Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 7

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y i ' SANTA AT PORT PERRY (DOCTORS SAY Rabies Still Prevalent PORT HOPE: "By December |death or live through a 14 day [the host club took the top awards, you'll hear nothing at all about! quarantine period. , | Mrs, C. Smith skipped one local rabies, I'll be finished," predic-| "If the animal is shot it may rink and had as her partners, ted a Port Hope councilor re-take as long as 60 days to deter- Mrs, G. King, Mrs, C, Taylor |cently, The councillor's predic- mine whether the animal had and Mrs; M, Caldwell, They lost tion was not justified, according the disease. all three games, Ito recent statistics, Dr, 1. J. Woolsey of the Health| The rink skipped by Mrs. L. | "Although I haven't my exact of Animals Branch of the de- Bawden won one game of four, |figures here, there would appear partment of agriculture in Bow-|Her companions were Mrs, L. [to be at léast as many cases manville reports since the first Wallis, Mrs, J. Couche and Mrs, lof rables throughout the United case of rabies was reported Jan,|P, Edwards. Mrs, J. Walsh skip [Counties during the first two|4th this year there have been ped the rink of Mrs. K, Leonard, | weeks in December as there were 275 cases in the counties of Disr- Mrs, B, Lawson and Mrs, D. |in. November," commented Dr, [ham and Ontario, |MacKanzie, to one win ip three |Carlotte Horner of the United| "We picked up four cases yes- games, Counties Health Unit, [terday and three today," he sald. |" pyenty rinks from - Peter Cobourg Rinks At Peterboro ,| COBOURG -- Three Cobourg rinks, participating in the first annual fillies' bonsplel at Peter- borough, failed to win prizes as | "There is no sign of a let up, "There is absolutely no sign of & 00.00" Oshawa, Bobcaygeon, | | | | Baneroft, Nephton, Hamilton Vie- wil be elected, Council inaugura- pr -- (tion will take place about the and 1 feel sure we're going to|let-up," od ally thnk have this thing with us for quite| It was reveal recently tha yx rticipated, |some time, lin countries like Canada 'where |1oria and Dixie pariicipat ¥ "If there's one thing 1 can't prompt medical attention is avail- « Istress too strongly it is this able, humans rarely contract Do not shoot a dog suspected rabies. Since Confederation, 14 Dragnet For of rabies, Tie it up securely in persons are known to have died | - . Hitchhiker a pen away from humans, and |of rabies in Canada, The last one | allow it to either die a natural"was in 1944, Clancy Is Not LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- London attention Township and Toronto police is- sued a province-wide alarm Sun- day for a hitchhiking, one-legged . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendy, ode 15, 1958 7 Association Hopes Stir Up Town Council COBOURG ~-- Ward 5 Ratepay-| Cedals standing along thecil, Chief among these » . ers' Association president, coun-| {trench which runs across Clllor-clect Mac Loos last nignt|ioriheast corner of King and/Zied Cold ot Pourth . sald that his association would | Burnham streets block the vision where u walermain was recently not have any difficulty when he of motorists about to turn the put through, resigns his executive position in corner, | Also being investigated is what January to serve on council, He| A culvert at Heath and Burn- Mr, Lees said was described as hopes the association will be able ham streets has become plugged "a mess" on Fourth and Tweed to stir up activity in the council, |up, and there is need for better streets, where a sewer was con- "When the association was grading to drain water from the structed in October, Mr, Lees did formed in September," he said, roadway on Burnham street. [not know who was responsible bandit who robbed two men of | $125 and their car at gunpoint Saturday night, after forcing {them to drive him to Cooksville, Lorne Walker Dundas, 21, ft Rodeo Artist PORT HOPE -- William Clancy | "One belonged to a lady Who crediton, and James Prout, 21, is not a rodeo artist, Shown how [promised 1) tie him up for 14. cantralia, reported they to use a lasso for catching stray [days while he was observed for picked up the harmless-looking dogs, when he paid a recent visit rabies symptoms to the Oshawa pound, the Po rt "I took the other dog to the were Hope dog catcher tried it out on pound but the owner called, 1 night, home territory leaving sold him a tag, and they 4 yA - I tried the lasso. Now 1 prefer up under observation." to get to grips with them with my hands," sald Mr, Clancy, He wears gloves with thick leather cuffs for this purpose Mr, Clancy's first score came {Thursday when the pound was | first opened, "He was Just a pup medium