Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 2

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2 THE CIHAWA TIMES, Mendey, December 15, 1958 . OFFICER CADETS HEAD HOME FOR CHRISTMAS held Sunday night at St, Greg. the Bt, Gregory's Young Peo- | ory's Auditorium, : Spot prizes ple's club of Oshawa attended | as well as door prizes were giv. the annual Christmas dance | en out at regular int vals, The More than 70 members of A REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK By JEFFREY FRY It often comes as a bit of al trip like a prima donna golng to have her tooth pulled,' accepted homage from his waiting entou when meetin .) ties for 'the first oting colebra- 0, then rapped out his an there is little in thelr appearance PWers to press questions In jack. : | hammer phrases, $0 digtibuisn them from the rest "7S TNT he had left England, made his home in the Caribbean and set himself up a corporation to avoid hefty tish fgcome tax, 'Absolutely the truth," he sald, The Spark | was honest | Burgess Meredith's develops into a ball No celestial aura surrounds them, and even that alr of super. ficlal divinity some of them man Ai age to effect dissipates as quick. ly as the snow before the rain when they take part in the in- ternational pastime of letting bair down, On movie screens thelr ima ges are greatly enlarged; on television and the stage they are the focus of attention of millions, But in a crowd, they are just one of the crowd, Their heads have shrunk to normal size; there are the bald patches, the wrink. tos around the eres, the creased desves and suits, the unrehear- sed lines and laughter and signs of everyday petty {irritations They have been rc¢iuced to the Status of people -- almost, fof his outdoor production of WOMEN NO EXCEPTION [Macbeth he aimed his fire at the celebrity were a reporter friend of mine and a -- . hi Ta pf placed photographer who found them. among a battalion of troops the selves mixed up in Dunsinane's celebrity observer | stage uy. War Surfespondonts: could pick him out, Women celeb. he was quick to point out, were| tia viet no exception, elther, unknown in Macbeth's time, as distiguishes a celebrity were cameres. common herd ls The THERE FOR PURF"*"E yo, Sout h ti The Spark is there for a pur. 8 eu rather, to POS ~~ to be exhibited, Presum. ' po ' ably, #t burns overnight in the Spark often of fire, He line, touches the match of his energy to himself in several directions at treated me to a deeply analytical discourse on Shakespeare while Jounciog along in a horse and |buggy on what was suppc to Ihave beer a relaxing pleasure {ride for himself, his wife and| lehild, Later, during the opening night ot | to look at Te Hi hal was tastlly decori od for the event with the yuletide decorations, Shown admiring the main attraction on the Ott, Canadiens Solidify Position | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hull-Ottawa Canadiens took a firmer hold on third place in the Ontario 'Hockey Association Sen lor A eastern ghoup during the weekend and did it the hard way | by turning back the world amateur champion Whithy Dun. llops, | 'Third place In the ofher Senior was less secure, Sault Ste, Marie CAPSULE NEWS Found B NORTH BAY (CP)~The body | of FO Leslie Buckman, 21, of| Watford, was found late Saturday by an RCAF search party a half mile from where his CF-100 plane crashed last Monday night, An intensive search for the missing alrman had been carriéd! e of it, A view! from the, in "or those who have it and|out since the crash. On Saturday i : dance floor, are left to right: Pat Monaghan, YC presi dent; Olga Trimble, Teresa Babineau and Matthew Hallk, within a point of the Hounds with a win and a tle, | A three-goal outburst in the third period cemented Hull-Ot. tawa's 5-2 win on home ice Bon day, The Dunnies, however, Istretehed their lead over second. place Belleville McFarlands with a 4-2 victory over the Merchants at Kingston Saturday while the {Macs had to settle for a 3-3 tle soaks himself in intellectual gaso-|A elreuit, the OHA-NOHA group, Sunday with Cornwall Chevies, The Wolves got their win Sat. 