Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 19

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, IN |Articles For Rent pin Tinie complete Wills for vom, aly, veld Slanppoiniment, | BA 59904, Dee, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Docomber 15, 158 19 i m----------er 47 Automobiles For Sole 50--Articles For Sele "5 DEROYO suiniom, Andbons bite o od one chalr, nearly new pou nat Jen. 8 Sam! by AA My Rg BL BURKE, it wx room (wo Morey A METEOR, 09, WA dh . A Pho red ot Yih? bein home, pletely modernized, newly |V: o ae ive vp ww Ar Move, good condition, divi TAPE Te Tecorder, Philips, nearly new, (tor ie, roller skies, waawslh, prod dedorn ride, VIO) ALGREATE Auto Tnmiran i ne, Park Youih, hb 781, ao A pe si i Hine manthe lo oar, Wot won 6 and Sr 12 _. farm, 160 heres, Commercial % ners gE EF rt (48~=Real Estate For Sole HARRIS Avene, fiveroom Wik him |gnlow, full sone front, Wied Witehen | nd bathroom, - planter inoudng, Jorge | (rooms, full high, osonion (netgrove Co Park Rowd HA 408 ou A5--Reol Estate For Sale LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Qur fee Is less then o vacancy, only screensd and reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Lid, 101 Simcoe $1, N, RA 85123 / MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAY OR EVENING $888 | FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENT MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE "These homes. are located In one of Oshawa's fostest-grows Ing subdivisions, Close te new school, bus service and churches, THEY FEATURE; = Sewers, water, streets In and paid for, sodded fronts, laun« dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, 3 bedrooms, het water tank, sidewalk, gravel drives ond many other extras, FOR INFORMATION: RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT | 30--Lost ond Found fo py, ra Winch, male, on Saturday, Phone BA 8.3204 alter b, 1801 | hook GREEN plastic Tolder containing Tor, sim of money, lost nesr nga i ing sors, Reward, Phone RA le 31 Articles For Rent DO IT YOURSELF | with the power tools end you con rent of Sian's haroeny barvica Ki 3224, i hot, (lat) bolt, a ¥ 0 ng Fy Woe Electric Hammers wi many other ee 48 RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DOT. YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simeoe 81, §, RA 3.4425 WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating and Circular Sanders; (we have o complete line of sealers end waxes); Cireulor Sows; Electric Drills; Staplers; Blow Torches; Soldering irons; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe Wrenches) Power Trowel, and many other Tools, WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING 282 KING ST, W, 32-~Articles Wanted WANTED three Gulders uniforms, sires Wi alse Guide uniforms, we wise 12 and 4 sige 14 RA DA0BS ad PIANOR wanted immediately my make, ar see, eash. Ostranders, 1378 Queen Street East, Toronto, HOward iran bee bh BELLING Tumilive" oF cleaning out your basement? You will get your high Floor 1 lll jocation, large of lot with i handle i 6, Bnelgrove C0. 120 per cent, Nine mont ow alll Tew Boom hak how ents, |e Fe m |b FORD Ey i "ft Baniorth Howd, Joron i Le Loom por on TTR CH, Shai th hd os Gr Lad , or iE % av ian Henl Eoin Jan, |Biwivg ia le veriagking RL 4 two fh tiers iF ett 8 Minot North Tonne Wire hy, tors, Fiona ih 1160. Jun 101i wi ¥ VWI, ih . [ {ona | Wie, "48 Plymouth " ONEY. ansellent, door oor sedan, iE oo for a Phone id #109, Xe LH 'MW VOR shall winks AI" 4 $id 0 after 5 pm, LL re -------------- Try the 1959 conan, | HA Paris Styled Renault Dauphine Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, water cooled, AT on "nore Wi $000, MaAviey, Kenl tor, 2 Prinee yom Yin vahlh And 46--Roal Estate Wanted VIVE or Wx room hose imder VIA