Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Besomber 15, 1958 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 FY Pw A A Fy yw THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Please Note Deadlines new In effect for this solumn fir, Memoriams, oh: pM SAME DAY 11 AM, SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 cots o || CLASSIFICATION INDEX TO WANT AD | mse ON BBarriston S=Chiropracton Ae=Dantiste Be=Nursing Services DEATHS OLA = In the iy rk aiden, m Be mher 1 u-; Jueh Amendola, be ' od ) son of Mr, and Mrs. Friak Amen: and rionth, Funeral from Re A mutr ng Pune sl Home, wesd v, December IA, 11 a.m, ment Bt. Gregory's Cemetery, MUIR «= Entered into rest In the family residence, Courter, Onis h on Sunday, December 14, 1688, Avehi ald Muir Senior, beloved hushand of ay Eliganeth Thomson, and father of we, BE, Courties (Sadie), Harold, Ar te, Bruce, Alexander and Rohr, in Ma Mth year, Resting fi sirong Funeral Home, Osha h [amorial Service In the CO asdny, Deosmber 16, § on ment Od Bt, Andrew's Cemetery, Bear borough, REA-After & lengthly Hliness at the vesidence of hey danghier, Mrs, J, Forbes, 1470 Gayeau Street, Windsor, on Friday, December 15, 1008, Martha Rea, beloved wife of the' late Thomas Rea and dear mother of Mra, J, Forbes (Mary), and George of Windsor, Thom as of Northern Ireland and David of Porinne La Prairie, Manitobai in her 5th year, Resting at the H, § Ander son Funeral Home, Windsor, Then at the WwW, Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy after 8 p.m, Sunday, For sey wiee In Bt. John's Chureh, Fort Whithy on Tuesday, December 16 at 3.50 p.m arn Bt, John's Cemetery, In lieu of flowers, donations ta Bt, John's ex tension fund ar the Canadian Caneer Society would he appreciated wie 1 {IL Oshaws, Inter For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3.9533 | 24 King 5. East, Oshawa | (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store) GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service at moderate prices, RA 8-6226 390 King Street West IN MEMORIAM AITOHIRON « In loving memory of AR Allehison who passed away eember 18, 1087 } easured still with a love singers, Mly a memory but, Oh, so dear, Awe remembered by mother, dad ind son, Jim AITOHINON In fond memory of an George (Windy) Altehison, passed away December 14, In our heart we know 0 has found sweetly rest at last, oF remembered hy Dave . ATTOHINON In loving memory of ¥ hrother, Norman George Allehl who passed away December 18, I we mest again vingly remembered by sister, Dor hy BORRING In loving memory of a doar i, Henry Dohring, whe passed AWAY One year age today, Dee. 14, 1087 Many a lonely heartaohe, ten a sllent tear, iL always a heautiful wiemory Of one we loved sa dear welways remembered and sadly missed Ma daughter, Florence, son inlaw mand grandehildren HERD In loving memory of & hus nd and father, Alexander Bi. George ard, who passed away December 18, | J God wok hm home, I owas His will, But In our hearts He liveth still wAlways remembered hy ale, daughier Non (1) CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to extend my sinoare thanks the doctors of Breakin Medieal tre, Rurses and siaft af Oshawa Jenersi Hospital, Leeal 1817, girls of Conduit Dept, Fittings, all my friends and relatives during my |liness and stay In hospital, Special thanks to his and wite on 1 Teebirveyors To=Vetorinas iors S=Buliding Trades P=Building Materim (Ow=fharpening Service | 1 meBusiness Opportunities Haus Opportunities Wanted di | 2=Drossmaking |3=Gardening & Supplies | 4omehiounehold Repairs | Be inatruetion | bo irri anse |7==Money te Loan |B=loan Wanted | 8@==Morigages |9e=Parsonel 10-=Caortage 21 m=Parsonal Service dd=Radie Repairs 