LJ man Jack (Red) Bownass from Fie Vil S084 the Budgies Yoyo Rishon 600 games (Men): Heg Burr 681 (206, 4 |Bulkalo Bisons of the American | ony five wirls made the 600 clans, hs Some Brewers worked the Lucky 846, 236) Perey Wright 605 (307); Boh (Hoekey League, To make room |Isshelle King was top with 670 (44, | Btrikes over for three points and If | Parish 623 (333, 230); Mel Whyte 622 a4 ¥ Bata 684 (276, 208), ¥ ne 201, 244 i Jack Hackett 6 (206 \ m . y " for Bownass, Larry Cahan was 204 LY Bills d John Harddiook" Randle could have | (201, 232) and Jack Racket 6 ) By CARISTINE WART up a goal and three assists to sont to Springfield of the AHL, nin fag, L300; 203), Ming + A Mol * kept! icv Tonkin uwiny from the Ludies: Joan Rogers 035° (322, 816) ON y 1 " HW \ R ih 4 alabistie hook they may hive Hirmere M wolors fi a1 Canadian Press Staff Writer ap with Beliveau the drd-place Bownass, 28, 6-1 and 185 pounds, | Hitting the 200 mark were A WIE our pointe, aHNONED our oil py and Wath MeFeutars M7 a I 2 J Ww TRE J i 200, Busie Hoppa 200 L of Himes ) IL MONTIRRAL (C1 Noten 1 10 rh Mis 11 Ao a mai Fi i 4, Hl AOA A oR 0 BACK-UP LIGHTS Canadiens' right. winger Bernie|'® P¥Ists for 26 points; Howe 13 game inthe 321, Mary Went 17, Ev. Hod: y hatin Keil ih aL ied dale 3200 Palm Knight 289, 2015 Dave > dlgoals, 15 assist Of the fir th 214. M. Morrison 210, Vera Kuk Po pada y y Matthews 810: Gord MeCormaek 2174 (Boom Room) Geoffrion pleke Haight oy J ANNOUNCE VENUE ai BR A i ile by the appearance of RVivin | goes Weight "208; Karse Carswell J up two goals and three assists inl it players at the top of the . Dd paclyl NUE NY a Mant Vaughn 205, Marie Job: | Jus nsine " he demon Leu ne for (he ind ARAL ig RL Rit "sap, three games the past week to/Deap, five are Canadiens, The CALGARY (CP) The Cana: [Gs age Wianehe Norton 200, 11, Hooper [P06 frame init who Jater redeemed Ber fom / crowd Into a fivst-place tie with Jue hard i there en masse din ori Women's Jankothal fut, Wes Cluthe 208, Loin Khaw 201 Hanorabht wanton tiie Dobaui | wltes al Wilson #50, " hi ol ALL OTHER ACCESSORIES 7 TT Bars anrle tockel Richard tied championship wi we. held in Hilda Collins #0 Handle 207, 1005 Sylvie Valentine 218, [4195 Binily Nimale etly China i New York Rage Andy Bath for third place Hh Del olf Calgary March 30 fo April 4, Pro. Ib Was reported in eivgr las week | Tat an Weir 100: Pat Crowe BR, AL And Laure MoKinlay 208 205 gate In the National Ho key | Ul bi Bch dud hd A ( 11 ex./ het the Atomics won the first socom joan French 165, Marg Hooper (§1 Tent Standing: Wireless 24, Driver League's Individual point-scoring! Vm HWinan at 27" point Inelal champions from all ex:|for pinfall. The Bombs were (he veal |" dons inhnio mention men -- Alex Mare 21, Gunners 20, Loaders 19, Fitters 17 race brother Henri Richard in eighth cept the Atlantic provinces willl winners vinek 720 (262, 256, go0) 1 Inch Mot A Instructors 16, Operators 15, Mechanic \ ) f J ) p ) ) fray 216, 214; Cogrge dentine E48, 11, Armourers 0 and Commanders A Bathgate, tops alone a week|ROHton With - 23 point and SOM pets ol Hh ful Hd ant WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES Gord Tonkin 236, Jack Bishop 34) ago with a league-leading 17 goals| V10O® ted for second vear by Vancouver JKilers in| woum standings -- Hotshots 19, Go |F'rank Crowe 338 Jim Vrenoh 318, John STORIE PAIK LEAGUS ; Rue-pading 17 gois] oy games (his vear, (he ™askatoon, Most of the estimated getiers 16, Alley Cats 16, Blow Jain 11, [Welr 817, Ray Pape 818, John Bands | 00 yon valled n haauting 72° and J Amita in 24 games, kent Rocket han scored 13 Is and $4.00 cost of the tournament