Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Dec 1958, p. 4

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The Osha Times Published by Canadian Newspopers Limited, 57 Simcoe St. 5, Oshawa, Ont. Poge 4 Wadnesday, December 10, 1958 Action Against Canadian Company Arouses Protest Every reasonable Canadian and Am- orican agrees with the platitudes about the undefended border, the good neigh= bors, bonds of eternal friendship and #0 on, when relations between the two countries are discussed, The phrases are platitudes. because any saying which In largely true Inevitably becomes a platitude, At the same time, it would be neither wise nor realistic to Ignore ane other trulsm; the best of neighbors have thelr differences, and If these are not talked out they solidify into enmity, Canadians undoubtedly are touchy oh the matter of sovereignty. Any ate tempt or suspected attempt by our big good neighbor to the south to treat us #8 poor relations Infuriates us, Some~ times we're too quick to take offence, but it must also be admitted that the neighbor gives us quite a bit to take of« fence nbout Much of the trouble starts with U.S, Investment In Canada, Of itself, that In= vestment 1s good -- we'd be badly off without it, But too often, U.S, authori« ties appear to take the attitude that it gives them a first mortgage on the couns try, Not so long ago U.S, law prevented a Canadian company from selling vehl- cles to China, True, it is © subsidiary of an American company, But It Is In Ca« nada, employs Canadians and is subject to Canadian law, Now another Canadian subsidiary, Canadian Radlo Patents Ltd, has been questioned under U.S, laws ~~ this time anti-trust legislation, This would seem to be a gross example of a U.S, attempt to interfere with the opera~ tion of a business in Canada, Canada has its own antitrust laws, Ian McRae, president of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, feels so strongly about the CRP case that, in a speech to the U.S, National Association of Manufacturers In New York. City, he termed the U.S, effort an "impertinence" and 'contemptuous disregard of our sov= ereignty."" Canada sees this action, he sald, "an flagrant dictation by Washing ton on a blatant move to throttle the au« tonomy of these Canadian-based compa- nies," The Financial Post takes an equally serious view of the CRP situation, even regarding It as an attempt to hem in the Canadian electronics Industry so that the Canadian market and Canadan de- fence Industries will be preserved for American domestic firms, The Financial Post comments: "If there Is anything wrong with our patent law or Canadian Radio Patents Limited, it is up to Canadan courts, not American, to reform them." The financial paper may be unduly suspicious, But It Is difficult not to be susplelous when foreign authorities ate tempt to subject to foreign law a busi« ness operation conducted In Canada, Uniform Driving Laws The Ontario Attorneys-General's de partment has been in a tizzy since Chief Justice J, C. McRuer of the Ontario Su- preme Court ruled that the section of the highway traffic act dealing with careless driving was ultra vires and that charegs laid under that section were invalld, After the McRuer judgment, the de partment instructed crown attorneys to continue laying charges but to seek ade journments, - On Monday the Ontarlo Court of Appeal granted the attorneys general's application for leave to appeal the ruling but set the appeal date for gome time next month Instead of next week as requested, So Attors ney = General Roberts indiceted that careless driving charges may not be laid in the province during the usual Christmas crack down by pos lice, Mr, Roberts sald that if careless driving charges wera not laid, police would Instead lay eriminal negligence charges under the Criminal Code when« ever possible Ontario drivers, then, are not going to get away with traffic offence. even though a pordon of the law is in doubt, The McRuer judgment simply confirms an opinion given previously by some thoughtful lawyers, That opinion may not be supported by the Ontario Appeal Court == or possibly later by the Su- preme of Canada = but the doubt had been expressed and an alert department should have examined it, But there Is not much point to recriminations, What can be done now Is to examine the need for provincial traffic laws, The Criminal Codo Is a federal sta- tute, It applies across Canada, Bit pros vinclal regulations are superimposed on the sections of the Code that deal with traffic offences, There is no reason why this should be 10, except for the jealousy with which provinces regurd thelr "rights ==and the revenue obtained from offenders, It should be possible to draft a uniform traffic law without robbing the provinces of their road "tolls." Bad Weather For Birds The past few weeks have produced above-average snowfall and below-ave erage temperatures in this district, This means a little more discomfort for peo ple, but for birds that spend the winter in and around urban areas it can mean death, Many of them will die unless we give them some help Most of the birds desert us as the cold weather approaches, but & few hardy species stay to brighten the bleakness of winter, The scarlet flash of one care dinal, the shimmer of one jay against the gnow, even the chirp of a drab little sparrow on. a dismal