Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 8

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| The bridegroom's sister, Mrs, "LISTEN TO THE JINGLE BELLS, JAMIE!" Even tols lika these catch the | months, excitement of Christmas in the alr. Cynthia Ann, aged 18 and James Douglas | lied, King street west Paul, 5 years, are the children | of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bul ~Photo by Robert Aldsworth A story bringing out the thought that it always pays to trust and serve the Lord Jo Aldwinckle, Women's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, were read, Mrs, Sharrard read [the report on the year's work, land a note of thanks from Miss Margaret Miskelly who had been the speaker the previous week. Mrs. Harry McGhee and Mrs, Sharrard sang a duet, Jesus My Saviour to Bethlehem Came, Mrs R. Alloway told a Christmas A solo, "Face to Face, was : . sung by Mrs. R. W. Whighton, Dial RA 3 3474 | Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. R, Tonkin and her socie] committee, Editor December 15, 1958 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES SRD GROUP COMMITTEE The Third Guide and Brownle Group Committee met at Guide House with seven members pres. ent, The meeting was opened with the repeating of the Guide Mother's Prayer, followed routine business over which Mrs 8. D. Calhoun, president, pre sided The treasurer's report was rea by Mrs. Eric Norris in the ab ( sence of the treasurer, Mrs. |S Harry Ross, The secretary's re port was read by Mrs Howe, A letter of resignation was received and read by the secre tary, from Mrs, new president has not been select ed as yet : After the meeting was adjourn- od, a game of bingo was enjoy- ed. Box lunches that the mothers had brought were Mrs, -8. D. Calhoun poured tea assisted by Mrs. D, Coverly and ary 13 Miss Margare! Pellow {will show the slides of her cara- van trip with the United Church! dent, Mrs, Harry Ross: treasurer, | Caravan, [ Mrs. Erie Norris | Committee for 1950: vice-presi- | Mrs. Eric Norris; secretary, Mrs, | ranged C Mr Mr, and Mr Rendezvous Club d Adelalde House 'ooper presided and Mrs. E { 'arlton read the minutes of the | | previous meeting and gave the Kevan| treasurer's report. As this meet. {ing took the form of a Christmas| Party the business meeting was 8. D, Calhoun. A short plano {Games were were exchanged by members | exchanged, ent to "CARE" various games, darts, ards and crokinole Refreshments were served by and Mrs. Edward Davies, | and Mrs. Gerald Crawford and Mrs. James Howard, THE RENDEZVOUS CLUB The regular meeting of the was held at Mrs, Ralph J Mrs. George Hudson played the for the carol singing. played and gifts A collection was taken to be At the next meeting on Janu- | [TUESDAY WEDNESDAY | Robert J. Rose | | Wed in Citadel | The marriage of Gladys Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil liam McCarthy of Oshawa, and Robert James Rose, son of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Rose of Bowman- ville, took place recently in the Salvation Army Citadel, Oshawa. | Major Marsland Rankin per-| formed the ceremony and the | wedding music was played by Mrs, William Hayes. The bride,. who was given In marriage by her father, wore a |waltz-length dress of frilled lace over satin, A pearl crown held {her fingertip vell and she carried |a nosegay of white chrysanthe- tmums and red roses. |Oral Hogg, was the bride's at- [tendant. She wore a str.et-length |dress of pink embossed bengaline with a white feather hat. She car-| ried a nesegay of chrysanthe-| (mums and roses n white and pink. Mr. Oral Hogg acted as best| man. | A reception followed in the recreation hall, Receiving the! guests, the bride's mother wore navy blue crepe with dusty rose| {accessories and a corsage of roses, The bridegroom's mother | was in royal blue taffeta with! pale pink accessories and a cor- sage of pink carnations For the wedding trip to western oints the bride donned a choco- |late brown dress with beige ac-| cessories, | | Mr. and Mrs. Rose are making | hei home in Bowmanville, | CLUB CALENDAR | MONDAY | 1st Scout Mothers' Aux, Sunshine