Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 11

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TELEVISION LOG Honeydale WI CHCR-TY Channel 1l--Hamiltes CBLTIV Chasnel SwRoronts WROCTY Channel B---Rochester WGRAY Channel 2-Buffale WBENTV Channel --Battale | MONDAY EVENING "FM, Afants Claup S+/Three Blooges ib PM. $~Adventures of Chich 4 AMidrens Thess [XN $=Mickey Mouse 4~Dinnwr Date S-Buperman "or MThestre, News Weather S=News % Colonel Pleep 616 PM, $=Live and Learn b=Nows gg 3 P.M, $-Paris Precinet & B=Newsi Weajher wah FM, 8 6 &=Wenther News) 1.00 PM. 1L=Thestre ST abloi0 S=Dick Clark &=Death Valley Days Corll rota IM FM §uation's Business 5, 2-Tie Tae Dough &=Name That Tune 746 PM, S=Bean "FM 114 The Milionsire §, 3-Nestiess Gun 4=The Texan nw FM, 116:Hit Parade 5, 3-Wells Fargo é=Fathar Knows Bent vn 144 AL Thomas SEM PM Pete Gunn yi 11, 8-Cannonball " 8=Thentre mTarkel wee PM, 1l=Land of Miracley 4 Playhouse 8 S-Arthur Murray "we » Medic Mike Hammar HAMA Pi RA Weather Viewpoint B=Movie Theatre ha PM, HeLate Khow Decoy 5 Playhouse adh hr AM, TUESDAY 500 5 b-Todw Caplan Kengaros "on AM, B=Dr. Christisn sFopeye's Viay. Ad Aa With Father aM, by MORNING AM, 5 Favarne ABusie 2-Dr, Christian 10.00 4, b-Dough Ke Mi 4=For Love or Money wa A, Freasure Hunt in Jour Sangh 1 5 Pree Wnt é=Arthur Godirey He AM 3, B~Concentration La Toy, Doltar NOON : N tio "tac Dough b=Newsi Weather nw PM, 1=News 2, b-It Could Be You d=Benreh for Tomorrow 12:48 P 4=Guiding Light 1.0m B-Matines b=Movie Theatre 4=Meet The Millers 2~Matines Lis PM, Mov ve Ce ad rm, rm Wor Turns rm, ig a S--Helen Neville iw PM, $=-Home Cooking 4=House Party 2-Haggis Baggs gis PM, 11,8=Nursery School ao Pm, 11, &-Dr, Hudson 2, b=Today Is Ours e=ihe Hig Payoff Mm PrM LJ 11, 8-Open House 2, From, These Roots 4 I'he Verdiet 1» Yours 400 FM, 11Buiis Bunny Batti Page 2, 5-Queen Vor A Day dBerinl Stones A v ily OG . nt #PEIDAS EVENING " FM. (1/Thenire, Sorts pw histle Piny hou, Lomita Cini 2-Thres Flooges oi PM, 4-Chilaren's are om PM, 6-fky King 4=Dinner Date Thesire #-Woody y, Voddpecuar r I= Now, #; Theatre; Weather S=Nows A~Bky King LAL > Sits A Great Lite b-News "ne FM, $--Bengsl Lancers |By MRS, CHARLES H, TREESOR [an article and Mrs, 4 S=News, Weather 0Ab VM, 6 & News 100 FM. 1Thestre 6=/Tabloid $7070 4~Annie Oakley You Had » Million 19 PM, 6Donna Reed s-Fost Office Program 2-Dragnet =Whirlybirde hon FM, 11, 8=Front Page Challenge 5, 8-George Gobel 4-~Ann Sothern na PM, 11, S-Bhirley Temple 4=To Tell The Truth on PM, 8, 8-George Burne 4 Avr Guiliey 1.8 Folin 4~Red Kkelton § 2--Bob Cummings 10.00 P.M 5, 2-Californians 4=Garry Moore 1080 PM, 11,6=Press Conference BDeath Valley Days 2-Highway Patrol Hw rm 11,6,6.4,3-News; Weather §--Viewpoint B-Movie ne PM, 11 Late. Show 6-Bports Views 4=Theatre Fair eo of Night Mr b A $=Gumby 2-Jnek Vane HAs PM Boxing 100 AM 2=Publie Defender WA 'Meeting At Port Perry By MRS. CHARLES H, REESOR (officers was not complete, Mrs, PORT PERRY The Decem- Leask, on behalf of the WA ex- ber meeting of the Port Perry pressed appreciation to the retir United Church Woman' tion was held In school room with a falr attend ance, All groups were well repre sented, President Mrs, W, A, Jackson 8 Associa. Tea was opened the meeting and the de. (hour. votional tople was taken