet from Oshawa Hospita Jan, 2 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR | WINTER For the finest factory structed aluminum windows and doors to satisfaction esl prices UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAIDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP RA 3.9851 52---Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NICHO LAS KINISKI All persons having claims against the Estate of Niche las Kiniski, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, deceased, wha died on or about the 24th day of August, AD, 1958, are here by notified to send in to the undersigned, on or hefore the Sth day of January, A.D 1959, full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distributed hay ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 28th day of November AD 1958 HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, con starm installed your at low J, Lyeer and Cryderman and Oshawa, visited Cryderman | RUNAWAY ROY PERISHES MERRICK, N, Y, (AP)=8ix 8 Theatrical 83. %ne 6 Leftover United 8 Heavy, dish States rough nap 1. Melody #5, Gram. f. French river & Male pus 10, Edible godehild rootstocks A lady Not asleep Bihlieal Apart name Touches (poss) 4 gently Comes into 37, 3 Terrified sight inaide Youlorday's Answer A sloth Droop coral reef 36 Assam Watch 20, Resort 20. Chipped sllkworm seoretly 21, Leg Joint 30, Spirited AT, Flick Exclamation 22, Upward horse 38, Japanese A eurving of 32 Article native misfortune a ship's of value (van) Basks planking 2%, Storm 40, Wing City rida Strike 7 Caucasians Exclamation 42. Curved line 43, Neuter | pronoun MM Exit | a7, Confront a0, Bellows 40, Similar 41, Motherleas calt 48, Covered, as the inside 43, Tay 4 Footless DOWN 1 Fiftieth sate? , Native of Libya 8 Covers with writing fluid « 4 Confederate » L) 12 11, 1" ALN 1 14 in 11 10 b 1} MM 24 1] an, BEurs Daas 18 1" 7) ov Mrs, Roy Langmald returned M, McCarrell \wpong early this month when United heavy rains, and start erealing Bunday [the biggest man-made lake in the Spires were Lake Untamed Zambesi Is Harnessed Contaet Community Furniture Stare, 18 fore leaving to make her home SALISBURY, Southern Rhode: sla (AP) The black man's legend held that the mighty Zam hesl River could never he tamed, But the white men proved it the Zambesi surge down the rapids in the deep Kariba Gorge he saw power that could he har nessed, He knew the cost would he gigantie but he got the loans, among them hig sums from the World Bank and the Northern Rhodesian copper mines, and went ahead with his plans, The |eost 1s figured at CHA16,000,000), He saw the first fulfilment of his dream in November, 1066, when he poured the first yard of concrete for the wall across the world Kariba Gorge, Piling up against a dam wall [FRENCH DESIGNER 20 feel high, 1,000 feet long, and | But If Lord Malvern was the they plugged 'a hole in the Kar: [1ha Dam to stop the flow of the 111,6000mile Zambesi for the first Hime Now they await the floods to |eame ponving up against the dam [later this summer, after the 0 feet thick, the water will form [dreamer it was a Frenchman who for helped bring It to realization, The Fligaheth named [Queen Elizabeth 11, who will offi: (man who designed the dam Is 67 elally open the Kariba hydroelee trie projeet in 1060 LAKE DIMENSIONS The lake will cover 2,000 square miles, will he 176 miles long, will i, have a coastline of 3,000 miles, and will be 335 feet deep duced his blueprint It will take from three to six. Then the contracts years to fill up completely and awarded for the million and one experts say the weight of the jobs and hits of equipment water probably will cause the needed ground to sag under It, setting off | Kariba had its toll of life, More some earth tremors than a seore of men---hlack and All this water eventually will be White lost thelr lives through used to operate huge turho-gen drowning, falls and other aeel erators with a total capacity of (dents. And some died from the 1,200,000 kilowatts, something like heat, for the temperature in the [1,000,000 horsepower enough |Walled:in Kariba Gorge reaches [power ta supply AA per cent of the UP to 115 needs of the Rhodesian + Nyasa: | It 18 an isolated spot, lying land Federation about 200 miles