terms, on or nest highway, In or res wonably lose to Oshaws, Write 14, Oshawa Times, 47 Automobiles For Sale PAWN "olf "80 Ford) nents, speedo: mater, clogk, rear axle, brakes, orm 8, front end, heater and frame, hone RA 39066 after 6 Pee. " AMECANE six Ford Fudor, radio, A re, Winek with extra trim and whitewalls, List $3300, trade and "fH nance, Tony at RA 5-460 or MO Vos me VArionngs, ol Wing Went, RA 514) WAKDROBY, Almont "ew. BE doors 4 twin iA bo ons immobile, saiohOL or vali, i aller Mn ry 7 ler, Dun Din low anoa for your old vod | 0 16 Jr i rotor Wasiniouse 8 | m way Television, 918 Bim VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 King W. we lt consimers' report, rim' RA 5.3557 Wi Dec, 1 1|and dryers, 48--Automobiles Wanted higd means inwent prices yi ha me hd 8100, Kelly Frigidaire, WANTED "61 Ford Tn ditlon throughout, will pay ood wil consider other models, Write par:| "ih; HA you Wusranies RA 3.4873 J Female Help Wanted RFLIARLE women, five In, ears for two school age ehildren, In exchange Mother 41--Room ond Board | #4==Por R.. 45---~Reol Estate For Sole | Rowly 168 Verdun Hoed r Wond, W01 er 18, 19h ice sree _# WILL TRADE 43--Wonked to Rent | IVAN" souimet is FOR OLDER HOME en ~ = arise three bedrooms for | bathroom, with Howe. relrgsrator, en hy, Ortisws or Bow: (washing machine, FY and oonllaists) Ney 6.icom brick bungalow manaiil dheiict, Phone hot water, Apply 34 Loyd § Brees, 18 I Th Pay Hil WO hed rie i Subdivision, 3 bedrooms, farnished, anywhere (4 a (A ng, " Box bi, Osawa Times, 20 JONES |44For Rent Lon fk 4 Whine - room, bath, pis vaiar la REAL ESTATE ast, Privaie FET privaid ralen. heavy wiring, *LIWO room 8 TT 6V4 Prince St, omens, BA SAT alter 4 2 bovenant, ie i Ee] RA 5.6412 or RA 8.1566 wud roo, 10 lel Ho 4onileme I well hented, north of Wh MONTRLY -- Bimeos orth, fier 6 pm, Baturday and honin, of wy Three roams and private hath, ol io Cal Meno tei Ro St vil EXECUTIVE mo . PRL a. a hil $4 men 0 at goth, 5 OME i Fda TYPE HOME VIVE Toom house, very 6eniral, 1oler: | aovoss from Cadiine Ho . ance soquived, Vine WA SA004.__ 300 ireal'§, Ak 'tn Wares hop, 12 Var In excellent north-east resis ONE "or (wo Moma completely fur dential i h Bede nished, cooking privileges, Bll conven: | SATE Toune Tor rent. all sonve tial section, three lenses new Name, vesuonable, AVY gy "Apply 448 Bloor treet Eas, rooms and_ three-piece: bath- Olive Avenue or KA 8009, 20 0 bed ", al room on 16p love 000d size py five-voom ungelow, oil het 15 SST iocaied noAY den on intermediate lavel, wll conveniences, Call after b or Batu Cent Hove gore 4 bi i day wil dny, 907 Huron Klrest, 204 Wing Canines love bond) Hid nk combination livingroom and VIVE room bungalow In exeslient | 5.6428 dining room 12 feet by 27 Inantion, nenr wehonls, B06 8 MONI, 11 | me ro foot, | Large kitchen with sep. Interested, HA b-14%7 00 | ow gM RA B94, i| Orote breakfast area, One OUR room duplex Bath," Available) Co Ed. bedroom and two-piece bath. Sy "6 hented, Phone RA 25081 vaom home, finished Festestion them room on main level, Finished ' {Oeeupaney February 1, AA playroom end laundry roem POUR + yoom furnished apartment, | 8.1000 4 La "wi In basement, Home Is com. Avaliable now Three rooms bo end THREE room Nal, hast and Tahi, Ietely carpeted in Indian fioor one on ground, WA BARE, 900) Logmor™ sy waar, 110 Albert #ireet, 871 brogdloom ond ine! THREE oom apartment, eleetrfafly In| gordo pladaom and inchs a cluded, parking space, No ehlldren Rent pir Pigg dd gli yu. po for room, hoard, small wages, works, RA M10 after § [MIDDLE © AGED Tady," widow, looking for good home, ax companion for semidnyalid Indy, do lght housework, Phone KA 50007, S666 A CAPABLE housekeeper, live in all canvenienees, Good wages, Duties (0 mint une ald WOMEROURY convertible, new {obs ave overdrive, $225 or best offer, 2044, Bowmanville, 150 PONTIAC sedan delivery, new pani, sent overs, and floor yg Very gond condition. $105, Phone RA HAI, 2001 heat, lights, water Apply 342 Bloor Sirens Wonk he maninly. 