THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 83-3492 All other calls ........RA 38-3474 WEATHER REPORT Clear and very cold, light snow ending tonight, occasional snow flurries Friday, winds light, dhe Oshawa Tunes Authorized As Second Closs Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy THIRTY PAGES OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1958 RED TERROR IN HUNGARY U.S. CHARGES IN UN TAPE RECORDING Russ Blamed 2 Cult Men Seen F or Murders Cause Of Blast UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) emergency session during the U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot|1956 Hungarian uprising, CHATSWORTH, Calif, (AP)-- seen in an argument with Venta Lodge declared today that al y 400 piamed the Soviet Union Tape recordings discovered near about an hour before the blast, VOL, 87--NO, 291 reign of terror, carried out by Bo | és viet agents, is continuing in fun | 2nd the Hungarian regime for the ' L » FRIGID FROGMAN EMER s using a snorkel 38-year-old frogman Louls Lourmais who has covered 100 miles of his 600-mile swim from couver. He FT BE ! GES FROM RIVER ing from the river a ' fter com. the dynamited wreckage of the | Details of the quarrel were not Fountain of the World Monastery [known point to two former cult members| 'These cult mn as the bombers, police say. give information," Nine persons, possibly 10, were sald killed in Wednesday's earth-jar-| But the two tapes helped. The |ring explosion, The two dynamit recordings were found in Mull. lers are believed to have shared |er's truck, parked near the cult's the fate of their victims 29-acre colony in Box Canyon, 30 Detectives said the blast ap miles northwest of Los Angeles |parently was touched off by] Earth Tremor members won't one detective Calif, | Tape recordings made by the pair the night before the dyna- {miting indicate they were angry| and a rubber diving suit in nis battle against the 32.6 degree pleting 84 miles of the swim at the leader of the cult, Krishna Venta, and wanted to "bring him i oof oswen Tre, Jolts Frisco ' Damage Minor force in Hungary despite UN ef- forts, | He called on the B1-nation Gen. eral Assembly to condemn the [Soviet Union once more and to (persist in trying to end the re- pressive measures Lodge addressed the assembly |as it opened a new round of de. bate on the Hungarian problem |which it took up first In an execution of former premier Imre Nagy, Gen, Pal Maleter anf other leaders of the uprising, He {called their execution "murder ip {judicial disguise.' | "The Hungarian people must be relieved of that scourge of ters ror, Of all our aims with respect to Hungary, that is the most urgent," Lodge submitted a resolution, flack . -- Bottom-Ice Grips and covered in ice, ' Prince George ,BC, down the water and air temperature of (CP Wirephoto) mighty Fraser River to Van- | zero, He is shown here climb. Canada Cold Continues to justice," officers said . . Sl The tapes, an hour-long recital SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- An i Cri rthquake jolted San Francisco of grievances against Krishna |®a' ' op ; and the cult, also were described [and a radius of up to 50 miles) EE d | MONTREAL (CP) -- A grain ). | early / but damage ap- ship was cleared through the s farewell messages, and detec-|early today p } oe believe the ages blew them. peared to be minor, It broke nine-mile Lachine Canal today as|chanical breakdown at lock No, 1 selves up deliberately. dishes and cracked a wall or canal workers continued a batle forced a halt in vessel move { two--but no injuries were re- against sub-zero temperatures to ments, Venta, a barefooted, self-styled ) toi me . hi ing five of his flock and two ported = oR # [clear ships through the bottleneck| The locks were repaired early rom oC 1€S (0) 'S eda | children, were killed in the explo.