THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 16, 1958 Woman Journalist i" = yy 4, usw Dies In Toronto Responsible ha the evidence and win Her mother, Mrs, Barah Gibb, daughter of a Great lakes vap Alexandrine men's track and field team at tain, predeceased her, Miss Gib UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Rew regard ta the failure of the Syrian avonto news: the 1028 Olymple Games in Am: Was educalion al Havergal Col- ters) Britain holds the United oo onorities (0 co-operate promptly serdam. the fied time women lege in Toronto and showed an Arah Republic responsible for (he nine investigation: of Mrs i live in women's sport, died Mon: were allowed lo compete in mod: ear'y Interest in spovis (wirder last month of Mrs, Joyes Doran's disappearance, Her Ma: | 7 day night after suffering » heart ern Olymples. Bhe was In charge After she turned to. geneysl re Mary Doran, wile of the British Jesty's government can only eons! by attack of (wo subsequent women's Leama porting, in 1045 she travelled 20, aly attache in Tsrael clude (hat she was shot hy a 8 Miss Gibh, who was shout 60, at Olympic Games and also lad (00 miles on a trip that took her| Sir Pierson Dikon, British dele pou on or sorcons ovossing from! Wy 11 tar ix weeks the women's squad In the 1994 (0 Russia and Tran. She had in gale, told the Security Councll gy pian territory," he said p i 0 (} " I p res, | ( t Hr was "l : A She was one of the first writers British Empive Games in London terviewed many notable figures [Monday that Britain was "(aking YOM ta cover women's sports as a Miss Gibb's athletes performed . CKLW » "Presents PAY both In Golor | BRM columnist In the Toromta Tele: With distinction that vear. They| and | a ui hi gram. Later she went to the To. Won the #60-yard relay and fin! Dates (ag | vonto Blar where she wrote a lished second In the 20-yard run women's sparts column for many and the 80-metre hurdles, DON'T GO TOGETHER! on Florida's Fabulous West Coast {132008 hefore starting to cover She was president of the \WWilhigy DAILY % NAY ne PZ -- morta represeniative mm the In. Approprigie action to raise the matter with the UA R, author) TORONTO (CP) | (hh, a longtime 1 paper woman whi also was Ac " a di J field team invited to. compete! Ladies' Chih GOOD SAMARITAN IN JAIL overens This Was in 1905 when Miss Gibh was the only woman 4 six Toronto girls competed in When Martin Koch of Willow: | ed and showed it to motorists London in a world athletic event member of the Ontario Athlelis dale, Ont, was given a ticket = passing the spot where the po- for women : Commission and was appolnted for speeding at 41 mph aflér aa trap was set, Bul police fhe managed wo ithe first Canadian women: being (rapped hy police radar took a eritieal view of My equipment, he decided to he a Koch's behaviour and took him god Samaritan to fellow mo- Into custody and are considering tovists, He had this sign letier laying a charge of obstructing Canada's | general news Women's Athletic Federation ol \ PER PERSON SE mATE Her newspaper coveer covered Canada snd al one Lime Wis sec ~~ DOUBLE 00C, move than 4, years retary of the Ontario Ladies' Miss Gibb managed the fivet as kethall Association. Khe wie INGREASE ~-- --_-- hod Inslufing rr ~ mouth Canadian women's (wack and Played baskethall with Toronto ey RI a-ak BIG DOUBLE ACTION-THRILL SHOW ! HOBERT MEALS MITCHUM MARILYN MONROE CHOR-TY Channel 1i=Hamilton CBLTTYV Channel 6-Toronte WROCTY Channel B=Rochester WGRATY Channel 2Buffale WHBENTV Channel -- a. "Ih 1 ARS GIT CHOIER ACCOMMOBATIONS RESERVE NOWI Alr Gandi+ tiangd Roem With Srivate Hoth o Tiansters te and fiam MWetel » Entertainment o Mightly Bans: The menth af the year means