Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 6

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KT PORT PERRY Kids Jam Streets For Santa's Visit PORT PERRY (Ball) -- Over|school and went to the community 1350 children anxiously awaited arena, Santa Claus made his ap- the arrival of Santa Claus here pearance in a red convertible. Di- Snturday afternoon. The business rectors of the chamber of com- section was almost jammed to|merce and the Lions Club helped capacity, and guards were requir-|to distribute the bags of candy at ed to keep spectators out of the|the arena, way, for the parade to pass, Two OPP constables were re- The parade was led by the Port quired to keep the crowd in line Corp while waiting to meet Santa, Only ot ay " ki 20 bags of candy were left when (league standings currently being Eh vy oct ape ST pred, G7 te lo rh ac Monies, Severs Duine Mon ron for 13 paket of grocer Toewday's _uipebender _ has floats from the Port Perry Cham.|\e, Thirty-five hundred circulars Grafton opposing Training School ber of Commerce, Port. Perry{Were mailed to Port Perry and|in the opener, cellar-dwelling Lions Clu and the Women's In |district rowidents with lucky mum. (Harwood taking o neeventh-place Liows Cub, bers for the draw, General Foods in the middle con- | a The parade and distribution of | lest 2 Central Ordinance 4 This was he Jurgoot, crowd ve candy was declared a big success|P tackling J's In the finale, Challis, president of Shy ron by Lions elub and chamber of et oe ore Gib and Irving Boyd, past presi. commerce officials. ay Ltied lead on a Jas dent, The Santa Claus parade is i sponsored by the Port Perry Lions t iti 3 Hi the equalizer for 4. F. wm 3 Ont. Cities LJ of the second stanza Club and the chamber of com- with . End Elections Perry since 1938, but only for the Ajax Rjax 426 In St, Catharines, Wilfred Bald '] TIE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Desember Foods Snap Jinx Cok drew seven penal (eral Foods three, To Beat 008 | ime as Taylor, J. Cavanaugh, B, Cavan- COBOURG -- General Foods tally st 17.50 and Ted Bevan|augh, Goody, Gallagher, Beatty, broke a longstanding 10sing|iriggered the Insurance tally at|Pascoe, Perrow, Bassinger, Carl- streak in Cobourg Merchantile 16.45 of the final chapter (son, Baker, Hockey League Sunday, when|™ Karl Jeff y ud|_G. ¥. ~ Homphries, Harden, they upset General Electric 3-1, Referees Ka erson Bnd). en, Verway, Madhurst, Ci It was the first G. ¥, win in two[Kim Dawe had a chore on thelrip oy "inion Tapscott, ap ears over a 19-game stretch. hands keeping General Electricipoygias inners have one win In six } a starts this season, The loss prevented General| Electric from climbing into a | y tie for fourth place in $50 to $5,000 Without Endorsers or Bankeble: Security Lite Insurance Availoble 3 506.94 _ $22.00 $1,526.72 _ $60.00 a_ sliding backhander, merce, In conjunction with the past three years has it been spon-| Two Ontario cities, the las! | "$2,500.00 $98.25 "Slug" Moran scored winning nferchants, sored hy these two organizations, [two to hold civic elections, voted | Santa Claus has visited Port TIMES BUREAUS The parade began at the high new mayors into office Satureny. poo Mills 06, narrowly defented Inst you NVILLE 2 Mag Bb Be MA 3.7224 ceived 5,017 votes to 4,064 for the fA 44-vear-nld incumbent, R. Cziranka E. C. Sargent, 47, former mayor who had elght years in Will Discuss Darlington ene 1 270010 2558 | Zone Plan |owen Sound, Mr. Forsyth had [dey seeking his third successive BOWMANVILLE -- Ratepayery|ONe-year term. of Darlington Township will have| Owen Sound recorded a credi an opportunity to voice their ob. table voter turnout of 64.50 ner | jections to the proposed zoning cent but at that it was below | bylaw this coming Thursday|Po* for that civie-minded eity, evening. {Heavy snow was blamed, W. F. Rundle, township clerk | Three questions were on the | treasurer, announced that there Owen Sound ballot, none of by. would be a publie meeting this law status. The electorate favored week in the municipal hall at fluoridation of the city water sup-| Hampton to discuss the proposed ply