| , The Jolt hit at 1:52 a. m PST | [toward the Atlantic Ocean today and the battle to keep the sion, One and perhaps two other i 2 m a an ise The frigid weather has brought ships moving was Resume, 1 : p recovered, | flood of calls from startle «@ from another direction--from| But any victory over the canal ; CAN. 88 " 8 try be y ur " ' bodies also have been recovered, a ba i Ee rk B d ice from 3 y ov J By THE ANADIAN PRESS Shout of Ue couatry bitwern thelile min UY dropped to 18 Rlow | The violent explosion and the fire| eside nts lo hid Wepaners and po the bottom up--to harass ships!would be hollow, The Bt, Laws had something in common today | Graham's latest temperature was| Lookout ' that followed made identification tice, and he a shake struggling toward clear water renice River below Montreal is . or tha OM 4 ly y y . : nearly impossible 8 A lair, | ahead ast choking with ice, blocking The temperature. at each place|cven lower than that recorded atl It was warmest In Southern On Muller and Kamendoff were and probably centred southwest| The Southcliffe Hall was pushed passage to clear sailing on the 1 ( A emma] was 37 degrees, Norman Wells. in the Northwest|tarlo, where the coldest was| ° i { (suburban) Daly City," said| , : 4) 4 on. Vancouver's was above zero-- Territories--31 derees below, Trenton's four below. Readings Jot Don Tocher, University of Hough the Sako, barely SVL: | Atlant 800 mi % from Marron making it the balmiest in the The weather was moderating in today were expected to range| ¥ ¥ California seismologist who was aol Shauvet ui nos, Si ieorge Heroux, signals service country, i British Columbia. Alberta re-/from 10 to 20 above, ass e uc and canal workers we chief, reported ice conditions on was below zero--|ported some snow in the south| But at Ottawa, the mercury Charged In the canal or wailing to enter it ' . . | Gas Line Probe INDIAN CHIEF | The two previous overnight|overnight cloud and zero temper-| and the weather office sald it saw [ B nk Teller "We may be able to get a few a J rl re 3 p , : Jdoded last month killing two] \ predicting continued cold foricoldest region During the night, clear and cold } g Walking Eagle was back in "It depends on the weather and Deputy Attorney-General Eric letermining his right te h i | Wednesday to theft of $260,000, uk ; tional signs each year to pre B g Mand avoid any accidents or hreak slat a Halton County coroner's in . ibd . A Magistrate Glenn Strike ree After Battle | thermometer soared. to 60 haired little man, "'1 haven't seen| "8% SUll silent about his fiscal versy over an intercepted per-|(personal and confidential letter|their home at neighboring Pal dys Counsel for the former em: + er £ 3 taunts, "Indian signs never [then awarded Binkley half the Ro reason to move now, year old Nevada law banning|! wdition of Field Marshal any amid increasing demand for [league while Prof. Crowe was on| Today is the fourth sitting for othersfoot during the weekend Justice Willlam Beemer after they remain loyal to the college|W. C. Lockhart |ably the last Brown {other students who sald earlier|offer to reinstate Prof. Crowe. mediately across the street to 18 IN PROTEST MARCH gents for a judicial inquiry into Bridges was refused (Reuters) Berlin, which has no army. were attend-|father, a Union Army veteran European security 4 Inde bet o . a minimum of 30 divisions for the/Miller Lewis in Indiana in 1880 riages, Wednesday district Judge ation of human rights they did not believe there had|of NATO military leaders Eight nieces and nephews of JEHOVAH BABIES [West Germany will meet Satur- [Just over 20 divisions are ready - tries' foreign ministers, conference is expected to con. The chiefs of staff of all 15 reunification and other related sion by his parents, members of Rev. T. B. Dorman, general sec- tor of the Canadian School of old husband and wife who have child for their religious beliefs." nesses firm but "child welfare officials werelterested in the laws of Jehovah Toronto Rabbi Stuart E one dear to us." The resolution was prompted' contributing to murder rather|both the Old and New testaments FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 {awakened by the shock wy hur. mittal on the outlook for clear-\the river below Montreal bad ried to his laboratory