2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 9, 1958 announced her retirement from the board fol lowing 28 years service, Ex pressions of delight are clearly evident on the faces of 8 OG, Baywell, board chairman, shown presenting Mrs, Colpus FOUR MEMBERS 0 Oshawa Board of Fducation were honore: by thelr cols leagues Monday evening at a testimonial dinner at Oshews Collegiate and Vocational In. stitute for Mrs, B, C, Colpus the Mrs. B.C. Colpus Is Honored By Trustees Mrs, B, C, Colpus was honored for 2 years service to the City of Oshawa, through its board of edu. cation, at a testimonial dinner at Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational] With a note of solemnity, she Institite Monday night, concluded: "I'm going to miss For the first time the board de-[it." parted from ita practice of hold-| R. V, Burgoyne read a letter on ing an annual dinner meeting to behalf of John B, Parkin Asso use the opportunity to honor Mrs, |ciates, Toronto, architects for lapping up these words of praise Uke a dog laps up milk and I appreciate every word whether true or not," a vestment case by his collea- gues in recognition of Ms valu able work and Dr, Vipond re. celved an engraved silver tray as a token of appreciation of his six years on the hoard, Mr, Saywell was also among the surprised (rustees when he with a gift on behalf of her colleagues and Dr, C, H, Vis pond who Is congratulating Nev, P, Coffey on his 16 years service as separate school re- presentative on the hoard, Fa- ther Coffey was presented with A record « breaking volume of me, I probably would not have | out-of town calls Is anticipated come," He added: "Mrs, Colpus |(hroughout Bell Telephone's terri | has meant a lot to the board, Iiiory In Ontario and Quebec dur [like to see stability fn any organ: | (ng the Christmas season and at [lation and Mrs, Colpus has been' Now Year's a steadying Influence on the| | board," | 1t ls expected that a total of TRAY PRESENTED 110,000 calls to distant centres An engraved tray which cited (Wil originate in Oshawa on {22 years service to the board was| Christmas Eve and Christmas Colpus, dean of the board, who announced her retirement recent. ly Warm tribute was paid by an audience made up of her current colleagues, eight former board chairmen, members of the Osh. awa Separate School Board, the advisory » vocational committee, civie and education officials, GIFTS PRESENTED Highlight of the evening came when Mrs, Colpus was presented with a console model record play: er and a quantity of records, on feta of the board, by Chairman fd, Baywell, Mr, Saywell said: "We would you to feel this git Is being presented on hehall of the eltl. pens of Oshawd, rather than sole ly from your colleagues on the board, in recognition of 28 years' service during which time you were never late and never missed a meeting." In expressing her thanks, Mrs Colpus sald she sad enjoyed her work on the board and, "Always [Oshawa as a whole through his|1058 and C. C. MeGibbon, 1042 {many of Oshawa's school build: | presented to Mr, S8aywell by Mrs, | Day an Increase of 2500 calls Ings, and presented Mrs, Colpus|Colpus, She described Mr, Say-|over the same period last year, with a gift on their behalf, The well's many years of hard work according to Miss H, C, Robert letter cited the ideas and ideals for the children of Oshawa son, Bell Telephone Chief Opera of Mrs, Colpus which It sald, through the hoard, [tor here, "have been translated Into bricks] Mayor Lyman Gifford com: | a and mortar," Flowers were pre: mented: "May thanks for what| A total of 10,000 oalis In ex sented by Mrs, C, Lee, | vou have done for the betterment |[Pected on New Year's Eve and A presentation of a specially: (of education in Oshawa, on be: New Year's Day « an Increase of engraved tray was made to Dr, half of the eity,! He praised Mrs, [2000 over the same period a year C, H, Vipond, who rétired this Colpus as a remarkable soul, one ago, year after six years service on|who had contributed more than the board, by Trustee G, K, Dry: most towards good citizenship nan, Two former board chairmen, FATHER COFFEY HONORED [Judge J, C, Anderson of Belle Dr, Vipond, acting on behalf of ville, chalrman In 1038 and Dr, his colleagues, presented Rev, P. |B, A, Brown, 108 chairman, paid Coffey, senlor school representa: | tribute to Mra, Colpus' early serv: tive on the board, with a vest: ice on the hoard, Other former ment case for his surplice and chairmen present were: Dr, 