build, falr complexion whom the police had picked up," | He said he has two dogs al and with light eurly hair he explained {the pound which he feels sure are "80 far I've caught six dogs pets. They can be claimed hy Eld B On Friday I had a complaint that phoning the town hall, paying for PORT HOPE Wednesday das' head just south of Elginfield, e caretaker 'at the high school Toronto, [th : | They said he'd been bitten hy a dog animal is now secured and under ahov: & observation at home old , 5 8" tall, 150 pounds, with a schoolboy had heen bitten by a|board, and purchasing a tag dog on Lavina street, When I ar- They were picked up Sunday | rived the boy couldn't decide (morning One is a white hound which of two dogs it was. He with black spots and the other is said they both looked alike a black spaniel, Dorothy Perry Heads Auxiliary By M. M, LePAGE |Assioniiy = k - i : . |New; Investigating Committee PORT HOPE: The Ladies Aux EE he - -anch 30 Canadian Le- P. proeld th Port Hope held its|Auditors -- R. Thompson and B, last meeting for 1958 Thursday. Fover: i their league lead | After a short meeting, election of | The children's Christmas party cap when they beat officers for 1950 was oid con 4 Bb held Dec. 18 i the Jets by a score of 53-35, The N t the defic ducted by President Mildre - [Auxiliary mas "|Jets have not tasted victory as 'apanee ou of Hels iu halt Page. |change party, slong With the 14: (yy this year and It was their Combines : a long drive to the top right| The following officers were £0N turkey draw * seventh straight defeat, a i under i tion, Keith showed he'll be a big corner, Cook and Green vs the elected -- President, Dorothy|l9 at the Legion Hall, Lee Woods and Neil Verway five-goal drive and were ousted help on the defence, and showed playmakers, McDougall g av e|Perry; Immediate Past Presi-| It was decided to present a continued scoring for the Bowlers from first place in the Eastern no after' efects from the Injury homesters a brief reprieve at dent -- Mildred LePage; first cheque for $300 to the branch with 16 and Ontario Intermediate 'A"" Hockey which has kept him sidelined for 4,22 on a solo effort, but Comets| vice-president -- Patricia Sander-| fund, bringing the Auxiliary's tively, League, Napanee taking over, jtwo months, then hit for four straight to grab son; second vice-president -- total donation to the branch| OPENED SCORING the verdict, [Mary Bailey; Secretary -- Mina well over the $2000 mark in the 12 point scoring splurge for the Combines will be gunning to last eight month | p Comb gunnin \ , a : : | Boundy; treasurer -- Olga Hor ast eight months, losers, get even tonight when they trek| Napanee opened the scoring at Len Douglas connected in a 30 Sgt.-at-arms -- Edna Dil.| ---- : . eastward to Napanee for a return|2.25 of the first period as Tar foot slider at 5.28 as Kemp fanned her: h . engagement, In another game, Brady's pass to hes Green in On the low drive. Brady and worth; eight ware Sested 1 ihe Trenton is at Kingston front was banged into the net, Martin helped, Gilmour tipped in executive committee Ro w ng Keith Montgomery, a colorful, | Pat Gilmour originated the Green's setup at 7.56 to pull the Mabel Doust, Helen owe, i bruising rearguard, was' in ac-/move, visitors even, Napance triggered lian Osborn, Dorothy Jonlden, tion in Cobourg livery for the first | Combines tied the count as Bud {WO tainted goals to win, both of Ruth THomptos, argan May ' time, and he made nis presence | McDougall drew the Napanee which Kemp seemed to err | Matiane eo Bane Rue noticeable by handing out some |defence to him and then slipped a Brady rified the winner into the| Social Convener Helen Rowe; stiff checks, "Monty" played last |pass to the uncovered Paul Doris twine at 11.56 on a pass from _ " season with Belleville McFarlands [who walked right in and complete 00% and Douglas added an insur- . when they won the Allan Cup fooled Parrish with a slider at 40¢€ tally at 13.21, Brady and Greek Terrorists The big defenceman tore liga-|3:16 Jacklin alding ments in his left Knee in train-| Napanee scored a to go Eleven penalties were assess. | B k T ! F go 4 tum Sour | ing camp and the Macs, prepping (ahead again at 944 Jack Me 60 bY referees Vern Goyer and DIA ruce for the 1959 World Championships, [Keown caught the short side with LM Willams, six to the vielors.