'd blasts off|Greyhounds needed their 9-1 win urday at Kitchener, 64. over the once. over the lowly North Bay Trap-| Dutchmen, and played to a 44 | Pleasure to him is frequently a pers Saturday to remain in third tle against the Bulldogs at Wind. vehicle for his work. He once while Sudbury Wolves closed to'sor Sunday Pilot's Body v RCAF Mary's Hospital erect a solarium with its part of the money, SPORTING RHYTHM HERTFORD, England (CP)- | Rock 'n' roll is to be used to help [train a basketball team here, The manager says the team lacks rhythm and thinks it will be cor. rected with the ald of the musie, Orchestra Plans Concert The possibility of the 60-plece Canadian Concert Society Orches. | tra presenting a program in Osh- awa was discussed at a meetin, here last week, No definite dec sion has been made but loenl music lovers are hopeful that ar rangements can be made, | Gordon Garrison of Oshawa, and Al Hartshorn, manager of the Regent Theatre, met with esentatives of the CCSO, w details of the program were discussed Louis Gondos, musical director and manager of the orchestra; Rene Charrier, conductor and Mrs, W, M, Tay- lor, head of the public relations department, provided a number of facts, "The orchestra bas many pur-| (poses,"" sald Mr, Gondos, "The | main purpose of this touring | group is to create opportunities | for professional musicians to per. | form on a professional stage, under professional standards, | This is to keep the potential Che | nadian musician from being | forced to go elsewhere to gain recognition, The other purpose of the soclety is to discover new talent from towns across Cangda and have iicm perform with the| orchestra," | Original compositions by rec-| ognized composers will be per-| formed by the orchestra," said] Mr, Chartier, "At the next con cert, the orchestra will perform| works composed and arranged) og och by MF Donon" | ry vss, Tarr wid Mr Gurion. Piald Goal 1 Beats Browns and Mr, Hartshorn that the con. cert may be held in February, NEW YORK (AP)-"1 didn't [think I'd get another chance,' a half-sobbing Pat Summerall of Historic Elm Gi R ven eprieve in the midst of bedlam minutes after hig 49-yard field goal beat The stately elm tree, which for Cleveland Browns 13-10, 125 years or more has graced the| "When 1 missed the shorter corner of Richmond and Prince! one, I thought I'd never get an- streets, has been granted a ve-lother chance, It's wonderful, prieve hy the city hoard of works, wonderful, wonderful , , , what although a little amputation of can | say?" limbs wili be necessary, Only two ST. GR Christmas leave! Magic words for these officer cadets of the Canadian Services Col. lege, Royal Roads at Esqul- malt, B.C, First and second vear cadets of the military minutes before his tree was for the birds star</and set up a playoff here next lings, scores of them, In the fall Sunday for the National Football they would settle in the tree and League's eastern title, Summerall the cars in the city parking lot had gone wide to the left on a beneath them would pay the pen. 'fleld goal attempt from the 33 alty, | "I haven't been very consistent People complained and, as sur. |this season," sald, the pink. facing of the lot is due to be cheeked seven-year pro veteran completed this week, the board obtained by the Glants in a trade thought it might eliminate the from Chicago Cardinals after menace by eliminating the tree, |'ast season, "When 1 blew it, But the Oshawa and District|1'd have liked to have gone any Historical Soclety pointed out the where but back to that bench, ripe old age of the tree and the You know, though, four or fact it was on the site of the|l'Ve of the guys---one was C old town hall. The Horticultural hiviggaion 1, thin sold Je lo Hocloty JHOivAid" bosause, Here) pep When we did get the ball downto n ection. especially suc again and they sent me In, | A ReHOn. 