8, J, Christmas calling follows a dif ferent pattern from that on any lother day In the year, as more long distance calls are made to and from smaller communities than on business days, Some de: lays may be encountered overthe holiday on calls to distant places was presented with a tray to commemorate 22 years service as a trustee, Glowing tribute was paid to each of these mem- bers as they accepted the praise of thelr colleagues with humility. Oshawa Times Phdlos, Record Volume of Calls Forecast and to smaller points off the main trunk telephone routes, However, there should be less of a problem on the weekends before and after Christmas, and ohances of getting through on the afternoon of Christmas Fve are better than later in the evening, although the load is also somes what lighter after midnight Deg, b1] | Miss Robertson offered the fol lowing tips to avoid delays and speed up handling of calls: Calls {ing by number eliminates the time required to contact *'Infors mation" In the called ety, If you know that the called person will be at home, It's faster to place station « to = station calls, If the elreuits are busy or the call Is not answered, place the eall again yourself rather than ask the operator to check at Inter vals and report to you, Call back at the time she suggests, and If she has given you Information about the route the call should take, pass the details on to the new operator, soutane, | Phillips, 1038-44; Dr, 8, G. Werry, Dr, Vipond praised Father Cof- (1087; C, A, Sadler, 108; L, M, fey for his great contribution to Souch, 101649; Ald, R. €. Bint CITY AND DISTRICT efforts on the hoard over the past| A musical interlude during the 18 years, The presentation on his program was provided by violin 16th anniversary coincided with|ist, Andrea Hanson who was ac Following are the "Lucky Shop LUCKY SHOPPERS have and always will be interest ed In school and teachers,' Jok- ingly, she added: "I have been CAPSULE NEWS Police Identify Dead Soldier BARRIE (CP) -- Police have|joins lustrious company when identified a soldier killed in an|he la invested as a knight grand autostruek smash on Highway 11{cross of magistral grace of the Monday as Pte, Edwin Jarvis, 38, Canadian Association, | of nearby Camp Borden, Pte and Military Order of Malta Jarvis was returning from bis Malta military order of Catholle Hawkstone, Ont,, home to camp laymen is some 870 years old, It when his car skidded on loy sur-(has been organized In Canada face and smashed into the side only recently, of a truck, His wife and daugh- ter survive, BAD CHEQUES CHARGE HAMILTON (CP) -- Two Que ARSON ATTEMPT FANS bee City men were arrested Mon HOUSTON, Tex, (AP) -= Fire day after an attempt was made department investigators Monday | to cash a $250 cheque in a down revealed discovery of an appar town bank, Charged with at ent attempt to hlow ) or burn | tempted fraud are Leo Paquet the Trinity Lutheran Church at(31, and Germain Beaulieu, 49 which 1,600 persons worshipped Detectives sald police in Toronto, Sunday, Church custodian Wil Oshawa, Montreal and Quebec lam Lampp found a orude outs |City have warrants for the pair| line of a hammer and sickle in connection with bad ¢ burned into the floor of the Sun- | totalling $1,000, day school principal's office then he found gas jets open in TRADE OPPORTUNITY he church kitchen and In the| MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada's trade with Red China could be Indergarten classroom, trebled within three years, C. M FIREMEN ASK RAISE \ ; \ : TORONTO (CP) Toronto's Fofsyth-Smith, Canadian trade 193 firemen are seeking a 13% wr «cent wage increase that vould cost the olty 830.000 a ear, The Increase would boost a frst class fireman's pay to #4 91 from M437, The firemen, whose urrent contract expires next March 31, also are asking in. creased pension benefits, SIGN CONTRACT heques I vide a 35'4-cent-an-hour wage in.| President Camille Chamoun sup crease for some 900 workers in Ported the doctrine 7% Toronto commercial printing PEER FOR 80 YEARS plants. The contract will hike a wages of hourly-rated employes! . WINDSOR, Eng. (Reutes) of $2.77 an hour from $2.42% by Dee, 1, 1960. | he fourth Baron Southampton | died here Sunday at the age of 81, It was announced Monday, He BARY ABANDONED had held the title longer than any TIPTON, Ind. (AP)--A boy be. Peer, having succeeded his father lieved to be about 10 months old [!n 1872 when aged five, His father was found abandoned in 13de. [O8Me into the title at the same gree weather Sunday night inside ae and held it for 62 years a oar parked on a hospital park-| ing Jot. An envelope pinned to a RUSSIA MAY REAT U.S, nlanket contained a $30 bill, Au | MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Roy W thorities kept the child at the hos Johnson, director of the defence pital until a court decides what [department 8 advanced research should be done agoncy sald Monday Russia may be the first count y § HONOR RISHOP Cony 3} Fst country to get a man no space. He sail it will prob LONDON, Ont, (CP).