Rebekah Lodge 16th Scout Mothers' Aux, Ath Scout Mothers' Aux. E. A. Lovell H and § Assn, Pleasant Afternoon Club Bus. and Prof. Women's Club Conant H and 8 Assn Coronation H gnd 8 Assn College Hill H and § Assn, Willing Workers The marriage of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Robert' Powers took place in the Oshawa Gospel Hall recently, The hride, the former Barbara Ann Mattice, is the daughter of Mr, Arnold C, | Mattice and the late Mrs. Irene Daughters of England TOPS Club SA Home League Fellowship Grp. (King Bt.) Canadian Legion Aux Holy Trinity WA Northminster WA (Groups) Courtice H and § Ass» Westmount WA §t. Paul's Guild Vietoria Lodge LTB Albert Street WA Knox Presbyterian WMS Helping Hand AVUX, Ont. Regt. OW Assn The Christmas Season will be brighter for 12 British teachers who are this year living and working in Ontario in the (elementary teaching field, The Goodwill Committee of the Fed eration of Women Teachers' As ysociations of Ontario, convened by Miss Frances McLeod of Oshawa, is sending, on hehalf of Ontario's 120,000 elementary women teach. lers, a Christmas cheque in the amount of $75 to United Kingdom teachers stationed jn Stratford Toronto, East Rexdale (and Highland Creek The combined gift of $000 comes from a voluntary fund subscribed to by members of the | Federation. From the same fund SA Prayer Meeting Queen Mary LOBA 7th Scout Mothers' Aux. | King Street WMS 13th Scout Mothers' Aux. Cedar Dale WA Pear] Group LA Patriarchs Militant St. Christopher's CP-TA er Ald bursaries, Niagara are Miss M, W each year, comes Student-Teach- TO LIVE IN KITCHENER Mattice. The bridegroom is the on of Mr. and Mrs. J, Wesley Powers, all of Oshawa, The newly-weds are making their home In Kitchener, ~Photo by Ireland 'F. McLeod Heads Committee | Of Goodwill to U.K. Teachers In August this year, nine bur women caries, valued at $200 each were presented from Leamington, roato, St. Catharines, Downsview, Chatham, bringing to $5000 their contribu tion in bursaries during the five years. Toronto recipients of the Fed eration's Christmas gift include Miss M. A ler Hamilton and Miss M. L would-be Midland, to Falls, and Hill, Miss M. E Miss M. A Derham, Miss H. E Pole teachers R Other Roy, Hamilton Turnbull, East Rexdale teachers To Fow Glasscock, Miss Stone remembered Miss D, 8. Morris, Stratford Miss Miss D. Brosell, Hamilton apd Miss M. J. Garratt-Reed, | Add Postscript | To Memoirs LONDON (Reuters)--The pub- lishers-of Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery's controversial me- moirs will add a postscript to all | future editions to soften the effect SCHOOL OF DANCING of some of Montgomery's com- ments on Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, it was re | D. E. A ported Sunday. Auchenleck denied a statement | by Montgomery, his successor as | commander of the Eighth Army, | that he intended to withdraw into the Nile Deita, or even beyond, if {there were a determined enemy, attack, | | In their note, the publishers say other military writers made it clear that Auchinleck's intention | was to "launch an offensive from | the Alamein position when his army was rested." | Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. BABY ROOM STEVENAGE, Eng. (CP) -- A room for changing diapers and [feeding babies is part of a new [public washroom 'in this Hert: | | INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 | fordshire town. ese Nights Open All Day Wednesday In December! oh % 27 1 oy yh a RAISES EYEBROWS | CANTERBURY, England (CP) Part of a Kent schoolgirl's essay Kevan Howe; telephone conven-| SRD SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX, ie / { ers. Mrs, 8. D. Calhoun. Mrs, A.| The monthly meeting of the i 1 THURSDAY [ W. Simmons, Mrs, A Fetchison, |3rd Oshawa Scout and Cub moth- Girl Guide Ex. Council Mrs. K. G, Howe; Guide repre-|ers' Auxiliary was held at Simcoe TOPS Club sentative, Mrs, Eric Norris; Street United Church, Th ere Jaycettes |sald: "The new mayor 1s busy in Brownie representative, Mrs. H.