the Ambassador Bridge here and |Pelee Island, say they will be {finished by the end of the week, Both the coast guard and Me- Queen Marine reported that ice Last Freighter and snow were hampering their Leaves Lakes : {removal of the markets, End Of Season | The only boats expected on the | Detroit River after Dec. 15 are! WINDSOR (CP)--The last of coal freighters running between the foreign freighters has left Toledo and Detroit, the Great Lakes, and Marine may authorities are preparing for EERIE. close of the shipping season Dec, | t | \ 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Dacomber 10, 1958 Toronto, Montreal Stocks TORONTO tm. ON Sales Wigh Tow am, OWge Mock Nigh Low a.m, Ch'ge By The Canadian Press a0 4a 4 4b 7 L Ow B00 2014 24 204 4 «Toronto 'Hack nge-=Dee, 10 od Wh WW + I Wase Bo 2 1 AQuntations In ee unless marked §, Anglo-NN4 we . }5ndin 44 A pefidd lot, we Exdividend, areeus J. Lae 185 Asheston Wile 94 NY rights, wel u-warranis,) C Mareoni 1 fH Int Pap Hi Lorado 2 3 » C Paper 4 Li Industzials Mi [ad Loh Ine hy +) Lorado wis 2 t Dupont H a Wi ~ 3 N 1 fales Wigh Low 11 a.m, Chige Thd CG Inv " 320 830% 30% 30% 1H Neb Sloek Sales Wigh Vow 11 D Bridge 3 2% D Fndry A 40 I Steel ord Dom Klores i 2 B14 Dom a0 12% Dom Tar pr Dom Text " 3 Donohue Macdon 28 ¥oundation Taser Home O11 B Merrill Frase: 100 7 ™ 15. h Hud Bay 0 #58 Removal of American naviga- imp Sy A xd 12 $12 tional markers between Port Hu- l Imp Tob ron and Toledo started Monday idrim Ind Aceep 0 i 3 and preparations are under way y Milliken Int Nickel to close the locks at Sault Ste, Minds fo ik Mari- and Welland, U.S, Coast Guard officials in Detroit sid. McQueen Marine Ltd, in Ain-| kerstburg, in charge of remov- Nama Cy Iroquois pr Nealon Jamaica markers between New Cal Labait xd . FILL-A-CARD Mark Salon Wood Alex Wood J A { | Maureen Macdonald § (O'HARA - CAREY FIRE OVER AFRICA 2.¢=e [TTT oar 'Kansas Raiders' & 'Prisoners of the Casbah" 110% v1 Block 120 Ww 11 2300 Wh Ld] "" AG 20% Afalo, 70 Anihes Imp mn - Hi We 28! Afgus 26 pr 7 A in . Can Dev 760 than Ace [] C Kx Gan p20 us Kioe| 4 Wh C Homestd B00 Wk NN 74 72% OC Husky wis 200 ih Pow B 7 264 Cdn WO 166 Cent Del 1778 Charter OI) 100 € Mie Mao 200 150 Cree OI] 100 hh Cree wis ano an Fargo 100 Home Of A 250 Hume OIF B A30 tw Maybrun #1 420% 2% 310% DAY N Dicken Mans Fer N Goldvue Mass Fer pr New Hosco Molson A n N Kelore Molson B n Newlund "Mont Loco N Mylama Morgan Noranda N St Car Norgold Noranda Norlartie Oglivie Norpax Pac Pete Madani 80 N Rank Yow Corp Mil City #9500 36 Northsp Price Br A N Kristol 1800. Ld Nudu) Prov Tr pr xd 50 Northeal 2000 Opem Noe AV ( 220 Northid M0 ' Otisko Joyal Bank Okulta 1700 117 11 - Pato Cons St I Corp 328 Pao Pete N 7 Paymast StL 1 Cor Apr 240 Petrol Prion Salada 0 Phillips Preston Shawin Prove Gas Pronto Shawin 4 20 Richwll Que Anedt Shawin 44pe 110 847 Sapphire Ques Chip Simpsons 150 Neurry Que Lab Steel Can 100 South Quemont Tor) Bk rt 1705 350 Nianwell Rix Athab 'Toy-Dom bik 40 851 Tin! Roche Trans C PL 030 $28 12 y ' Trans Can Nand Riv Un Steel 200 $11 TTR. ow M Triad Oil Sherritt Walk GW 100 $33 20 Un Oils Slovan YR im Nid I} » Wayne Kianlelg fam id Hi + tH) Wespae Atanigh wis Kegon Inv 07% AT Fddy A $0 MN Fleet Mig mM Yord A [UR INS FN Fy Vets pr N70 R10 NID. Gatineau NIN Ta Tw Algom UM "a 4H i" Algom wis U8 Wares S10 10% 10 Am Nephe GL Paper TW ATW ATW Area GN Gas win 0 20 280 Atlin Ruf Gpent West 4 L Barnat Hendahot Base Met Imp nl Beveon Imp Tob Bible Ind Acoep ELA Ronville inter PL h / 7a 47% Camp Chih Kelly DA My My © Malart Kelvinator 27 LJ ' CN Inca Lafarge A Ww 10% 104 dn NW Loahto B fF Mu Mh an Thor fobtire WN pr § Ma Mw andore Macleods A ho 9 Ki] in Fin Soo Leaf Mill L! 1M 13% Met wis 1000 ! Montreal Stock Exehange~Dee, 10 Mas | 10th Le hb Jae 1000 . 