-The Most ably be in the 'next John . Cody, Roman Cath |Years" before the US Bishop of london diocese, man inte orbit. » al Kola» sever der the 30th anniversary of Father companied on the plane by J per" winners in Downtown Osh. Coffey's ordination MacDonald, Les Barker, inter: awa last Saturday: Miss E, Mayr, Father Coffey. sald: "I came to national satirist and artist, pro. 188 Guelph street, Montgomery's honor two of my friends and If I vided MWght moments through! Ladies' Wear: Mrs, M, Teles had known what was in store foriclever caricatures, [nicki, 489 Wilson road north [Model Shoe Store; Mrs, Weir, 20 Drew street, Mitchell Drugs Lid, ; WEATHER Mrs, Myrtle Hickson, 241 Olive avenue, Reltmana Lad; Mra, ¢ (R, Garrison, 100 Frederick street, TORONTO (CP)--Officlal fore: Pawells Drugs; Mrs, Robert Car oasis Iaaued hy the public ter, 110 Church street, Rergs weather office at 4:30 am [Men's Wear; Miss Elaine 1'ros Synopaiai Very cold weather (on 104 Beatty avenue, Stephen peralsts over most of the nation son's Jewellers; Mrs, Stuart, 188 today, Temperatures under clear jmee street Reed's Hardware akles In Northern Ontario went | nrg David Clark Blackw ator, down ta 48 below again early this|zeliers Lid ' y morning, while the southern|" . parts of the province had cloudy skies and snowflurries overnight temperatures around 10 | VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at Hotel |Genosha on Monday, included (Dr, Roy Irwin, CC. MeGibhon, Dr, A, M, Fulton, Mike Clayton CHI Lawton and Bill Roberts all of Oshawa: Keith Clarke, of Toronto and Rotarians J, C Anderson, of Belleville; Vernon) [Rowe and Terry Moore, of Whit | by: Rex Walters, of Bowmanville {and Chris MacKay, of Port Hope STUDENT GUESTS Carl Syeenbwrg and Gary Hobbs , students at the Dr, F, J! Donevan Collegiate Institute were guests at the meeting of Lawyer Seeks Court Order On Trial Delay NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CM) John DD, Bowlby, a Hamilton lawyer, served notice on Magi-| strate Johnstone Roberts Mon day that he will seek an onder from the Ontario. Supreme Court requiring the magistrate to hear and dispose of a careless driv {ing charge under existing law Mr, Rowlby also served notices for an order in lieu of mandamus {on Assistant Crown Attorney Don lakd Scott and constable Stephen Moore of t he provincial police whe laid the oharge Nov, 21 against Mrs, Beatrice Haniford [44, of Buffalo persistent low « pressure trough around the lower lakes will maintain a few cloudy pers {lods and snowflurries in southem regions today and Wednesday, [while northern skies will remain [mostly elear with afternoon read nga close to or below pero Regional forecasts valid until midnight Wednesday, Lake Erle, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Niagara and southern Georgian Hay regions, Windsor, Logon, Hamilton and Toronto: Clolidy with sunny periods and a few snowflyrries today and Wed nesday, continuing cold, Winds Hight | Haliburton, Northern Georgian {Bay, Kirkland Lake and Tim mins-Kapuskasing regions, North Bay and Sudbury: Mainly clear {and continuing cold today and Wednesday, Winds light, Forecast temperatures Lows tonight, highs Wednesday, Windsor wan i 20 St, Thomas vii 10 London Virsa Wingham ,., Toronto Trenton ""w St. Catharines Hamilton |, Muskoka Killaloe .. Eariton Sudbury North Bay | | | commissioner at Hong Kong, told reporters Monday, Mr, Forsyth Smith was here to disouss trade problems with businessmen who deal with Hong Kong and the Communist mainland, { REJECT US, AID REIRUT, Lebanon (Reuters). Lebanese Prime Minister Ras | ohid Karamd has rejected the TORONTO (CP)--A three-year Eisenhower doctrine of American contract, reached between the economic and military co-opera Council of Printing Industries and Hon With Middle East countries, local 91 of the Toronto Typo Arab news agency reported | graphical Union (ITU), will pro-| Monday, The former