THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednasdoy, Decomber 10, 1958 7 "rimes BUREAUS | Home Group Building Control Goodfellow At [zest wil oe bed Port Hope TU 5-5357 and prises fo the yourly pasture J windna Job Project Bylaw Discussed |Brighton Meet vit ii #, Cobourg FR 2-5201 : PORT HOPE ~ John Pearson it's a threat to the political base) COBOURG -- Hon, W, A, Good: ont oss McMaster in pi st prov © To Continue { zl lain Macdonald of the Ontario Department of and still further ~ the more you fellow, Ontario Minister of Agri. dent; Will Curls, pho nt; Hugh Planning and Development out-|let people live In an Isolated fa-|culture, will uttend (he annual|Vox, vice-president; and Ralph' | PONT HOPE -- The Port Hope lined 8 model subdivision con-|shion the less happy they are, If|meeting of the Northumberland Banbury, secretary, : Home Improvement Group has trol bylaw for members of the|you get them to live in a given|Crop Improvement Association in| With an annual provincial eon James T Brown [rv or less gone dead", Tom| Township of Hope Planning Board|ares you build up the small, ex:|the board room of Ontario De-| ference due to be held January eh ong, secretary-treasurer, told alas night and several interesting|lsting communities," riment of Agriculture office at|28 to 30 in Toronto, a delegate meeting of the group in the town | aspects of increased planning| One question asked was, if a Brighton, Friday, Dec, 12, (for the district will be chosen, | Honored Y {hall Monday afternoon, were brought to light, [farmer could not sell what hel Guest speaker will be Dr, B, C,|Last year David Turney of More 5 | | hom kme! i tradesme nde 0 | Matthews, of the Ontario Agricul |ganston attended, " The workmen and tradesmen Under (he sub-division control liked to whomever he Hhed,) al College at Guelph, Soils De.| Many instructive reports will bes i : lof Port Hope do not seem to be plan, such as is being recom: wasn't this a loss of democracy' Witt, yl 0 stein u thinking of the future sine they mended for Hope Township, 8% Pearson replied that fhelPATIMeEnt, Several reports on as: presented, os | are not supparting iE Broup|farn cannot sell a random " | James T, Brown, Newcastle, which has heen. designed to help| piece of ie property without first ne Whe cofiien lo 8 Seen Vals § (hrenident of fhe, olatein-Priesian combat winter unemployment," oresenting a registered plan of iikely to be planning a bullding sociat.on of LARCH, Was Woh-lng gpl the Jot to the township authort:\ghat would do credit to the pros ofed 41 the annual hahduet of the The nine members at (the meet- ties, The size and type of building oe hg any cine, he sald re Durmam County Toten clu i 716 1% members 06 meus, S50 TL ERE id aiso hols" ured pun of lots saved wel The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA unto as *1im Brown Night," |cent of the tolal membership, controlled hy a zoning bylaw to|farmer future depressed values, The Durham Holstein Club pre Wel then asked to decide whe. follow at a later stage, He id that if isolated, unplann- sented fo Mr, and Mrs, Brown a her It was worthwhile continu: Mr, Pearson said that the man|ed sub-standard bulldings went ary<hoy evening chalr and the ME the group who craves isolation for "erea-|up the farmers had to bear the other nine Holstein clubs in the) Chairman D. ¥, De Rivers sald (tive purposes' would now have to|load In taxes for schools and any East Central Ontario District|he thought it was a needed pro. go beyond Cochrane hefore he|sort of relief that might possibly TIME TO combined to present a silver tea ject, Others agreed and a new could find and area without re-|follew, vice management committee was strictions on building a shanty.