1 bh he k Hi 1014 BluRay iy (Odd lot, xd-KExdividend, xi Ix Biches We i J J olds ly Molson A Sale 20 2304 righty, Awe Ka warrants,) Cannlar 300 OninKes wo Moore 175 WA0'% Bhly AB : i Industrials Cent Del Rio 200 Hellok 1000 N Hos B Callinan 3000 N Nl Car Denison 40 Cleveland 1000 Neon Halliwell yo A 4 Mock Sales Wigh Low am. Ch'ge « Bl Ore on Nov Star A on MandSxd 15 11:80 Net Cons Q Yell 500 N Siar wissé Mogul 340 Ahitibl 3M MM Fah 500 1 Page Hers Mosher 1300 1: ; 2004 = WW Fano 1000 ! % 2 y i Phina Con Nichol 8000 | » Yundy 500 4 L] L ad | Powell 1 Coprand 100 3 02 IT] Futurity 1000 - Pros Klee 35 J Cournor 2000 AT u A tos 3 3 0% Gold Age 8100 Pres El ra " Daering 80 » 7 4 47 Hollinger 103 Roe AV ( Loaf 4 =» Kerr Add 200 Roe AV AN Dome 1 5 1) 3 Labrador 500 Royal Hank ! In X 3 Marple 4000 M1 Corp Monpre 5500 St Maurice Montgary 1600 Seladas 2 i Fatima N Santiago ho Khlada win 5 i ¥ rancor NW Amulet 2400 \ Frobisher 100 Okalta 1000 | dd 1 Opeminka 100 Cold Kagle A000 A 3 -1y RK : . Orchan 500 ( 1, Paudash 3600 Pennbec 400 Portage 1500 Que Cobalt 500 Hard Rock 700 Que Lith 100 na Har Min 1000 7 Que OI 2200 Headway 3500 p Que Smelt 2000 Hollinger aro St Law Rive 600 a Inspiration Ld] Sherritt 400 FAI int Nickel Steep R 200 10% 10W Int Ran Sullivan 500 S18 16M Jaye Expl Mi Johurke Un Steel fi He 11 Jonsmith Walk GW Ais Aw Kenville W Cop wis 400 400 400 Keir Add Cdn OU y FIA) Weston A Mie ME NW Kirk Hud A 19 13% CPR 9 anu Watn pr 6 pe 20 8106s 106844 1064 Labrador Ha MW Dist Sean 0 EI) THE NEW BOOKS = Fiji Isle Cannibal Terror (Sel Wo loy.\N DELIVERY Ho can Com A OCU Ktone 00 of Vodry Ld ry 44 rio CO Vack A vin CC Bank Com 160 © Pk Com rt 1630 | TOMORROW'S NO'S, If B-1 0-62 , GAME "6" _ | |B 3 Hydro Car ( 4) on on Con Can Cpesthik (Hp Neng 0 Fadiy 0th 00 0 830 { N G See details in the big Kodak ad 50 61 see the pift outfits HERE! Canadian Abitea 00 4 4" Ang NN4 Ll Agnisn Can D Sug 264 Alba Expl ' } . Dredge 2 Ah Marconi 3 LL) C Paper 5 41h Dom Ollcloth 250 a 48 Yor Pow EL] 400 McColl pr LL) » MO Paper 800 3% NQ Pow lpr 28 #50 50 Que Phone «10 h 8% St Maurice 200 0 SC Pow Apr 1 127 Trans Mi 500 10% Un Gas 200 #18 15% Ventures Willroy Wiltsey Wineh Yale Load Young HG Zenmac Sales to 11 a.m.i 680,000 MONTREAL By The Canadian Press 74 FOR RIA RA 3-4621 Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Mines - Ant ARS wn nM 3 Not offiliated with the C.N.1.B, Arto so "EY | 28 KING ST. E. 4 4 Buteman 15500 44% Bichunse 1000 4" PEN) } 4 y --a - - nin -- - Cunuba 1000 7 7 HR ag? hy [/ BURT LANCASTER MONTGOMERY CLIFT ORAH KERR : FRANK SINATRA DONNA REED E Amphi ) hawin Klmprons SKD Mig 104 100 Spartan Mtg Aly | May 275 MA Guleh 2000 Medan | $94 18 Gunnar 330 Steel Can 1 ihe ATM Gunnar wis 780 A Propane 1 LI} 1 Tamblyn Wey vy TD Rk ris A aA0 30 Fy Nar pr 1 5 ELL Fin A Tr Can PL, Mt A Columbia Reprint we PUA) =r This Thriller! LOCAL HOTEL PURCHASES PRIZE STEER AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR Can Cem pr Bank C xr CHHEAD Tache 1500 Tib Expl 2300 Titan 2100 A MORNINGHOL PRODUCTION + A COLUMBIA MOTVRE Un Oils 1400 Sa to 11130 a.m,i Industr mines and oils 87,600 Give Attractive Christmas Gift Tickets booklets in colorful CHILD ADULT 1.45 2.15 ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE Bill dead and his children -- four man than woman... China Mun. daughters and two sons -- are Ser, the beautiful