| wynogra Cyprus (Reuters)- handad him his release, Combines | a flip-shot that eluded goalie ombines outshot Comets 38:31 00k Cypriot terrorists, who | were quick to grab him when they (George Kemp, Brady and McAllis op the night's play. Douglas and broke their three-week "truce' learned he was working in this! ter assisted, rady had five point Sghts during the weekend, declared - Pail chougall gundqay "a new phase In the est with Tine. iia "of Cyprus will begin with pace Napanee was Combines' Church Board mate Doris also sparkling in de: (ho slogan 'We shall fight to the feat bitter end." ' | Endorses | ceeding along Queen street, In the foreground are the Port Perry High School cheerleaders, followed by the High School Cadet Corps band ~Times staff photo More than 2000 lined the street in front of the Port bags of candy to the small fry, Top picture shows some of the 1 huge crowd controlled by two perry C y y 8. . 1 Perry Community Arena Satur: OPP constables. and Police day afternoon waiting for Santa | Chief Archie Menzies. Lower Claus to arrive and distribute | photo shows the parade pro- | Napanee Rallies Beat Confident Combines COBOURG ~~ Cobourg « Port area all winter, and signed him to also lent a helping hand. There Hope Combines couldn't stand a contract, was no scoring in a tast second prosperity here Friday and blew| The OHA notified Combines Fri- stanza, though Combines missed the duke to the visiting Napanee day morning that Montgomery's several glorious opportunities, Comets by a 7-5 count on a third certificate had been passed and 'OUR & TTL period rally by the Ontario cham- he was eligible for actual ram FOUR STRAIGHT pions. Leading 4-2 after two per-|(jon, at lods and enjoying a healthy edge| mqy,iuon sadly lacking in condl+| on doubleheader was played in the Town Basketball League, In the second place Basketeers from Turck's Confectionery when they beat them by a score of 43.34, Tom Beasley led the way with Oshorn and M tod nitie Bill Bullen again led Turck's with a ten point spread, in the night How you can provide softie WITH SAVINGS Parnall's boys tied (he score on a pretty play. Freeman's passout from the corner hit McDougall as he cut in front and cuffed it home at 10.17. Doris did vie spade work, Combines took the lead for the first time on another classy tn, McKeown, McAllister, Gil. effort, Froeman accepted Med. mour Douglas, Jacklin, Jones, hurst's pass and rang a scorcher COMBINES Kemp, Turland, ofl the crossbar into the cage at Dawe, Munro, A. McKeen, Fish ne Parrish, Good Green, Brady, Mar- of violence which broke EOKA's er leadership, administrative still, -- Dr. Lockhart, who NAPANEE The declaration was made in fellow, Cook leaflets The leaflets, signed simply College Head iri ru » > ¢ p Ho Isher started it edhurst, Campbell, Free. provisional truce," called to JORONTC cp The official Bob Weiss made it 4-2 at 15.39, man, Doris, McDougall, Finlay, provide a tvalm atmosphere for oard of Kingsway Lambton cashing Dick Finlay's rebound off H McKeen, Weiss, Montgom:- the recent United Nations Cyprus W.: C. Lockhart, who recently submitted his resignation as orin during a controversy over Pro | OWNSHIP OF DARLING | ON fessor Harry 8. Crowe's dismis sal from the college's teaching "EOKA" the terrorist under- United Church has endorsed a (he post at 15,39. Haris McKeen ery discrssions. cipal of United College, Winni stalf, was minister of the Toronto : . Will be held in the ground--coincided with a renewal resolution testifying to the "able | peg resigned Church for 13 years During his ministry the church grew from 350 members to 2,800 Ships, Planes Try To Solve Sea Mystery SINGAPORE (Reuters) Ships and planes are searching the China Sea with fading hopes of solving one of its great myster- les--the fate of a disabled Aus- tralian schooner, a "junk-like" vessel sald to have picked up its erew, and a Royal Air Force bomber which vanished in the search The schooner Ian Crouch ran into trouble shortly after sail ing for Adelaide, Australia, from Hong Kong Sept. 26. On hoard were 11 Australians British and American aircraft later reported sighting between 10 and 13 men on a coral-fringed atoll 300 miles north of Labuan on British Borneo. An American bomber dropped supplies of can ned food and reported that a "'Junk-like" vessel had picked up the crew . An RAF Shackleton reconnals sance bomber, on antl « piracy atrol, confirmed the report only Ast week. Then both the Shackle ton and the "junk-like" fishing eraft vanished, | Municipal Building Hampton, Onfario the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 8 P.M. To acquaint the Public with the Zoning By-law and the official plans for the Township. W. RUNDLE, Clerk of | He sat In the rear seat alone, | od the Monarchs into submission "I lost a dog yesterday when | promised to keep the animal tied they said, and put a gun to Pun. | Mr, Clancy glso reported that ordering him to drive towards before by Trenton 7-4. t described him as using bin owned by a local resident, The crutches, his right leg amputated | five e the knee, about 35 years