Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 15

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McGuinness Club | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 15, 1958 And he ended up sprepdsagied on the plley with his Rose POIRLAE Eke Wine M Hos i Valent 1 - 5 he bie "wi to he' winnars ana | BOUL ORANGE, NJ. (AR) 15 KARY WINNERS WEDNESHAY NiGWY LADIES LEAGU Taam Standings: Hotshots WM Mn fitters i, Alleyeuts 18, wliringsts LJ Ke, ia 4 How, dels Edge Tony's Team PL Oshawa Tony's elub dropped Executive member Kddie Mar "lf Angle ore 9 Hoses from the leading position in the late Just missed the 800 mark hy bie Fribles i Toronto Men's Major five « pin/iwo pins and veteran Fd in|in 4 dud league when the strong MceGuin- anchor spot was a tower of i hw _ bg ness club took a twoto-one deel |srangeh for Metiuinness 4 oe, a sion over the local erew on Bal:| The team scores were -- 140, mine We, 316i, Reanlan at { hl (1100 and 1254 for a jot total for dig WTupping wiki G6. Mex WL Ed HG As previously predicted, the MeCuinness against 1165, pad Miniter Waeko V1 4 LBA soa 14 | MeGuinness club showed lots of land 1140 for Tony's total of 8467 Karpiak 810) valor 4: 6 fight and seemed to have the] While it was a local disappoint Neon! wh; wie er 204) necessary punch when needed ment when Tony's dropped (wo oe a nie » and they were worthy victors points to the MoGuinness olub 84 nechiti 60, M. Marion #7, 1 A most Interesting duel took Motor Cy Lanes, the 1, 0 nA Wallues #9 place between the two opposing Branch squad deserved the Tead off howlers, namely, Lloyd tury fabing for Tony's and Jake Helle: With Playtime Bow! picking up ML well for McGuinness, the net re-|two points on Saturday and parkies sult heing a three - game total of 0 Connor Bowl getting one point, | Heh" #60 for Jake and B36 for Lloyd the Oshawa Tony's are now Ing Hellewell with a 386 first game second. place Just one point he and a 817 third game turned In alhind the leading Playtime club three « star performance, with] There will he ne scheduled Rahins being the local star of the league howling on Saturday, hut day in fact, Lloyd never has|league play will resume on Sat howled hetler urday, December 27 when Tony's Ron Crackers" Garell, a long|will meet the leading Playtime time major howler alsa turned in| Bowl ¢lub at Bowlodrome Lanes a nice total of B06 for hs triple] The attendance at Motor effort, and rates special mention, Lanes on Saturday was much ap-| for his steady trundling for Me: preciated hy the Toronto howls Vian W Chuinness ar well as the members ( 6 Ozzie Keeler had a 707 for|Tony's elub, The general feeling Joven uny in VEY Tony's while anchorman Bob|is that the new system In (his Mo f Ep iri i A a Mik Gallagher came up with a 701, league Is proving a most con [ing Wh Will gi¥ie that bowl ail please hut both Denny Linton and Dick structive one as far as develop [Wiiarhate lleva. hank vin Bam siios A) (BEA, in Wat happened ta #1) the |nther BO givin Over #0 " had wi Hill B67, Ads | Wigs 40, Winnie | Tonkin 240, ( |Flegs 244 Mabe) Mans #18, Queenie [Lands 417, Tone Camphell $18, Greta yo 18, Nelda Thompson 415, Merle | Fach B04, Olive Teatro 301, dna Pili | 4b) APL Gald Medal took three fram Nu Way, Belign't that an awlul thing te be taken 49 84 [ta the cleaners hy andther clpaney 75 20 [Jordan's Jury and Lavell 0 91 20 {Crawell's 3, Matar