hag Blue Jave 11, I} I Ringers 10, Merry 208, Ray Kelly 203 and Jerry King 300. | 00 "00 aii) Nice going, Doug, Al his skate on the top rung hy| ot NAA BCC goals and G00 Re a i facs 0, Pin Pickers § . y Mor, ne ali) den Yarson 4 getting two more assists in Wed. [Picked up 15 assists Brother |A!ready been raised, The Cana Hig, "Singles = Chris Coline 304, 303. | DUPLATE KOCIAL AND KPORTN Marpiaon BL TR Mid. ' v Henrl has eight goals, 17 assists dian champion will represent] High triples -- Chris Collin Tah BF | only two more wasks in this seo "Over 2001 Jim Barron 963; Raiph D nesday night's game with Chie: oh SURE Canada in the Pan American|ley Powers 853, Faye Pritchard O88, 145 and iis still a wide open event for | porttl Sas SHE CIR naam 801 ago, the only game the Rangers| Ullman has 12 goals and 15 as: | Games In Chicago next August, |e Anelsrove ail, Geargins Nesitl tira piace, The Pacers and Packers gif €thy "Siig ais art French 308 4 Jal g he vid won the past week in three starts, (slsls, the same as the Rocket 6, Ryo ¢ ampbell 624 and Ma [ne Nave first Jasin, ang point be 231; Nellie Oylar 230) Owoar Marrison The club was blanked in the but Ullman got his points In 27 hp 200 singles ~ B, Danlels 859, G, New |S ote eo eniin are two he #30, 2100 Art 'Tuson 800) Gord Root PARTS DERT. other two games, Saturday and!games Canadiens and Detroit's Terry hilt ia Ri Snelgrove 8 47, V apt, Bay) | ine the leaders An third position The Son; Doug Langley 897, 207) Helen Keo! I 7 y sherger | 8 » J oly © J 7» | 846, den 248, (3 9 1 { Sunday, Chicago's Fiddle Litzehorger aa i Kant old thelr fl lone hy FO it nard. Bled: Misstan 23, M, | haekers won the extrs bent bY BOWL ® emon Leaguer 7, Franch, B, tar NHL statistics, released today, aa Detroit's Alex Delvecchio are 81ry. Plante held on to first place goon ass" M, rureski 234, 203i 1, [08 8 UCL BUS Siva howling von, A. Peehles, Le Vnglish, 1, Parsons 140 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-6501 show Bathgate and Geoffrion [tied in ninth position with 23 hy Mlawing only three goals in|Camphell 236, 208° P. Suelirore NAb | Cen (380, 313, 380) howled hy W, Aw. Team Kiandingi: Simeoos 4 Presuner «WY, with 84 points apiece, But Bath:|points apiece, Litz has 11 goals|the last three games for a goals: (M. Topping 815, L. Hose 210, GF 7 judd Ts now the highest triple howled (4, Cuberts 4, Collages § Oxfords 1, d | 5, i hrown 204, y | gate holds the edge on theland 12 assists. Delvecchio nine Wainst total of 60, Sawehuk let |i" ofl Xe RR TAH A, [W18 henson," Other "high triples are; |Hitaidon 1, Mills 04nd Burton 0. _--- ------------ ------------ strength of his pace-setting tetal, Geoffrion has 14 goals and [FOUR-WAY TIE +20 assists, " BELIVEAU DROPS BACK Studion: big Jean Rellveau,|Stasiuk, Jled jor ad last week with Hi and Ron Mur to seventh sidelined wit WALKING THA OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnosdey, Dusomber 19, 1938 1 FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE By JACK Ty Cobb Was OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Oklahoma Star | BORDS | Great Admirer MIXED TEN PIN FORE FOOT Fl TRACKING WELL: KNOWN NORTH AMERICAN ANIMALS HIND Foor "I never lot him know how ley Pouckley 415, Donna Collins 4 Ld FORE FOOT py rd vv WALKING HINP FOOT Philadelphia Athletics) and then [50 Peen Restaurant 55, rotived iat I could tell Tris ers ", b Warher Bh Speaker of the great underlying [ars A Marian Auto Lud respect I had for him, Cleaning Contraciors 49, we ended up as good friends, He Gooh Bupertest 6, was truly a wonderful person and 44 and Bougos Cleantrs 304, from the moment he came into LOCAL 1817 the