4 Abort Brest "before 8 SINGLE room, furnished, kitchen priv PP HA B legen, suitable for twa, Apply #15 Osh ' li i "Iwa + Toem Apart. iy Divi, North, RA Bib or mnt, refrigerator, suit couple or in: : le Very central, Apply #4 THREE large unfurnished rooms, wel 1] threa clothes closets, Phone RA HIRO A or Asking price $23,500, Sub- stantial down payment re. quired, Can be seen by ap- pointment only, Phone RA inflag ORDWRN Taken Toy ost price when vow phone RA BIS), i rements a oa eeeten ir The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Bimrne Btreel South FIANOS, 10 uprights or miniatures Will pay cash, Slate make And oe Write Box #37, Oshawa Times, Dee 0 GOOD used western saddle, Neweastle LL ie pmmence January , Phone BA 84753 hbo WANT woman for housework, five avs "week Person RA 5088, Standy employment to right | IMMEDIATE OPENING ) | Iphe ONE large room, kitahen, heavy duly wiring, three . plese hathroom, fur Nea WAP place, BepATALe on trance, Bull eouple or single. Close (0 Hospital and High School, Mary Bireet RA 210 w af | /NFURNISHED HOME BUILDERS oom, Suliahle for Dec. 30 1lght housekeeping, vary sentra, host fbi and ohn inehided Fine ! THREE Toom, unfurnished ving fii hot water and oll hei ply 40 Butterworth Avenus, 291¢ "lets, '83 Dod MPLYMOUTH Sanch wnod condition, radio, $268, HA "of YOUR choles =~ Lb Voi TH Chavos 9, '40 Meroury, Clearance Sule $105 Kini West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre wi M1 DODGE eoneh, push Button autos matie transmission, white-wall tires, wheel dise mirrors, one owner, $1605. Jn, "a Tg oy of Planse nrder early, RA 3-409 EASY washer with pump, 5 dk June nd Yoo looks like new, toulars to Box 336, Oshawa Times, Jan, 15, y want 08TH CAKERRONE Auto Wrecks " for wrecking, wiih prices paid, LEAL orn HIGHEST PRICES NPRCTAL domi Tor huliders, home: hers, on iduire bullidn ovens, y il down slamer Hoaking Jo yo Kally SCHOFIELD REAL ESTATE STRICTLY RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT Very modern S-room brick bungalow, Located In Apple Hill subdivision, Featuring 19' living room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large bathroom has built-in vanity, ceramic tiled walls ond colored fixtures, Exhaust fan In kitchen, plerson sashless windows with storms end sereens, Taek time out to see this home, It is a real beauty, Lew down payment, Balance N.H.A financing Immediate possession, Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243 .DOWN $2,000 DOWN Buys this beautiful 3-bedroom brick bungalow en Central Park Boulevard, Price Includes aluminum storms and screens, aluminum door, T.V. aerial, nicely landscoped all around and carries for $64.17 Includes principal, Interest and taxes, For further Infor mation, please call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 5.0494 OWNER TRANSFERRED A lovely 6.room bungalow purchased only 2 years age. Completely decorated throughout and exceptionally large recreation room for play er entertaining. Aluminum storms and screens, ceramie tiled bathroom, modern throughout, Close to schools, Oshawa She ping Centre and buses, For an appointment please call Bill cFeeters, RA 5.1726, evenings Pic ee 5pm A 3.2265-Between 5 and 6 pm, RA B.1624 2920 0 (ar telephone OXford 4-9048 igh Mill #40 per month rent, oe 0 - and Wroek vals, Phone RA 530M, "we VAUANT now, nn Nirent 068 monthly, sultable for two GARAGE families, Phone KA B0485 or KA S046 | Kirst, now Inve house, ing West Motors, opposite Khoppin a King Ll no nk Conlre f WOATION Wagon 88 Vonllae, doar, filly equipped, terms Phe 86011 7 am, bo 7 