| The problem was then discuss ; G, M, Clemons, Brantford, sec/formed as a final _atteupl ol He sald that in many canes od as to What Jould be done y y W vA RT , retary of the Holstein « Friesian bring new life to the organiza-|ghacks had been built for sum-|when a property ecome sub REV, GERALD MOFFATT AT BT. MARK'S ALTAR ary ion of Canadas, stated tion 'mer recreation and later taken bars IA Mr, Pearson indicated "Perhaps no president of the past| Hugh Coleman pointed out that over by families so that it then became a matter for the developed, This|health authorities, NEW RECTOR SAYS 30 years has given as much time many men were busy contractors|' shack-town' and effort to represent the Hol: and just couldn't attend the meet-(brought with it problems of low| He said that once a shack-town i » ¥ stein peop's of Canada at sling, He moved that a five-man health standards, juvenile delin-ihad heen established, It was many functions, and left such a management, committee he form- quency and sub-standard 1iving, costly to move it, 0 lasting impression as Mr, andled, This was done, The new com:| vgeattored development In a "Within five years, If you don't 1Z Mrs, Brown mittee. members are; D. BE. De ownship 1s a threat in three have subdivision control you'll In a. specially prepared ad: Rivers, chairman; Tom Long, wavs", he sald, "It costs more, (have a record jn tax load," he _." dress, Mrs, M, J, Tamblyn, drew | chalrman, Mrs, H Upper, . we | WATTIOA A years the George Porte Cole : attention to the 18 years that Mr, George Porter, Hugh Coleman were appointed ex-officlo mem: The planning board then re borrow at low cost through . f hd . Brown has served as a divector| Dg Darrell, secretary manager|V: | commended that the township f of the Holstein = Friesian Associa: of the Board of Trade, and 1, A, Ders. ved that un| council consider a sub-division tion of Canada, to his intimate Gourlay, supervisor of the local Mr. Gourlay annolince a control bylaw with a view to put. | association with livestock, both as unemployment insurance office, [employment was np He 4 ting It into effect as soon as pos By MAURICE HACKMAN torts on hehall of all individu: Scolin from 1038 to 1040, before Dreeder, an exhibitor and 4 |aver last year In Port. Hoe wile, y i 3 %) ok o or on ehalt ) A Fron! io - ; : Jo I Lo dn, i ve Judge, to the large amount of . . An Increased HHive fof any The next meeting of the plan: PORT HOP» ' Tl Ji have od hg "oven Among HH Mg College Woks ity of fraveling he hae done, both in Gremlins Hit Bot Shan iy be Undertalien " po ning board was called for Jan, 20 RT HOPE The new rector | Ae Png y k TRILY v y repre-| advertisiy Hn © # | ce ---- of the oldest chureh In "Port Hope Poets and painters embraced by Toronto side ond Sutiide Canadi, Yopre quaint residents with methods of is m merry man whose most out-|the Anglican religion He believes that clergymen, |i" coinioy and to the many fipancing home improvements standing personal attribute Is al "North-Amevica is beginning to educators and municipal Adminisloges suntic offices that he had ranspor S$ [during the winter, Sources of constant readiness to laugh [see the results of severe Proies:|[rators could sit down together inp' (ove oommunity, Special J construction help would be indi. Life 1s a gift to be celehral. tAnIEm with its suspicion of new Port Hope and contribute a great! onion was made of the four COBOURG All the gremlins cated also Li y ; / ons . od." Rev, Gerald Moffat! of St, ideas, art and music, This drab fl al though exehang fi Ideas. | ons of Mr, and Mrs, Brown and in Cobourg must have been! ok! y form of Protestantism has im. to enrich the life of the town y Ww {hat they dl wor " " Mark's Anglican Chureh, of baverished our entire way of life ev. Me Moffatt first preached he many & valde ¥ thoy lad working when it took three frac firmed. "Those Protestant refi at Bt, dames Cathedral Tn down: [Fo ork and associated yop.qratler car transports fo gel To the fons. which believe all beauty | "There In more onus on the or Warante. Whore {i Wan Of fields ane load of ears from Oshawa Go ar porting fh C11 aml Cri obo WE 04, ion nthe grond of 25001 of So many frignds whrled, general Al WT He then hb fe rector at fen: pon. 8 ol The flest ransport. drove Into 8 + la CY may he the market place for vepresentatives from the Holstein a wa ah Natio, Jug he ls the arts hut It seem to me the i? Hs asl WN JL clubs in the eolntios ol JHmooe jLovse it Jorko pn. It stobped to who worked vidual In looked upon morn and town could he the incubator, the Park, a suburb of Toronto, where York, Duar Victoria Fetorhol [drove off, and the rear left out $0 hard more as a statistic in a mass, Place where artists can live a he took part in the building of a bilgh Northumberland and Hast: ce 'wheel on the trailer