at Berke- 0. ships JABS, Tar Y Tanking be more ships. temperatures Ji above. ; the broad stream dipped to © IN EAST the nation's capital. It was seven on the Canadian map for the| It got progressively colder mov- below at Montreal. Most of 'Que. an weather forecasts predicted record low temperatures of 10 be: poadings at Graham were both 48/atures. Manitoba was clear and!no prospect of any easing. BURLINGTON, Ont, (CP) WEATHER SAGE below zero, cold at from 10 to 20 below zero.! The Maritime Provinces for the Who was responsible for the saf- ROCKY MOUNTAIN more ships through," said one, . : . tired canal official, Pleads Guilty eee -- ~= | poople--~the company that sup FE plied the gas or the one that laid town durin, the weekend, his OTTAWA (CP) Bank teller hd hot hed head high and his chest out, a or ead er u 1C1Q4 n Uuiry whether we can stand the .cold| q [Silk said Wednesday neither one RDNA B/N } 3 ition | eel? half the fortune dawns.' part of whieh financed a Rie appears willing to shoulder the| dict Alberta's winter weather, ow does It feel y al be » judg aaehe + relative ¥Pree in United Slates nig 11 pp 8 left for his reservation in diss "Not much different, son," re Non-committal before the judg-( Not a ship reached the relativ Seen For College we ors 1% quest into the Nov. § deaths of L d Al d manded him until I g Mrs. Roy Skinner, 24, and her Having predicted a severe [the money yet plan today, | or exan er sentencing. He could draw a 4 : winter, he sald in his Indian A Superior Court jury deliber- I've lived in the same house | "w % "w RENO (AP) Harry Bridges Satisfactor wed his Nisei fiancee Wednesday| Yo" ; : Y [ploye of the Imperial Bank of sonal letter and firing of history|to his detriment ermo when fire mushroomed in ; : | ploye of the 'mper an wolessor Harry S. Crowe contin-| He was dismissed in September the wake of a gas-valve explo wrong," he muttered as he [fortune left by a half-sister h&| "Heck, son," he said, "that! Canada said that Johnston spent left never met, horse has been living better than |The cc : marriages between a Caucasian Mrs. Cora Nidever died in 1955 me for years [Earl Alexander of Tunis, 67, in and an Oriental la judicial inquiry leave of absence. was diverted|the five-man jury and Ontario I at the age of 85, She left an |hospital here with heart trouble, | About 225 students here issued |anonymously into the possession|Chief Coroner Smirle Lawson, 8s tenpcratures fell to 30 de- grees below zero twice-divorced Bridges obtained his marriage licence from, 4 jig principles and desire that| Negotiations for reconcilia ---- justice be done tion broken down earlier this) The 58 . year - old west coast Europe longshore labor leader and 35-1y)., were transferring to the Uni Twenty-five members of the versity Manitoba in protest| United College faculty supported tics Po va. Reporters [tle investigation that included a : 1 , , {check of Civil War pension files, photographers and curious on Meanwhile, 48 other students | the case. Allan H. Watson, chair staged an orderly protest march|{man of the hoard, said the United ' Western ing the military session, named Joseph Binkley, had been riage licence three times Tues ju. where ceremonies were be- to throw its wei and : \ ( i ght behind de: | 4) 4 all were d ( Gen. 1 s Norstad, NATO the father of Mrs. Nidever, He day because of Nevad; 1864 law ing n " & . h |2 obal strategy all were down for ien, Lauris Norstad, N/ su- CHE E \'S ing held mark the 10th an- mands for such an inquiry discussion in eight days of talks, / NATO defence shield in central|after leaving Mrs, Nidever's Taylor Wines ruled that law Prof. Crowe claims the college been a breach of academic free p / 3 F é : ofp olla ary Rurope p ; \ ther, Hester Binkley, in Ohio consti rdered bo ' rapents ted a 4 : \ Following the two-day military | Europe with as many as possible| Mo ' \ unconstitutional and ordered hoard of regen committed a aom in the dismissal of Prof meeting, officials from Britain, equipped with the most modern|in day to prepare the way for a now, his