City, i Peaple's 8 Fred's Li Spring's 8 WKinloeh's | Hon Team Blanding: Feaple's Clothing 14, Windsor 718 0 16 Mator Cily Howling 15, Crawell's Bhell North Bay 517 0 62 114 10 Rn" piiinitie 0 Nu Way Clune Naturday's Resulis 19, dardun's Flapist 1, Geld Medal Sudbury 6 Kitchener 4 Caanery 10 Kinlaeh's Tad. ¥, Fred's North Bay | Sault te, Marie 9" *" Sunday's Result | Budbury 4 Windsor 4 HA Junior A Wh1T F m4 110 12 8 8 hh 4 Alb A124 Marlboros fd 4 Hamilton 218 8 M0 Includes twa 4:po wins Saturday's Result 4 Bl. Catharines 2 Sunday's Results Peterborough 2 Mariboros 4 i Roser 880, G, May | a_i, Camphell 8, G || Hill 8, BD, | Orie LEAGUR " Banding, hg (hf 10744 1 he Dioaleys HBAS; IAL; The Duds T8478 and {EL | fh Priple: HW. Mullan #43 ht nh wy Ben's Hi h Bingle: HW Gimbleit Ladies High Triple: B. Baxter ( Ladies' Hkh Single: 6. Cook M13 Over M0: 6, Conk, Over 800i A. Gimbleil, 868; LA a | 508 it, 400; HM, Hutton, 848, 419, Ll PHI MEH Baxter pd k Wit, 446; B. Calvin, &4, 801; WB Wacouk, B00, 070 1 Calvin, 817; A TH di MM Dawsan, 208 and | City Bhaw, 400 Lemon League A Gib, Wi G Sook & Wi Fk Mackensie, and 1) | ing interest in the game:is con cerned HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS OHANOUA Senior A WLT Adams were helow thelr best form Ry THE CANADIAN PRENR National League ¥ 106 78 We W ¥ 17 4 "Hh nH #11 Chatham Kitchener NK Marie Sudbury A Pls, 3 #7 7483 LL] 07 27 | 02 25 Bi 43 In 7 16 18 114 12 912 i" B14 6 6A Sunday's Results Toronta § Boston 6 Chicago 8 New York § Montreal 6 Detroit | Saturday's Results New York 4 Toronto 4 Detroit § Montreal 2 Ohleago 2 Boston 4 American League ¥ Montreal Detroit Boston New York Chicago Toronto | EL] 4 1} 1 FARTE AND RERVIVE On the last night of the Hirst section In the Farts Men's league, all the top [teame, hut one, fell Hat on thelr (pen, and the past few Rite the hatlam teams have heen having thelr day Deleon emerged victorious and while their opponents had a had time of I whey did well enough 10 win mes games congratulations are well deserved hy Deleon consisting of Jack Dell eapiaih RIE Barta, Herth Chapman, John Kraw ehith, Jim MeKeever and last, hut not 0 ieast, Frank Dwyer who has howled every your of the thirty that this Isague has operated gad this should make Wm the oldest active howler in the pity In years of service In ecopping the section Peles trained Pantines, with wham they J were tod, hy 4:0, an the Chisls Arad | Bt. Catharines 2 St. Michael's | Sets lnk Jee Which they i reeehlly TT Aple Leafs fell aut a ig Pee As NATURDAY A lowly Chava reared up for Aothay Western League kalsamine effort willing 40 and poll Seattle 2 Spokane Fl ing & couple of good scares. The alner high fying club, GMCs valled better J Jo Winnipeg # Victoria 4 (han AVAFRES scares bul were Vancouver 4 New Westminster mare than matehed hy the Dieapls wha downed them by 50 Caditlaes Anished Naskatoon 6 Calgary # aut the sehedule by knoeking Olds into Eastern League [the ant place ta the tune of 41, and Washington § Johnstown 1 they alse had two Hoo acnres. The ve manag mateh saw Vaushalls impray Well JA sealer i 8 NE AEA, But In vain as their 8:1 win elland-Crowiam ealore Kaskatohowan Junior , Flin Flon # Saskatoon | OHA Junior B Sarnia § APL, 70 8 72 72 26 ho 24 TH 20 1 1h [4 St. Cath Pele [x8 Mike's Guelph Barrie |] A Ply, 1} 1 Bh 86 16 0 4 Ba Th @R 1512 1 106 104 81 1818 0 118 