pm Jan, 9 MM OOLOSMOBLE, radio, signal lights, Automale, Apply 886 Ballard helore 6pm, wi PRIVATE wale, 1068 four doar Brata Chief Ponting, 10,000 miles, white and ierrn gold, well kept and in Kond me chanionl condition, Best offer, Terms may he arvanged, Will consider trade in, May he seen at 181 Btevenson Road North, RA H7462 after 6 p,m wi CLEARING at reduced prices entire slook of new and used ears, Outstand. ing values, Apeelnl terms Written Uunrantes, mM ehrs winterized, '50 Pon fie, $1001 "0% Hillman, A307 5H Chev, s1o05) '06 Dba £10061 "56 Ford, 81108; 6 Chey, $1408; '0h Bulk Hardiop, $1400, Also new Hillmans, Americans and Ramblers at Wellman's, KA § ie 0 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER. VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, RAndolph 3-346) PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, 'Liens peid off, PODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3-942) 49--Automobile Repair BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists In Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, FOR OFFICE CLERK Experienced cashier, accurate with figures, with general of« flea knowledge, Apply Box 316, Oshawa Times, glving full 'detalls, 208¢ 37 Male Help Wented A GOOD opportunity for man In auto motive parts stockroom, Apply In writ: ing to Box ¥17, Oshawa Times, satin axperience, oH OSHAWA Boelely for (he Pr [ Cruelty 10 Animals requires man with oar to oarry oul inspeobion duties 'In spare time, Experience with animals preferred, Hourly rate plus milesge sllowanes, KA 30880 for appointment 03 WANTED oun Scrap and Poultry |, TURNER RA 3-2043 (eo leet) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD, IRON : | METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE KA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap Iron and metals bought, Call SHAW RAG & METAL Co, RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS NIX" Toom house, ofl heating, heavy |KINGEW Toom for duty wiring, all conveniences, Lnmed. Apply 38 Nassau Street after selon, Phone RA AR707, 491 partment, new ry ONE furnished Tight house and stove, four rooms and hath, sult: (room, also one furhished single able for teacher, or nurse, private en: (ream, st 77 Ontario Brest, trance, Apply 936 Mary Street, 2014 -- BOOMERS One single room, one double, Jingle beds, wll new mitite Apply 47 Nassau Sires nt FOUR room hasement -- EH] ieee hath, separate entrance, 1 block rom ah entre, | Inte pon session, no small ehlidren, 48 Harris Avenue, Phone RA BAM wih IMMEDIATE possession, modern | hed room apartment, sleetrioally equipped TV nerinl, Garage avallable, RA AFRAID or KA M0884 FUT FOUR + room bungalow, alse "Three roomed apartment, heat, lights and water supplied, RA 37088, Deo, 8 HOUSE, nine vooms, brick, part 1e modeled, suitable for vest home, two bathrooms, good loeation. Just outside eity large garage Hans Taunton, On (aria Jan A UNFURNISHED apartments, oentral incation, self «+ contained, Fhone ha LARGE furnished housekeeping room, for business man, near Hospital and downtown, HA 24576, p48 Bimeos Bireel North wi THREE unfurnished "Thome, TAR Ond floor, heated and sleotrioity, private bath, eouple enly, Available now, Mo Drow Street, RA 5.7000 Jan, 4 THREE + room apartment and hath, heavy duty wiring, Central Fark Hou hon Now avaliable, #8 monthly, RT wn i FIVE + Oshawa "Hou ova WX rooms, (hres Bedrooms, Tr room, dinetie, Kitehen and hath, gar Ale, oll heated, children weleomed, 177 Plekering, "i m ois eapin aon goniieman, opin BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One bedroom apartment, elegs trically equipped, good loca- tion, Apple 498 Simcoe St, N., Apt. 5, AA 8.8676 Dee, 29 PARKWOOD MANOR Park Rd. N. Near King Government controlled rents One and two bedrooms, $85 and $90 a