WEATHER REPORT Continuing Cold, Cloudy with vee easional snowflurries and & few sunny periods Tuesday, ns TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve-tising RA 38-3493 All other calls RA 83-3474 dhe Osha Time Authorized Post Office Second Clogs Mil TWENTY-TWO PAGES Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy |" gs 1 DEAD, 20 INJURED IN QUEBEC BLAST IMenKilled | 2-Storey Plant, NearBewdley | House Leveled In Car Crash SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP) --|too early to say whether a seo: COBOURG -- Two men were|On¢ Person was known dead and ond loss of life was involved, Killed Saturday night when their 2 lnjued Were taken to hospital | sEEK CAUSE . car failed to complete a turn near Firefighters were diggin two-storey brick building and Rion a 1 . Bewdley, Ont,, and shot out of control into a tree, arelioust oxcupied by a bottled tempt to learn the cause of the Dead are Joseph Blunchard, 1 : electric) blast and whether or not any oth. anted men, baffled police for|awaiting trial for attempted mur-|29, of Toronto, and a friend, Ed- Joseph Laroche, an a0 ors may have been killed, H fw working on a nearby building ight ths but fell victim to|der, A guard was severely in- win Mollan, 26, of Trenton, A The explosion occurred just as (as Xp osions ny mon |jured and a second charge of at.|third person in the car, project, loet his life in the explo VOL. 87--NO, 294 OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1958 | ON RCMP LIST Wanted Criminal Arrested On Tip section explosion and fire kill- | Maintainville Hotel stands at | at Allentown, Pa. SYDNEY, N.S, (CP) -- Jalil: Tousignant had been on the colosi ne -- breaker Ronald Tousignant, No.|RCMP"s most-wanted list since ed six persons. One wall of Tight. The explosion oceurred AP Witepwoto |4 on the RCMP's list of 10 most- he escaped early last May while * FLAMES LIGHT up the inter- employes of Raby and Freres in |eastern Sherbrooke were begin. woman's memory, Mrs, Jehovah Baby's Father Kill 6 Persons wall Ont. wanted in St. Hya- cinthe Que. on two charges of The 29-year-old native of Corn-|tempted murder was laid against Helen Molan, was asleep in the [the short stocky escapee. | The original charge was laid {back seat when the accident oc- |curred, and escaped with injuries. Police Chief Edouard Moreau sald Laroche's death was the only hy house definitely known. He said attempted murder and escaping cnstody was arrested Saturday while casually shaving in a home where he led a model life, | Gives Up Legal Action Wreck Hotel ALLENTOWN, Pa, (AP) -- A terprets Biblical passages as for-| The baby had been threatened series of violent gas explosions bidding the eating of blood or|by a disorder caused by RH neg-|tore apart a hotel early Sunday, use of transfusions. | ative blood in the mother and RH killing six persons attracted to 5 positive blood in the father, Suc-|the scene, MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY |, ive pregnancies build up anti-| The victims were trapped on ans 5, | Percy Chapman, supervisor of (},q th {1 hick he f fl Thei y ounce ' {bodies in the mother which can ithe first-floor porch of the r lawyer announced he inisters in Canada for J wouldn't go to the Ontario Sup-| hs Witnesses, said TORONTO (CP) -- The parents of an eight-day-old baby stricken with a blood disorder today aban- doned their attempt to block folks here. "It can't be true it can't be true" sobbed an 18-year-old girl signant soon, "He's no criminal. y 120- He w ray ind and Jehov-| destroy red blood cells in a baby. |year-old Mountainville Hotel lie was always so kind ; court and | y preme Court to upset the family hen "RED YOCTORS they watched the gas-fed flames gq, "TURE e P hospital officials must take re- ORDERED BY I leaping out of a gaping hole. WOMAN SAN Tay " A in ) 1 court ruling Saturday night that i ; shat| Transfusions were ordered for permitted doctors to give two Sponeiiiey before GY Te a Bi Oe doctors said she, Before they could flee the blaz- ney under the name Ronald Mar- | transfusions despite protests from) "ip, od ie sanctified; it belongs would die in 24 hours without|In8 sheet of fire, the 50-feet-high|iin' was picked up after an un the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-| = "0 ont God," he said, |them. {flames engulfed the building just meth Campbell, both 27 "We are not opposed to the] A special court was set up in 3% it was split savagely by an Lawyer Glen How said further | medical profession or its good Toronto's Hospital for Sick Chil-|underground blast. The old struc- fegal action was being dropped |yorks, but transfusion is just one|dren and Judge Lorne Stewart | ture of brick and stone collapsed. "because it would do no