0 x pas ¥ BUC don't remember thinking much "Th U n aE nis of Yo except that I was near midfield Whi 3 COIpIos len ho and would have to hit it good, I did," he sald, tears in his branches which, it ls hoped, willl eyes as he talked to a growing divteu nraie de Sorin from crowd of reporters, re {and well-wishers, "I hit it good, WEATHER | | | | | Yes sir, 1 watched it all the way {too, I think It would have been | ood if 1 had been another 10 yards away." EGOR The trouble hegan because the booming kick doomed the Browns! [1Oshawa, The driver of the second Robert street, teammates | v i i oy ' ' 3 YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB HOLDS DANCE military studies at the college, They will return to nop Roads on Jan, 4, Here, all set for thelr homeward trips, from left are; Officer Cadets R, W. Mun day, 710 Glencairn Bt, Oshawa; training establishment on Dec, 17 will start heading for homes in cities and communities across the country -- in a Yule tide change from thelr inten. sive program of academic and ,; Cobourg; R, M, Amaral, RR 1, Fullarton, Ont., and R, J, MacDougall, 172-8th St., New Toronto, N Oshawa Police Probe 15 Small Accidents The Oshawa Police Department COLLISION AT LAKE | Ritson road at the CPR tracks ind a busy weekend, In all 15) The earliest of the weekend at 5.25 p.m, Saturday, The first {accidents were reported and en: |accidents happeped about mid- car was driven by Orland Orr, (talled Investigation and reports night Friday at the corner of|342 Arthur street, Oshawa, The on the part of the officers on|Lakeview Park avenue and Hen. driver of the other car was duty, Property damage was not'ry street, The driver of, one car Charles White, 1205 Simcoe street extensive and In no instance was was Wm, John Boyd, 15 Beatty south, Oshawa. anyone injured, road, Alax. The other car was! Saturday evening, Walter Tow driven by Godfrey Sweet, 121 lle, 110 Seminole aventie, Toronto Oshawa boulevard south, Oshawa, [reported that while he was In a Later Saturday afternoon on|house on Wilkinson avenue he ive avenue, west of Drew heard a loud noise in the street, street, two cars were in collision, (When he came. outside he dis The driver of the first car was|covered damage on the left front Hubert Gillard, 631 King street |fender and door of hig car, There oast, The driver of the second was a car pulling away as he {car was Olive Mary Menard, 630 arrived. Mr, Towlie furnished the | | Grierson street, Oshawa. [police with a description of this | At 12.45 a.m,, Sunday, Dec. 14,| At 4.10 p.m, Saturday a car|car, {two cars were In a collision at driven by Marlon Isobel Faton,! Later Saturday evening two {the corner of Bloor street and Columbus, was In collision with cars were in collision on King Ritson road, Oshawa. The first|a car driven by Jack W, Mac. street east jst opposite house [car was driven by Rita Bone. Donald, 50 Nassau street, Osh. No, 377, The first car was driven ham, 264 Richmond street east,'awa at Simcoe street *horth and|by Delbert D, Hill, 462 Loring avenue, Oshawa, The other car 91 Gibb RITSON ROAD COLLISION was driven by Peter Sabat, 377 Two cars were In collision on King street east, Oshawa, - SUNDAY QUIETER ' Firm H olds let, AL prog Me Yule Party a car driven by Deane Rolla Gourley, 57 Isabella street, To- ronto, was in collision with a car The Pontiac Inn [presented a st Baturday| Tas wars were involved in 8 =Auto Ship-|olligion at Simcoe and Colborne | The largest of the accidents in. (volved damage amounting to about $450, when a car driven by ol Nick Knihnicky, of the Ontario J Hospital, Whitby, was in collision (with a car driven by John Hart, 20 Queen street east Ajax, on King street east at 12.03 am, Sunday, Dec, 14, car was Aldo street, Oshawa Big 3 Stand On Berlin 'Seen Secure By ARTHUR GAVSHON PARIS (AP) Reassured thal Rutta, l | which Jack Bouckley, of Garrard road, RR 3, Oshawa, was drive ing. "The collision was at corner of King street east itson road, {gay festive scene {an the employes of G Ri i the tlows strongly through the