regime of | | NoBan Seen On Swizzle Sticks The application, first to be OTTAWA (CP)-No action is made sinee Chief Justice J. ( planned by the federal govern: MeRuer of Ontario ruled Wednes ment to prevent impart of voor [day that the Careless. driving doo swizzle sticks from the West section of the Highway Traffic Indies Act is Invalid because it trespas A revenue department official ses on legislation passed by the faid the sticks, which contain federal Parliament. will be heard some palsonous elements Ae at Toronta Dee. 18 mt being Imported inte Canada i SAAN con nerclally, Some have en. PREPARED TO ANSWER Mr, Bowlby argued that Mrs tered as tourist souvenirs ¢ hy the health depart. Hanford was sununonsed to ap ment's food and drug directorate | Pear Monday aml was prepared established the sticks contain (to answer the charge aml plead SOMe poisonous material but they innocent fall within Parliament's He that as a definition of a food or drug and Chief Justice MeRuer's ruling no therefore cannot fo banned un authority could act under the the WE ack, (Careless driving section of the do not said wsult of | 233: births the Oshawa Rotary Club on Mon day, APPEALS FOR CHEST During the meeting of the Ro tary Club of Oshawa, on Mon. day, President Jim Skinner volced an appeal on behalf of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest, He pointed out that the ap. peal 1s still well below its objees tive and asked the members to do everything in their power to assure Ha success, PLAY ON THURSDAY Oshawa Damtam All-Stars, who annually represent this elty in the OMHA playoffs, will play the Poronto Lakeshore Bruins in the Children's Avena, Thursday, Dee, 11 at 5:30 p.m, The Oshawa team in coached by John "Red" Mac Dearmald TWO AMBULANCE CALLS Oshawa Fire Department re ports that there were only two ambulance calls Monday night, Hoth calls were to transfer siok persons from home to hospital, Lions Host To Kiddies Sante Claus delighted more than 120 Oshawa boys and girls when he walked in on the chil drens' Christmas party sponsored the Oshawa Lions Club at the RA Hall, Gibb street, Monday, As In previous years, the Lions transported the "hlldren to and from the party, w Was 8 gny ovent pai 4B with movies singsongs, and good things oat, + When Santa (Lion Rufus Lam- bert) mrrived, he was. load The Oshawa Board of Educa tion expressed ' concern at condition of the Oshawa Coleg: | inte and Vocational Institute au-| ditorium following its rental, Nov, to | 4, 0 Local 222, United Automo- bile Workers, The building was described by board members as being left in dow a mess with evidence of men fos Wi gills lor the kiddin having urinated in the corridors ' id whisk and beer bottles , Mew Babcock, George Bax: |" Jos ang Jack Bird assis and cigaret butts strewn about, the It was_pointed out that the care. bg Io handing out the git, Sakon haf patio for lute p st noon and, When he returned a Christmas party on Dec. 1 12.30 pm, the men had gained ship, Two 1 ¢ um b ent councillors were returned, They were Keith Rynard with 624 voles and John Dancey with 613, George Perry, a newcomer, won the third seat with 402 voles, Yorguson Munro, a former reeve of the township, and a for: mer warden of Ontario county, failed to make a comeback to itithal politios when he polled only votes in the contest for the three council seats, Church Pastor Obtains Court Order WINDSOR {CP)=The minister "nie iy coaching Winnipeg of | of a Hungarian church here hos | he Western League, He played obtained a Judgement from the,' New York Rangers for ix Sujet Sn 2 Owarle 11s [seasons starting with 0. i strain ' retirement, t congregation he claims physically | OVINE his Maing 3 team prevented him from preaching, |." Guelph where he helped de The court ruling states that the velop current New York stars three defendants, John Zsiga, Andy Bathgate, Dean Prentice, George Losher and Alexander yoy vontinato and Harry Howell, Velgh, are In no way to Interfere) --ymiaeh and Bert Olmstead have| with the pastor in the performant pean directing i Sv Jive lof his duties, lly Reay was fired Nov, 31, | he trio are also to account a arrangement has worked for church moneys which may out well so far," sald TImlach Ihave come Into thelr hands and "'ve been calling the shots dur [turn them over to the church, ling the games and Olmstead has An affidavit requesting the rul: heen In charge In practice ses: ling was filed by Rev, Martin|gions, But we have to build this Vargyas, pastor, of