ne thing at The Desert Ranehl Yeu 10ih Cantyry Fax pray pay the same lew rales fram new pio KIRK DOUGLAS + DELLA DARYI + GULBIRT MOLINO | 10 Fobruary Tat. Only af he BRK: ERY RAMEN, en Florida's beaut ing #' Male Green go Private ful Guilt saat, can yay snioy Fall Beach o Large Swimming Pool Plus h and Winter luxury (when all ether [} Outdonr Barhesun » witle " THE TENNESSEE TWO rosaris raise their prices) --al low ard 9 Tobie Tennie o Surf Hear Johnny Sing law Summer Rates | Casting. "Ballad of » Teenage Queen "Guess Things Happen That Way" "Walk the Ling" Big River" 4=RBulfale WEDNEADAY FM FURAPAY ff vata A HiaTheatre, Bporis Be Toads S=Whistle 'Lown Capt by Piayhaiee PAM Banta Claus 8=Dr. Christian f=Thre Flonges 4 Popeye's Piay Alb PM house #Chiaren's 8 Trouble With Father EVENING WEDNESDAY rm AM CR Sports He"Thentie #-Rape Around The E Ng -- 1% RACERS Wangan d-hanta Claus $- Three Blooges ' ] Make Your Plans Now . .. far Christmas and New Year's com by BE LUXE # Chisago: ANdaver 0TH For Infarmation ~fee Your Travel hrm : gont==ar write direst Theatre | ya AM rN s=Favarite Bory | A= Buse | AEM a his Theatre | #10 Fheisian | Danger ts my Bus TODAY 4 WEDNESDAY 10.0 0 | be Wondy Woodpecker Far Love of Maney d=Dinner Dale [LN 0.a-Daugh Re Mi S-Bengal Lancers IleNewni Thestie ah hans host 8.8 Treanirs Hunt I Theatre; News id Play Your Hunel Weather Sky King nm AM f-News $10 8.0-Pries In Right i Hing Children's Nowaresl Chidren es "heats Yolightly higher A 4 [T rates Dec. 20 CR lan, § John Astarite, Mg. Bir, 51, Petersburg Beach, Florida bocial Parties, Banquets, Dances or Family Get logethers! I TI LY IX B00 ATTRAGTIONS SLIM GORDEN and It's A Great Lile Arthur whowy MPM be Bengal Lancers 4 B=New Weaiher Win PM 6 4 News 1 PM HaTheatre Ge lanloig Metorrn Annie Oakley B= You Had a Million im rm #=Danns Reed 3 Diragnet &=Whirlyhirds A rN i, &=Front Page Challenge 8, R-George Gobel t=Ann Bothern pn PM 11, S-Shirley Temple +=To Tell The Truth on PM 8 B-Genrge Burma d-Arthur Godirey [_ 11.8-Folin 4=Red Skelton 8 8=Boh Cummings HM AM Tap Dollar B.8-Conpentration 1m NOON A News gd Weather B.8-Tie Tae Dough Hh EM 4 Bpeaker of the Hause Hw km 11-News 88-11 Could Be You d=Heareh for lamarvow | | CLR {All Nar Theatre d-Aiuiding Light ea Matinee Movie neare Meat the Millers Mid Day Matines LJ 1 1 Movie Matinee Lin EN =The World Turse "hr Jimmy Dean S=Helen Neville TMM #=News wetlome Cooking House Party -Hawuls Pagsle | "ie b=Naws #=Tim Meglay "a Meat Lorraine Beleave It Ta Reaver dh =Newy Weather Hidh PM S48-Newy iM H=Family Theatre #=Tahloid B=Open House of d=Maokensie's Ralders 1 8-This Is Alice | mm f-Disney Presents [J | Aa Wakon Train . ' ff fe Union Pacifie - oa 7 I=laave It To Beaver H - oany ' Pursuit | 100 MARISA Aw FM ye | OBERT [fA LL | na-ons wt Whim | CURTIS -PAVAN 'ROLAND / | . "eo " Final | AY CRIPPEN ARGENTINA MUNETN HH Jamhares -- 88 Millon Berle The Millionaire PM, 1 Frontier 6 Hat Masterson vw Lt Neeret hw PM, tfteel Hour "a 2 TERRIFIC SUSPENSE THRILLERS ! When that phone rings. from MGM starring 'GLENN FORD DONNA REED MARK S74 Here on some GOOD REASONS to BUY T.V. ov ii-Fi yy, J Parkway Television THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOYS THURS, DEO, 18 2 SHOWS, 7 AND 930 PM Gen, Adm, 1,50 Res, Section 1.78 RED BARN OSHAWA, ONY The Flying Dutchman "Motor Hotel Highway 401 == Bowmanville Cloverlent Jim Bourke, Manager MArket 3.3373 Fer Descriptive Literature ur Resarvations Call ® TORONTO PRICES © LARGEST SELECTION © FREE HOME TRIAL ® HIGHEST TRADE.IN ® 90 DAYS FREE SERVICE © WE DO OUR OWN SERVICING Give Us a TRY Before You BUY PARKWAY TELEVISION RA 3.3043 OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS non PM | ) AC alHERIARY idk PM ti=Aan Francisen Beal . "Garters [1 Nursery School | &=Have Gun Wil Travel | ud 3} | PM | ®8=This is Your Life | WA=Press Conlerence 11,8-Dear Phoshe Wa PM A=Beath Valley Days A8-Today Is Ours 18 Clase Up SoHighway Patrel The WE Pavelt --F | LE. Heht I PM Oficial Detestive Wika Nowa: Weather | 11, A-Open House Hae vm Lat) A8-Fram Thess Wools | 1100458 News MILLE | A Verio! 