day 275 members of the alr force and nylons are running fanned by the attention, some-| 150 army personnel took part, vy ol times idolatry, of millions sides of . . legs, , was on oh way| Yet there are times, particu. pers Ltd, and thelr 'wives held sireets at 10.05 a.m. Sunday, One annual Christma party, |car was driven by Ross Varty, Favors, at the plates »f guests, 200 Glidden avenue, Oshawa. were donated by the company and |The driver of the other car was TORONTO (CP)--Officlal fore OVERSEAS STUDENTS costs issued vy the public ( BELF AST, Northern Ireland weather office at § am. CP) -- Queen's University here) gunonuisr Cold Arctic alr still {the Westorn Big Three will stand |i). {fast against Russian pressure on West Berlin, the North Atlantic] {allies turned today to critical dis Took Wrong HH gar RUSSIANS DELIVER ARMS (AP) i TEHRAN, Iran The has nearly 230 overseas students make the movie larly during the 'roopy hours be. ven Knows, she stepped from the plane ing much like any other woman after a four-hour| t, She had cerefully attend. | i g ki i = be) y od touched down makeup, hat, all in order, But she had forgotten the nylons, Even so, she had And it was In a big yakked away happily for 10 or 15 minutes in the airport VIP room about the movie, about her g k, kids. about Bob Mitchum who celebrity in his day and whose here Sunday. A crowd watched | co-starred with her, shout a few Attempted comeback was fizzling horrified One hundre , other things, T..o Spark was iw. out as quickly as his momen- ithe ground his parac assuming, difficult to pin down, COWARD HAS SPAR From Noel Coward The Spark together, Fundamentally. he was) It is hard to keep|five hunters armed with shotguns files off with the clarity and force of a pistol shot, He breezed into his hotel after a New York Mr. Allison,' tween 8 p.m, and 7 pm., when it| Tehran newspaper Ettelaat said fades to grey ash. Always, though, it can be rekindled at a moment's notice The Spark come In all forms her grooming ' fore the and sizes, Often '* is flan hoyant was unloaded at the port last the occasion when y flew to |a tizzie at a party on discovering {someone had raided his refrige as ose. We rator of its entire contests of his (Reuters) hardbolled | Kruger jumped to his death from | my home full of boys, Girls don't | favorite food |egRs, Once, 1 meet a man who was a {tarily re-vitalized Spark, He {tried to boost it with martinis, but they only put it out al a sad a spar wood, DOTSON going amid burned-out CITY AND DISTRICT Sunday the Kassem government in Iraq imposed martial law and a. curfew in Basrah when a big consignment of Russian arms Thursday, CROWD SEES DEATH LEAP JOHANNESBURG South Africa Parachutist Frank the wing of an aircraft 4,000 feet above Grand Central aerodrome i feet above hute opened, but too late to save hm, BAG FOUR FOXES BRANTFORD (CP) Twenty ltook part in an organized hunt Saturday, covering a wide area near Hilton Hedden's farm where 45 geese and 30 ducks were killed la few days. The hunters bagged {four foxes, but they found tracks [which Brant County Rod and Gun Club members sald were those Including seven from Canada| Highest number from any on region is 42 from Nir~via, GIRLS LEAD TO SUICIDE CRISOLLES, France (Reuters) A workman hanged himself be- cause his wife had just given birth to their fourth daughter, ro. lice sald Sunday, The workman had told friends: 'I would like p count," STORE PARTNER DIES | GUELPH (CP) Albert B, |Cole, 87, a partner in Cole Broth. |ers department store, died Sune {day, He was born in West Lorne, Ont, | TAKES NEW JOB CORNWALL (CP) -- Dr, R, 8, Peat, medical officer of health for Stormont, Dundas and Glen. garry since 1945, has resigned to take a post with the Ontario Hos. pital Services Commission, Dr, Peat came to Cornwall from Kingston, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT lington boulevard, Walmsley and The fact that God's care la ever Magill; Mrs, Glover, 740 Bess: present and ever avallable was borough drive, Dancey