latest report says, Then comes a full-scale confer- sider the possibility of a meeting C | 111¢ Ire: 1S Ai d As k : ence of NATO foreign, defence |with Pussia for a full discussion NATO powers except Iceland, questions the Jehovah's Witness sect. The retary . treasurer of the Baptist boy died of wounds suffered in a' Federation of Canada TORONTO (CP) Clergymen missions: "No parents have the refused to permit blood trans-| But Kenneth Campbell, a To- fusions for their two-day-old child |ronto lithographer who is the The child, an RH baby, was re: "We are not interested in pub ready to take legal action if doc: the Creator. We have a faith we tors declared transfusions neces-|will stand on, even ir it means Jehovah's. Witnesses base their by the death of a 14-year-old boy!than human dignity." whie! " an dig ich they say forbid the eat from the Neepawa district who| The couple's position was label [of blood 'and this hen vi HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | LJ Ships In Canal ely clear waters of Montreal Han bor Wednesday, A serious mes wi BISHOP NEKONA (left), raises her arms and says: "the fire went up all around me like this" as she describes the explosion at Chatsworth, Calif., that wrecked the main building "OH, HECK" Man, 73, Inherits Huge Fortune FRESNO, Calif. (AP)~Charles Mrs, Nidever contested Binkley's C. Binkley, 73, woke up today claim but the jury was unani- with a cold, a headache and a mous in ¢ | million dollars. of a religious cult of which she is a member, She and Sister Muriel, right, were asleep in the building when the blast occurred, It killed nine persons (AP Wirephoto) | paid, He said Johnston's wife in {court today--intends to take up {residence with him again after hii jail term is served and that his father, Hartzell Johnston of Renfrew, plans to make him a partner in a business to be ess [tablished in another part of the province, was found THOUGHT FOR TODAY [ins satisfactory Ir " Lord Alexander, former governs {AD IN PAPERS ' , \ : i hy ; oh glass blower Sleep Is a form of intoxica- [Ray-gener ol ot Cuban, lag hs from Montpelier, Ind, first heard tion, says a physician, And |canada recently and suffered a of Mrs, Nidever when he was sn' it hard to aber up when it's time to get up? a shown a clipping in an Indiana Rolabiy last Rodkem shortly after newspaper, A k He began what he calls a "lit- of to UAW, Massey - Ferguson Hurl Charges TORONTO (CP) A concilia- tion hoard heaving between Mas. sey-Ferguson Limited and the United Auto Workers (CLC) |ended abruptly Wednesday amid |an exchange of company and! union charges | George Burt, UAW Canadian director, walked out with a team| of 13 negotiators when company spokesmen insisted on their right| to make a full presentation of the firm's position as contained in a 165-page brief and two sup plementary documents Mr, Burt said the move was "another tactic" that could cause "weeks and weeks of delay I. A. Belford, company direc: tor of personnel and industrial re- lations, said the UAW was "flout. 0S w GI L G S SOCIAL STUDY AWARD {ing the law" on which the union's HA A R ET bargaining rights were founded The third annual Phillip | given by the Ontario Woods. | greger is a graduate of the He said other companies and| Murray Award was presented | worth Memorial Foundation to | OCVI and now in her [first unions were critical of Ontario's| to Miss Margaret McGregor, | help a student at the School of | year at the University of To. | Labor Relations Act but all ex:| 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, | Social Work, University of To, | ronto School of Social Work, {cept the UAW "have refrained| George McGregor of 117 Pa to. The presentation was | Her father is a foreman at | from the deliberate defiance' of } made by T. D. Thomas, MPP | General Motors of Canada, tricia avenue in Toronto Wed the act nesday, This annual award is | for Oshawa Riding. Miss Me- | Ltd, Oshawa Times Photo, i i PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE (CP) The directors of the Children's Aid Soclety for Central