American League in 1007 1| yigh triples -- KE, Westlake 770, knew the mark of baseball great: Menard 744, M, Canfield 702, ¥, Here [ness was upon him," H, Creamer 6390 and RH -- oo, 44 FORE Foor o%, dy HIND "0 1% RING PRATUNGS ", tops in that depart kie Moore, dropped |22 RR 4, You! s and 12 as-lto Detroit's R ph Howe ploked " (1) 'a' goal [goals Pacing one another In a four: jout of the season and leads that | way tle for eleventh place are department, Boston's Don MoKenney and Vie shutouts to his eredit, I'S an after being|/theirs with nine goals, pad injury Nov, to Me l Speaker Way the first Ran (0 High singles ~ B, Audley 270, wreak through Cobb's monopoly Molt ster 261, K, Hoss , 32h; 1, Hal of American League batting su: 1 Danes 1, Westian) a, ua wi premacy, Cobb won it for ui , Adams 217, 216; D. Bnelgrove Ly years straight, from 1907 through DeHurt 228, J 1015, Then Speaker took it in 1016, | Yesed 313, J, Mien aig B tin, batting 3686 to Cobb's 471, Gere 2h, KE 9) ar | Als Rjor 200 ky er (he are, 1017 8s ME" iy y ' ollne vu Cobh, who will be 72 Dec, 18,97, H. Watson 210, Cobh | Mitr 208, H 1017 [#02, 327 and ¥ Lavergne #4, K, Ro | mus' and his Hoopers had better be: 237, § Newsome 227, | spolie of Babe Ruth In the Same Viandings Cellar Dwellers th Mie Iware of next week as "Twinkle foes" |Yulll 216, B, Rutherford Foor affectionate terms, | ters 13. Kighthalls 1, o. |lerson and his paint hungry Die | 218, L. Doyle 212, M | fousar "Looks ike I'm one of the last | eo 10, All-in-one 8, All Stars §, | Hurl iif A sialon, {inn 4, ne Meine i, Wi ' 7 Higat 1 on League | OAT. [of them left," he said, (Wards ¥, Hawk Fat ignore 'the Dip Hards are only one im | paranin, late > | {point behind the leaders by virtue of muck 6, 5; G, Woodeock 04, D, Mat: | MOTOR CITY LADIES LEAGUE [Ate 30 | walloping of the Doo-t Hues, [thews #5, V, Genge 70 . " . This vietory was due Lo & combination {J standin Crows 31, Canar 1957 Id b | P h b 84 75 SPORT BRIEFS The second aoe ton wot undes ay on lt howling and sereaming 0 a Chic o a, Bluejays 37, 0 smobiie Usn- utton . | Wednaniay Tie Bin Pinion Tita disomy | he Never wats swimied the , Wii Cuokoos 27, Seagulls 21, Robins 20, 'Hybirds § to 1 with Alex "Haek" Mur \Whipporwills 18 p GE ite: |X 0 BOWNASS TO RANGERS [The Bombe and the Lollipops. white: [ginal packing up a new high triple with aii . i NEW YORK (AP)=New York | fed i) Yndsiviy, Fig ! |handiean to Jue ol ni fhe sna BERGEANTN MESH LEAGUE [im ed ANTENNA & INSTALLATION EXTRA 4 |] Iva the n Rangers have acquired defence: Pop-Ups,' Rockettes and the Wiiniis Rone sal fr ThA tongues mont jl Congratulations fo Belly Grant, with five In the last three games [Blasko 801, Lamon League rest 09, D, Wall RADIATOR Md standings x 86, Hot Shots 24, Gutter Nnipe Whrars TH Sin Pine 19, Lucky Str in rhe i ndars were shaken up this week 14 assists in (for a total of 64, « WH, Bird #9, C, Fol Plante earned his fourth shut: " Mb DEPARTMENT Sawchuk has three | and Chicago's Bobby! Plante's average is 2.81; Saw. hg all with jehuk's 2.41, In Joint third posi: Hull and Stagiuk got|tion are Toronto's Johnny Bower Wee whly 13 assists: (and Eddie Chadwick who shared |® with five goals, 17 assists|the goaltending In the 25 games [leave the oellar. position, mney's 18 goals and. nine{the Leas have played, [combined average is 2.84, with|L Gonlies Jacques Plante of the! three shutouts, AS goals against points, The victory o Rota, "Gutter Snip "King Pins" by the same soore, The men's high triples were George position hy Hein Moving 416, Fair: Al Mosier 30, Bill Smith 208 and Henning'| 248, ping A [to blame for the MeConkey 215, Eri Holttoster 98 and