Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Dec 1958, p. 9

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~L. ' em Sa i een ------ ensures that they are qualified| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 10, 1958 § Bernice Ryan Wed In Stirling Centre Street WA CGIT And Explorer Groups Hold Jobs Waiting For fit", "auf" (East Group) hysiotherapists There 1s 8 shortage of per: direction, work in Ontario, At|london, and came to Montreal in sonnel involved in both my jobs," least another 20 could find jobs| 035 to work in several hospitals, . . . ' . | To Lieutenant William P. Dall |p, officers | Christmas Vesper Service | And Koen Women i sie siping ates. "rs | Su waa wits ves do. Oshawa guests "attended the Mrs, Allan Fisher of Bronte,| mw. pecember meeting of the The annual Christmas vesper Branton snd dedicated by the , " 0 ore women © riment ut ¥redericton In 1041 wedding recently In Bt. James Ontario, was maid of honor (08 gch aroun of the WA of Centre And candle - lighting service of leader, TORONTO (CP) =~ Mrs. Koth- aed injerest - uml pe aple, Jara Rog Billy uring an outhreak of polio, the Minor Roman Catholic her sister, and the other attend gio ri og ol Com 8 eld arithe Canadian Girls in Training] Girls who gave out the order" Macoherson of Toronto In\eieaive' and we need more physio igo, Togand, : ee Church, Mirling, Ontario, when ants were Mrs, Gordon Post of tome ™or sty" pidan South. and the Explorer group of BLlof service and envelopes at the 2 Jo keeps & critical eve onyy,epqplyp, © ad Rernice Marguerite Ryan of Osh-| Belleville apd Mrs, Martin Riv. wo, "Sr 0 wiiiol led in the Stephen's United Church w a sldaor were Dianne Brown, Linda 00 nment, and in another joh| "gu o™ cous ontario will need awn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, ers of Tweed, also sister of the goo ionel period held in the church on Sunday Wetherup, Barbara Gray "he works for the government dozens more physiotherapists John Ryan of Stirling, became bride, Their gown were fashioned "age, "0 covipiure reading, an © "18, December 7, ushers were Connie and Sharon, resident of the Association ion™ he" hospital insurance I . | i of Women Flectors In Toronto scheme starts next year the bride of Lieutenant William of celestial blue pure silk featur: ] J "Wha: ahus decor Bl Cr a pe. Ur ppropriate Christmas story was) The church was decorated with| Crossman 4 4 , : Patrisk a of Srearwaiar, jog} Jong Him budicy with SY rend and two poems entitled "intevergieens ait poiomettian, hel The closing hymn was "Silent ai Bn auction Right now, 400 physiotherapists pp p % ) ' '" "w y ' ' "nm | J ' J Now, son the Carpenter's Shop" and "How orga ist was Mrs i he Night", The benediction was pro-(an eye on municipal administra. ho, do samaln 1% i oh Uiian , Thomas Dall of Belleville,|waistline which was repeated al pp. 1 mses The invocatie ut ar the hack of their blue net CAD] Enrica 0 Bathighery ig Then vocal Men, David Duche|"2unced by Mr ftephen Baywell, tion and encourages women to be The Reverend Father O'Nelli|Which were offset with clusters ye. "ve on" Osborne, Mrs, Wil. min. The seripture depicting Juctive Joust polities. hair performed the ceremony and said|f White flowers, They each car: jets tic l aril oy met. |The Wirth," "The Magi," "The HOUSEHOLD HINT ay A S| SCHOOL OF DANCING the nuptial mass, Mrs. Frank ud, stloninl houquets of white ue. "ooompanied hy Miss Hazel VIEht" and "Jesus in the Tem: A peeled Brazil nut makes ar tril 4 the a. i : Long played the wedding music|feathered carnations And pom pouudie on the piano, Miss Mary ple" was read by Donna Wood, excellent eraser for furniture|jess Practitioners' Act of find | ; and accompanied Mr, Robert/Poms With blue accents Southwell played two piano se. Bonnie Grant, Marie Knapp and!goratches arin The honrd established Ho Th Rurke who sang "Ave Maria", Mr, Robert Dall of Belleville jections, 4 Lorraine Leadbetter, The Kix yoo von i over the marred |1053, keeps a register of physio D. E A "Panis Angelicus" And "On This| was best man for his brother,| The yearly reports of the var.