THE OUNAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Desomber 9, 1900 rs ---- Tare wil also be Mime of he The centennial Centenary . Theme At H.S. Mee BOWMANVILLE - The een tennial will be the theme for the fehool annual = H "Father's Night Wednesday In the Lions Community Centre, Mayor Nelson Oshorne will re- view briefly the highlights of the ceremonies during the year, TIMES BUREAUS | Merchants Set Max ies 426 Store Hours John Mills BOWMANVILLE |, POMANVILLE - The rea MA 37224 |omarmn, Glen Lande, ha et R. Cziranka business hours for the town sores to assist out-of-town shoppers, In [previous years there has been Offer Prayers For Minister some confusion with the varied hours of business, The schedule of hours comes as a result of reports that families from outlying districts have made AJAX = A large congregation attended the regular service of worship at Bt, Paul's United church Sunday, Prayers were of: fered for the speedy return to trips to town, only to find store they Intended using good health of the minister, Rev T, Rex Norman by Rev, Hugh isl closed, The committee hopes that all merghants will comply with the new schedule, which rules that stores will remain open until 9 p.m, from Dee, 15 to Dee, 23 In Crozier, of Whithy, who occupled|clysive, Local barber shops will the pulpit, be open all day Wednesday yntil The choir was directed by the|6 p.m, Dec, 24 and 81, organist, Mrs, 7, Joh : o-- The cholr, under the direction of Mps, ¥, Johnson, is planning to present the cantata, "The Btar of Bethlehem', on Sunday even. ing, Dee, 21, , Carol Mason, (ller, and Beverly Smith, esent at the affair, The am includes selec. ons by a choir from the three manville publie schools under the supervi E, Beston, Afterwards there will be a social reshments hour when ref; will be served Let's CELEBRATE + + +» To-Night ot the STARLITE FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Vie br 7 pon eon To AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 AN sels mpd bs oléend Hiton HOSPITAL REPORT BOWMANVILLE ~ The Me: moral Hospital report for the week of Dee, 177 shows there were 47 admissions; 13 births, 10 male and three female; B8 dis charges; 11 'major operations nine minor operations; and 1 emergencies, Her Lg some GOOD REASONS to BUY T.V. or HI-FI wee Tne SY » -------------- HOSPITAL REPORT AJAX Blatisties. for Novem: MRS, W, W, TOMLINSON, | a cheque for $1000 to XK, D, | nish a two-bed ward In the new esident of the Women's Aux: lary to the Ajax and Pleker- ing General Hospital presenting Morley, chairman of the Board of Directors of the hospital, on behalf of the Auxiliary, to fur. Auxiliary Gives $1000 Donation By GRACE MILLS AJAX ~Highlight of the annual Hospital Auxiliary Christmas gift sale and program held Monday evening in the nurses' residence, was the presentation of a cheque for $1000 to the chairman of the Hospital Board of Directors, Mrs, W. W. Tomlinson, presi: dent of the Auxiliary, made the resentation to K, 1, Morley on ehalf of the members | plishments are, furnishing of nurses' residence, supplying the hospital with lined, When fire des troyed a large part of the linen stock at the laundry the women worked overtime to replace the The Auxiliary also bought a midget bus for the staff, and has provided recreational facilities for the nurses' badminton court and shuffleboard wing, Photo by John Mills Ex-Minister Urges Free Competition TORONTO (CP), D, Howe, federal trade minister In the for [mer IAberal government, says |wide-open competition would be more sensible than telling Trans Canada Air Lines it should drop certain services to let Canadian Pacific Alvlines move In on a wider scale, "TCA Is one of the hest alr lines In the and world" one of Later it supplied Mnen for the the few Canadian