Shoes; Sermon entitled "God the Pre. Mr, G, Karplak; 97 Fernhill server of Man" at Christian Sci: boulevard, Bond Clothes; Verna ence services on Sunday, Dec, 14,| McRoberts, 78 Albert street, At- of a wolf, MINISTER'S MOTHER DIES HAMILTON (CP) «= Mrs, lle Bell Cook, 89, mother of Mrs. UN Assembly covers much of Canada and the United States with near-zero tem: | yAMILTON (CP) Nunzlo peratures being recovded this ya,nierto was happy to oblige Hrsg Wm 3x bouts ua Akan, Saturday night when a fellow bus 1H ire ' 8 AeA, ve ha y weak disturbance gave Hght snow driver asked him to pick up his overnight to 8 mn end Cen tral Ontario, This 4h od to hold (ion temperatures up to th teens, In o ? aan hide Northern Ontario, where skies siento. pitt og wr il gg esis ad requested, and went home to The weather disturbance now| Rut several hours later his centred across Southern O.tarlo friend phoned and asked why he is expected to move off to the had not carried out the mission east during the day However, to: lamplerto was puzzled, particu night it will be replaced by an: (larly when his friend sald he'd other which has just started to picked up his car at the elty enter Northwestern Ontario intersection | Regional forecas" velld untl| Sergeant of Detectives Sam midnight Tuesday: | Burd was puzzled too, He had re.| Western Lake Erle reglon and colved a call from Walter Wright | Windsor; Sunny with a fow |of Oshawa who reported his red cloudv intervals today and a few and white 1957-model station snowflurries. Cloudy with snow. wagon stolen fror the interseo | flurries tonight and Tuesday tion morning, hecoming sunny Tues Police fitted the last plece into day afternoon, Continuing cold, !the jigsaw puze'e when they Winds westerly 25 todav becom: found that keys from the identi. and | eally-colored, identically - located shifting to northwest 20 Tuesday, |and identical model cars could Pastern Lake Erle. Lake On. operate either one, tario, Niagara and Haliburton re REALLY ANCIENT -- glons, Toronto and Hamilton:| WAIDSTONE. Fneland (CP)= 'Station Wagon red and white 1067.-model station wagon parked at a city inter ing southwest 15 tonight his friend [the West dea! with the Fast Ger and Mrs, Robert Keanelly also _ [notes to the Russians, Ellen Fairclough, Canada's min Cloudy with occasional snow(lur:| Remains of a prehistoric mam The Golden Text was from Psalms (91:11): "He shall give Ms angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." WOUNDING CHARGE UXBRIDGE, Ont, (CP)-James Levy Wells, 30, of Uxbridge, was charged Saturday with wounding with intent to maim following the penknife stabbing of a 20-year old widow with four children, Mrs. Joyce Hendry, 20, is in fair condition in hospital with a wound in her left arm, She said she was stabbed following a quarrel with a man, DEFENCE CONTRACT The department of defence pro. duction, Ottawa, has announced, the award, during the second half of October, of a contract in the amount of $125,000 to General Mo- tors of Canada, 14d, Oshawa, for automotive spares. | kins; Mrs, Howard Farndale, Na. {tional Stud Farm, Johnston's Ltd.; Mr, Gordon Clements, 219 Graburn, Karns Drugs ltd; Miss Edith Neilson, 68 Hillside Drive, Toronto, Evelyn Shop, STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed Tuesday for construction Ritson road south from Bloor |street east to Wolfe street; Non- {quon road from Ritson road north to Simcoe street north; Simcoe ister of immigration, died here Sunday after a lingering {liness The funeral is to be held Tues. day. $175,000 TO CHARITIES LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- A 8, Mary's creamery operator has left approximately $175,000 to be split equally among the War Memorial Children's Hospital, the St. Mary's Memorial Hospital and the Salvation Army, John Darling, who died Sept, 19 at the street north from Sunset avenue to Byng avenue; Beatrice street | n-- from Simcoe street north to Hor | top street; Glencastle avenue | fron Glenirove vig to Glen { Send Grab Bags ae