[Plorer group under the direction coe to conceal them, therapists practising in Ontario Day O Beautiful Mother", and the ushers were. Mr, Frank jous conveners were given, | Min Poon J avENa Sang ae Cronin of Belleville and Mr. Leo 7 a a several carols, The story, '""The| i a | J The following officers were in nif Ballet, 1 a Pp ; Toe, Given in marriage by her fa-| = 4 Shepherd Who Didn't Go" ther the bride wore 8 floor length| Finnigan of Point Anne, Ontario. stalled for 1950: Group leader, PrEPIOTE WHO BIC 00° WEE] ow sie re ry fy ¢ ' OCR Re A RR RD wr pr of frost white Taille (alot The reception was held at the Mrs, Fred Taylor; assistant 101d hy Mrs, Stephen Baywell a IA AM MAA MHA JA BH JA TA HY big 4 | Character, Baton, Pre The long sleeved bodice featured |Community Hall, Stirling, where | group leader, Mrs, Percy Flet:|. The first candle - lighter was : [A] ; , Looking for a clean way out ? ol DRAP ERIES school, Acrobatic at ve the Masonic Temple, b e hride' { eco her: seretary, Mr youn Jynn Dickson. The second and seed pearl embroidery at the|the bride's mother received In a cher; secretary fre whi A BB Tal Give a book of . . . Angling and the whole family wi ie CAR WASH TICKETS pleased, Large sticks of , , , 91 Centre Street, READY TO-HANG : Fridays & Saturdays, squared neckline, and the crino-|sheath dress of delphinium blue Peel; freasurer, Mrs } d J ha skirt was offset with braided' lace over (affeta with a. close Chester. Convenors for the follow. "et paywell and Sharon Cook motifs, A crown of pearls held | fitting hat of dusty rose petals ing were appointed = cards, Mrs The { po itis sno oe fit... y 7 ' jeor po) ' ~ l Neale ie 1 her waist length illusion veil and|Assisting was the bridegroom's George Webster; flowers, Mes purpose, The offering was taken er OR ree 510 BOOKLETS (good for 8 washes) MADE-TO-MEASURE - 00) NO ) ern points the bride travelled in a Willson; pianist, Miss Irene Win. test losing team, Mrs, C, Easi- Choose NOW Jor Christmas INFORMATION: RA 3 7253 ' GROUPS CLUBS sheath dress of periwinkle blue ter [wood's, will entertain the win: AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD ' y . / French wool with a periwinkle! Mrs, Fred Taylor announced ning team sometime mm January bd WA R D S 116 BOND ST, W RA 5.0322 she carried a swing cascade of mother in teale blue silk crepe|W. B, Miller; social, Mrs, a Re 4 white feathered carnations and with & matching hat, Both wore ald Layng; press, Mrs, Frc" hy Louise Brock and Gall AUXILIARIES hat and matching accessories the Capsule Kister banquet to bel The meeting closed with Mrs Liewtenant and Mrs. Dall will held in the chureh hall on De. Roy Bishop reading a poem "Sue Simcoe at Athel = RA 5.1151 {live In Dartmouth, N& cember 20, Senior WA. on De. cess STE ray 5 stephanotis, corsages of roses Bucheler; children's, Mrs, Henry | uy For the honeymoon trip to east: Young; rummage, Mrs, Howard cember 17 and the copper con: ~ a how ETT TTI TTT TOY Rd Be = FVWRRRR@RRAEW@A PILOT CLUB The Pilot Club of Oshawa at its last regular meeting had as its guest, Katherine MacMillan : . of Governor of Distriet 17, The pres A [7 2 - ident, Mrs, Madge Lindsay, / Wig ory | oe 4 £ Or " 1 { (o) f v. C ' = a Wy Yo 3 : onvenient, or presided al the meeting ym. ¥ bois 3 Two items of business were (2 N / eh / ~~ N re f discussed and finalized, the prep > u ps ONE-STOP aration of baskets for families EY for the Christmas season and d : transportation for the senior cit} 3 SHOPPIN zens who reside at Fairview 0 Aodge In Whithy to attend the " th (annual Christmas party of the : or ese Golden Age Club on Friday, De (YT | fomber 12 TNA ( and many the Pilot Club is in its first year a | | V, FINE od plenty of material for the \ 1 y 4 | a A GIFTS CEE RB. © uto/ 1-D-A- DRUG STORES | members Wy ------ PENS and SETS Te dw PAPER-MATE PENS ........... $1.29, $1.98, $2.49, $350 + + « Save Christe WATERMAN'S CARTRIDGE FILLED PENS = from $2.95 mas fun for WATERMAN'S SETS ........mmmmmnnriinne $5.90 to $25,00 BROWNIE years to comel ' PARKER JOTTER PENS $1.95, $2.95 § STARFLASH OUTRIY { Is) ------ A for Baby SNES 8 Comera (In colour), batteries, N flash bulbs, film and A (NL JOHNSON | Instruction booklet, ... $11.45 A 4 qd Ld by 4 TOILETRY SETS OTHER CAMERA OUTFITS ~~ NGMlZ Allormenss " famous $11.75 to $28.95 --- -- ohnsen baby-care 3 sa La od ip-- products in gift boxes, FILM $1.50 $2.50 $3.75 KODAK CAMERAS |". SANTA"S BABY GIFT STARFLEX ..o.comssninsnmns $12.48 Yor Su PACKAGE STARLET ...coiveiviins wim $6.95 on BROWNIE HAWKEYE .......... $9.25 | Christies day, Brosh & Comb So 0c, 32.40 MOVIE CAMERAS ~ from $37.95 | + Charm-A:Tot Hot Plate .. $1.98 AL a of Vinyl Squeeze Toys -- from 69c 8 Perfect gift for a flash camera fan! + HANKSCRAFT BOTTLE WARMER NM SYLVANIA Gor FLASHBULBS This electric bottle warmer automatically : Make sure indoor Christmas pletures heats baby's milk to the right temperature, are bright and clear with Blue Dots, Element Is replaceable, Model shown has Give cartons of 12 bulbs, a vaporizer cap so useful when baby has a stuffy cold, .............. $4.25 M2-$1.68 WARMER without vaporizer cap .... $3.45 PRESS 25-$2.04 hi ahve? \ ALA rr TEE The various commiliee chal men took part in the panel con ducted by the Governor, Hince The next meeting of the Club ywill be held at Simeoe Hall, on maiay. Resember B. whet { - Ladies ML oy NN - a Nom I yea pa for Dibightful SHULTON Tuilstries! PERSONALS b= Enchanthor-with : "Desert Flower" & Mr, and Mrs, T, J, MeKnight, : BA one, were fag T WwW | be D STICK Sooant, 25 od on Saturday evening, Decem eth a TER ig atcaion of their 00h Wedd 1g an. by Lentheric PERFUME ~ purse size ~ secasion of thelr 50th Wedding an *niversary, The party was held al | : the home of their daughter, Mrs : PURSE PERFUME po medernly lode S00 Harold Knibb and Mr, Knibb, 4 yr 1/3 ox, vial with hand: | kGRRRER 7 \Ui\[ | 20K sviicttrssmerstsnn " . Lolborne street east, Many rela-| | i SPRAY tives and friends gathered (o ex \ some jowelled COLOGNE .... $3.00 wishes and congratu: 4 wp. woe $8.28 mong the guests were 5 COLOGN BLS ATH, 00 'Mr, and Mrs. Willlam Cann of J Rowmanville who were the best : \l 3&5 oz $1.50, $2.00 bridesmaid at the cere: man Ly Seldasmay oN " OIFY SETS $2.50, 3345 RR Se a SEE SE Little items of social news are always welcome in this eolumn If you are enjoying the company Alvan Welcens ¢ U T E X of visitors or have heen visiting manicure sets yourself, why not telephone HA y TOILET pleasire Wh Each set contains Nall ! WATER . $1.25, $1.75 4-474 and share you ; With others. » Polish, Polish Remover, DUSTING POWDER $1.75 Osawa guests at the Dal Cutisie Nemover ond | wer 0 ™ Jan wedding Jn Sle wore aM i FANCY STATIONERY nd Mra, R. W, Seh u, Mra Jack Devlin, 'Miss Donna Lyons pp MASYIO Box 30%. by Eaton, Crane and Pike Miss Gloria Robson, Mr. Kenneth Moonan, Mr. and Mrs, Rowan . Others at ,, $2.00, $3.00 A deluxe gift of 48 Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. James shee. of bre qvly Hambly and Miss Margaret Joeddy, Rowmanville REFRESHING ! 