' rr oneer {Jo Aldwinckle, Wemen's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 9, 1958 Mrs, Glen McGee; aprons, Mrs, recording secretary, Mrs, Charles, Tree and "A Manhattan Christ: || % Club Bulleting Puplicared GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CALVARY BAPTIST WMA [Its December meeting at the | fhe regular meeting of the home of Mrs, 8 T, Hopkins, WME Bg A, Baptist Church! The president, Mrs, F, C was held recently, Mrs, Henry Pipher, welcomed all members | MeGhee led in the opening hymns And the minutes were read and land read a poem, Mrs, Grace|the treasurer's report given Moncur, president, presided The November bazaar proved Mrs, R, W, Wighton led fn to he most successful and a Voxy prayer and the minutes were good year's work was reported rend hy Mrs, Otto Sharrard It was with regret that a fare Miss Margaret Miskelly of the Well Jeter was read from Mrs South Afriea General Mission | H, Heavens, Mrs, Heavens was the speaker. Miss Miskelly Was the treasurer and a most {spoke on the importance of chil (willing worker at all times \dren In Christ's ministry, noting A nominating commitiee was the humility and faith of a little formed consisting of Mrs, J, J child, She mentioned the lives of Burns, Mrs, 1. B, Armstrong and (Miriam, Joseph, Daniel, and Mrs. L, B Brash others #8 ones who were of serv Mrs, J. A, Mitchell offered her . [joe to God while they were yet {home for the annual pot luck : vary young, In her work under Supper fo he held In January DR, ETTORE. MAZZOLENI, | sity Women's Club of Oshawa | lenl spoke on the life of the |; "sian in South Africa Miss| Tea hostesses were Mrs, 1, principal of the Royal Conser- | and district, and Mrs, G, K | English composer, the late Miskelly said that all the Mission | Armstrong and Mrs, ¥, C. Piper vatory of Musie, Toronto, is Drynan, director of the Canter Ralph Vaughan Williams, his schools had heen taken over hy Y greeted by Mrs, Donald H, | bury Singers, at the club's | tutor and friend the Government in 1954 but the QUEEN ELIZARETH WH AND § Moore, president of the Univers | Christmas dinner, Dr, Marzo Oshawa Times Photo | 4.00 had remained open for the The regular meeting of the ; Mission to conduct dally classes Queen Flizabeth. Home and composers were doing, He was!among the children reaching as |8chool Association was held with | Memories of Vaughan Williams fascinated by the mystic poets, many as 6000 in a two-week fe ed, Mn, Douglas Herbert and Blake, The finest period A J [Work in this century in English! Mrs, Ford elosed the meeting The secretary's report was "Moving After-Dinner Address [mise ema, wism' wi paver ites 7 98: Yarey Seurts wud | clared + HOLY CROSS WA Members of the University He re-wrote hymn books elimin : ' y Women's Club of Oshawa and dis- ating many of the clumsy, old|. Pr. Mazwolen!, principal of the The Women ' Ausiliary of Holy trict gathered for their annual tunes and replaced them with his Royal Conservatory of Music, To Cross man, ' { recent Christmas dinner in Bt. George's|own,' ronto, was introduced hy Mrs, C, held its monthly [netting ; | parish hall last 'Thursday and! np mers A RAY IM. Elliott and thanks were ex: ly, The president, Mrs, Josfpi regaled themselves in. full|®F THE EARTH, EARTHY pressed to the Shenker a w the Callanan, Bag the eens : ) q valle Canterbury Singers hy Mrs , (with pray I! ie P measure with fine fare and good Dr. Mazzolenl recalled hat SAniey Iry Mingers by | ul! the minutes of the Vaughan Williams who died ne the age of B4 in August of this| The dinner arrangements were Previous n J le I g correspondence. Mrs, Stephen year, was a big, craggy, tweedy made by Mrs, 8, G, Werry assist A, man who looked more like aled by Miss Agnes Miocich, Mrs Bonfordd gave the treasurer's re gentleman farmer than a com: R, E, Richardson and Mrs, K, H, [port showing a very successful poser. He had tremendous power, | Braithwaite, Mrs, N, C, Fraser basnar that had been held re courage .and eloquence, he sald, thanked the catering group cently ; ; " , and dedicated his life to bringing | Tne enjoyable program was Mrs. Leo Kryhul reported. or The Canterbury Singers, the cic tn evervone, Up to his red by Mis. Josenn Vetehl (the wick convener, Mrs, He | women in red gowns and the men'qeath