fransportation new wing, and provided a library services that operates without a cart and gift tray service, and government subsidy, he added The money 18 to be used to furnish a two-hed ward In the new extension, to he known as the her of the Ajax and Plekering Cheheral Hospital are as follows: Total . in-patients admitted, 164; Dates number of habies born, 86; total out-patients, 241; total discharges, 208; in-patient X-Rays, 136; oul: patient X-rays, 102; laboratory In:| patient treatments, A61; labora: | tory out-patient treatments, 19; blood transfusions, B; minor oper ations, 28; major operations, §; ear, eye, nose and throat oper ations, 48, | | 35,000 | DON'Y GO TOGETHER! on Florida's Fabulous West Coast \\Wiligy " uty NEA | Bi --i INCREASE = -- TO Insluding Z.FEB 191.8 | S mouths "7m, 1 RES waterin BART RANEN MEALS, The month of the year means nes thing at The Desert Ranehl You GET CHOICE AGEOMMODATIONS RESERVE NOW! Alr Candis pay the same low rate frog new Honad Room Pa ee fo February 18h, Only of the BRS 8 (emai hi & Nightly ERT RANEMN, on Florida's beaut! ful Gult Least, ean yau enjoy Fall and Winter luxury (when all-ather ing o 9H wn 9 PF Beach o Large Swimming Peel Outdoor Barbesusn o Dhuitie T Wty nautan' PRICK! 4 HERE T0 ' TR ana A Columbia Reprint m-- PLU m-- This Thriller! Parkway Television © TORONTO PRICES © LARGEST SELEOTION © FREE HOME TRIAL © HIGHEST TRADE-IN @ 90 DAYS FREE SERVIOE © WE DO OUR OWN SERVICING FRNOIIS Tae theif price al lw low Summer Rates | For fnfarmation.~See Your Travel four o Table Tennis o burt Canting Chisagn! "Auxiliary Ward." gift bar, The auxiliary also pro It has shown that a erown cor FILL-A-CARD Agonte=ar write direst ANdover 30707 Give Us a TRY Before You BUY The popular annual event was vided gifts for patients at Christ: papation can build and operate well jtonded, and proved sue jas, and decorated trays on alli efficiently as a private cor eesal olAdays [poration and at the same time Mrs. Tam Wheeler was at the| "Boolees are given to all hahles port a great national purnose of {ano when Mrs, Henry Westney born in the hospital, while mem: |inking #ll the provinces, Mr in singing carols, A season: bers decorate hospital and real Howe said In an Interview Mon able lunch was served, with/dence each Christmas. It willlday night, He was commenting Christmas cake, now supply the linen for the 12:/an" eurrent transport board hea The. Women's Auxiliary, since bed extension [ings on CPA's application to sel fs organization in 1061, has spon:| The Auxiliary meets on the |, (pans-continental service TOMORROW'S NO'S, sored numerous projects to assist second Monday of each month, at Mr: Howe was here to address the hospital, Among ita accom:!8 p.m. In the nurses' residence, | ; ) " Mb al - the Roard of Trade Club on "the B.6 AT BOWMANVILLE Governmental amin ion" Give Attractive Christmas Gift Tickets In gelorful booklets CHILD ARULY 1.45 2.15 ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE fi *Sljghtly higher rates Peg, 20 thru Jan, § »Desenr Raves John Astarite, Ma. Bir, 51, Petersburg Beash, Florida, Domottowl/ From rie History. MAKERS OF "PEYTON PLAOCR" THE BIG WAR THE BIG LOVES THEY FOUGHT! THEY FOUND! he W0 JERRY WALD'S production of PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE N, . RA 3-3043 OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS | -------------------------------- d U 7 "PS ------ ------"-- -------" EXTRA SPACE WANT TO MOVE INTO YOUR HOME? ROBERT WAGNER DANA WYNTER JEFFREY HUNTER HOPE LANGE BRADFORD DILLMAN SHEREE ¢ governmental administration," GAME "Gg" » 1018 onor example of a Crown corporation | 5 28 As 8 result of Rldorado's plo farmer \s needed to ensure pros: sald, but assistance ls available|the production and processing of| yg clared at