good." noecihle method of treating the turned the baby over to the Chil-| At least 15 persons were injured The parents had refused per-|RH condition, Perhaps in the fu-|dren's Aid Society on grounds of by the fire and from the falling mission for transfusions for tiny|ture the profession will discover neglect. The temporary wardship debris. They, too, had stood too| Lori Lynn because they are Je-|another freatment to which we|---for one month--was authorized close watching the burning gas hovah's Witnesses, The sect In-'will have no objection.' by Ontario's Child Welfare Act, explode in the street. --- - -------- A e10ly said the death toll to | in Weekend Magazine and phoned Two entered with drawn guns. DOGGIE WEARS after a fishing companion of Tou-|A dog with her was uninjured. |one signant was a April 30] The accident happened at 9|early reports indicated Mrs, Ar- News of the capture shocked said they were "shocked" | " who was to have married Tou-|gentleman, |from here to Newounfland as a identified woman saw his picture|ricane Helene Oct, 7. Her skip-| police. Officers ringed the house, |said Tousignant was "one of the|, =" co Fe clear, Mrs, Mol. Tousignant surrendered quietly, [had on a boat." Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LeBlanc p.m. just south of Bewdley on(thur Denault, 49-year-old occu- in whose home Tousignant lived highway 28, Light snow had drifi-|pant of a house levelled by the by his|ed across the road at the curve, explosion, also lost her life but |the trees are located about 10|later checks showed she was in hospital seriously injured. k was arvest, Their teen-aged son Earl who shared a room with Tousig-|feet away from the edge of the ant described hi " paving. 5 BgCHbeq Bum 21 a Hite The southbound car struck with Chief Moreau sald one ning work, It demolished a near. and hotdog stand and severely damaged several other buildings. Windows were shatter nearly two miles away,. The building in which the blast occurred housed a furniture dealer who distributed propane gas, Early reports were that one of the containers had exploded. was unaccounted for but {such force that it split the tree. r---- Chain saws had to be used to fell the tree before Mollan's hand on the coastal schooner|Pody could be removed. Two Beatrice P. He was aboard when Wreckers had to Stach the hd the vessel was driven on to Hhe/i0yntwiss § trom lit stump. ie shore at Sydney Harbor by hur- by the tree almost to the X WORKED ON SHIP Tousignant made several trips | seat, Jim Cruickshanks ™p ty planchard and Mrs, Mol- per Capt, VATICAN CITY (AP) -- John XXIII today formally vated 23 Roman Catholic prelates to the rank of cardinal, | Other princes of the church, al quiest and best workers I ever| .. =." ven to Port Hope hos- pital, and Sunday was removed to Trenton hospital, Her injuries were described as "not serious, 23 Prelates Made Cardinals By Pope (since it was conferred without the mandate of the Holy See." Pope. John asked the Catholie bishops of the world to arrange for "public occasions of prayer "to b h God to meeting in secret vy the Vatican gave their silent as- sent to the Pope's action, con- mostly bruises and shock', by police, Coroner J, F, Trucker's Pact Chrysler-UAW |TRIO USED KNIFE Negotiations Broken Off | session of negotiators for eid] fer and the United Auto Workers Union failed to settle a 13-day la-|8t knife-pdint early today, while Cut Wires, Steal .$59 At Brooklin a youthful' gas station attendant «= Three mén held men drew jacknives, which they | pointed at him, ordering him to sit down on a chair. He complied, could have been as high as 50 {had the initial explosion come in- side the hotel instead of first rip- ping a hole in the pavement on the outskirts of this southeastern Pennsylvania community 40 miles from Philadelphia. Most of the 50 patrons in the hotel's bar dashed outside at the sound of the first violent roar. The hotel long bas heen nothing more than a {avern-restatirant, | The dead were identified as | Walter Leitgeb, 37; William Gru- |ber, 16; Perry Miller, 16; May- BLUE PYJAMAS SCARSDALE, N.Y. (AP)-- A pop-eyed resident called police to report he saw a dog wearing blue pajamas, Police went to the scene Sunday night and found, sure enough, a Welsh terrier in blue pajamas. Mrs, Cybil Jailer later furned up to claim the ank mal, She told police the dog had run off just before bedtime, and, as one of the men cut the nard Haebner, 39: Willlam Mac. Ratified In Stormy Meeting TORONTO (CP) -- An agree. ment reached between the Inter- national Brotherhood of Teams- ters (CLC) on behalf of 7,000 On- tario truck drivers was ratified by 76: votes Sunday following a stormy meeting of Toronto Local 938. The vote was 1,317 to 1,241, The