18 Yours sather, Sparks | Sa Viewpaint i. PM, v Wilh (3 | b=Mavis Bugs Bunny | f= Viewnaint | He re, PM Party & Shook 11 Late Shaw | 80-Queen For A Pay | So8parts Reel A-Aparts Views A Borin HM rM APM Vine ale Shaw 11 Papeye S-Acotiand Yard f-Hawdy Doady A= First Hun Theatre A=County Faly bdack Paar My Hero 1h AM | 4 Bdee of Nght B-The Unexpecied The exciting adventures of twe little runaways! & scapade in Japan oy veanNIRAMA, TECHNICOLOR, TERESA WRIGHT. CAMERON MITCHELL OX PROVO + OBER WAEADANE wr POI ODER KOWIRO. MVARE THIS CHRISTMAS... SUCH A THOUGHTF GIFT! Put your family two feet ahead in comfort and style this Christmas vo put them in slippers by Bata, Available for every member of the family, all Bata-priced to help your Christmas budget! S=Publie Defender No Decision Yet To Free 2 Men TORONTO (CP) Mr, Justice J. L. Wilson of the Ontario Su preme Court has reserve judg ment in an application to free two Ottawa men awaiting trial on charges of murder Willlam Warren, 38, and Mer rill Plovfe, 27, were committed |] Pes 19, 1958 last Monday by an Ottawa mag M Istrate to stand trial on charges | of murder in the death of Marie Ann Buth, 10, one of five eohil dren and two adults wha died in an Ottawa reominghouse fire | = Sept. 13 Counsel for the men applied for their release an writs of habeas fOrpus, 35,000! HOME FILL-A-CARD L I ------ i ---- TOMORROW'S NO'S. Ly HT 122 BA vore OF THANKS FOR YOUR ENTRIES GAME 'GQ! x Thank you--for making our 1958 "Finer Service" ES Germain, Sudbury, Onl, receiving keys to his 1959 Lincoln from HO, Paichett, Ontaria a A tert! | Pert Nein Division Manager, Canadian Petrafing Limited, Toranta, Witnaning the caramany, lah to right i program a wonderful success! Perhaps you didn't LT. Watley, District Manager, Canadian Pateafing Limited, North Ray, Jos. Ménard, Verner, Ont, Mn win a hxury automobile or a mink coat, But the 3 18 3 0 4 {who gave Me St Germain his winning sntry hiank), and Richard Cagaan, propriater, City Matar hundreds of thousands of entries in the Finer Service Id, Lingaln dealer in Sudbury Contests have helped us to improve our merchandise 4 20 2 tL) 63 ing programs, and have encouraged us to continue 5 8B 3 nN 64 our efforts to bring to you and to all Eastern 8 30 39 S56 Canadian motorists Dealer 12 21 4) 57 organization the friendliest, cleanest and fastest 14 24 44 60 service possible, 15 16 3 54 6 LY 7 | CANADIAN PETROFINA ano 1s FINA DEALERS 11 13 Manufacturers and Distributors of Gasoline and Petroleum Products Finest IN North America Benet of you BAND OF THE ONTARIO REGIMENT POP C "NCERT Series 1950.40 "FEATURES MARGURITE GIGNAC 0.6.V.I, AUDITORIUM Friday, Dec, 19 Only th) wa To 918 SIMCOE N 0:00 pm ' . Price for Three Consarts "noe Prien por Concert (at doer) NOs ROD STEIGER "RUN OF THE ARROW" IN TECHNICOLOR A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Fifth and Final FINA Contest Winner chooses $7,000 LINCOLN E. J. ST. GERMAIN of Sudbury, Ontario, yamed winner of Fifth and Final FINA Contest am un a for Dad $4.9° previous winners -- - y + 13 2IMEOE ST. N Jack Pickotty Two, NS TR ul ! Re RA 5.3874 Bernard Karp Ottawa, Ont, * OINAWA SHOPPING LN Lager Montreal North, M0 HA Mes LB Martin Town of Mowat Royal PO through our Fina CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Net atbiliated with the CN IB