morning--these are the little signals of joy and hope that help to make the dark months bearable, Like all other living things, birds need more food to sustain them in the winter time, to sustain body heat and energy. When the ground is frozen and snows=covered, much of their natural food is unavailable to them; Then it is Bible Thought My mouth will show forth thy right. eousness and my salvation all the day: for 1 know not the numbers thereof -- Psalms 71:18, It we really have found peace and joy in a great friendship we may well speak to others of it, There ls nothing to be ashamed of in this, The Oshawa Times ToL WILSON. Publisher and General Manager C. GWYN KINSEY, Sditer, he Oshawa Times, combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gozette aid Chronicle (established 1883), i published: daily (Sun dava and statutory holidays excepted), Members of Canadian Dally Newspapers Publishers Association, The. Conadien bro, "oan Bureau of lon ond the Ontarie Provincial ton. The Canadian Prams un exclusively ens tied to the wa for republication of all news despatehes in the: paps credited te It or te The Avrociated Prawn o publoned therewn Are AI Teerved Ottiess 44 King Street West 440 Catheart 5b, Montreal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by cortiens In Oshawa, Whithy, Ajax, Ponering, Bowmanville, Brookiin Port Parry, Prines Aber), Maple Grove, Hampton, HR s Bay, Liverpael Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, i Nn Le Bioughany, Burketen, Claremont, t Beach, Greenwood, Kinsale, Rage Block Manchester, Cobourg, Port Mops, Pontvponl and Newcastle net over abe Pe week, By mall tin pravinge of Ontaria) suteide carrion' delivery areas 12.00: Por veer AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID "16166 auters, and alse the lose! news All rights of special despatehes Toronto, Onteriey Dailies that a few scraps from our tables ean help keep them alive until the snow melts away and the ground thaws In his book 'How to Attract The Birds," Robert 8, Lemmon points out that there are two kinds of birds here in winter, vegetarians and non-vege- tarians, Some birds like such things as millet and cracked corn, others suet and similar fats, Even bread crumbs, while frowned upon by the experts, are re- garded with favor by some birds and as tidbits by others -- certainly more wele come than nothing at all, He urges that people make regular supplies of nours tshing food available on outdoor shelves near their homes all winter long, Why not? The cost could not possi= bly be more than a few cents a week, and the reward is one that can quickly be seen = a garden or backyard with birds in it even on the most dismal days Other Editor's Views ETHEREAL DUMP (Sault Daily Star) When the day of space travel evens tuslly arrives, it may be possible to shoot our radioactive waste into outer space, confident that it will not return to earth, In the meantime, however, the problem of controlling this dangerous material throughout the world is one which should be taken up by the Unis ted Nations without delay, GOOD AND BAD (Huron Expositor) The administration of justice in the lower courts depends on the individual, his understanding of the human prob- lems with which he is called to deal, There can be many lawyers who would make poor magistrates, as there are many laymen who would make out» standing magistrates SELF APPRAISED (Guelph Mercury) We must bring ourselves to ari hon eat self-appraisal, and we shall find that the {lly of society, while oppressive, are not without their cure, provided" we are ready to forsake self-indulgence which has led to a citizenry of undis- ciplined adults. Wher we discipline ourselves, we shall be in a position to sorrect our children, » OTTAWA REPORT Government Faces Two Voting By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA ~ The Conservative govern. ent faces its first severe test at the polls next Monday when polling will take place in two by-elections at Toronto Trin ity and at Springfield, Manitoba, Both these seats have been Lib. eral strongholds in the past, with the prevailing sentiment so far to the left extreme of Liberalism that they totterec on the brink of switching to the CCF, And this In fact is what happened in Spring. field last year, But the Diefen- bakar sweep In 1958 carried the Conservative candidate to vie. tory In each riding, In next week's by-elections, we will see whether speakers have hoe able to give welght to local issues raised against the govern. ment, In Trinity there has been play made of the fact that the cabinet has deliberately created unemployment In the aviation Ine distry In Toronto suburbs. Op ponents of the government of course have falled to stress the fact that this came about through the Conservative govern ment cancolling the program initinted by the former Liberal govern. ment, to spend billions of dollars on fighter aircraft which are al ready made obsolete by the Rus. slans' missile program, RAIL RATES AN ISSUE In Springfield there is the more valid Issue of the recently in. creased rallway freight rates, True, the government falled to obey its own exhortation to "hold tha line' against inflation, by ap. proving the freight rate Increase recommended by the hoard of transport commissioners; true too, the government rejected the appeals by no less than eight provinces--all except