union membership of three Leeson, Cobourg, who viewed the "odies, said both men died of fractured skulls, Constables C. J, Potler and C. J. Carey, Cobourg detachment OPP investigated, Police said that the curve is one on a stretch of road which has been the scene of cidents, More Snow many ac-| members CIERETE Blevation of the broke firming the choices he had an- 1 unced Nov, 17, The pontiff, crowned supreme ruler of the church only last month, increased the member- ship of the sacred college to 74 and gave the world's 500,000,000 of the church their the limit of 70 set for the e by Pope Sixtus V in 1586, After the consistory, papal messengers went out from the and 1 'enlighten the minds of those who are going astray" and te "give strength or will" to all the Catholics of China, GIVES HATS THURSDAY On reday will come the climactie public erem in St, Peter's Basilica, when Pope will present the broad-brimmed aleros, the red "To 'the Gothalia faith, with thelr blood need be. Two of the new cardinals were not in Rome and will not pare Vatican to notify the new cardin- ticipate in the ceremonies. hat of locals voted t tify th N eer vant ie iene emeen | For Oswego Industrial Relations Bureau rep- resenting 65 trucking companies,| OSWEGO N.Y. (AP) -- This bor dispute that has idled more|!NeY & oped $59 from a cash reg- 8 a': of their elevation, Joseph Bueno y-Monreal, Arche mother's illness. | His RCAF C-5 trasport was to drivers in most large centres to $1.78 by Jan, 1, | ter Diefenbaker was returning to|d!/ing of one of the ballot boxes. representing an Eastern Ontario group of drivers were counted to- leave Saskatoon at 6 a.m. EST to|58 ballots, was opened and|squalls was. on top today for rr 'M IN CHINA In his address telling of his cholic 2s, the pontiff called -atten- tion to the persecution of Roman Catholics by the Communist re- gime in China, "Unfoi unately," he sald, "we have to declare with sorrow that there are not wanting some who, four inches Saturday night to help Souting she iets 0 Ein nore - {produce the new total, God, have so far yielded to the gether. The one box, containing | Snow ranging from flurries to|. mands of persecutors as to accept sacrilegious episcopal eon- northern New York community measured a full winter's snowfall today seven days before the offl- cial beginning of the season, A U.S. weather bureau observer said 88 inches of snow had fallen here this month, The snowfall for all of last winter was 88 inches, Squalls off Lake Ontario added which provides a 2l-cent hourly package increase over 39 months. It will raise hourly rates for city 1961, After the ballots were counted some members questioned han- All but the ballots from one box | bishop of Seville, will receive his notification and red hat from Generalissimo Franco, the Span. ish chief of state, Fernando Crnto, papal nuncio to Portugal, wil! get his from President Maer ico Tomas in Lisbon, This is by ancord between the Vatican and such Catholic states, MAY APPOINT MORE The Pope did not say directly whether he intends to increase the size of the college still more in the future, as has been specs lated, But he did say that he had secretation from which no power ) in mind many other prelates of of jurisdiction can be derived the church who had "proved themselves very worthy of this high honor." The new cardinals are from nine lands, including the 13 from Italy, They bring the number of nations represented in the college to 27, Mexico and Uruguay obs tai. ed their first princes of the church, | If we could see ourselves as others see us, we'd feel certain their vision was ex- ceedingly poor and enormous- ly distroted, SUDBURY (CP)--The Interna- tional Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (Ind) con-| tended today it has the backing! of more than 8,000 workers for a "decent contract" to end its strike against the International Nickel Company 'of Canada | But it made clear that it is' not Provincial police said today they | are investigating the circumstances regarding head injuries suffered by a 16-month-old girl who is in hospital here. Jean Ann Menzies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Menzies of Havelock, is in serious condition. She was admitted to hospital last Thursday, per cent in the other two, The| union's last demand was for a three year elf [creases av union with in about three per cent in each vear contract than to Russia Protests "Unprovoked U.S. Fire" LONDON (AP) The Soviet Union foday protested the '"'un- provoked fire opened by a United States military aircraft upon m i the fi Y Y f 2.000 strik These proposals were ward at a meeting of union officials put for Inco and held in Toronto) sponsorship of the government. The meet 18 ended in