he preferred conversation aragel hi do hii iy Stehls vr vons, reporting on welfare, stat wearing red ties, presented a se wiih a pretty girl to the doctrines son and her committee od that 125 articles of clothing : members had Jaetion of ' wrols, Hrected by Mis of musical wiseacres donated hi the on been| } rynan, Their program in 4 4 : ween packed &n luded two carols by Healey Wil --h of ia yy Ie vrote Joel PERSONALS Larmtrimited Mrs, Lyons also lan, "Song of the 14th Century' |*™A grour stressed the very great need for "Make -- tf + (conducted small choirs in centres | | 4 . heen and "Make We Merry"; two Ger. W00 fr tind his home, bring.| Mr. and Mrs, E. M, Chant |More used clothing as had Ing them all together at the Leith Mr, and Mrs, Larry Dodds, Ea 4 , Wel Hall Festival every vear for per: and Mrs, E. J. Umphrey and Mr Mie it phiaty of the Family ol and Linden Lea" by Vaughan formances of the St Matthew land Mrs, E, B Vesey were [ol oall was taken by the Passion or other works of this guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Tol Willams | m. membership convener, Mrs, John calibre {Taylor at thelr seventh annual T. Mullen, showing 23 members 'THE GREAT MAN' He destroyed most of the music | Christmas cocktail party held in| a ! The last was most appropriate which he composed before he was the Tudor room at' the Royal L It was decided that December ---------- as the speaker, Dr, Ettore Maz: 35, even so, he left nine sym. York Hotel, Toronto, A Barber 10 would he the last weekly card FESTIVE zoleni, chose Ralph Vaughan Wil- phonies, Dr, Mazzoleni reviewed shop Quartet led the many party until after the New Year Hara as the subject of his ad Yey symphonies daseribing thom lets io Armas Safi and and this party will be convened Holiday plate mats and coast. 8 Mazzolen! who Was perso 8 14 GOIPOGEr'S TOAIIN Yor with Bnd, pr ig) An by Mra. Maurice Tallon ay ary ate 6asy to make from alt apni Abin Wilner on PARTNERS IN MUSIC YS AC {Mrs, Herbert Anthony Mrs i bright red or green vinyl plas forred to him as the first really 'Operatic work had a great fas len was alpine] edb gg Hus te Sushlon by fouined plas great English composer since the clnation for Vaughan Willams," | qe Literary Group of the due a Di . top oh ae OT an Tudor school of musie his pupil and friend explained, 1 voeum Club and Women's Arts Jone a ta be ' Tuesday, December 16. ia to musle Mrs. Donald H, Moore presided and Mrs, HD. Cleverdon sald grace. The tables were decorated in white and gold with angels and candles lending their lustre to the head table man carols, "In Dulel Jubilo' Mr, [pointed out in a letter read from | and "All My Heart This Night Ye jolces" | "Rocking", a Czech car tn susmers, ror br Jv Mise Millicent Luke, President ton welcomed the guests of the evening, members of the Bin ' S WMS 4 h T cr Toma wo Seno ncn Simcoe Street , 4th Term 1t was decided that a Christmas! Miss Millicent Take was elect: (licent Take presided at the meet. trent he given each pupil which ed for her fourth term as presi (Ing and opened with a Christmas will he convened bry Mrs, Carson dent of the WMS of Bimecoe treet | message and prayer, Heard {United Church af its Christmas| Mrs, Orville Eagle was in| Reports were given on the ha.| meeting held recently, i of the program and led in zanr which was held recently;| The ether officers are as fol- [the worship service: Christmas | conveners were. (ea room, Mrs. lows: first vice-president, Mrs, hymns were sung Keith Taggart, Mes, ¥, H, Charles Bennett; second vice-| Mrs, H, M, BmMh read two Straughn, Mrs, David Hutcheon, president, Mrs, Orville Eagle; stories, "My Pirst Christmas| { Alymer Ward, Mrs, H, Conkwell; Dolley; corresponding secretary, mas", [country store, Mrs, Fred Huron, Visage: spd BP Mrs, |, A. Sutherland; home hak. Mrs, Har hy; envelone Bec: ioiarence Toaze sang two duets, ing, Mrs, Carson Heard, Mrs, Kl- retary, Mrs. A FE, Horoleki ijn the Garden' Bn "While | {mer Stewart; snack bar, Mrs, Christian stewardship secretary, [Pearce; fish pond, Mrs, Donald friendship, Mrs, H, M, Brith | panied at the plano by Mrs, White, Mrs, Ross Porter, (Christian eltizenship, Mrs, Glenn Cacil Worden, | PIAL Mrs, David Hutcheon was in Henry; literature secretary, Miss| "ays "Orville Eagle gave a short