a meeting of the Bow . with private industry, Mr, Howe CANADIAN FEDERATION wa Juesia at ile dinner) Lig Rut there are certaln re OF THE BLIND viously with the Attorney-Gen:| : eral's department was the guest Ue Besidont of ue Cavacian private Industry was prepared to ' undertake ELDORADO EXAMPLE B | N {s He praised KEldorado Mining | and Refining Limited as a good | 31 18 50 6) formed to undertake a wartime 20 activity that could not have heen lubs os ed In any other way : C 0 neering there now were 16 pri d 3 BOWMANVILLE ~ An under-| Replacing the minerals In soll vate companies which hold con standing of the problems of the ls almost a selence in itself, he|tracts totalling $1,420,000,000 for| 14 ty tn all phases of life, Carl (at all times to the farmer uranium, skey, solicitor for the Ontario | through tl department, Government should not enter | Benefit of department of agriculture, delay peme OF HONOR any business that {s eompetitive | manville Lions Club Monday 8 3" hai to agri] aight, re; ' rymple, agricul: | " 4 : ale ' : fr. Caskey, who worked pre.|tural representative for Durham | 3F0 bitin that a | Jo Be Not affiliated with the C.N.L.B, |eounty; James Brown, Newecas Vaatiiy eh nl ------------------ | WINNERS OF GAME "8" speaker at the annual Rural MM, Bum, Night dinner honoring the Dur Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen, presi 216 Wwiweod Ave, Terants ham County Junior farmers and |dent of the County Federation of Mary Boger, thelr leaders (Agriculture; Ron Brooks, Bow: hy referees Ivan Locke and Roh n Division th Yoronte People in other businesses muat manville, president of Durham Simcoe, five to Combines My, a. know the problems facing the! County Junior Farmers; Ann oo . | farmer, particularly in tiny case| Harrison, Bowmanville, president | TRENTON tar Book of the Durham County Junior In Mus av A iy ' fag 2 i b \ Noeott, . 8, LILLN urieigh, of marketing, he sald, If the far] y mer suffers losses so do other stitute; Rev Gray, Garden ALLS Scott oe ROC Hawe, Mercer, MeGill, enterprises, as a direct result, he/ president of the Durham County Garnet Rickard, chairman of the DeGray, 1, West, Westfall, K added +H Club Leaders" Association; | Mr, Caskey sald that the co | | operative was the in] ihe | . E, A, Summers Memorial Com:(West, Walker, A, Rennick, Cope farmers as a means of ensuring mittee Fund: Helen Strong, of land, J, Rennick, J, West, Robin Millbrook; Allan MeCamus, Mill:{son, Arnold, Germond {brook Ron and Don Welsh, How: | them of a good price for their| The o , he sald, ! 1 Soaps y manville; Lorne Tink and Rill| 909 Casticticid Ave, Torente Mr, Lee Oveglan, 20 Wallington §t,, Brantford Mr, A 9 Z z Levy, (¢ : 16 Brett, Doawniview Margaret Clase, 733 Ontarie St, Terente , @ COLOR by DE LUXE v , Front, CINEMAS coPE IY Co ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 153 Bridge St, Napanee, Onh -------------------- BINGO CARDS ON SALE AT YOUR NEWS DEALERS! Jduce ve been in business since 1037 and their prime purpose is to Durham 4H Graly Tamblyn, Club team; Jim Rowan, swine OUTLETS IN OSHAWA NORTH Jack Fraser Prine Variety Ritson Foods Bloor Lunch Rainbow Confectionery Victory Billiards Peter's Barber Shop Mike's Place Smith's Coffee Shep MeCordiek's Pharmaey Conie's Billiards Handy Bar South End Billiards Variety Henderson's Book Store Royal Snack Bar Palm Cigar Store Pawell bps Genosha Hotel Coffee Shop Niek's Billiards Ideal Food Market Harmony Grill OUTLETS IN WHITBY W, NH. Rigler Allin's Drug Store Shorty's Ciger Store Palm Billiards FRANCE Today Only: Left Handed Gun" ub entrant; Jack Swain and also "Manhunt in the Jungle" arold Yellowlees, Durham team 3 Ontario Spring § Coombes, - Ken safeguard against large Srplua. os, which result in financial loss oe to