by Mrs Len, Colbear, Ambrose King, assisted ing president, the Sunday her untiring efforts during the past two years, Mrs: Jackson, for served by the West Group, followed by =» social half by Mrs tion of members in getting mate. rial, w-- ™ OSHAWA Time, Monday, December 15, 1958 n John Taylor read a Christmas ent, Mrs, John Taylor, was pre-| poem and Mrs. Glenn Hill 8d: |gepied with a Christmas corsage. | NEWS BRIEFS freed the meeting, niesis were won by Mrs M t Mrs, Clarence Graham, Mrs, neison Williams and Annie Web. | { George Bell and Mrs, Glenn Hill [oo e appointed a commilibe to} 1 0ky number draws Earl Bryant, distribute Christmas boxes to the by Mrs, Lawson PORT PERRY ~ The Honey. citizenship and education, read a shut-ins, dale Women's Institute held paper on "Using Our English! Listing compmitioe was | Christmas meeting Thursday, y " Doc, 4, in the Anglican parish |4n6uage Correctly. [R, O'Neil, Mrs, B, On to inclement weather | Ja Oring to om Some lle to set an example for chil- Mrs, I. Colbear, Honey, Mrs, are | Mrs. Howard Mackie, Mrs, Louise Patterson and Mrs. | countries, and Mr, smaller' than usual, dren by abstaining from the use Cawker, [the cancer dressing workrooms, Mrs, Diamond, the president, |, mo | vA dovation, Jay Sied Jo el Mrs. unk and, her, opened the meeting when reports | ow 0 (Mrs, Fran it rs, were received from the socre.| A lotter was ressived from Hat: lod Children's School in Oshawa, |gaccens "Mrs Glenn Hill, Mrs. tary, Mrs, Nelson Williams, and |®0 MecKercher, director ine, A donation was also voted to willis and Mrs, Roy Goode sery- the treasurer, Mrs, William Chap- |®conomics department, stating recent, fire victims, 0 Toi eshiients. man, Mrs, Stanley Ploughman,|thet members of the English| Mrs, Gordon Shunk took charge ---- bie Sr wh flower and fruit convener, report-| Women's Institute wished to cor- of the program, od sick members were improving Tespond with Canadian members, | Members joined in singing fa- BIG INCREASE and had been remembered by al Mrs. Arthur Brunton reported |vorite Christmas carols, small gift, Mrs, George Bel), jon the progress of the Tweeds- Mrs, Stanley Ploughman at the home ecogomics convener, reac muir History and asked co-opera- |plano and the oldest lady 'pres. compared fo 480,000 in 1952, 775.000 telephones in use in 1058, 'socks are these days." VICUNAS SLAUGHTERED | SALTA, Argentina (AP) -- Ar- were won, gentine and Chilean authorities investigating an 1ljegal [John Taylor, Annie Webster and slaughter of vicunas in the Andes along the frontier of the two An Argentine border Hutchinson, | pred Rafnes were given small ol recently found 72 vicuna She wiressed the need for par- Nyy, G, Birthau, Mrs, J, Taylor. Igifts by Mrs, Paul Diamond for | (pate ree Wy oo 8 2 Yieys (the mont regular attendance at able skins, high in the mountains, There were indications that the Shunk and her group, animals had been slaughtered {with a machine-gun, SIGN OF THE TIMES NOTTINGHAM, Eng. (Reuters) JIA hosiery factory here will close " |down ai the end of this month, it was announced today. One of with The Union of South Africa had the reasons given is that men's "more hard-wearing Party. PLEASE NOTE DOWNTOWN STORE WILL CLOSE Tuesday, December 16 at 5 p.m. to enable our staff to attend the annual Christmas ETE