5 paper and 48 envel- Mrs, Clarence Scott will open , ys \ ope in @ handsome the bazaar and chicken patty tea . 7 4 hinged 'cabinet, $1.75 to he held in the lower hall at - 7) 7 Centre Street United Church to ; f / #8 Other boxes from 78¢ morrow afternoon under the aus ra piees of the west group of the 4 grance H i Vil FS FT dT TE TFS dh TW TAS wd FE Sw a > ww TLD Ce ------ (1 > + hus au i : WA . EAU DE COLOGNE 0) having i F 1] w= paul Douglas Reevor, infant An old favourite in a Imported French fragrance : Or Men.) A sushi "7" POWERSHAVE : Ho oS = Place your, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Bee : modern gift container, EAU DE COLOGNE : | table! order na ATI, = 32.00 CN mene BN HN © GIF wo o tl 2\\ CADBURY for December 7, at 8t, Mark's Angli DUSTING POWDIR $2,00 Spm W, 300, 7.00 CARTONS fed \ head=bullt pore wer Bl MILK TRAY CANADA oan Church, Among those attend. PERFUME .. $1.25, $2.00 J ond Va oz Portus $3.00 N WY $5.00 wanted Kor guide '3 A CHOCOLATES DRY v ' " i 1 gy nw 0 . ng were his brother, Datid, the eh aternal grandparents, Mr, anc 1) 1 awitehs BM vb 1b Mrs, J, W, Dyer, the paternal ral Ba A SPEED GIFT 2.20 | ~ono y \ nowl rn stan, 1, 8320 | nn. je ands grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Ar . ! . thur Reevor Sr, Miss Eliza: W ELECTRIC HEATING PADS . $4.95 to $9.95 Razoo Blades in and AS ver and Mr 8. Glen X 0 i hh Ry an i, ad i Gl RICHARD HUDNUT ll EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS (lon banerie .« 79¢ up 8 RAZOR mp Sou it on displey! 8 FIRST AID AUTO KIT $3.95 a : ; MARATHON GOLF BALLS Glaspell and sons x SETS ICE Qo 50c 3 for $1 "2B | BABY BUNNY NUTS . RE Gavi 1 ER " AFTER SHAVE : : iat f' Holiday Season Sy upon rd oR | ; BN Aware Wecconer iday Seas : d 1.95 $2.00 ! N ALWAYS WELCOME! NBC TY Tua sday ¢ VISUAL PAK y ' * 1 ANY To look your best for @ A evpling assortment of \ oH RUS VO fl "EXPORT" k all the Yuletide sea. cashews, pecans, filberts . ot oars = from $1.50 R CIGARETTES d almonds. son, treat yourself to a hi 7 on 95¢" 14 02, $1.78 Plain or Filter Ti " Hudnut hairdo, " ' meres N20 33¢_ 25 dlc 50 82¢ \ PR TIMEX WATCHES ma'am about > Models for Men, Wamen, Children of a wide range \ g Q : Bu LOVA v of prices, Guaranteed for ene year, h a ol My \! 2 ; ¥): Shock-resistant mechanism, : t » RE =] Unbreakable tystals LQ $2 BRIER TOBACCO ol 3 Diamond os gr Ai Unbreakable erystals, \Y - : 0 pele +1527 - Stainless steel backs, ~~ a N op? ot n A > VE : Pipa smokers enjoy its Ni ' $ 25 ; aroma, Bums cool, TT TTRT TTT IS REIT ISNT LaPetite f wh {I hy y Men's Marlin ..... $12.98 \ {li LSP LL be pry ' fut iv nt At ff Ladies' and Misses WY LA Ning sie WV Te Ya pound tin -- $1.45 Muawine g Petite Model ........ $7.95 3 aa. JE \ Christmas THiS Niny waloh An 2 Miasl samen, - BATHROOM SCALES $695 $1095 specie FISHER CIGARETTE LIGHTER Automatic men's and ladies' models in. chrome or enamelled finishes, 10 year guarantee LAE sles Other Fisher models ..... $2.98 PORCELAIN TABLE LIGHTER SET Lighter, cigarette box and two ash trays oe: $1.98 3H fj Holiday Tim Jamieson's | Karn's | Powell's | Mitchell's | McCordick's y 'Alka: Seltzer. 241 King East | 28 King East 513 Vices 9 Simcoe North 128 Wilson took for Vv, [TY re ea Keop Alk-Selter handy for hwodache or upiet | RA 5.1169 | RA 3-4621 | RA 5.4734 | RA 3.3431 | RA 5.8711 Better Jewellers Everywhere : 34¢ 68¢ wu BE STE ATE wT Tm FY yr ry

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