agriculturalists, in the Central BIG ADVANCES Show; James advances have made Bragg, and Roy MoHolm, Royal # possible for one man to do the Winter Fair ivestock Judging work it normally took severaliteam; Roy Strong, of Bethany; \ men a few vears ago, He sald Don Glen, Junior Farmers trea. technical advances however have surer; Clarence Allen, secretary also made It impossible for thejof the Durham County Federa- amall farmer to prosper as he tian of Agriculture; Lloyd Kel. did a few decades ago, log, secretary of the 4H Club The changing scene has made Lead rs Assoclation: and Alfred it imperative that the agricultur Allen, president of the Durham fst be a combination farmer, County Soll and Crop Improve chemist and mechanie, iment Association nl 8 Bowmanville In | Draw At Trenton | COROURG Bowmanville: | Seott fired his second of the night Orono Combines had to come|on passes from Baker and J from behind in the last period to|Scott, The lead was short. ADULT Plus It Happens in THE CASBAN! Sin Capitol of the World "Prisoners of the Casbah" UL Taatall "Seats A" == the mart, stesliramed foldin 00! o ernfold ,y « AR fot ok all the space a swing ) r door wastes i, , 40 beaut polours, or oan be painted gain a 44 overtime standoff with Bowmanville Saturday night in an Easter Ontario Intermediate "A" Hockey League Hit, Trenton, with only 11 players dressed, played one of its best | games of the season while ROC's appeared slightly off top form As a result, Flyers threw a gem puine scare into the hamesters, Trenton escaped sole possession of the cellar via the tie and now share that spot with Kingston Both have four points, The dead: | Jock kept ROC's in fourth spot a league standings with eleven nts, Art Rennick gave BOC's a 140 edge at 12.59 of the first period but Austin Scott soloed at 13.02 to tie the score, Keith West com. bined with brother Junior at the 16.04 mark to give Combines the fead agam At 1.08 of the second chapter Ken Durst tallied for Trenton with J, Scott aiding. Keith West pulged the twine at 8.43, Junior West helping for a 82 ROC lead Frank Lewis pulled Flyers even again at 17.481 TAKE LEAD Flyers went in front for the time in the game at § 08 of [lived though as Dean West netted STARRING Hollywood Motel {having plenty of close calls but | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI the equalizer at 6.81, Westfall and Arnold assisting, The two clubs battled through a scoreless over. time period with the goaltenders thwarting them all Just nine penalties were called GLORIA GRAHAME CESAR ROMERO In Technicolor SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI JERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 i you have net received your Times phone your carrier boy tact him by 7:00 p.m, Calls Accepted Between 7 «7130 pm. Only fint, If you are unable to con: IN EXCITING ¢ ARTHUR FRANZ + JOANNA 2 NEW SUPER-SHOCKERS! ALL \Blood Vampire ~ COLOR {TODAY AND OUTLETS IN BOWMANVILLE Berry Book Store Jack's Smoke Shep Oke's Smoke Shep Rite Smoke Shep won @, WEDNESDAY final stanza whem Austin Make Your Plans Now... for Christmas and New Year's Social Parties, Banquets, Dances or Family Get Togethers! The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Highway 401 w--- Bowmanville Cloverleat Jim Bourke, MArket 3.3373 For Descriptive Literature or Reservations Call Manager Van sting, washable rio coverings , for wi RL) ' ? dl L) i - A FULL INFORMATION ON | SPACEMASTER rorome oors ~- ese [RY & ~ MILLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | I | | | | | [ | I | | | | | | | | l | | | | | | | | | | | | | | { | ( i | | | | | | | | | | (9 RA 3.4694 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS SHOWROOM MILL 84 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH-=RA 5.4443 COURTICERA 8.1611