JR KEEP HIS HEART IN A WHIRL... f Cr J! with - - / Joyous New Dancing Fragrance 4 DOROTHY GRAY Romance waits for you when you wear FIGURINE, enchanting new ballet-inspired fragrance, by Dorothy Gray, "STAG" MEN'S GIFT SETS DISTINCTIVE TOILETRIES FOR MEN SHAVE CREAM AND AFTERSHAVE LOTION 2.10 ATROSOL SHAVE CREAM AND SHAVE LOTION OA A RR NEW GOLD LINE PACKAGES TUSTAG" AFTER-SHAVE cotoc! NE DUSTING POWDIR EEE TEA PLEASE EVERYONE 33d Sr AS Se eg td RR os oslo ii iin i prs 7d y TO ERE EEE BISHOP Perfume Stick She'll Use It Bvery Day ~ Think of You Always! BARBER SHOP Quake | {/ MENS 1 BONNIE se0v Two jugs of Spiced Aftere Shave Lotion, Men's favorites w= brisk in Ib Afters Shave Lotion and Hes § ther Men's Cologne HAND LOTION 5 tana 0 RIUM " is I wen 178 COLOGNE MIST 208 « 2.50 COLOGNE AND APTER-SHAVE Cologne, Talc and Hair groom 2.80 OTHER GIFT SETS from .1.28 to 4.78 INDIVIDUAL ITEMS from 1.90 to 2.00 CUTEX MANICURE GIFTS A Wide Selection of Attractive Sets SET ILLUSTRATED IN PLASTIC 25 BOX contains; Polish, Polish Remover, » Cuticle Remover and Manicure accessorios including # Nail White Pencil, OTHER GIFT SETS 2.00, 3.00, 5.00 and 6,00 HYPNOTIQUE magnetic new fragrance by MAX FACTOR Led The minutes were read by the secretary, Juss. G. M. Willams and a The treasurer, Mire, Reesor, presented the financial statement and cor. responding secretary, Mrs, Sam Cawker, reported a number of | get-well sympathy and annlver sary cards sent out, Reports were presented for the various groups by Mrs, Roy D'Neill, Mrs, Jessie Robertson, Mrs, Ambrose King, Mrs, George Dldfield, Mrs, Orr Jeffrey and Mrs, Fred Crawford, Mrs, Fred DeNure, flower con rener gave her report on the year's work, Kitchen convener, Mrs. Howard Mackle, reported on the purchases made for the kit shen during the year, and the weasurer gave an account of the MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP money spent on the Parsonage AND IMMIGRATION furing recent renovations Mrs, R, B, Smallman stated 60 ° palls have been made hy mem sers on sick, shut-lns and new. romers during 1988, It was decided to send a dona don to the dominion council to pelp with the new building! Mrs, Edgar Leask reporting on sominations, stated the slate of TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. Station CBLT Channel 6 SEE .cHEAR| hw ¥- y 0 7 THE SMOKER CIGARS White Owl and Marguerite Package § Package 25 50° 2.25 Other Popular Brands by Famous Makers LIGHTER CIGARETTES, Popular Brands In Gift Package 2. arten 149 FISHER LIGHTERS, 1.98 Free Flint and Fluid RAM NERA MONA RAS MART AY Le tt ta] SHULTON TIMEX : : : WATCHES lay to attend NATO talks. He Gifts Give Special can happen! Shock Resistant Hypnotique perfume, vill return Tuesday or Wednes Christmas Pleasure 3.50 2.25 lay, : : 0 POV RAR RA RA Gn ee-- CAMERAS, PHOTO FLASH OUTFITS Take Pictures of Your Christmas Party BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASH OUTFIT Contains All the Essentials for Indoor or Outdoor Snapshots Regular 17.50 14.95 SPECIAL HAWKEYE OAMERA 35 9.25 BROWNIE HOLIDAY FLASH CAMERA ..5.90 BROWNIE HOLIDAY FLASH OUTFIT ..11.78 BROWNIE STARFLASH OUTFIT BROWNIE STARFLASH CAMERA PHOTO FLASH BULBS WHITE BULB 49, 1.89 BLUE BULBS "1.79, 2.19 Sure Results For Indoor Pictures BIG SAVINGS y 7 80 CIOARETYES MACDONALD'S ¥ \ 0 