fell off Advertisers, governments an d|Ply and work With encourage: = non from 1040 to 1052 "ub president Howard Forder,|The added load on the Insido on my behalf even sociologists and educators Ment From 1052 to 1058 he was rectoy y tire was too much, and It blew regard him as a fractional pari| The rector of 81, Marks agreed o's peter's Cathedral in Char: ACKsOck, presided = out and to those of a mass |that Christianity has become dis joiatown, PII ll " " | 1 driver nursed the trans "In the dark ages of Lurope Visive, with Inany id Some : FAMILY MAN port to the curb outside thesold who elected me the Christians preserved culture |In8 ax though they were business TANIA f a scapee Unemploymen' Commission of h I" end beauty in thelr monasteries, firms i ram the pre ol e of hes koy J (fice, a short block away from at the polis BLICKS, scarves and rubber Hoots , safe from the attack of harbar- DESIRE FOR UNITY : 4d . F G 1 h [the lights, and set up his unload fans," he said | Arehbishop Temple thought in the Neiway of oe rom ue p ling ramps, Th he phoned Osh for the "The unusual personality Is not (he greatest (actor of the genera: yu iad te is. He has six chil-| COBOURG An escapee from| AWA to send out another trans Board » Be Tay Jojorated, nut Bhi tion was the Inc roaming flere fo dren: Michael 13. a day hoy atl/Guelph Reformatory was appre. Port f Ed ti ! \ il celeb i ere's { g Christians 10 sale ) v. K " nde: " { 'n CAI NOE The J & " ui Sourafed and celebrated There's unity among Chrislans, bo sad: FC, ter 1, Naty' Elboth, honded driving a silen ear naar Tho second | anupert arived] of Education. I rawous roRsyTHno.IRON DRESS SHIRTS WITH DASH SNOW WHITE DRESS SHIRTS place fo the individual than pug that we must be on (he guard "g Mark's. hin now parish 15. Opp Const, - C. Potier reported, |the first, and the driver got out | express «100% No-lron fabrics, Im« ~neat patterns, stripes, = famous Forsyth Countr Christians against uniformity, The World jo idost. in Port Hope. It was|Gerald. Thomas, 10, was arrest|to disconnect the trailer, He ported premium broadcloth checks; single, double cuffs, Club $5.00, Clover Clu He agreed that small commu: Council of Churches Is 8 Move IN built as a gift to the Anglicans in| ed by the Cobourg detachment | jacked down the dolly Wheels "t my deepest $5.95, 2. ly English broad. Deluxe quality $5.95, Indi $5.96, Bond Street $7.50, nities were sometimes prone to the right direction Port Hone hy John 1. Smith lofficer west of Colborne following the front, unhooked the cab, anc 150 Star 95, 95, Judge the exceptional person! Born In Regina, Saskatchewan, who ope be, it at ng on M0-mile-andour chase over 20 drove out from unden, There was appreciation and cloth § tardust $5.95, vidually Selec od $7.95. Soudana $10.00, | rather harshly, and to fear any:|Mr, Moffatt studied arts al Bis: 00 ocr of 812.000. It was com: miles of winding highway, la dull thud as the dollies failed] S ' thing or anyone unusual in their hops University In Lennoxville, nied in 1024 and was first] The constable sald he recog: and the trailer slumped down eason s li ni ™m midst Quebec, and taught school ati wn ae the Chureh of 8t, John nized the licence plate of a car| Efforts to winch the trailer wl G ti 1 a "Christianity is renewing Its King's College in Windsor, Nova the Kvangelist, {driving east out of Cobourg as/with the truck to get the cab ree ngs ------ _-- --- Until 1880 there was no regular (having been reported stolen Injcoupling in place failed, A third Si cerel . . clergyman, The Rev, A, N, Toronto, When he (ried to stop|truck had te be called, The work in ' Bethune of St. Peter's in Co.lhe car, it fled. Radio calls to|went on, When dawn came, park: Margaret haw own 1C1Q S hour, conducted services on'Brighton detachment OPPled along the south curb of King Sunday afternoons. In 1030 Rev, brought out two roadblocks, street were two empty trailers, James Coghlan became the first EE ---------- ; ------ cis 4 --_ " ister, and conducted a boys' F ~ Look To Future a | In 1006 Rev, Jonathan Shortt | ' COROURG Two members of Roth speakers had words of succeeded Rev, Coghlan and was . . [] " next year's town council Tues: praise for Cobourg's Chamber of rector for 81 years, Dr, Shortt in | wor fil [1] in u ies day looked to the future and Commerce, which Monday cons terested himself largely in muni i rr ---- hoped for progress in 1040 tributed fo the achievement of a cipal and educational affairs, In| Mayor J. D. Burnet, re-elected 60 percent vote with baby-sitter 1074 the church was repaired and | (¥ Mayor in Monday's civie election and car pool services re-dedicated to 8, Mark v by § record 180 votes, highest] I would like to congratulate' Rev, C€, 1, Boulden was the last| 4 | evens recorded In a mayoralty/the Chamber of Commerce for rector of the church, Now retired, | race, said, "This is bound to he its "Get Ow The Vote" 'camp: he was rector for the past 13 if \ one of the most important years aign," sald the Mayor "Mhe years l, in the history of Cobourg. Many grand work of the group of ladies things will have to be decided under Mrs, Lenah Fisher and TWO-DAY DRIVE N's whi will affect the town for Mrs Margery Powtress was 24 Central Ordnance Depot | ik YOars (0 come very commendable. They plan: firefighters \ hb in ; Mii ) tf To Have Your REC - kd OOM i 'imfoel we are standing at the ned and carried out the work of ers for the Muscular Dystrophy |" { LW gatefbay of great expansion for a campalgn which was of real Fund collected $146 from em ¥ iy \ ¢ ox 2 the whale area. We must plan service to everyone" ployes at the Depot during a} . . OE Se Boards Ue 4 Ready for 4 A OSMALANE LEISURE HELL NEED TIES~In eh TV LOUNGE PAIANAS= wade, [Who 'did mach a good lob on the H pHRTS lo lool British good ue, fresh new styles leisure hour luxury, $7.95 & Ald interviewed was Jack|campaign are to be compliment | annel, Plains, checks, tartans and motifs, From $1.50 to 10.00. Roguiaraty 0 pajamas Heenan, the newcomer to coun: ied. This was a public service of b ' " from $10.95, Other smart the distinguished Forsyth from $5.00, Sleek English n i| Ki \ IS 1 o| sport shirts from $5.00, Fortunato series at $5.00, Velvo $9.95, Also stouts, talls | | oil who polled an all-time record|great magnitude | 2240 votes Monday. "In 1089." He added, "To the public spir he sald, "it ix my earnest wishiited candidates who were no -- | \ ; A to serve the best interests of the elected to counell, 1 offer my oy IW f AN i " Vo of Cobourg and my plat: thanks, as they were the peopl , [ [ He a WW a Lam) =) pedple ( Bg f # 0) | { | | \ Xi eee formy of efficient and economical who created such an awarenes admpipistration should produce of the need for more interest in expansion and progress.' municipal Wales " | - Fn a -- a -- ---- -- -- a -- -- -- - time tor 0 new Kodak FLASH camera § Long way to PAYDAY? FREE! | , gota PLASTIC I C= gL [ES *4-C" || GADGET BAG 7 ~ | "A li WHEN YOU ORDER | 7 : Cl SCARVES =wool, cashmere, WHITEHALL CIGARETTE ELEGANT MATCHED SETS = '- | | silk, Monogrammed and in BOX--twosuperbgiftsinone, handsome tie & handk & LOA MN KopAk D | Nlog while rom 324% $1000. Links alone om et fiom $500 Ta & eek Sr "| HANDKERCHIEFS=indi- 2.50, Links & tie-bar sets sets from $3,50~with hand: from FLASH OUTFIT vidual, and boxed, from 25. from $4.50, Beautiful cases, framed wool socks $4.50, ssociates | mmod¥H; ) wn CIIETETE MERGES | RECREATION ROOM | gifts by ) REPAY THE need money, get a It the Associates ASSOCIATES "'4C" way VIE URN A Imagine! A reflex camera ) and remember: There's NO DOWN PAYMENT ii CASH, COURTESY, in ths downcost outhe CO-OPERATION and YOU MONTHLY [™ . 5 Yor a apecial touch of pricle on Christmas mornin, CONSIDERATION. Phone RECEIVE PAYMENTS meat buy! Price includes Kodet. | and NO PAYMENTS until APRIL! » v sx AR wg - 253 Pe made! Duaflex IV Camera, fil oF 3lop IN 16 your nearest $ 17909 $11.00 fRashalder, and everything Hk Ansociates Budget Plan wre 17.00 Needed far indoar-outdeer pie " office for fant 412.64 tre taking. And it's: the surest | If ' ' friendly service 33.00 napshoating ever, There's ne |¥ ' 160.71 38.00 | Suesiwark- you see your picture | | J n the big preview' finder bes \ 1,525.00 65.00 y tet he. ssociates ie 100 Bren The oro : YI 74 SIMCOE ST. N, Lr RA 3.3611 SOC ~ J ; A BUDGET PLAN saw { and BUILDING SUPPLIES SIBERRY'S MEN'S WEAR M1 Simcoe St. RA. 5-6531 Lutth *' 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3.4694 (Above Canadian Tire) : | 8 \ 4 0 27 KING ST. EAST RA 5.1232 ------