13=Women's Column Market Baska! b=Fots and Livestock e=Farmer's Column ilw=Fusl, Wood \ iBebummer Resorts bh dha==Hunting 0e=Bummer Properties For Sale or Wanted 10==Lost and Found Ji =Artigion For Rent A3Articlos Wanted Jd=Auction Bales JbmEmplayment Wanted JoFamale Help Wanted A7==Mals Help Wanled I8=Mais or Female Help Wanied 9=Agents Wanted A0==Oppoartunition 41 ==Room and Board 42==Room end Board Wanted dd=Wanted Te Rent dd=For Rent db=Real Estate For Sale dha-=Real Estate Exchange db=Real Estate Wanted a) Automobiles For Sale | Ah=Aytomobiies Wanted A9=Autemobile Repairs 80==Artigles For Sale BI Swap and Barter §2-=Lagal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of lens Cash Charge 0 # CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS A 413 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply, Above rates apply enly te orl inal orders for gonseculive inser flom Subsequent insertions ordered al a later date constitute a new original arder Professional and HA listings 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EEL) 6.00 per month fer lines dally ash additional line 75¢ por month, Each tie Inter, abbreviation, § and 6 Nn, figure, sount as 0 word, on y arged |e additional, AY Classitiod Advertisements MUST be In by 9 am, the a fg Vsation, Olin hours Daily «B, Saturday 8:13, REGULA 1 IONS The Dally Times shall not be responsible for errers In advertises ments submitted athwise than In nor for more than ene Incorreet. insertion of any ad vartisement. ner beavend 'he price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which eres aces. And alse os the right fo elasnify adverts according to Ith own clansitisation, writing, | interns (8---Bullding Trades Accounting BRICK Inying, ir ding; A Groen, 1==Accountants BOR CLANCY'S Oniarle Berviees offers complete bookkeeping | seinent work services for small business, 164 Bond | ville, MA 54070 Birent West, Boom 1, Office BA BOWT| Henidence, RA 37608 8 7, Hopkins and Company, Fublie Aseountants wn ida East, Oshiwn, Ontario, HA 6 YALE, Friedlander, Hunter - "Co, Aceaunts, and auditors, LAcansed Trustee In Hankruptey, 84 King Wrest East, Oshawni B, L, Yale, CA} ¥ Friediander, Camm, CPA MONTEITH, Mantelth, iol and Ca; Chartered Aceountants, leensed Tous leas, Alan, Oshawn, Mraltord, Tavento) Hon, J» W Monteith, FA Ci AB, Mon foie, i Comm, CAI G, W, Riehl, CA} " dint oot, a George W, Treth NL "CA, HA 5-9087, 135 Bimene Birest North, Ay 2-~Barristers CREIGHTON, Framer, Piven and Barrisiers, , Notary Fubhie, Bank of Commeris Phy 1} Simeon Bireet North, RA D046; 1, K, Creighton, QC; N.C Frater, 404 aK Drynan, GL, Murdoch, NHA nort Haken Arranged Frankel and Co, secount: 14 King Brest "ener Bowman: JACK C, MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting yplex Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 80 Nassau §, RA 3.7080 mw. fDec, 17 | Coriifien WAVE your Iswnmower & fi selnnare, iver, ole, RA # es, how, ned ROW, sroy Nell, SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete autematis grinding oouiomant In Osh» awa for sharpening Hand. saws, Bandsaws (metal and wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, otc, STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke RA 3-3224 11 Business Opportunities FREE enlalog: Contalne hundreds of Jainones, farms and imeome it tes throughout Canada, Specify ty and location desired, Deal direst wit |. owners, Business and Property Month: I a 10th BL, Dept, 10e, Reging, ne ANACK har = fully equipped oation, near GMC, Apply Bireet East STORE for Jont, LIUR | West, RA 81460 WENGER, Ants and auditors, East, HA 80231 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Rolie) tors, ete, TV Bimeos Birest South, Dial HA 28278, Residences