|were 10 members present. | Pilot Club [the borough having many al- Sproule Mrs. T. N. Shepard presided. | Court Charlene COF fairs " Social conveners have not been |The secretary's report was read St, George's Eve. WA selected, as yet |The treasurer's report showed a| Happy Doubles Club bank balance of $51.57. | Calvary Baptist WMS ED. WILSON It was agreed fo purchase can Christ Church Eye. Guild 20 Church St. RA 3.3211 | E : St. George's WA ; where St. Andrew's WA Harvey Hunt Aux, ONUS GIFTS Every time you make a purchase et your Power Market you get a 'Bonus-Gold' cash register slip . . , simply save the required number of wallets (A wallet represents $25.00 in accumulated Power Cash Register Slips for the gift of your choice and redeem them at your friendly Power Oshawa, FINE QUALITY ENGLISH A |) LENORE GROUP The Lenore Group of Simcoe dv for Scouts and Cubs Christmas Street United Church, Oshawa. party on December 16 was held in the church parlors | The group enjoyed a social half with a good attendance, Mrs. H,|hour with exchange of gifts after fH. Wells presided and conducted which refreshments were served the business by Mrs, Fred Wilson and Mrs. The worship service was in the Charles Ball, ' i charge of Mrs. C. E. Souch and vi 4, | Mrs. Wells, and the annual treas | CALVARY BAPTIST WMS ] | SOCIAL NOTICE wrer's report was submitted by The final meeting for 1958 of " a Ivory After Dark Mrs. Ralph Jewell, indicating a Calvary Baptist WMS was held the | Centre Street WA Challenger Group 17th Scout Mothers' Aux St. Mark's WA successful year on Thursday afternoon, Decem- A feature of the evening was aber 11, Mrs. Henry McGhee read shower of canned goods, which/a poem, 'A Christmas Thought." "Rose Royale" DINNERWARE TO ENHANCE YOUR TABLE New beauty by night - lustre of ivory AT HOME Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Chant, 77| will be icorporated in the Christ The president, Mrs. Grace Mon. mas hampers sent to needy fam-|cur, presided and Mrs. S, Arm. files which the group is looking strong led in the opening prayer. | Genoa crepe with high draped waistline, re- Riverview Gardens, Toronto, will peated In skirt panel. Styled (he at home to their relatives for the theatre-goer { nacetate |fpjends and neighbors on Satur FRUIT NAPPIE ¢ DINNER Sunbeam Chapter OES after; at this point a commitise' Mrs, A. Fisher and Miss Lottie vas anpointed to look after the|Sickle gave a renort 50080 4 i oie ot that bp Rig) a black velvet evening cloak, (p.m, on the occasion of their 65th Announcement was made of the|A renort on the visit to Fairview | wedding anniversary annual luck Suppes ot Helos way Elven by Mrs. Otto HOUS™ "LD HINT EER - whole Woman's Association to be{Sharrard, and Mrs. Jack Dugan, Ww 1 y J atic | held in the church parlors. led In prayer for specific iD ehtavers 10 Sear Re the Court whist provided entertain: which had heen mentioned WR gli i glo ment for tie balance of the eve: The offering was received and at a g'~ ice what is on Wo! see) ning, with prizes awarded to Mrs. (the minutes of the last meeting early use or Loo Rolson, and Mrs. Howard oe ib : Luke. an honored guest . . A Christmas buffet rounded out the evening MERRY MATES The Merry Mates of Christ Memorial Church held their De and viscose crepe, top it with day, December 20, from 2 to §| and BREAD PLATE FREE! With 4 Wallets CUP, SAUCER and SOUP BOWL FREE! With 3 Wallets CREAM and SUGAR BOWL FREE! PLATTER FREE! With 6 Wallets With 6, Wallets LUXURIOUSLY THICK @ LASTINGLY THIRSTY pot 9-inch SALAD BOWL FREE! With 3 Wallets 12-inch OVAL edical Miftor; Through QD HK nowiedge 4d Note to reader: Thanks for all the nice letters, As many questions ( ) | . | ne ift las possible will be enswered in this column, but for obvious reasons | g replies must be brief. THAT BRINGS NEW HAPPINESS Q. "ls it true that doctors are spots ore very large and quite cember meeting in the form of a * usin rtisone to restore hair noticeable, Can anything be Christmas tree decorating party. | for the whole family rowth?" H. growth?" = . done and if so, what kind of The members assembled in the " |A, Yes Reports have appeared doctor should | see?" Ma, wh Parish Hall and put up three aw lin medical journals describing re- | have dark