WINDERED BY REBELS (mot harmed, but were told where| LIGHTNING HITS PLANE ¢ NASSAU, Bahamas (CP)~Four'to anchor, what and when to] COPENHAGEN (AP) -- A Us enator n Bahamian .sloops arrived here|load. and when they could leave Lockheed Neptune plane with a ™ » ; Monday from Sama, in eastern They said that the eastern Cuba|crew of 12 en route from Den * Cuba, which they report is rebel {towns of Baracoa, Gibara and | mark to Iceland was struck by held, The ships carried clearance|Banes were completely cut off by lightning near the Danish coast a KS 1 e papers issued by the rebels, The the rebels, who occupied part of Monday and made a forced land. sallory reported that they were Baracoa, SERIO _-- fug. : i ea WASHINGTON (AP) -- Demo London, New York and Washing Yo Yo ee v cratic Senator Hubert Humphrey [tor -- ---------------------------------------- AA --_--_-------------------------------------------- A ----.---------------------------------- SS BS SSS BEEP | of Minnesota completes a politi: PRESIDENTIAL HOPE VOL. 87--NO. 290 OSRAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1958 PAGE TWENTY-ONE 7 cally p.ofitable trip today, re-| His hoyes for the 1960 Dem. # porting to President Eisenhower|0cratic presidential nomination hd hd N EW F RO M K 0 A §, oh fou 'aren't hurt, either, by the invita. h7|0on hie Kremlin conferences tion to confer with Eisenhower » . u A : u arines 1 With his report go a couple of on grave international matters. messages from Russian Premler| The 47-year-old senator has not . ; ° * i ou: an aval d p 8 | Khrushchev to Eisenhower, Hum. previously been in the top eche:| "or Dhrey disclosed Monday they dea of congressional Dercrats omic 1SS1iesS S001 neallly consulted consistently by the ad- . with atomic energy and some! inistration | Bf | Russian suggestions on how {ol Nearly 100 reporters attended POINT MUGU, Calif, (AP) -- Island naval shipyard in Ban(the Pacific missile range here. compared with their 6,000 miles 4 Ig settle East-West problems in Ger: g "press conference Monday as Nuclear submarines that can Francisco, Electronic jungles known as|--but nuclear submarines can ST ---- many. {Humphrey expounded his views, CAITY atomic warheads to any| ue submarine's missile-firing telemetry iooms were installed take it secretly almost to the Hi phrey has gained wide| "1 don't think we're going to part of the globe are reported | sytem h en duplicated on a on the King County to guide the|shores of an enemy power, # publicity from his eight-hour €on-| ake an YORTONS litical! only weeks away from reallty.|q pace vessdh-the King County, Regulus to some inland portion gcc . ference In Moscow with Khrush-|with the a ore a ne Sait The submarine Halibut, which onvixted tadk landing ship--and of the Pacific missile range -- BIGGER MISSILES LATER [the U.S, Navy says will be the|was tobe tested today for the probably Edwards Air Force| The Halibut will carry Reg. first time with the launching ef Base on the Mojave Desert north wus II missiles 'at first but later a Regulus 11 guided missile from |0f Los Angeles or the afr force|l8 expected to he converted to d b eee | {@el)ity @t Tonopah, Nev, handle the Polaris, a 1,500-mile The 11-ton, 57-foot long Reg. Intermediate-range ballistic mis. ulus II has been fired success. Sle. fully many times, A guided mis-| Nine Polaris-equipped submare '1. sile, it differs from ballistic mis- (Ines now are being built or are sile in that it can be directed In|contracted for, Each sub will he Night, |able to carry 14 missiles and The Regulus IT has & shorter each missile will have a ware range than the intercontinental head with an explosive force ballistic missiles -- 1,000 milesiequal to 1,000,000 tons of TNT, BROWNIE COONS MOVIE CAMERAS gee 5% °° Thousands Riot Now , . . Brownie Cameras with built-in meters! ' ya 1 / For Candidate Step up 10 either of these brilliant new Brownie Movie Cam: 4 4 