i, monarchs in their last trip night at the High School gym a | opener the Eldos surprised the j 14 points while Bill Stinson hoep- The Haggis Bowlers increased y O'Neill's | 14 points respec- "the present executive was elect-| wo 'fool it 1s our duty tolfor the "mess", but fo . ed with the stipulation that Iti, 0 vy council's attention things know more about it when council would only serve until January. snout which they may not other- meets again Dec, 22, Then a general meeting will be |, 0 be aware," he said. ""The| Mr, Lees first appeared on the held and un official executive oo. 1 question are on private civic scens in September, when operty, but there may be alhe was elected president at the bylaw which ean be applied here, first meeting of Ward § Rate "The water on Burnham street |Payers' Association, He was nom- lies there after every rain or inated to sland for Sounell and ; thaw, There should be better Placed second among Ch i Soviets 05 Toure. drainage " dates with a vote of over 1400, day detailing three items the Mr, Lees also revealed that| A second member of the asso. association felt should receive the executive has more com- ciation executive, Lloyd Massey, plaints for the attention of coun-i also ran for council but failed. seme time as the meeting, so the | association won't be without a president." counters went to Dean West, Art Rennick, Chuck Armstrong, Jer- Hawe Brilliant ry Robinson, Ross McGill and |Gary Copeland. Whit Mousseau yo |and Dave Edwards were the only In B ville Net [Minden snipers to beat Hawe. Losers drew four of the seven COBOURG Minden Mon. (three periods and thelr goalie, penalties handed out, Including hitchhiker near a hospital as they |archs dropped their second game Ross Hawe, held the would-be one to goalie Bob Shropshire, London Saturday [in two nights Thursday as Bow- Minden scorers in check most - ---- - manville - Orono Combines blast- of the time with an outstanding! DIVES THROUGH WINDOW performance, | BT. CATHARINES (CP) ~ Eu- Combines scored four un- gene Snider, 37, took a running answered goals In the first dive through a closed upstairs period, Minden got one back mid- window of his home Saturday way through the second, but when he awoke to find the bed- Bowmanville Increased the lead room full of smoke, He suffered by two before the period ended. head cuts requiring 13 stitches, They outscored Monarchs 2-1 in wrist lacerations and a wrenched the third, shoulder, Harry Clemens, 47, es- Keith West led the attack with caped without injury, Cause of two goals ad one assist, Single the fire was believed a cigaret, by an 8-2 count in Bobcaygeon Minden was beaten the night was sweet revenge for anville - Orono, who blew - goal lead and lost 8-5 to Bobcaygeon Nov, 20 The Bowmanville squad had the best of the play for the entire YOUR LIFE'S MADE EASIER through CLASSIFIED ADS To solve everyday prob- lems quickly. Fun to Give-Fun fo Receive RA 3.3492 -Wrigleys Spearmint Chewing Gum! Here's a perfect little Christmas gift for the many people who perform those welcome little services for you during the year. You spend so little, yet the gift means so much, Win smiles of ap- preciation by giving packages or boxes of delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum, | Wayne Roberts came up with a LIFE INSURANCE FOR EACH MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY through a "program of security" tailored specifically to your needs by a London Life representative LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE FATHER Adequate insurance on the life of the father is of first importance-- to provide money for his wife and children to live on, if his life should be cut short. At the same time, with proper selection of plans, this "protective" insurance can provide savings. Provision can also be made for income in case of total disability. LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE MOTHER Whether or not she earns money to contribute to the upkeep of the home, she needs life insurance of her own, to give the children further protection, and to make possible additional savings for the future, LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE CHILDREN Insurance obtained at an early age brings the advantage of low premiums--and it can also mean an early start on long-term savings plans, London Life men are trained to help you select the plans which will best meet the needs of the individual members of the family, Moreover, it is part of their job . to keep your program adapted to changes in your situation... Today is a good day to talk to a London Life representative, London Life Insurance Company Head Office: London, Canada SHIA

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