the two big central provinces--that it should disallow the freight rate in. creases But under the prevailing cir- cumstances, the government's only alternative was to disallow the Increases: then the rallway workers would have walked out o1 strike; our economy and espe- cially our exports would have been seriously damaged; parlia. Tests moned to meet the emergency; compulsory arbitration would have followed; and the workers would alr-o.t certainly have been given the wage Increase which had been recommended by the conciliation board but rejected by the railway companies; and freight rates would have inevit- ably been put up, Bo that would only have been a clumsy and costly way of a hleving what was done by the cabinet In a few days of marathon deliberation, DISCONTENT ON PRAIRIES However, the freight rate Is sue, - coming on top of the dis leasing »~ 'rultural sub say, s left voters on the prairies in a very discontented mood, Sam- ples of local opinion suggest that, If a 7eneral election were to be held tomorrow, all the cabinet 18'nisters from the prairie prove inces, other than the Prime Minister himself, would be de feated In a protest vote, This in~ cludes Manitoba's Trade Minister Gordon Churchill, Baskatche- wan's Northern Affairs Minister Alvin Hamilton, and Alberta's Ag.' ture Minister Douglas Harkness, who as a group repres- ent by no means the least ef fective members of the cabinet, Reports reaching Ottawa confirm this feeling on the Prairies, and suggest that it is reflected also in uneasiness in Nova Scotia and Quehoc, WELFARE STATE This mood has been brought about by the fallure of the Dief- onbaker administration to imple: ment Its two chiefs promises, which were to reduce government expenditures and to diminish the power of. the bureaucracy over our dally lives, The average Canadian knows that he can dispose of his own money In s more satisfactory manner than the government ean do it for him, But under the wel. fare state, the government takes so much away from the average Canadian that he has no margin left to dispose of himself in the matters of savings It had been hoped that the new government would trim the high ment would have been sum- cost of certain of the gov. READERS' VIEWS Whytehaven Existence Reveals Two Factors Dear Sir 1 would like to commend you 'for the splendid editorials that have graced the fourth page: they have been consistently good, Es- pecially so has been the recent Court Case Emphasis Need For More Homes In which you have been priviledged to vead, On several occasions, delega. tions appointed by the Oshawa Ministerial Association have visit ed the premises of Whytehaven" and have been favorably impres- sed with the premises with the excollent task been accomplished there' sometimes under difficulty, but always in an atmosphere of Christian love and Christian ser vice The existence of Whytehaven clearly demonstrates (wo factors: 1. That emergencies do ocour in some families which make It impossible for parents to give their children adequate care, To be able to leave them in loving oare until conditions are back to normal, is a hoon to parents as well as children, 2. That other Whytehavens should be opened by the govern. ment and strategically located In or near large centres of popula. tion, It Is to be hoped that our government will recognize this need and take appropriate steps to provide suitable homes and stall, Perhaps Mom Whyte could be Induced to supervise them, or al least, give others the benefit of her experience and her methods, Oshawa Dear Sir | am glad to see that "The Times" Is receiving correspon dence from readers relating to erection of a new arena for Osh. awa, even | a small minority are dissenting. However, to me this clearly indicates that the almost dying embers of the project can once again be fanned into at least a flicker of interest, I heartily endorse the opinion of "Not Undaunted" whose lets ter appeared recently in your pas per regarding the erection of an arena, whether the city council decides to xpend sufficient money, There appears to be only one fair way to this issue and that Mervin A. Bury DETAILS IN THE "Everything HB KING ST RA 3 y oS 1 15 KING Ww la (NTT BOWMANVILLE 317 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY is for a plebiscite which should for once and for all settle the matter, 1 only hope that 'Dissident' seriously considers the question Again as to whether Oshawa needs an arena and who knows, when we do finally vote on the Issue, he may even end up being an "As senter", Oshawa Dear Sir: I should like to comment on the letter written by "Dissident" Of course this writer Is quite entitled to his or her own opine fons In regard to the arena ques: tion but I feel a city with Osh. awa's population should have an arena and In fact more enter. tainment for young and old, The only sensible way to find out the view of the majority of Oshawa residents regarding this is to take a vote, 1 feel an arena would be a groat asset, espocially to the young people, It would give an interest and would keep them off the streets having good clean fun, As for Dissiglent's comment on the champi team in Whit. by does he realize hall the players are from Oshawa? Osh: awn can and has produced a champlonship team, What about the Oshawa Generals? " I'm all for an arona and am in hopes (although I'll probably die