Manitoba have asked for legislation to cover administration of blood transfusions to children over pro tests of their parents or guard lans A resolution approved at the or ganization's meeting here Tues day and sent to Health Minister George Johnson the islation be amended 'to allow the administering of a blood transiu sion to a child where thi deemed essential to the well-being of the child by petent medical authority ' ' U.S. Judge Orders Teamsters' Reform ASHINGTON (AP) A federal ju! today ordered the teamsters union to comply with reform orders of court.ap pointed monitors. The union was barred from holding a sche duled new convention next March Fashionable Hotel Gutted MAGNOLIA, Mass. (AP) Fire early today reduced to ashes the fashionable 400-room Oceanside Hotel, three guest cottages and three shopi--all unoccupied dhring the winter in this Atlantic seaside summer resort 30 miles from Bos ton. No casualties were reported Taownspeople ventured damage estimates up to $1,000,000 Family Of 6 Burns To Death IRONTON, Ohio (AP) A family of six persons sleeping in two beds in a three-room frame house was burned to death early today, apparently trapped by the flames as they slept. The victims were Elmer Littlejohn, 29; his wife, Betty, 25 and their four children, Gary, 7: Gail, 5, Dorothy, 3, and a three-months-old son. An oll cook stove probably set fire to the house asked leg is and coms in spite | of the parents' or guardians' pro. berg accused the religious sect of lif life Rosen $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 $150,000 $175,000 ley across the Bay, wenty vessels were either in tween 10 and 18 below zero, successive day. katchewan had bec spent the night below zero low zera for tonight, The Toronto weather office. Northern Ontario was still the|second straight night were mostly ety of a gas pipeline that ex HOUSE. Alta, (CP) Chief ; F WEATHER BIG FACTOR the pipe? Boyne Johnston pleaded guilty The chief, who uses tradi. Weds Oriental e rie onus. He made the observation > y > clubs, S y grace: last month when the [plied the twinkle - eyed, grey. ment was announced, Binkley WINNIPEG (CP)=The contro-right by using the contents of a infant son, trapped and burned in | dy o A maximum sentence of 10 years, Pr pride couldn't stand the [ated 3% hours Wednesday and|for years," he said, "and there's after winning overthrow of a M4 WINDSOR, England (Reuters) wed to bol! at United College to- after the letter, written to a col-|sion $12,500 and that it has been re The snowshoe was on the The ceremony was read by estate of $3,126,488, but no will was reported today to be remain. a statement Wednesday saying|of United College's principal, Dr.|the presiding officer, It is prob Washoe County clerk Harry K The statement criticized 22) week, and the hoard withdrew its year-old Noriko Sawada went im over the Crowe dismissal a call issued by thé hoard of re D ebated By NATO lookers were barred | " Then Binkley announced his mar- to the Manitoba legislate build-|Church of Canada has heen asked PARIS \ . p , ae commander, } 'alled for|said his fathen married Anna prohibiting inter racial mar piversary ol the universal declar The 25 faculty members said |) a began today with a meeting prome commander. has called for x 4 [ : Brown to issue the licence reach of a fund I ( 1878, sue 'nce ore i a A d ( cach of a fundamental humaniCrowe the United States, France and|weapons, including nuclear arms Sunday meeting of the four coun-| Next week's NATO ministerial| H and finance ministers, of the whole problem of German | N T f L shooting accident Said Rev. L. S. Albright, direc +» har \ 27 re have harsh words for a 27-year 'pight "to sacrifice the life of a because they are Jehovah's Wits father of tiny Lori Lynn, stood ported in no immediate danger lic opinion." he said. 'We are in sary our death or the death of some- test on whatever ground distorting the scriptures and belief on scriptural passages in was not allowed a blood transiu lea "irresponsible bigotry" by|transfusions, in their view POLICE RA 5-1133