phones; M Greer, BA, Bo, HA HA868; Terence V Kelly, BA, BW A HA H083%; Duncan BR Phillips, B, Comm, KA #1874 GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar visters, Bohellors and Notaries Fuhblie, 6 King Street gant, BA BA7I7, Russell J, Mibphy and James A, MacDonald Holl Wing i" Vv, King NEW BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE Four work stations, Twe basins, 5 dryers, Sickness forces sale, Apply 259 Sim» coe 51, § THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Hi in eltor and Notary Publis, #04 Hireet Kast, HA B1708 Jan, Ag MeGIRRON and Bastedo, Barristers, Sollgitors, Clients' funds avaliable for first mortgages, #0 Bimeos Bireel North, RA 5.5068, Charles €, Metibhon, QC; Edgar ¥, Basted, QC #7, BALMERS, BA, Barvister, Boll eltor, eta, 104 Bimeos Breet North Dial office KA 647411 vesidence HA JOHN A, MaeDONALD, BA, Rurrisier and Bolleitor, ot Simeoe Btrest North Phone HRA 68811 RALPH 8, JONER, BA, and Thomas H, Greer, Associate Barristers and Bolel tors, 68 Bimeoe Breet Bouth HA Ba0e0 Mortgage "sans available DONALD and Bolleitor, Telephone: Business, dence, KA B8073 HUMPHREYS Bolleitors OFFICE To lease, central, two rooms, heat and furnished, Hydro, BLAKE DODDS, Barrister poly King Breet BK HA 5:8001) ant gos, Box 308, Oshawa Times 2081 and Boyehyn, Bar RD Humphreys: 12-Dressmaking Qc H, Boyehyn, BAL James Lavis, BA, 6 King West Phones; | BEAN Mowing, Offien, BA 51177; Residence, RA B:4604, here, pant ous Whithy MO 8.2761, Money to loan te, Dial HA B-R63H JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solio! |PRESAMAKING, Indien' tor and Notary Publie, 184 King Kireet| HY made to. mensiie, Kast HA 3.2060 NHA and private mont #5480. Hagen arranged _-- JOREFH PF. MANGAN QC, farriater, | 13==Gardening & Supplies Solleitor, Money to Ioan Office, 1444 King Street Kast, Oshawa, KA haga, | MEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden residence, RA 83408 Ing serviee- lawns seeded, sodded, fer | Wliged, gardens and lawns ploughed, MANNING F, SWARTE, Bareister, Bolt | pato-tilied, Sidewalk stabs, patio slabs oitor, Notary, Maney to loan, Henry Everything for your garden. RA 85783 Block, 864 King Street East, KA 8.4607) Hesidenee, Dial 34080 4--Dentists LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply [DR, G7, BOIUK, Offles hours § fo f | and laid NURSERY STOCK, | Open evenings hy appointment, 854 Everything for your garden, [Simeon Hireel South, Phone HA 6.880 | PHONE RA 3.9020 o drapes, mending, ehildren's ¥p elothes, Jan.) Iria' Altera HA Jang and and #46 Qlive Avenue, Phone S--=Nursing Services AVATLARLE=Fractionl nurae, oxen lent references, in or out of town, KA 1888 Dee 1) ee AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading, Loam, sand, fill and stone, Grading, asphalting and excavation PHONE AJAX 43) or © RA 5.3422 ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST, WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peos ple (Men and Women), urses and dieticians in attendance Tray service, radio, T.V, lounge, 6--Optometrists C, BH, TUCK, Optometrist, WILD BIRD SUPPLIES apenialisin and | "ia Pravda Blasts Criticism Of Biologist MOSCOW (AP)---Pravda came to the defence of controversial Soviet biologist Trofim D, Ly. senko with a sharp attack Sun | day on the editor of two Russian | solentifie publications which erit lered his theories, The Communist party sald such eritielam only gives support "reactionaries who made "viel ous attacks agab st materialistic blologieal solence' and Against organ Ivan Michurin and Lysenko, The target of Pravda's attack two magazines he edits, Lysenko is the apostle of "Mi. ohurinist" biology, named Miehurin, which has as Ws oharacteristion acquired f Lysenko|p