A. Baxter 08, [took three fiom the Happy Bees, Sugar [Proved howler Jean ' fenson 70, Bragers 80, Laoky The "Hrasers" font a8 out hy the "Fin Busters" who wre still Continuing strong in their nu 0 Thelr Ll Moved up to Bh position am 0 the "Het took the io (the "Lucky Bix" moved into the second (J, Collins 770 (277, 299, 3 win aver the 75) (280, 243, 25 i J Turner 490, 'Tony Lupe! 559, Tony Al Hew Birk 4) W, Morey 117 (206, 146); V, bo 1h means he won't be Jble tolBud Wilkinson was out of tow) Of His Rival [vison 44, AI Muson B81, Boh Memy Tikh triples were Leg Conlin 636 (374, | sansky hil i, an; Wows) 047 Jom hound Oklahoma's siariing play 8 he Orange Bowl, Baker's father. Las Walker, op iy Phi | LAKE TAHOE, Nev, (AP)--T, INV Gowen 9, 4nd i Molloy i " iin or oon ust fi Woh Bove | ory Ae oe flunked out of school Monday,| The Sooners, who open prac. his son plans to return to on dh a if Th 'sn high I «George 029 (232, 200); and Will Maxwell 615 Jon Win (34h, 200) lus 675 1265) 7 gr i " y $ on il Cobb sald Monday night he was Turner 2, 108; Tony Lapel 200) Harty | (239) 4 4 Hae oa, 1 pome John GG. Eriksen, . associate!tice today for the New Year's hom to complete his s¢ hooting. "terribly depressed' over the!|Cnissis 108, Al Goguen 199, Chas, Bev: | Good single games were hy Howard A (44615 A, Goguen 853 (238); IK, Wi) - _-- on of thr ine th ver mT he ars 106, BIN Potts 109 and Jack Sane Vann 271, Bill Moore 250, John Bailey [Hams WAT (267) 8, Goleskl 4D (293, } D ath 0 r vs 101 230, Woh Cavawell 223, Hornee Weeks [230)) Clave Mason 635 (264) W, Hop: Speaker, his famous baseball ri- Ihe women's high triples were Onda 216, Jack Milne 214, Boh Wanna 213, (kine 628 (970); L. Locke 034 (48h); | & val, Gunn B75, Irene Beveis 424, Pauline Bud ar 213, Wrnie Cheredaryk 200, |R, Reid 623 (a1); ¥ Hr ht bib | Horchuk 418, ALCOR), W, Harmer 612 (23105 J, Frais 11, | Jamieson loux B10 (23605 W much 1 admired him when we (ane Poel 409 and Hermiee Differ Rod oapoy to report he lemon leaguers Gardian 00 (240) -. 0 We women's singles were ( [1s wee hig OW RY AND eame ( ¥ were playing against each other," gunn jos, 10a, 190; Irene Severs 177, [mighty close when he followed his 271 | 5 ther singles i ill ww, a Cobb said, "1 was out to win and |shiviey Howers "163, Welen Waring | game With & 104 score, We niived that a % 246, icey | ; ) 160, Junot Peel 156, Donna Collins |" Hed" Blevenson was throwing the ha . i , Ch =" Wie Ye and fOr 20, years welt; 7, Mavis Taylor 153 and Pauline Wor: (8 litle different 1ast night e don't il Tr Goris a 20, a I" A all en Hh [now if he's changing his slyle of howl: (Wiison" sus. 1 Mek mughiin 2h, A, Me "It was only after we finally | The team standings sre Nighthawks (Ing or maybe 1 was Just something | Donut 425, W. Carter 120, Winsome became teammates (In 1928 with #1 Poresn's Bewuty Rulon 60, Lucky he ate Tutln_ 234, 1, Patterson 234, MW, Bren | as BB, Foote's Shell Service Hite, | Onee again we remind ypu that the [nan 24, 8 Rownik 224 Gillard Clean n Doug's Barber Shop 54, Spoof: [foreed, It ean cost-you many pins, nd | ih Oshawa your team points, Champs i I'm glad (Girars 4), Subway Lunch 40, Tommy | Acadian Cleaners foul line rule Is heing strietly High averages over 80 way hak CANADA CUNTOMS LEAGUE : ; The second section with two matehes iar Pia ¥ "Mie | Miready under Hts belt finds the league ' in a rather inverted position to nat of | Lamon Lenguers w= " the final standings Jutitared atthe Gwen Lalonde 03, J, |elose of the first section, The top dogs " ia are now the cellar dogs and vice | WESTMOUNT Vern, Honor Rell = G, 'The eurrent pacesetiing Hools Hoop: | nai 017, i', Knox