184 26 Providence 11 18 0 76 104 22 Rochester 917 2 69 05 30 Naturday's Resulls Rochester § Cleveland 6 BuMalo 4 Hershey 4 Providence 2 fipringfield 4 Sunday's Results Hershey | Buffalo 0 Spvinghield | Providence 4 Cleveland § Rochester 2 Eastern Ghia Nenlor A T F APW, 07 8 0 83 | (l} 7115 110 10 Rubale Hershey Cleveland Mpringfield | Barrie 2 LH) . y/ 117 1510 8194 All 2 0 Whithy Belleville Hull-Ottawa Cornwall 611 8 60 King ton 46 2 NR fram Biloks was not enough ta get aul esult Aafurdass 4 Goderich 4 af the gellar, finishing ted with Olds But this spel may have new tenants ore long Guelph § Preston 4 OHA Junior € {Orillia 8 Brookiln 7 In the 700 class Fred | London 8 Waterloo 13 | Belleville 3 Cornwall 3 5 Whitby 3 Hull-Ottawa § Tuesday's Game (sun (gol Py Carne Wh, [i Wa LUT T its I" foal Eh bi draws, anil By Loan, 47} dy the pr il kat Hr ari arold Snapper' Begun, | Ll Hive [1] Hard fave Dunean, nf [i | wits Hill Danley, 90) dim Wy Whi; and Kd Simmane, 44) In answer to many requests; the ad of Charlie Mason, aur president ur the past several vermis In Row Manon nario Hospital, Wonduuark Onl He will [Lal ™ ( ty hewr Hom all his {| Wiis au AvriN i LL fre! leon, a he j- H hers, Biever i adiiase eV esos UL y i : oi hy bo and | 3] New vo rs Pat A Lire fm Ri there will he rts Wh triples, thie Heh singles snd nix | per may win Hore than ane hiv ola wil aflered more (han thal GM PROTECTION LEAGUE Team Handing gett Sheet Fontes (my of whale, in of, 85 Buieks § and 1" A resl woud tiple folled Wy Emmis | Baan 708 (904, B71, 8161; Jack Wise 00 (00, oy li deol runes Erraty, aon LiL) wn HH #01 A high sin IH yh i i pif Ee . ' Vaushalls yooh LLL eyern Roum Usher, 48 J high i A Uamphe i divi of Unher, $17, 804; Pay a Whithiead, 411; o or #10, ni brani iy A | i . Wik LAL foot i Hi Jenn Wouah os "ard 1 2 i I ho i h hI he, 0h Wy i Whirand, pH) Ni1oh ony ho PIN Laeyy Jay, High singles Kesler, ah i i A Aidan $04 LY] wepnoth, Huleheon, #14, Halo 201 and LR i High triples $0, wr 1] Hutehenh LL] Wowler, BR; ( | | then, AAI A § Bougkley Williams, ovis, AHH ne Bday, WE Niner, hil I [Fre B16: 6G. Uleieh, 516 and TF. Dang LU Hemilte = Bienduke Ean, 4 yr | 4; Ontarlg Matar Bales No. 1 4 in | Tailors, 41 Goch Buperiest, 40 Far Fleotrie, §i Kenly Wier" Tie, i vi Kvenias Bales, 0} or Nan's Comer, Oi Onthrin Motgr Bales No § 0; Cooks Bleetrig, hand 7mm) Aluminum, 0 BiaAndings I pot #0 Gah Buperieat, 10; Kent's Waste Tive, 17; Wilenduke Eso, 10 | Pallors, 16; Planeer, 18 nie Fin Mo tar males Noo |, 18) Dimon Alin jn, Ii Bp Fam § Corner, 10} ' HH " Wi Wi Onan Meloy L] leatvie, |} 240 ae; ( 4 n i a 4] Conks HADIATOR DE 't slandings x 40, Gunter PL 0 Willers 80 Wg Fine $0 Fin Busters (8 have (a shave first plage with the ' hueky Bix" as 8 result of last night's nowling, They were aut Bowled and outtalked hy Homanuk and company. Boh Dove one again he ing the main heokler The "Pin Busters ave continuing thelr climb fram the pellar Wy virtue of 8 0 0 | win ove the "laieky Hipikes", The Wiens" sid farther down the sanding heing shut out hy the "Gutter Snipes" 4 0 0 Team Wek Bhat #1 Fdeky Bipikes 10 fhe "Brasers and the "Hot Bhots' stayed gear the tap by # 8 ta | vielary over the lgwly "King Ping Al Hlevens win w min of the night with. 4 very nige Ta8 triple ia fil 201, Other TA AY were Will Mas well 404 0 #4) Ri RT fii, (B84 H 01, Hoss Blevenson 64h (RAD, 208) Mel