month, Many ex tras, Early possession, RA 8.7272 167 Park Rd, N, TWO men for fusl delivery, preferably experienced, commercial loess re quired, Phone Whithy MO #3388, 8980 WANTED = Immediately, experienced barber, Apply § Celina Street, 00/ FULLER Brush Co, requires 8,4 part-time and twa fulltime men to handle Christman sales and deliveries Own ear required, Phone RA 30810 0 Test-Drive the DK and the new FIAT For economy - and performs ce, "CANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King 51, W, RA 3.7132 50--Articles For Sale 00 your Chitsimas shopping while "Ed Wilson" does his Christmas chopping! Cedar chests, $30.00) hostess ehalrs, vel, $10.05, while they last 86.00) Wiener ped lob. Pon fachers, vo Moa A Port Patton LiL) ly ve, ho! skillets veg, vat.os, half price #13.05, CHILD'R brown, yellow § and gre on inid cont, mouton collar, slse 10:18, #8, good condition, Apply 80 Oshawa Blvd: South, VIKING pif yx oar id YKIN Wi Tai - one yea F! ud FOR sale, [XE oer ok 1008 Chev, radio, pragtion ply. Meroury Tax, " King NRAND ew Doriable dryer, Iie on Christmas prasent, #18, Call after pmo or Naturdays, Phone RA wag ARLUING frag 91 sloanind ou Rome 'Fumi Our basement? Bint, RA _b2880, SH ri HE hiithost price when vou phone moos m Ph lo ro Lhong or apply 340 The Oshawa Trading y 4 treet Mouth, 1) oat nels WOOK) ha: ALLPURFORE WELFRNS adsl To buy, sell, swap, ren, - RA 30403, NMAN "spool $101 tollets no, TT [oC Ryveed stainless Sloe rd, Phone Deo CNRATERPIRIY Es ee , Tn table, King Btrest West, R Ww, W J y lor ohairs, drosse; eh He Pare Gover La y's hrown mult, Ho ae ily Lf Ry Phone A A014, pu and older barrels avalible. ab pond wlan, bingk 1amb oat, BH: 40, needs a litle repair, $95, | hristmas. But hatry J | Ntreet Mouth | WILLIAM Plan anes Bow ol 8 o 3 { \ , 18 ow and uked, "OsAWA's No, TE Neha Oke skates W up. MUNKBAT fur a aook oondition fle" TH he "single bad, OF Wimmer, complaie With a. hi) Oshawa Hardware sot Rogers 5, WA babi ; Initia ra __lon all pianos are pf oan afford, Park why avin 0 "up, Largest A Stlaition 41---Room and Board Ho vata tos Io le Ww 1 0] Wireel ot Pan Ro Soph 8 ROOM "or roam and hoard for | Hara one single, one double, Near tiih OM, Home eooking, Phone HA 9000 pho! "3nd Board, near | LL DARING, oontinuaus Wale i age 10 have tandwieh nd or 1h iehen § fi LE ni £5 SHE Ra op, 9 PEE Nf 2 "hoard for gentlemen, sin tle olose wm -- six days weekly il Birest, Phone RA 57784 ROOM and board for wentieman, goed meals, Mngle heads, eontinuous hot dua Apply 83 Arthur Street, 0) oo. and board for 4 Jwalowk, [1 vd "Mm TEL CRANFIELD MOTORS 131 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2264 USED CARS B.A SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MORRIS, 'MG, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES '& SERVICE, MACKIE MOTORS will Pay oft lens, dresven, Lid 16; uhrome ehairs A I oy, ad ren §AD, 4) vir nl igh Jenin; skis, with harness poles, Chureh Street, R. RA 37604. never used, #85, A i] I] reduced ld ae 4 Joes Barons' Home Farm ni Nimeoe Ktreet Cyole, 2901 | 45--Reol | Estate For Sele. LOW LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT Custom built, S-reom brick, recessed black mortar, stain od varnished trim, lary susan, exhaust fan, many other extras, excellent locas tion, bus at doer, Asking $12,700.00, Call Eugene Patterson at RA 5.6544, JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR Dec, 12,15, 16 Ll wii Street East, ¥ EE MODEL airplane, 107 wing spread, 000 engine, reel econtroli RCA Vietor ports able radi, four transistors; pookel ears phone radio] man's 3 oyeles two hinser oonts, 18 and 16, Lady's station wason cont, 16, RA B0660 after 6, _ ow PARGAINA=Rangetton $7 Wing or Lo Libis 014) 04) jar oubingt m mod i fii 10 el pre tf RI : Singer Teatharwel ' AOR NAVE AN