We Jomo: lub MJ and ou first need Is a Hungarian ecostal | fulldime conch, Onareh ot® Christ, He charged | ~ that the defendants had physi: cally prevented him from enter ing the church on three occasions (In August, 1987, 2 Men Sent To Trial On when they will ide the Osh- entry on thelr own, The mass tide wet-ogether. of taking a strike vote in the re contly-settied UAW-General Mo- Br ock D e ty tors of Canada Lid,, contract dis. pu The board approved sending a severe letter to the union in the e eate form of the maintenance super: was decided that no other action was beaten by an Incumbent |... councillor in the Brock Township COMPLAIN OF UNDERPASS municipal election, Monday.| "parents and residents In the turned by acclamation, | 8chool entered a ploa to the hoard Orvan Chambers, A former hy |eiter regarding the ddhger councillor won over Inoumbent| is children which exists at the with B50 votes to Croaler's 413 In|pond south, the contest for the deputy-reeve-| The letier sald: "We, as parents, feel we want Alfie Pike By BEN OLAN NEW YORK (AP) = Toronto conch to help them emerge from the National Hockey League base: ment have tabbed Alfie Pike "1 will meet with Pike in Van. couver tomorrow night," George Imlach, Leafs' general manager, awa blind with thelr annual Yle- meeting was held for the purpose pute, The incumbent deputy » reeve visor's report on the Incident, It Reeve Willlam J, Heron Was 10: oy0s near Gertrude Colpus Public Deputy « Rogve Wesley Crosler narrow underpass on Wilson Leafs Want Maple Leafs, pecking a full-time most likely to get the job, sald Monday, "He has #n owt that's very Important, If he can got away from his commitments, he'll be our man. Conciliation Applied For In OMC Talks PETERBOROUGH (CP)=On- tario conciliation services have been applied for to try to settle a contract dispute between man. its | gerous meeting Monday, regarding the rosd south, The time for action standing minor league record and Council, Morrison was also fined UAW Meeting Litter Protested By Board something done to this most dan- which dropped (wo pereentn, ss on Wilson| points from 97.61 to 97.50 but st coptured "top spol from North Simeoe which dropped from 93, por cent to 99.17, Only four publie schools had less than 10 students late during the month compared with seven in October, Tops In punctuality in November was Mary street school with only two students re- poried late, COLLEGIATE VIGURES All three Mgh schools showed slight decreases in November re.' [cords but maintained averages in {excess of 06 per cent, Oshawa [Central Collegiate Institute led the way with 08,12 per cont come pared 'vith 90.44 last month, Dr, F. J. Donevan Colloginté Insti tute dropped a full per cent from 97.86 to 96,36,. OCVI showed the smallest decrease, from 90.92 to Is now and not in a few months time," "We foel there should be an wdult guard st this dangerous crossing as children do have to cross at this point from one side to the other. I Is too great a responsibility for a school safety patrol," ""We, as parents of this district, consider this a necessity, We urge you therefore fo t im mediate action before it 1s too late." The board a od a motion to have the information forward. ed (o the Oshawa Police Com- mission, NOVEMBER ATTENDANCE November attendance figures for Oshawa public schools show: ed a slight decline in compari: (90.72. son to those compiled in October.| A total of B17 were enrolled at The overall percentage dipped to OCVI evening classes In Novems a still-respectable 95.58 per cent ber, Of this number, 46 were tak. from the previous month's high of | Ing advanced technical classes 00,34 per cont, School officials at- and 183 were studying basle Eng tributed the drop to colder wea: lish and Canadian citizenship, [ther which had an adverse af-|The welding class atiracted 64 |fect, partieularly on kindergar- students and dressmaking led the ten classes. way In women's shop classes with Of the 20 public schools re-|101 students in three classifica porting, only six showed: higher tons, miendance marks than last] Thirtyfour students were ene {month, The highest mark wos rolled In the November French registered by King Street Schoollclass and- 13, Spanish, -- pee---- RR, Player Suspended For Bad Language TORONTO (CP) «= Defence: play a 46-game schedule while all man Ross Morrison of Toronto| other teams played 54 games, Mariboros was suspended for| giving St. Mike's four extra-point three games and fined $10 Mon. | games, . day by Ontario Hockey Associa: EMMS ANGRY Hon ident Lorne Cook of Hap Emma of Barrie Plyers de | Kingston, "" |clared that next season either St, | The action wax announced at a |r cil "Ihc ia "got out of the meeting of the OHA Junior Alleague if they can't play the |same number of games, or the other teams should cut thelr schedule to play the same as St, #25 by his own club, The defenceman was given two misconduct penalties during Sun. day's 20 Marlboro win aver Bar. rio Flyers for swearing at ref.