Wallan 608 (306, #16), High singles were seared hy Al 1a miesan 883. Ray Clancy 848, Hil smith 340, Bill Maove 337, Wes Height 341 Jim Poot 837, Ross Maclean 899, Bud Fegan 295, Doug Taylor 816, Burdette Dales #11, Jack Heaekman 810, Gard Amith B08, Frank O'Donnel 308 and B08, Jack Mine 308, Bill Femanuk $08, Bah Dove 304 Ihe King of the Lemon Taaguers tank law hones? again his week with & brilliant 98 The "King" is Dan Carmack of eoyurae Following ¢lose wh er rh Wi H fi pei ad, Bhi ul iH wl | i [Budgies S0FRe Now holds th {Beton Hall Univaniity s haskel: ho 0 pr win! hall team moved sluggishly in the first half hut easily won 64-66 the University of Toronto Seton Hall had EATMOUNY JANIS LEAGU hoy of A Cobh 847 an il Wh triples -- 1. Doyle 816 A Met . i 4 Hhndry LU Askew §, Newsome Hi, oo i oe id, LA a. ALA fol iy Ly yy will Harwish [id M, b/s [UL " W [h20 Wy | M i ist A ol firm, ¥ I Nan hie, Wier Bi his terrific 778 The other whitewash of the svening aver wha applied hy the NeverBwels to the Hamehiewers with Art Facey and Alex | Baturday night FeInek paving the way Burner' Brenhah would have dans hotter to stay ab the "luk", for the {| Lo Hime we saw his sooie shest he Lied four In» row ge ih for him, Wows What te Another statistic fall By the Waymde in this mateh de safle sve Wii cleliand 1a now halder of the men's| It was the third loss in games for Toronto, Rollie e Gold. is Ff high scorer for Toronto with 10 Mickey | been expected to win hy ed points, | OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Now Is The Time To Put An End To Your Dusty Basement Floors high mngle with handigap 10 dale with Bie 804 far (he lasers ih had ne help | We from nh nil wh Apps his war * 1 ih Ex ivy As CHE Pl Specialize In cloning § L} Mans sTOUT "MIN on » i8lo the lemon league with a pair # nalirale Captain Elsie Mareinek, Ray Pape and Bah Raper' Wright led help filam "Wl to 8 aplil with Capp lan Kroll and curve ie | rial the 'Repeamer" Wilson of Liieky Aires Dianne Mills of the fag' "te fi led in the lemon league for the IF Meme hut redeemed hersell In the li uit" . Sarma 94, HE Howton ra Bat Me 10.56 Ohie ni i i $17 Te WN Seagulls 81, Wilh marhien if Vadu Lge) hadn't sliped Iain the Leman League In her 1st game, | Far the lose French got inte Arle with hin first stage roekel hut his dl | oaeand 'and third bid | falled (a five bry midway through he seeond. gam oe old pal "Heemer" Dawson calle ug over for a history making press ve Wiisnne, We have ane alright but (his agnup" oeeuried In Whe last game when the Bomer hoamed his way nie' the lemon leagus with a ressundin Guess the alleys In Windsor are wider yeryhody had better he gn the hell noxh week an this bn your annual Tapkey Holl and 1 will he & pleanire gelling (|. hive an this night Wi Honorahle Mention Ladies: May iit | Hower id, 900; Diana Mills, 818; Pal Crowe 104, 108i Elsie Margins 164; wh | vig roll 108 Laura Dawson 1081 avi Bmith Fope 1881 Muriel Wilsan 148 [ andin Muky A Mention Meni George Val gi he 71 Pap Ups 6, Bix Pixies, enting 778 (064, W801i Wok Wii (1d LTT Joie anil Fall npn Bi dokers, (BAR, BE0, R101 AVL Parry BBE (096) Hocketten, Happy Bees and BIL MeClelland 476; Hay Fe [ITH Bpuiniks 4 Aces and Lucky Bevens | Jim Freneh 800 Jack dighop B46 wheh. Atamies and Wanderers have no Gard Tonkin 838; Frank we B87 ot a far in Mareinek B08; Fred Wilson #08) HA LADIES Home