CIGARETTES CIGARETTE RID ROSES Tole Powder and Tollet Soap 2 25 / be the lets Luvurions Lavender Tollot t 0 p and matching Ba 3.00 Also available in ar Ls a Auwasnsuvens Lotus and Lavender y In Lotus; April Violets J. Waldo Monteith MINISTER OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE In the television series "The Nation's Business" The Progressive Comervative Party SPRAY MIST COLOGNE Sprays a golden breath that attracts , , , pers sades , , | holds . , and then! , , , anything THE SPELLBINDER This set will delight her! Thrilling Hype notique cologne a delicate dusting powder, 3.50 ATTENDS NATO TALKS LONDON (Reuters)--John Hay Whitney, United States ambassa for in London, flew to Paris to: PARFUM COLOGNE For the woman, born to enchant men , , , exciting new power! 2 on, 4 on, 2.25, 4.00 THE HYPNOTIZER The year's most ens chanting gift holds a precious vial of Pro vv --.---- | "Money to GROW on" OLD SMCE OIF SIT 278 Plastic Containers of Alter Shave Lotion and Stick Deodorany, ie ad OLD SPICE OFT ST 2.08 Aher Shave Lotion, Smooth Aller Shave Talcum un Dust and Water Proof § 10.95 101.95 § 3x HALF PRICE SPECIAL Washable jointed vinyl construction, Realistic clothes, 21" BRIDE DOLL OR 20" TEEN-AQGE DOLL Regular 998 4.99 i ale al 1 ANY SAVE 1.00 HALF.PRICE | ® Invisible Tale ® Shaving Cream . . aving Lotem .... 3.75 CHOCOLATES FOR CHRISTMAS +o for him Package of 12 nm ---------- OLD SPICE "TREASURE CHEST 9.00 Conlaing Aller Shave Lotion, Men's Cologne, Altar Shave Taleum, Smooth Shave, Stick Deodorant, Body Tolcum and Shower Soap, IT'S EASIER TO 2% Pound ounds SPECIAL 1.98 Need money to : expand or Improve ASSOCIATES for her... ESSEX your home or business? Get the cash thy day you want it=|ust phone or step In to the nearest Associates Budget Plan office for fas, friendly service. BUDGET PLAN LimiTeo OSHAWA 111 Simcoe St. (Above Canadian Tire) k ---- | | | | | I | | | | | | REPAY THE | : | | | | | | | | | | DESERT FLOWER GIT SAT 300 During Powder and Spray Cologne beouthilly oiitpackaged in gold, reen and while, RR Sh | YOU MONTHLY RECRIVE PAYMENTS $11.00 17,00 25.00 36.00 65.00 107.00 $179.09 arr.er 412.64 260.71 1,525.00 PN EAC I IR my NOSHIP'S GARDEN "Charmer" Sat 140 Barly Ameren OLD SPICE Bb Wt seen of Toilet Wale Subbi ny RL During Powder J Rath Cryvaly, Tale Body 0! ON A RW A DA WAL DN SCALES Latest Design in Pastel colors we 4.98 NYLONS Fashioned . Dress Sheer . 51 Gauge . Sizes 8: b n Re i pair 2m 1, 15 Smiles "n Chuckles Tale 8.0x. 95¢, 15.0x, 1.78 Smiles 'n Chuckles Assorted .... 1b, 1.35 © ® NEILSON'S * Every Piece Different Aristocrat Chocolates Regular 17.95, Debutante Mode ON LADIES' and MEN'S ELECTRIC SHAVERS The Ideal Christmas Gife i Phili Shave. Ladies' 14.95 Neilson's Tr ! s Treasure Box Regular 29.95 Neilson's Cafe Assortment ... on i, ! Phil Shave Men's ® ROWNTREES © ! Black Magic Jab, 90¢, 1-6. 1.78, 13 Is, 3s0 i Dairy 8 1 a NR PR RA. 5-653] PET PRY DR PR op DRY DR Di Pa pi DAP NR RC A didi td ink 19.95 Nees 33.95, Latest Medel 3 Double Heads Remington Rollectric 22.49 Regular 17,50, The Tlegant Ladies' Model T5.1b. 88¢, 1-1. 1.60, 14 Ibs. 2.68 Remington Princess 14.95 THESE PRICES AVAILABLE AT ALL TAMBLYN DRUG STORES - bi dhe a dt FEVER RNR, SER RIN ERR, SRID ENE IRER YR GRE RES

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