in despair) that we get an arena in the coming years, Oshawa Arena Supporter PARAGRRPHICAL WISDOM There is no more drunken person than the orator who Is intoxicated by his own eloquence. It's doubted that the peace: makers will ever be unemployed. Some one suggests that one way to help dispose of surplus wheat would be to use It instead of rice to throw on wedding couples, Another and more effective way would be to persuade brides to = their hand at making bis. cults, Another Supporter "Working is like fun", says an industrialist, Like fun it ia! BIG KODAK AD 530 SIMCOE RA 5 3546 MA 35778 MO 8.2338 BYGONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO W. F, Batty, of Brooklin, Rob & ort Dull, of Myrtle, W, R, Rob. bins and ¥, B, Glaspell, botn of Hampton, won many prizes at the Guelph Agricultural Fair, Judge J, A, McGibbon was the fot speaker at the annual meet. g of the Ontario County Chil. dren's Ald Boclety, Mayor W, E. N, Sinclair and aldermen T, B., Mitchell, W, J, Lock and ¥, L, Mason, formed deputation to ask the Minister of Highways to widen Highway 2 and thus create work for unem- ployed men, Work of the VON was started when Miss Lodge of Ottawa ar. rived here for duties Frederick A, Chesehrough, who has been connected with Fittings, Ltd, from the time of its estab Weenom here, died at the age of The Kast Whitby Welfare Board sot relief rates at five per cent higher than the previous year, Moffatt Motor Sales, establish ed 15 years ago, merged with On. tario Motor Sales, McLaughlin Buick and Pontiac cars and GMC trucks were taken over by On- tarlo Motor Bales, Most of (he staff was also taken over, Jack Broadbent, leader of the Whitby Citizens Band, agreed to direct an Oshawa brass band which was newly formed, A party of 50 Oshawa men left for Burleigh Falls to work on a government forestry project, ernment's losing operations, such an the Canadian National Ital: ways and the Canadian Broad casting Corporation, and thus make tax cuts possible, And while the old age pension, pers haps alone of the welfare state handouts, Is welcomed, It had been hoped that the Conservullve government womld stop being so liberal in permitting the bureau crats to wield such Immense power over our dally lives, frequently without the approval 0: even the knowledge of our local MPs, through the profiler a: tion of "boards' and the regula tions which, the bureaucracy, not Parliament, draw up, : It will probably be a sever surprise to the Conservative gov ernment to hear the voice of the ple express Itself in these two y-elections, QUEEN'S PARK Confusion Caused By Book-Keeping By DON O'HEARN Shecial Correspondent to The Oshawa Times TORONTO ~ Liberal Leader Wintermeyer has attacked the goevrnment book-keeping system, Good luck Mr, Wintermeyer| Many people are behind you, More probably than you suspect, dut they don't give you much chance of gelling Improvement, For they too 'have tried, and found only frustration REACHES CONFUSION | Bookkeeping as such has a ba- sie purpose, This is to keep things in order and clear, The Ontario system, however, seems designed for different ob- Jectives, Quite thes opposite objectives of the normal, In fact, hi The final point it arrives af, whether it drives at it or not, Is disorder and confusion, WHICH CAPITAL It reaches this principally through two techniques, One In that it will never define positively what Is ordinary and what Is capital expenditure, The second is that it changes its style of entries frequently, FOR LOCAL DELIVERY One of the senior financial ONY elals also couldn't see any other answer ' An example of the confusion that oan result was in the recent abridged financial statement, There were similar entries In net capital receipts in this state. ment and In last March's budget Latement, From a Somparison of the two it looked as ment had highways, had This obviously didn't make sense, but the roportel ov where it could he anything else, ugh the govern spot $80,000,000 lesson ulldings ete, than it said it would in March, rier could not Pa. the bookkeeping opinions on whieh would make anything Mr, - Wintermeyer might sound mild indeed, i But that isn't going to change "The system one has to Judge has Ty purpose behind it, and whoever's doesn't wai Finally he called in one of his conmutants, He also was puzzled, After three-quarters of an hour it was finally clear what hud happened, MEANING CHANGED 7 + covered quite different thi n the two statements, The official concerned not for the first time, say 2 hr Dost it suits to change it, FHA Dn 3 ies Preferred by these whe like "a netrteossweet" bisewh, 30 BISCUITS In on B-0z, PACKET AN ECONOMICAL BUY PEEK FREAN'S FOR OVER 100 YEARS Makers of Jamous BISCUITS ® GIVE Peek Frean's Colourful Presentation TINS for Christmas Presents--99¢ to $3.39 TAMBLYN DRUG STORES EERE Cologne Bubble Bath .. Toilet Water . . Milk Bath , FE) 6 KING RA 3.3143 Feature. . . . ALICE IN WONDERLAND CHILDREN'S TOILETRIES by KAHANE vv eves A408, 1,00 vrvavdor. 100 1 02. 50¢ vos 100 LIE IY ST. EAST A Delightful Gift For The Youngster On Your List Hand Lotion ....: With Dispenser Swan Style Perfume Candle Style Perfume Hand Lotion and Bath Salts, 50¢ Many Other Items Also Available TWO STORES IN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.8541 covers 128 Ea vane 86 L 0)

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