charge of the program which was Fvelyn Everson missionary address on Love and Humility in the form of a Christmas party monthly and world friends, Mrs, | Rofreshments were served by with a beautifully decorated tree Albert Clark; associate member: (aps, Bernard Lott and her hssis: | on the stage, A skit was put on| Ship secretary, Mrs, Rex Harper; tants, [by members of Home and School, | Supply secretary, Mrs, R, ¥, Par | Mn - Mise Alberta Harris; (reasurer,| wys, Fred Williams and Mr | o Customer Lists Prepared and . Shepherds Watched Their' Flocks | © Many Other Services Berwin Adams, Mrs, Harry (Mrs, GW. Skuce; community yy inl) They were: Accom: | Available, WOUSEROLD WINT i Many an office or school hunch has been unealen hecause food odors were left in the lunch hox, making the food unappetiz ing, Be sure to give all lunch ° hoxes a thorough washing, drying and airing as soon as they get home, co ---- STENO-SERY and Mailed, Maintained, | RA 5-3375 [called The Bed Time Blues, those don: planist, Mrs, Cecll Worden, taking part' were Mrs, Caison| MIE J. K, Moffat presided for Heard, Mrs, Alymer Ward, Mrs the election of officers, Miss Mil. David Hutcheon after which a { Wo-to-go ee short question and answer per: with a Christmas centreplece lod followed [which was won hy Mrs, Kenneth | Mrs, Ray Smith led the carlo) Gillard NEW singing, accompanied hy Mr.| Reports were heard from the| J. C. B, MacMillan at the piano, seoretary and treasurer. Mrs Room prize was won by Mr. J Heed presented to Mrs, | Prank Ross's room, Refreshments Karle Fielding a replica of the | | were served hy the mothers of the Margaret Reed trophy as a me pupils in Grades 4 and 5, assist: mento for winning the trophy last od hy the social eonveners, Mrs, year | Frank Welch, and Mrs. R. A. It was decided to give a dona Sutherland, thon of $260 to the Retarded Chil dren's building fund | KINETTE CLUB The entertainment chairman for| The December meeting of the the evening was Mrs, Morley Rob Kinette Club was held at Hotel inson, Beveral games were played Genosha and was the snnual and the arrival of Santa Claus {Christmas dinner and party, The and refreshments climaxed the table was festively decorated evening, | ® AFTER SHAVE way! Applies and dries faster sory going! 278 £80 Thea B FPYPS TRAVEL SET by Shulton aa LOTION ® STICK DEODORANT For waveling light and handsome = brisk OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion, designed to keep @ man's skin healthy; OLD SPICE Stick Deodorant, te give you all-day protestion=the quickest than any rell-ons, creams, ordinary sticks; safe for skin and clothes, In unbreakable plastic = made for o CAMERAS - COSMETICS a PROMPT FR PLACE MATS YOU CAN MAKE Ear | hane for the base can be | Glue the two together with PHONE RA 3-2245 OSH bought in stores selling plas: | household cement -- that's all | ties hy the yard, Cut a paper | 4 o i | pattern of a star or ines The fabrilite on top is wash: (317 BROCK ST, 8. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS EE DELIVERY DRUGS CERT [RT AWA PHONE RAS 3546 WHITBY MO 82338 tree and use this guide to cut | Able and the foam prevents the vinyl plastic and the foam. | heat from marking the table, |! o h Mely | "His music smacks of the folk "but he was never completely | Agsaniation is holding its Decem-| uo Auxiliary's annual Christmas song idiom and has therefore a Wuccessful in this field" Dr, Maz lp meeting and exchange of |lharty and it was hoped that all aie | strong English accent with zoleni described working with the christmas gifts at the home of w of 1068 and 1939 would | Churchillian strength and composer on the opera "Sir John nies R.A. Wallace, Jones avenue, Miter of will be a pot luck | f breadth, Many people think that In Love {this evening, Mrs, J. D, Ruther: dinner at 6.50 and an interesting 10 hia themes are folk songs, but| "Vaughan Williams did notigopd and Mrs. F. W, Gay will rogram and an exchange of most of them are his own tunes write In the modern idiom and | .oiteibute to the evening's pro Pitta written in this idiom, He was a'called such composers 'the wrong gram The president thanked all of SUGGEST i A M TIL 12:30 p M . . . LJ . firm believer In the beauty of note boys', but it was symbalic those who worked, donated, and