northwest of Sal: The sealing of the Kariba Dam lshury In a region With few set was a simple operation steel Hements and roads, Men and grills backed hy tons of rubble Hghier, SpE are usually were dropped over two apertures Wo " [==hut the engineers who built the TOURIAT CENTRE 4 a dam had their headaches and But when the turbines start moments of doubt in the we ii gn] He dum wil 4 yours since their work began heth is an accomplished fact, the FLOOD DISASTER Kariba Gorge probably will be Last February It looked as if(come a tourist centre the black man's legend was right, | A modern hotel has heen hullt The annual Zambesi floods, great: (Mgh up on the gorge parapet est in history, poured into and [looking down on the dam, The lover the dam workings, Hridges, [shores of the lake will become |equipment and men were swept one of the outstanding game re away and work was stopped for [serves in the African continent, | weeks with wild life of every type, However, the dam wall -- only| About 50,000 Tonga ibesmen part completed--had stood up to are being resettled elsewhere the ravages and needed few re: |They didn't take kindly to the [pairs, The main worry was the Idea at first and some were killed {floods had deprived the engineers (hy the police during resettlement riots but now they are pretty well reconolled to being uprooted They have seen the Zambesi conquered the first wild African river to be controlled, |Coyne, He was asked to examine the whole project and see If it was feasible many parts of the world, Coyne got down to work and pros of valuable time and they knew {they had to get the dam wall to {a certain height hefore this sum Imer's floods eame, | With the plugging last week the wall was high and strong enough to hold back the coming floods eve If they are as severe as last summer's The Kariba project is the dream of Lord Malvern -- prime 'London Beauty Described B minister of Southern Rhodesia for escrl Y #4 yoars and architeet and first [Rime minister of the Rhodesian New Book When he looked at the waters of how beautiful was Lillle Langtry, . the rage of London In the 1880s rtist Travels wii Judging from The Glided Lily, ook by Ernest Dudley n ane nc (published hy Odhams, London), [Mrs, Langtry was as devastating VANCOUVER (CP) Miss | 8 Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Cathy Mebowall, Seattish born | Loren and Marilyn Monroe put plexion, travels in a panel tryek| Aut Dudley also seen her as "a 10 record beauty on canvas (hard - headed profesalonal She has washed her laundry heauty | alongside some of the most heaut-| The Burne = Jones ploture of ish Columbia, using twa buckets | tune, shows a woman with a piti and a clothesline strung hetween [less face turning a huge wheel trees on which Kings and princes, | Her home is the truck which [Statesmen and millionaries vise ng from the voof, She has &nd be erushed helow covered more than 20.000 miles Yet Lord Randalph Churohill, | up to date and she says these|the father of Sir Winston Chur have ineluded some of the most Chl and Disraeli praised | Miss MeDawall came to Canada over was" commented Whistler, | In 1952 after Edinburgh Art College. During beauty. as worthy of a Parthenon the first two years here she lviese | as 000k, dishwasher Lillie had fortunes squandered viding instruetor in the Lauren (00 her and was the, favorite of | truck and tinte to travel and to [Ning Edward VID, She went on paint the stage, exploiting her beauty i] pl pe h n pe FINDS MARKET od helped hy her royal eonner And she quickly found a market edoration { LONDON (Reuters) Just A new actist with healthy outdoors com. | toEether iful streams in Alberta and Brit: [Mrs Langtry, The Wheel of For. 3 \ |] has a jaunty stove-pipe protrud:|And reach the top, only to fall heantiful miles In the world beauty. "The loveliest thing that graduating fram (Oscar Wilde desoribed her Greek | worked A tians, and finally achieved, the (the Prince of Wales (afterwards Prince Leopold, delicate young arly leadership over the produe. life and education of the Man thus seems to have moved far from his position of a couple hundred flowers bloom' on the £115,000,000 year-old French engineer Andre Experienced in designing dams were "GERMAN TOY Kindergarten