to Western the works of Soviet plant hreeder was Soviet academician and solentist V, N. Sukachev and the for principal thesis the concept 'hat hy an FEEDING STATIONS Priced from $2.35 and up, NO. 1 WILD BIRD SEED MIX In muscle andmalties, hranght al glasaas, Evenings, Mon, Wed , Fri, | Invalide examined at home, HA HH Disney Bldg, 31 King Fast 7 Surveyors F. J, DONEVAN and Associates, Land Surveying and Engineering, 18 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, Onlarie, HA LILLE OG, 7, HORTON and: Associates, On tate Land Surveyors, Professional En gineering, 70 Harwood Avenues South Alan, Phone Ajax 784 | DONALD |, TROLLOPE, Ontaria ana Aur $16 Alien HA [ll RA 3.2312 De wilding Trades [14--Household Repair SANDY gravel, 86.80 per load. Roreen (CHERTERFIELDE vebulll, recavered od sand, 38.80 yard, Also fill, #8, load [ke new. Why way more! Our rates Phone HA 34130 Deo th 1. htanable Ratisfaotion guaran ond Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies [ Phane iA VM, Haro RK. Bark, Td, [Iinaring Co 10 Bond Streel "West, plumbing, healing and engineering al! \mene Bireet Routh |FYRNI LL] repaired at reupholster CARPENTER work, framing, {¢ im 80 our materials for reoavering ming, Kitehen oahinets, NHA approved | Bre Ro Dalton, 78 Chavies Street, RA Alterations and repairs, No jobs toa big) or ton small, Work guaranteed, RACALL Joe, RA 8010 for earpeniry, EET) [painting and handyman ALL types dwelling vepairs, roofing, YOUR looal ohimney oleaner, ohlm siding plastering and vepairs. Chim {heya hullt and repaired, gas linings In neva, new and repaired, Dial RA S747, (stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti Gordon May mates, RA 33007 PLUMBING and hehting pipes, fittings, -- 4 iy new and used, changing from 15 Instruction a ' septio tanks to sewer a specially, In| MUNIOAY, instruotion oR FY stallions at reasonable rates, INFOIMA: | guitar, plane seoardion, saxaphons. We von and estimates (ree an ANY YR® | will taagh Ih your home or sup studies, of plumbing, Dial RA S41, J, Foley, | gar information Phone RA 86381 De CARPENTER work, framing rim 1% 2 "Walon, In NO. 1 SUNFLOWER SEED Enjoy this' Colorful | Winter Mabhby Cooper Smith Co, 16 CELINA ST, ming, Kitehen oahinets, NHA approved. | gig Vey hn Alterations and pale, No jobs toe hig | Royal RY Tithee Rotor: NO, 1 Bo [ansinabis | Ounivrman tresn for sala, Fhone td wl pi dividusl Oona, 9H 10, OHRINTMAS (ree | Phone CHRISTMAS TREES nd wholesale oh Pine, retail y Mo Pres pricey, Appl roel, HA B-A004, " - BD Frome _ LJ] " Wo a pine, ies Ana latin, Reasonahle prices, re oa view SANTA'S SHOWCASE SANTA SUGGESTS "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" A COMPLETE LINE AT POWELLS PRUG STORE 3514 Simcoe North RA 3.4734 vee delivery, 804 Bloor Street ost, RA 08400, Pes, CHRISTMAS TREES 1000 all kinds up to 8 #1, high, Scotch Pine the Leader, olesale, 40¢ to 90¢ accords Ing 10 size each, Two hundred Or more to one customer, J, R, FOWLER, 192 Verdun Rd, Oshawa FRED'S DRIVE-IN 111 KING §T, W, CHRISTMAS TREES Order now for guaranteed des livery, Also a" tubes, Bars BQ chicken, Open till mid« night ever; night, Lots of Frea Parking RA 5.2533 CHIISTMAS TREES, Braned Scoteh Pine, about 2,000, Any quantity at 50¢ to 1.00 according to size, Priced be low market, Come early for best selection, Cul ready for lnading Leroy Hamilton, Grower, Orono, Ont, Phene R16 CHRISTMAS TREES, beaut fully tilled out, pruned Scotch Pine, 6 feet or better, first cut from this fiele, en the stump at $1.00, Leroy Ham Ion, grower, Qrono, Phone | Ring 16 289¢ CHRISTMAS TREES Scateh Pine, White and Red Pine, also Spruce, Wholesale and retail, All sizes | to 20 feet , FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 