ers lod hy George Valeting fitarally High triples stole three points fro "Sharkey | Rahime 93, H, Welsh 50 Pope and his Knue Wiehe ads Partially |, Doyle 666, M loss was ""Onky: | M5, Rutherford J, |Dokes" Larry Ostrom, "Oak" with three consecutive balls one could all # real pinboy's delight, The [A Cobb 5i4, M vest of the blame oan land squarely [007, |. Reid 503, {on the hithous shoulders of Jerry | High singles = |, s "Hammus" King who was allowing | un 260, | gas "i, g lund in the mire of the [amon Welsh 236, J, Carter 8 League with Jeaneite Bishop, "Ham on 929, 222, fen 044, I, Genge B20, A hall Rah in a "Bootty" Weir and # hige 7156 triple (2067, 1 0 | Hardie 745 (248, Chute rH wan Rn | hay 24%, V, Borknsky n Hardian a J aotley 218, 1, Kom 215 Thompson 21 LADIES ao rWiek 066, 1, | J! ig PO Gay 761, M ao, who missed the 537, G. Bathe 530, B, Yulll bas, 8, Row Ankew 2045 Hamilton 08, J, OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS dean of the college of arts snd Day game at Miami with Syras Lost To Team sciences, said the Bartlesville, |cuse, were jolted when line coach NORMAN, Okla; (AP)--Ornnge "Buse of poor sitendance, Okla, sonior was dropped be-| Gomer Jones made the Announces 20405 ¥ That | es this evening, Head coach Moni 210 Ww, An Ban, W, Marey Claus 219, 1 , KB, Reid 215 Knight 213, J. Reduced In Time For . .. CHRISTMAS 53.75 72.75 74.95 73.95 WH. Dulin #7, Konarowskl #5 LEAGUE alle 604, | 1, hy Welly 667, | Gutsole Newsome Manual Push-button Push-button Push-button 1958 Chev. & Pontiac 1958 Chev. & Pontiac 1958 Olds. & Buick 1957 Chevrolet M, Jordan His, B14, B, Dunn me 260, 1, Red A: Cobh 256, 4, M, Jordan 215; M, Wells Reld 210, 1 214, LL, Genge Askew 200, B Carter 89, M MoCor 460) Your Choice of a Suburban COAT or a CAR COAT WITH all wool quilted lined PURCHASE OF | PRE-CHRISTMAS 7 Make your purchase of any suit or sport coat and 2 trousers , , . then receive a suburban or car coat as a bonus, Top Quality SUITS All wool Melange flannels, all wool twists and all wool worsted cloths, three-button in two. and single breasts eds, colors of brown, blue, navy, charcoal and black, Sizes 34 to 52 in regular models, plus suburban 49.50 SPORT COATS short and tall y free topgoat or with every suit PRICED FROM ow ort jackets In singh 5 Ll -- : hy ittan and 3-huttor models with centre vent featuring Har Tweeds in colors of blue hiown and grey--sizes 35 ta 4} in regular and tall models YOUR PCED 34.50 TROUSERS ANY SUIT oR woal r Gaba dine, Serges, SPORT COAT Tues 8 Sng Ange Far AND 2 ty LN kets and pleats TROUSERS 9.9 OREN THURSDAY & 1 ro O95 up | rrioar Tice pm All wool Suburt Car Coat in solid ec and tripod Tweeds, three patch pockets * USE ® No Down Pay- ment Necessary ® No Payment un- til after Christ. mas. "YOUR CREDIT * TAILORS RID SWa TOWN NS 0) deci ve 16 SIMCOE ST, §. Here's a double glazed window for anywhere, Scientifically engineered give the same full-view window, th removal and installation, and dust All this at low, low cost! Downtown Oshawa 84 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH---RA 8.1 PIERSON s«/*PICTURE WINDOWS That Now Have Single Glazed Top Glass your fixed lites that provides the finest appearance and weather protection available sashless window, the special aluminum extrusions OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS 7 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU BOWMANVILLE----MA 3-2130 DOUBLE GLAZING For Owners Of e FOR BETTER STORM SEALED PROTECTION e FULL VIEW WINDOW LOW COST to fit any e convenience of «free tightness. LIMITED Main Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8.1611 AJAX---ZEnith 2-9600 617 *