street; Glen los. wes. |'To Whyte Haven ed at Glencastle avenue, | COLLINGWOOD (CP) = Chil age of 92, requested that St, QUIET WEEKEND Oshawa Fire Department had|dren of this Georgian Bay town a quiet weelerd with only one have their on special Santa Closes With No Success The 1058 United Nations General Assembly, which opened amid two International crises, has closed under the shadow of a new one, Three months of meetings falled to produce a single East. West agreement on a major po litical issue, The 13th assembly of the UN took no direct action on any of the three crises --~ the Middle East, Quemoy and Berlin, Dis. agreements on cther political is sues aired in the assembly made it inevitable that no compromise efforts at bringing the big powers together had any chance of sue. COS. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) q riea and a fow sunny periods to-| nih found by work en under a NY i Tuesday. Continuing 17th-century shop are estimated westerly 15 to 23 to-|;,y axperts to be about 500,000 Sw becoming northwest 20 © es: years old, Lake Huron and southern | distributed by the manager, Har. Joseph G, Forestall, 566 Veteran [old Motherslll, Mrs, Mbthersill road, Oshawa, May Vary, 8 Jax, | A communique after the Big | received a bouquet of 'mums, senger in the first car, r ved Three foreign ministers met Sun: prarold Hoar, president of Gen. scraped knees and was taken to |day sald they "reaffirmed the de-| Auto Shippers, spoke briefly, | the hospital in a police cruiser termination of thelr governments BvervoRa. Sang: carols coom. | Where she was examined by Dr. to maintain thelr position and) nanied. on Ahe Hy by ) okie J. P, G, Maroosis, thelr rights with respect to Ber Ranied, Mr 8 Diana, A ory On Park road south, a hit-and. lin, including the right to free later Td To FB ly run driver struck a parked car access." Gordon ' Lane, North Oshawa, |[°Whed by Willard H, Dodd, 463 The statement rejected the 80-| called off for the square dancing, | Maple Leal drive, Toronto, Dame |viet proposal to give the od Mrs, George Norrish and Clar age was $280. [German Communist regime con oboe Salt i Fishel While a HIT AND RUN Wo B Hin te frolic Jum spot dance was os Mrs Wil. A hit-and-run driver yg a | West. Berlin, In effect, th ud | . ¥ Ap parked car owned by Henry liam Reld and Earl Rutter, Mr, ehrens, 500 Albert street, om [Arlington avenue, Damage was $60, |putes within the alliance, | ters ruled out suggestions that won a spot dance, Fd Cheetham mans as agents of the Russians jon i Es tor The three ministers---U.8, State Secretary Dulles, French Forelgn Minister Maurice Couve de Mur- ville and British Foreign Secre tary Selwyn Lloyd--gave no in dication of what counter-propos- als they plan to make it reply Rey lov. to the Soviet note of Nov, 27 i I CONSULT ABOUT NOTE poaled to parents to take ex:| They sald they would consult treme care with electrical fit. with the other NATO allies in the [tings and to make sure elrouits | NATO council meeting beginning are not overloaded, [ Tuesday and then formulate their ------------ [ -- On Somerville street, a car driven by Elgin E, Bray, RR 3, Oshawa, was In collision with a car driven by Vaughan Inglis, of hades CHRISTMAS HAZARD LUTON, England (CP) Christmas tree with e¢clored lights can be a death rap, says the home safety commitiee in BUSINESS MEN'S RENDEZVOUS THR TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER the/ The Russians sald regardless of| Khrushchev, in what was worked out for West| Berlin, they were giving the East Germans control of all communi: | cations with the city in alx| months, Premier Russian note, sald the Russians were withdrawing from the four: power occupation of Berlin, He proposed that West Berlin, 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain, be made a demilitarized free city, Georglan Bay regions, London: | Cloudy with frequent snowflur. ries and occasional snowsqualls today and Tuesday, Little change | in temperature, Winds westerly 25 today, northwee 