| St eree Larry Lewin, Morrison had |nounced they would appl been fined for a similar incident OHA for permission to play four last month, uxhibition games with Hull-Ot. Council members volced objec-|tawa Junior Canadiens, who are tion to an arrangement which not playing in a league this year gives St, Michael's College Ma. but are eligible for the Memoria fors double points for wins or tles| Cup. n four scheduled games this sea-| In two schedule changes ap- son--while their opponents are al- proved, a Barrie - Peterborough lowed only the ysual number of| game was moved from Dec, 20 to points for a win or tle, (Jan, 12° at Peterborough and a However, council took no ac. St, Catharines-Guelph game why tion since Mt voted at ita last switched from Dec, 10 to Feb, 17 meeting to allow 8t, Mike's tolat Guelph, ARES | Cobalt Bullet For Sheep Diet Soon Available MELBOURNE, Australia (CP) A cobalt bullet, used for supply- Ing sheep with the metal for diet. ary purposes, soon will be avall- able to North American farmers, an Australian government re- Sail agency announced Mon. ay. Catharines TeePees an- to the OBITUARIES MRS. ALBERT N. FERGUSON The death occurred at the fam: ily residence, Taunton Road oast, early Monday of Maude Victoria Loren Wilson, widow of Albert N, Ferguson, The deceas ed who had not been in good health for some months, was in her 88th year, A daughter of the late James and Annie Wilson, the deceased was born in Oshawa and was married In New Yerk City in 1005. She had been a resident of [ary hearing that the charges be |drer Arson Charge OTTAWA (CP) = Willlam War ven, 35, and Merrill Plouffe, 27, were ¢ 1, [tted Monday for trial on mur" charges arising from | a downtown rooming house fire that claimed seven lives, Magistrate Joachim Sauve re. jeoted requests at the prelimin reduced to manslaughter in both cases, No trial date was set, The two men are alleged fo have set the Sept, 11 blaze that killed two adults and five chil. They are charged with the murder of Marie Ann Buth, 10, one of the four children of Ger man immigrant parents killed in thy fire, The parents survived, Plontfe {a the son of the house ¢ HOSPITAL REPORT Following in the report of the | Oshawa General Hospital for the | week ending Dee, 6: admissions, male 27, female 10; major surgery, 20; minor su gory, 60: eye, ear, nose and| throat, 82; treatments, 04; casts, | 1] physiotherapy treatments, MM, Highway Traffic Act and there fore Mrs, Haniford was entitled to an immediate acquittal, Mrs, Haniford was charged af ter her car struck and killed a htehiker, identified as Simon| Schaefer, 72, of Point-au-Baril, on| the Queen Elizabeth Way, Rid To Inco Men Praised TORONTO (CP)--The Interna tional Union of Mine = Mill and| Smelter Workers (Ind) sakl a jolt meeting of its International and Canadian executive hoards | Monday paid tribute to assistance being received hy 15.000 mine: | mill members on strike against! = the International Nickel Company | at Sudbury and Port Colborne since Sept, MN A statement said amount food, "elothing, and) financial assistance being dof nated is "clear evidence of labor | and public support behind the sivikers,' "The International Nickel! Com. pany, in refusing to bargain reali stically with the union is flout ng this public opinion." he 'statement sald the union "ready to meet directly with the company for the purpose of negotiating a just settlement for eo workers, The joint meeting emphasized that the union is taking special steps to put ital total resources te achieving | union the of Is | {one of tha fue children of Ger man fmm grant parents killed in stantial shift bonuses, higher welfare in| demnities, changes, agement and the union at the Outboard Marine Corporation of Canada, The 10th meeting between management and the negotiating committee of local 5000, United Steelworkers of America (CLC), was union had applied for conciliation | services, The result was a dea | held Saturday, after the d+ lock, Local 