ho rhorite coffee hai dev" peda of Ameria, new, ave onset) Filter Queen ol 00,00 ohrome sel 885; skates, 83 a ay ses MARY more bargaing to choose Contaot Community Furniture ore! 1 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131, fii sowing machines = topo aed 10 NEW QUALITY HOMES BY S. JACKSON & SON LTD. in 3 Styles now under construction in HARMONY HEIGHTS No stoves, no refrigerators and no free rides, but alse ne second mortgages, Just the best house for the least money In the low-priced field In Oshawa Prices range from $12,395 to $12,995 with down payments from $1,062 to $1,386 CHECK THESE FEATURES Sidewalk Gravel drive Aluminum storm windows Aluminum storm doers Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water prepald buy good clean ears, CEOOm APAFMERL, RepArale Sell on cone i Ho trance a hath, east end, Phone 1) LLL 6pm 35-Employment Wanted HAINDRESNER seeks position, fully trained in wll branches, six months shop experience, Call HA 8.0789, S470 YOUNG lady seeks position, sleek or store ream, Call HA 80740 LLU YOUNG marded woman desires Kind of employment, Bex 418, Orhawh Times ont 36--Female Help Wanted |* LARY to assist with housework, must have references, and be fond of eh) dren, Seep In, good home for right a won, Phone HA 30530 GIRL for lunch counter, Apply RI won Road South nr signment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King St. East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 3574 : lose to hus, a | y faellities, will for ohild while Mother works, RA +l, ) -- ACTA L pions, Saat ROOMN, breakfast, lunch optional, Cor le, §| er store, William and Mary ny reel ood) SHWE "Foams and bath, heated, un ODAAN 8 Four ore furnished 1 bleh ring, HE iE. hg Rab AR ol WENTTR Town, shite Wels, oy oonveniences, closes to aM FURNISHED room, hoard optional, one BAR, Apply 890 Yorihine Rreel. or two gentlemen or ladies to share, close to south GM, RA AH:8040 after ROOM and hoard for (wo Indies, hare ol Ux) in new home In west end, RA » roar yours a BUYS LAST OF EQUITY N.H.A, HOMES IN ORCHARD GARDENS Located at 877 Shakespeare Ave, between Wilson Rd ond Farewell St, acrom from Colpus Public Scheel, This house offers the most for the money Int 1, ACTUAL LIVING SPACE, 2, STYLE, QUANTITY AND LAYOUT OF KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, OUTSIDE APPEARANCE, BRIGHT BASEMENT, AIR SONDITION, OIL HEATIN $500 hip you mova in, lew monthly payments like rent, See this house and call buildir Collect at Taronte MUdson 8:1895 or see your _ local real estate agent, "Weubls; HIRE oss (t3 BUYING or SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res, RA 5.5574 WINTER CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! DODGE 2dr, Radio ' PONTIAC 2. or , Seton Vans 95 PONTIAC Coupe == Aus tomatic, and radio, $195 FORD 2.dr. Sedan $119 1, Clay brick 2, Partial stone front J. Loundry tubs 4, Ceramic tile bathroom 8, Kitchen fon 6. Hot water heater 7. Electric light fixtures Complete In every way the balance, Call this office for an appointment to see these homes at once os the mortgages are limited, LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 314 Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5.6551 After 5,30 Dials 3.9290 Lloyd Metcalf 5919 Dick Barriage : 10 }, 12 WRIGHT one:, and (wa + hedroom Apartments sleotrieally equipped, hal aonies, TV antenna, parking, Apart ment 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whithy, MO bail, Jano NIOW oloan. eomibriable vom five minutes from downtown, sulk lady or fentioman, Apply 8 Nassau Slieot A A108, Tt TWO partly furnished rooms, one or (wo men, or couple with ohild. Will look after ehild while mother works, HA eel LUN oat \ hy in' A corner Ron arom army's Dloyels good oondifion, i Phone Mh 08, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER GOOD CONDITION, $35 L. C, Smith Sitndard we good cong TE Be SX 208, OSHAWA TIMES $AVE -- $AVE MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size, Installe- tion included, FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE PHONE RA 8.1547 ANYTIME EXTRA FOR THe VERY ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win. dows, Awnings ond Porch Railings, NOBQDY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices and guaranteed installations HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-243] Anytime in ? pm, WANTED CLERICAL ASSISTANT For McLaughlin Public Library Qualifications: Grade 13 Certificate ein r plece Dedivom ilte, alr foam, fou Pes ondition, Apply 363 '| Drew #0 PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS EVERY MAKE Best Prices Best Terma WALMSLEY & MAGILL OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD, King St, E RA 3.330) One NMA, 6% mortgage coven THRER . room apartment, stove, 'frig I'V antenna, heated, private entrance, ATA monthly mediate oeoupaney College Hill aren, Phone RA B64EY, BAN GROUND floor, furnished, light house keeping room, with refrigerator, for ane or twa wentiemen, central, Apply M6 Louisa Sirest LLL ™oO room apartment, builtin eup. boards and sink, 163 Banting Avenue LU 208¢ Library Experience APPLY 10 The Chief Librarian Jana! -- Everett Elliott Joe Mage 5.698) 5.624) 2920 PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gal, $1.80 qt SWING SATIN $5.99 gal, $1.80 qt First Come First Choice WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 King St. W. RA 3.4873 290¢ WHITBY CLASSIFIED RELIARLE day care siven while nN | Fon. RENT Fiveroam new house, | vil Wer Works, BEER Feorention veem, Available January 18, B31 Dundas Bast ment, heat, lights, and water, thi twa Blocks west of Henry Btreel, MO Apply John Keohman, RR, & Whithy | piece Ah, hl hARARGS: Avaliable aii WR alors to Lynbrooke Park, Mle inow, RA 3.4000 Deo LIKE a camera? 3 mm, Fd lens, | FOR RENT hiveroom "PAM en | NRF CONTAINED, (hres + room twin range Lander and accessories, Like stairs Mo R11} 10 apartment (new home), heavy wiring new. MO #ATaR I rOW Tent -- House, All oanveRTanoas, | AMIN Near NGM, Parking, RA 37au FOR RENT Four unfurnished FORA a 401 hghway, Close to Dunlap and | Pee 10 partly heated no objection to ohiidren. [General Motors, RA 3.808 Oshawa An [AIMCoR North, four, and five © voom Very reasonable rent 200 Pine 000 (apartment, fully equipped. RA Street 10 FOR sale 1080 Ford, low mileage, can|d8H, § am 3 pn Jang WOMAN willing to mind one or twa be financed. Asking price $2600, Phone [FIVE « room apartment, 87 Wenlwarth ehildren white mother works, Apply 113( MO S418 after 3:30 pw BM Hiroe, Oshawa Washer, dryer, stove, Dovedale Drive, Whithy 10 RAND new three bedroom bun refrigerator. TV aerial, Near sohool alow, FOR RENY Modern Tonr-roam | Aulomatie heat, private drive, docarate Phone MArket 33611 Bowmanville APATIERL, ROWLY docorated, self omn: 10 SIL tenant,' Reasonable for vight Li tained, nies stee bhright reams, TV party, Write Box 313 Oshawa Times AT possession, nlee four autlet. Paved parking. Immediate pos a- LL - AY Sowntiwn, washer, sesnlon. Adults. MO 8438. 39% | SI HOUR OI Burner service. nial yor, TV aerial, furdished i desived AEN and t FOR BALE = Christmas (roan, Soateh dav. 8h John's Heating Nervies, MOIRA apie A1ed Bachelor apartment, Pine, nursery grown, all slaes, Free B33, reverse charges top bi a delivery. Birrell Conk, 318 Mary West. [lanes calls \ NOnPAN Showroom, altics and ware ® uke far ven praximately \ MO Bd BN POR RENT = Apartment, Prey Parking Photog vy Rh wi CHRINTMAN trees Mp sale, Noaton Alw one on second floor partly furnish. | h Pine, Spruce. Ofe block north of four ed, APply 80 Dundas east of [VINGLE furnished hedraom