disagreement day with Mayor Fabbro. At, that|pany proposal." meeting, all but about 100 of the The company's most recent Nov. 20 under women backed a series of resolu- [proposal was for a three-year Ontario tions that called for a vote by|agreement with no wage incre CITY EMERGENCY COMMUNITY $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 | PHONE NUMBERS CHEST | POLICE RA 55-1133 FIRE DET 1 57 SCOREBOARD telephone wires, another emptied |, | . a Leu, ail of ientown, nd tes) PN] Returns N tatio rok o atl Row er 8. Kraft Jr., 29, a darkroom egotiations were broken off at|street, Oshawa, told Provincial m i ) : 8 a.m. Sunday without a date be. Police of the Whitby detach. the car started, he ran out and|e.,. nicle He was on his way Aft E d fog set for renewal ment that at 2.25 a.m. three men was ble to ead ony te first yome after work and was hol er n | " ter ol p rence "A, 1 yr UAW lead vam | r r 18. Leen lieved to have stopped at the leaders sald, owevt, and Supply, an all-night service| ok Tok Cliaveoks io i. | scene to make photographs fo or our they will ask the company to|station north of Brooklin on High (3951 b ack { he violet aaqan, the newspaper, ; a to tion of the talks/ Way 12. He said one of the men cence A-8308 stolen from | ------ i gree resumption e talks Arseneault, 345 Ver car, which } ibed as a/dun road Sunday ; Chrysler vice-president John D ¢ 1049 to 1951 Chevrolet, McElroy said that he got a good IO essor [the capital tay ig Ph wand Leary said if the strike continues! The men asked if there was a at twa of the unmasked eT yeu will be out of work told them there was. All three : EO Tne Ie a The strike started Dec. 2 at the went into the station . Vario yhplexion." He WOIS a v fly into Ottawa at noon, He had|counfed in Kingston and results much of New York state includ. Dodge main plant where 7,100/ "1 thought nothing of it at the a. e B C 11 3 with curly black hair. He wore a| Y 0 ege Journey from here Oct, 27, (for tabulation, | Temperatures remained gener- Sut protesting What they called allater. "Lots of people go in for a windbreaker like ball players! | His return five days early was| A committee of two was ap-|ally low but nowhere near the speedup in work requirements. [coke like that" wear WINNIPEG (CP) Professor occasioned by his 86-year « old|pointed to investigate the han-|readings of 20 and 30 below of| HT Parts shortages have resulted When he had filled the tank {i r THOUG FOR TODAY gated by Cpl. Ray Willlams- of | Stated by United College and will| the prime minister whs accom-|findings to teamster president] A coastal Chrysler plants. tion. As he entered, the threel!the Whithy Detachment OPP resume his duties immediately, |panied by his 63-year-old brother|James Hoffa. Union officials said more than an inch of snow on ---------- ----_-- - - the board of regents announced |Elmer on the tour--after she suf- A petered out into flurries. y LJ Sept. 13 during a controversy|day. | 2 {over a personal letter which he| On their arrival in Saskatoon | wrote to a colleague and which | Sunday they went immediately to| ; was diverted to college Principal | her bedside where they found her | cedan es Se S The following statement was is-| SHOWING STRAIN | 9 sued on behalf of the college: Mr. Diefenbaker, 60, appeared On behalf of the board of re- (strained after his long journey a e CY iver gents, Allan H. Watson, chairman /and his mother's illness, But he fessor H, 8. Crowe will resume terial duties at a cabinet meet:| MONTREAL (CP) -- Fifteen St. Peter, 50 miles downstream at United College immediately. He had missed out on two days which have ventured from the most difficult in the run from "The hoard hopes that all con- bt relaxation in New Zealand and protecting waters of Montreal [Montreal to Quebec City. cerned will now unite in an effort | another two days in Honolulu that harbor prepared to take on the/ The ice was reported to range to enable United College to con- his itineravy had called for to al- (ice-clogged tinue its rightful place in the/low him rest after seven weeks!again today in their bids to reach inches to rafts six feet thick and academic world," of sightseeing, ceremonies, offi- the Atlantic, {while the weather is not the sub- | or t , re dis |and Norco had made the most temperatures were still below Jules: ufict 10 eitle Se wage dis progress, reaching Trois « Rivi- freezing. | D000 hg Sd atl eres, 90 miles downstream from | ---- he seke: welop-| LA I E NEWS FLASHES [were expected to reach Quebec ho ijother a he a hy giin ¥ : | City, 50 miles further, by tonight, , 80 strikers sa Py a 4 R= ebreakers ' i and their wives have received \ | Fi h C lif B h Fi cas Jesbreakers | 1 Iberville, . 