King W RA 51685 Pec 2 CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine, Spruce, Red Pine Wholesale and Retail - 20 h, Phone! HOWARD MILLSON Bowmanville == MA 3.2793 CHRISTMAS TREES Nursery grown, Scoteh Pine, Spruce, ond Balsam Sprayed trees, Drive right into locas tion KINGSWAY MOTEL 695 King St, East RA 3.7583 BUY YOUR TREE FROM D AND D CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine and Spruce WE SPRAY TREES ANY COLOR Plenty of Parking One Big Location 460 PARK RD, SOUTH RA 5-7426 RA 8--6031 PS: Bring the children Dee, 14 to get their tree and talk to "Santa, CHRISTMAS. TREES The Best You Can Buy BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT GIFTS FOR HER YOUR DAUGHTER'S CHOICE Gift of Lessons, In Boller ww Tap == Baton er Highlend, Frome HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY RA 5:6122 424 King 8, W, For Your PARTY DRESSES, MATS, QLaves, ards, SKIRTS end MILLINERY WORLD RA 8.1052 5 King Fost "A GIFT OF WARMTH" "KENWOOD" Ml wae!) blankets, Priced from $1750 TO $20.95 WARD'S 31 Simcoe 51, 5, RA 8:118) Now $11.95, Features the world's most popular camera, Just right for veungsters or grown-ups alike, MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simeone North DIAL RA 3-343) COLEMAN Oil and Gas Heaters of HOME APPLIANCES SEWING MACHINES SINGER Av low as $119.98 farms), ® Sewing Cabinets end Baskets ® Scissors and Scissor Sen o Buttonhole and Zig-Zag Attachments SINGER SEWING CENTER 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa RA 5.5443 (easy Sales & Service " Simcoe, 3 A 5.833 LOW COST eh ci FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY See KARN'S FOR CAMERAS (KARN DRUGS LTD) 28 Ki E NG 57 LAMPS we FANCY CUSHIONS IMPORTED POTTERY Choose o Gifr for Her from our Large Selection BETTY HAYDL I8 King St. E, RA 5:2686 DRAPERY BROADLOOM FURNITURE RA 3-462) CHRIS STMAS SPECIAL Gigantic Savings Regular $50 Dance Course NOW ONLY $14.50 Students and miners net eligible ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS RA 8 168) Visit Oshawa's Largest Doawntuwn TOYLAND See our complete selection of toys, COLLIS & SONS 3 54 King W, RA 5.6311 _ Opposite Contre Street Give MOVIES for Christmas Movie Camera Kits from $40.25 up JURY & LOVELL Photographie' "For 8 awmanvyille Whitby Due24 Everythin Oshawa THE PERFECT GIFT PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Prices as low ay $79.50 GENERAL PRINTERS LIMITED A large selection of used and rebuilt machines, a. GIFTS FOR DAD tat -------------- GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY a ------ FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Christmas Flowers R, B, REED & SONS FLORISTS Winter Witathimetantte Ploces Christmas Co Ph, RA 81131 m= nw BEAUTIFUL HAND-SMOCKED BABY'S NIGHT IES Regular $1.98 for $1.50 HAT CLEANING Ladies' and Gent's Hote cleaned ond blocked, $1.00, New ribbons, 78¢, Shoe shine a specialty, SHARKY'S PALM CIGAR STORE 14 Simcoe N,, Oshowe Des, 13 HAND SMOCKED POLLS NIGHTIES, 50s RA 8-8700 AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas Blankets, Packs, Cushions, ete, WIDE SELECTION at OSHAWA AUTO-TRIM Chureh and Bond St, rm -- FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS With veur purchase of a sult for Dad, voy will receive o Suburban or Car Coat abso: Iutely FREE, Your Credit Is Good At \ DUNN'S TAILORS 16 SIMCOE §T, § DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Cor, CHRISTMAS FOWL LYMER'S TURKEYS Specially selected for fine flavor, Fresh killed, dressed and delivered, OSHAWA RA 5.0217 BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5049 Dec 24 A 64 Celina Street PHONE RA 3.2233 for a free demonstration, OPEN ON SATURDAYS Dee 24 Nursery Grown Pruned by professionals, Pine