i i 1 ' ' eo % J of ACAS SZ Ue! ( i Ou ry " eras... and step into a new world of movie-making sureness ' ; : : CA j CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) | YOUTHS POUR INTO STREETS y i 128.8 ' 1 { / f g 7 j j i Thousands rioted In Caracas] Word that Betancourt appeared and simplicity, Built-in exposure meter has a pointer visible in / go: Tuesday night in suppor: of a 10s. nner brought Larrazahal i i 1 / vi ig Ar the viewfinc er. Simply turn @ dial to center the pointer (you i ii ing presidential candidate supporter many of thar, apn don't even have to lake the comera from your eye) = ond Vv] . Ww, 4 ? i wy 4 4 y threatening Venezuela's transi pouring into the streets Youts exposure's right automatically, Built-in filters included : i, kL 4 1 y Hol Jom dictatorship to a con-'geven months ago demonstrators { 4 , i 4 ih 4 v8 4 stitutional regime had massed against US, Vices With single ¢ 94 50 f/1.9 tur- ¢ 119.50 "Ee " 9 ' i hy ; . (No word on developments in President Richard Nixon £/1.9 lens, Ld ret model, y 4 " i 7 A . ; i| the Venezuelan® capital had been | Small groups clashed with poe / 4 "i ? received in New York early to-1iaeg and tried to march on the day since shortly after midnight. |} aifiquarters of the electoral Overseas telephone operators oguncil where the official vote | sald their channels to Caracas|.,uni was in progress. Tear gas were "out of order.') drove them off, but they contine 10% DOWN ~ 12 MONTHS TO PAY ' ; / od / : | c+ bi : The rioters were supporters of [ad to surge through downtown Rear-Admiral Wolfgang Larraza-| streets, tearing down Betancourt Open Every Night Till 9 p.m. (Saturday 6 p.m.) : ; d ; he bal, head of the junta that took|campaign posters, . i LL jecontrol of the government after a 10aminute radio address, OSHAWA CAMERA / WwW 1 d 1 h 1 1 trailing former president Ro: | was J oe a ' ne est 1 ea 11 Cc ristmas Gifts mulo Betancourt, head of the Jeft.|FPect the Winner, Te said, Certificate is your list. Beautiful , . . useful , . , and surprisingly inexpensive. Just call us for full details, and carried the vote in Caracas|, WAM ERE L000 (tema insurmountable lead outside the) ing "Hi, Mom! Thanks again for our beautiful coloured phone -- it's Just been installed!" "the overthrow of dictator Marcos|, ....., hal tried to calm the cape "PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALISTS" 1 Larrazatal had accepted wef fgfooreogoa ga gid , capital. chev and other Russian leaders, | a " 4 ta # and from the press conferences |" sald, "No great political del Cords first of this type, will bei Bb" 'he has held since then in Moscow, [cisions are in the offing." launched next month at Mare Sunday's presidential election he| Ch og en support and res AD AIFacHYS EXTENSION PHONES, in a variety of decorator colours, make ideal gifts for everyone on | ) ry munist backing in the campaign| o conning Eng (CP)= . git fy announce your g THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA piled up what appeared to be AN hree bicycles, went for 12 shile ings Perez Jimenez. In returns from ital. Wait for the final election Larrazabal had accepted Com. BARGAIN SALE OSHAWA, SHORRING CENTRE. RA 8-521) svaiisile to overwhelmingly, but Betancourt | LA of lost property. The first lot, LRG ¥ FROM 6 P.M. USE THESE Except Athol St. (Near Simcoe) SEVEN DOWNTOWN NOW! Shopping in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA in the evenings can be MORE PARKING | | | | enjoyable and convenient . , . because YOU CAN NOW PARK FREE at any k 8 city parking lot after 6 p.m. (except Athol near Simcoe), The map below shows DIED BBB DB eel city parking lots that are available for FREE PARKING within a few seconds walk from the heart of Downtown Oshawa! TU 133v]1s EET -- NORTH --> KINGST ATUOL -_ 3D IMCOE STR 132348 13503 PARKING (AFTER 6 P.M.) Shop Downfown and Save !! TAT WE I TTA TE NI TE A ETA, (BA a \ e-- SOUTH