youngsters have themselves a hall with an un usual all-purpose toy in Giessen, # SF Gn / be VERO FC CAN CHANGE INTO CAR, SLEIGH : Germany, Filed with some ad | even & seesaw, The toy wi ditional parts, the all-round toy | blll by Gottfried Lenz, hacks ean he used as a car, a pram, | ground, a refugee from East a sleigh, a rocking chalr, or | Germany, Kitcnen 1s Yule Centre «n Old Outport Homes By IAN MACDONALD Canadian Press Stall Writer AT, JOHN's, Nfld, (CP) "Come oul to our place for Christ: mas' sald outporter John Chafe, "Ye have no room to hang 'er down in the eity," Chale feels sorry for city dwel lers who spend a quiet Yuletide season perched in front of a fire place watehing television or dres sing to the teeth to visit friends But what ean you expect, he (says, when '"'townies" bullding {spacious living rooms and small kitehens? Prime Ingredient for a good time Is a sirable kitchen the centre of all activities In most outport homes PARTY FOR TWO WEEKS Skipper Chafe, a veteran of 40 yo o's on fi. 'ng boats and In the woods, and hundreds like him on the Avalon Peninsula, is known for the times' he has at Christ mar. Celebrations often last two weeks | "We pull the table from the wall, pile the food and rum on her and them that ean't find a [piace to sit down can go in the Hving room' whieh Is as eramped [as the kitchen is large, | The door will he opening con tinually as friends and relatives drop In to sample the skipper's rum and his wife's cooking, MAPLE GROVE By MRS, M, E, LAVERTY MAPLE GROVE ~ The month meeting of Maple Grove Home and Nohool Assocation took place In the sohool Wednesday evening, President Mrs: I' hert Hoth well was in the chair, The see: retary, Mrs, James Geddes and treasurer Mra, Ceoll Cullen gave their reports in whieh it was re vealed that the bazaar held res cently yielded a sum of #010 Mrs, Bert Budal gave a coms plete report on the Home and phool conference at Kbheneser st month, Mys, Bruce MacoDon ald and Mra, Robert Bothwell also attendod as delegates from Maple Grove, "She'll be a good one thig and some old fiddlers can year, I got #45 saved up in an saw off such tunes as Bir Ro, old tin for Nquor," (The Four and Eight Reel FIDDLES FOR HOURS Fhe Cotillion-=long 4 0 J | As the evening progresses the| Byles, [skipper will take Ws battered) ThOse Who frown on black |fiddle from the wall and play avelly Jota for un fraditional four hours as the visitors dance, [75% % \omemade blushes [Between dances, men will te)": Home communities sbi often about favor fresh pork for thelr Christe [thelr experiences on the Gpand|™*® Oinner hecause pigs are [Banks or at the Aretio "front" |®A%Y 10 Yalse at home, {In search of seals [FISH FOR BREAKFAST | Rome visitors will stay for days fiy ) " {Others leave only to return with utes ire filed with [another bottle, another friend oriires in the forest (hat will burn {more food, Presents and greels through the 12 days of Christ 18 BY y Inks ade wxehante and pried Li ond many outporiers stil Lk han tuda B somitiou to o e o d Custom of startin [rou oo \ a pl 16 day off with a breakfast i | " i Moy fF ale % fish fo I Or 00 ) on land the perennial mainstay In the old days men used |eorned heef and cabbage load thelr fiintlock Poole g | "The merrymaking continues url thiee Jinkers o Sider [tl all have had enough to last| rep OF four vilayy As sun set, Later they would thro {UN next Christmas, {an Blazing stick 'over the roofs of MUMMERS ADD FLAVOR [thelr homes to protect the | Celebrations in Isolated com. ARAInst fire for the coming yol§, munities In Newfoundland and| As new roads are bullt a Labrador often have =an added communications improve, trad flavor In the mummers tion lovers fear the old oustor | Masked mummers, dressed In(will fade until Christmas celebrds |fantastio elothes have bheen'tions In the outports heeome serenading Newfoundlanders at carbon eopy of those in the eith [Christmas time for generations [and the mummers will walk | "Come-nall-ye" singers entertainimore i | fu District Commissioner, Mp Mies, Gordon Martin is reported Buttery, who introduced Murs, feeling much better, although [Rudell, Mrs, R, MacDonald, Area she (5 still in hospital in Bowman. Trainer and Mra, Frank, Campjyille, director | Mrs, Harold Sha. haa returned A doll, donated by Me, and re, [home to Trenton, after A few Gordon Beech was won by Mew, (days visit with Mr, and Mrs, Mik | Abraham Sal, This was the yy Paterson wil hold social event undertaken by the| The Evening Auxiliary [local association and was cons ig o vein meet week [sidered sueoes:inl loarly this month, on raday, After the tea, the 1dr attend: December 11 od the candy a d home baking] Leonard Hindma. 