and angelic [woman with a dreadful secret , left to manage the huge estate| patho) Munger, the thin, tall 'sis- | and search for satisfaction initer who, much to her own sur. their lives, oddly impoverished by prise, finds love and happiness [too much money in her marriage with Richard | The tension rises gradually in Mooney, a man who must defy all Consistant with the policy of the Genosha Hotel to serve nothing but the finest meats available, they ore - proud to announce that once again | 3 they have purchased a PRIZE UY) 4 STEER shown aot the ROYAL WINTER FAIR and raised by Miss ANNE DRYDEN of BROOKLIN, " Ln eme 00 on 1 this story and the story traces/the Mungers if he is to save his/¢ A the rebellion of individual person- ro "long|"THE name for Graw-RHill Co, of Canada Lid.) by| {characters such as the older bro. R@meber that best-seller of an. bals for whom they are sther day, "MUTINY ON THE pig", the cannibal's phy ny [human flesh uthor UAse foreman, Ar mn Australian who lived for several This 1s a richly detailed story pears in the Fiji Islands, has| written a thrilling adventure saga hat will recall to many fotfsHall story the Foreman story is called 'LONG PIG" (MeGraw-Hill Co, Ltd, of Canada) and [t is set] against the background of strange weascapes and beautiful tropical settings. This is the rousing story of the fate of the. Argo's crew scenes mended for Another good adventure. new BONE PICKERS" Al Dewlen, This extraordinary story filled with explosive Incident and Texas and a Texas family telly will hold the reader speelbound about : the Nor- with {ts fast-paced scenes of ten: shames and concerns the Mun: derness and terror, its sensitive ger family of Amarillo - love story, and its savage battle rich heirs of a fabulous estate, |'AIning literary conversationalist The harrowing descrip: Old Cecil Munger, a hard-drink- [tions of chnnibal exploits and the ing rough-tongued dirt farmer, | exotic descriptions are highly re who, |warding, This is highly recom: | brought his family from Dust | Children . . , Laska Munger, more money and its within one (Me: secret Reneration, | alities against the debilitating re- strictions of the family empire, There are some unforgettable ther, Spain, the pale. bloodless 'executive' who managed the family affairs 'and whose way {with the English tongue makes - the oil.|N!m the most bizarre and enter since Mrs. Malaprop, There is Texas Munger, assigned the role of spinster aunt to the Munger {Bowl poverty to oll-well wealth! adventure story ls the main character, lorigal fact Jackson in New South Wales with a cargo of rum, mgar, molasses and nankeen sloth and she carried a comple ment of 15 men. By the time day broke on January 1, 1800, two of the crew were drowned and the brig hersell, a helple wreck, was foundering near a lonely Fiji atoll : { Captain Berry and his mate Plater lead their men to a de: serted part of the atoll and the plain decides to seek the friend. ship of the natives. Awed for al by the while man's magic, tives are soon disenchant wd when their village 1s ravaged py dysentry, the white man's in: advertent gift Al a fete for the village chief the scamen have the first evi dence that they Port STARTS THURSDAY ! RA 3.2843 have been casl ATALEOF DIRK BOGARDE DOROTHY TUTIN'. CRC. PARKER oon last Day BLOOD + VAMPIRE IN COLOR = ADULT 'Monster On The Campus' Miners' Union | Claims Support Of Majority | BANCROFT (CPM The In | ternational Union of Mine, Mil and Smelter Workers (Ind) claimed today it has the sup wort of a majority of the miners men and other workers at