the Fnglish language at a time of his greatness that he was al Mrs. O. G. Mills. Rimeoe street ' ke the \ f ' ! L helped in any way to make | when the fashion was to decry it, ways Interested . in what suc "north, will open her home on petber ap, bazaar a success, Re or e mm. 0 0 an | Thursday evening for the French freshments were served hy the Proceeds Of Country Fair eonveraation club of the ver mane Han On Your Gi T Ch h P . Little items of social news are) MARGARET HART GROUP a wele | The Margar art Group | ven 0 urc rojects [always welcome in this column the Women's Guild of 8, | you are enjoying the COMPANY | George's Anglican Church held The Christmas meeting of the|clation of her untiring efforta on|of visitors or have heen visiting Woman's Association of North. behalf of the association. yourself, why not telephone RA minster U nited Church was held a WA ureeusted, & y Ma Me 3874 and share your pleasure RUGS AND recently. The Rossland Group WAS Nichols. Mrs. BR. RB. Galbraith. |with others Ri charge Of TE Worship Beevioe: president of the WMS, assisted ROOM the Christmas story with a back Mrs, Jewell fri the ceremony SOCIAL NOTICE LI In keeping with a tradition jiround of Christmas carol sing: group waa responsible for nk an item on the program, includ SUIT Mra. George Jewell, president,|ine a Christmas solo bv Mrs. | ENGAGEMENT thanked everyone for 'helping to Clifford Rundle, accompanied by| Mr, and Ms, Albert V, Smith of | Cleaned to Perfection make the Country Falr such aniafps, Harold Lemon: readings by Oshawa wish to announce the en outstanding success. The mem: Arps, Sandford Perry, Mrs, Wil gagement of their daughter, Joyce x rs agreed to give an amount of hart Jeffs. Mrs. Galbraith, and Ethel. to Mr. Murray Royle, son NU- $100 to each student minister Mpg, George Fisher, Dancers/of Mr. and Mrs George Boyle of from the Oshawa Presbytery. WA from the Harvey Dancing |Grafton. The wedding will take ond Carpet Seles projects In the near future will Academy entertained with sey place in St. Gregory's Roman|} 174 Mery RA 5.043) inelude the covering of a table anal selections Catholie Church at 11 o'clock on and the floor In the church Kit:| The next meeting will be held saturday, December 27, 1958 ! chen and the carpeting of the on January 7 in the afternoon at!' - stairs from the lower hall to the which time the officers will bel. minister's vestry. An amount of ngialled for the coming vear | $1500 was voted to the stewards . LJ | to be used toward the paying of the morgage o The Reverend H. A. Mellow Reg. 19.95 spoke at some length about the a 4 AUTOMATIC sLIDt PROJECTOR part women play in the running of a church OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE On hehalf of the WA, Mrs. Jowell presented a crystal rose \ how! ta Mrs. Mellow, in Lik 3 WITH DIETARY SUPPLEMENT cd lh C L iE A u A W C E 4 3 40 SDREEN Q 2% for children and adults too Regular value 120 ® DRESSES ALL FOR ® HATS THE PRICE OF PROJECTO ® SUITS Only. REDUCED UP TO . TITAMINS, MINTRALS, AND TRACE RLENENTS Thetmo-Gravure Printing 50% : Metred Lettering Balomatie 500, "PARAMETTRS" junior (| "PARAMEITE" ayrup ||| Complete Selection AND MORE TO CLEAR "PARAMETTIS" a 4¢ Popular Prices Fully automatic model ¢ Prompt Deliveries All this season's merchandise | " : hr ankia® Walmsiey & ALL SALES FINAL Everything lm 1 Photographic i : 8B KING ST E \ 530 SIMCOE ST. S > $ DRUGS | Magill Open Mon, Wed, Fri, RA. 32245 OSHAWA RA 5-3546 \ N E ) 4 28 King St. £, Dial RA 3-462) 9 KING ST. EAST TO 9 P.M. 15 KING ST. W., 5 BQWMANVILLE * MA 35778 Regular City-Wide Deliveries OSHAWA -- RA 5.3508 1 317 BROCK ST. S., WHI ----------------_---- ~ ft NEW BAUSCH & LOMB + « + A Beautiful Lamp HALF PRICE List... and rays 20 FOR A SHOP. EARLY SANTA $n This 1s a CASH AND CARRY ITEM and It's offered as an experiment to see how many people we can get into the store on a Wednes day morning. We expect a enpwd, but keep this in mind IT WILL NOT RE AVAIL. ABLE AFTER 12:30 P.M, TOMORROW AND NO PHONE OR COD, ORDERS WILL BR ACCEPTED, A smartly styled modern trilight lamp that takes a | It Is finished In gleaming brass with @ Walnut finished complete with an attractive washable fibreglass shade TBY PLAZA, MO 8.2338 § 00-200-300- watt buth, wood Insert and comes