but turned down proposals for zoning of the township big a Dow city hall and a new fire dential, agricultural, commercial, a woman figured in the voting and industrial areas, in Toronto Township which also ot Rublie Weeting wii be i. held elections Saturday. Mrs h Mary Fix was re-elec reeve Ontario Municipal Board but no ary her only opponent, Leslie date for the hearing has yet been [Huehes. | net, |" The new St. Catharines mayor | wee wil] serve a two-year term as a graduating class assisted with the | TOMI of a city bylaw passed he | . music, Carrol Wright and Nancy ast year. Wood, | Rev. W. A, Logan pronounced | the benediction and the girls and | leaders spent a social hour at the parsonage, b : SANTA VISITS HANDICAPPED CHILDREN The Ajax - Pickering - Whitby | present Of these 42 were | added much to the party by Handicapped Children's | handicapped children who at- | singing carols,. Mrs, Henry OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON nz Simcoe St. N. RA 5-6541 Cook told the youngsters stor. les. Santa Claus arrived to present the children with gifts, Photo by John Mills Candlelight Service At Enniskillen By MRS, RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN The annual |vesper and candle lighting serv. |! were conducted hy the {| CGIT group Sunday, A large con- | |gregation was in atiendance with Ye Kirty rou, from Burketon |and Enfield, and the Explorer 10 41 4.10 1 a "group as guests, p ; 11 49 4.45 #4| The Invocation was read by 8% 41 4.82 2] President Doris Wright: The 2 11 5.80 | scripture passages were given by 422 5.80 Doris Wright, Brenda Ellis, and 175.99 Cheryl Rowan, Miss Lois Ashton presided at the organ and a story was related by Linda Stainton, and Linda Yeo. The three chief candle lighters were Doris Wright, Linda Yeo, and Linda Stainton, The offering was explained and dedicated by Linda Yeo, and re- colved by Mary Yeo, Laura Grif fin, Donna Yellowlees, and Betty # "ton held its Christmas party | tended the water swimming | wooinev lod the singing while Saturday In the Christian Edu. | therapy classes during the sum 4 . ention Centre with over 160 The Rev. H. 8. Shepherd and Harry Regains Lead In Score Race COBOURG -- Cobourg - mer months youngsters | OPEN TONIGHT Til 9 p.m, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 2 Rooms... Living and Dining Room Completely Installed With TOP QUALITY VISCOSE BROADLOOM AT ONE LOW PRICE Port Orono took over the lead among Hope Combines' Bud McDougall | Koal-tenders as he lowered his § average to 3.78 while Minden's| 8 has regained the lead in the in Bob Shropshire soared to a 4,10) 8 dividual scoring race of the East: qyerage with the 62 licking ern Ontario Intermediate "A" handed him by Bowmanville:| Hockey League according to sta Orono last Thursday. Goaltned-'§ tistics released Saturday. This|™ Tecords follow: does not Include games played . Saturday night, R Hawe, BOC's McDougall picked up three B. Shropshire, Mind ports in a starting role Friday N, Parrish, Nap but it was not enough to keep co Carr, Trent Combines from suffering a 7-6 K. Joh Ki setback at the hands of Napanee Ke Non, Ps Comets, He snapped a shortlived I BOMB: FH ol tie with Napanee's Jack White, /C: Sommerviie, 'who didn't play Friday, A Bunce: Mind Top ten scorers as of Satur-|8, Riviere, Trent .... day are: {H. Hooper, Trent G A Pls. |p, Cane, King 17 15 32|D, Finney, King 1019 20) mne season Is rapidly approach : 4 I 3 ing the half-way mark, and the "race has settled down to a battle 1213 21patween Bowmanville Orono, G GA ave] 934378 SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE B. McDougall, C-PH J. White, Napanee L.. Douglas, Napanee . .. + + 'T, Meeker, Kingston , 17K. West, BOC's New Pastor Lived In Ajax AJAX 125 26.00 | FOR MISSED PAPERS LIVING ROOM Many friends were J, Brady, Napanee 10 14 24 114.10 24 13 10 23 Minden, Fr 013 23 Trenton Is showing signs of , Bol, Kingstn » x 21 | starting to move, while Kingston bn 4 Cf appears destined for the cellar un BOWMANVILLE GOALIE LEAD jogs a shakeup fs forthcoming Choral Society Gives Concerts | BOWMANVILLE The Bow- Fantasy," "Silent Night," 'Hark! manville