wanderiully sears ine 4) iid Week bate ation te i. LH i healt i, BN and f A at Murrisan Wl 'a oh Wi I LL) (i J MOTOR hone To filth i i in fn "ne go RCL y a (and Ey Hane { Anderhin [] nar) Shane 416; dot fe wi i L | Li of Wy an bier din, PH ny Susie Greer #14, Minn tile rd Burden GI Bi Alma HR 1 A M Hi ¥. Hula Hanps nae Renae ) BTOUT SIZES 46:60 200 TO 450 LBS DUNN'S TAILORS 16 HIMEOR BT, SOUTH RA 37611 Oshawa Weed Products recommend easy te: apply PERMA - TREAD concrete floor paint available In light end dark grey, and red. PERMA - TREAD is long - lasting, moisture - preef and fire . preef, odorless end nen « fading It makes your basement floor easy to clean and attractive seals In the dust which the children hove been Als Next werk In the Task, until Afr dann Handle 401 EEE HELP CIVITAN HELP OSHAWA! Coe's Divegn started the saeand see BUY Ae ton off with & hang hy whitewashing OIVITAN Holiday Ohrisimas Cake ! Ben's Keimbos, while Doug's Purepaks Lmainly thinugh. the efforts of Doug and Ln, wha poled yeares of 608 and Kil trimmed the Dixie, this eaming out af the fracas Hed for frst ieee with the Iivops, Bah Pesney lod Wig team to & 3 and | vielary aver the First seetion winners, the Trapieanas. In leading his team to vietary, Boh teak Wigh triple away fram Doug Shaokleton hy a single pin, 668 ta 668 Doug haosted his high single mark (a A High scares af 300 and helier wore | valed hy Hob Feeney B85, B06. 963; Ken Kivhy 208; Vera Lymer #14, Ken Heesan 294; Helen Feeney B01 804; Hoh Amey 2040 Bd Henderson B08, 844i Velma Neal 219 Doug Shaekletan 811 3061 Lyn Henderson 848 236; Hert Kea 808i Barry Henderson 206; Bety Akin fer 408 and Tohie Couture 811 he winners af the turkeys, whish [were drawn aftei the games on Wed [ night were Bd Gingereskl, John Hart carrying through the rest of the house Yes, you can even roller skate on PERMA-TREAD without marking the finish PERMA-TREAD is a type of floor paint aver whieh flegr tile can be laid with satisfactory results, Your Recreation Room Meadquarters OSHAWA W00D PRODUCTS and Bah Amey. The winners of the [team chickens ware Andy Blelek, Muy ray Butler, Tam Neal, Ray Kichy, Bok | Temperton and Cee Duine. When you Wank your awl, er us knew ahaut thee | days ahead so we can mel 1 far vay Hepnuse of the upeaming holidays Where will be no league howling wal an Toma until then, A Very Morey nas and all the best wishes fay the New Yeu CANADA CUATOME LEAGUE The red hat Haola Hoopers seciied & Hghter 0p an Hest place by (hel heartless handling of the whitewash rush as they humbled the hapless Die Hard whe sorely misaed their captain and the chatter of "Twinkle Toes" Play Volaphoneimhd 8:0414RA34377--RA 5.9566 ee Delivery |! CIVITAN=--Spansers of Bisyele Safety Redes, Miner Mockey League, aid to underprivileged, recreations! program for mentally retarded childean ! LIMITED Bawntewn Shewreom Office and Shawraem 04 BIMEOE OT, § COURTICE AA 1417 RA BN 7 OSHAWA TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU BOWMANVILLE AJAX MA 30130 Einith 2:9400 AOR ARE Ris pinkios became sntangied | with Horses Weeks (84), Nid MeCarthy | Md And Frank Barnum (88) okt week In aur turkey roll. Seven toon turkeys and a» special prise will he won. 50 lets have a 100 per ent aliendance al ! fi ! Muiorama fhe ily Mn wiih "HA al Nah! | ta he tops aver AU Brisebois, 717 an OHA Intermediate B Georgetown 4 Bradford 