Mines, 55 miles northeast of Peterboroug! Mine, mill place the Un Amari CLS A harg REP fon employees of the A spokesmar n said the union alg at a niawa before Toronto, Out. (Special) ~ For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itohing, Thousands have heen relieved dis. With this inexpensive substance t in the privacy of their own discomfort or seeking to ted Stee ts of me without any convenirnce In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve. men was reported and verified by doctors' abservations dons hoard ¢ . Pain relieved, And miners an while gently relieving pain, actual nor retraction (shrinking) Ann mine mine m nearly hea) vas promptly a observations wri of {04 : 0 be held before sults were 80 thorough | | | | | | Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids that sufferers were able to make such statements ar 'Piles have ceased to he a problem!' And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid cons ditions, 'some of even 1010 20 years' standing. All this, without the use of nar eotios, anesthetics or astringents of any kind. The secret it a new heals ing substance (Bio-Dyne)---the discovery of A famous scientifie ine stitute, Already, Bio<Dyne 1s in wide use for healing injured tissue on All parts of the body This 'new healing substanes in | olered in duppository or eintmend form called Preparation H. Ask for || iadividually sealed couvedient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special applicator, Preparation H is sold at all drug stores Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Oho lel inaa, J . an exciting tale based on his: With an intriguing background is' When the story opens, Cecil is! A by C E | ---------- : msn -- | | You'll ind that learning to dance at Arthur Murray's is quick, easy=it's fun and costs less. Studios ¥ of \ open daily 10 AM-10 PM, Sr -------- 'I WiLL You ACCEPT A nour J) 3 | TiAl LSSONY ARTHUR MURRAY 11)a SIMCOE ST .S, OSHAWA Phone RA 8.168) | Integrity, ONTARIO, The Next Kinsmen SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12th at 8:30 p.m. sharp in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $5500.00 in prizes including a A. 12 regular games for 50.00 cash each game. 3 special games for 150.00 cash each gome. A snowball bingo value of 500.00 if won in the first 51 numbers called, 100 fully dressed turkeys as free door prizes. E. The big game a full house for the BRAND NEW '59 CAR Doors open ot 7 P.M, Come Early ond Assure Yourself of @ good seat for the Biggest Bingo Ever to be presented in Peterbore. RC TPE "Ag 8, gad YT Drop in end treat yourself to @ Prize Steak or Roast Beef Dinner, Ny Saat imam ne. aX. Che Ideal gift [on (haistmas books of FAMOUS PLAYERS theatre tickets Packaged in the gay gift cartonette a From THE HISTORY- under the treat. Everyone likes Note brighf Christmas colours Win Thanks! Put an open box of Wrigleys Spearmint Gum Let family and friends help them- selves to this wholesome, satisfying inexpensive. Put several boxes under your tree or around the house. They'll appreciate your thoughtfulness Wriglev's Spearmint Gum- comes in réd and green on YOUR LIFE'S MADE EASIER through CLASSIFIED ADS To solve everyday prob- lems quickly. RA 3-3492 tree it, and it's so ROBERT DANA | WAGNER: WYNTER JEFFREY HOPE HUNTER : LANGE BRADFORD ~ SHEREE DILLMAN - NORTH FRANCE NUYEN calor by DE LUXE CINemaScopE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE AT . ., 1:30 | 3:355:307:359:40 ON SALE THE BIG WAR THEY FOUGHT . .THE BIG LOVES THEY FOUND! The one truly big story of the Marines in love and w