5009 is bargaining agent wv 900 production workers in Peterborough's second largest in lustrial plant, The membership neeks a sub: wage increase, 'larger t and other contrac The old twoyear agreement ended Oct, 1, the fire, The parents survived, Plouffe is the son of the house owner and Warren a lodger, Dodgers May Trade Gilliam LOS ANGELES (AP) = The gers are {dering more player trades, one of which in. eludes Jim Gilliam, general man. ager Busale Bavasi sald Monday, Loa Angeles recently sent Gino Cimoll to the Cardinals in ex change for Wally Moon and Phil Paine, "There is a good chance that we will swing another deal or two in the near future," sald Ba vasl, "At least, the groundwork for further trading was laid in Washington last week, "The door was left open for a deal involving Gilliam and, pos sibly, some of our other players "The Cubs, Braves and Phillies all expressed interest in Gilliam It one of them will give us a right hander who can hit the ball, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and distriot who are celebrating birthdays today, Ward Brooks, 1218 Somers ville street; Edward Jordan, 63 Cromwell avenue: H, M, Rataman, 241 Clarke street: Elizabeth Patterson, 14 Frank street: M. Colling, 308 Osh. awa Rivd, south: Mrs, R, Simpson, 81 Central Park Rivd,, north; Robert Brown, the district practically all her Iife and had been living with her son for a number of years, A member of St, Cootpe's An. glican Church, Mrs, Ferguson possessed a ploasing and loving disposition which endeared her to a wide circle of friends, She leaves her son, John | Ferguson, of Oshawa, Also sruviving are give grand sons, Wilson, serving with the RCAF at North Bay: William, serving with the R AF at St Hubert, Quebec; Richard, serv ville, Prince Edward Island; Gary, a student at the Royal Military College, Kingston and Dennis, at home, The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel aft 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec, 10, Rev, & D. Cross, rector of St George's Anglican Church, conduct the services, I nterment will be in Oshawa Cemetery, STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed Wednesday because of con. struction: Ritson road south from Bloor street east to Wolfe street: | Nonguon road from Ritson road north to Simcoe street north; Simcoe street north from Sunset avenue to Byng avenue: Wilson road north from Colborne street east to Rossland road east; Beatrice wet from Simcoe Sheep raising in cobalt-deficient areas In Australia has been ree volutic ized by the bullet, the Commonwealth Scientific and, Ine dustrial Research Organization says. Cobalt Is necessary to pro- duce vitamin B12, essential In x. | blood formation, The bullet, about the size of a thimble, is administered directly into the gullet by a tube-like gun, It remains in the paunch releas [ing cobalt into the animal's sys. ing with the RCAF at Summer | READY FOR TALKS BONN (Reuters) West Ger many announced Monday it ia ready to begin talks on compen. sation for the citizens of eight countries who surrered under Nazism. The countries are Dens mark, Belgium, Greece, Luxem- bourg, France, Norway, Britain and the Netherlands, SPECIAL SCATTER RUGS Reg. 7.95 3.50 NU-WAY Rug Sales 174 MARY §T, RA 3-1202 -- street nortl¥ to Hortop street, 47 Aberdeen street: Ralph IL, Schofleld, TIT Masson street, The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each dav will receive double tickets to the Regent Theatre, good for a fourweek period, The eur rent attraction is "The Left Handed Gun" and "Manhunt In The Jungle", we can do business. OSHAWA REPR STAN BR 1061 RAVINE ROAD CHAMBERS 65 UNDERWRITERS R ESEINTATIVA YNING RA 8.5358 Jele]y) CLUB D. OX. 9.1188 NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN, WOMEN AND DEPENDANTS! All ex-service personnel o nd their dependants are invited to take advantage of a FREE Legion Service, MR J. J. WALSH (Service Bureau Officer from Toronto will be at the LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 on Wednesday, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m, completion of business , Dec. 10th also from 7,00 pm. to . to give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits, Anyone with questions on war disability pension (Burnt-Qut- Pension), T is urged to call or write to War Veterg reatment, or Hospital care n's Allowance MR. B. JACKLIN Busi ness Manager of Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who ment, will arrange an appoint.