20 Tuesday. | Northern Georglan Bay and) Kirkland Lake vestlons, North| Bay and Sudbury: Partly cloudy | with a few snowflurries today, ! becoming cloudy with occasional | snow late this afternoon and to | night, Tuesaday rinny with a few cloudy intervals and a few brief snowflurries, Little change in temperature, Winds Ught inoreas ing to southwest 20 to 25 this aft. Instead, most delegations ernoon and shifting to northwest | 20 Tuesday, FRESH LOIN CTROUD! S54 SIMCOE ST. N, Tuesday and Wednesday Only Sensational Meat Features WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE | fire at 5.02 pom. Sunday. This Claus-a man who remembers Worked quietly to keep the as:|™ my, ning Kapuskasing: Cloud fire was in a living room chester- [the day when he was a young boy {sembly from bee oming a MARC ing over this morning with oc. {for inflammatory debate. |castonal Heht snow, Clearing \ate Quemoy and the Middle East 'tonight, Tuesday mainly clear | \ which threatened global out-| continuing « 1d. Winds south SING AT HOSPITAL The Young People's groups of | field at the home of Alan Patch) and was at oe end of a line for a Knox and St, Paul's Presbyterian eson, 347 Mitchell Ave, It is be. [present from Santa Claus but] Churches, Oshawa, presented al lleved the fire was cawsed by|there was nothing left when it| PORK CHOPS MODERATION breaks during the late summer, program of Christmas carols ata cigaret, There were only four [came hs turn, the Ontario Hospital, on Sunday afternoon, JAYCEES MEET TODAY LUCKY SHOPPERS A dinner meeting of the Jay The following are the *Lucky|c®es Will be Jeld at Hotel Gen Shopper' winners in downtown | ha at 6.30 p today, Wiltred Oshawa on Thursday and Friday, | Sinclair, color consultant of CII Dec. 11 and 12: Mrs. Gates, | Toronto, wil be guest speaker. 798 Simcoe street north, Monts age gomery's Ladies Wear; Mrs, lorne Curry, 180 Olive avenue, ! Ward's Dry Goods; Mrs Quartermain, § Elmsdale road, i, Toronto, Chemmey's; Mrs TOURIST LURE SOUTHWOLD, England (CP) wan with Mrs. Moderas, French street, Peoples Clothing lieve a town erle Whitby, | routine ambulance calls yester | day School children from Colling {wood and uistriet lined up at the | {town hall Saturday to receive, oo" inat in the coming weeks sevenspound grab bags filled with sweets and toys---and not a child {went without Jack Browne, president of '| Georgian China Lid. at Colling:| midnight Saturday to wind up its | Toronto - | Wood, was the boy at the end of [business for the year, It sched Trenton the line, This year he Is distribut-|uled another meeting opening [St. Catharines have smounldered on but have notably diminished as a direct peace threat, Most diplomats {something will happen to biing about the same effect on the en jeircled former German capital, The assembly worked until ing 3000 Christmas grab bags to|Feb, 20 on the question of the Collingw ood district children and|independence of the UN's Afri | Muskoka Art| This east coast resort is looking also to the Hospital for Sick Chil-lcan trust territories of Nigeria, [Killaloe ood lung power (dren, Toronto, to the children in|Itallan Somaliland, French Togo- | Earlten TTT ; Murray!and ability to talk to visitors, to care of Mom Why'e at Bowman- land, and the British and Freneh Sudbury Vice, RR 1, Evniskillen, Young fill the post of town erler vacant [ville and to other centres where Cameroons Sera Wills, 306) for 10 years. The authorities be-|it is thought that help is needed sion will discuss the admission to | Kapuskasing ...... vill attract ex- to make Ghristmas a Hitle/UN membership of these lati vr! White River The February ses. | west 20 today, northwest 18 Tues | day. Forecast temperatures Lows tonight, highs Tuesday | Windsor tA 13 b St, Thomas ,..ivv00. 18 London .,... " 18 {Wingham .., "13 XN 18 20 2 10 12 0 A} 20 30 THIN SLICED LOIN LAMB CHO FRESH LAMB PATTIES | Hamilton | North Ray PORK LIVER Che House of Seagram DISTILLERS SINCE 188? PS

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