In au ie garners Al Sunece Gas Nation, Nee Syungniaf" Aluminum, sell storing col Ly a teman i + n " "nw A a A unibharne ree i p Red Ratt Pawos 1748 oars, MO00 halt Jalousie, $63.80; any ' bi double hung window, $10.30, installa THANE oom apartment, two hlooks from o ni heat, water and hydro ipplied, alsa TV aerial, No abjeetion 10 one ohild, #65 monthly, Call RA S008 after 8 pm = Jand ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail ahle In private home. pi Park Rosd North, § + ¥ pm. HA 0867) REE « roam, self + contained apart Sedon on $898 Move In By Christmas A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO PIONEERING BUICK 2.dr, Hardie or 90 FORD 2.dr, Sedan, $699 CHEV, 4.dr, Sedan == Radiv PONTIAC Apply Call 2dr, Sedan L. $1198 Sedan ww $1198 PONTIAC 2+dr, Sedan , $498 2 CHEV, dr Jan) COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS, CALL RA 8.8571 Whitby MO 8.4891 Munutoctured in Whitby COLONIAL | _ALUMINUM Winfer-Seal ALUMINUM 'WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD, 15 PRINCE ST RA * 5.4632 Les Eveniss, RA 3.2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 BUICK Hardtop = Loaded VICTOR (Vauxhall) Radio. Like new. $1498 PLYMOUTH $1098 STUDEBAKER Sedan == $398 $1598 , - ™E ® ROADS SEWERS SODDED STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 5.6588 RA 3.2265 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6544 RA 5-6165 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8.5155 MoCoy wr y $ Delivery A GROUND floor, two clean unfuraish ORRINTMAR trees for sale by SL ton inoluded. I y ol roams, sink In Kilohen, private en John's Angliean Men's Club, on sale at) 3.0618, RII: Phot NG n" " Rh trance No ohiiiren. Phone RA a43T8 Silver Grill, 1638 Broek Street South rou; TT Dee. 1) liver FOR Free delivery Deo. W ee partinany MI SIX renin house With garase, oll heat 5 round level, CHOIR Ohelalmas trees, Balsam, | hod, niahod basement, all ponveniences anon, HEM wink Npruee, Pine. Alay WM Be Seen across land Whithy, ¥ from Grand Union. Free delivery, G |evenings. oud Ravary, MO 830 Deo. By GUNR For FoR Oven RAW doco: BUY and sell used furniture, Grixtij ated roams, modern conveniences. cen furniture will pay cash for ased appli [tral clase 0 sohoal, shopping and new ances, fuenituee, Apply basement, 131 plants. Phone Oshawa RA S040). 0 Brook South MO #40 D0 Bp ANT outing and alerations, men's USER FURNITURE savings, ovih and ladies' wear: drapery alterations Wodern bedioam suite, seotional ohes [RH MacDonald, 1013 Centre South fected, guaranteed plana, $139.00. Re. Dee, 31 fierator (prastioally - new). save $170 " . off new price, hed A complete with SPORE MATS rece chester fold waite, 1a bay 1h dial MO wh ext Legion) Whitby Dee 13 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary « WAY, Rew tanks astalied Waller Ward BB Chestnut West, Phone MO 83583 Dee, B DIVE POULTRY alse feathers want #4, Mghest marke! prices paid salleet MO 83400 Whitby, 3 OLDS Sharp CHEV ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED RA 5.6504 Sedan w= $109 Sedan dr Ache OAM A a. hat on stween Oshawa nEston Road Werk! | Phone RA 5.0880. an | Four-room apartment, newly decorated, all conveniences separate entrance bottom floor, Laundry, parking, bus at door, immediate posses sion, Apply 165 Verdun Rd RA ).3004 FOR RENT Shot guns, decoys, cartop boats and canoes skill saws, paint spraven (gar and elec. tie), pipe dies, cement mixer automotive tools WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES, WHITBY MO 8.3224 $901 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT or three Furniture Two and cupboards Apply 28 CEDAR STREAT RA 5.4092 Oma with si RA 5.6507 OPEN TILL 9 P.M, EVERY NIGHT | Dee 18 Phone Jan, B "0% (Continued on Page 30)

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