Choral Society under|the Herald Angels Sing," "While A . |Shepherds Watched," Away in a the direction of Hugh Martin pre- Manger." "Good King Wence sented its annual Christmas con |slas," "As Lately We Watched," cert in the town hall last Friday! "A Sleigh Ride," "All Around a and Saturday evenings Christmas Tree," "Sleep Little The program for the two eve |Jesus Sleep," "It's Beginning to ning performances Included sev-|look Like Christmas." "0 Come eral selections by the Bowman-|All Ye Fakhful" 4 P. Glimour, Napanee «» R, Rowe, Minden |apanes, Cobourg-Port Hope and | present for the ordination recent ly of Rev. Kenneth Livingstone Campbell, In Emmanuel Baptist |Chureh, Milton, where he is now pastor, Mr, Campbell is well known in Ajax where he spent the early vears of his life, He is the young- or son of Mrs, Campbell, George street, and the late Rev, R, D, Campbell, who was pastor of the Ajax Baptist Church for a num. ber of years The Baptist Church at Milton was filled to capacity for the occasion, On the ordination coun: ell were 17 pastors and 20 mes- sengers representing 22 churches Moderator for the ordination was Rev. Harold Hindney of Hespeler, PATIENTS TAKEN TO SAFETY NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) "Joy to the Twenty-four patients were evheu- | Wright, Linda Stainton read the an- nouncements and Doris Wright briefly welcomed the visitors, Brenda Ellis received the white gifts for patients at Cobourg Old People's Home, The gifts present. ed hy the congregation were placed in boxes arranged by Kathryn Slemon, Mary Yeo, Laura Griffin and Patsy Ellis, The orders-of-service were dis- tributed by Carol Yellowlees, Maureen McNair, Laura Bow- man and C rol Begley, Two members of this year's STEVEN'S TAXI 2x15 IN AJAX (¢ you have net received your Times by 7 pm. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 AN galls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. MA 3-5822 if you have not received your first, If you are unable to con. tact him by 7:00 p.m, | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Cells Accepted Between 7 ~7130 p.m. Only ---- - ee -- Times phone your carrier boy * or an area equivalent to 29 sq. yds. RECORDS DINING ROOM 9x9 ville Public School choir under World," "The Angel to the Shep: ated from a nursing home Satur- | the direction of Murdoch Beaton, herds," and "Fun with a Farm. day night when it was threatened | Selections by the choral soclety ler." hy flames that destroyed three included "Hark the Glad Song,"| 'Variations and Themes" by barns close by. No one was In "Make We Merr, "The First Paganini and "C Minor Watljured. The patients, ranging in Noel," "A Little Child," "With al Waltz" by Chopin were presented age from 34 to 97, were taken to Hey and a Hi," "Snow White|by planist Dorothy Payne the Niagara County Infirmary THIS OFFER APPLIES TO ANY Record Certificates ARE AN IDEAL GIFT FOR EVERYONE WITH AN "AVERAGE SIZE LIVING-ROOM OR DINING-ROOM WE MEASURE IT!... WE CUT IT! WEPAD IT!... WE INSTALL IT! HEEEERR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "itt Certificate MEAGHER'S § King St. West Jo MARY ANN Ceriificals lo ws for merchandise of yom selection lo o dhe onde of ANY AMOUNT "adn. 8 Me, 2 Rooms Complete At One Low Price This Includes . . . TWO DAYS ONLY ESSEX BRAND SMALL LINK SAUSAGE 49 CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GRADE AVEL ORANGES --59 AUTHOMZED BY. Mother-Dad-Sister and Brother They all love Music There's A Record for Every Taste at your Favorite Music Store. MEAGHER'S Electric 5 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA RA 3-3425 ? There's exceptional beauty In this heavy HiLow 100% viscose, You'll be proud to see It Installed in your living room and let It become the springboard It is easily cleaned and ® Modern Tackless Installation ® 40 ox. Mothproof Cushioning ® Hi-Lo Viscose Broadloom of your decorating scheme, easy to maintain and with its non-slip lastex backing It will wear for years ond years. It is available in 9 ft. and 12 ft, widths and comes in very attractive decorator colors

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