spots ind iid ands Christmas trees which were very sults obtainea with cortisone in which look worse when tan, : ra : o special kind of hair loss. The Tanning also leaves white spots Wisctively decorated th rk condition treated is called alope- on my foce. Is there any reme- | The remainder of m . or cia areata, in which there is loss dy?' Mm, F, beried was Joa: J ArOparal ons |of hair in patches. The scalp and A. Milky-white skin patches may | fpr the Sunday school parties beard areas are most often in. appear anytime during adult life | Se, Dutiness Weeting was ol volved. So far as is known, corti The condition (doctors call it] ucted by e presidents, Mr, : 24 and Mrs, Malcolm Adam. The J ; ba bn sone is of no value in treating vit" i-li' go) seems to run' an| 4 i the common type of male bald- irregular course, spreading for Saige 3 Jerr Tie ven. bY Stauffer's "Magic Couch" (Posture-Rest®), heart of T rs. Robert LAalpin an od Stauffer Home Reducing Plan of effortless exercise and ness, awhile and sometimes clearing up Q. Do girls learn to tolk eer a bit without treatment. Doctors Webster gave the secretary's re-| lori fucti id e : hi calorie reduction, provides controlled, rhythmic motion. have ways of treating vitiligo, | fo vg boyr average (Girls: One of the newest is through use The entertainment committee, 17 to 18 months. Boys: 19 to 20 of a chemical, token by mouth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bird and Mr. and Mrs, Murdie McLeod ar-| {months), that helps darken the skin upon IQ, "I would appreciate infor. exposure to ultraviolet light. Con. | mation on dropsy and a chronic sult your family doctor or a der cough 'due to bronchial trouble" matologist (skin specialist), Dark w= A reader. skin blotches resembling large] A. Dropsy means water-logging | frec kles" tend to occur in later of tissues or the excessive collec. life. These skin changes are usu- ition of fluid in body tissues. It is ally accepted as part of the aging not a disease but rather a condi process tion that develops as a result of Answers do not necessarily reflect some disorder. Chronic cough is the opinion of all doctors. The pretty much in the same class, diagnosis and treatment of dis It's @ sympton. A person with ease is the fuction of the patient dropsy and o chronic cough personal physician, Questions dir should heed these warning signs ected to Dr. J. D. Ralston, Science and consult a physician Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal iy "A", Toronto, Ontriae will be ir carporated in these columns when possible FOR FATHER -- relaxation from normal | Myr. lar nervous tensi y FOR MOTHER a trim, new figure with. Stauffer's out starvation diet or strenuous exercise. "Magic FOR BROTHER -- good posture te Couch" 'Lady Galt" TOWELS YOUR CHOICE OF 5 DECORATOR COLORS @ AQUA @ ROSE- BUD @ YELLOW @ GREEN SPRAY @ CARNATION PINK BATH TOWEL HAND TOWEL FREE! with 6 wallets FREE! with 4 wallets MAGIC x DRY DISH TOWEL WASH CLOTHS FREE with 2 wallets FREE! with 2 wallets LISTED BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY EXCITING FREE GIFTS AT POWER ¢ SILHOUETTE PICTURES -"iis* © STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY © WATERLESS COOKWARE HAVING Wringer Troubles? replace that adolescent slump. FOR SISTER -- control of baby fat, good beginning for her figure. For further information call 'RAndolph 3-9212 STAUFFER HOME PLAN 392 Phillip Murray Ave, Oshawe | would like more Information obligation. shout the Stauffer Home Plan without -- We are wringer specialists, Our experts will rebuild your wringer as good es mew . | ot reasonable rates! JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jack Christie, At Rear of 68 Simcoe St. N. RA 5.1179 For Pick-up and Delivery ol ye age ots appeared en | em now 18 and the Published as a public service by Kain Drugs 28 King St E RA 3-462) white chest, NATE intmemmssrm--e-------- A -- Address City ----11 Local Factory-Trained Service Throughout The Country owner| SEE THEM ALL ON DISPLAY AT YOUR FRIENDLY POWER OSHAWA KING at WILSON HIGHWAY NUMBER TWO Oshawa

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