4a still quite [tables which were set up in Mrs, |ill and has heen taken to Osha | Coles' room and all the items|General Hospital for 'treatm were sold quickly, ®' Mrs, I, MeNell, Oshawa, vis PERSONAL Nhs and Mm. Sam Mann Th Mr, and Mrs, BE, Twist and day evening, | family, a visited Mr, and| Mp, and Mrs, Charlie Snowded Mrs, William Laird ¥ ldap, spent a week with Me, and M Mae Laverty, Dunnville, spent{Albert Brown, Hamilton and ha il evening with his! just returned home, forgotten win Jokes and stories, Rosa Pring sang a Duteh Carol, brother and sister-in-law, Mi, The visitors were welcomed by and Mis, J, Laverty, Ww, Ww Pupils from Mrs, Black's room| sang four songs, a led by the teacher Mra, MaeDor I'd introduced Joyce Graham, a former teacher who showed color fil. she took during a caravan tour in West en Canada and the Western United States Mra, Steve Dode played and Mrs, Black led the Jinging of carols, Lunch was served hy the exeoutive to bring the evening to a close, GUIDE AND BROWNIE TEA The First Pa, of Maple Grove Guides and Brownies held its tea in the school Tuesday evening, Tea wan pourew, by the Guide leaders and bY Guides and Brownies presented a program of recitation, songs and tap dances, Two Guides, Jane Rekker and 60-Hour Week Adopted In Hong-Kong HONG KONG (Reuters) -- This Rritish colony is to give its wo. men and teen-age workers a new deal: A 60-hour, six-day week A bill embodying these condi tions has been adopted in the leg Islative counell, the government appointed body of Ruropeans and Chinese, It willgnke effet Jan, 1, The new regulations will re place a labor law passed in 1958 whieh forbade the pmplayment of women and young peanle at night or for longer than 13 hours a day. But until now, it has heen legal to employ in industey a wo MAR or Young person of 16 years of age or over for 13 hours a dav on 38 davs a vear \otnally, most of the 67.000 wo men in registered fasiovies herve work an average of M% hows a y far her, work, She is impressed est son of Queen Vietoria, hung day, spread aver 10% hours when | Canadians their desire with and terest in art la drawing of her aver his hed at 0 own paint: Buckingham Palace. Queen Vie Ings toria took it down The last two summers she has! Crown Prince Rudolph of Aus had some lively company in the tria, who died in mysterious ein | form of a herd of horses, onloumstances with his mistress at which she Kept an eye for a Mayerling in 188%, gave her al rancher {nthe Cariboo distriot magnificent emerald ring of central British Columbia Every ambitions hostess who Sometimes I do at see a wanted to attract the Prince of human being for a week. 1 can't Wales ta her home invited Mis afford 10 be nervous," she said Langtvy to make sure that he (during » show of her work here, [would come, writes Dudley, the meal breaks ave ineluded. | But there are some small busi | nesses such as backyard factor les whose employes work halt of the 34 hours most days of the year In this aver-erawded, mountain ous terpitory, the Chinese live for work, and work to keep alive They cannot understand the pleas that Labor members of Parlia ment have made for them in the House of Commons, LEG BROKEN, CLIMBS 1300.FEET 2 oa olimb described as a | highway, she Hagged down a™ miracle hy doctors, Malline | | | | motorist who, hy chance, was a= drug salesman carrying a NIT Py of cortisone. The drug is oredited with saving the lives of two others in the oar ates the time of the plunge, Mal '™ | lme's mother at a triond,' Her | father died belove a doctor could reach hw, Matthews, 18 crawled painfully 100 feel up a mountain skope near Hope, B.C, after her fam Hy ear had plunged off a road Malline made the elimb with a broken "leg, barefooted and Reaching the

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