Spruce and Balsam, Apart ment, table and larger sizes, Colored==pink, blue, white silver and gold Lights and decorated tree stands and gifts, A. W, RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE A GIFT THAT CHRISTMAS TURKEYS All quantities; all sixes, Dressed and Delivered, KEN WHATTAM 912 King St, KE, RA 3.9322 PLEASES EVERYONE o lolly good way to remember your friends and relatives CHRISTMAS FOWL CAPONS & TURKEYS DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG GIFTS r All The NES NEST ERN 74 CELINA BT, Take odvanioge of Layeway ond Budget Plan, Free parks Ine. Oppose slore, WEBBING'S HARDWARE Drive-In 282 King St, West RA 3-4873 I i EXCLUSIVE GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS! ® Wicker Chairs, ® Stainless Steel Kitchen Wear (lower prices in town) ® Power Tools And Hand Tools For The Handy Man Always Ample Parking Space HOBBY CRAFT and Models PHILIPS TELEVISION POLLARD'S RADIO AND TELEVISION 183 Simeoe Street South PHONE RA 3.9512 GIFTS PROM INDIA Genuine handmade ivory carvings, rosewood elephants, Kashmir carving sets, Gurkha knives, Inlaid coffes tables, brass, vases, trays, ash trays, planters, candle holders, bells, silk wtoles, sterling silver fevaviary, he, Very Awan. ably priced, To view display, RA £12987, oy Lael LL LLL EERE EL CHRISTMAS PARTIES COANE NONNOOEINCOE LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY BANQUET, DANCE Hi-Fi Included Complete Catering RA 5.2737 CROONER 180--Mortgages {WAVE ollonta' monies for Jona [1 first and ond on ' ohase of agresmen Hyman Fond, Kine Sireel East, be MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE First and Second Mortgages ond Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on FW and Farm property and ummer Cotta oR 2,000,00 and up. OSHAWA ACCEPT. ANCE CORP Simeoe St. North, Oshawa, Phone RA 5.3568, Det, 18 Money Available TV TOWERS completely hy YOAr BUR ARLes, Hives, All welded, All ehannel aerial L) SPECIALIZED wserviee, All makes, Fred Thompson, Eillot Street, Call RA 0708. 10) hushel JANE: BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, 'Steam Bath end Massage, 45) Simcoe 8, Seuth RA 59602 For Appointment Open 10 am, == 10 p.m 22-~Reodio & TV Repoin POALyourself, Tesi your own TV, anid id HIF tubes Inlly and Bundays 01 King Street West Open HI midn) Fred's Tae fue, i 804.605 no holla, rom, 48.90 easy terms, Kelly TV, R vAdin and (elavisinn il FAST TV, SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert Job Call RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS : ELECTROHOME, RCA VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television end service PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe NRA 3.3043 T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED Moved or Repaired 50-feot tower and head 113,00 Len and Lou's T.V, RA 5:7844 - MA 3-3942 me -- T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Muved and Repaired 20:11, aerial, $29 and up, ROLLAND T.V, RA 3.4849 23--Women's Column APROIAL = heal permanents, #0, old waves, 84.80, te Halrdre 24---Market CARROTS and paraning, hel, Turnips $1.00 per COUT bushel, 340, i hel i "heed FOR sale =~ J \nloes: appleg and tun Dib APBlY 1887 Ritson Howd North, N AWWET older and a TE WT. Con 14 miles north of pe APPLES «= Qift of good heal De Vrles Farm, i direstly north Sowmanville Nohool (MAvket 3.8881) APPLER «= gel your nC WS now, Delielous an bourtiand, bushel at th dalin, Jonaaht, Town_Line 25--Pets fo ony OARDING, THmming, hae. oeing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5.638 PUP for sale English eono onthe, A lovely mift, Phone RA §Voad NEGINTRRED golden \nbrador res trlovers, also black and' tan hound pas bred for hunt and show, Goods ek Kennels, RA