1000 Men Fight Calif. Brush Fire poieial, nd 1 je Tests In 5 sliced a way | calls. through the ever-thickening ice ASSAILS MAYOR men hampered by turbulent winds, struggled today to check [in front of the two as tempera 4The union, in a statement is- a brush fire raging in mountain country eight miles northeast [tures hovered several degrees seven meetings of strikers in this consumed 10,000 acres of tall brush -- some of it as High as | Once past Quebec City, where EI, CAJON, Calif. (AP)--A man area. also assailed what it de " . the river begins to widen to meet | who has blamed a transient teen- scribed as strike-hreaking tactics [the gulf of St. Lawrence, the ager for the slaying of his wife and two members of the Ontario 12 AT LANORAIE subject of extentive police ques- | PETE IG P) 3 , legislature. MAYOR FABBRO 4 MRS. LEOLA BREEN | PETERBOROUGH (CP Twelve of the 15 were motion. 107In8 Sunday. President Mike Solski of Loca | less at Lanoraie, 30 miles down-| Examination of Thomas J. Pen- 'gave their an wer 0 Widely. strike penctrate the ice since Friday, |tector tests ordered by Police 3 ult enkened by the 6.|UNION TO DECIDE [They are the Britishers Wend. Chief Joe O'Connor. Ly : was beig weakenee hw The statement said over, Manchester Vanguard, O'connor declined to discuss the "Ho VR XBR ! His comm vas(The union | --. : Si : h -- ERR ho 5 i i! intended to vill be the sole judge in deter ihe Germans 3 ns, Christina Mary is ik gg Fund N "MISSIL ONKEY" USED IN TEST | len i bir mining when a secret ballot | Sartori Alexandra Sartori anc nvestigators sal endergas cance of a meet hp pide le! on) | Elfriede; the Swedes Ragneborgh was asked specifically for more \ This is a squirrel monkey, | ing the flight in the nose cone a Soviet fighter near Latvia, Moscow radio reported. The [man Thorsdrake. Carl Eder, the missing Teen-| described by Capt. Norman charge came in a reply to a U.S. note of Nov. 13 asking infor- One ship, the Liberian Elimarie ager Pendergast has said he be-| Lee B of the US. N missile launched from Cape mation about 11 American airmen whose plane crashed in Was trapped by ice off the islands |friended in the hope of saving are e US. Naw | canaveral, Fla. Medical Corps as the type mak- --AP Wireéphoto than 40,000 Chrysler ces. a rysier employees. | non McElroy, 16, of 304 Golf 'oll. WA He said that the men left. When op nician for the Allentown, Call- lle to the Mar Storage pulled: up. to the arine Storage Oshawa City Police reported a the OTTAY wv . told him to fill the tank of their|home of A TTAWA (CP)-Prime Minig- today, ' "other thousands" of employees oke cooler in the station, and he' "They were all around R : d oe Helnstate J Sock Sraatar, ARthor was Sort] started his planned 54-day world telephoned to the Toronto office|ing Oswego. members of UAW local 3 walked |time", McElroy told 'The Times' The robbery is. being investi: Harry 8. Crowe has been rein- mother's request to see her sons | dling of the box and to report its last week. in widespread layoffs at other he followed the trio into the sta storm left a little| the ballots could not affect the the New York City area before it todays Prof. Crowe was fired fered a mild stroke last Wednes- (outcome of the voting, (Dr. W, C. Lockhart. | much improved. of the board, announces that Pro-| was to delve right into his minis- his duties as associate professor|ing called for this ofternoon. Europe - bound ocean vessels from Montreal. That spot is the | St. Lawrence River from a thickness of five or six prepared to accept the company's clal talks and travel, The British freighters Sunkirk zero kind experienced last week, Port Colborne idle since Sept. 24. | Montreal, Sunday night. They H bh d T k threats in anonymous telephone | : Ernest Lapointe, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif, (AP) -- An estimated 1,000 Family Slayi sued Sunday following a series of of this historic mission town. The blaze broke out Sunday and [above the zero mark. a 1 y aying e Joe Fahbt ( bury | RL s ' going will be much easier, ¢ ohildm AR by Mayor Joe Fabhro of Sudbury Girl § Injuries Are Investigated and four children was himself the 508 sald the seven meetings union members on ending the the first year but boosts of 1% | stream from Montreal, unable to|dergast, 39, included two lie de- called back-to-work vement." membership it [Asia, Beaverlodge and Consuelo; [tests other say: 'His p vbls sh it } | =' wivas at Sudburv arena. Fri.jwould be: take X {was ) ) ers' wives at Sudbu arena. Fri. WORE DE. Late on {and Uddeholm, and the norse- details about his connection with of a Jupiter intermediate range ! Soviet Armenia in September. ' near Sorel at the head of Lake|him from a life of crime, $110,000 ) $130,000 ! $150,000 $175,000 | wip $147,703.61 {