13 Forest 7 Point Edward | BHT, S080; Tony Desiardines, 717 (354, 0410 and Keith Bmith, Tid (980 Wo) Alll ton 4 Collingwood 11 NUNDAY Alb Quebee League Z | onirent 4 Chicoutimi § » {Quebec § Trols-Rivieres § J] Ld od Kingston at Whithy WEEK-END NHL STARS Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS George (Red) Sullivan, New 8 York Rangers' eaptalin whe scored two goals and three | sists for five point In New |Bathurst 7 Moncton § York's two weekend ties Manitoba Junior Ron Murphy of Chicago Black Transcona 2 St. Boniface 10 Hawks, who got three goals and | Winnipeg Bs § Winnipeg Ms § An asaist as Chicago ted New Saskatehewan Junior Looking for a Western League ane 6 Sealtle 6 ow Westminster 0 Vancouver § New Rrunswiek North Shore ® 116 BOND §T, W, ARRAN Give a book of , CAR WASH TICKETS +10 BOOKLETS AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD, clean way out ? (goed for 8 warhm) RA 5.0002 York 34 and lost to Boston &32 Saskatoon 6 Flin Flon & Don McKenney, who scored three goals to lead Boston Bruins | Sunday in a 6&3 win over To ronto Rilly Harris of Toronta Maple Leafs, who cored three goals and one assist in a weekend tle and loss Gordie Howe of Detroit, whose 400th goal In regular seasom NHL | play gave the Red Wings a 82 tie Saturday with Montreal Cana diens Bernie (Boom Room) Geoffrion who fired three goals and had two assists in Montreal's 61 win over Detroit Sunday HOCKEY'S BIG 7 Ay THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal's Hemie (Room Room) Geotfrian, separated from Sis regular linewates, obviously doesn't miss thom. He didn't miss the net much either Sunda nlght as he scored three goals and pioked up two assists in the Canadiens' 61 victory over De toil Red Wing The five-point spree put Geof frion into first place in the Na tional Hockey League's scoring race, three poids ahead of New York's Andy Bathgate who was relatively quiet with two goals during the weekend The leaders: » CUSTOM 1958 Chev. & Pontiac 1958 Chev. & Pontiac 1958 Olds, & Buick 1957 Chevrolet 1957 Oldsmobile G A Ph, 1780 MN 1919 He 2 LL 1217 2% 12 14 un "2 LIS} i) LIRL ES) Gealtrion Montre | Bathgate, New York Howe, Detroit Moore, Montreal Ulman, Detroit M. Richard, Montreal Reliveaw, Montreal WH. Richard, Montreal Murphy, Chicago SKATES SIMILAR SAVINGS ! BACK-UP LIGHTS WINDSHIELD WASHERS ALL OTHER ACCESSORIES Reduced In Time For . . . CHRISTMAS Manual Push-button Push-button Push-button Push-button ANTENNA & INSTALLATION EXTRA RADIOS 53.75 7275 74.95 73.95 84.75 For the BEST in Skates ONTARIO MOTOR LIMITED PARTS DEPT. OSHAWA and Sharpennig SUDDARD S 497 Simcoe §. RA 5.3979 140 BOND ST. W. SALES RA 5.4500 all women, ow NYOWN (of ves ¥ SATURDAY TILL 6 woo for HER Luxuriously styled to flatter these gifts are long remembered reflecting your affection and discriminating taste. See these wonderful values at your Better Shoe Guild Stores "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" Bolter Shoe Guild Store Hours OPEN EVERY EVENING TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS Holla Burns . 1 KING ST, WEST DIAL RA 5.4611 Dancey's 18 SIMCOE ST. §, DIAL RA 5.1833 DIAL { FOR PARKING CONV ENIENCE hid Davidson's 31 SIMCOR ST, N, shoe Croll ) Oshawa RA 53312 ~PARK IN THE CENTRALLY LOCATED DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT w --

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