S301, Oshawa, S08 KERRY Riue Terriers to Siew Croft Kennels, Orono, Phone &R ARGINTRRED darian TE Non! faves" hide, wo, treet East i "haby a Ein - ARAUTIFUI vi NE yo hol " IN) EA abo we a FOX hounds = ie 1 Albert Strest, to Home Owners! to $3,000 for any good Ue ineluding down pay» ment en home, payment of existing mortgage, consolidas tion of debts or purchases of any kind, NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS For fast, friendly service coll SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 4 Simcoe Street South RA 8.1121 (Formerly Bellvue) mw, f. Jan M or toa amall, Wark guarantesd, Al [stor now, 4M King W.. "Ww heat ERIE) June § PLARTERING and vopalirs, smen TUTOR, sludent sounseiior, 18 years Plaster WAlaTRroaling NAasements experience, Appointment only, = Call alterations, archways, floors, [RA 51084 Warkinanship guaranteed Woods | {YELIAN Mas Waren, Tans Riverton RA 310 Dee anelng Sohoal, Ballet, WR, baton, - shoal Aerabatle, Friday and Satu Masonte' Temple, RA 8785) organism during its lifetime can he passed on to its descendants through heredity, This hypothe sls has heen discredited in the ut and also in the Soviet Union hy Lyaenke's opponents. Regional Plays Selected For Drama Festival LONDON, Ont, (CP) Plays from Simeoe, Chatham, Welland Kitchener + Waterloo, and Galt have been selected for the West my hushand, Bi hare. Ales 'y re. late on Rossland Road West DIAL RA 5.6837 TOWNLINE TURKEYS NOW FRESHLY KILLED DELIVERED OVEN READY "The best Is your best buy" DIAL RA 5.4233 TOWNLINE RD. NORTH OSHAWA this Christmas Is to give them Books of Famous |, Players Theatre Ticks ots, They are good the year round and come attractively boxed in gitt cartonettes, The cost is small compared with the pleasure given, Books may be purchased by both Adults and Children and are accepts able at all Famous Players Theatres from Coast to Coast, Now ON SALE At the Regent 1018 KING ST, EAST OPEN "EVENINGS OOOO NNOOOROON ORONO GOOD EATING v4 Rh LL LL LLL Dine At The GRAND RESTAURANT (Upstaim) For Christmas Chinese food our specialty, Take ut Orders RA 3.9422 QUALITY BAKERY 77 CELINA ST, RA 8.7573 Wing \ no -- ohamplon home, RA #0 PURE CE poh OR AM, "Prospect Str Mayor Calls Firm's Closing | 'Catastrophic' FORT WILLIAM (CP)--Mayor: elect Catherine Seppala says that the announcement that the Cana dan Car Company plant here will be closed "ia little short of ostastrophie, GRAVEL Cement $9.00 per head, Road fine «nd coarse $8.00 per load, Re Dial RA 5.5279 Musie Studio for all Instruments Plane Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Planes (New and Used) - Full selection of all instruments 477 Simeoe Street South 16--Insurance [ALEATATE Aula Insurance. Save up 10 30 per cent, nine months 1a pay, Far ie HORSES BOARDED Reasonable Rates Phone RA 5-6808 satistied w= TURKEYS LIVE AND FRESH KILLED DELIVERED Big Orders? SPECIAL PRICE! TRIMMING KITCHEN CUPBOARDS RECREATION ROOMS All Repair Wark "1 do not think and cannot be Heve the high executives of the sompany exerted the effort they might have in providing for the future of the workers," she sald, About 900 persons work at the plant ern Ontario regional drama fes teal to be held in Stratford Feb Adjuicator Mrs. William Hoge, of Toronto, announeed her echolees Sunday Mayor Hubert Radanal, mem ber of Parliament for Fart Wil Ham who is completing his term as chiel magistrate, after hearing the announcement Friday that the operations 8 .Q somnany President Har one! for details "Mr. Harwood was very ay no alternative but to close the! plant," sald Mr. Radanal YNews of the closing has a serious blow ta Fort William he sald people will be affected." sald that will be shied to Montreal, he oalled [Boy Friend. Feb. 11 m pI " pathetic but painted 'out that Rie horer-Waterion sconomic reasons the firm had yy heen Gireat numbers of our by ng viewed sixteen little theatre {Mays in Western Ontario uring | the past four weeks Mrs, Hogi's selections, and the larder In which they will appear lave Simeoe Little The: ie The Chatham Little Theatre, Love in Idleness Reb 12: Welland Little Theatre Mary of Anne Frank, Feb Little the Thea Tea House of Feb, I; The Feb oon {Theatre Durning The plavs will be the English actor-producer | Richard Alley, Lady's 'not " Wy night after hav. | | | August | and Galt Little | for | adjuchicated IRA 17 FIN wire nek Nie ILA and J. VANOOSTEROM 134 PRINCE ST RA S490) Dec, 14] SPECIAL Good Top Soil RA 5.2156 $1.50 per vord 14 stone alse tractor and loader work \ Mab RL I FLT] pa | Cvet doe HAYNES INTRACTOR Hoory | vd mpenter w al hen is el Gravel Fill BUILDIN Floor Old Hardwor experts like \ K ow or tiling gral our specialty CALL RAGS.7 Ve [POTRORAL service al your home, TI onl A RALLE --Money to Le to Loan NT and second morigage, sale SIMORL purehased and sald. Hen and Henniok, Barristers, 3) Ning et Bash, RA A100 ENTR monies available for fv st MOO mariganes. Martgages and PIER of sale Fo Swarts lo, B\y | 1 ENTE money to loan on Hest mort ®. Martgage and agreament of sale ohased. NHA mortgages wrranged hon, Fraser, Drynan and Mur 0) Mirela sed Rarvister and King East, Oshawa, Apply Notary RA For Results For the best Christmas baked goods en the table Look tor QUALITY on the label UPTOWN MEAT MARKET DELICATESSAN 77 Simcoe St, N Offers you the best In meat and assorted cold euts ter your Christmas Parties, RA 8.0172 THE ACRES RESTAURANT CHEF: 1. K, ISHII Dinners, Lunches. Banquets, CALL | RA 3.3492 | Reserve now tor CHRISTMAS PARTIES CHRISTMA DINNER and NEW YEARS DINNER Phone MA 3.2561 Propriatrasai Mm, Royal lahil MR RRNONNRRONOOOONEN Theatre Box Of fice or Dial S:2304 for ims mediate delivery, BOOKS FOR CHILDREN SIX TICKETS $1.10 ROOKS FOR ADULTS FROM $2.78 CHRISTMAS TRANSPORTATION The Sate Way to Celebrate The Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI RA S427) 45% King § QSHAWA'S MOST MODERN TAXI -SERVICK JOHN BODNAR RA 3.9012 Dec, 24 TURKEYS Fresh Killed Special tor banquets Church Suppers, PHONE RA 8-5392 LIVING LOVABLES and MRE DDT Tropical "Fish, _ Aquariums, Canaries, Budgies Cages, stands, and pet supplies of oll kinds. Cocker puppies, A deposit will hald tll Christ mas PET STOCK SUPPLY Calla 8. RA DEC. 18 nya No Fr (rubber "ain, matled post paid in plain sealed on velopes with price Hah, & samples 3 oentai BM samples $1.00, Mall Ovder Dept, Addl, Nav, Rubber Co, ey a, Hamilton, Ontario Dee, MW, WYPNORIN lle Tohalon, "oan, Fe ATANOR, GOMPIOXes, ROFVONS PAIRS, hab: it vedios Weight, Sop SMOKING, help On tn studies, tmp los WARSAIR ote, Consult Bdwin Heath, In stitute of Eihieal Hypnosis, Professional ee) foam Satday, Frome MO 8 a WW Dupdas West, Whithy 0am Dally Dee ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be In Oshawa, Dee, 14, 17. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates pw! Ww "| 26==Farmer's Column DEAD Farm siook plo 5 RO Phone collet Bowmanville, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, wf ue aa PRY beach hardwood, stove w length, split, $30 fil pond, Delivered in Mall ond lots, Also dry oedar, Phone C, Rmith, 810 Clarke, Jan, § WOOD outing hy buss saw And chain sw, Snow ploughing. Phone RA Poi] ENJOY the holiday, Cannel onal, had coil hrioketies for replaces, Available Ratio and Mebellan, 81 King Street Jan Ae 30--Lost and found HOST" Library book entitled JOURNALISM" from news: oom of the Oshawa Times, | for appointment, Ben \» Please return same,

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